• 10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责翻译需求项目管理系统的设计、开发及维护; 2、修复系统缺陷以及解决与其他部门协作过程中出现的技术问题; 3、通过API搭建不同平台间的连接,如内容管理系统与计算机辅助翻译工具间的互联; 4、制定计划定期进行代码优化,持续提升工程及代码的架构、性能、稳定性、扩展性等; 5、深入业务细节,理解并合理高效实现业务需求,转化为系统能力,与团队紧密合作,能够提供技术咨询; 6、支持研发相关的项目管理工作,包括维护和整理工单系统及相关技术文档。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机专业或具备相关工作经验; 2、较强的逻辑理解能力和学习能力; 3、具备相关技术能力:熟练使用React、了解Next.js及Material-UI;能够使用Node.js结合Express.js能力开发Rest API;理解基本的数据库设计原理并能使用MongoDB支持业务需求;具有基本的Dev Ops知识,了解Cloud及Serverless架构,能够部署前后端程序上线; 4、能够用英语作为工作语言,有国际团队合作能力; 5、积极乐观、责任心强、工作认真细致,有良好的团队沟通和协作能力; 6、独立主导过具有一定复杂度的项目或组件的开发; 7、熟悉全栈工作模式。
  • 6k-11k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    数据服务|咨询 / A轮 / 150-500人
    技能要求: 安全,信息安全,网络安全,数据库,网络,IT支持 工作地点为全国各省会城市 1、案件支持,产品培训; 2、配合销售技术支持工作; 3、进行大型的客户培训及演示 4、有频繁出差 5、有PHP、Java、C++或者其他语种前后端开发经验的; 6、有在运营商、机房或者数据中心从事过DBA或Dev&Ops工作的; 7、有项目测试工作经验的。 8、具备一定程度的文件、数据库、音视频等数据恢复能力的; 9、具备一定网络数据包分析,程序逆向/反编译分析能力的; 10、具体一定的代码分析,应用环境重构能力的。 职位要求 1、专科及以上学历,计算机相关专业毕业; 2、有公检法行业技术支持工作经验优先; 3、掌握计算机基础原理及数据存储结构; 4、掌握一定程度的电子数据恢复能力; 5、对服务器系统有一定程度的了解; 6、有一定表达能力。
  • 10k-15k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限
    旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    主要职责: 负责租车资源信息(API资源/non-API资源)的录入,为配置团队(Content ops)配置效率和准确性负责。 制定信息输入与输出标准,建立监控体系,为信息完整性和准确性负责。 负责信息需求收集,解决用户用车过程中的痛点,提高商品竞争力。 对产品功能和价值有清晰的认知,结合用户、商家和平台运营策略,推动产品功能的优化。 通过业务观察与分析,独立输出方案、组织、协调、强力推进重点项目落地。 任职要求: ***本科及以上学历,有4年以上工作经验,1年以上团队管理经验;信息管理相关工作经验、租车行业经验优先。 良好的英语读写能力; 逻辑清晰,执行力强,有责任心,注重细节,有目标感,自驱力强。
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 日常实习:面向全体在校生,为符合岗位要求的同学提供为期3个月及以上的项目实践机会。 团队介绍:"隐私和数据保护办公室,负责与法律/安全/Eng/Prod/OPs团队合作,在隐私和数据保护领域支持字节跳动相关国际化产品。 Ensure robust privacy controls and procedures are in place: continue collaborating with Legal/Security/Eng/Prod/OPs team to support ByteDance's international short-video product." 1、学习应用数据分析的工具和平台,对App埋点进行数据分析; 2、检测数据质量和准确性以确保业务符合隐私合规要求; 3、编写SQL查询编程并执行ETL,以确保数据流转满足业务需求和目标; 4、构建、维护和优化分析仪表板,以实现对数据持续监控和分析; 5、定义和度量国际化短视频隐私实践运营成功的指标,发现数据问题,提出改进意见和办法并推进数据驱动业务进行创新进步; 6、通过数据识别风险场景,检测异常用户活动并提供解决方案。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历在读,数据科学、统计学、运筹学、数学、计算机科学、商业分析相关专业优先; 2、具有快速学习新工具的能力,对互联网的特征和业务动态有深刻的理解; 3、具有良好的沟通和表达能力,熟练掌握英语,具备积极主动、自我驱动的成熟职场思维; 4、具有使用数据可视化工具对数据进行监控分析的经验,如仪表板、Tableau等; 5、熟练掌握SQL语言,有Python编程语言经验; 6、可以实习3个月及以上,具有构建数据管道或自动化和大数据技术和其他数据相关技能经验者优先。
  • 7k-9k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    硬件 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1、审核研发、采购、制造等部门OPS改善情况; 2、成本分析管控; 3、各类各项业务的报价工作; 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,财会类等相关专业; 2、熟悉BOM、擅长使用SAP系统; 3、熟悉国内会计准则,熟悉国家各项相关财务、税务、审计法规和政策; 4、有大型制造业行业经验优先。
  • 移动互联网,游戏 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Senior Game Designer Wargaming Shanghai is looking for a senior game designer who is expected to bring his passion to the team and is ready to participate in the design work for a massively multiplayer online action game. This role will work closely with the members of the Shanghai team and remotely with the overseas designer team, focusing on the development of content for China players. Reports To What will you do? • Works with the design and product manager to develop, shape, and polish systems and mechanics appropriate to a game’s IP and creative vision. • Collaborates with product teams to integrate required features. • Creates and maintains game design documents that communicate concepts and define requirements to other team members across different disciplines (Publishing, Analytics, Art, UX / UI, Game Balance, Game Design). • Works with the team to develop paper and digital game system prototypes. • Identifies stakeholders and the degree of their influence on the feature. • Forms and specified concepts, goals, and objectives of the feature and subsequently agree on them with key stakeholders. • Collects, analyses, and approves the end requirements for the