• 10k-20k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    岗位职责: Altair is seeking experienced desktop support engineers to add to our team, supporting a wide variety of highly technical environments and users. This role will include first-line ticketing and call resolution on a ***** and remote basis. The role includes providing support to Altair colleagues by responding to all incoming incidents and services requests for PC’s , software, laptops, mobile devices, and other IT services. Responsibility is broad, ranging from ticket creating and maintenance, through troubleshooting and into break/fix support on PC hardware, printers, mobile devices etc. Working as a global team and escalation to the appropriate specialists is an important aspect of the role. 更具体的职责包括,但不限于: - 用户联系和开票(负责*****区域/Altair其他国家); - 将更复杂的需求上报给二级和专业团队、诊断、排除故障和解决下列问题 - 笔记本电脑/台式机硬件和操作系统(Windows, Mac, Linux)、移动设备(iOS / Android); - 基本的桌面软件(例如,Office、7zip、Adobe reader、notepad++、浏览器等); - 为新用户建立和交付机器/为现有用户更换机器; - 新用户入职培训和任务清单; - 更新和维护知识库票据和CMDB/资产管理信息; - 用户教育(标准软件、IT工作流程等); - 协助全球基础设施团队处理本地事件和项目工作(例如,作为 "远程手"); - 参与团队项目规划和审查相关的本地和全球举措; 岗位要求: - 有不少于3年的远程、本地桌面支持经验; - 桌面/笔记本电脑硬件故障/修复技能; - 较强主动沟通能力以及英语书写和口语能力; - 熟悉ITSM概念和流程; - 有Windows和Mac的桌面管理经验,有Linux的经验为佳; - 熟悉微软团队,有活动目录基本管理任务的经验; - 桌面级的Microsoft 365支持经验(Outlook,办公应用程序等); - 具有ITIL基础水平者优先 - 有自动化操作系统和软件部署及补丁系统的经验者优先考虑; - 有与高技术用户打交道的经验者优先; - 接触软件开发、机械工程和高性能计算等环境优先考虑。
  • 12k-16k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 2000人以上
    RPA:  1. bachelor's degree or above in computer science or IT related discipline.  2. 3-5 years’ experience in related language or platform: vb/peal/c#/sql/Oralce/DB2 applications.  3. knowledge of RPA tools like Automation Anywhere, UIPath(Plus), power automate desktop(Plus).  4. Knowledge of software development life cycle(SDLC) and methods.  5. good command of both written and spoken English  岗位职责:  1.计算机科学或IT相关专业本科或以上学历。  2.3-5年在相关语言或平台方面的经验:VB/PEAL/c#/SQL/Oralce/DB2应用程序。  3.熟悉RPA工具,如AutomationAnywhere,UIPath(Plus),Power Automate桌面(Plus)。  4.了解软件开发生命周期(SDLC)和方法。  5.良好的书面和口语能力
  • 30k-50k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1.参与BI用例的定义,价值创造,工作量和成本估算以及BI用例的总体目标。 2.实施BI门户产品并向用户提供相关培训。 3.与业务团队的关键利益相关者合作,确保仪表盘以清晰有效的方式产生可理解的洞察力。 4.协调并整合不同领域的数据到仪表盘上,以确保设计的解决方案的整体一致性和连贯性。 5.与数据平台团队和基础设施团队紧密合作,准备项目交付和知识转移。 6.确定商业智能仪表盘的实施策略,监督与仪表盘相关的变化管理活动,包括培训、用户支持和沟通。 7.定义和组织BI项目活动,对项目的整体计划和状态进行常规的建议和审查。 8.监测和减轻BI项目的风险,并决定适当的解决方案和/或任何所需的应对措施,以实现目标并尽量减少延误和成本。 9.根据用户需求反馈、最新的业务战略和源数据的变化,不断完善已发布的仪表盘。 10.监测已发布的仪表盘的使用情况和企业商业智能门户的系统状态。 11.在企业商业智能门户的维护和运营方面与技术团队紧密合作。 12.在仪表盘生命周期(发布/调整/退役)流程管理和企业商业智能门户仪表盘事件监控、跟踪、沟通和解决方面与Tableau Server产品负责人紧密合作。 13.在指导数据分析员的日常工作时,要有数据治理的思维方式。 任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历,主修计算机科学、信息系统、统计学、数学、工程学的优先考虑。 2.5年以上零售业BI经验,对零售业数据领域(客户、商店、产品、交易、用户行为等)有深入了解。 3.至少有3年以上的数据分析或数据仓库的实践经验,从需求收集到仪表盘交付,提供端到端的BI仪表盘使用案例。 4.至少2年以上的BI项目管理经验,对BI/分析用例有扎实的项目管理经验。 5.至少2年以上BI产品负责人经验(如企业BI门户或Tableau服务器)。 6.掌握SQL语言,对以下至少一种SQL语言有扎实的实际操作经验: PostgreSQL, HiveSQL, PrestoSQL, SparkSQL。 7.掌握BI产品(Tableau Desktop)和BI平台产品(如Tableau Server、企业BI门户)。 8.有在BI仪表盘和基础数据中应用数据治理(如数据质量)的经验。 9.精通项目管理方法,对敏捷方法的理解也不错。 10.必须具备良好的英语书写和口语能力。 11.有在跨国公司管理复杂IT项目的经验者优先考虑。
