• 15k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    一、工作职责 1. 关注市场环境,规模,商业模式和竞品情况并形成报告。通过和管理层及重要相关方沟通,定义产品愿景,制定产品策略和路线图; 2. 负责产品设计,输出产品需求文档,完成原型图和交互逻辑设计,通过制定并完成计划,确保产品实施; 3. 根据产品不同生命周期,和技术团队紧密合作,跟踪产品需求收集,设计,开发,测试,上线等各环节,确保产品按既定规划迭代,对产品实现进度和质量负责; 4. 定义产品的核心指标以衡量已发布的功能效果,对核心指标数据进行分析并对其负责; 5. 根据业务需求探索不同业务场景的可能性,从而对产品的各个角度提出优化方案; 6. 与内部及外部相关方进行有效协作和沟通,对产品进行持续优化改进。 二、职位要求 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机,信息技术,数学等理工科相关专业毕业,3年以上产品设计或软件行业工作经验; 2. 熟悉PC端平台产品技术和开发流程,对SDLC有一定的了解; 3. 熟练掌握产品日常工作相关工具,如Axure, Figma, Xmind等; 4. 有较强的逻辑能力、协调能力以及沟通能力,执行力强,对互联网产品架构有较强了解者优先考虑; 5. 思维敏捷,工作细致有耐心,具备较强的数据敏感度和分析能力; 6. 具有扎实的书面和口头沟通技巧,能够向技术和非技术受众清晰的表达想法,能用英语作为工作语言。口语能达到雅思5.5分以上或托福18分以上同等水平为加分项; 7. 在跨国团队工作经验为加分项;有学术行业背景为加分项;对出版行业软件开发有了解为加分项。 三、薪资福利 1. 薪酬待遇:15K-25K; 2. 享有周末双休及法定节假日,灵活调休安排; 3. 完善的培训体系:岗前培训+导师制+业务培训; 4. 丰富的员工福利:六险一金、综合补贴、节日福利、婚育福利、员工体检、下午茶、部门活动经费等; 5. 额外的年假奖励:在公司工龄每增加一年年假额外增加一天; 6. 表现优异的员工有机会去国外办公室进行参观学习。 四、办公地点 武汉市洪山区邮科院路88号烽火科技大厦2层
  • 12k-15k 经验不限 / 硕士
    教育|培训,在线教育 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    一、岗位描述 1. 兼职工作,线上授课;自由接单,按时计薪,工资月结; 2. 主要负责海外(英语系国家为主)中国留学生(本科、研究生阶段为主)的课程辅导(专业课为主),帮助学生制定合理的学习计划、梳理专业课知识点、辅导作业、essay、毕设、课程项目和考前冲刺; 3. 按照学生需求进行针对性授课和课后答疑,保证高课堂质量以及解决学生课程核心问题; 4. 授课以中文为主,少量专业知识讲解需要英文,主要讲解内容为学生提供的英文材料。 5. 不代写!不戴考!不作弊!不涉及学术不端! 二、岗位要求 1. 海外QS200或者国内985硕士及以上学历 2. 美、加、英、澳留学背景优先,专业不限;商科金融、计算机、统计学、数学、工程类、Tesol类优先 3. 专业课程平均分85分以上; 4. 英语要求,托福90/雅思7.0以上,读写流利; 5. 有助教、家教经验优先。 三、岗位福利 1. 时薪400 - 800rmb,有着极具竞争力的同业薪酬,清晰涨薪和晋升路径; 2. 免费学术资料分享交流,零距离全球学术资源; 3. 有全球知名院校小伙伴日常交流,更有海外名校、211以上高校青年教师和外籍语培导师加盟 4. 能力突出者可加入公司独立合伙人计划。
  • 12k-24k 经验5-10年 / 硕士
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: 网络工程师 Engineer of Network Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Duties 1. 网络架构优化:分析和评估现有网络架构,提出优化与改进方案,持续推进网络升级,提升网络性能并实现降本增效。 2. 网络设计与规划:维护现有网络文档,负责新建网络架构的设计与规划,包括拓扑设计、子网划分和IP地址规划。 3. 技术支持:研究新兴网络技术与产品,为网络的扩展和升级提供技术支持。 4. 项目管理:负责校园项目的设计对接和管理,领导并推进新建网络项目。 5. 跨部门协调:与其他部门协作,确保网络设计满足业务需求。 6. 实施与调试:负责新建项目的网络实施和调试,确保网络架构符合校园需求。 7. 网络安全:根据网络安全要求,对校园网设备进行规划和策略设计,保障网络安全性。 8. 网络优化:优化校园内网的有线和无线组网,以及公网路由配置。 9. 架构持续优化:不断优化组网架构以满足各种应用需求。 10 .监控平台:负责网络监控平台的建设和维护。 11. 基础设施管理:管理和维护DDI、AD、运营商出口等网络基础设施。 12. 文档归档:编写并归档运维文档,包括用户手册、故障排查和功能配置手册。 13. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络的各类问题和咨询。 14. 政策执行:与各部门合作,确保网络相关政策的落实。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历与经验:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上相关工作经验;有3年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关网络岗位工作经验者优先。 2. 网络基础知识:精通OSI模型、TCP/IP协议,具备扎实的数通理论基础。 3. 实践经验:有BGP、OSPF、VxLAN、VRRP、MPLS等协议配置经验。 4. SDN实施经验:熟悉至少一家主流厂商的园区SDN方案并具备实施经验。 5. 故障排查能力:丰富的网络故障排查经验,能够快速解决网络问题。 6. 开源监控工具:熟悉并能够独立部署和维护Zabbix、Prometheus等开源监控工具。 7. 认证加分:具备HCIP/HCIE认证者优先。 8. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和沟通能力。 9. 沟通协作:具备出色的沟通和人际交往能力,能够与各团队和供应商良好合作。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 12k-24k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: 数据中心运维工程师 Operations Engineer of Data Center Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Duties 1. 负责学校数据中心整体的管理,确保数据中心的安全稳定运行 2. 