• 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、识别并优化内容设计团队的工作流程; 2、透过数据制定相关的策略来衡量、跟踪并提高内容质量,明确优化方向,提高国际化短视频产品内容体验的一致性; 3、与产品和研发团队合作,开发相关创新功能以改进设计流程并提高效率; 4、整合合作方的反馈,提高国际化内容设计团队的跨职能协作和设计效率; 5、规划、撰写和管理相关文档,包括项目简介、流程、知识库和其它SOP; 6、管理多个项目,根据不同时区的相关方需求确定优先级,并支持内容质量把控和优化。 1.Identify and triage areas for optimization within the Content Design's team workflow; 2.Develop strategic and data-driven initiatives to measure, track, and improve content quality and consitency; 3.Work closely with the various product and engineering teams to develop innovative features that enhances design processes and boosts productivity; 4.Integrate the feedback from partners to improve the cross-functional collaboration and design efficiency of the internationalized content design team; 5.Plan, write, and manage documentation including project one-pagers, processes, wikis, and SOPs; 6.Manage multiple projects, determine priorities according to the requirements of international partners in different time zones, and support content quality control and optimization. 职位要求: 1、出色的英文书面写作和口语能力; 2、具备海内外产品工作经验、有与不同时区的国际合作伙伴协作以及接纳多元文化的经验; 3、具备在快节奏环境中对多个项目进行优先级排序和管理的能力,能在动态环境中管理多个项目,并在需求不断变化的情况下保持专注; 4、有与产品管理、产品设计、营销、开发、法务和本地化团队合作的经验; 5、熟悉国际化短视频的功能特点和相关用户体验; 6、加分项:有C端产品的内容设计经验、本地化项目管理经验。 1.Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; 2.Proven experience working on global products, collaborating with international partners across time zones, and embracing diverse cultures; 3.Demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment; 4.Highly organized, curious, self-motivated, and detail-oriented; 5.Self-starter capable of managing multiple projects in a dynamic environment, maintaining focus amid changing requirements; 6.Experience in content design for consumer-facing products, preferably those with technical mobile and web tools.
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、识别并优化内容设计团队的工作流程; 2、透过数据制定相关的策略来衡量、跟踪并提高内容质量,明确优化方向,提高国际化短视频产品内容体验的一致性; 3、与产品和研发团队合作,开发相关创新功能以改进设计流程并提高效率; 4、整合合作方的反馈,提高国际化内容设计团队的跨职能协作和设计效率; 5、规划、撰写和管理相关文档,包括项目简介、流程、知识库和其它SOP; 6、管理多个项目,根据不同时区的相关方需求确定优先级,并支持内容质量把控和优化。 1.Identify and triage areas for optimization within the Content Design's team workflow; 2.Develop strategic and data-driven initiatives to measure, track, and improve content quality and consitency; 3.Work closely with the various product and engineering teams to develop innovative features that enhances design processes and boosts productivity; 4.Integrate the feedback from partners to improve the cross-functional collaboration and design efficiency of the internationalized content design team; 5.Plan, write, and manage documentation including project one-pagers, processes, wikis, and SOPs; 6.Manage multiple projects, determine priorities according to the requirements of international partners in different time zones, and support content quality control and optimization. 职位要求: 1、出色的英文书面写作和口语能力; 2、具备海内外产品工作经验、有与不同时区的国际合作伙伴协作以及接纳多元文化的经验; 3、具备在快节奏环境中对多个项目进行优先级排序和管理的能力,能在动态环境中管理多个项目,并在需求不断变化的情况下保持专注; 4、有与产品管理、产品设计、营销、开发、法务和本地化团队合作的经验; 5、熟悉国际化短视频的功能特点和相关用户体验; 6、加分项:有C端产品的内容设计经验、本地化项目管理经验。 1.Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English; 2.Proven experience working on global products, collaborating with international partners across time zones, and embracing diverse cultures; 3.Demonstrated ability to prioritize and manage multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment; 4.Highly organized, curious, self-motivated, and detail-oriented; 5.Self-starter capable of managing multiple projects in a dynamic environment, maintaining focus amid changing requirements; 6.Experience in content design for consumer-facing products, preferably those with technical mobile and web tools.
