• 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 大专
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、熟练使用C\C++,C++11等; 2、熟悉windows消息机制,窗口机制,内核对象等。对多线程同步,多进程通信等有深刻理解; 3、熟练使用Windbg进行dump分析; 4、熟悉Lua,Python 等脚本语言更优; 5、具备良好的沟通能力、理解能力、团队协作能力、责任心和抗压能力。 加分项: 1、有Windows平台安全分析、二进制分析、逆向分析者优先; 2、熟悉PE文件结构,DLL注入机制优先; 3、熟悉WTL/DUILIB/CEF/Electron等技术优先。 福利: 1、入职购买社保公积金; 2、一年12天年假; 3、每日55元/餐补+每日下午茶; 4、补充商业保险+体检+生日礼金
  • 15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1.负责医药生态保险解决方案的落地执行,对项目的进度和业务结果负责; 2.负责制定项目推进计划,管理项目推进过程,监控并持续优化项目运营情况,完成业务合作落地的基础管理工作,包括但不限于协议管理、费用结算、产品管理、技术需求推动等; 3.负责领导交办的其他工作。 任职资格: 1.大学本科及以上学历,医药相关专业优先; 2.具备3年及以上保险行业、医药产业、互联网医疗行业从业经验,具有项目管理经验者优先,具有药企PAP、创新支付项目经验者优先; 3.性格乐观开朗,能适应工作压力和敢于面对挑战,有良好的客户群体关系; 4.具有较好的统筹协调和沟通能力、语言表达和文字书写能力以及完整的逻辑思考能力,善于协调内外部资源积极推动项目落地达成并对结果负责。
  • 3k-6k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网,人工智能 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    We are looking for an Aggressive Business Development Specialist who can help build a ***** digital heath ecosystem to promote innovation & entrepreneurship around the growing aging population in China. Ideal candidate will have background and passion on the health industry (preferably Geriatrics, Home Care or nursing informatics) and marketing and business development mindset to connect and engage with professionals from private sector and public sector such as corporations, universities, hospitals, government departments, community centers, nursing home, insurance companies, investor community etc. About Xavor: Xavor is a US based digital health company focused on AI, Robotics and Geriatrics Data Platforms and building preventive home self-care solutions to enhance independent living by detecting and predicting digital biomarkers and symptoms for early physical and mental decline. Ongoing project like an AI-Based Orthopedic Home Rehab platform, to improve adherence to recovery plans, prevent risky behaviors and help in early detection of possible problems. And we are looking for research partners for clinical trial collaboration now. Core Responsibilities 1. Actively network in the Aging& Health industry to establish relationships and to identify potential opportunities; 2. Email and call to schedule and conduct meetings with potential decision-makers, including research partners from hospitals (Rehab, Orthopedic etc), university professors, rehab clinics, nursing facilities, KOLs in the aging and rehab industry; 3. Facilitate and promote our company project in China market, plan BD activities, including client visiting, organizing technical seminar, forum, etc. 4. Follow closely and participate actively in related industry events, exhibitions, forums, conferences, pitches to promote our project and acquire new business connections and opportunities; 5. Actively approach VCs, industry invest department, Family offices in China to introduce our new venture for potential financing opportunities. Key Requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree in healthcare, nursing informatics, medical, elderly care, or related fields; 2. Great relationship builder, sales strategist, and creative problem solver; 3. Aggressive and proactive, tireless energy, creativity, and hunger to succeed. 4. Ability to establish cooperative working relationships. 5. Excellent written and oral communication skills. 6. Proven success in a fast-paced and open working environment. 7. Must possess strong proficiency in Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • 6k-10k 经验不限 / 本科
    移动互联网,人工智能 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    We are looking for an Aggressive Business Development Specialist who can help build a ***** digital heath ecosystem to promote innovation & entrepreneurship around the growing aging population in China. Ideal candidate will have background and passion on the health industry (preferably Geriatrics, Home Care or nursing informatics) and marketing and business development mindset to connect and engage with professionals from private sector and public sector such as corporations, universities, hospitals, government departments, community centers, nursing home, insurance companies, investor community etc. About Xavor: Xavor is a US based digital health company focused on AI, Robotics and Geriatrics Data Platforms and building preventive home self-care solutions to enhance independent living by detecting and predicting digital biomarkers and symptoms for early physical and mental decline. Ongoing project like an AI-Based Orthopedic Home Rehab platform, to improve adherence to recovery plans, prevent risky behaviors and help in early detection of possible problems. And we are looking for research partners for clinical trial collaboration now. Core Responsibilities 1. Actively network in the Aging& Health industry to establish relationships and to identify potential