负责学校数据中心机柜资源管理、服务器托管管理、综合布线管理 3. 负责学校数据中心人员、物资进出管理、巡检管理、故障处理、数据机房随工管理 4. 负责学校数据中心相关的应急演练管理 5. 负责学校数据中心运维的文档资料、运维工具的管理和定期检验 6. 负责学校数据中心运维自动化的规划、使用,提高运维效率,降低风险 7. 负责与学校相关部门协同供电供冷等基础设施管理、能耗管理 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 大学本科或以上学历,计算机、网络工程、自动化、电子信息、机电或暖通类工程等相关专业; 2. 5年以上数据中心运维管理工作经验,有PMP证书;有中大型数据中心运维经验者优先; 3. 熟悉包括高压/低压/UPS/柴油发电/暖通空调/给排水/消防/安防/门禁/监控等系统的运行维护;掌握设施、电力、暖通空调、消防等方面专业知识; 4. 除数据中心运维经验外,具备数据中心规划设计、工程实施等相关经验者优先考虑; 5. 了解TIA-942、GB/T 50174-2017等数据中心相关标准;了解ITSM相关理念及知识,包括ITIL/ISO 20000等标准,事件/变更/问题等主要流程知识等; 6. 具备CAD图纸智能化专业读图能力。具备良好写作能力,能根据学校管理要求、数据中心运维需求、需求部门的需求,编制和制定各类表单记录、报告、方案等材料; 7. 具备流畅的表达和沟通能力、团队合作精神及主动服务的责任心。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 25k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Your Mission: This role plays a crucial function within AfterShip's global Customer Success team, reporting to the Head of Customer Success (APAC). Occasional collaboration with the global team in Australia, Europe, North America, Greater China or Southeast Asia, may require flexibility in work hours to accommodate meetings or tasks. What You’ll Do: 1. Manage a portfolio of existing accounts by maintaining engagement and utilizing value-based account management techniques for retention and growth; 2. Lead the onboarding process for new clients alongside the Technical Account Manager for implementation; and serve as the initial point of contact for escalated technical issues, ensuring swift resolution by liaising with appropriate teams; 3. Conduct regular business review meetings (weekly/monthly/quarterly, as needed) with C-level executives to incorporate account performance metrics, industry insights, best practices for customers, and identification of areas for improvement and growth opportunities; 4. Act as a trusted advisor to clients, ensuring they derive maximum value from AfterShip's services, and sharing best practices and new product features with customers while providing feedback to the product team; 5. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the AfterShip platform to effectively communicate its features to users at all levels within client organizations; 6. Collaborate cross-functionally with global teams across various time zones to address bottlenecks and ensure customer success; 7. Be responsible for meeting dollar retention and expansion KPIs; drive growth of AfterShip's client base and revenue in the assigned markets. Who We're Looking For: 1. At least 1 year of experience in customer-facing roles in sales/business development/account management/customer success, with a proven track record of consistently delivering great results; 2. Strong interpersonal skills and professional demeanor, capable of articulating technical solutions in simple terms; 3. Ability to manage complex projects and collaborate with multiple internal and external stakeholders; 4. Exceptional executive-level interpersonal, project management, communication, and problem-solving abilities; 5. Proficiency in English is required; proficiency in Cantonese or other languages like