  • 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    文娱|内容,企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: - 带领移动端跟HTML5游戏端系统的开发、优化、实时运营等工作,包括但不限于:路线规划、管理代办事项、战斗机制、玩家进度、整合以及变现等。 - 与游戏设计师,美术人员,项目经理以及其他相关开发人员的合作,实现游戏在各平台上的功能与机制运行畅顺。 - 实现UI与互交元素,以便在各种硬件入:手机端、平板、台式机等上的安装达成与玩家的无缝互动。 - 优化游戏在各种平台的功能,包括渲染、记忆体使用和CPU运作。 - 调试问题,以确保游戏在各种类型设备上,玩家都能有流畅的游戏体验。 - 与开发团队一起审查程序代码。 职位要求: - 至少拥有电脑科学、软件工程或相关领域的学士学位或经验,(至少5-10年的相关工作经验)。 - 拥有在手机端跟HTML5端游戏开发的丰富经验,专攻前端/全端开发。 能熟练操作HTML5, Cocos Creators (2D & 3D), JavaScript, Unity 等引擎;会PixiJS & CSS的有加分。 - 能熟练操作Spine的也是有加分。 - 对移动端和HTML5端游戏优化技术以及游戏开发有深入的了解以及丰富的实践经验。 - 拥有丰富的游戏UI & UX 设计和实施经验。 - 优秀的问题解决能力,注重细节,并且能独立解决技术相关问题的能力。 - 优秀的沟通技巧包括与跨职能团队以及外部合作伙伴的共同协调能力。 - 能够适应初创型公司的工作节奏与环境,可独立解决与协调工作问题。 - 对游戏有热情度或在游戏研发上的创新、高品质游戏体验等的渴望。 - 具有开发线上和实时游戏的能力。 - 拥有 HTML5, GooglePlay, Apple iOS, WEB3, 微信小游戏, Facebook, Telegram 等游戏平台的开发经验。 Job responsibilities: - To lead the development and optimization of gameplay systems and live-operation events for mobile and HTML5 games, including planning roadmap, managing backlog, combat mechanics, player progression, integration and monetization. - To collaborate with game designers, artists, project managers and other developers to implement game features and mechanics for various platforms. - To implement UI and interactive elements for seamless player interactions on mobile, tablet and desktop devices. - To optimize game performance for various platforms, including rendering, memory usage, and CPU performance. - To debug issues to ensure smooth gameplay experience across various types of devices. - To participate in code review with the development team. Job requirements: - At least a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering or related field/ experience (5-10 years). - Proven experience in mobile and HTML5 games development, with a focus on frontend and/ or full stack development. - Proficiency in HTML5, Cocos Creators (both 2D and 3D), JavaScripts, Unity etc.; experience with PixiJS and CSS a plus. - Proficiency with Spine a plus. - Strong understanding of mobile and HTML5 game optimization techniques and best practices for game developments. - Experience with game UI and UX design implementation. - Excellent problem solving skills, attention to details, ability to independently solve technical problems. - Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and external business partners. - Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a startup like environment. - Passions for gaming and a desire to create innovative, high quality gaming experiences. - Capability for developing launching and live games. - Experiences with game developments on HTML5, GooglePlay, Apple iOS, WEB3, WeChat, Facebook, Telegram etc.
