工作职责: 1.负责医药生态保险解决方案的落地执行,对项目的进度和业务结果负责; 2.负责制定项目推进计划,管理项目推进过程,监控并持续优化项目运营情况,完成业务合作落地的基础管理工作,包括但不限于协议管理、费用结算、产品管理、技术需求推动等; 3.负责领导交办的其他工作。 任职资格: 1.大学本科及以上学历,医药相关专业优先; 2.具备3年及以上保险行业、医药产业、互联网医疗行业从业经验,具有项目管理经验者优先,具有药企PAP、创新支付项目经验者优先; 3.性格乐观开朗,能适应工作压力和敢于面对挑战,有良好的客户群体关系; 4.具有较好的统筹协调和沟通能力、语言表达和文字书写能力以及完整的逻辑思考能力,善于协调内外部资源积极推动项目落地达成并对结果负责。
岗位职责: 1. 负责Android手机客户端软件相关的系统分析、设计和开发; 2. 持续优化产品,将Android研发专长做到极致; 3. 根据开发过程中的体验对产品提出改进建议; 4. 配合等其他团队提供产品相关技术支持; 5. 和美工合作、创建让用户满意的界面效果; 6. 学习和研究新技术以满足产品的需求。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机软件工程等相关专业优先, 两年及以上相关工作经历,有两个以上完整Android APP项目开发相关经验; 2. 良好的JAVA基础,熟悉多线程运作机制、网络协议及网络编程; 3. 熟悉WebView,有Hybrid App开发经验、对JNI/NDK有一定程度研究; 4.熟悉MVC/MVP/MVVM和jetpack架构组件; 5.熟悉多进程/线程开发; 6.有android音视频开发相关经验; 7. 熟练掌握Android APP性能分析工具,思路清晰,具有良好编码风格及文档编写能力; 8. 了解Kotlin/Flutter开发语言优先,热爱技术,有强烈的责任心和团队精神,善于沟通和合作,能独立完成设计和编码; 9.熟悉iot开发优先。 10.对内存优化, oom/anr相关异常处理有丰富经验。
Responsibilities: 1. Communicate with the front-end to assist in developing server-side APIs 2. Assist in formulating development rules and processes 3. Review system architecture 4. Help with system tuning 5. Code review 6. Design data structure and streamline business logic Required Skills: • BS in computer science or a related field, or significant equivalent experience • 4+ years proven JavaScript development experience • 3+ years proven NodeJS server development experience • Well know popular framework such as Express, Nest, Unit Test(Mocha + Jest) • Experienced at database structure & operation such as insert/query/update/delete • Experienced at database software, such as MS SQL Server is big plus • Experience with web frameworks such as Vue, React is big plus • Familiar with Cloud application construction such as Nginx is big plus • Good English in reading/writing/speaking is big plus • Experience of web application security is a big plus • Good learning ability, team cooperation ability and communication skills • Hard and efficient worker
1.职位描述:负责公司代理产品销售及推广,完成年度销售目标;传统测绘设备、手持激光扫描仪、无人机、点云分析和处理,自动化监测系统项目的挖掘、跟进、达成销售。 2.工作时间:早10:00-13:30 午16:00-19:00 3.薪资待遇:基本工资4000+绩效工资+职位津贴+年底奖金,法定节假日,五险,团建。 具体****!试用期一个月,有驾照者优先。 4.专业及学历:学历不限,有1年以上销售经验优先,有出色的沟通和协调能力,有团队经营管理经验者佳。 5.要求:对市场营销有浓厚的兴趣及一定的认识,沟通、学习能力强、能吃苦,有团队精神。
职位描述: 1. 负责Power BI开发需求调研和解决方案,和不同的BU业务用户开会收集需求,完成需求调研、方案设计以及协调各方资源; 2. 了解PowerApps,automate,以Power Apps为前台,D365 CRM为后台开发的Power Platform应用; 3. 协调后方开发团队交付Power BI报表开发。 职位要求: 1. 拥有较强的Power BI数据报表开发能力; 2. 丰富的前端技能,VUE,React,JS, TypeScript等; 3. 拥有较强和高效的业务理解能力,且具有能够随之转化为技术方案的系统分析与设计能力; 4. 维护并改进现有应用程序,且独立或团队一员进行开发; 5. 8年以上开发适当规模的应用程序经验,且有独立进行业务分析和方案设计的能力; 6. 良好的英文读写; 7. 良好的英文口语能力(日常与多国团队成员和客户合作)。
工作职责: 1. 了解产品或服务,学习公司的销售流程和技巧,以便能够为客户提供专业的建议和解决方案。 2. 通过电话沟通与潜在客户建立联系,了解客户需求和意愿,进行产品或服务的介绍和销售。 3. 维护与现有客户的良好关系,提供优质的售后服务,以保持客户满意度并促进客户忠诚度。 4. 收集和整理销售数据,进行销售分析和总结,为公司提供销售决策支持。 5. 遵守公司的销售制度和流程,确保销售活动的安全和合规性。 6. 参加公司组织的培训和活动,不断提升自己的销售技能和知识,以更好地完成工作。 职位要求: 1. 具备良好的沟通能力和口头表达能力,具备一定的销售经验和技巧。 2. 了解产品或服务的特点和优势,能够清晰地传达给客户。 3. 具备良好的客户服务意识和愿望,能够为客户提供专业和高效的解决方法 4. 具备良好的团队合作精神和责任心,能够与同事和客户保持良好的关系。
