工作内容: 1.信息搜集:通过cold call方式进行目标企业的信息和数据收集,如产业链、采购模式、主要产品、销量等,能够按照格式及时正确地交付 2.访谈笔录:在明确访谈目标的前提下,整理记录访谈信息 3.项目支持:在项目经理的指导下,进行项目的其他工作 岗位要求:知名本科大学生,逻辑清晰,擅长与人沟通,愿意进行cold call陌生电话交流(介意cold call请勿投递),对咨询行业和行业研究感兴趣。 prefer有cold call经验者,日薪150-200左右,实习结束表现良好可转正,公司在实习结束后可以提供实习证明
开发率30%,70%的小伙伴年薪在30-50万之间,10%的小伙伴年薪在120万左右,新人资源丰富!新人资源丰富!新人资源丰富! 公司:证券业协会持牌会员单位,合规单位; 官网:https://gw.integrity.com.cn/index.html好人好股-做好人,选好股(9635.com.cn) 【公司值得您选择的十点】 1.大平台,公司:证券业协会持牌会员单位,全国81家持牌机构,合规单 位,官网:https://gw.integrity.com.cn/index.html 2.无责底薪5500+奖金+绩效+提成;高提成,月入2w轻轻松松。 3.团队年轻,氛围和谐,轻松。 4.明确的行程管理系统,帮助员工掌握行为,有助攻,更成功。 5.躺赢计划,团队经理保姆级带薪培训 6.客户资源丰富,公司提供精准客户资源,红黄线制度避免恶意竞争。 7.培训课程丰富,完善的职业晋升计划及空间,商学院帮您成为行业大佬。8.每月不同的公司福利,月月生日会 9.入职就缴纳五险一金 10.交通便利
[广州·番禺区] 2023-08-2510k-15k 经验不限 / 不限企业服务,其他,房产家居 / 未融资 / 15-50人我们能够为你提供: 1)具有竞争力的薪酬体系:每月收入(无上限)=无责底薪(4K-6K)+1000~2000左右绩效+行业领先的提成比例(20%-70%提成)+个人开单奖励+团队月度业绩奖励 2)广阔的晋升空间:我们提供清晰透明的晋升空间,3个月一次的晋升机制,业绩突出者可更快速晋升 3)贴心完善的福利保障:享受国家法定节假日带薪假期,工作优秀者可享受每半年一次国内游、每年一次国外游 4)鼓舞人心的激励机制:业绩突出员工可获得公司荣誉嘉奖、现金大奖、手机奖等、国外旅游等丰富刺激的奖励 5)量身订制的培训体系:提供从入职即可接受正规化培训,资深导师全程一对一带教,帮助行业无经验新人快速成长为业内精英 6)完善的业务网络帮你快速实现销售业绩:综合式的销售模式(电销+网销+面谈),全面提升业务能力 我们需要你做: 1)通过电话、网络等方式联络客户,了解客户核心需求,匹配并提供合适房源; 负责公司房客源开发与积累,并与客户建立良好的业务合作关系; 3)负责客户接待、咨询工作,为客户提供专业的房地产置业咨询服务; 4)认真负责地完成上级指派的工作职位要求。 我们需要这样的你: 1)大专及以上学历 2)热爱销售行业或有意加入房产行业; 3)有良好的团队合作精神,有一定的表达、沟通能力; 4)有强烈的事业心、责任心和积极的工作态度,有相关销售工作经验者优先。 公平公正的晋升空间:组长-主管-经理-区域经理-公司股东(每三个月进行一次晋升评选) -
【工作地点】上海徐汇区虹桥路355号城开国际大厦7-8楼 【工作周期】2021/8/31 至 2021/12/1 【工作时间】09:00-18:00 【工作亮点】环境好, 交通便利 【工作内容】 1. 致电展商/观众进行资料核对 2. 作为呼叫中心客服人员,打电话和接电话为主。 【人员要求】 1. 18周岁或以上,在校生/中专或以上学历皆可, 男女不限; 2. 有良好的沟通能力、普通话标准; 3. 具亲和力, 有责任感,踏实肯干,不惧怕打电话; 4. 每周工作日出勤4天或5天。 *3个工作日内(包含3天)离职的不结算工资; 5.着装要求:T恤+无破洞长裤+运动鞋(女生不可穿吊带,超短裤;拖鞋不可以穿) 【薪资】 170元/日,次月第15日发薪
职位职责: 1、负责IT在线服务台数据分析及建设工作,包括数据建模、数据挖掘与提取、数据看板制作等,实现运营数据全链路指标监控,为业务决策提供支持; 2、根据数据分析需求,进行报表设计和可视化开发,并负责数据报表迭代过程中的模块开发和维护; 3、协助制订开发标准,完善技术文档和脚本流程运维,确保服务台高效稳定运行; 4、通过对数据流程的优化和创新,帮助服务台实现数据驱动的智能化服务和解决方案,提高客户满意度和业务效益。 职位要求: 1、本科或以上学历,计算机、统计学及相关领域专业背景优先; 2、熟悉服务台或Call Center常用指标及业务流程,并能熟练应用者优先; 3、熟练使用SQL、SPSS、Python,有Tableau、PowerBI开发经验者优先; 4、较强的逻辑思维能力和优秀的学习能力,对技术更新迭代和行业趋势保持敏感; 5、主动性强,具备良好的沟通和协作能力,能够推动跨部门合作,积极推动项目交付; 6、英语可以作为工作语言优先。
职位职责: 1、负责在线服务台的整体运营工作,制定和执行运营策略,包括但不限于运营流程和SOP的建设及优化、用户调研、数据分析等; 2、负责知识库运营,包括内容编写、审核及更新,知识库应用指标设定和监控等,不断提升文档质量和生产/更新效率; 3、评估IT项目或变更对用户侧和支持团队的影响,事前拉通协调,事后验证效果; 4、负责业务数据分析和挖掘,抽取有价值的数据信息和洞察,形成场景化解决方案,应用到智能化流程中; 5、通过收集和分析业务数据和客户反馈,提出改进和优化建议,提升用户满意度和自助效率; 6、协助准备培训材料,协调培训活动开展,确保工程师熟练掌握工作所需软硬技能。 职位要求: 1、本科或以上学历,计算机、信息技术及相关领域专业背景优先; 2、熟悉服务台或Call Center服务流程,有IT用户支持经验者优先; 3、熟悉ITIL理念,有较丰富的知识管理经验; 4、有一定的产品思维,能将业务痛点转化为产品功能需求; 5、良好的逻辑思维和学习能力,数据敏感性强; 6、主动性强,具备良好的沟通和协作能力,以及多项目并行管理能力,能够推动跨部门合作,积极推动项目交付; 7、英语可以作为工作语言。