Japanese or French is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Related working experience in eCommerce/FMCG/Brand Retail/SaaS/Advertising/consulting Industry; 2. Thorough knowledge of the overseas e-commerce ecosystem and APAC online retail community; 3. Overseas working experience or work in an international team with global time zones. Why You Should Join Us: 1. Emerging Industry and Steady Business Growth: We operate in the global eCommerce SaaS sector, supported by leading international investment institutions. Our team is continuously expanding, and we have experienced consistent growth in both our business scale and revenue since our inception. 2. Career Growth: We are dedicated to your professional growth. With tailored mentorship, study fund, and opportunities for advancement, your next career chapter begins here. 3. Diverse Culture: Our team consists of members from over 20 regions worldwide. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we honor each individual’s unique background. 4. Fun and Engaging Atmosphere: Enjoy a workplace that recognizes accomplishments and fosters a strong sense of community. With engaging team-building activities, we work hard and play hard! 5. Geek Working Environment: We foster a culture of geek, with over 60% of our team dedicated to research and development. You will have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and agile tools in your work.
  • 4k-7k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    工具类产品 / A轮 / 50-150人
    You will be responsible for: 1. Day-to-day social media operations: create, edit, publish, and share engaging content daily (e.g. original text, photos, videos and news). 2. Produce and edit video content for various social media platforms. 3. Develop and execute social media strategies to align with our business objectives. 4. Plan and implement online activities to boost brand awareness. 5. Communicate with users, respond to queries in a timely manner and monitor issues as they arise. 5. Maintain the relationship with KOLs and cooperate with influencers on social media to drive followers & users acquisition. Monitor social media traffic metrics, and stay up-to-date with current technologies, social media trends, design tools, and applications. Qualifications Requirements: 1. Proven experience in social media content operations (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok). 2. Excellent copywriting skills and ability to create creative contents (Text, Image and Video). 3. Familiar with content strategy, integrated marketing, virus campaigns, etc. 4. Fluency in English for team communication 5. Attention to detail with superior organizational and communication skills. 6. Excellent project and time management skills; able to prioritize tasks and work under pressure. 7. Able to adapt well in a fast-paced work environment. 8. At least 2 years of relevant experience in social media or marketing operations. 9. Basic knowledge of HTML and web development is a plus. 10. Ability to adapt to remote working arrangement.
