岗位职责: 1. 负责公司全渠道运营策略的制定与执行,提升品牌知名度和销售额; 2. 擅长新媒体运营,包括但不限于微信公众号、微博、抖音等平台; 3. 负责抖音、京东商城、视频号店铺的直播运营,提升直播效果和用户互动; 4. 深入了解社群私域营销,制定并执行社群营销策略,提升用户粘性和转化率; 5. 负责实体店小程序的运营,优化用户体验,提高店铺销售额; 6. 跨部门协作,与市场、产品、设计等部门沟通,确保运营目标的达成。 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,市场营销、电子商务等相关专业优先; 2. 3年以上全渠道运营经验,有成功案例者优先; 3. 熟悉新媒体运营策略,具备一定的文案撰写和图片处理能力; 4. 擅长抖音、京东商城、视频号店铺直播运营,有成功直播案例者优先; 5. 熟悉社群私域营销,具备社群运营和管理经验; 6. 了解实体店小程序运营,能独立完成小程序的推广和运营; 7. 具备良好的沟通协调能力,具备团队合作精神; 8. 具备较强的数据分析能力,能根据数据调整运营策略。 岗位职责: 1. 制定全渠道运营策略,包括新媒体运营、直播运营、社群私域营销、实体店小程序运营等; 2. 负责公司新媒体平台的日常运营,包括内容策划、发布、互动、数据分析等; 3. 负责抖音、京东商城、视频号店铺直播的策划、执行和跟进,提升直播效果; 4. 制定社群营销策略,搭建和管理社群,提升用户活跃度和转化率; 5. 负责实体店小程序的日常运营,优化用户体验,提高店铺销售额; 6. 定期分析运营数据,调整运营策略,提升运营效果; 7. 参与公司重大活动策划与执行,提升品牌形象。 岗位待遇: 1. 薪资:面议,根据个人能力及经验; 2. 五险一金、年终奖、分红、节假日福利等; 3. 提供良好的晋升空间和职业发展机会、合伙人计划; 4. 舒适的工作环境和团队氛围。 联系方式: 有意者请将个人简历发送至邮箱:*********************,邮件标题请注明“全渠道运营专员+姓名”。我们会尽快回复您的邮件,谢谢!
岗位职责: 1.负责云平台软件系统的设计、开发 2.负责项目的架构设计 3.技术的演进,架构的升级等工作 4.对系统和性能进行优化 任职条件: 1.计算机、软件工程等专业本科学历或以上 2.5年以上.Net相关开发经验 3.可独立根据需求完成相关工作; 4.有较强的问题分析和解决能力 5.精通C#语言, 6.熟悉常见web框架并了解其优缺点 7.具有较强的自我学习能力 8.熟练掌握数据库SQL Server或MySQL等的开发工作,可以熟练运用SQL语言; 9.熟悉分布式、延展性、可扩性架构设计,具备大流量、大访问量、高负载环境下的系统开发及优化经验 10.为人正直,具有强烈的责任心,有良好的沟通,协调和组织能力。 11.具有AWS Service开发经验优先
现面向社会广纳贤才,诚招蒙牛常温奶业务员(即墨东乡业务)配送人员 2-3 名。 我们正在寻找积极进取、责任心强且具备相关工作经验的人士加入我们的团队。如果你在快消品领域有一定经验,那将是我们优先考虑的对象。 作为蒙牛常温奶的业务员,你将负责即墨东乡地区的配送工作,确保产品能够及时、准确地送达客户手中。这不仅需要良好的沟通能力和组织能力,更需要对工作的高度热情和敬业精神。 我们提供具有竞争力的薪资待遇,具体薪资将根据个人能力和经验面议。 如果你渴望在一个稳定且有发展前景的行业中展现自己的才能,如果你对蒙牛常温奶的业务充满热情和信心,那么不要犹豫,立即与我们取得联系。 期待你的加入,与我们共同开创美好的未来!
