• 25k-40k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 大专
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1.负责Android平台客户端基础设施搭建,功能模块编码; 2.能独立承担想个项目的设计研发; 3.依据项目进度与需求实现软件功能; 4.规范文档的编写、维护及其他与项目相关的工作; 5.代码维护,Bug修改,性能优化。 任职要求: 1.计算机相关专业5年以上工作经验,具备Android平台开发经验,掌握Java各种主流框架及技术; 2.了解Android系统体系结构,熟悉Android应用程序设计,包括UI、网络等方面; 3.熟悉Android下网络通信机制,对Socket通信、MQTT通信、TCPIP和http有一定理解和经验,熟悉Android平台下的多线程; 4.熟练使用Android Studio或Eclipse软件开发工具; 5.熟悉现有Android设备,熟悉移动设备的开发特点,性能调优; 6.有手机移动相关app独立开发项目经验者或参与多个项目开发者优先; 7.有较强的责任感、团队感,具有程序员精神,主动、卓越、合作、敬业; 8.学习能力强,有创造性思维能力和表达能力; 9.会Flutter优先,有直播相关开发经验优先。
  • 11k-20k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 硕士
    软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    ## python 招聘 JD 招聘需求: 职位名称: 软件工程师 工作地:南京 工作职责: 参与 智能体平台项目的功能设计、开发和优化,负责使用Python产品功能开发。 面向AI LLM 算法模型,进行LLM工程化集成开发工作。 分析需求并与团队合作,确保项目按时交付。 参与团队讨论,提供创新性的AI技术应用想法和解决方案。 职位要求: 研究生硕士 五年及以上的软件开发经验,具备扎实的Python编程能力。 熟练掌握python编程语言和异步编程 熟悉fastapi框架、熟悉HTTP协议 熟悉大模型应用开发和提示词工程 具备AI相关项目经验,理解AI算法和技术,熟悉常用的深度学习框架,如TensorFlow、PyTorch等, 了解ModelOps相关概念,有参与MLOps项目经验者优先。 具备良好的团队合作精神,能够与多个团队成员协作完成项目任务。 具备AI模型部署的能力,熟悉常见的部署技术和工具(如Docker、Kubernetes等),并有相关经验。 具备良好的沟通能力和自主学习能力,能够快速学习和适应新的AI技术和开发环境
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in the industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine and investigation tools work together to provide guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results driven. Come join us! Requirements: 5+ years software development experience 5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    What you'll do: Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) Requirement: 1:5+ years software development experience 2:5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development 3:Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM 4:technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus 5:Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. 6:Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus 7:Experience with test-driven development is a plus
  • 15k-25k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine and investigation tools work together to provide guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results driven. Come join us! The software engineer - infrastructure team is the backbone of DataVisor. Without our distributed and highly robust systems, business would stop. We tackle important challenges: clients require sub-second response times while we find relationships in terabytes of data. We’ve created, and continually improve, our massive cluster infrastructure, allowing highly computationally expensive jobs to run smoothly. We love using and learning a 2+ years experience with infrastructure software engineering or production system operation experiences 2+ years experience with Amazon Web Services or other cloud service providers Strong understanding of the Linux environment and systems configurations Experience with Java and Python Experience with Kubernetes, docker Has basic knowledge about networking Open to work remotely Experience with Apache Spark, Cassandra, Flink Experience with Grafana, Loki, ELK
