核心要求 1. 对小说创作有强烈兴趣,有短篇故事/同人创作经验(需附作品) 2. 能根据指定框架完成文本改写,语言流畅且符合目标受众风格 3. 通过入职测试:限时完成指定场景的扩写与润色(例如:将AI生成的粗糙文本优化为可读性强的章节内容) 工作内容 1. 人工精修与优化 · 对AI生成的小说初稿进行深度润色,修复逻辑漏洞、增强情感表达 · 根据文化差异调整内容细节(如角色对话习惯、场景描写方式) · 建立人工修辞库,收集优质比喻、对话模板等创意素材 2. 框架内创作 · 基于现有世界观和角色设定,完成指定章节的独立创作 · 执行多版本内容测试(A/B Test),收集用户反馈并优化文本 · 维护创作禁忌清单,确保内容符合海外市场合规要求 基础条件 1. 2026年及以后毕业的在校本科生/研究生 2. 强制要求:了解并使用过AI写作工具 3. 3个月起(每周至少5个工作日)
核心要求 1. 对小说创作有强烈兴趣,有短篇故事/同人创作经验(需附作品) 2. 能根据指定框架完成文本改写,语言流畅且符合目标受众风格 3. 通过入职测试:限时完成指定场景的扩写与润色(例如:将AI生成的粗糙文本优化为可读性强的章节内容) 工作内容 1. 人工精修与优化 · 对AI生成的小说初稿进行深度润色,修复逻辑漏洞、增强情感表达 · 根据文化差异调整内容细节(如角色对话习惯、场景描写方式) · 建立人工修辞库,收集优质比喻、对话模板等创意素材 2. 框架内创作 · 基于现有世界观和角色设定,完成指定章节的独立创作 · 执行多版本内容测试(A/B Test),收集用户反馈并优化文本 · 维护创作禁忌清单,确保内容符合海外市场合规要求 基础条件 1. 2026年及以后毕业的在校本科生/研究生 2. 强制要求:了解并使用过AI写作工具 3. 3个月起(每周至少5个工作日)
Job Responsibilities: 1. Translate, review, proofread, and test game-related content in your language, including In-game copywriting, game description, and game update information, push, campaigns, etc. 2. Manually testing and experiencing various games on mobile devices, with regular reports generated. 3. Create cultural content proposals upon request and push cultural hot topics/trends/issues regularly for your region. 4. Evaluate, analyze, and resolve culturally sensitive issues for your region to eliminate potential risks. 5. Deal with user feedback in corresponding languages, regularly collating valuable information to assist product updates and user maintenance. 6. Other languages are welcome to apply. Job Requirements. 1. Native speaker of the target language with excellent writing. 2. Fluent in English or Chinese, both written and spoken. 3. Familiar with the use of translation software, with translation or proofreading work experience preferred. 4. Passionate gamer able to understand and discuss current gaming trends globally and in your own region. 5. Strong coordination and communication skills, a strong sense of responsibility, and good anti-stress ability.
Design new product, optimize existing product, ensures quality in a product’s design for usability, reliability, functionality, marketability, and manufacturability. Supports the organization’s intellectual property strategy by documenting data and independent, unique and patentable ideas that results from experimentations and concept generation activities. Follow Watts process, lead the project or as team member, whatever be a task distributor or be a task owner, all works assigned need to be done in a timely, diligent, safe, and professional manner. Making 2d & 3D drawings, BOM, QC plan , prepare first sample, test & measure (sometime ) samples, validation of products according to the process . Complete the tasks assigned by senior engineer or department head. Contributes to assembly and maintenance the Design History File (DHF). Follows WATTS Global Product Development System.