  • 25k-35k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    区块链 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    Responsibilities: 1.Build high-quality web applications and electron-based desktop applications; 2.Keep optimizing code and applications in codebase, performance and user interface; 3.Build dev-tools/libs for the whole ecosystem of nervos network CKB project and godwoken project; Minimum Qualifications 1.Comp. Sci or Comp. Eng degree or demonstrable skill and equivalent experience; 2.Experienced in Front-end development, familiar with HTML, CSS and TypeScript, have a clear understanding of Web standards(Accessibility, Security); 3.Have worked on generic front-end scope such as Node.js app, electron app; 4.Proficient in utilities of front-end, such as scaffold, css pretreats, and template engines; 5.Prefer React and TypeScript; 6.Have knowledge of Blockchain and have participated in related products design; 7.Fluently in English reading and writing. Preferred Qualifications 1.Live in open source community; 2.Have GitHub or Blog
  • 11k-22k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    工具类产品 / A轮 / 50-150人
    Apifox 是广受开发者欢迎的 API 研发协同工具,我们力求为工程师提供**的开发体验,截止 2022 年 API 研发生态的领域总市值超过了 100 亿美金。Apifox 的管理团队由来自腾讯的的资深工程师构成,您将与一群活力、坦诚、卓越的工程师一同工作,Apifox 一同促进国内乃至全球范围内早日实现「API 化」。 我们的办公室位于天河 CBD,交通与环境便利。加入 Apifox 您将获得与您的潜力匹配的期权、奖金,入职均配备 Macbook Pro 与 4K 显示器。 投递该岗位需携带作品集,涵盖近三年以上主要设计作品。希望您在体验我们的产品后,提出尖锐的批评——落后、丑爆了、没品位。 您将参与: 1. 提升 Apifox 产品在美学和用户体验上的竞争力,主导产品的 Web 端和 Desktop 端 UI/UX 设计; 2. 基于产品原型、需求文档或其它调研报告,与团队中的上下游紧密协同,对上线前进行品控和 Review; 3. 对产品结构和设计元素进行抽象和工程化,制定交互规范,负责建立设计系统和组件库; 4. 为产品与品牌引入前沿的设计语言与设计元素,包括但不限于产品发行材料、官方网站、周边产品和视频。 岗位要求: 1. 专科以上学历,视觉类相关专业。在互联网产品设计类岗位上从业超过 5 年,主导过多个大型项目的设计和持续迭代; 2. 熟悉 Web、Desktop 和移动端平台特性,掌握响应式设计技巧; 3. 熟练掌握 Figma、Sketch、Photoshop 等设计工具,掌握 A4、C4D 等运用在多元交互设计上; 4. 持续关注国际市场的设计走向和设计系统,热爱设计,追求细节; 5. 能够与下游团队保持良好的协同关系,推动设计标准在产品落地过程中不走样、不降格。 加分项: 1. 知名产品及设计团队的主导经验。 2. 获得过国内、外设计奖项,或拥有个人作品——让我们能够在互联网上搜索到你。 3. 理解 Web 前端技术,拥有与前端团队的沟通的深度技巧,做好「提前料」。
  • 智能硬件 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    作为全栈开发工程师,您将负责公司产品的开发和维护,从需求分析、系统设计到编码实现和部署维护。我们期待您具备 5-10 年的软件开发经验,熟悉前端、后端和数据库技术,有扎实的编程基础和良好的代码风格。 主要职责: 1. 负责公司产品的需求分析和系统设计,参与技术决策和方案制定。 2. 负责前后端代码的编写,确保代码质量、性能和可维护性。 3. 协同团队成员完成项目开发,包括前端、后端、测试和运维等。 4. 负责数据库的设计和优化,保证数据安全性和稳定性。 5. 参与项目的部署和维护工作,及时解决线上问题,提高系统可用性。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5-10 年软件开发经验。 2. 熟练掌握至少一门后端编程语言(如 Java、Python、Node.js 等)和前端技术(如 HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Vue、React 等)。 3. 熟悉数据库技术(如 MySQL、Oracle、MongoDB 等),具备数据库设计和优化能力。 4. 了解 Linux 操作系统,熟悉常用命令和 Shell 编程。 5. 具备良好的团队协作和沟通能力,能适应快速迭代的项目开发。 6. 对技术充满热情,有较强的学习能力和解决问题的能力。 我们提供具有竞争力的薪酬待遇和广阔的发展空间,欢迎有志之士加入我们的团队。 岗位详情如下: 岗位职责 Role & responsibility · Work with development teams and product managers to ideate software solutions. · Design client-side and server-side architecture · Build the front-end of applications through appealing visual design · Develop and manage well-functioning databases and applications · Write effective APIs · Test software to ensure responsiveness and efficiency · Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade software · Create security and data protection settings · Build features and applications with a mobile responsive design · Write technical documentation · Work with data scientists and analysts to improve software 任职要求 Qualification & skills requirements · Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role · Experience developing desktop and mobile applications · Familiarity with common stacks · Knowledge of multiple front-end languages and libraries (e.g. HTML/ CSS, JavaScript, XML, jQuery) · Knowledge of multiple back-end languages (e.g. C#, Java, Python) and JavaScript frameworks (e.g. Angular, React, Node.js) · Familiarity with databases (e.g. MySQL, MongoDB), web servers (e.g. Apache) and UI/UX design · Excellent communication and teamwork skills · Great attention to detail · Organizational skills · An analytical mind · Degree in Computer Science, Statistics or relevant field