  • 25k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    As platform engineers, we are building a next-generation machine learning platform, which incorporates our secret sauce, UML (unsupervised machine learning) with other SML (supervised machine learning) algorithms. Our team works to improve our core detection algorithms and automate the full training process. As complex fraud attacks become more prevalent, it is more important than ever to detect fraudsters in real-time. The platform team is responsible for developing the architecture that makes real-time UML possible. We are looking for creative and eager engineers to help us expand our novel streaming and database systems, which enable our detection capabilities. We continue to push the boundary of what's possible in fraud detection and data processing at scale. Join us to help usher in more innovative solutions to the fraud detection space. What you'll do: Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) Requirements: 5+ years software development experience 5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
  • 25k-50k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in the industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real-time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine, and investigation tools work together to provide a guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results-driven. Summary: As platform engineers, we are building a next-generation machine learning platform, which incorporates our secret sauce, UML (unsupervised machine learning) with other SML (supervised machine learning) algorithms. Our team works to improve our core detection algorithms and automate the full training process. As complex fraud attacks become more prevalent, it is more important than ever to detect fraudsters in real-time. The platform team is responsible for developing the architecture that makes real-time UML possible. We are looking for creative and eager engineers to help us expand our novel streaming and database systems, which enable our detection capabilities. We continue to push the boundary of what's possible in fraud detection and data processing at scale. Join us to help usher in more innovative solutions to the fraud detection space. What you'll do: 1. Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services 2. Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters 3. Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features 4. Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Flink, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines 5. Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) 6. Manage and coach team members Requirements: 5+ years of software development experience 5+ years of experience in Java/C++ development 1+ year of team management Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
  • 8k-15k 经验不限 / 不限
    医疗|健康 / 天使轮 / 少于15人
    岗位职责(1)全面负责所管药店运作,制定月度.季度.年度销售计划.毛利计划,定量分解下发各部门并督导落实,完成总公司下达的门店经营指标;(2)维持商场良好顾客服务水平,为所有的顾客提供优质.超值的顾客服务;(3)商品陈列标准的规范执行及提高,维持店内整齐生动的商品陈列,为顾客营造热情.礼貌.整洁.舒适.安全的购物环境;(4)阅读各类销售报表,必须熟知每个小分类中销售在前二十位的主力商品和销售最差的后十位商品,及时采取有效措施,确保主力商品不要断货.清退滞销品(5)进行库存管理,保证充足的货品,准确的库存及订单的及时准确下发,维护系统库存的正确性,维持商品的续订量,保证卖场不缺货2.任职要求:有2年以上药店经理相关经验,大专以上学历 展开 所需技能: 连锁药房工作经验
  • 12k-24k 经验不限 / 不限
    服务业 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    工作内容:打球,摆球 每月薪资: 1.2-3W 品牌力:全国30多家品牌球房,2400平大面积,教练多,管理妥当,客流稳定 职位福利:团建,日常福利,球房环境好,没啥任务要求,主打团队和谐,轻松赚钱 学历要求:不限 工作年限:不限 工作地址:合肥天珑广场 任职要求:五官端正,有台球,足浴,酒吧,销售经验优先, 报名方式:请直接投递简历报名或来电咨询报名。
