• 3k-5k 经验不限 / 不限
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    【工作地点】上海徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼 【工作周期】2021/8/31 至 2021/12/1 【工作时间】09:00-18:00 【工作亮点】环境好, 交通便利 【工作内容】 1. 致电展商/观众进行资料核对 2. 作为呼叫中心客服人员,打电话和接电话为主。 【人员要求】 1. 18周岁或以上,在校生/中专或以上学历皆可, 男女不限; 2. 有良好的沟通能力、普通话标准; 3. 具亲和力, 有责任感,踏实肯干,不惧怕打电话; 4. 每周工作日出勤4天或5天。 *3个工作日内(包含3天)离职的不结算工资; 5.着装要求:T恤+无破洞长裤+运动鞋(女生不可穿吊带,超短裤;拖鞋不可以穿) 【薪资】 170元/日,次月第15日发薪
  • 100k-120k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    农林牧渔,内容资讯,电商平台 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1. Managing and leading an internal development/design/data/product centre of excellence. Mobilizing and deploying teams within China to identify, validate and scale China use-case cross-discipline digital products/services teams. 2. Drive a strategy, vision and structure within the China Hub that develops the hub into a leading digital product and services development centre of excellence. 3. Work closely with global product and commercial teams across multiple business lines within Yara and located in multiple countries (Germany, Brazil, USA, Thailand, China and Singapore) to identify potential use-case opportunities for implementation in China as well as share learnings from China-specific use-case development. 4. Develop and drive a centre of excellence culture and learning hub mindset. Developing the hub as a talent contributor to the market and a leader in product development / engineering best practices. 5. Design/development and oversight of best-practice product development structures within the hub to ensure continuous development and innovation of the hub model. 6. Responsible company director for the hub with accountability for the hub budget, team deployment and support.
  • 25k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责IT在线服务台数据分析及建设工作,包括数据建模、数据挖掘与提取、数据看板制作等,实现运营数据全链路指标监控,为业务决策提供支持; 2、根据数据分析需求,进行报表设计和可视化开发,并负责数据报表迭代过程中的模块开发和维护; 3、协助制订开发标准,完善技术文档和脚本流程运维,确保服务台高效稳定运行; 4、通过对数据流程的优化和创新,帮助服务台实现数据驱动的智能化服务和解决方案,提高客户满意度和业务效益。 职位要求: 1、本科或以上学历,计算机、统计学及相关领域专业背景优先; 2、熟悉服务台或Call Center常用指标及业务流程,并能熟练应用者优先; 3、熟练使用SQL、SPSS、Python,有Tableau、PowerBI开发经验者优先; 4、较强的逻辑思维能力和优秀的学习能力,对技术更新迭代和行业趋势保持敏感; 5、主动性强,具备良好的沟通和协作能力,能够推动跨部门合作,积极推动项目交付; 6、英语可以作为工作语言优先。
  • 20k-40k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责在线服务台的整体运营工作,制定和执行运营策略,包括但不限于运营流程和SOP的建设及优化、用户调研、数据分析等; 2、负责知识库运营,包括内容编写、审核及更新,知识库应用指标设定和监控等,不断提升文档质量和生产/更新效率; 3、评估IT项目或变更对用户侧和支持团队的影响,事前拉通协调,事后验证效果; 4、负责业务数据分析和挖掘,抽取有价值的数据信息和洞察,形成场景化解决方案,应用到智能化流程中; 5、通过收集和分析业务数据和客户反馈,提出改进和优化建议,提升用户满意度和自助效率; 6、协助准备培训材料,协调培训活动开展,确保工程师熟练掌握工作所需软硬技能。 职位要求: 1、本科或以上学历,计算机、信息技术及相关领域专业背景优先; 2、熟悉服务台或Call Center服务流程,有IT用户支持经验者优先; 3、熟悉ITIL理念,有较丰富的知识管理经验; 4、有一定的产品思维,能将业务痛点转化为产品功能需求; 5、良好的逻辑思维和学习能力,数据敏感性强; 6、主动性强,具备良好的沟通和协作能力,以及多项目并行管理能力,能够推动跨部门合作,积极推动项目交付; 7、英语可以作为工作语言。
  • 教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: Technican(DOIT) Department: Center for Digital World with Intelligent Things (DOIT), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. HKUST(GZ) is located at **** Duxue Road, Qingsheng Hub Cluster, Nansha District, Guangzhou. The campus covers an area of about 1,669 mu (111.3 hectares) and is divided into two construction phases. The first phase covers an area of about 716 mu (47.7 hectares) with a floorage of about 636,000 square meters (63.6 hectares), which had been officially put into use in September 2022. The design of the campus blends natural scenery with architecture, with key cutting-edge technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection adopted during the design and construction process, in a bid to establish the campus as a new benchmark of green, smart and sustainable development. Duties 1.Organize events and group activities at the center; 2.Manage the facilities, furniture, and equipment; 3.Oversee general management and daily operation; 4.Coordinate with sister labs/units for demos and visits; 5.Support non-technical issues such as renovation, maintenance, and reimbursement; 6.Other related duties as assigned. 