岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品、业务相关文档的中英文互译,译稿内容准确。 2、负责协调跟进相关文档的多语种翻译任务。 3、负责更新和维护相关产品多语种术语库。 4、协助编写产品使用说明书、用户使用手册等产品文档。 5、其他翻译、国际化、产品等相关工作。 Responsibilities: 1.Translate the company’s products and business-related documents from Chinese to English and vice versa with precision and accuracy. 2.Coordinate and follow up on the multilingual translation tasks of relevant documents. 3.Update and maintain the multilingual termbase of products. 4.Assist in writing product documents such as product instruction manuals and user manuals. 5.Responsible for other translation, internationalization, and product-related work as assigned. 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,英语/翻译等相关专业。 2、具有一定的翻译工作经验,拥有英文专八或CATTI翻译证书,具有海外工作或留学经验优先。 4、熟悉 Axure,Figma等软件工具,熟练使用CAT工具(Trados,memoQ,Smartling等)。 5、金融、证券、期货、数字货币交易行业翻译经验优先。 6、工作认真负责,有较强的学习能力,良好的沟通协调能力。 Requirements: 1.Bachelor’s degree or above in English/Translation or other relevant majors. 2.Have working experience in translation with TEM-8 or CATTI certificates. Overseas work or study experience is preferred. 3.Familiar with software such as Axure, Figma, and proficient in CAT tools such as Trados, memoQ, and Smartling. 4.Translation experience in finance, securities, futures, and digital currency trading industry is preferred. 5.Work conscientiously with a strong sense of responsibility. Possess strong learning abilities, excellent communication and coordination skills.
银行开发工程师 上市公司,大平台,发展能力 银行开发经验
[Job Description]: We are seeking a Digital Producer to join our team in Beijing and oversee the successful delivery of digital projects around China. Your mission will be to work closely with the digital production team located in Shanghai, ensuring the successful delivery of projects within strict deadlines. Your technical skills and understanding of the digital world will be key to success in guiding stakeholders, especially the client, through a rigorous project timeline. [Key Responsibilities]: 1. Manage end to end digital production process for interactive experiences and multimedia content. 2. Coordinate with the digital, creative, developers, and stakeholders to ensure project requirements are met. 3. Create and maintain project timelines, budgets, and resource allocation plans. 4. Monitor quality control throughout production phases. 5. Lead production meetings and provide regular status updates to stakeholders. 6. Proactively report back to the executive producer. [Soft Skills]: 1.Strong knowledge of digital production workflows and technologies. 2.Experience with interactive media. 3.Excellent communication and team leadership abilities. 4.Proficiency in project management tools and methodologies. [Technical Skills Qualifications]: 1. Strong knowledge in Google Suite and project management tools (Ganttchart). 2. Good Understanding of Web Technologies. 3. Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 4. Awareness of CMS platforms (e.g., WordPress, Drupal) or web frameworks. [Design Tools]: 1. Proficiency in design and prototyping tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. 2. Basic knowledge of image editing tools like Photoshop or Canva. 3. Project Management Tools. 4. Proficiency using Gantt Chart, Trello, Miro and/or LucidChart. 5. Desired Qualifications. 6. Native Chinese speaker required. 7. 1 year experience in digital production or project management 8. Bachelor's degree in Digital Media, Production Management, or related field About Imagination: Imagination is a global experiential agency, operating with a single-minded belief that any brand is not built around what you say – it is in the memories and experiences co-created with its customers. A great experience does not focus exclusively on above or below the line, nor online to offline executions. Great experiences encourage people to engage with brands in a context that is relevant and timely to them – truly placing them in the center of it all. We believe a collaborative, creative, and pro-active culture of great thinkers is paramount to success. Always willing to go above and beyond to deliver joy to people interacting with our work, while delivering groundbreaking and excellent work for our clients. We are firm believers that a title and expected delivery does not define someone. Collaboration is key to our team’s success, pooling together our various expertise and experiences from all walks of life. Be creative. Be quizzical. Be quirky. Spark joy in the hearts of many. Be you. www.imagination.com