  • 15k-24k·14薪 经验1年以下 / 本科
    消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    我们是一个年轻有活力、独特有魅力、高能有潜力的成长型团队。我们致力于打造有质、有趣、且有爱的世界性互联网产品,让每个人都能享受信息便捷的乐趣。我们有极具竞争力的薪酬福利体系,也有完善的职业培训和发展通道,还有优越的办公环境和融洽的办公氛围。如果你期待一个不那么中国式的充满欢乐的互联网公司,非常欢迎你考虑一下我们的在招岗位。 岗位职责: 1. 负责Web网页制作(前端开发),并配合后端开发工程师完成相关实施; 2. 从视觉和易用性角度,为网站设计提供改进建议; 任职要求: 1. ***本科以上学历,计算机相关专业优先,应届生或两年以下工作经验; 2. 熟练运用 HTML/CSS 的新功能,熟悉 JavaScript; 3. 具有处理常见问题的经验,能够快速完成作品,熟悉自适应网页设计(Responsive Web Design) ; 4. 对产品的设计有自己的想法,能够积极主动地改进工作; 5. 善于团队协作,能够独立学习和解决问题; 选择加入我们的四大理由 其一,我们的业务有宏大的发展前景和可喜的增长势头。 我们的业务主要集中在 online publishing 领域,且一直保持着强劲的增长势头,正在逐步成为该行业的佼佼者。我们服务的用户主要来自英语言国家,也有日语、德语、法语、西班牙语等小语种国家。从萌宠到料理、从旅行到黑科技,我们已经打造出了涵盖不同领域、涉及不同语种的十几个主流网站,每天的用户访问量都在数百万级别。 其二,我们有极具竞争力的薪酬体系和福利待遇。 除了提供在市场上有一争之力的基础薪资外,我们还有惊喜的年中和年终两次奖金、租房补贴、午餐补贴、交通补贴、以及绩效激励奖金等。 福利待遇方面,我们提供六险一金 (含补充商业医疗险)、10+N 天全薪年假、10 天/年全薪病假、法定节假日、周末双休、弹性工作时间、不加班、年度体检、年度公费旅游 (已打卡日本东京、上海迪士尼、北京环球影城...)、季度工作日团建、节假生日惊喜礼物、万圣节捣蛋派对、圣诞节大礼放送、免费早餐、周三五自助午餐、免费不限量零食饮料、水果、下午茶等等。 其三,我们有完善的职业发展通道和职位晋升体系。 我们每年有两次奖金评定和职位晋升的机会,另有其他项目奖,来匹配你对团队的贡献。 我们定期为员工提供具有针对性和差异化的内部及外部培训。我们有读书俱乐部,定期为大家推荐并采购干货满满的书籍,也提供预算,鼓励大家参与线上或线下的培训课程。 我们非常鼓励你自由探索自己的兴趣,提出自己的创意,也非常乐意将你有价值的创意落实成服务用户的产品,并让你的产品走向世界,全方位满足你追求自我发展和实现职场进阶的诉求。 其四、我们有优越的办公环境和融洽的办公氛围。 公司位于 CBD 核心商务区,交通便利,办公环境佳;有多语种的工作环境和接触全球前沿一手信息的平台;配备先进的办公和休闲设施,如全员 iMac & MacBook、人体工学升降桌椅,午休懒人沙发等。 我们有灵活化、人性化、扁平化的组织和管理方式,所有员工按项目分组,不以部门分阵营,所有人都是地位平等、并肩战斗的合作伙伴,且都直接对老板负责。 鼓励和尊重是我们对每位成员的基本态度,平等和包容是我们对每位同事的基本立场,“美美与共,和而不同”是我们引以为傲的办公氛围;“你今天工作得开心么?”永远是老板最关心的问题。
  • 房产家居 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    一 工作职责:​ 1.  Online负责线上渠道的房产信息推广及维护,打造专业的个人品牌; 2.  VR线上看房及讲解,独特技术,身临其境的体验; 3.  Offline负责为客户提供线下房产信息咨询及愉悦的​房地产交易服务体验; 4. O2O 社区服务、交互,做社区的好邻居。 二 任职资格 : 1.**本科及以上学历: 2. 遵纪守法,无不良嗜好; 3. 有学习能力 阳光正能量; 务实进取 有理想有追求。 三 薪资福利: 1. 底薪6000 2. 转正后提成(30%-70%)​ 3. 带薪年假,短途赛奖励
  • 房产家居 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    加入链家做经纪人的十二个理由 2001年创立至今,链家不断打破行业潜规则,用创新变革的姿态推动行业进步,改善消费者体验,逐渐成为领跑者,也让经纪人成为具有竞争力的职业选择。那么,对于一个感兴趣加入这个行业的新人来说,来链家可能意味着以下这些: 一、加入十万亿级的大行业 房地产是一个年交易额近二十万亿的大行业,房产经纪公司在其中扮演着越来越重要的角色,大行业意味着成长潜力巨大。 二、加入最具代表性的国民品牌 链家是行业最具影响力和美誉度的品牌,良好的口碑和声誉会给经纪人的工作带来强大背书,实现职业增值。 三、行业最具竞争力的薪酬 链家为应届毕业生提供了行业最具竞争力的保障底薪,让新人可以安心度过职业的适应期,享受“越老越吃香”的职业红利。 四、透明清晰的晋升通道 在链家,经纪人有清晰的职业发展路径,每一次晋升评选都透明公正,每个奋斗者都能得到回报。经纪人是一个成长很快的职业,在链家,90甚至95后的管理者已经在脱颖而出。 五、系统化的职业培训 链家是行业最早成立职业学院的企业,培养了一代又一代专业化经纪人。每一个入职的新人,都会经历新人训等线上线下的系统化培训。链家正致力于将经纪人的职业属性,从简单的交易撮合型的销售,变成更具价值的顾问型经纪人。 六、师徒文化,实现快速成长 链家有师徒制的机制,新人入职后,会有经验丰富的经纪人以师傅的角色手把手言传身教,帮助新人快速融入职业。 七、合作文化以及业务分边机制 链家提倡合作文化,并通过ACN经纪人合作网络,实现经纪人的协作和佣金共享,新人可以通过参与合作,更好地学习和成长,并稳定的获取业绩,度过业务空白期。 第八、线上化作业提升工作效率 链家是行业最早进行线上化作业的企业,强大的线上平台和产品工具可以让经纪人提高工作效率和职业感受,也更能收获客户的认同。 第九、温馨有助的福利待遇 在链家,有CG文化圈和团队文化活动,有英雄大会、精英社等荣誉活动和激励体系,还有互助金等保障福利,可以给经纪人更多的关怀与温暖。 第十、高度的社区融入感和认同感 链家一直致力于做社区的好邻居,长期提供便民助民和公益活动,参与社区共建,得到了社区居民的广泛好评。