  • 15k-22k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询,人工智能服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 负责智慧城市平台及业务系统的GIS、BIM等空间数据可视化应用开发工作 任职要求: 1.***本科及以上学历,计算机、GIS或其它相关专业,3年及以上GIS、BIM前端开发经验。本科学历优先; 2.熟练掌握HTML、CSS、JavaScript等前端开发技术,掌握angularJS、VUE、react中的一种JS框架; 3.熟练掌握Cesium、Openlayers、Leaflet、MapboxGL中至少一种GIS、BIM前端框架的开发,能够独立搭建GIS、BIM开发框架; 4.熟悉ArcGIS Server或者超图iServer服务器操作,能够熟练配置地图样式并发布地图服务; 5.熟悉ArcGIS或者超图Desktop,能够使用GIS工具处理数据;有BIM建模软件使用经验、能够处理BIM数据者优先; 6.有至少1年的智慧建筑、智慧园区、智慧城市相关系统的BIM、GIS等空间数据可视化应用开发经验; 7.有UE5开发经验者优先; 8.具有较强的分析问题和解决问题的能力,具有较强的软件编程实现能力,具有良好的沟通表达能力和较强的团队合作意识;做事积极主动,勤奋好学,对技术敏感,了解软件领域最新技术; 职位福利
  • 旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1、负责业务系统的前端项目开发,参与代码优化和架构演进; 2、发现并解决项目中、工作中的痛点问题; 任职资格: 1. 5年相关工作经验,有扎实的计算机基础知识; 2. 深入理解Web前端开发技术,包括HTML/CSS/Javascript等; 3. 至少熟悉React/Angular/Vue等其中一种主流的前端框架,并了解底层原理; 4. 熟悉网站性能优化,了解浏览器实现原理; 5. 了解http协议的基本原理,了解常见的web性能优化手段、常见漏洞 6. 优秀的团队合作能力,沟通顺畅,追求卓越,乐于创新,敢于尝试 加分项: 1. 了解Andriod开发或IOS开发、部署相关知识 2. 熟悉node开发,能够开发node web, node cli, node desktop等类型的应用 3. 熟悉linux及操作系统概念。
  • 9k-10k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Responds to requests to resolve problems and assists users with IT and AV equipment and software, including academic and business environments. 响应解决问题的请求,并帮助用户在学术和商业环境下使用 IT 和 AV 设备和软件。   Provides desktop, software and AV support to Duke Kunshan University faculty, staff and students. 为昆山杜克大学教员、教职员和学生提供桌面、软件和 AV 方面的支持。 Supports  major campus events for IT needs including setup and tear down. 支持重要的校园活动的信息技术需求,包括安装和拆除 Monitors the Helpdesk/ServiceNow Ticket system frequently and responds within a determined timeframe as outlined in service level agreements. Tickets dispatch to assignees.  Analyst logs any progress or actions as he/she works on a problem and closes out the tickets when complete. 保持对服务台和 ServiceNow 系统的密切关注,并在服务级别协议所规定的时间范围内做出响 应。将问题请求单分配给工作人员,分析记录问题解决的任何进展,当问题解决后将请求单关 闭。 Maintains and setup computer labs on campus, by checking it on a regular basis to be sure all IT equipment and services are working, resolving any problems found and keeping the computer work areas clean and neat. 在校园内维护和配置计算机实验室,定期检查,确保所有 IT 设备和服务正常工作,解决发现的 问题并保持计算机工作区的整洁。 Other  tasks  including  help  desk  reception,  new  PC  (Mostly  Dell/Apple  Models) preparation, password reset, VPN MFA, customer complaint handling and problem fix for Wireless network connectives, troubleshoot wireless mics, broken devices, printer maintenance (Ricoh Model), Inventory/ Label and other tasks as needed. 其他任务包括帮助台接待用户、新电脑(主要是戴尔/苹果模型)准备、密码重置、VPN MFA、 处理客户投诉和解决无线网络连接问题、无线麦克风问题排查、损坏设备管理、打印机维护 Ricoh 模型)、库存/标签以及其他需要完成的任务。 Daily checks of all AV equipment in classrooms, event spaces, and team rooms. 教室、活动场地和会议室等日常音视频设备的检查。 General English and Chinese language skill. English skill is preferred. 一般英语和汉语技能。英语熟练者优先。 Must have excellent customer service and interpersonal communication skills while supporting end users and other IT staff members. Constant attention to customer service. 必须有优秀的客户服务和人际沟通技巧,同时支持终端用户和其他 IT 员工,持续关注客户服务 质量。 Ability to communicate with all levels of end user.  