【工作职责】 1.负责工具、网赚、超休游戏产品策划和项目跟进; 2.负责市场用户调研,分析并挖掘用户需求; 3.对数据敏感,监控数据并对其提炼、分析、根据结果优化产品并调整策略; 4.负责周期内的产品规划及产品需求输出,统筹UI及研发资源推动需求落地; 5.负责产品数据分析总结,迭代优化。 6.有同理心,能站在不同的用户视角看问题; 7.沟通表达能力良好,具备团队协作能力和团队合作精神; 【任职要求】 1.本科以上学历,有网赚类、工具类产品经验优先; 2.熟悉IAA产品研发流程,熟悉产品广告变现或用户增长逻辑; 3.3年以上移动C端产品策划工作经验; 4.具备严谨的产品逻辑思维,有一定的交互设计和UI审美能力; 5.态度积极,适应能力强,抗压能力强; 6.必备项:IAA产品经验。 接受优秀应届生培养
职责描述: 1、主导创新社交App的小程序等站外获客与站内承接的模式建立,并持续挖掘新的增长场景; 2、关注用户感受,并从获客/注册转化/留存/召回等用户行为漏斗出发,持续挖掘增长的切入点,优化用户产品体验; 3、关注行业内的增长策略,能够及时响应国内的产品趋势和行业趋势。 岗位要求: 1、有三年以上用户产品经验,有社交产品和增长产品经验者优先; 2、重视数据驱动和结果导向,掌握常见的数据分析工具和技巧; 3、具有很强的沟通能力和协作推动能力。
工作职责: 1. 负责人员的招聘工作; 2. 负责部门的培训、绩效管理、员工关系等工作,协助业务部门提升组织绩效; 3. 协助推动公司、人力资源中心相关制度、流程和管理项目在所支持部门的执行; 4. 通过员工沟通管理,有效管理员工关系,提升员工敬业度,强化和传承公司价值观; 5. 部门安排的其它支持工作。 任职资格: 1. 三年以上IT行业招聘或HRBP经验,有销售招聘经验优先; 2. **本科及以上学历(硬性条件); 3. 对人力资源管理各模块有较为系统完整的理解,在其中一个模块有深入实践,熟悉劳动法律法规; 4. 工作积极主动,强成就动机、推动力、责任心和抗压能力; 5. 良好的学习能力和理解力;对数据敏感,有较好的分析能力;
About Liftoff At Liftoff, we're helping mobile businesses scale and succeed via our sophisticated technology that enables them to find their most engaged users. We are a trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Advertisers depend on us to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. We are one of the world's largest independent, unbiased and privacy-friendly growth platforms that fuels the entire mobile app growth cycle across user acquisition, engagement, monetization, and analytics. Consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and best places to work, we are a profitable company with strong product-market fit and tremendous growth opportunity. We have a creative, collaborative, and humble culture. We are data-driven, proactive, and have the courage to drive change. Sales at Liftoff: We are seeking an Account Executive to join our team, and play a key role in driving the growth of our Greater China Area publisher network. The China Supply team represents a significant portion of our company's revenue and it will be your role to help the sales team in further strengthening our meaningful partnerships with our clients. Responsibilities: - Develop and sustain strong relationships with key supply partners. - Work with Solution Engineers, Account Strategy and cross-functional teams to pinpoint opportunities and resolve technical issues, ensuring positive outcomes. - Simplify complex data analyzes into straightforward language, leveraging it to inform decision-making processes. - Lead partnership meetings and conduct business reviews. Identify and pitch incremental opportunities that are aligned to the partner’s revenue objectives and scale accordingly. - Help build and iterate on new products and partner solutions, working with internal Product, Data Science, and Engineering teams. - Understand the mobile and monetization ecosystem, stay current on industry trends, and most importantly, offer actionable insights to clients. - Finds opportunity to share learnings to positively impact business Qualifications: - Bachelors and 1-3 years working experience in the online/mobile advertising industry. Related SDK Partner management knowledge or experience is a plus - Experience with closing new partnerships - Ability to multitask, manage, prioritize and produce results quickly. - Excellent communication skills to effectively report findings and influence change. - A hustler; we make the most out of our opportunities. - Strong analytical and quantitative skills with working knowledge of Excel/Word/PPT, g-suite preferred. - Flexibility to travel (approx 10%) - Active contributor to a dynamic office culture - Native Mandarin speaker. Excellent in English. Any other APAC languages is a strong plus Working at Liftoff is fast-paced, fun, and challenging, and we thrive on innovation. Come join our team and help shape the future of the mobile app ecosystem. If this role sounds interesting to you, we would love to hear from you!