opportunities; 2. Email and call to schedule and conduct meetings with potential decision-makers, including research partners from hospitals (Rehab, Orthopedic etc), university professors, rehab clinics, nursing facilities, KOLs in the aging and rehab industry; 3. Facilitate and promote our company project in China market, plan BD activities, including client visiting, organizing technical seminar, forum, etc. 4. Follow closely and participate actively in related industry events, exhibitions, forums, conferences, pitches to promote our project and acquire new business connections and opportunities; 5. Actively approach VCs, industry invest department, Family offices in China to introduce our new venture for potential financing opportunities. Key Requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree in healthcare, nursing informatics, medical, elderly care, or related fields, 1-3 years related working experience is highly preferred. 2. Great relationship builder, sales strategist, and creative problem solver; 3. Aggressive and proactive, tireless energy, creativity, and hunger to succeed. 4. Ability to establish cooperative working relationships. 5. Excellent written and oral communication skills. 6. Proven success in a fast-paced and open working environment. 7. Must possess strong proficiency in Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • 3k-6k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网,人工智能 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    About the job: We are looking for an Aggressive Business Development Specialist who can help us build market awareness and reputation, and promote our age-tech solutions in China around the growing aging population. Ideal candidate will have background and passion on the marketing and business development , or health (preferably Geriatrics and Home Care) to connect and engage with business partners from private sector and public sector such as corporations, associations, hospitals, community centers, nursing home, insurance companies, investor community, government departments etc. About Xavor: Xavor is a US based digital health company focused on AI, Robotics and Geriatrics Data Platforms and building preventive aging-care solutions to enhance independent living by detecting and predicting digital biomarkers and symptoms for early physical and mental decline. Ongoing project like an innovative Functional Mobility Assessment solution for aging population in China and US, provide early detection and personalized insights, reduce the incidence of falls, prevent injuries, and alleviate the financial and emotional burdens associated with falling in the elderly population. Core Responsibilities 1. Product field testing: Actively conduct product field testing around our Functional Mobility Assessment solution to ensure optimal performance, gather feedback, and identify areas for improvement. Provide valuable insights and suggestions to enhance our solutions. 2. Solution Promotion: Actively promote our Functional Mobility Assessment solution and other digital health solutions in China market, plan BD activities, including business visits, organizing technical seminar, forum, etc. 3. Industry Events and networking: Participate closely in industry events, exhibitions, forums, conferences, pitches to promote our project. Engage with industry professionals, identify business opportunities, and establish valuable relationships. 4. Market Awareness: Promote our solutions in both online and offline channels weekly. Stay up-to-date with industry trends, market dynamics, and competitor activities 5. Documentation maintain and update: Maintain and update documentation related to business development activities, including business plans, proposals, client presentations, and market research reports. Ensure accuracy, consistency, and accessibility of information for internal and external stakeholders.. Key Requirements 1. Internship duration: Minimum 4 months. 2. Education: Bachelor's or Master's degree in Business Administration, Marketing, healthcare or a related field. Familiarity with the digital tech industry is a plus. 3. Location: Based in Shanghai, with the ability to work from the our Shanghai office. 4. Language Skills: Fluent in English and Mandarin, with excellent written and verbal communication skills. 5. Self-Driven and Goal-Oriented: Demonstrated ability to take initiative, work independently, and achieve targets. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to adapt to changing priorities. Excellent written and oral communication skills. 6. Interpersonal Skills: Outstanding interpersonal and networking skills, with the ability to build rapport and maintain relationships with diverse stakeholders. Confident and professional demeanor. 7. Must possess strong proficiency in Outlook, Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint.