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1.A Master’s degree in EE, CS, or related disciplines, plus at least 5-year working experience in university, research institution, or hi-tech company; 2.Sound knowledge in R&D, project management, lab administration, and event organization is preferred; 3.Strong sense of responsibility, leadership, ability to delegate is required; 4.Good time management skill and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously are essential; 5.A good command of written Chinese and English. Proficiency in English, Putonghua and Cantonese is preferred; 6.Proficiency in MS Office, Excel, and project management tools is preferred. This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)
  • 15k-30k 经验10年以上 / 硕士
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: 网络安全工程师 Engineer of Cybersecurity Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Duties 1. 信息安全制度建设:负责制定和完善学校的信息安全制度体系,不断提升网络和数据安全的管理水平和防护能力。 2. 安全策略设计与实施:设计、实施和维护网络安全策略,以防御恶意攻击和数据泄露,保护学校网络和系统安全。 3. 制度落实与监督:检查、监督和指导安全管理制度的执行情况。 4. 策略执行审核:负责安全策略执行情况的审核,确保合规性。 5. 日志管理与分析:收集和分析信息系统日志及审计记录,对关键设备进行日志检查和审核,并及时报告潜在问题。 6. 操作行为监控:监督管理员的操作行为,检查安全职责落实情况。 7. 安全控制设计与实施:设计和实施安全控制措施,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统和防**软件等,确保网络安全。 8. 风险评估与漏洞扫描:进行网络安全风险评估和漏洞扫描,及时发现并解决潜在安全问题。 9. 业务系统安全测试:负责学校业务系统的安全测试与加固,指导开发人员修复安全漏洞。 10 .渗透测试与漏洞挖掘:负责线上环境的渗透测试和Web漏洞挖掘,保障系统安全。 11. 安全事件应急处理:跟踪和分析安全事件,包括APT攻击、木马和**等,并进行紧急处理。 12. 跨部门协作:与其他部门合作,确保网络安全政策和流程的落实和持续改进。 13. 技术前沿跟踪:关注国内外安全技术前沿,积极开展技术交流和分享。 14. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络安全的问题和咨询。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历背景:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,信息安全或网络安全专业优先。 2. 工作经验:10年以上信息安全工程师或相关岗位经验,具备丰富的网络安全实战经验;有5年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关信息安全岗位工作经验者优先。 3. 威胁情报分析能力:具有深入的安全威胁情报分析能力,能识别并应对高级持续性威胁(APT)。 4. 网络安全知识:熟悉网络体系结构、TCP/IP协议,掌握常见网络攻击方法、原理及防范措施,具备扎实的信息安全理论基础。 5. 安全产品知识:熟悉安全态势感知平台、防火墙、日志审计、WAF、IPS、主机安全、抗DDoS等主流安全产品的工作原理和配置。 6. 日志分析经验:具备IPS/IDS、防火墙、操作系统和应用程序日志的分析经验,能够从日志中发现异常。 7. 渗透测试技能:熟练使用SQLmap、BurpSuite、AWVS、Kali等常见渗透测试工具,能进行手动或结合工具的安全测试。 8. 编程能力:熟练掌握Java、Python或Shell等一种或多种主流编程语言,能够开发简单的安全工具。 9. 文档撰写:具备文档编写能力,能够独立完成系统评估报告和安全漏洞验证报告。 10. 漏洞挖掘经验:具有真实漏洞挖掘和利用经验,在安全平台提交过漏洞或发表原创技术文章者优先。 11. 法规与标准:熟悉ISO 27001、《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保**》及等级保护相关标准和规范。 12. 认证及实战经验:持有CISSP、CISP、CISA或CISM认证者优先,有CTF或攻防演练比赛经验者优先。 13. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和口语能力。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 6k-8k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,工具 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、快速深入理解产品需求,设计、编写测试用例及测试执行,及时反馈bug信息; 2、制定测试计划和测试策略,对各个项目关键点进行重点分析,有效保证产品线质量; 3、确认测试结果,缺陷跟踪,完成测试报告和结果分析,支撑团队快速做出响应。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,计算机相关专业,3-5年工作经验; 2、熟悉Linux基本命令,mysql数据库及数据库查询SQL语言; 3、熟悉Postman,jmeter,loadrunner等测试工具,熟悉自动化测试框架及测试管理工具Quality Center; 4、能熟练使用一种或多种常用编程语言,如shell、Python等; 5、熟悉软件开发过程,精通测试方案和用例设计、接口测试、系统性能测试方法; 6、有区块链项目、合约测试等web3去中心化项目、人工智能项目经验; 7、有较强的沟通能力、协调能力、分析问题能力和文字表达能力,责任感强,有良好的团队意识和抗压能力。