岗位内容: 1. 开发响应式Web页面和功能组件,确保优秀的用户体验 2. 与后端开发人员合作,实现应用程序的完整性和可维护性 3. 设计和实现复杂的前端UI交互,并在跨浏览器环境中进行测试和故障排除 任职要求: 1. 精通HTML、CSS和JavaScript,并熟悉至少一种主要的前端框架(如React或Angular) 2. 具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,有解决问题的能力和创新思维 3. 至少两年以上相关前端开发工作经验 我们跟某个运营商合作,需要指定运营商的手机号才能登录系**试。 面试分三个环节: 1、线上人力资源部面试,技术协助。 2、上机考试。因为跟运营商合作,需要指定运营商手机卡才能登录系统。没有费用,介意勿扰。 3、根据考试结果匹配岗位薪资。线上线下均可。
主要负责菲律宾支付业务客户的开发与维护 1、根据支付业务发展策略和目标,开拓菲律宾客户,主动寻找业务合作机会,负责业务拓展维护和销售推动; 2、把握合作伙伴的业务特征,制定相应的合作模式和营销方案,并完成量化指标 3、对公司现有支付资源有良好的理解,根据公司自有业务特点, 主动寻找业务客户的合作。 职位要求: 1、 本科学历,3年以上互联网商务拓展工作经验; 2、有成熟的商务合作案例和资源,以菲律宾市场经验优先 3、具有良好的沟通表达能力,能够适应一定强度的出差; 4、积极主动、内驱力强,目标感强、结果导向,具有较强的开拓创新精神。
薪资:12000-24000 中国人寿,国企大平台,让所有人可以以打工的方式实现创业的梦想 福利待遇 1、有责底薪12000-30000元月; 2、入司即终身免费享受公司系统专业化培训,团队内部系统化的新人成长培训,可复制性极强,绩优批量复制; 3、众鑫计划:正式菁英等人才引进方案,面试入围者,待遇更丰厚,单月高可享16万的津贴奖励 4、入职员工公司给免费上高额医疗、意外人身寿险 5、高额提成+公司各种出单奖励+实物奖励+现金奖励+各种国内外旅游 6、工作时间:周一至周五9:00-18:00,六日双休,法定节假日正常休 任职资格 1、年龄25-45周岁,特别优秀者可放宽; 2、**大专及以上学历,金融相关专业优先; 3、品行端正、性格坚毅、勤奋好学、勇于坚持; 4、具备良好的沟通协调技巧、敏锐快捷的市场反应能力; 5、有知名第三方理财公司同等业绩与职位经验者优先; 6、具有金融机构个人理财产品的销售工作经验或具有高端地产、高端会所销售经验的优先; 7、具有良好的行业资源和客户资源者优先: 8、有银行、证券、保险、基金等从业资格和理财师等资格证书者优先。 岗位职责 1、公司提供客户资源,为家庭与企业提供风险规划、财富管理与保全传承等综合金融专业顾问工作,业务范围包含:医疗险,养老年金险,养老社区,广发银行业务(信用卡,等存款类业务),财险(车险,雇主险,住房财险),业务广泛,丰富薪资构成,让收入多样化 2、所属区域的产品宣传、推广和销售,完成销售任务指标; 3、销售合同的签订、履行与管理等相关工作及协调处理各类市场问题; 4、保持良好的心态和规范的行为,提升企业及其产品的美誉度和客户满意度。 我们不缺人,我们需要的是人才!希望有追求有梦想的你加入我们队伍,实现梦想!欢迎优秀的您加入中国人寿!