feature. • Consults all specialists involved in the feature's development, delivery, and support. • Ensures the follow-up after launch to improve, add, or sunset features. What are we looking for? • A minimum of 5+ years of professional experience in game design including system design and with a portfolio showcasing design skills and contributions to launched commercial games. • Experience in designing live ops meta-game features that drive player retention and engagement, including experience on free-to-play massively multiplayer online mobile titles. • Familiarity with popular collaborative design tools, such as Figma and Axure. • Good communication and cross-function collaboration skills. • Comfortable collaborating remotely with international developer teams in an English environment. What additional skills will help you stand out? • Experience with game analytics and the ability to use data to drive design decisions. • Prior Unreal development experience.
  • 15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 硕士
    其他 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    职位描述: 1. AWS云平台日常运维; 2. 基于AWS 云平台,编写terraform脚本,通过terraform脚本来建立,修改 infra配置; 3. 编写helm chart ,并在EKS上部署服务; 4. 大数据业务相关运维; 5. CI/CD流程维护,监控平台搭建、维护; 6. 基于ceph的juiceFS分布式集群运维,集群容量规划、扩容、集群性能优化及日常巡检和应急值守; 职位要求: 1. 硕士及以上学历,计算机、电子或其他相关专业; 2. 熟悉k8s及docker; 3. 熟悉AWS云相关运维技术,具备共有云的工作经验,熟悉公有云大数据产品的使用; 4. 精通helm代码编程; 5. 熟悉terraform编程; 6. 有Hadoop、Spark、HDFS、YARN、Hive、Airflow等运维工作经验; 7. 熟悉Nignx,Haproxy等常规代理分发配置能力; 8. 熟悉Linux操作系统,有较强的脚本能力,通过脚本及工具的使用提升自动化管理、持续交付的能力,会使用ansible/jenkins等工具; 9. 具备一定的网络与存储、备份知识; 10. 具备较强的独立解决问题的能力,良好的团队意识和沟通能力,学习能力和主动性强; 11.熟悉公有云上的数据库,可应对数据库排错、备份等日常运维操作,优化数据库等工作; 加分项: 1. 有AI Ops相关经验; 2. 搭建并运维过大规模juiceFS(CephFS)存储集群,KV缓存集群; 3. 有AI GPU训练平台搭建、维护经验。 公司介绍: 三星电子中国研究院是三星电子在华投资设立的具有独立法人资格的研发机构,是具备博士后工作站运营资质、聚集了600人研发团队,并由国家批准认定的软件企业。研究院专注于人工智能、5G/6G通信技术研究和标准化等前沿技术,也积极进行商用化的开发、推动先进技术在三星产品中的商用化落地,提升三星电子产品的竞争力。 新时代,新机遇。三星电子中国研究院希望把握人工智能、5G/6G与IoT技术发展的时代机遇,凝聚海内外计算机、电子及通信领域的优秀人才,坚守“做中国人民喜爱的企业,贡献于中国社会的企业”的承诺,与您一起携手共赢、创造未来! 真诚欢迎您的加入! ※ 请应聘者在应聘过程中对现公司、 前公司的商业秘密进行保密 ※ 请应聘者确认您投递的简历不包含现公司、前公司的商业秘密
  • 13k-18k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Responsibilities • Perform 4-eye validation ticket checking to the completed request of IAM Ops in timely manner accordingly to SLA. • Follow up the finding from 4-eye validation process with the IAM request handler until the issue is addressed and escalate the open item to the responsible Team Lead when needs. • Record all the review / communication evidence and update the log. • Participate in root cause analysis, and identify the improvement opportunities when failures occur • Define and fine tune the working procedures or working manual of QA Team. • Strictly follow AIA standards, security policies and internal procedures/guidelines in daily operation. • Support IAM leaders to maintain and enhance IAM solution. • Demonstrate and apply strong teamwork and communication with other team members. Requirements • Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or related discipline. • A minimum of 3 years’ experience working in Identity and Access Management. • Experience of Identity and Access Management on different OS Platforms (e.g. Active Directory, Windows, AS400, Unix, Linux, SQL, Sybase, Oracle etc.) or Cloud are preferred. • Ability to learn quickly and adapt to changing requirements. • Good understanding of IAM principles. • Strong knowledge of cyber security concepts. • Demonstrated integrity within a professional environment. • Excellent command of written and spoken English. • Chinese speaking is preferred.
  • 20k-40k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    数据服务,软件开发 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责项目技术开发工作安排并严格监督项目执行情况,确保项目按计划完成; 2、负责制定团队开发规范等,并跟踪开发过程及时纠正,提高团队协作效率; 3、负责技术路线相关的预研、规划和技术攻关工作; 4、负责研发团队的建设、激励、考评、培养等相关工作,持续提升团队工作热情、工作质量和工作效率,带领技术开发团队达成最终工作目标。 岗位要求: 1、***本科以上学历,计算机、软件开发相关专业,有海外留学或外企工作经验优先; 2、作为公司技术团队负责人3年以上管理经验,5年以上软件开发工作经验; 3、精通python,熟悉主流技术架构体系,具备devops/ML Ops经验,有互联网行业相关工作经验; 4、有SaaS 平台、AI平台、业务技术中台等项目或产品架构设计实施经验优先; 5、具备大型分布式、高并发、高负载、高可用系统架构、设计、开发和调优经验; 6、优秀的沟通协调及组织管理能力,具备目标设定与执行,项目管理,激励与辅导,有效促进他人行动的能力,能够领导团队完成开发任务。