We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. *Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault *Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success *Support the client administrators across multiple organizations *Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues *Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. *Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration *Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production *Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds *Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes *Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary *Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule * Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Korean * Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience *Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences *Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers * Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment *Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential *Knowledge document management systems *Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科生活服务,旅游|出行 / 上市公司 / 150-500人DragonPass is a global B2B2C Airport services provider developing fintech travel solutions for companies such as Barclays, Visa, MasterCard, RBS, Revolut and many similar companies all around the world. Services range including Transport Security Fast Track, Airport lounges and Airport restaurants. Our main aim is to simplify technical complexity. We essentially help our end customers use a multitude of services across an array of complexity in as easier a manner as possible. All of this must be done with beautiful UI and UX. DragonPass has headquarters in Guangzhou, with the international headquarters outside of China being in Hale, Cheshire. There are additional offices in London, Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Singapore, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai. The business is growing very quickly and looking to recruit individuals with a passion for travel, networking and self-development. What will you be doing? The 24/7 technical support engineer will be acting as a bridge between development team and clients/account management team. Bilingual is mandatory to communicate with the development team and clients/account management team. The 24/7 technical engineer shall handle the call/email from clients for any incidents or 7system outage. The 24/7 technical engineer shall provide an incident report for any issue and provide incident status update for the stakeholders. Check error log from the monitoring system and, identify the root cause of the issue. Create and manage the incident ticket in JIRA. Identify the areas/parts of the system/service