• 25k-50k·14薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    游戏,数据服务 / B轮 / 150-500人
    参与自研引擎的研发工作 包括但不限于以下工作方向 UI 方向 1. UI Editor 2. In Game UI Editor Data driven rendering 1. Custom Material/Shader Editor 2. Custom Material/Shading Language design and implementation Animation 1. Animation System Design and Implementation 2. Animation Editor workflow 3. Asset optimization for animation Editor 1. Animation Editor 2. Material Editor 3. Particle Editor 4. Engine toolset Workflow 工作内容包含,但不限于 资产格式的设计,实现 三维资产诸如fbx, gltf, usd, alembic 文件的导入,管理 自有格式资产文件的处理 动画,粒子,材质系统,及相关编辑模块 自定义材质系统的设计,实现 引擎编辑器工具集的实现 windows/mac/ios/android多平台的支持 任职资格: 1. 熟练使用C++语言 2. 了解 C#, Python, Javascript, Java 语言 3. 掌握一种及以上 Visual Studio/Visual Studio Code/XCode/Android Studio 编辑器的使用 4. 熟悉代码管理工具如 git/perforce/svn 5. 了解三维引擎基本框架 6. 具有较强的实现能力,学习能力 7. 具有团队合作精神,包括良好的技术文档书写、沟通能力
  • 15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    汽车|出行,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    我们正在寻找富有才华和经验的资深/高级 Unity 工程师加入我们的团队,共同开发令人兴奋的创新项目。如果你热爱游戏开发/互动体验开发,精通 Unity 引擎,并渴望在一个灵活、远程的环境中工作,我们非常期待你的加入! 职位描述: 你将负责使用 Unity 引擎开发各种项目,包括但不限于游戏、互动体验、虚拟现实 (VR) 和增强现实 (AR) 应用。你将与一个充满激情和才华的团队紧密合作,共同完成项目的设计、开发、测试和优化。 主要职责: 1. 使用 Unity 和 C# 进行高质量的代码编写和维护。 2. 负责核心游戏/应用逻辑、用户界面 (UI) 和交互的设计和实现。 3. 优化游戏/应用性能,确保在各种平台上流畅运行。 4. 参与项目的设计和技术方案讨论。 5. 与美术、设计师和测试人员紧密合作,确保项目按时高质量完成。 6. 编写技术文档和代码注释。 任职要求: 1. 3 年以上使用 Unity 引擎进行项目开发的经验。 2. 精通 C# 编程语言,熟悉面向对象编程思想和设计模式。 3. 熟悉 Unity 引擎的各种功能和模块,包括但不限于:   - UGUI 或其他 UI 系统。   - 动画系统 (Animator、Animation)。   - 物理引擎 (PhysX)。   - 资源管理 (AssetBundle)。   - 性能优化工具 (Profiler)。 4. 熟悉版本控制工具。 5. 熟悉常用的设计模式和软件工程原则。 6. 具有良好的问题分析和解决能力。 7. 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。 加分项: 1. 具有发布上线项目的经验。 2. 熟悉 VR/AR 开发。 3. 熟悉 Shader 编程。 4. 熟悉其他游戏引擎 (如 Unreal Engine)。 5. 有独立开发或开源项目经验。 工作地点: 完全远程,你可以在任何地方工作。 也可以长期在办公室工作。  重要项目节点还是需要现场合作的。  我们提供: - 具有竞争力的薪酬和福利待遇。 - 灵活的工作时间和地点。 - 充满挑战和成长机会的项目。 - 与优秀团队合作的机会。
  • 15k-25k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    人工智能服务,科技金融 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1.负责兴业银行移动端应用程序的需求分析、系统设计工作; 2.负责兴业银行移动端应用程序的代码编写和单元测试工作,确保功能稳定、性能优异,保证研发工作高质量完成; 3.负责对兴业银行移动端应用程序提供技术支持服务; 4.负责对兴业银行移动端应用程序的技术架构进行改进和优化,提升用户体验。 岗位要求: 1.具备全面、扎实的软件基础知识,掌握操作系统、软件工程、设计模式、数据结构、数据库系统、网络安全等知识; 2.编程基本功扎实,掌握常用算法和数据结构; 3.熟悉对应平台方向的开发语言,如Objective-C、Kotlin、Typescript、Swift等,熟悉客户端MVC、MVVM设计模式; 4.对多线程开发,网络性能优化、Animation、热更新发布、Hybrid混合开发等领域有较深入研究者优先。
  • 15k-25k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    人工智能服务,科技金融 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1.负责兴业银行移动端应用程序的需求分析、系统设计工作; 2.负责兴业银行移动端应用程序的代码编写和单元测试工作,确保功能稳定、性能优异,保证研发工作高质量完成; 3.负责对兴业银行移动端应用程序提供技术支持服务; 4.负责对兴业银行移动端应用程序的技术架构进行改进和优化,提升用户体验。 岗位要求: 1.具备全面、扎实的软件基础知识,掌握操作系统、软件工程、设计模式、数据结构、数据库系统、网络安全等知识; 2.编程基本功扎实,掌握常用算法和数据结构; 3.熟悉对应平台方向的开发语言,如Objective-C、Kotlin、Typescript、Swift等,熟悉客户端MVC、MVVM设计模式; 4.对多线程开发,网络性能优化、Animation、热更新发布、Hybrid混合开发等领域有较深入研究者优先。
