• 3k-5k 经验不限 / 不限
    游戏 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    一、岗位职责 1. 办公环境管理:负责办公区域日常维护、办公用品采购与管理。 2. 文件管理:处理文件收发、归档及文档编辑工作。 3. 会议与接待:协助会议组织、接待来访客户。 4. 行政事务支持:协助证照年检、印章管理等事务性工作。 二、任职要求 1. 学历:大专及以上学历,行政、管理类专业优先。 2. 经验:1-3年行政工作经验,熟悉行政流程。 3. 技能:熟练使用办公软件,具备良好沟通能力和责任心。 4. 其他:有团队精神,学习能力强。
  • 7k-9k 经验不限 / 大专
    广告营销,移动互联网 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责 1、 负责建立供应商与客户明细档案。 2、 负责应付账款月度明细,包括:流水发生额,余额,回款额,账期; 3、 负责应收客户的月度账单与核对,开票,回款; 4、 对供应商,客户进行月度,季度,半年度,年度统计核算; 5、 根据对账申请付款单并付款; 6、 负责各月金碟账目,如:原始凭证的整理,录制等。 7、 负责统计月度增值税销项、进项、留底信息并申报。 8、 负责统计银行流水账等; 9、 完成上级领导交给的其他事务性杂事。 岗位任职要求 1、 财务,会计,经济等相关专业,具有会计初级职称; 2、 具有扎实的会计基础知识 3、 熟练使用办公软件及财务系统,例如:EXCLE,PPT,金蝶财务软件等。 4、 具有独立学习和工作的能力,工作踏实,认真仔细,积极主动;
  • 营销服务|咨询 / B轮 / 50-150人
    Assistant Account Executive Intern, DMX Sales (Beijing Office) About Liftoff At Liftoff, we’re helping mobile businesses scale and succeed via our sophisticated technology that enables them to find their most engaged users. We are a trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Advertisers depend on us to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent, unbiased and privacy-friendly growth platforms that fuels the entire mobile app growth cycle across user acquisition, engagement, monetization, and analytics. Consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and best places to work, we are a profitable company with strong product-market fit and tremendous growth opportunity. We have a creative, collaborative, and humble culture. We are data-driven, proactive, and have the courage to drive change. Sales at Liftoff: We are seeking an Assistant Account Executive Intern to join our team to support account managers in growing top advertisers spend and publisher revenue for the China region and further develop our sizable and growing China DMX team. The China DMX team represents a significant portion of our company's revenue and it will be your role to support the sales team in further strengthening our meaningful partnerships with our clients. Responsibilities: · Support Account Executive Manager with client relationships management · Conduct market research on new market opportunities: ad format, new ad placement · Maintain key domestic and international partners relationships over WeChat · Assist Account Executive Manager to optimize placements opportunities · Assist Account Executive Manager with internal and external reporting Qualifications: · College students in junior/senior year / postgraduate student and be able to work 4-5 days a week · Interested in online/mobile advertising industry and app economy. Related industry knowledge or experience is a plus · Excellent in written English, basic fluency in speaking · Strong analytical and quantitative skills with working knowledge of Excel/Word/PPT · Ability to multitask, manage, prioritize and produce results quickly. · Excellent communication skills to effectively report findings and influence change. · Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. · A hustler; we make the most out of our opportunities. Working at Liftoff is fast-paced, fun, and challenging, and we thrive on innovation. Come join our team and help shape the future of the mobile app ecosystem. If this role sounds interesting to you, we would love to hear from you!