  • 13k-18k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Responsibility: Build the application in a completely scalable fashion that can process millions of messages concurrently and can scale up to million concurrent enterprise application connections. •Bring in your experience in building scalable and repeatable application to make every component of the platform modular by design with industry grade security. •Design and implement RESTful APIs to expose platform features as microservices. •Build and deploy performant modern web applications. •Design efficient and scalable backend systems. •Write unit, integration tests for the application. •Write high-quality code that communicates with upstream backend services via HTTP APIs. •Identify and resolve performance and scalability issues. •Participate in code reviews. •Build micro-services and understand different patterns to approach the designs. •Participate on common application functionality, and consistent, best-practice platform and application design. •Adopt industry standard coding practises to develop the platform to ensure scalability, security and stability. •Collaborate with development and partnership team to develop integration adapters for third party technology and modules. •Perform requirements analysis and design with project leads, business analysts and other developers. Requirement: Backend Programming Language: C#, .NET Core •Front End Programming Language: Angular •Database Technologies: MSSQL, PostgreSQL •Source code Management and Build: GitLab, Git •Scrum/Task Management: JIRA, Confluence •Messaging: Kafka, Any Pub/Sub library •Dev Ops & Containerization: Docker •Cloud Environment: AWS Native services (MSK, ECS, EKS etc) •Experience developing complex, enterprise grade, configurable, scalable software products. •A background in systems level thinking and design. Combined with the ability to translate technical strategy and architectures into concrete, minimal viable products, with the right tradeoffs and phasing. •Understanding of the architectural principles for cloud based platforms that include SaaS, PaaS, multi-tenancy, infrastructure as code, and continuous availability. •Experience working in an agile environment. •Ability to collaborate effectively across various cross-functional teams and groups. •Experience with source control management systems and continuous integration/deployment environments. •Internally motivated, able to work proficiently both independently and in a team environment. •Strong initiative to find ways to improve solutions, systems, and processes
  • 9k-14k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    Responsibility: Build the application in a completely scalable fashion that can process millions of messages concurrently and can scale up to million concurrent enterprise application connections. •Bring in your experience in building scalable and repeatable application to make every component of the platform modular by design with industry grade security. •Design and implement RESTful APIs to expose platform features as microservices. •Build and deploy performant modern web applications. •Design efficient and scalable backend systems. •Write unit, integration tests for the application. •Write high-quality code that communicates with upstream backend services via HTTP APIs. •Identify and resolve performance and scalability issues. •Participate in code reviews. •Build micro-services and understand different patterns to approach the designs. •Participate on common application functionality, and consistent, best-practice platform and application