· Following the definition of architecture Guidelines and Standards for Application, Digital, Data and Integration Design and Development Cycle, to govern architecture and design in projects. · Design and development for team java framework and frontend framework, to ensure the technical design is following AIA architecture principle. · Plan, Design and development on team product and technical components. · Ensure consistency of the product and project Architecture with the Information and Technical and Security architecture frameworks. · Manage and coordinate architecture governance to ensure projects and activities are aligned with target architecture, principles, and guidelines . · Contribute to technical discussions and enhancement initiatives related to improving customer experience, usability and latest technologies. · Prepare system architect design document .· Sound understanding of Project Management methodology and SDLC, Big Data, NLP/ML/AI · Excellent ability on architect and design documentation · Fluent English mandatory, Cantonese is mandatory · Experience of working in different Asia countries preferable · Attend discussion and presentation to introduce system architect to relevant parties. Requirement: · Undergraduate degree in IT or related function mandatory · At least 7 years IT experience mandatory · At least 5+ years experience in java and frontend(react, vue, angular) development · Significant demonstrable experience working in an IT Technical Architecture or Enterprise Architecture function in a multi-national company or leading management consultancy mandatory · Insurance or financial services industry experience mandatory · Strong relationship management and influencing skills at a senior level · A deep understanding end experience delivering cloud, SOA and xaaS architectures, cloud generic experience like container/docker, container orchestra/Kubernetes, DevOps/Agile · Broad experience with various technologies microservice, event messaging such as KAFKA, RabitMQ technologies, application design and architecture, such as Java, iOS, Android, NET, VB and AS/400 · Experience of integrating with web services and social APIs (XML, JSON, REST, OAuth, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, etc) · Sound understanding of Project Management methodology and SDLC, Big Data, NLP/ML/AI · Excellent ability on architect and design documentation · Fluent English mandatory, Cantonese is mandatory · Experience of working in different Asia countries preferable
岗位职责: - 与客户沟通,了解业务需求; - 领导或参与应用程序咨询和交付构思和开发的整个周期; - 协助项目经理提供估算和进度表; - 通过发展知识和领导技能,带领项目组成员; - 设计解决方案,选择解决客户问题的技术; - 负责开发,确保高质量地完成技术规范; - 通过吸引人的视觉设计,构建应用程序的前端; - 有效编写后端API 层,开发管理运行良好的数据库和应用程序; - 故障排除、调试和升级软件。 岗位要求: - 良好的英语沟通能力,听说读写均有要求,能使用英文进行口语沟通; - 5+年Java经验,扎实的技术能力,了解IO、多线程、集合、分发系统和其他基本框架,熟悉servlet、spring、mybatis、velocity或任何其他模板开发; - 熟悉流行的java域开源框架,能够理解其原理和机制,有在线故障排除经验; - 具有HTML、CSS、JavaScript、Node等前端技术经验; - 熟悉RDBMS和NoSQL数据库技术,如Sybase、SQL Server、Oracle、Redis或同等产品; - 有RESTful API设计、开发和微服务基础架构设计经验; - 有containerization经验,熟练使用Docker,Kubernetes; - 在开发工具方面有丰富的经验,如Git、Jenkins、Sonar、Nexus、Maven或同等工具; - 有Kafka、IBM MQ等相关经验; - 能够根据业务需求,设计技术解决方案; - 有性能测试和微调经验,对应用程序安全和相关问题修复有良好的判断力; - 熟悉Windows和Linux操作系统,以及常见的应用服务器,如Tomcat、WebSphere或其他。