  • 8k-12k 经验不限 / 大专
    教育 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    我们正在寻找一名经验丰富的提示词工程师,尤其擅长自媒体文案写作。你将与创作团队紧密合作,设计和优化AI提示词,帮助提高自媒体平台上的内容影响力。如果你具备深厚的文案写作经验,并了解自媒体平台的运营规则和用户偏好,我们诚邀你加入。 主要职责: 根据自媒体平台(如今日头条、抖音、微信公众号等)的特点,设计并优化AI提示词,帮助创作出符合平台调性的高质量文案,提升阅读量和互动率。 分析不同平台的算法推荐机制,优化提示策略,使生成的文案更具吸引力和传播力。 为短视频脚本、文章标题、宣传文案等多种形式的内容创作提供文案支持,并进行优化。 与创作团队协作,及时调整和优化提示词,以满足不同创作需求。 通过A/B测试等数据驱动方法,评估和改进提示词效果,不断提升文案的生成质量。 针对不同的内容营销场景,创新提示词策略,提高文案生产效率和内容输出的吸引力。 职位要求: 至少2年自媒体平台(如今日头条、抖音、微信公众号等)文案写作经验,深刻理解平台规则和用户偏好。 具备扎实的文案功底,能够撰写吸引读者的标题、脚本和内容,熟悉自媒体平台的文案风格和内容要求。 能够根据目标受众和平台特性,生成具有高互动性的文案,并优化文案表现。 对自媒体平台的推荐机制有较好的理解,能够设计提升阅读量、互动率的提示词。 优秀的沟通能力,能够与创作团队、营销团队密切合作,确保文案符合品牌调性和目标受众需求。 加分项: 熟悉生成式AI模型的工作机制,具备提示词优化的经验。 深入了解自媒体平台的最新趋势,能快速适应并掌握新兴平台的文案风格及规则。 具备今日头条等平台的运营经验者优先。
  • 40k-60k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、为团队业务数据结果负责,包括MCN及达人的商业化收入增长以及达人变现率,萃取优秀工作方法或经验赋能行业; 2、带领团队积极协同内外部共同推进头部和中小达人的商业化生态繁荣,匹配行业客户需求探索内容变现商业模式多样性; 3、能帮助组内销售成长生意经营视角,定位机构发展阶段和诊断出问题,帮其提升达人运营能力、商业化能力和组织效率; 4、做好达人商业化内容生态治理,保证达人生态健康发展; 5、配合其它商业化团队探索达人广告化的产品策略和业务策略。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,有5年以上大客户销售工作经验,有达人营销、直播等经验者优先; 2、有一定的规划能力和分析能力,对市场动向和需求敏感,具备优秀的人际交往和商务谈判能力、提案能力和销售技巧; 3、2年以上管理经验,具备良好的团队管理能力,有较强理解力与出色的沟通协调能力,能够凝聚发展团队; 4、性格开朗,对销售工作有热情,有超强的执行力和自我驱动力,敢于面对压力和挑战,能适应出差或频繁外出拜访客户,能胜任高强度快节奏工作。
  • 16k-26k·13薪 经验不限 / 本科
    硬件,信息安全 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    工作内容 1.负责华为Java相关项目的开发与维护工作。 2.参与系统设计,确保代码质量,配合完成模块测试。 3.快速响应并解决技术问题,保障系统稳定运行。 任职要求 1.精通java编程语言,熟悉spring等主流框架。 2.具备扎实的sql知识,能够熟练使用mysql,oracle等数据库。 3.具有良好的团队合作精神,能够有效沟通,具备一定的架构设计能力。
  • 20k-35k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网,广告营销 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述: 1.负责搜狐视频商业化业务相关产品迭代的前后端质量保证工作; 2.深入理解业务和系统,基于对业务特性、技术架构、质量风险、可测性的分析,在所承接业务方向迭代质量保障方案,共建完备的质量保证体系; 3.深度参与自动化测试开发、测试专项开发以及智能化探索和实践,基于质量效能度量分析挖掘质效痛点,在测试方法、交付流程、质量策略等方面持续探索与改进,共同推进测试质量与效率提升。 职位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业; 2.3年以上前端及服务端测试开发相关工作经验; 3.具备丰富的自动化测试开发经验或测试工具系统开发经验,对持续集成及持续交付有比较深入的理解,能够应用测试技术解决质量和效率痛点问题; 4.熟悉研发测试流程,具备良好的测试项目管理能力和协同能力,能够有效管理研发测试流程中的质量风险,推动项目的高质量交付; 5.具备扎实的计算机专业基础和良好的编程能力,熟练掌握至少 1 门主流编程语言( Java/Python ),具有良好的编程风格; 6.擅长跨部门沟通,有良好的自我驱动力和学习能力,关注行业动态,在质量保障和测试效率提升方向上能够主动、持续的进行思考总结和实践; 7.责任心和自驱力强,擅长从全局视角思考问题,具备用户思维和服务意识。 优先条件: 1.有商业化工作经验者优先; 2.有一定的算法基础,有平台开发经验者优先。
  • 12k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    电商 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1、负责对接集团业务需求管理,统筹公司产品规划和设计; 2、负责集团信息化系统的需求调研和分析,整理、输出客户需求,优化客户系统使用体验; 3、参与公司软件产品规划和设计,参与制定产品发展规划,编写相关需求文档,进行产品迭代; 4、担当项目管理工作,与技术团队紧密配合,推动产品设计、研发、运营及推广,监控产品使用 的全过程; 5、分析业务发展趋势,研究竞争对手,收集整理运营数据和用户反馈,把握产品定位,优化产品策略等; 6、完成上级领导交办的其它工作。 岗位要求: 1、本科以上学历,计算机/信息管理专业,3年以上B端商城软件系统产品规划经 验; 2、逻辑性强,擅长数据分析和需求调研; 3、了解移动互联网产品设计理念,具备优秀的交互体验规划能力; 4、具有高度责任心及自我管理能力,能够在压力下工作; 5、具备良好的沟通协调能力和团队合作精神,有较强的学习能力; 6、良好的沟通能力与团队协作精神,能够跨部门协作并推动项目进展。
  • 5k-8k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    消费生活,电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责公司天猫、拼多多店铺的运营管理,制定运营方案、目标及执行策略; 2、熟悉食品类目、淘宝网络销售平台,淘宝规则和操作流程,具备淘宝直通车、淘宝客、钻石展位等推广工具的实操经验; 3、负责线上活动和专题的策划,线上推广创意及效果优化; 4、充分利用淘宝各种活动资源; 5、懂视频号运营优先 岗位要求: 1、一年以上天猫店或C店运营推广经验; 2、精通店铺各种推广和运营技巧、熟悉淘宝天猫运营环境、交易规则、各种广告资源 及营销工具; 3、具体优秀的创意能力、数据分析能力、方案策划能力及提案制作能力; 4、有较强的团队意识、积极主动,沟通、理解能力强,耐心细致,反应灵敏; 5、对网络营销手段有一定的了解。