design. •Adopt industry standard coding practises to develop the platform to ensure scalability, security and stability. •Collaborate with development and partnership team to develop integration adapters for third party technology and modules. •Perform requirements analysis and design with project leads, business analysts and other developers. Requirement: Backend Programming Language: C#, .NET Core •Front End Programming Language: Angular •Database Technologies: MSSQL, PostgreSQL •Source code Management and Build: GitLab, Git •Scrum/Task Management: JIRA, Confluence •Messaging: Kafka, Any Pub/Sub library •Dev Ops & Containerization: Docker •Cloud Environment: AWS Native services (MSK, ECS, EKS etc) •Experience developing complex, enterprise grade, configurable, scalable software products. •A background in systems level thinking and design. Combined with the ability to translate technical strategy and architectures into concrete, minimal viable products, with the right tradeoffs and phasing. •Understanding of the architectural principles for cloud based platforms that include SaaS, PaaS, multi-tenancy, infrastructure as code, and continuous availability. •Experience working in an agile environment. •Ability to collaborate effectively across various cross-functional teams and groups. •Experience with source control management systems and continuous integration/deployment environments. •Internally motivated, able to work proficiently both independently and in a team environment. •Strong initiative to find ways to improve solutions, systems, and processes
  • 营销服务|咨询,MCN|直播平台,文化传媒 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Position Profile Own the day-to-day execution, management, and optimization of SEO and digital lead generation to fill our funnel with qualified leads and ultimately generate pipeline and revenue. This person is responsible for campaign execution, management, analysis, optimization, and reporting on campaign performance to leadership. This person will also own all SEO programs and growth opportunities to drive qualified, organic traffic to the website. Working under the Director of Demand Generation, this person will identify new campaign opportunities and areas for optimization, to help drive engagement on target accounts as well as generate pipeline. Essential Responsibilities •Plan, execute, analyze, optimize and report on all paid digital efforts globally including paid search, social advertising (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter), and display/retargeting •Own the roadmap for on-page and off-page SEO programs and growth opportunities, prioritizing initiatives based on level of impact and level of effort •Conduct content gap analysis, keyword opportunities, and competitive audits, and regularly audit website for SEO friendliness and improvement opportunities, as well as site architecture and technical infrastructure SEO optimizations •Work with marketing team to monitor and grow quality inbound links, and recommend content that will drive SEO value •Monitor and report on SEO performance •Partner with Marketing Ops and DG leadership to understand campaign efficiency and ROI and suggest ways to optimize spend •Maintain campaign budgets •Suggest new, innovative areas for growth, both paid and non-paid •Optimize toward agreed upon campaign KPI’s and ultimately meet marketing attributed pipeline and NMRR goals. •Develop and maintain integrated, multi-touch demand marketing campaigns •Adhere to campaign launch calendars and timelines •Maintain relationships with media vendors and marketing agencies Other duties as assigned by the Company. This job description is intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this job. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, skills, efforts or working conditions associated with a job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions.