causing the issue, and the corresponding impacts to the customer. Create the standard operation support documents in English. Implement the urgent fix based on the standard operation support documents with the support from the DevOps at infrastructure level. Filter the non-critical issues that can be fixed in next day. Preferred skills One or more years of experience in 24/7 Technical support Excellent hands-on support experience in AWS/ Azure Knowledge of programming languages such as Java Strong experience in Linux and Terraform Proficiency in writing automated scripting language in Python Experience in monitoring tools – Grafana, or any other monitoring tools Understanding of full-stack web/mobile, including protocols and web server optimization standards Broad understanding of Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL Database experience, such as MongoDB Proficient in English and Mandarin language skills
你有没有因为自己是实习生,而被当做廉价的劳动力? 你有没有因为自己没有经验,而被无情的拒绝? 你有没有经历一段时间的低潮,发现这不是你想要的工作和生活? 人生总要敢于实现梦想,这里都是有志青年! 如果你准备或刚从外地来上海,怀揣远大的抱负,想在上海闯出一片天地! 如果你还在电子厂、酒店做着最基层的工作,对人生失去幻想,想找一份改变命运的工作! 如果你还穿梭在马路,街巷做着普普通通的业务员,省吃俭用,一年到头也存不下什么钱! 如果你想给家里更多的贡献,让最亲的人感受到你最实际的关心! 如果你刚失去工作,不知道下一份工作在哪里, 那么,上海链家给你一个成功的机会。(未来已来) {你的工作} 目前在招的是链家储备管理岗,链家内部管理岗不外聘,只有内聘,都是从房产经纪人基础岗位一步步晋升的,我们的新人,不论是校招还是社招统一从门店做起接触最基本一手、二手的买卖和租赁业务。 具体而言: 1、链家网的运营,宣传推广房源,增加曝光率 2、为客户匹配合适房源,谈判并成交 3、售后服务:税费计算啊,过户手续啊,合同拟定啊 未来的你可以是:房产税费计算专家、财务分析师、房产法律顾问、谈判专家、心理学专家 {我们需要} 1.普通*****本科及以上学历,(可接受应届生、实习生)! 2.专业不限,对房地产、互联网、金融感兴趣! 3.善于沟通,有较强的语言表达能力! 4.有较强的进取心、学习能力,勇于挑战自我,不甘平庸! 5.有较强的服务意识、强烈的团队精神! 6.优秀应届生优先录取! 有经验者面谈定级: 新人入职综合薪资 月均12k以上,魔都链家,等你来战! {关心业绩,更关心你——你的健康和安全也是我们的责任} 1.社会保险+定期体检 2.季度旅游、年度旅游(豪华迪拜游、日本游等) 3.带薪年假+带薪培训+节日福利+苹果Xs 4.人性化关怀员工:女神节假期、六一假期、中秋大礼包、新年礼包送回家等节假日礼物拿到手软! 5.入住链家旗下自如品牌前三月可享受租房8折福利、服务费8.8折优惠。(只有链家的员工才能享受哦。) {链家范儿} 1.链家学院基地培训+区域培训+门店带教+经理培训+在线培训+多媒体课堂+链家微校! 2.团队作战,分佣模式! 3.你不是一个人在战斗,职能支持团队为你疯狂打call,助你打怪升级。 {我们需要这样的你} 1、*****本科及以上学历 2、学习力强,积极向上,希望和一群文化价值观OPEN、正直、进取的人一起奋斗。 3、喜欢与人交流,有强烈成就动机,敢于挑战高薪,认可付出 = 收获的理念。 4、性格坚韧,战斗力超强,具备在困难、挫折、艰苦的逆境中生存的能力。 【我们能给你提供的} 1、时间是自由的:弹性工作,让你摆脱长时间捆绑在办公楼里枯燥无味的上班族生活 2、收入是不封顶的:新人高额底薪8000(100%可拿),转正后租赁提成50%,买卖提成(25%-70%) 3、培训是免费的:没经验?No Problem!公司提供专业系统的带薪培训(小白大礼包) 4、晋升是不拼爹的:不定期举行公开公正的晋升考核,有能力你就升! 业务序列——物业顾问→营业主任→客户经理→终身荣誉员工 管理序列——分行主管→分行经理→区域总监→事业部总经理 5.福利:内部员工租房、买房、租住自如房屋,服务费享受员工折扣价; 内部员工享有免费学历进修; 老员工享有周年庆定制礼物; 精英社成员享有免费出国游; 公司激励活动,可与父母一起在“人民大会堂”共进晚餐,且报销往返路费、英雄大会; 3.统一购买五险一金+商业保险(补充医疗、意外伤害); {入职后你需要做的} 1、新人入店:迅速熟悉商圈及房产知识——师傅一对一、手把手教学。 2、 积累并开发客户与房源资源——公司系统里有海量而完善的房源信息,善用积累资源; 3、根据客户需求意向,带客户看房——对销售产品及周边环境了如指掌; 4、达成房产经纪买卖和租赁业务成交——商务谈判实践及能力培养;