  • 10k-15k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    岗位要求: 1. 计算机科学或相关专业本科以上学历 2. 了解 JavaScript、html / html5 、css / css3、Ajax 等前端开发技术。能够独立完成简单的前端应用开发,并完成相应的中英文文档。 3. 有熟练英语写作背景者优先 4. 能在social media进行有意义的原创并有效的传达 具体可参考站点:twitter.com/dynamsoft http://www.linkedin.com/company/dynamsoft https://www.facebook.com/Dynamsoft 5. 在详细了解产品的前提下,做相应的技术挖掘,并能自主开展工作 6. 关注新兴技术,并在新技术领域能进行自主学习 需通过以下方式为Dynamsoft的营销计划做出贡献: * 研究和创建各种引人入胜的内容 * 开发和维护内容日历 * 分析内容策略的ROI并提出改进建议 * 紧密跟踪行业新兴技术,以创建相关的内容 可交付成果包括: 用户案例 白皮书 应用笔记 产品比较报告 演讲和网络研讨会 培训教材产品视频 https://www.youtube.com/user/Dynamsoft 博客内容 http://www.codepool.biz/; http://contentcapturetech.com/ 编辑内容一般的营销文本 Position Description Dynamsoft needs an enthusiastic, innovative, hands-on, multi-tasking individual to join our team to develop quality technically-oriented content to drive Dynamsoft’s content marketing objectives. The focus is on reinforcing Dynamsoft’s position as a document imaging SDK expert, supporting marketing in its effort to generate new inbound leads through the creation of compelling technical content that engages and speaks to our target audience. The Marketing Technical Content Specialist contributes to Dynamsoft’s marketing program by: · Outlining, researching, and creating a variety of engaging content · Developing and maintaining a content calendar · Analyzing the ROI of the content strategy and making recommendations for improvements · Remaining up-to-date on emerging technology in the imaging industry to create relevant engaging content · Deliverables include: o Sample codes using Dynamsoft’s products o Case Studies o White Papers o Application Notes o Product Comparison Reports o Presentations and Webinars o Training Materials o Product Videos o Blog Content o Editorial Content o ROI Reports o General Marketing Copy
  • 1k-2k 经验在校/应届 / 不限
    人工智能服务,软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Daily salary range: RMB150-250 Support work from home or work from office Job Description AIRUDDER is a fast-growing SaaS platform that is revolutionizing how companies communicate with their customers. One of our product lines is focused on cutting-edge customer engagement software built on Whatsapp’s Business API, and businesses are now able to have personalized conversations. We live in the on-demand economy, where customers expect fast, simple, and easy service and that’s exactly what our SME solution platform empowers companies to do. This is made possible through AIRUDDER's easy-to-use platform which can be up and running in no time. We are looking for a Digital Content Creator to write and publish various types of pieces for our product's web pages, like articles, ebooks, and social media posts. Content Creator's responsibilities include producing marketing copies to advertise our products, writing blog posts about industry-related topics, and promoting our content on social media. To be successful in this role, you'd better have experience with digital publishing and generating traffic and leads for new business. Ultimately, you will help us reach our target audience by delivering both useful and appealing online information about our company and products. Responsibilities 1. Research industry-related topics and establish industry knowledge 2. Write and develop well-researched content for digital marketing 3. Create and distribute marketing copies to advertise our company and products 4. Edit and proofread written pieces before publication 5. Identify customers’ needs and recommend new topics 6. Coordinate with Product Marketing Manager and design teams to illustrate articles 7. Update our websites as needed Requirements and skills 1. Bachelor’s degree or equivalent experience, excellent writing and editing skills in English 2. An ability to fact-check long-form content pieces 3. Time-management skills 4. Familiarity with SEO is a plus 5. BSc in Marketing, Journalism or relevant field is a plus 6. Creative and good marketing sense of SaaS is a plus