能够与不同层面所有终端用户进行友好沟通。 Minimum of two years operational and technical experience in a medium to large - scale  client/server  environment,  performing  server  support  of  operating  systems (Windows, Linux). At least two years of experience performing desktop support of operating  systems  (Windows  and  Mac),  including  experience  installing  and troubleshooting a wide variety of academic and business applications. Experience with managing classroom equipment and technologies are plus. 有两年以上在中大型客户机和服务器环境下工作的操作经验和技术经验,有支持(Windows, Linux)操作系统服务器的经验。有两年以上(Windows 和 MAC)操作系统桌面运维相关的支 持经验,包括安装各种各样的学术和商业应用程序以及它们的故障排除工作。如有过管理教室设 备和技术的经验,将是一个加分项。 Knowledge or experience with desktop management. 有桌面运维的知识或经验。   Excellent teamwork skills, time-management and organizational skills. 良好的团队合作能力,时间管理和组织能力 早班 7:00-15:00,中班 8:00-16:00 ,正常班 9:00-17:00,晚班 14:00-22:00点,轮班,9人团队
  • 30k-40k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Job Description Position Overview Autodesk Construction Solution team is looking for a Senior Software Engineer to help build its Desktop Connector for world-wide customers. Autodesk has industry-leading solutions for industrial design and manufacturing, architecture, engineering and construction, as well as media and entertainment. Over 10 million professionals in 185 countries are using Autodesk products to save time and money, gain competitive advantage, and change the way ideas are brought to life. As Autodesk transitions to the cloud, our value comes from building and scaling reliable and trusted cloud services, and enabling seamless data flow between the cloud services, and Autodesk's worldly known professional applications on desktop, such as AutoCAD and Revit. Desktop connector is a crucial software that bridges the data between desktop based software and cloud world. You will be part of the software development team in Shanghai, working closely with global teams to deliver high quality Desktop Connector, to help global customers transform. Responsibilities Expert in C# .Net technology and design patterns with ability to research and develop complex solutions Experience in desktop development with understanding of components involved in a desktop app like DropBox Understand how async and concurrency work familiar with OOD and design patterns is going to be helpful Self-starter with ability to research a 3rd party library, develops PoC and clearly identify feature gaps, risks, feasibility, and extensibility Design and implement reusable and modular components that fit into existing applications and services Break down a large problem into smaller components and provide a clear solution for each piece Passion for developing robust software by writing testable and maintainable code Work collaboratively in Agile environment to achieve team goals Proficient in Chinese and English Minimum Qualifications 7+ years’ experience designing applications and developing software in .Net 5+ years’ experience with C# and developing windows forms, WPF applications Experience with at least one major server-side application framework Comfortable working in Windows environment BS in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent work experience Preferred Qualifications 2+ years’ experience with WCF and inter-process communication 2+ years’ experience working in industry leading cloud platforms like AWS or similar Cloud security/security development life cycle