1、跟踪H股、科创的人工智能板块变化,有独到见解,并有效输出; 2、对数据及商业模式敏感,预测舆论走势、行业竞争走势;逐步独立产出研究报告。 3、撰写人工智能领域深度分析稿件。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,经济、数学、新闻或文学相关专业; 2、对数据及商业模式敏感,具备数据分析技能(熟悉云或人工智能趋势优先),对人工智能趋势敏感者优先; 3、要求文字功底优异,有公众号写作经优先; 4、对他人建议有客观的接纳态度。 加入我们,你能享受到以下福利: 1、不卷,上市公司客户服务历练机会; 2、五险一金、年度体检、年底双薪、奖金池丰厚等相关人力服务。
组建并培养高效销售团队,制定绩效考核体系,推动团队成员完成个人及团队目标 本科及以上学历,市场营销、传媒、广告等相关专业优先; 8-10年传媒/广告行业经验; 拥有丰富的广告销售领域候选人资源
岗位:企业顾问 产品:私募股权基金,微信网销,不打陌生电话,不陌生拜访。公司所涉项目优质,标的企业在所属行业排名 top 级别,秉持选择具有中国优势的头部企业,布局新能源整车、光伏、储能、智能驾驶、半导体、医药、军工等多领域形成矩阵,市场认可度高。 公司提供资源,无需自带资源,带薪培训,只要愿意学,我们愿意教,携手成长,共同发展。 公司福利非常多,带薪休假福利,国内外旅游福利,手机,现金,电脑等福利。 要求:本科毕业,口齿伶俐,接受应届毕业生和新人 年龄:20岁~35岁 工作时间:9:00-18:00 待遇:法定节假日正常休息,五险,国内外旅游 职位要求: 1.对私募股权基金有良好的认识及理解,具有良好的沟通能力。 2.能积极主动学习,具备良好的文字表达能力和较强的执行力。 3.注重团队合作,有集体荣誉感,服从公司安排管理。 4.踏实肯干,追求上进,不满足于现状,有责任心。 5.五官端正,态度认真负责,有耐心,具有亲和力,平易近人,善于与人沟通者优先考虑。 6.有无经验均可,带薪培训 7.微信网销,不打陌生电话,不陌生拜访
岗位职责: 1、负责公司各类产品(美妆日化、食品饮料、日用百货等)在私域的推广与销售,包括但不限于社群/社区团购,群接龙、快团团、直播、连锁折扣店、美团/多多、供应链等渠道; 2、执行业务拓展计划与销售计划,制定营销策略,完成业绩目标; 3、定期总结各项指标,为公司决策者提供数据支持。 任职要求: 1、有快消品经验优先 2、有优秀的表达能力及人际交往能力,商务谈判能力强,能够承接并维护客户关系; 3、以结果为导向,有强烈的责任心,有良好的自我驱动力与执行力。
前端 1、技能要求: ·精通Vue.js 2和3,了解其生态系统及工具链(如Vue CLI)。 ·熟悉Pinia和Vuex的状态管理库,能够根据项目需求选择合适的方案。 ·掌握TypeScript,理解静态类型检查的好处及其在大型项目中的应用。 ·熟练使用Less或Sass进行CSS预处理,编写结构清晰、易于维护的样式表。 ·熟悉前端构建工具(如Webpack、Vite等),以及自动化测试框架。 ·了解Git或其他版本控制系统,能够有效地进行代码管理和协作开发。 2、其他能力: ·具备良好的问题解决能力和逻辑思维能力,能够在复杂环境中快速定位并修复问题。 ·拥有优秀的沟通技巧,可以清晰表达技术观点并与非技术人员交流。 ·对用户体验(UX) 和用户界面(UI) 设计有一定的理解和敏感度。 ·愿意接受挑战,不断探索新的技术和方法来改善现有系统。 3、加分项: ·有实际项目中使用Vue 3的经验。 ·对React或Angular等其他主流前端框架有所了解。 ·掌握JavaScript以外的语言(如Python, Go等),有助于全栈开发。 ·在开源社区活跃贡献者优先考虑。 ·有移动端开发经验或者熟悉PWA(渐进式Web应用)相关知识。