本岗位工作人员应本着恪尽职守,求真务实的工作作风,严格执行本岗位职责: 协助公司内务管理,为其他部门提供及时有效的后勤服务; 做好后勤日常事务工作,保持环境整洁; 掌握和使用印章并审核、开具单据; 对入库物品要详细检查数量、规格、质量品种,是否与上游出库单相符; 学习各医院的开单流程及注意事项; 学习公司品类项目,及时配合市场部准备相关资料,如报价、产品资料、彩页、设备性能、参数等; 学习医疗器械的法规和质管部门的职责; 维护日常电脑的正常操作; 如实上报后台系统的一切运作情况; 完成领导交给的临时任务。
岗位职责: 1. 负责搜集、整理、分析各类招投标信息,为公司的投标决策提供数据支持; 2. 负责投标文件的编制、审核、装订、递交等工作,保证投标文件准确、规范、及时递交; 3. 参与投标项目的商务谈判,协助部门经理制定投标策略,制定商务方案; 4. 负责与招标方进行沟通与协调,处理投标过程中的问题,确保投标过程顺利进行; 5. 定期对投标工作进行总结和分析,提出改进意见和建议,提高公司投标成功率; 6. 负责投标文件及投标过程的保密工作,遵守公司保密制度; 7. 完成上级领导交办的其他相关工作。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历 2. 1年以上投标相关工作经验,熟悉招投标法律法规、流程及标书制作要求; 3. 具备良好的沟通协调能力、逻辑思维能力和分析判断能力; 4. 具备较强的责任心和团队合作精神,工作细致认真,能承受工作压力; 5. 熟练使用办公软件(如Word、Excel、PowerPoint等)及网络工具; 薪资福利: 1. 薪资范围:面议,根据个人经验和能力确定; 2. 享有五险一金、年终奖、项目奖金等福利; 3. 提供完善的培训体系和职业发展通道; 4. 享受国家法定节假日、年假、婚假、产假等带薪假期; 5. 良好的团队氛围和企业文化,舒适的办公环境。
1、负责公司产品区域的销售及推广; 2、制定市场部门营销计划,并执行落实销售指标; 3、开拓市场,发展新客户,增加产品销售市场; 4、负责辖区市场信息的收集及完成所辖区域的产品销售任务,提升产品在区域内的占比; 5、管理维护客户关系以及客户间的长期战略合作计划。
开车送货上门 工作简单轻快。平时帮忙整理库存
工作职责: 1. 负责无人驾驶车辆开发过程中的项目管理工作; 2. 项目预算制定,项目立项; 3. 协调与组织项目相关资源,确保项目按期交付; 4. 有效管理项目风险,及时发现并跟踪解决项目问题; 5 .负责组织项目各项评审会议及项目例会。 任职要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,3年以上工作经验; 2. 有整车、车辆零部件或机器人等项目开发管理经验; 3. 具备较强的沟通协调能力和文字表达能力; 4. 责任心强,能承受较强的工作压力; 5. 有机器人、无人驾驶、计算机视觉、AI等相关领域等相关项目管理经验优先。 加分项 有以下行业经验:智能硬件. 主要对内。
职责描述: 1.负责公司融资授信工作,分析可行的融资渠道和项目需求,编制公司融资计划并组织实施; 2.负责向各类银行、非银行金融机构、投资机构等资金提供方进行融资,满足公司业务发展需要; 3.负责申报所需融资授信资料,与资金提供方进行融资模式设计、融资成本谈判,并组织完成融资合同签署和放款工作; 4.配合资金方后续项目管理要求,维护与资金方的长期合作关系,积极开拓新的资金合作伙伴。 任职要求: 1.大学本科及上学历,金融、财务、法律、管理等相关专业,有五年以上银行或融资租赁公司等金融机构工作经验者优先; 2.具备全面的金融行业知识,了解各类金融产品,能独立做融资项目至落地,善于根据公司需求提供全方位的金融解决方案; 3.熟悉银行和非银行金融机构融资流程,具有较强的资金运作能力,良好的市场开拓能力和商务谈判能力; 4.具有丰富的融资渠道和业内广泛资源,沟通协调能力较强; 5.具备较强的融资项目分析、判断、执行等专业能力,具备较强的风险意识。
Senior Front-end Development Engineer (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity, and we urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 2 years of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS / Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
Front-end Software Development (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity and urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 1 year of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • A minimum of 1 year of commercial experience with front-end development • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS and/or Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