该岗位为online工作。可以远程办公,不需要坐班。 留学生辅导老师,1v1线上授课辅导。 针对各大高校的留学生提供线上学业辅导,帮助海外的留学生巩固课堂内容,针对exam,test,quiz的总结和辅导。负责相关课程学习资料的整理,进行线上授课,在线答疑,及时解决留学生在课后的问题。 1、招募专业:商管、经济、数学、计算机、统计、金融、会计、物理、化学、土木工程、机械工程、电子电气工程等专业; 2、雅思6.5,托福95以上,硕士研究生学历以上优先,最高学历QS排名前100优先; 3、学科基础扎实、各科成绩优秀者优先。有英国、美国、加拿大、澳洲名校毕业的硕士优先; 4、有TA经验者优先,熟悉并擅长分享专业领域内知识;具有良好的表达能力,善于分析总结; 5、工作积极主动、认真负责,能够承受一定的工作压力; 6、熟悉海外高校的教育模式, 7、有独特教学法和教学提分经历等优先考虑;
公司信息(Company Info): 我们透过1百万以上的注释者及语言专家组成的人工智能团体,协助各个企业测试与改善机器学习模型。我们拥有的人工智能培训平台能处理500种以上不同语言各式各样的资料 (如文字、图像、音频、视频和地理数据 。我们的人工智能数据解决方案能突显人工智能系统跨度应用的高端智能产品,得以有更佳的搜索结果、语音识别、 更仿真地人机互动等。 职位概述(Position Open): 我们正在寻找具有强大沟通能力并每天使用互联网的充满活力的人。 这是一个自由职业者,独立承包商职位。您将可以灵活、自由地在自己的家中工作,按自己的时间工作。 人选画像(Ideal Candidate): 我们希望候选人:对于本地信息风俗民情及文化事物, 熟练应用社交软件。 职位要求(Job Requirements): -熟练掌握中文和英文 -您需要在过去 3 年至今必须居住于中国內地。 通过工作相关准则测验。 -具备对中国过去与现在的商业、媒体、体育、新闻、社交媒体和文化等敏感度。 -需自备高速宽带/Wifi、电脑及基本软件、智能手机,安卓手机系统需在4.1版本及更高版本,IOS手机系统需要在第8版本或更高版本,来完成本任务。 -需在您的只能手机上安装条形二维码扫描应用程序才能完成某些任务。 -需要您是Gmail和其他社交媒体的活跃用户 更多职位描述: 您将审查在线广告以改进其内容、质量和布局。您将需要对搜索引擎结果中的广告提供反馈和分析,并就广告与所用搜索词的相关性进行评级。这个机会的另一个方面将涉及通过检查语法、语气和文化相关性来审查广告中使用的语言。通过这项工作,您将为中国在线广告的质量做出宝贵的贡献。 报酬与亮点(Benefits): 视项目难度及完成度而定,报酬范围为每小时6-7美金(折合人民币约为37-45元)。 工时弹性自行安排 工作与生活平衡的节奏掌握 对环境的正面影响力 The Role – Personalized Internet Ads Assessor Company Info: We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more. Description and Requirements We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. This is a freelance, independent contractor position. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. What are the main requirements for the opportunity? You must be living in China for the last 3 consecutive years. You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in China. Fluency in English and the Chinese language. Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense. Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content. Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks. A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks. Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media Additional Job Description In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements in order to improve their content, quality and layout. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on advertisements found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this opportunity will involve reviewing the language used in advertisements by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution to the quality of online advertisements in China. Compensation & Benefits: Potential earnings is applicable if contributors reach their productivity level as these are pay per task roles. The potential earnings for this role is 6-7 USD/hourly. Flexible Hours to work around home life Better Work-Life Balance Positive Environmental Impact