  • 7k-9k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,其他 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责 1. 通过电话、聊天、电子邮件等与用户交流——提供远程协助; 2. 解决无法远程解决的问题,与用户、供应商、工程师和更高级别的IT支持一起工作; 3. 研究在原有知识库中不存在的知识点,在知识库中提供文档解决方案; 4. 解决复杂的硬件、软件和应用程序问题,监控系统和警报,排除故障,并在适当的时候升级; 5. 新建/解锁用户账户和访问权限; 6. 协助用户处理硬件/软件的采购需求; 7. Cisco IP phone和call center的用户支持和管理:包括新增/修改电话,电话移机等; 8. 记录并跟踪所有事件/请求,归档和维护指定的文档与知识库; 9. 跟踪和维护资产数据,协助报告和审计; 10.遵循程序指导原则,确保一致性和卓越的服务交付。 任职要求 1.大专以上学历 2.1年以上Helpdesk经验 3.熟悉windows操作系统, 熟悉Office软件操作,熟悉AD域控以及Exchange基础操作 4.能简单英语口语 5.专业技术: 熟悉路由交换,了解Cisco网络设备设置,了解各类网络协议和服务 6.证书或其它: 获得RHCE,MCSE,CCNA等相关厂商认证证书优先 福利待遇: 1. 稳定的工资收入,每月准时发放工资,合规缴纳五险一金;(入职即缴付社保) 2. 每月400元餐补和300元交通补贴;过节费1800元/年; 3. 公司购买额外商业补充医疗保险和子女医疗保险(医保内看病一定数额可报销); 4. 每月730元额度公司产品福利; 5. 试用期后每年10天带薪年假(随工作年限递增)及10天带薪病假; 6. 每年一次公司组织免费体检和国内旅游,每季度团队活动及聚餐; 7. 提供各类培训机会和职业发展平台; 8. 生日、婚育关怀礼金; ******薪资为缴付社保前的数字******
  • 15k-18k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1. Manage Customer Service and support Contact center operation 2. Provide feedback & coaching to Team Manager 3. Provide Improvements Action Plans and reports Identify strengths and weakness to help operational and professional development 4. Assure compliance of metrics & procedures 5. Present monthly operational reports 6. Communicate policies & procedures to Team Managers to ensure performance results 7. Partner with individuals or organizations to increase the satisfaction of our customers 8. Proactively take the ownership of the project, consider benefits to project/company and add value to the project and make contribution 9. Be accountable to any tasks assigned by client and by company 10. Apply strategic thinking to focus on the results and goals to achieve with end Customers 岗位要求 -Fluency in English both oral and written -Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science or Management related or equivalent professional -At least 5 years of supervisor or team leadership experience in customer or tech support industry -Strong in following skillsets: 1. Service / Soft skill communication 2. Presentation 3. Planning, Resource Organizing, Data Analyzing 4. Customer Orientation & Relationship Management 5. Internal cooperation and coordinationCertificate COPC certification is a plus
  • 40k-70k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商平台 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    按照当地法律法规,应聘者需持有美国绿卡或者美国公民 工作地点在美国纽约 ***** Key Account Manager Dunhuang.com New York State, USA Roles and responsibilities Manage DHgate high-value customers through regular promotion of products, services and marketing activities, and interact with customers to handle customer inquiries in a timely manner. Responsible for customer development and channel expansion in the United States, expand the ***** customer base, bring a steady stream of high-quality customers to the DHgate platform, explore ***** exhibition center resources, and implement ***** promotion, training, and publicity activities for target groups and partners. 3- Develop your own targets and performance indicators for daily operations and activities, monitor regularly to understand the effectiveness of operational strategies, and make recommendations for continuous improvement. 4- Reduce customer churn by implementing conflict management skills to resolve complex after-sales disputations in a way that builds a positive customer experience. Customer relationship, collect customer information, comments and suggestions, feedback to headquarters regularly 6-Conduct research on the US market through online and offline channels to provide insight into the US cross-border e-commerce market. 7-Regularly participate in various ***** industry fairs in the United States to collect useful business information and provide feasibility suggestions. 8- Coordinate internal and external resources, cooperate with the company's overall strategy, and complete various indicators set by the company. 9 - Other additional duties as required. Requirements: Education: University degree or above, accurate proficiency in English and Spanish is preferred (preferably speaking Chinese) Skills: Promoting the knowledge and interests of customers through social media is necessary and can thrive in a fast-paced and deadline-oriented environment Ability to multitask and handle multiple projects simultaneously Analytical ability Problem-solving skills Excellent communication skills - verbal & w