  • 2k-3k 经验不限 / 本科
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    实习要求3~4个月或以上,每周保证2~3天及以上 要求:英语口语 岗位:Garment intern Job Requirements: bachelor degree or graduate student in clothing field (technology, patternmaking) strongwillingnesstolearnandtoworkastechnicianinfuture certain English communication skills confident in using Microsoft Office software (Excel) and internet strong willingness to learn ensure arrive at least 2-3 days a week Job Responsibilities: • assist technicians to take measurements and fill up size charts • assist daily report update and fill up follow-up tools (plm, booking follow-up app) • assist technicians on other matters 工作时间 9:00~18:00,午休13:00~14:00 本科生120/天,研究生150/天
  • 2k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    工具 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    1.Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Reporting to both Head of Treasury and Compliance Director of Sales and Trading, you will be a part of a dynamic and motivated team standing ready to make a market for FX spot, forward and derivatives contracts, write compliance reports and analyse trading data. The role of Risk Intern/Graduate will require you to: Daily Tasks and Responsibilities: (1) Support FX spot, forward and all FX derivatives to the Corporate Alliance sales teams and external other FX brokers across the world, including Auckland, Sydney/Melbourne, Hong Kong/Singapore and potentially Amsterdam/Vancouver (night desk) (2) Achieve assigned daily dynamic delta hedging goals within the prescribed risk framework (3) Assist with the team on daily trade entries into treasury systems and CAPAY (4) Assist with the team on daily payment from compliance side, help verifying and screening beneficiaries. (4) Run daily reports, including cash reports, position reports, and risk reports upon requests (5) Assist the development team to further build automation on FX derivatives market making process within CAPAY system (6) Work closely with other internal stakeholders, including settlement for trade confirmations and trade reconciliation and accounting team on past cash settlement 2. About you: (1) You are highly motivated and passionate for Global Financial Market (2) You have outstanding level of English communication skill (3) You handle stress and pressure well (4) You thrive in a high paced working environment and know how to prioritise your work (5) You either have some coding skills or demonstrate you are in the process of learn the skill (6) You are a fast learner and has the capabilities to solve issues independently, we assess this via looking into your academic results 3.Background and Growth Plan: Corporate Alliance group, with three major brands (currently), CAFX, CAPAY and CAFIN, is a fast-growing global Fintech company, who aims to provide efficient, inexpensive one stop embedded financial services to SMEs, Corporate and other institutional clients. These services include FX Payments and Global Collection, FX leveraged trading and risk management solutions, and Trade Finance services. Corporate Alliance group currently have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Hong Kong and we are currently looking to expand into Singapore, Amsterdam and Vancouver. This role will provide work and services to two subsidiaries of Corporate Alliance family, CAFX Australia holds Australian Financial Service License 523351, CAFX New Zealand with Financial Services Provider (FSP) number 1002179, and CAPAY HK with Licence for operating money service (MSO) number 23-10-03117. Our licences permit us to provide market making services to wholesale clients in Australia and New Zealand on both foreign exchange contracts and derivatives.
  • 3k-5k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    The position of a Finance / Admin intern encompasses all aspects of financial, secretarial and administrative tasks in the Shanghai office. The Finance / Admin intern will support the company and the Line manager in the following main areas: Finance area: • Check monthly TB. Update the financial figures. • Check monthly expense report/reimbursement (including Fapiao, allowance, excel sheet) • Sort out the financial and accounting documents in order. • Bank issues and tax bureau issues to solve. • Update Sap systems for the Journal and sub-ledger. • Project accounting base on milestone, project planning book in SAP. • Monthly Voucher filling & Contract scan and filling. • VAT invoice issue and deduction. Admin area: • Courier service / Filing / Documents control • Answering phone calls / Greeting guests who visiting WCN office • Assist to organize company outing / team building. • Other issues support to the company and Line manager per requested. Education and Experience: • Related business/internship experience (preferably within Accounting, or Finance fields) • Currently pursuing a Bachelor-s/Master-s Degree in Business (preferably in Business, Finance, Accounting or Economics) • Students who are in their final or semi-final year preferred • Good skill in Word/ Excel/ PowerPoint software • Detail oriented mindset • Good proficiency of English both in writing and speaking • Good communication skills, initiative and team work