房产经纪人是一个与客户深度交互的职业,可以通过优质的服务,建立客户的信任,并成为关系亲密的朋友。 第十一、全国近30城的职业选择 链家目前已经进驻全国29个经济最发达、市场最繁荣的一二线城市,可以给经纪人更多的职业选择和发展空间。 第十二、与优秀者同行 链家经纪人具有行业最高的学历水平,其中大专及以上的比例为87.5%,**本科比例为31.3%,还有近两千名985和211的高材生。链家被誉为房产经纪行业的黄埔军校,十几年来培养了一批又一批的专业人才和管理人才,像满天星般遍布各地,成长为本行业或其它行业的企业家、店东和管理者。链家还有着优秀的文化价值观,并深刻影响着整个行业。 当然,尽管有这样那样的好,但经纪人并不是一份容易的职业,需要付出足够的努力,去做时间的朋友。链家正努力培养“高学历、高专业度、高职业素养、高社区参与度”的4.0经纪人,提升职业的内涵和价值,改善经纪人生态。我们也期待你的加入,一起来Make Change! 【岗位要求】:
 4、具备良好的心理素养,具备团队合作精神。 【工作职责】:
 3、促成买卖双方交易达成,协助双方合同签署、办理权属移等工作。 【丰富的回报】: 
2、团队年轻态,氛围轻松,国家传统节日发放丰厚物资福利,带薪年假及公休假,内部员工租房,购房优惠,月度聚餐及周边团队游; 3、开单赢大奖出国游,年度精英社奖金奖品加免费出国游,迎亲情带家人在人民大会堂奖励大会及国宴; 
  • 营销服务|咨询 / B轮 / 50-150人
    Sr. Account Executive, Monetize (Beijing Office) About Liftoff At Liftoff, we’re helping mobile businesses scale and succeed via our sophisticated technology that enables them to find their most engaged users. We are a trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Advertisers depend on us to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent, unbiased and privacy-friendly growth platforms that fuels the entire mobile app growth cycle across user acquisition, engagement, monetization, and analytics. Consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and best places to work, we are a profitable company with strong product-market fit and tremendous growth opportunity. We have a creative, collaborative, and humble culture. We are data-driven, proactive, and have the courage to drive change. Sales at Liftoff: We are seeking an Sr. Account Executive to join our team, and play a key role in driving the growth of our Greater China Area publisher network. The China Supply team represents a significant portion of our company's revenue and it will be your role to help the sales team in further strengthening our meaningful partnerships with our clients. Responsibilities: - Develop and sustain strong relationships with key supply partners. - Work with Solution Engineers, Account Strategy and cross-functional teams to pinpoint opportunities and resolve technical issues, ensuring positive outcomes. - Simplify complex data analyzes into straightforward language, leveraging it to inform decision-making processes. - Lead partnership meetings and conduct business reviews. Identify and pitch incremental opportunities that are aligned to the partner’s revenue objectives and scale accordingly. - Help build and iterate on new products and partner solutions, working with internal Product, Data Science, and Engineering teams. - Understand the mobile and monetization ecosystem, stay current on industry trends, and most importantly, offer actionable insights to clients. - Finds opportunity to share learnings to positively impact business Qualifications: - Bachelors and 3-5 years working experience in the online/mobile advertising industry. Related SDK Partner management knowledge or experience is a plus - Experience with closing new partnerships Ability to multitask, manage, prioritize and produce results quickly. - Excellent communication skills to effectively report findings and influence change. - A hustler; we make the most out of our opportunities. Strong analytical and quantitative skills with working knowledge of Excel/Word/PPT, g-suite preferred. - Flexibility to travel (approx 10%) - Active contributor to a dynamic office culture - Native Mandarin speaker. Excellent in English. Any other APAC languages is a strong plus Working at Liftoff is fast-paced, fun, and challenging, and we thrive on innovation. Come join our team and help shape the future of the mobile app ecosystem. If this role sounds interesting to you, we would love to hear from you!
  • 15k-30k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商平台,消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Description The platform team is seeking an experienced Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) to meet rapid expansion of our business. You need to be highly sensitive to system reliability, and keen on identifying/resolving system risks to keep the system working well. In the platform team, you will be involved in provisioning, maintaining infrastructure, proposing solutions for the system, and working online with people from different countries. Responsibilities: • Participate in on-call duty to respond/investigate/resolve system incidents or handle support tickets for application teams. • Pay attention to alarms in the monitoring system, provide timely feedback, and solve problems. • Design, implement, and govern infrastructure to achieve high availability & scalability. • Evaluate and research technical initiatives with complete plans including documentation, provisioning, testing, and monitoring. • Construct service quality system, lead the team to complete indicator quantification. Required Skills and Qualifications: • Good English communication and writing skills, learning ability, and hands on skills. • Proficiency with Azure (Azure resources, network models, and best practices). • More than 2 years of experience in managing AKS/Kubernetes. • Familiar with Infrastructure as Code, Terraform preferred. • Familiar with CI/CD automation. • Familiar with observability technologies, like Prometheus, and Grafana. • Familiar with several of following middleware: Kafka, MySQL, Mongo, Elasticsearch, and Redis. Nice to Have: • CKA, CKAD Certificate is a plus. • Certificates related to Cloud Native/ Ops and Maintenance Qualifications is a plus. • Familiar with Java or Go.