Back-end Internship (work for experience) #Excellent English communication skills required We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity and urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: #SSW only takes on exceptional work experience applicants who are looking to get their nose into the Microsoft world. • An IT degree or major in electronic information engineering, software development or related • Junior year is preferred or senior year with related experience • Willing to use Microsoft-related technologies • At least 3 days per week available • Long-term internship only • The ability to communicate and interact professionally and comfortably with clients • Based in Hangzhou, China Skills: • Acknowledge of C# or .Net • Acknowledge MySQL • Experience with commercial development would be a bonus • Experience with Angular would be a bonus • Experience with TFS and/or GIT would be a bonus #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
工作职责: 1、结合当下的热门游戏资讯,输出视频、热点文章发布到海外各自媒体平台,完成用户新增目标; 2、根据用户需求点制作视频、图文(视频)攻略教程等发布各自媒体平台渠道(包括但不限于Tiktok、Facebook、Youtube、Twitter等平台渠道); 3、负责各个自媒体平台账号的日常运营工作,对各平台曝光进行数据分析并做出相应优化运营策略,探究各视频平台运营规则和流量最大化; 4、结合实时热点,在各本地论坛、Facebook社群、Reddit等渠道找到产品潜在用户,发布产品软广为产品及品牌曝光。 任职要求: 1、大专以上学历,有短视频运营相关工作经验者优先,具备视频剪辑能力,可熟练使用PR等视频剪辑工具,可接受应届生; 2、优秀的内容创作能力、市场营销思维和数据分析能力; 3、英文读写流利,4级以上,有小语种背景为加分项; 4、对加速器了解,热爱游戏,游戏涉猎广泛,关注海外游戏行业资讯,了解游戏用户群体,自媒体负责人/B站UP主等身份优先; 5、沟通能力强,良好的自驱力,有责任心,有耐心,强烈的成就动机,勇于不断挑战与进步。 俊云收入结构: 月薪+年终奖金+绩效奖金+合伙年终分红+各类补贴+俊云特色福利包,全年累计14-16个月月薪。 俊云各类福利: 1. 社保&公积金&商业保险为你保驾护航,助你安居乐业有保障。 2.公司自有食堂营养双餐&餐后水果&丰盛零食,让你元气满满,能量加倍。 3.N天带薪年假&团建基金&团队出游&花式聚餐,助你快速融入团体,默契协作。 4.专项学习发展基金&各类学习资源与补贴,帮你技能提升,快速成长。 5.各类贺礼、慰问、节庆、纪念日,花式宠你,让你倍感温暖与惊喜。 期待我们共同努力,成为一家有用户规模、有社会责任担当的企业,为团队成员提供物质及精神的幸福保障,为玩家带来更好的游戏体验,还在等什么,一起追梦吧~
岗位职责: 1、负责海外社交/直播运营,提升用户体验; 2、对数据进行分析、处理,从数据中发掘产品优化思路; 3、管理主播,建立良好的内容生态; 4、与上下游部门保持长期良好协作,确保良好运转。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历; 2、对海外文化有一定了解,熟悉海外社交/直播生态; 3、有良好数据处理及分析能力; 4、具备良好学习能力,能快速适应变化。 我们的优势: 1. 超高的人才质量:985、211院校毕业职工比例达到75%以上; 2. 强大的资源支持:能接触到核心业务资源,满足学习成长要求; 3. 业务特色:优质海外产品,能上同类产品的全球榜单~
【仅限20名】!!先报名先得!! 帅哥美美们,都是零零后放心来聊 员工福利: 1、富有高薪挑战性,完成标准即可获得的奢侈品奖励,包括(最新款苹果或华为手机、貂皮大衣,双倍提现,黄金等) 2、每年两次出国游,丰富的外出团建活动(聚餐、登山、自驾游、KTV等) 公共设施: 公司置有冰箱,微波炉等供使用 工作氛围:;公司办公环境舒适,氛围轻松和谐,青春活力,是一个年轻,高效的团队。 工作内容:咱们这边主要负责账号运营 短视频软文等制作 发布 推广等 薪资:平均薪资8000左右 前期来了学习期底薪4000+提成 内部可以晋升 每晋升一次薪资上调500 工作时间:早上8点到下午5.30中午休息一个半小时 单休可以调休攒休 福利待遇:五险一金、带薪年假、带薪培训、包吃包住、定期聚餐、晋升空间大、每年享有出国游机会 有无经验都需要,实习生也需要 包两餐,住宿附近都是商店,适合聚餐或逛街,宿舍是独立卫浴、有空调洗衣机、干净整洁的宿舍。工作轻松,可以嘻嘻哈哈,都是同龄人氛围好,不需要对上级卑躬屈膝,因为他们都善哦~ 希望早日和帅哥美女们成为同事,挣大钱!出去玩!