  • 8k-15k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    硬件 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    任职要求: 1.熟悉使用主流的原理图及PCB设计软件,如 PADS,能独立完成硬件相关如原理图设计、PCB布线、功能调试; 2.熟悉产品设计相关流程及各项功能设计开发测试; 3.具有MCU/ARM等嵌入式单板硬件开发经验,了解 USB/网口/串口/SPI/I2C等接口与协议; 4.DC-DC电源开发设计工作经验; 5.熟练使用各类分析/测试仪器:示波器,可调电源,万用表,高频信号发生器,频谱仪等; 6.熟悉EMC标准及安规要求,能处理EMC安规问题与实验室整改; 7.工作认真,责任心强,积极上进,对新技术、新知识有较强的学习愿望; 8.电子、通信、自动化或计算机类相关专业,大专及以上学历; 9.年龄要求:28-38岁 10.以下开发经验者优先:无线充,移动电源,蓝牙音箱,感应小夜灯、小风扇,车充、车载无线充、车载蓝牙、香薰机,DCDC 方案
  • 70k-85k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    人工智能,软件开发 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    1、配合销售部门完成目标客户提案、技术交流、方案宣讲、产品演示及相关项目销售攻关的技术支持; 2、根据零售快消行业客户的业务需求,提供基于公司产品的针对性整体解决方案,包括咨询、规划、客制化需求确认等工作; 3、收集客户反馈的技术问题,与产品团队紧密合作,优化和完善公司产品和解决方案; 4、跟踪行业发展趋势和发展方向,具备一定的商务能力。 任职要求: 1、5年以上零售快消方向的售前咨询与技术方案支持的相关经验; 2、以咨询顾问角色参与过3个以上零售快消IT大型项目群的项目管理完整实施,深谙零售快消经营转型之痛点,能够结合客户实际情况提出数字化转型的建议思路,建立认同感。业务和技术认知具备一定的广度和深度,能够以独到的观点和见解影响客户。 3、具备敏锐的市场洞察力和严密的逻辑分析能力,具备快速学习、创新和解决复杂问题的能力; 4、具备优秀的文案编写能力、语言表达能力和方案演讲能力,沟通技巧佳; 5、有强烈的进取心和工作激情,勇于接受挑战,善于开拓创新,目标导向,自我驱动。
  • 消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    美团核心本地商业-下沉市场发展部于2015年成立,通过招募优质的合作商伙伴并对其业务经营能力、组织能力等赋能,以期为下沉城市提供一站式的本地生活服务。 下沉市场发展部的业务场景涵盖了外卖餐饮、团购、拼好饭、闪购、医药等多元化的生活服务领域,同时搭建了一套稳定、高效的即时配送网络,为更多本地用户提供品质化、多样化、便捷高效的生活服务体验,为当地商户提供数字化发展机遇、提升数字化水平,为社会创造更多的就地就业机会。 截至2024年6月,下沉市场发展部已开拓全国4000+县区市,帮助百万商户实现本地生活服务数字化,日订单量突破千万,为数十万名骑手提供就业岗位,让本地生活服务逐渐成长为地方新基建,实现美团“帮助大家吃得更好,生活更好”的使命! 岗位职责 1、负责下沉市场发展部流量转化、用户成长、营销工具等产品能力建设,为下沉市场多业务的用户增长和交易转化负责。 2、从用户和产品视角出发,基于下沉市场特点和经营诉求,提供高效的交易增长产品能力或解决方案。 3、协同平台产品、研发、业务等相关团队,推进项目高效落地,为交付质量负责。 4、结合业务短中长期发展需要,合理规划产品能力建设节奏,建立“产研资源投入-业务价值收益”评估机制。 岗位基本需求 1、本科及以上学历,2年以上产品团队管理经验,5年以上营销产品或用户产品经验。 2、具备良好的商业理解能力,对商业经营有热情。 3、具备良好的产品规划能力、项目统筹能力和数据分析能力。 4、有强烈的责任心和自驱力,有韧劲。 5、有本地生活服务、即时零售等相关行业经验者优先。 岗位亮点 深度参与美团核心本地商业多业态、新业务在下沉市场的发展,成长空间大、机会多。
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、根据舆情等多渠道上报的风险信息,结合实时监测数据,完成相关风险研判,闭环问题解决与风险处置; 2、协同策略团队,根据风险研判结论制定应对策略,共同推进处置策略落地; 3、负责风险案例研判与数据分析,协同各业务线,提升处置效率,保证内容安全; 4、负责对平台高热内容的安全与质量,从舆情、策略、作者和生态等多维度监测平台安全与画风。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,新闻、中文、社会学、政治学类专业背景优先,内容安全相关经验优先; 2、有扎实的文字功底,具备较强的内容敏感度和专业内容判断力,对风险及应对策略和尺度有比较准确的把握; 3、较强的同理心,对用户体验问题敏感,善于从用户角度思考问题; 4、对数据敏感,善于总结归纳,能够体系化发现、分析、解决问题; 5、具有良好的协调和人际沟通能力,能够推动跨部门的协同合作。