  • 20k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    职位描述: 我们正在寻找⼀位经验丰富的⾼级JAVA⼯程师加⼊我们的团队。理想的候选⼈应具备出⾊的逻辑思维能⼒和强⼤ 的执⾏⼒,能够独⽴解决项⽬中的技术难题,并将复杂问题拆解为清晰的实施步骤并完成相应开发任务。我们期 待您能够利⽤您的专业知识和技能,和公司的团队⼀起专注于⼈⼯智能、⼤数据等前沿技术的研发和应⽤,致⼒ 于通过“专注创新,让AI驱动企业⾼效发展”的理念,为企业提供数字化转型的全⾯解决⽅案。 职责要求: 具备清晰的逻辑思维和强⼤的执⾏⼒,能够独⽴拆解项⽬难点,制定实施步骤,并完成开发任务。 熟练掌握Java编程语⾔及其⽣态系统,包括Spring, Hibernate, JPA, Mybatis, Redis, Spring Cloud等技术栈 熟悉LLM(Large Language Models)相关技术栈,能够紧跟技术发展和⾏业动态,结合AIGC(Artificial Intelligence Generated Content)⼤模型的新技术,提升系统的AI能⼒。 参与项⽬规划和需求分析,与团队成员协作,确保项⽬按时交付。 与产品和设计团队紧密合作,确保技术实现符合业务需求。 岗位资格要求: 计算机科学或相关领域的学⼠学位。 ⾄少3年以上的Java开发经验。 对Java编程语⾔、设计模式及其相关常⽤开发框架的⽣态系统有深⼊了解,熟悉微服务架构和相关技术栈。 熟练使⽤版本控制⼯具,如Git,熟悉容器化和服务编排技术,如Docker和Kubernetes。 对LLM相关技术栈有深⼊了解,并能够结合AIGC⼤模型的新技术提升系统AI能⼒。 有⼤型分布式系统设计和开发经验者优先。 有财经、⾦融互联⽹相关⾏业产品经验者优先。 有带领团队和管理经验者优先。 我们提供: 竞争性薪酬和福利 与⼀流技术⼈才合作的机会 不断学习和成⻓的环境 参与创新项⽬和技术挑战的机会
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    日语为主,英文基本书面即可~  Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault  Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success  Support the client administrators across multiple organizations  Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues  Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal.  Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration  Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production  Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds  Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams  Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes  Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese  Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience  Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences  Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers  Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment  Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential  Knowledge document management systems Nice to Have  Knowledge and background in life sciences and / or content management  Knowledge of SQL database / ability to write queries  Understanding of Java, SQL, HTML, XML, JSON, SOAP, REST API  Experience in cloud / hosted software environment
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Responsibilities: SEO Strategy Development: Collaborate with cross-functional teams, including marketing, content, and development, to develop a comprehensive SEO strategy aligned with business goals. Conduct thorough keyword research, competitor analysis, and industry trend evaluations to identify opportunities for optimization. Website Optimization: Establish a website structure that aligns with SEO goals for traffic acquisition and conversion. Deconstruct user intent from search engines and optimize page structure and product recommendations to enhance Web/Mweb traffic, click-through rates, and conversion rates. On-Page and Technical SEO Optimization: Ensure that on-page elements, such as meta tags, headings, and URL structures, are optimized for relevant keywords while providing a positive user experience. Collaborate closely with developers to resolve technical issues that could impact search engine crawling and indexing. Content Optimization: Work with content creators or leverage GenAI capabilities to ensure that content is optimized for target keywords, follows best practices for readability and engagement, and aligns with the overall SEO strategy. Performance Monitoring and Reporting: Monitor website performance using analytical tools, tracking key metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, and conversion rates. Provide regular reports and insights to stakeholders, highlighting areas for improvement and opportunities for growth. Requirements: Bachelor’s degree or higher in fields such as marketing, management, or computer science is preferred. Over 3 years of experience in SEO or SEM, with in-depth knowledge of SEO best practices, search engine algorithms, and industry trends. Familiarity with product management and product design. Experience with large-scale, complex website projects is a plus. Excellent communication skills in both English and Chinese (Cantonese is a plus) and strong teamwork abilities, capable of effectively coordinating internal resources to drive project progress. Strong logical thinking and data analysis skills, capable of making data-driven operational decisions.