系统运维工程师/technical support
[成都·高新区] 2023-08-1611k-20k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上Responsibilities: 1. Provide Level 2 technical support to investment applications; 2. Define standard workflow and governance level 1 helpdesk according to IT policy; 3. Troubleshooting on application issues, connectivity issues as well as batch job issues; 4. Respond to user query related to application access or functions; 5. Provide technical solutions to business users, make design and workflow to facilitate the needs; 6. Conduct data analysis and testing, draft testing plan; 7. Prepare FS and TS for change requirements; 8. Make change to config files or some programs; 9. Coordinate meetings with internal and external parties; 10. Drive small projects/ enhancements and see it to the end. Requirements: 1. Education – University graduate in computer science or equivalent, fluent in English; 2. Working experience 5 years or above, IT development experience 3-5 years; 3. In-depth business and application knowledge of IT and operations in the investment management industry, especially derivative instruments of all types; 4. Good communication and problem-solving skills; 5. Ability to think over the long-term, applying a strategic focus completing large-scale change projects; 6. Positive working attitude, willing to learn and work independently; 7. Well-versed in System Development Life Cycle (SDLC); 8. Experience with finance application highly regarded; 9. IT Skill set: Python, Java, SQL server, Oracle, etc. -
Job Description: - Design system architecture based on AIA Enterprise Architecture and user requirements; - Draft technical specification according to functional specification; - Lead the development team to deliver coding and UT; - Review and monitor the output of developers to ensure the time and quality; - Support PM to estimate the timeline and cost from. Qualifications: - Bachelor or above degree in IT related disciplines with at least 6 years working experience; - 2+ years’ experience in software architect to design enterprise J2EE web systems; - Proficient in Spring cloud or other popular J2EE framework, and good at Object Orientated Design & Development; - Good understanding of web front-end development, JavaScript, HTML(5), CSS(3), AJAX, JQuery, etc.; - Familiar with common software architecture models and a variety of algorithms and data structures e.g. multithreading, network programming (Socket, http/web service) and etc.; - Well know Application and Web Server (e.g. Apache, JBoss, and WebSpere etc); - Rich experience in popular database, such as Oracle, SQL Server, Sybase or MySQL; - Familiar with Waterfall, Agile or other SDLC; - Knowledge of Insurance business is preferred, e.g. Group/Individual insurance and Claims; - Experience of database migration will be a plus; - Able to work independently and efficiently to meet deadlines; - Excellent communication and documentation skills in English; - Have strong interest in new technology, and enjoy facing to challenges.