  • 7k-14k 经验1年以下 / 不限
    电商 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    我司主要就是做闪电仓加盟这一块的,做过就知道,真的很简单,新人第一个月轻松开3-5单,第一个月轻松月入7000+。 岗位职责: 1.通过电话和微信的方式跟客户沟通,向客户介绍公司的项目。 2.熟悉公司项目特点,为客户精准推荐。 3.负责全国闪电仓项目的招商加盟以及推广,公司自有项目客单价不高,微信回访,进行有效追踪工作,最终签约(闪电仓开单容易,周期短,目前开单高峰期,一周左右就可开单) 4.前期会有相关培训
  • 17k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    What You Will Do: 1、Coordinate with business units and engineers to develop business analytics frameworks, dashboards and reports 2、Ensure accuracy of data (e.g. from tags) and work with product/dev teams to manage single version of truth 3、Proactively define data needs, collect, organize and analyze data from a variety of sources; 4、Analyze biz data regularly to identify opportunities to improve biz efficiency 5、Conduct in-depth analytical studies combining external research data and internal data to facilitate strategy planning for vertical teams 6、Results Orientation: Track record of delivering measurable impact through data-driven initiatives. What You Will Need: 1、Bachelor’s degree in Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Economics, Marketing, or Business Communications are preferred at least 3 years of experience in data analytics and business intelligence 2、Familiar with data visualization tools Experience in programming or analytic tools such as SQL, Tableau,Python Results Orientation: Track record of delivering measurable impact through data-driven initiatives. 3、Problem Solving: Strategic thinker with strong analytical skills to identify complex problems and develop innovative solutions. 4、A start-up attitude – highly collaborative with an entrepreneurial, roll-up-your sleeves attitude that’s not afraid to work independently when required
  • 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 大专