  • 2k-3k 经验不限 / 不限
    文化传媒 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    职位描述: 1、日常seeding项目沟通和文案执行;收集及整理项目数据,定期完成基础social数据分析(头部美妆客户) 2、参与团队内部brainstorming、方案撰写、竞标等流程; 3、调动供应商资源或支持活动落地实施; 4、如果你够优秀,你的能力将获得更多直接被看到的机会,全程follow营销活动,与客户团队直接对接,分析客户需求和项目brief,并获得转正机会。 任职要求: 1、对广告、电商、美妆行业互联网感兴趣;有较强的责任感及学习思考能力,能积极协助leader建立brief并完成跟进; 2、有一定美妆文案&beauty sense,文风多样,熟练使用Office软件; 3、有网感,自己的idea及强表达力; 4、一周到岗四天以上,持续3个月以上,出勤周期长者优先; 5、广播电视相关专业,传媒类相关专业,有短视频运营或相关实习经验者优先
  • 4k-5k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1. 利用海量数据、机器学习算法构建信用、反欺诈等风控相关模型 2. 对海量数据进行数据挖掘、特征衍生,丰富已有特征平台库 3. 基于业务理解数据,进行数据梳理、分析、实验等;发现并解决业务问题 任职要求: 1. 逻辑清晰、思维活跃、善于分析和解决问题,有学习热情 2. 编程基础扎实,熟练使用Python、SQL 3. 在机器学习、数据挖掘有扎实基础和探索兴趣 4. 有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神 优先录用条件: 1. 在相关A类会议(ICML, NIPS, SIGIR, SIGKDD等)**作者发表论文 2. 参与过知名开源项目,熟悉spark等大数据框架 3. 有深度学习(CV、NLP或其他)相关项目经验 4. 英文水平优秀,能顺畅地使用英文进行商务沟通 薪资:200-250/天
  • 5k-10k 经验在校/应届 / 硕士
    工具类产品,软件服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / A轮 / 50-150人
    职位描述 【 职位要求】 · 计算机或相关理工科专业 · 熟悉常见数据结构和算法以及常用的设计模式 · 拥有良好的工作态度和团队沟通协作能力, 热爱钻研技术,快速学习能力和学习热情,有解决复杂问题的热情和能力 · 熟练掌握golang/java/C 中一种或多种语言开发 · 熟悉容器/K8S相关技术 【加分项】 · 有云原生应用开发经验 · 有安全领域相关研究,参加过CTF并获得较好成绩。 · 有自动化测试、安全测试、性能测试、混沌测试相关研究
  • 6k-8k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    工具类产品,软件服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / A轮 / 50-150人
    【岗位要求】 负责公司分布式数据库产品生态开发(管理工具、Extension、ETL、外表等) 和bug修复。我们的产品有非常多挑战性的工作,期待优秀的你能加入团队一起完成。 · 计算机或相关理工科专业。 · 扎实的计算机理论基础。 · 热爱钻研技术,有快速学习和动手能力,有创新能力,有高度责任感和团队精神。 · 有基础软件开发经验是加分项。
  • 3k-6k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网,人工智能 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    About the job: We are looking for an Aggressive Business Development Specialist who can help us build market awareness and reputation, and promote our age-tech solutions in China around the growing aging population. Ideal candidate will have background and passion on the marketing and business development , or health (preferably Geriatrics and Home Care) to connect and engage with business partners from private sector and public sector such as corporations, associations, hospitals, community centers, nursing home, insurance companies, investor community, government departments etc. About Xavor: Xavor is a US based digital health company focused on AI, Robotics and Geriatrics Data Platforms and building preventive aging-care solutions to enhance independent living by detecting and predicting digital biomarkers and symptoms for early physical and mental decline. Ongoing project like an innovative Functional Mobility Assessment solution for aging population in China and US, provide early detection and personalized insights, reduce the incidence of falls, prevent injuries, and alleviate the financial and emotional burdens associated with falling in the elderly population. Core Responsibilities 1. Product field testing: Actively conduct product field testing around our Functional Mobility Assessment solution to ensure optimal performance, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement. Provide valuable insights and suggestions to enhance our solutions. 2. Solution Promotion: Actively promote our Functional Mobility Assessment solution and other digital health solutions in China market, plan BD activities, including business visits, organizing technical seminar, forum, etc. 3. Industry Events and networking: Participate closely in industry events, exhibitions, forums, conferences, pitches to promote our project. Engage with industry professionals, identify business opportunities, and establish valuable relationships. 4. Market Awareness: Promote our solutions in both online and offline channels weekly. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, market dynamics, and competitor activities 5. Documentation maintain and update: Maintain and update documentation related to business development activities, including business plans, proposals, client presentations, and market research reports. Ensure accuracy, consistency, and accessibility of information for internal and external stakeholders.. Key Requirements 1. Internship duration: Minimum 4 months. 2. Education: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, healthcare or a related field. Familiarity with the digital tech industry is a plus. 3. Location: Based in Shanghai, with the ability to work from the our Shanghai office. 4. Language Skills: Fluent in English and Mandarin, with excellent written and verbal communication skills. 5. Self-Driven and Goal-Oriented: Demonstrated ability to take initiative, work independently, and achieve targets. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to changing priorities. Excellent written and oral communication skills. 6. Interpersonal Skills: Outstanding interpersonal and networking skills, with the ability to build rapport and maintain relationships with diverse stakeholders. Confident and professional demeanor. 7. Must possess strong proficiency in Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • 7k-10k 经验不限 / 本科