  • 电商平台 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    - 本职位为海外职位,base【新加坡】,请仔细阅读后申请; - 薪资范围仅供参考,可面议; - 对于通过面试的海外员工,我们会为其申请工作签证(可为亲属和小孩提供依亲签证),并提供安置费用. The SeaMoney team enables and drives innovations by providing a range of financial products and services to individuals and SMEs across the region. Join us and be the driving force in launching our business across multiple markets in Southeast Asia. 职责描述: Develop fraud risk framework, policies, and guidance and ensure business adherence to anti-fraud policies and guidelines Develop, implement, and monitor strategies spanning the fraud ecosystem, (including transactional fraud, payment fraud, and account fraud), and support the development of predictive and statistical models to enhance the implementation of fraud strategies Oversee fraud business system requirements (including rules) and support fraud ops team on investigation or any ad hoc queries Perform data analysis on fraud trends and fine-tune rule enhancement adjustments and provide recommendations. Collaborate with Fraud PM on the implementation of the anti-fraud system Responsible for fraud rule knowledge sharing on fraud analysis and solutions across the bank Perform other tasks that may be assigned from time to time 任职要求: Bachelor’s degree or higher in Accountancy, Banking, or Business equivalent 3-10 years of relevant hands-on fraud banking, payment, or fin-tech experience Knowledge and experience in fraud mitigation, fraud detection rule writing, and developing rules management best practice Understanding of fraud schemes at a good technical level (Trojans, injections, social engineering, etc.) Familiar with MAS regulations such as MAS Notice 641 Strong interpersonal and communication skills Strong problem-solving skills with a positive constructive attitude Structured, factual, and data-driven, ability to deep dive into data and elaborate clear and synthetic insights
  • 7k-9k·13薪 经验1年以下 / 本科
    电商,数据服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位详情 1负责苹果产品各阶段的功能、性能测试,及测试环境 维护; 2.制定测试计划及测试方案,构建测试环境,设计测试 用例 管理日常测试迭代工作,不断优化测试用例 3.跟踪并验证BUG,协助apple开发人员查找问题原因,讨论缺陷并提出解决方案,确认问题得以解决 4.负责测试工作的技术平台积累,包括测试规范、经验 案例等的撰写和升级维护; 5.完成项目测试工作,输出测试报告; 6.负责日常良率、重测的FA并完成相应报告; 7.与TDL/EPM/TPM/MFG等内部项目组成员进行积极有效沟通,推动问题解决; 8.与TDL/OPS/Function DRI 等客户成员沟通协作, 推动问题解決 职业要求 1.已取得****** 2.熟练使用Offce办公软件; 3.英语等级4级及以上,口语要求良好;有相关工作经验可适当放宽 4.思维清晰,有较强的逻辑思维和良好沟通能力者优先 5.能接受频率为三个月两周左右的夜班
  • 20k-30k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    服务业 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    职位概述: • DC Ops – 服务器工程师角色开发 Wintel、Linux 和 Sun – Solaris 服务器的专业知识。 该岗位需说明安装标准以满足项目需求,根据需要提供服务器组件,并评估潜在的解决方案,演示、安装和调试选定的产品。 主要职责: • 为银行服务器提供一级支持 (AD, Exchange, SharePoint, Teams, etc.) • 提供服务器管理,包括硬件和软件安装和故障排除、操作系统配置和安全加固、备份和恢复、监控、性能和调优 • 执行高可用性和灾难恢复的创建、维护和执行任务以及替代Wintel/Linux架构和解决方案的建议 • 了解业务系统及其相关的服务器需求 • 从技术评估启动阶段开始参与项目,以确定对现有系统的影响,提供风险、性能和优化方面的输入 • 与区域SA合作,采用最佳实践和标准 • 通过管理系统备份和数据归档操作的调度来保证服务器的可恢复性。 资格要求 • 计算机科学、计算机工程或银行相关领域的学士学位 • 至少 4年在企业环境中支持 Wintel/Linux 基础架构的经验 • Wintel工程师具备MCSE、 Linux 工程师具备RHCE优先 • LAN/WAN/MAN 协议知识 • 有防火墙相关知识和经验者优先 • 有与供应商和区域团队合作的经验者优先 • 有金融行业经验者优先 • 能够使用脚本自动执行任务 • 熟悉服务器安装、备份和恢复、容量和性能管理、复制、故障排除和安全管理 • 良好的中英文书面沟通能力,口语敢开口做简单沟通