  • 15k-28k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    医疗丨健康,其他 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    KEY RESPONSIBILITIES Platfrom Software Design • Contribute to Platform SW architecture/ development on different platforms to support APP SW and fulfill customer requirements • Work on software design, implementation and integration for major modules of microscopy applications • Fully participate in the product lifecycle for Leica market-leading microscopy products to offer competitive product value to our customers • Use agile development tools and methodologies within a lean software development process • Work with cross-functional team to ensure product development meets the requirement for quality, cost, regulation, service, and manufacturing • Collaborate with global teams to drive synergies across common software platforms REQUIREMENTS FOR THIS POSITION a) Professional Experience • 5+ years experience in software development with C++ under Windows or Linux • 3+ years experiences in SDK development including image processing, machine learning, hardware controlling • Very good knowledge in applying state-of-the-art software architectures, design patterns and methods for object-oriented analysis and design • Ability to design and implement unit / component tests to cover and check critical code and component areas • Practical knowledge of tools and methodologies for problem identification and code optimization • Experiences with agile development methodologies and tools, preferably Scrum • Practical experience in leading small to mid-range software development projects, incl. planning, controlling and reporting • Strong focus on high quality, stability and reliability of software The following skills are optional & would be added advantage. • Knowledge in image processing • Knowledge of Life Sicense/Medical application development b) Education • A Masters or good Bachelor degree in Software Engineering, Electronics/Electrical Engineering, or equivalent. c) Language • English fluently, Mandarin d) Travel (required estimated % of time) • Will travel about 15% of time to work together with global R&D center or ***** partner IV. PERSONAL TRAIT PROFILE • Positive working attitude, willing to learn, and able to multi-task. • Meticulous. • Strong problem solving skills and responsibility • Quick learning abilities. • Team player and able to work with cross functional teams. • Sense of urgency
  • 30k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    理想品牌中心团队介绍: 理想汽车作为国产豪华智能电动车品牌,以创造移动的家,创造幸福的家为使命。理想品牌中心是由视觉平面设计师、图像创意、视频创意设计师、CG制作设计师、品牌战略专家等组成的综合创新团队,我们致力通过设计与创意将理想汽车打造成 新能源制造业引领者。 加入我们,共赴理想! Brand Design-Graphic Design-Senior Visual Creative Manager Li Auto Brand Center Team Introduction: As a domestic luxury intelligent electric vehicle brand, the mission of Li Auto is to create a mobile and happy home. The Li Auto Brand Center is a comprehensive innovation team composed of visual graphic designers, image creatives, video creative designers, CG production designers, brand strategy experts, etc. We are committed to using design and creativity to make Ideal Auto a leader in the new energy manufacturing industry. Join us and achieve our ideals together! 职位描述: 1.根据产品定义结合用户思维,规划及创意新车型的创意方向及影像规范。 Job Description: 1.Based on the product definition and user thinking, plan and create a creative direction and image specifications for the new vehicle model. 