  • 10k-15k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限
    旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    主要职责: 负责租车资源信息(API资源/non-API资源)的录入,为配置团队(Content ops)配置效率和准确性负责。 制定信息输入与输出标准,建立监控体系,为信息完整性和准确性负责。 负责信息需求收集,解决用户用车过程中的痛点,提高商品竞争力。 对产品功能和价值有清晰的认知,结合用户、商家和平台运营策略,推动产品功能的优化。 通过业务观察与分析,独立输出方案、组织、协调、强力推进重点项目落地。 任职要求: ***本科及以上学历,有4年以上工作经验,1年以上团队管理经验;信息管理相关工作经验、租车行业经验优先。 良好的英语读写能力; 逻辑清晰,执行力强,有责任心,注重细节,有目标感,自驱力强。
  • 8k-16k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Videographer (including directing, shooting, and editing) In charge of operating our SSW FireUG 技术社区 channels: BiliBili - 搜索 FireUG技术社区 Youtube - https://www.youtube.com/@fireusergroup #Excellent English communication skills required 【Position】 Video Producer - Including directing, shooting, editing 【About this role】 * FireUG content operation, including content planning, coordination of shooting, and post-production editing * FireUG account operation, including data analysis, community operation, replying to comments and tracking technology trends on social media * SSW China promotion video editor, such as marketing videos, promotional shorts * Internal communication with the Australia TV team 【Skills】 * Good communication skills in English * A Video media/advertising/director or other related majors * 1-3 years in directing, editing and videography * Familiar with photography equipment, such as cameras and stabilizers * Highly competent in Adobe Premiere Pro or Davinci Resolve with advanced proficiency in video editing techniques & workflow optimization NOTE: In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical challenge in English Learn more about us: ssw.com.au Learn more about our channel: FireUG技术社区 (Bilibili, YouTube)
  • 12k-24k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    Job Description: The Influencer Marketing Manager is responsible for developing and executing influencer marketing strategies to enhance brand visibility, engagement, and drive sales growth. This position requires collaboration with internal teams and external influencers to create compelling content that resonates with the target audience. Key Responsibilities: Strategy Development: • Research and identify relevant influencers in the target market and industry. • Develop comprehensive influencer marketing strategies aligned with overall marketing objectives. • Set clear goals and key performance indicators for influencer marketing activities. Relationship Management: • Establish and maintain relationships with influencers, agencies, and other key stakeholders. • Negotiate contracts and agreements with influencers, ensuring mutually beneficial terms. • Provide guidance and support to ensure consistency in brand messaging and content quality. Campaign Execution: • Coordinate the creation and distribution of content across various platforms, including social media, blogs, and video channels. • Monitor and track the performance of influencer marketing campaigns, providing regular reports and insights. • Optimize campaigns based on performance metrics and audience feedback. Compliance and Risk Management: • Ensure compliance with FTC guidelines and other relevant regulations governing influencer marketing. • Mitigate risks associated with influencer partnerships, such as brand reputation issues or contractual disputes. Collaboration and Cross-Functional Communication: • Work closely with internal teams (including marketing, social media, PR, and product development) to align influencer activities with broader marketing initiatives. • Communicate effectively with cross-functional teams to ensure seamless execution of influencer marketing