  • 60k-100k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    移动互联网,数据服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    我们在 Windows 365 工程团队中拥有令人兴奋的新机会,可以帮助客户利用现代技术来提供托管在 Azure 上的虚拟化应用程序和桌面。  责任 作为Windows 365团队的 工程经理,您将获得 在业务和技术层面发展经验的绝佳机会。您将扩展您在桌面虚拟化和技术领域的知识,包括 Windows、Office 和我们基于云的管理套件,并推动产品改进到Azure/Windows 虚拟桌面。 在这个职位上,你将领导一个由才华横溢、积极进取的工程师组成的团队,他们的行为更像一个初创团队。您的团队将做必要的事情来规划、设计、实施和交付高质量的功能需求, - 与PM密切合作,澄清、理解和完善客户需求和场景 - 组织工程资源,定义和推动工程进度 - 与您的团队一起编写架构/组件设计、实施代码和调试问题 - 通过整合各种机制和创新,确保从需求分析到生产现场服务- - 响应的整个工程周期的高质量 - 吸引、发展、指导并为团队中的工程师提供成长指导 基本要求 - 计算机科学、工程、数学、科学或其他技术领域 的学士学位 - 10 年以上的软件工程经验,构建和交付应用程序和/或服务。 - 出色的技术设计技能和成熟的能力,能够为复杂的项目或产品推动大规模系统设计 - 作为强大而有效的工程经理的可靠记录 - 3年以上领导和发展成功团队的经验 - 流利的英语沟通能力   ---- Microsoft recently announced Windows 365, a cloud service that introduces a new way to experience Windows 10 or Windows 11 to businesses of all sizes. Windows 365 takes the operating system to the Microsoft cloud, streaming the full Windows experience — apps, data and settings — to personal or corporate devices. Secure by design and built with the principles of Zero Trust, Windows 365 secures and stores information in the cloud, not on the device, providing a secure, productive experience for workers from interns and contractors to software developers and industrial designers. Windows 365 also creates a new hybrid personal computing category called Cloud PC, which uses both the power of the cloud and the capabilities of the device to provide a full, personalized Windows experience. The announcement represents a groundbreaking development as organizations around the world grapple with the best ways to facilitate hybrid work models where employees are both on-site and distributed across the globe. We have exciting new opportunities in the Windows 365 engineering team to help customers take advantage of modern technologies to provide virtualized apps and desktops hosted on Azure.  Responsibilities As an Engineering Manager in the Windows 365 team, you will get an amazing opportunity to develop experience at both business and technology level. You will get to extend your knowledge of desktop virtualization and technical areas including Windows, Office and our cloud-based management suite, and drive product improvements into Azure / Windows Virtual Desktop. In this role, you will lead a team of talented and motivated engineers that will behave more like a startup team. Your team will do what is necessary to plan, design, implement and deliver the feature requirements with high quality, Collaborate closely with PM to clarify, understand and refine customer requirement and scenarios Organize engineering resource, define and drive the engineering schedule Author architecture/component designs, implement code, and debug issues with your team Ensure high quality through the entire engineering cycle from requirement analysis to production live service response by incorporating all kinds of mechanism and innovation Attract, develop, mentor, and provide growth guidance to engineers on your team Qualifications Basic Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Science or other technical field 10+ years of software engineering experience building and shipping apps and/or services. Excellent technical design skills and proven ability to drive large scale system designs for complex projects or products Proven track record as a strong and effective engineering manager – 3+ years of experience leading and growing successful teams Fluent English communication skill  