公司信息(Company Info): 我们透过1百万以上的注释者及语言专家组成的人工智能团体,协助各个企业测试与改善机器学习模型。我们拥有的人工智能培训平台能处理500种以上不同语言各式各样的资料 (如文字、图像、音频、视频和地理数据 。我们的人工智能数据解决方案能突显人工智能系统跨度应用的高端智能产品,得以有更佳的搜索结果、语音识别、 更仿真地人机互动等。 职位概述(Position Open): 我们正在寻找具有强大沟通能力并每天使用互联网的充满活力的人。 这是一个自由职业者,独立承包商职位。您将可以灵活、自由地在自己的家中工作,按自己的时间工作。 人选画像(Ideal Candidate): 我们希望候选人:对于本地信息风俗民情及文化事物, 熟练应用社交软件。 职位要求(Job Requirements): -熟练掌握韩语和英文 -您需要在过去 3 年至今必须居住于中国內地。 通过工作相关准则测验。 -具备对中国过去与现在的商业、媒体、体育、新闻、社交媒体和文化等敏感度。 -需自备高速宽带/Wifi、电脑及基本软件、智能手机,安卓手机系统需在4.1版本及更高版本,IOS手机系统需要在第8版本或更高版本,来完成本任务。 -需在您的只能手机上安装条形二维码扫描应用程序才能完成某些任务。 -需要您是Gmail和其他社交媒体的活跃用户 更多职位描述: 您将审查在线广告以改进其内容、质量和布局。您将需要对搜索引擎结果中的广告提供反馈和分析,并就广告与所用搜索词的相关性进行评级。这个机会的另一个方面将涉及通过检查语法、语气和文化相关性来审查广告中使用的语言。通过这项工作,您将为中国在线广告的质量做出宝贵的贡献。 报酬与亮点(Benefits): 视项目难度及完成度而定,报酬范围为每小时6-7美金(折合人民币约为37-45元)。 工时弹性自行安排 工作与生活平衡的节奏掌握 对环境的正面影响力 The Role – Personalized Internet Ads Assessor Company Info: We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more. Description and Requirements We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. This is a freelance, independent contractor position. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. What are the main requirements for the opportunity? You must be living in China for the last 3 consecutive years. You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in China. Fluency in English and the Chinese language. Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense. Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content. Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks. A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks. Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media Additional Job Description In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements in order to improve their content, quality and layout. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on advertisements found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this opportunity will involve reviewing the language used in advertisements by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution to the quality of online advertisements in China. Compensation & Benefits: Potential earnings is applicable if contributors reach their productivity level as these are pay per task roles. The potential earnings for this role is 6-7 USD/hourly. Flexible Hours to work around home life Better Work-Life Balance Positive Environmental Impact
成都京东方招聘 国营控股的上市公司- 成都京东方光电科技有限公司 招聘岗位: 质检员、生产员、OQA、PQE、资材配送、助理工程师(设备自动化调试、维修、操作机台)、仓库管理、物料管理、厂线巡查、厂线6S管理、TEST、CG sorting、储备干部、产品检测、更衣室管理员、生产协助等岗位 二、招聘要求: 1. 年龄:18-45岁 2. 学历:初中、高中、中专、大专、(机械与自动化、电气自动化、应用电子技术、电子信息工程、机电工程 3.可提供应届中专生实习 4.能接受倒班和无尘服 三、工作时间: 8小时正常上班时间 两班倒半个月倒一次班 夜班有35元/晚夜班津贴;四休二;六休二;六休一 四、薪资情况: 综合薪资4000-6000 五、吃住情况 a. 餐饮条件:包吃包住 b. 住宿条件:提供公寓式四人间宿舍,水费免费。配套设施齐全(空调、彩电、热水器、洗衣机、独立卫浴、24小时热水、) 六、员工福利: 1.买 五险二金 2. 生活区周边设施:超市、药店、菜鸟驿站、龙湖时代天街,地铁6号线,公交站等设施 3. 礼金:节日慰问金100元/次&生日慰问礼金100元/次&结婚贺金600元 4. 班车:免费班车(上下班班车) 5. 体检:年度体检(免费入职体检,凭票报销),每年一次免费健康体检 6. 健身场所:公共健身房、室内室外篮球场和羽毛球场、桌球、图书馆、练舞室 7. 快递:生活区宿舍有菜鸟驿站、生活区大门口和公司门口有丰巢快递柜 8. 晋升通道:工作后在岗位上有突出表现者,可纳入储备班组长序列,通过竞聘者任命为班组长,享受班组长待遇或者竞聘助理工程师 咨询电话:*********** 人事部:曹老师