campaigns. Qualifications: • Bachelor's degree in Marketing, Communications, Business Administration, or related field. • Practical experience in influencer marketing, preferably in the consumer goods or digital marketing industry. • Strong understanding of social media platforms, content creation, and influencer trends. • Excellent communication, negotiation, and relationship-building skills. • Ability to analyze data and derive actionable insights to optimize campaign performance. • Creative thinking and problem-solving abilities. • Familiarity with influencer marketing tools and platforms is an advantage. 职位描述: 负责制定和执行博主营销策略,以提升品牌知名度、参与度,并推动销售增长。该职位需要与内部团队和外部博主合作,共同创作引人入胜的内容,与目标受众产生共鸣。 主要职责: 策略制定: • 研究并确定目标市场和行业内相关的博主。 • 制定与整体营销目标一致的全面博主营销策略。 • 设定清晰的博主营销活动目标和关键绩效指标。 关系管理: • 建立并维护与博主、代理商和其他关键利益相关者的关系。 • 与博主协商合同和协议,确保条款互惠互利。 • 提供指导和支持,确保博主的品牌信息和内容质量一致。 活动执行: • 协调在各种平台上(包括社交媒体、博客和视频渠道)创建和发布内容。 • 监控和跟踪博主营销活动的表现,定期提供报告和见解。 • 根据表现指标和受众反馈优化活动。 遵从与风险管理: • 确保遵守FTC指南和其他相关的影响博主营销的法规。 • 减轻与博主合作相关的风险,如品牌声誉问题或合同纠纷。 协作和跨部门沟通: • 与内部团队(包括营销、社交媒体、公关和产品开发)密切合作,使博主活动与更广泛的营销活动保持一致。 • 与跨部门团队有效沟通,确保无缝执行博主营销活动。 资格要求: • 市场营销、传播、商业管理或相关领域的本科学位。 • 在博主营销领域有实践经验,最好是在消费品行业或数字营销领域。 • 对社交媒体平台、内容创作和博主趋势有深入了解。 • 优秀的沟通、谈判和建立关系的能力。 • 能够分析数据并得出可操作的见解,优化活动表现。 • 具有创造性思维和解决问题的能力。 • 具备博主营销工具和平台的熟悉度是一个优势。
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    人工智能服务 / B轮 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责Android开发环境的搭建,软件的设计、开发、发布、维护工作; 2、根据产品需求,在保证质量的前提下快速完成客户端功能开发; 3、编写软件框架,开发流程、软件测试相关文档; 4、能够根据体验对产品提出改进建议; 5、能够和硬件端提供的数据协议进行结构拆分及换算。即:对接硬件通讯协议。 任职要求: 1.有5年左右安卓开发经验,能独立完成一个Android项目开发 懂一些web前端技术或者有海外App开发经验的优先考虑。 2.有一定的架构搭建的能力,熟悉MVC,MVP,MVVM的编程思想。 3.熟悉使用Eclipse/android studio 等常用开发工具,以及 SVN/GIT版本工具 4.精通android UI布局,精通不同分辨率适配 5.熟悉SQList数据库,sharedPreferences存储,文件存储。 6.熟悉android 四大组件 Activity ,service ,Receiver ,content Provider 7.熟悉使用常用开源框架比如:Volley,okhttp ,Picasso,GSON ,Greendao 等; 8.熟悉并使用java 常见的设计模式; 9.熟悉使用android动画; 10. 熟悉JNI开发,熟悉NDK开发。
  • 15k-20k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具,物联网 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities: - Responsible for creating high-quality content that aligns with brand tone, including blog posts, social media updates, email marketing, etc. - Ensure the quality of Korean copy on platforms, capable of translating and proofreading between Chinese and Korean, as well as English and Korean. - Develop, manage, and execute the editorial calendar for all crypto-related content, ensuring consistency, quality, and timeliness. - Independently plan and execute platform events, and mobilize team members to collaboratively complete projects. - Enhance brand image through storytelling and creative content, ensuring brand consistency and strategic content deployment. - Establish relationships with key industry influencers, thought leaders, and media outlets, leveraging their expertise and reach to enhance our content's credibility and reach. Requirements: - Currently enrolled into a University (or Graduate o) program at a major university, preferable in Marketing/Communication -At least 2 years of experience in content operations or related fields. Great passion for the crypto industry - Keen insight into user behavior and data, with excellent analytical and strategic planning skills. - Familiarity with various user operation tools and methods, with a deep understanding of user needs. - Outstanding communication, coordination, and project management skills, with the ability to efficiently drive cross-departmental collaboration. - Innovative thinking, with the ability to adapt operational strategies according to market changes. - Korean native speaker, must be fluent in Chinese. Fluent in English is plus.