  • 7k-9k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Summary: This executive is general assigned to handle the tasks related to project management process. This position requires the understanding of the Project Management Analysis Process. This position will also be involved in analysis and reporting, project process improvement. Understanding of financial systems, and solid Accounting operation awareness are required as well. Job Responsibilities: 1. Performs daily work with high complexity, including project billing schedule, Sales invoice Requisition, Purchase Requisitions, monthly exception report statements and other management reports/ financial analysis. 2. Assist Manager in preparing management report. 3. Assist Manager to implement internal control procedures and train junior staff. 4. Provide governance advice to Project team on project delivery matters such as governance processes, usage of project systems and project monitoring reports. 5. Review on outstanding accrued revenue aging and finding reasons for any delay in billings to ensure promptness in project billings to customers and improve cash flow position of the Company 6. Support business units and delivery teams in their operations by providing guidance/project financial management and advice some accounting treatments based on contracts terms Job Requirements: Education and Qualifications: Bachelor degree major in Finance or Accounting. Experience Requirement: 3+ years of Finance experience in CPA firms or multinational companies. Skill(Rigid Requirement): 1. Good communication skills in both Chinese and English. 2. Be proficient in SAP, Outlook, Word, Excel, and other similar desktop applications. Soft-Skill(Soft Requirement): 1. Has the ability to prioritize, multi-task, work with minimal supervision. 2. Experience in resolving complex problems cross-functionally. 3. Exemplifies traits of being a team player, with good interpersonal skills. 4. Solid problem solving and root cause analysis experience.
  • 13k-25k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    【公司严格审查学历及工作履历,请确保您的简历与实际情况相符】 岗位职责与要求: 1、熟练使用 Excel 各类函数,搭建报表; 2、可以使用 Power Query 以及简单 M 函数预处理数据。熟悉常用 DAX 函数,理解 DAX 的上下文; 3、Power BI(通过 desktop 和 Pro 版进行 0-1 可视化报表搭建、自动化展示设计); 可以使用 Power BI 搭建数据模 型,出具可视化报表。可以使用 Power BI 报表服务器; 4、可以使用 SQL 搭建看板,使用 Python 清洗数据,了解 kettle 工具,可以做数据的抽取、转换与装载; 5、拥有较强的数据分析能力,沟通能力强,逻辑清晰.擅长tableau, powerbi,永洪bi,帆软; 6、熟悉PowerBI架构设计和数据预处理 7、能够优化数据仓库设计,兼顾性能,可扩展性和健壮性 8、较强的ETL落地工程能力 9、性格乐观、随和,易相处; 10、能够适应面对多任务环境,并且能够准确的理解和支持业务部门的需求; 11、学信网可查本科学历,有5-10年相关工作经验;
  • 2k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    主要工作职责: Main job responsibilities: 1. 利用各种信息来源发现并筛选潜在的交易机会; 2. 通过直接访谈和桌面工作进行市场调研; 3. 撰写财务外包建议书、信息备忘录、运营财务解决方案等; 4. 在工作层面维护日常的客户关系。 1. using various sources of information to find and screen potential trading opportunities; 2. through direct interview and desktop work, market research is carried out. 3. write the financial outsourcing proposal, the information memorandum, the operation financial solution and so on. 4. maintain daily customer relationships at the work level. 任职人员要求: The incumbent demands that: 1.成绩优异的本科应届毕业生;财务专业的优先; 2.勤奋好学,学习能力强; 3.优秀的分析和沟通能力; 4.精力充沛,对待工作认真负责。 1. undergraduate or master's graduates with outstanding achievements; priority in financial major; 2. diligent study, strong learning ability; 3. excellent analysis and communication skills; 4. energetic and responsible for the work. 【实习待遇】 薪水:一般为固定薪水 ,但也可根据之前的经验与工时进行商量。Salary – Stipend and salary are negotiable depending on previous experience and hours worked. 【工作时间】 每周工时:最低要求每周40小时。 实习时间:至少两个月。Working hours per week – Minimum 40 hours/weekLength of internship – Must intern for at least 2 months.