岗位及职责: 打破传统电销模式,不需要疯狂打call陌拜,公司提供推广针对性客源,线上线下相结合模式,针对公司服务产品进行销售需求挖掘并促成签单,该岗位要求。 1、热爱销售行业,吃苦耐劳,踏实勤奋; 2、通过电话与客户进行有效沟通并了解客户需求, 开发新客户,维护、巩固及拓展老客户; 3、参与商务谈判,签署销售合同并跟踪项目实施服务过程,与客户保持良好关系; 4、从销售和客户需求的角度,对产品的推广渠道及项目实施提供可行性建议; 5、收集和分析市场数据,并定期反馈最新信息; 6、协助部门主管完成公司年度营销目标以及其他任务。 任职要求: 1、3年以上销售经验,有电销经验最少8年; 2、思维敏捷,应变能力、沟通能力、抗压能力强; 3、口齿清晰,普通话流利,有良好的电话沟通能力,语音富有感染力; 4、对电话销售工作有较高的热情; 5、具备较强的学习能力和优秀的沟通能力; 6、有敏锐的市场洞察力、强烈的事业心、责任心和积极的工作态度。 职位福利:全勤奖、绩效奖金
岗位及职责: 打破传统电销模式,不需要疯狂打call陌拜,公司提供推广针对性客源,线上线下相结合模式,针对公司服务产品进行销售需求挖掘并促成签单,该岗位要求。 1、热爱销售行业,吃苦耐劳,踏实勤奋; 2、通过电话与客户进行有效沟通并了解客户需求, 开发新客户,维护、巩固及拓展老客户; 3、参与商务谈判,签署销售合同并跟踪项目实施服务过程,与客户保持良好关系; 4、从销售和客户需求的角度,对产品的推广渠道及项目实施提供可行性建议; 5、收集和分析市场数据,并定期反馈最新信息; 6、协助部门主管完成公司年度营销目标以及其他任务。 任职要求: 1、3年以上销售经验,有电销经验最少3年; 2、思维敏捷,应变能力、沟通能力、抗压能力强; 3、口齿清晰,普通话流利,有良好的电话沟通能力,语音富有感染力; 4、对电话销售工作有较高的热情; 5、具备较强的学习能力和优秀的沟通能力; 6、有敏锐的市场洞察力、强烈的事业心、责任心和积极的工作态度。 职位福利:全勤奖、绩效奖金
职位描述: 作为负责交付的AI Agent产品经理,你将在AI初创公司和跨国公司(MNC)的合作中扮演关键角色,确保在合同范围内深度挖掘客户需求,推动AI Agent解决方案的高效交付。你的职责不仅是最大化合同执行率,还包括管理和优化多个项目的资源配置和进度,确保按时交付优质产品。你将与客户、项目团队和管理层紧密合作,确保交付成果符合质量、时间和收益目标,从而加速跨国企业的智能化转型,提升其在AI时代的竞争力。 1. 客户需求挖掘与合同执行:深入分析客户需求,推动合同金额全额执行(Call Off),确保合同价值最大化,实现客户业务目标。 2. 资源协调与优化:高效协调项目资源,优化非专属资源配置,提升整体资源利用率,确保高效交付。 3. 交付管理:组建并管理交付团队,监督项目进度和质量,确保按时交付并符合合同要求。 4. 收益与成本管理:监控项目收益与成本,及时调整以确保实现预期收益目标。 5. 产品定义与设计:根据需求制定产品方向,审核并指导产品定义与设计,确保其符合市场和客户需求。 6. 产品验收与优化:监督产品验收,确保质量符合预期。分析已上线产品性能,提出并审核优化方案。 7. 架构与工程设计:负责架构设计与调整,审核并优化工程设计,确保技术实现符合业务需求。 8. 开发结果与部署监督:监督开发成果,确保代码质量和项目目标一致,保障顺利部署。 9. 工单系统操作监督:确保工单系统操作流畅,优化运维和支持流程,提高运营效率。 职位要求: 1. 技术背景:3-5年工程开发与交付经验,精通Python和Golang,具备团队领导能力。熟悉服务器、数据库等基础设施设计与应用,具备系统架构设计与实施经验。 2. 产品经验:1-3年互联网产品开发与管理经验,能够根据客户需求进行产品规划和设计,确保产品符合市场需求。 3. 项目管理经验:有大型企业项目交付经验,擅长管理复杂项目和资源协调。具备跨国企业客户项目交付经验者优先。 4. 沟通与协作:具备优秀的跨部门沟通能力,能够与客户、开发和产品团队高效合作。 5. 语言能力:熟练使用英语进行商务沟通,确保与国际客户和团队的顺畅协作。 6. AI工作方式:能将AI工具融入工作流程,实现人机协作,提升效率和稳定性。
【岗位职责】 1.协助老板培养销售精英以及管理公司业务人员 2.可以独立带团队并可以根据一定的方法提升团队业绩 3.根据公司情况调整自己的作战计划 【岗位优势】 1、执行“准时准点”下班制度,不强制加班,午休俩小时=每日工作8小时。 2、无需自己开发客户,由公司每日提供主动咨询的精准意向客户;资源100%每日更新,不会有俩业务人员打电话到同一个客户身上。 3、给予充分的创造发挥空间; 4、每日约客量无要求,跟精准意向客户打电话,全凭客户意愿是否来公司拜访。 【岗位要求】 1、 年龄20-32岁(优秀者可放宽要求) 2、 客户服务意识强 3、 工作认真、积极热情,有责任心和团队合作意识 【福利待遇】 1、 薪资:底薪+激励奖+高额提成通提+奖金,员工均薪10000+福利:五险一金,团体奖、定期团建、轰趴,节假日福利,生日会等等 2、 早上9点到下午6点;周日上午9.30到下午6点,中间都午休俩小时。 欢迎各位有志向想深造提升自己的小伙伴们加入。 【 Talent Training 】 1. Clear promotion mechanism, quarterly promotion 2. New employees can enjoy induction training, professional training and marketing skills training to promote the continuous improvement of employees (With no discount to the base salary, as long as the entry will always be provided, there will be no discount to the base salary and the situation of later reduction). 3. The company provides promotion space for those with excellent ability (Guaranteed promotion within 3 months) 4. I can improve my credit expertise through the platform of positive channels. 