  • 11k-14k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    文化传媒 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    职位描述: 1、负责Digital Campaign的活动策划、执行及报告整理等工作; 2、负责项目的客户沟通、跟进,参与项目策划、创作、提案和执行; 3、与内部团队密切沟通,与公司内部设计、文案、技术等部门的沟通协调工作; 4、与客户沟通,负责一定的客户关系维护工作。 任职要求: 1、有1年及以上工作经验,服务过美妆、3c行业优先; 2、有责任心,有热情、有独立思考能力; 3、中文文字功底好,具备social content 撰写及review经验; 4、喜欢创意输出或者创意实施,喜欢有趣好玩的内容,想要将品牌理念与创意最大程度的结合; 5、具备良好沟通技巧和能力,愿意接受挑战和较强的抗压能力。
  • 3k-6k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    广告营销,社交,电商 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    Job Title: TikTok Live Streamer Department: Marketing Reports To: Marketing Manager Summary: We are seeking a passionate and engaging TikTok Live Streamer to join our dynamic team. As a TikTok Live Streamer, you will be responsible for creating and delivering high-quality live streams that showcase our products and services to a wide audience. You will also be responsible for interacting with viewers, answering questions, and building relationships with our target audience. Responsibilities: Create and deliver engaging and informative live streams that promote our products and services Interact with viewers in real time, answer questions, and build relationships Develop and execute creative live stream concepts and strategies Track and analyze live stream performance metrics Collaborate with other marketing team members to create and execute integrated marketing campaigns Qualifications: Proven experience as a TikTok Live Streamer with a strong track record of success A deep understanding of TikTok trends and best practices Excellent communication and interpersonal skills The ability to create and deliver engaging and informative content A passion for our products and services A creative and innovative mindset Bonus Qualifications: Experience with live streaming on other platforms, such as Instagram Live or YouTube Live Experience with video editing and production A strong following on TikTok Benefits: Competitive salary and benefits package Opportunity to work with a creative and passionate team Chance to make a real impact on our business To Apply: We are an equal opportunity employer and value diversity at our company. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or disability status. Location :Su Zhou , Spoken English fluently ****实习岗位:英语和外国文学、翻译优先,英文口语流利 海外直播、新媒体运营 内容运营、编辑优化
  • 8k-13k 经验不限 / 本科
    移动互联网 / D轮及以上 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities 1.Own all documentation in your product area. Write business descriptions, usage instructions, user manuals, and development interface descriptions for software products in English 2.Learns the product, conducts research, assists product owners in defining content and scope, develops, and maintains new and existing information solutions for end-users, installers, administrators, and implementers of products. 3.Drive documentation projects from start to finish and keep pace with agile development 4.Produce documentation that is complete, accurate, and easy to understand. 5.Learn and deepen your knowledge of NextLabs products and integrated third-party products. 6.Review the labels and messages in the product user interface. Qualifications and Skills 1 Bachelor’s degree in Engineering, Technical Communication, English or Translation; 2.CET-6 or TEM-8 certification; 3 Excellent writing and editing skills in both English and Chinese, with a focus on quality and attention to detail; strong logical organizational skills. 4.Able to quickly learn and understand complex technical topics and new technologies; 5.Able to work independently with minimal supervision on different projects. 6.Competent in using software tools to aid documentation preparation, review, development, translation and publishing, able to quickly learn and master new tools; 7.Strong interpersonal communication skills (written and verbal), Able to work on a team with geographically distributed members. 8.Skilled at prioritization and handling of multiple projects simultaneously, able to work in a fast-paced environment; 8.Minimum of 1-3 years of experience (not required for new graduates) writing technical documentation including risk management or identity management software products. 9.Advanced Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, authoring tools such as FrameMaker, and Oxygen XML Editor. 10.Experience developing documentation systems for applications in the Cloud. 备注:岗位为杭州岗位,偏文档书写,不是翻译岗位。 如你感兴趣,请发送中英文简历给我们。 如有作品文档网址分享更好。