    金融业,区块链 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities You will be working directly with the General Partner of the firm ● Assist GP with administrative tasks with a focus on personal affairs ● Write and edit emails, draft memos, and prepare communications on the GP’s behalf ● Maintain various records and documents, pipeline management on major tasks ● Ensure that leadership is informed of priorities, deadlines, and challenges ● Assist with other administrative tasks as needed Qualifications ● Undergraduate degree or above; professional proficiency in English is a must ● Knowledge of Microsoft Office, AI productivity tools, and other office management applications ● Comfort with multi-tasking and handling multiple requests from different individuals and departments ● Excellent organizational and time-management skills ● Strong interpersonal skills and a positive 'can-do' attitude ● Exceptional attention to detail ● Excellent written and verbal English communication skills
  • 数据服务,人工智能 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    岗位介绍 作为前端开发工程师实习生,您将参与开发 Dashmote 的新一代DaaS(数据即服务)应用程序和BI应用程序,以确保向我们的客户顺利交付分析解决方案和数据访问平台。您将成为Dashmote工程师团队的一员。 Dashmote工程师团队由来自阿姆斯特丹和上海等城市的数据科学家、数据工程师、软件工程师和数据分析师组成。Dashmote的主要目标是为客户提供全自动数据和分析解决方案,以帮助他们在全球范围内赢得更多业务。 Main Responsibilities 1. Work on designing and building DaaS/BI applications on a JS stack. 2. Build REST APIs & manage data storage infrastructure like (non-)relational database for the applications 3. Build UI for users and admins 岗位职责 1. 通过JS设计和构建DaaS/BI应用程序 2. 为应用程序构建REST API并管理(非)关系型数据库等数据存储基础架构 3. 为用户和管理员构建UI Job requirements 1. Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science, Engineering, or a related field 2. Relevant experience in front-end development is preferred 3. Fluent in English 4. Experience with a popular JS Framework (React) 5. Good understanding of (non-)relational databases, and data warehousing concepts 6. Exposure to DevOps environments with CI/CD tools (e.g. Jenkins, Github Actions, etc.) 7. Good code practice. Familiar with test-driven development 8. Experience with Python, AWS Services (e.g.S3, Lambda, and DynamoDB), and container technologies (Docker) is a big plus 9. Available to work 5 days/week for at least 6 months and starting as soon as possible 岗位需求 1. 计算机科学、工程或类似领域的学士或以上学历 2. 有前端开发相关经验者优先 3. 英语流利(必须) 4. 有常用的JS框架(React) 经验者优先 5. 对(非)关系数据库和数据仓库概念有很好的理解 6. 接触过 CI/CD 工具(例如Jenkins、Github Actions等)在DevOps 环境的使用 7. 有良好的编程习惯,熟悉测试驱动的开发 8. 有Python、AWS服务(例如S3、Lambda 和 DynamoDB)和容器技术(Docker)经验者优先 9. 每周可以工作5天,至少实习6个月,尽早上岗 What's in it for you 1. Office located at the center of Shanghai 2. Growing company full of opportunities & awarded by Google, McKinsey, and Rocket Internet for best B2B startup in Europe; 3. Working within an international team that truly values your contribution; 4. An awesome culture of responsibility and the freedom to turn your ambition into reality - regardless of your role and level; 5. You'll have the freedom to really own your role and implement your own ideas; 6. Flexibility to work from home and work on-site; 7. Exciting work atmosphere with no shortage of fun team events, gatherings, and snacks at the office; 8. We don't work overtime. We encourage our employees to have their own life after work. 我们的优势 1. 工作地址在上海市区,交通生活便利; 2. 我们是被Google, 麦肯锡和Rocket Internet认证的欧洲最佳B2B创业公司; 3. 你的能力及贡献将会收获团队小伙伴们的真诚认可; 4. 我们会为你提供一个充分发挥才华,施展抱负的舞台; 5. 你的工作你做主,你的任何想法都会得到尊重; 6. 灵活弹性的办公制度,根据实际情况可适度远程办公; 7. 轻松的工作氛围和丰富的团队活动; 8. 我们不加班,我们鼓励员工下班后有属于自己的丰富生活。 (Note: This position does not guarantee full-time transition) (注:该实习岗位不保证转正
  • 3k-5k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    营销服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    【岗位职责】 1. 协助 AM 跟进项目管理(包括SCRM项目、电商小程序项目、定制开发类项目、公众号运营、媒介支持等),辅助项目顺利交付及运行 2. 完成执行任务,如市场调研、梳理场景用例、稿件审核、报告撰写、文件翻译等 【实习期】 6个月,每周5天,100-150/天 【任职要求】 • 本科或以上学历,大三大四在校生 • 能完成英语书面翻译工作,人际沟通能力良好 • 对微信营销、Social CRM、小程序等感兴趣 • 责任心强,注重细节,学习能力强 【了解更多】 官网:https://www.chatlabs.com/cn 公众号:ChatLabs
  • 2k-3k 经验在校/应届 / 不限
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    在team leader的指导下完成, 1、协助完成日常报告的撰写及审核; 2、协助完成日常微信、微博内容的撰写、排版; 3、协助团队完成客户服务、媒体沟通等工作; 4、协助完成该项目中的活动部分; 5、搜集、分析市场调查资料,归类整理。 职位要求: 1、优秀的英文听说读写能力(英文6级及以上); 2、熟练运用office办公软件; 3、良好的口头及文字沟通能力,有媒介经验者优先; 4、良好的客户服务意识,高度的敬业精神与工作激情,有汽车行业服务 经验者优先。 实习工资 150元/天