【 Job advantage 】 1.The implementation of "on time" work system, no compulsory overtime, two hours lunch break = 8 hours a day. 2. Do not need to develop their own customers, by the company to provide active consultation every day accurate intention customers; Resources are updated 100% daily, and no two business people will call the same customer. 3.Give full creative play space; 4.The daily number of customers without requirements, with the precise intention of customers to call, depending on whether the customer wishes to visit the company. 【 Job Requirements 】 1. Age 20-32 years old (excellent can relax the requirements) 2. Strong sense of customer service 3. Work seriously, Positive enthusiasm, Sense of responsibility and teamwork 【 Welfare 】 1. Salary: base salary + incentive award + high commission + bonus, employee's average salary 20000+ welfare: Five insurance and one fund, group award, regular group buildi
岗位职责 1. 向全球客户通过email/live chat/phone call提供纯英文技术支持(包括了售前和售后的支持); 2. 书写、整理产品英文技术文档; 3. 协助公司内部及客户的技术培训工作; 4. 收集分析客户提出的需求与意见,与其他团队协作解决问题。 岗位要求 1. 本科及以上学历,工科专业,计算机及相关专业优先考虑; 2. CET-6级,具有优秀的英语听、说、读、写能力; 3. 具有良好的表达、沟通和协作能力; 4. 具有优秀的解决问题和总结问题能力; 5. 重视团队合作,工作积极勤奋。 其他信息此岗位无需出差,有出国交流机会; Technical Support Representative Brief Description Provide excellent customer service in accordance with company policies, procedures and philosophies. The Technical Support Representative is the primary point of contact for incoming customer queries relating to technical issues and questions regarding customer communication products and services. Responsibilities 1. Provide day-to-day customer contact via online chats, emails, help desk and phone calls and actively seeks resolution to customer problems with designated products and service lines 2. Write and update knowledge base and technical support documentations to reflect current technical information on product 3. Provide assistance for the technical training to customers and internal teams. 4. Collect and analyse the suggestions and feature requests from the customers. Coordination with internal teams to provide solution to the customers. Experience and Qualifications 1. Bachelor degree or above (engineering course). Computer science or related major is preferred. 2. CET-6 certificate. Excellent verbal and written English skills. 3. Strong communication skills. Ability to interact with customers and internal teams on a professional level. 4. Excellent investigative and problem solving skills. 5. Works well in a “team” environment.OtherNo need to travel. But have the chance for overseas exchange.Dedicated foreign teacher for technical support representative. Provide training for verbal and written English skills. Provide weekly training (Internal training). 大名软件是微软黄金合作伙伴 大名软件是TWAIN工作组会员 官网: http://www.damingsoft.com/