2. 根据发布会要展现内容与逻辑关系及品牌影相调性,创意高品质落地制作方案或可落地平面拍摄规划,执行方案并把控品质,对品质负责。 2. Based on the content and logical relationship to be presented at the release event, as well as the brand visual tone, devise a high-quality creative implementation plan or a plan for the photography of the plan. Execute the plan, control the quality, and take responsibility for it. 3.根据日常业务(如车展kv、节日创意设计、活动keynote、内部宣传等)需求,影像类输出创意并完成layout,与供应商对接创意落地把控品质。 3.Based on daily business needs (such as exhibition KV, creative festival design, event keynote, internal propaganda, etc.), provide creative output for video, and complete the layout. Coordinate with suppliers to ensure quality of creative output. 4.品牌VIS(品牌色、字体、影像风格、版式设计风格)更新迭代与探索。 4. Update and iterate brand VIS (brand color, font, image style, layout design style) and explore new possibilities. 5.利用ai探索前瞻的影像风格落地表现手法。 5.Utilize AI to explore advanced image style landing performance techniques. 职位要求 具备能力: 1.丰富的拍摄制作实战及判断经验 ,能达到创意与实际落地制作互锁。具有完整参与拍摄制作项目的闭环能力,需求-创意-设计落地-反馈-完稿。 Capacity: 1. Rich practical experience in shooting and production, with the ability to integrate creativity and practical implementation. Able to fully participate in the entire process of shooting and production projects, from requirement assessment to creative design, implementation, feedback and completion. 2.具备很强美术基础,可通过手绘或软件落地创意。 2. Strong foundation in art, able to realize ideas through hand-drawing or software development. 3.具有团队协作及共创精神,有责任心及担当精神,抗压能力强。愿意接受新事物及带来的挑战。 3. Possesses collaborative and co-creative spirit, with a strong sense of responsibility and ability to handle pressure. Willing to accept new challenges and embrace new knowledge. 4.拥抱变化,逻辑思维强,能利用专业素养快速做出应对方案及落地执行能力。 4. Embrace change, strong logical thinking, able to use professional expertise to quickly come up with response plans and execute them. 5.熟练掌握各类ai及设计类软件。 5. Proficient in various AI and design software. 6.具有高等设计院校及海外设计类院校留学背景,具备英语沟通能力者优先。 6. Candidates who have studied in top design colleges or overseas design colleges and have English communication skills are preferred.
  • 7k-10k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    数据服务,教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1. 参与制订讯飞智能客服产品的测试标准、测试业务流程; 2. 负责制定项目测试计划和项目的总体测试用例,根据产品/项目测试需求完成测试环境的设计和配置工作; 3. 确认测试结果,缺陷跟踪,完成测试报告和结果分析,推动测试中发现的问题及时合理地解决; 4. 搭建自动化测试环境,协助进行自动化测试用例编写。 任职要求: 1. 本科以上学历,计算机等理工科相关专业优先; 2. 1-3年项目测试经验; 3. 熟悉软件测试理论、测试流程,熟悉常用测试用例设计方法,能够制定测试用例; 4. 了解自动化测试工具,如selenium、appium等,性能测试工具Jmeter 及测试管理工具Quality Center; 5. 掌握一门语言,python、java等; 6. 较强的表达沟通能力和文档交付能力,较好的团队合作精神和学习能力。
  • 10k-15k 经验不限 / 大专
    区块链 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    Job requirements: 1, Possess a strong sense of customer service, able to cope with customer consultation and complaints, have a strong coordination capacity; 2, Good language expression and communication skills, a great sense of responsibility, can bear a certain amount of work pressure; 3, Strong learning ability, can quickly understand and adapt to the use of the company's products, to provide users with excellent support; 4, Computer or finance-related major preferred, Internet companies, finance industry or large customer service center experience is preferred
  • 12k-20k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网,电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1.参与工厂整体网络规划和设计 2.根据网络规划对网络进行实施部署 3.对出现的网络相关问题进行故障根源分析 4.lead网络相关项目,保障项目进度、质量和成本。 任职要求: 1.5年以上网络路由交换,无线或安全相关。 有中大型1000以上关键节点网络项目经验 2.熟悉相关网络安全产品,如防火墙、IDS、防**、漏洞评估工具、路由器、防火墙能够熟练操作及维护,具备故障诊断和处理能力 3.熟悉数据中心网络架构,及NEXSUS网络产品和配置管理 4.熟悉Cisco网络产品(包括命令和知识),以及相关新的solution 5.熟悉常见的无线产品,以及无线基本参数 6.计算机或相关专业,本科及以上学历 7.熟练的英文书写,熟练的日常工作英文沟通能力 8.拥有CCIE R&S认证或CCIE Data Center认证 9.良好的协调能力、人际沟通能力、文字语言表达能力