"入项岗位职责: 1. 根据项目需求进行物料借用,样机组装,独立搭建测环境。 2. 按照测试计划执行BMC功能性测试以及客户定制化相关功能验证,按照计划完成服务器BMC相关的测试工作。 3. 测试过程中及时发现服务器产品缺陷,并提交bug系统,进行缺陷追踪及后续验证。 4. 整理测试数据及结果,并进行汇总输出最终测试报告。 5. 协助完成测试用例及SOP的修改和维护,以及test plan 整合等工作。 教育程度及专业 : 本科及以上学历,计算机、电子信息、自动化相关专业优先。 工作年限和经验: 2年以上服务器测试经验。 专业知识与技能: 1. 了解BMC的相关协议,如:IPMI、SEL、SOL等协议,熟悉常用IPMI命令及测试常用工具postman的应用。 2. 熟悉BMC常用接口,例如:WEB 、IPMI、串口、SOL、Redfish、SSH等功能测试。 3. 了解服务器硬件产品技术架构、基本功能,BMC底层软件的基本工作原理。 4. 有较强的质量意识,能严格地遵照测试流程规范。 5. 具备良好的团队协作精神,良好的沟通能力、极强的责任心和解决问题能力。 6. 服从组织项目安排。 7. 有带领团队及服务器BMC相关测试经验优先。 通用技能与素质: 英语能读写熟练,沟通能力强,逻辑思路清晰。"
"入项岗位职责: 1. 根据项目需求进行物料借用,样机组装调试和BIOS测试。 2. 按照项目进度和测试用例,在计划周期内完成BIOS 等固件测试,发现的设计缺陷提交到缺陷管理系统,并持续追踪。 3. 测试报告及测试数据的整理。 4. 针对BIOS测试进行及时复盘,并进行测试用例及SOP的修改和维护,以及test plan 整合等工作。 教育程度及专业 : 本科以上学历,计算机相关专业。 工作年限和经验: 2年以上服务器BIOS测试经验。 专业知识与技能: 1.具备2年以上服务器BIOS测试经验,熟悉服务器BIOS,了解服务器BIOS相关的基础知识和原理。 2.有带领团队经验者优先,能独立测试并指导初级工程师测试。 3.熟悉服务器硬件、底层软件和常用协议,如CPU, Memory, BIOS/UEFI, BMC, PSU, MB, PCIe Gen1/2/3/4等。 4. 有较强的学习能力和迎接挑战的能力。 5. 有很强的质量意识,能严格地遵照测试流程规范。 6. 具备良好的团队协作精神,良好的沟通能力、较强的责任心和解决问题能力。 7. 具有很好的文字表达能力和语言组织能力。 8. 服从组织项目安排。 通用技能与素质: 英语能读写熟练,沟通能力强,逻辑思路清晰。"
Prepare RFQ BOM for quotation and NPI BOM for Manufacturing; 为新项目和生产提供RFQ,BOM Support Manufacturing and Test; 支持生产和测试 Select Electric components according electric design and requirements; 根据电子设计和要求选择电子零件 Prepare quality related documents, like IMDS; 准备质量相关文件,如IMDS Communication with customers for technical clarification; 与客户沟通,进行技术澄清
Job Responsibilities: 1.Collect and organize customers information, and translate them into English as required. 2.Prepare and submit clients' applications for study abroad, immigration applications or visa applications. 3.Assist material department to make the required materials. 4.Follow up the progress of the customer's case, report, inform and solve the problem in time. 5.Skilled use of foreign social networking platforms and search engines, and multi-language information search. 6.Attend training and meetings to improve business skills. Application requirements: 1.Self-motivated, willing to learn, serious and responsible for work and life. 2.Clear logical thinking, keen ability to capture and analyze information. 3.With an international perspective, have a certain understanding of foreign culture and interest. 4.Full-time bachelor's degree in English (no requirement for international students from english-speaking countries) 5.CET-6 score not less than 500, Tem-8 score not less than 70, or IELTS score not less than 6.5(reading category not less than 6.5) ; Or a TOEFL score of no less than 90(no less than 26 in a single reading category) . 6.*Also welcome someone who no traditional education background or English standardized test results, but excellent ability to apply. 7.The probation period is three months ① Probation treatment: basic salary 5000 Yuan,and provide accommodation and bonus.There is no limit on the salary of those who make outstanding contributions. ② Others: For those who have been employed for two years and have done excellent work, the company will provide free application for studying abroad or transfer to the U.S. branch; And also has the opportunity to be promoted to the head of overseas projects. (You can also add me directly on wechat : qhf423 thanks !)