• Prepare ETL Lower Level Design • Configure CDC with guidance of CDC SME • Conduct ETL development and testing according to standard and with • Support SIT and UAT • Prepare production deployment packages and support production deployment • BAU Support Job Requirements: • Bachelor degree in IT related disciplines • 4+ years experiences in ETL development with Tableau Powercenter • 4+ years experiences in Tableau configuration and Real time data processing • Be familiar with Oracle and SQL Server • Good understanding of SQL tuning, ETL and DWH methodology • Good at English Reading and Writing • Knowledge in insurance application and ACORD is added advantage 工作地址
工作职责 Position Objective: A key member of our Analytics team who will strongly influence business decisions by helping to develop and institutionalise a data-driven approach across the organisation. The incumbent will work closely with business units across Asia and other functions in the Group office including Marketing, Distribution, Strategy, Propositions, Digital and Operations. His/her primary role will be the development of AI and machine learning solutions across multiple business applications – including but not limited to, improving customer acquisition and engagement, claims management, distribution performance, and fraud detection. Roles and Responsibilities: • Develop AI and machine learning solutions to optimise business performance across different areas of the organisation; • Use data analytics to help in-country Marketing, Distribution and Operation teams to increase revenue, lower costs and improve operational efficiency; • Identify actionable insights from analytics solutions, and communicate this to relevant stakeholders to improve decision making and drive business performance; • Develop in depth understanding of the business and be able to advise the business on the right analytics approach by participating in business discussions and presentations as applicable; • Work closely with business units to govern the effective implementation of analytics solutions.; • Implement analytical models into production by collaborating with relevant stakeholders; • Guide junior data scientists providing technical expertise on the development of Machine Learning solutions; • Drive analytics innovation by keeping abreast of industry’s trends, evaluating and adapting new and improved data science approaches for the business. 任职要求 • Bachelor’s degree in a numerate discipline e.g. Data Science, Actuarial Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Engineering, or Computer Science with a strong computer programming component; • At least 2 of years working experience, with extensive hands-on experience in developing AI and Machine Learning solutions; • Proven hands-on experience in the use of at least one advanced data analysis platform (e.g. Python, R); • Exposure to all stages of data analytics project lifecycle (scope definition, data requirements, extraction, exploration, transformation, solution development, tracking); • Demonstrable understanding of data quality risks and ability to carry out necessary exploratory data analysis and quality checks to validate results obtained; • Knowledge of a variety of machine learning techniques (clustering, decision tree, random forest, artificial neural networks, etc.); • Excellent relationship management, strong team building, and the ability to work across business units and functions to drive positive business outcomes; • Sound knowledge of programming in SQL or other programming experience; • Articulate, with excellent oral and written communication skills. Adaptable, able to interact and build strong relationships with people from a diverse range of backgrounds; • Fast learner with a willing attitude. Intellectually rigorous, with strong analytical skills and a passion for data; • Experience in big data environment and tools such as Hadoop, Hive, Datameer is desirable
full stack engineer全栈开发工程师
[成都·武侯区] 2023-08-0215k-22k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上Responsibilities: 5+ years’ Java experience. Solid technical ability, understanding of IO, multithreading, collections, distribution system and other basic frameworks, familiar with servlet, spring, MyBatis, velocity or any other template development. Familiar the popular java domain open-source framework, able to understand its principle and mechanism, and have online troubleshooting experience Experience in frontend technology such as HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Node, and familiar with React/VUE/Angular etc. framework Good understanding of both RDBMS & NoSQL database technologies such as Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle, Redis or equivalent. 岗位职责: 1、5年以上Java经验,扎实的技术能力,对IO、多线程、收集、分发系统和其他基础框架了解,熟知servlet, spring, mybatis, velocity或其他开发模板; 2、熟悉流行的JAVA 区域开源框架,能够理解它的原理和机制,有线上故障排除经验 3、有前端技术(HTML,css,JavaScript,node)的经验,熟悉任一前端框架 4、熟知RDBMS 和NoSQL 数据库技术,例如Sybase, SQL Server, Oracle, Redis 或类似的 -
Responsibilities: -Analysis business requirements and business process by communication with customers and BA -System architecture management -Coordinate with user for testing and system delivery -Identify and improve system problems -Develop system documentation including architect design, system specification, design statement, user manual, operational manual, etc. -Performance monitoring and management Requirements: -Bachelor Degree or above in Computer Science or IT related discipline -3+ years experience in related language or platform: Cloud platforms, Linux/Windows/Unix platforms, Web/mobile applications -Experience in React Native or React JS or Angular -Experienced at popular database software, such as Oracle, MS SQL Server, Sybase, SQLite or MySQL -Knowledge of Software development life cycle (SDLC) -Good command of both written and spoken English -Self-motivator and quick learner -Problem solving skills -Has experience on insurance is preferable