  • 15k-30k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商平台,消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Description The platform team is seeking an experienced Site Reliability Engineer (SRE) to meet rapid expansion of our business. You need to be highly sensitive to system reliability, and keen on identifying/resolving system risks to keep the system working well. In the platform team, you will be involved in provisioning, maintaining infrastructure, proposing solutions for the system, and working online with people from different countries. Responsibilities: • Participate in on-call duty to respond/investigate/resolve system incidents or handle support tickets for application teams. • Pay attention to alarms in the monitoring system, provide timely feedback, and solve problems. • Design, implement, and govern infrastructure to achieve high availability & scalability. • Evaluate and research technical initiatives with complete plans including documentation, provisioning, testing, and monitoring. • Construct service quality system, lead the team to complete indicator quantification. Required Skills and Qualifications: • Good English communication and writing skills, learning ability, and hands on skills. • Proficiency with Azure (Azure resources, network models, and best practices). • More than 2 years of experience in managing AKS/Kubernetes. • Familiar with Infrastructure as Code, Terraform preferred. • Familiar with CI/CD automation. • Familiar with observability technologies, like Prometheus, and Grafana. • Familiar with several of following middleware: Kafka, MySQL, Mongo, Elasticsearch, and Redis. Nice to Have: • CKA, CKAD Certificate is a plus. • Certificates related to Cloud Native/ Ops and Maintenance Qualifications is a plus. • Familiar with Java or Go.
  • 14k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    工作职责: 1.负责公司境外美元基金日常管理,基金的NAV估值和会计核算; 2.协助客户反洗钱以及KYC文件收集; 3.负责准备投资人认购确认函及定期结单; 4.协助新基金启动/基金入职(KYC 检查/PPM 审查/在会计系统中设置新基金) 5.上级分配的其它工作 任职要求: 1.国内外大学会计类或相金融关专业本科以上学历; 2.具有3-5年基金会计从业经历优先; 3.了解海外美元基金运作流程及精通基金会计估值核算者优先; 4.有量化和区块链工作经验优先 ; 5.有 fund经验的优先; 6.需要熟练的Excel操作技能和使用基金会计系统(如Paxus、Geneva等); 7.专业会计资格(CPA、ACCA或同等资格)优先; 8.要求中英语文书面能力优秀; 9.具有高度责任心和团队协作能力,认真仔细,能适应快节奏工作环境 附加信息:思达是一个年轻而充满活力的团队。我们提供有竞争力的薪酬和福利、 重视员工的身心健康、工作与生活的平衡, 定期员工团建,每周水果日,以及节日福利;5天工作周(假期与香港看齐),12天带薪年假,稳定和谐舒适的工作环境。 JD: Fund Accountant Responsibilities: 1.Handle full set of accounts for group companies and prepare NAV, including new onboarding and system set-up 2.Perform general accounting duties, including but not limit to bank reconciliation, online banking payment 3.Perform general TA/AML/KYC duties, including but not limit to document collection and review, investor subscription and redemption, distribution 4.Responsible for portfolio/SPV reporting and book keeping 5.Manage and monitor cash and funding 6.Liaising with external parties, including banks, tax authorities, auditors & service providers, etc 7.Ad hoc duties as required Requirement: 1.Degree in accounting/finance or related disciplines 2.Member of HKICPA/CPA/ACCA or equivalent is appreciated 3.Relevant working experience at USD hedge fund is a plus 4.Quantification and blockchain work experience is perferred 5.3-5 years relevant working experience is appreciated 6.Independent, detail oriented, highly self-motivated and well organized, good time management, able to undertake multi-tasks with tight schedules, project deadlines 7.Hands on experience in MS Office System and fund valuation system (Paxus, Geneva) is a plus 8.Good command of both written and spoken English and Mandarin as working language