    金融,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1、负责甄选企业家客户资源; 2、邀请客户参加线上线下产品发布会; 3、完成产品销售和服务。 岗位要求: 1、有独立法人的企业家客户资源。 2、一年以上企业家客户营销工作经验,且业绩优异。 3、大专及以上学历。 4、年龄:25-40岁。 5、沟通能力强且热爱销售工作。 入职培训:入职带薪培训,帮您打破壁垒,快速融入,自我突破! 发展空间: 营销专员-营销主管-营销经理-营销总监-营销副总-营销总经理-总裁 公平公正、无天花板的晋升通道,告别打工,走向老板! 特色福利: 1、入职上五险一金!  2、生日活动+礼品! 3、节日福利定期发!  4、孝心奖励送爸妈! 5、贤内助奖发爱人! 6、终身员工福利多!(父母孝心奖励、子女节日礼物、配偶失业补贴、书报费、探亲费) 7、员工关怀幸福高!(结婚红包、生子红包、丧亲慰问金、大病住院慰问金、带薪假期、爱心互助基金、敬老奖、栋梁奖、司龄奖、年度体检、中医问诊、工会救助、健康保险、母婴室、陪伴假、带薪家长会假、**爱好俱乐部活动、玫瑰之约、家庭开放日、公司周年庆典、健康活动、创新基金等近20项特色福利。)
  • 5k-8k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1.负责淘宝、天猫平台的店铺运营管理,包括商品选品、定价策略及店铺定位与布局。 2.制定并执行店铺营销活动,以提高店铺曝光率、点击率和转化率。 3.监控并分析店铺运营数据,包括销售额、浏览量等,及时调整运营策略。 4.与团队协作,确保运营活动和销售策略的顺畅实施。 任职要求: 1.具有独立运营淘宝、天猫等电商平台的能力,一年以上独立运营经验。 2.熟悉电商平台的规则和业务流程,能够有效进行商品上下架及营销推广。 3.具备良好的组织沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够高效地完成项目目标。 4.对数据敏感,能够通过数据分析来优化运营策略。
  • 4k-8k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限
    硬件,人工智能 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、完成所辖区域的产品销​‌‌售任务,提升产品在区域内的占比; 2、负责所辖区域内市场的开拓、客户的开发、网点的布局及新客户前期进场谈判工作; 3、负责所辖区域内卖场的出样规划布置,整体形象的维护; 4、负责所辖区域内的产品线的设定,产品零售价、标价的制订,整体价格体系的维护; 5、掌握所辖区域内客户进、销、存情况,及时跟进客户提货计划和物流发货状况; 6、掌握所辖区域内竞品动态及节假日促销活动计划,并制订出相应策略。 任职资格: 1、本科及以上学历,市场营销或经济、管理类相关专业优先; 2、具有1年以上的销售管理经验者优先; 3、吃苦耐劳,有较强的工作责任心和团队协作精神; 4、office办公软件运用熟练,尤其是ppt汇报材料制作与excel数据整理。
  • 6k-7k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    教育,企业服务 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    公司介绍: 我们是一家商业咨询公司,主要做商业模式策划跟落地陪跑,公司以企业教育培训为入口,从事企业咨询服务,为广大中小企业提供整体落地方案,涉足顶层设计、商业模式、招商加盟、股权激励、团队打造等众多领域。 岗位职责: 1. 负责公司人事行政管理工作,包括招聘、培训、绩效考核、员工福利等; 2. 负责员工档案管理,包括员工信息录入、档案维护、档案归档等; 3. 负责员工考勤管理,包括考勤记录、请假管理、加班管理等; 4. 负责员工薪资管理,包括薪资核等; 5. 负责员工关系管理,包括员工投诉处理、员工纠纷调解等; 6.社保、公积金等手续办理 7. 其它相关安排。 任职要求: 1、 28岁以内,***本科科及以上学历、人力资源、心理学专业优先; 2、3年及以上相关工作经验 3、 具备人力资源管理知识,熟悉关于合同管理、用人机制、保险福利待遇等方面的法律法规及政策; 4、熟练操作办公软件,精通 Excel、Word、Visio 应用,具备较专业的 PPT 制作能力具有较强口头表达能力和文字功底;/5、 对人力资源管理事务性工作有娴熟的处理技巧; 6、 熟悉企业的招聘流程及各种招聘渠道; 7、 对人才的发现与引进、组织与人员调整、员工职业生涯设计等具有丰富的实践经验; 8、 具备良好的团队合作精神和沟通表达能力; 9、 自我驱动型,目标感强,积极正能量,有较强的抗压性。 作息时间: 上班时间9:00-18:00,周末双休,五险一金入职即交,节假期正常休息 春节假期15天 欢迎优秀的人才来沟通呀 公司大部分都是00后 90后居多 氛围活跃