岗位职责: 1. Communication with PM/BA to know system requirement. 与项目经理和需求分析师沟通系统需求; 2. Develop, test and support applications following TSS development standards. 根据TSS开发标准进行系统开发、测试和应用支持工作; 3. Complete the assignment on schedule with good quality. 按时高质量地完成工作要求; 4. Work together with AIA members to meet overall project objectives 与AIA伙伴合作完成项目交付目标 任职要求: - Bachelor Degree or above in Computer Science or IT related discipline 大学本科以上学历,计算机相关专业; - Familiar with dataware house/ ETL development process. 了解数据仓库/ETL开发流程; - Familiar with popular database software, such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL 了解流行的数据库,例如Oracle, MS SQL SERVER, Sybase或者MySQL. - Good command of both written and reading English,CET4 or above is preferred. 英语读写能力优秀,具有英语四级证书优先; - Self motivator and quick learner 自我驱动力和学习能力强; - Good communication, problem-solving and analytical skills. 沟通能力强,问题解决能力和分析能力强;
Requirement • Bachelor degree in IT related disciplines • 1+ years experiences in IT Projects • 1+ years Working experience of Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase, familiar with SQL development • 1+ years Project experience on Power BI. • Project experience on ETL Development/data modelling is preferred • Project experience on Mainstream programming is preferred • Good English Reading, Writing, specking is preferred. Good Cantonese speaking also is preferred. Responsibilities • Analyzing user requirements and establishing system objectives • Contributing to the analysis of existing system work flows and procedures and devising both information and process oriented flow charts • Designing and developing overall specifications for system projects • Conduct joint application design (prototyping) with users. • Preparing testing data, conducting system test and system implementation • Prepare system documentation • Designing, coding, testing and debugging programs
Role Purpose: Test pre-release software on multiple platforms and check all related printed materials. To ensure quality of written and spoken word in Korean and to ensure conformity with format holder requirements. Responsibilities: - To test pre-release software - To ensure in-game language (text and voice over) quality meets internal quality standards. - To verify all printed materials related to game in test. - Report translation errors accurately and efficiently. - To provide translations for in-game text and printed materials as and when required. - To test the games and makes sure they are of the highest standard when 1st party required. Key skills Essential: - Excellent command of Korean written, written and spoken or Korean Major at a bachelor degree or higher. - Good command of English, written and spoken. - High level of PC literacy including knowledge of MS Office. Desirable: - First language speaker is preferred. - Previous games industry experience. - Previous translation experience. - Games player (Interest in games). 职位宗旨: 基于移动、次世代主机等多种平台进行游戏测试。作为高效国际团队中的一员,你的职责是保证游戏中韩语翻译的高质量。 工作职责: - 对未发布的游戏软件版本执行测试。 - 确保游戏中的文本和语音符合内部质量标准 。 - 验证测试中游戏相关的所有印刷材料的翻译质量。 - 准确、高效地找出并且报告游戏或者应刷材料中的翻译错误。 - 需要时为游戏文本和印刷材料提供翻译。 - 需要时为***方提供本地化规范性测试。 核心技能 基本要求: - 具备本科或以上专业水平的韩语读写及听说能力。 - 良好的英文读写及听说能力。 - 良好的计算机使用能力,能够使用Microsoft Office。 优先条件: - 韩语母语者。 - 有游戏行业的工作经验。 - 有翻译行业的工作经验。 - 游戏爱好者。