  • 8k-12k·13薪 经验不限 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责 1. 向全球客户通过email/live chat/phone call提供纯英文技术支持(包括了售前和售后的支持); 2. 书写、整理产品英文技术文档; 3. 协助公司内部及客户的技术培训工作; 4. 收集分析客户提出的需求与意见,与其他团队协作解决问题。 岗位要求 1. 本科及以上学历,工科专业,计算机及相关专业优先考虑; 2. CET-6级,具有优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力; 3. 具有良好的表达、沟通和协作能力; 4. 具有优秀的解决问题和总结问题能力; 5. 重视团队合作,工作积极勤奋。 其他信息此岗位无需出差,有出国交流机会; Technical Support Representative Brief Description Provide excellent customer service in accordance with company policies, procedures and philosophies. The Technical Support Representative is the primary point of contact for incoming customer queries relating to technical issues and questions regarding customer communication products and services. Responsibilities 1. Provide day-to-day customer contact via online chats, emails, help desk and phone calls and actively seeks resolution to customer problems with designated products and service lines 2. Write and update knowledge base and technical support documentations to reflect current technical information on product 3. Provide assistance for the technical training to customers and internal teams. 4. Collect and analyse the suggestions and feature requests from the customers. Coordination with internal teams to provide solution to the customers. Experience and Qualifications 1. Bachelor degree or above (engineering course). Computer science or related major is preferred. 2. CET-6 certificate. Excellent verbal and written English skills. 3. Strong communication skills. Ability to interact with customers and internal teams on a professional level. 4. Excellent investigative and problem solving skills. 5. Works well in a “team” environment.OtherNo need to travel. But have the chance for overseas exchange.Dedicated foreign teacher for technical support representative. Provide training for verbal and written English skills. Provide weekly training (Internal training). 大名软件是微软黄金合作伙伴 大名软件是TWAIN工作组会员 官网: http://www.damingsoft.com/
  • 居住服务,房地产|建筑|物业 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    链家是中国领先的房地产服务企业,业务覆盖二手房、新房、租房以及家装等跟住相关的交易服务,新颖的模式被收入哈佛商业案例及清华 MBA 案例库中。 目前链家业务遍及30+城,拥有11万+员工 岗位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,专业不限 2.学习能力强,并具备管理素养, 3.阳光踏实,务实进取,有理想有追求 4.具备良好的心理素养,具备团队合作精神 5.对营销管理岗感兴趣,想往管理岗位发展 工作职责: 1.负责线上 Online 渠道的房产信息维护推广,打造个人的专业品牌; 2. 0ffline线下为客户提供优质的看房体验; 3.促成买卖双方交易达成,协助双方合同签署、办理权属移等工作。 丰富的回报: 1.试用期无责任底薪6000元/月,入职8个月新人平均工资10000-15000元/月 2.提供住房,需要员工每月自行承担房租1500左右,应届生可享受最长3个月的论文答辩假 3.实习期缴纳实习生意外伤害险,缴纳五险一金商业保险(补充医疗险、意外伤害险) 4.团队年轻态,氛围轻松,国家传统节日发放丰厚物资福利,带薪年假及公休假,内部员工租房,购房优惠,月度聚餐及周边团队游 5.开单赢大奖出国游,年度精英社奖金奖品加免费出国游,迎亲情带家人在人民大会堂奖励大会及国宴 晋升空间: 1.横向晋升(业务层面):销售岗位分为10个等级,随着级别的增高,工资提成点也会增高,30%--75%; 2.纵向晋升(管理层面):房产经纪人﹣-﹣店经理﹣-﹣商圈经理﹣-﹣区域总监﹣-﹣分公司总经理(最快2年晋升为商圈经理) 培训:(每个人入职后都有师傅) 1.入职前:新人训(为期6天的专业知识培训和素质拓展训练,让你对房产业务知识有一个基本的认识) 2.入职一个月:衔接训(签约中的法律知识、业务实战、谈判技巧等) 3.入职三个月:专业知识提升训练。