  • 30k-50k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    社交平台 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    硬性要求:**本科学历+英文流利(符合此条件再投递!) 区块链或大厂背景,可居家远程办公 职责: 1.设计、开发和维护高效、可靠的iOS应用程式 2.根据产品需求,协助设计和实施新功能 3.进行代码审查,确保程式码品质和可扩展性 4.处理程式码问题和漏洞,进行除错和优化 5.与跨功能团队合作,包括产品经理、设计师和测试人员,确保项目的成功交付 任职要求: 1.英文可以作爲工作语言 2.至少3年iOS开发经验,熟悉Objective-C和Swift语言 3.具备良好的理解和应用MVC或MVVM等软体架构 4.熟悉iOS开发生态系统和相关框架,如UIKit、Core Data、Core Animation等 5.具备良好的问题解决能力和代码调试技能 6.具备良好的团队合作和沟通能力,能够有效与团队成员合作 7.具备良好的自我学习能力和持续学习的意愿,跟上iOS开发领域的最新趋势和技术 优势条件: - 熟悉敏捷开发方法论,如Scrum或Kanban - 具备跨平台开发经验,如React Native或Flutter - 具备UI/UX设计的基础知识,能够与设计师密切合作 - 在iOS应用程式商店上有已发佈的应用程式
  • 45k-65k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Your role QIMA has a 35%/year growth pace, 20% thanks to acquisitions. It is paramount that we manage to integrate quickly our new acquired companies so that they can extend the benefit of our state-of-the-art data management & dashboards to our new clients and colleagues. Data integration plays a key role in this integration: how do we manage to understand quickly and unambiguously the data of the newly acquired company? How do we connect this data to our existing data flows? Data plays a key role at QIMA: as we master the entire data flow, from data collection (with our own inspectors, auditors, and labs), data processing (BI and data scientists) and data actionability (insights for our customers and for our managers). Data is spread around different departments and expertise inside the company: Marketing, Operations, Sales, IT, … Data governance is key, and collaboration around data will unlock the potential to bring even more value to our customers about the quality of their products, and to our managers about their operations. These main challenges about data lead us to look for our Head of Data. In this role, your main responsibilities will be, but not limited to: -Project Management oImagine the business cases of the data projects by exchanging with stakeholders, and deliver them oLead the transversal projects around our datawarehouse and cloud ETL oLead the Master Data Management projects, leveraging the key skills and technologies already in place across departments oDrive the data integration of newly acquired companies within QIMA group in order to synchronize reporting dashboards and provide a transversal understanding of the business oLead the discussion and integration projects with external partners oTrack results and provide continuous improvement oBe responsible for budget, roadmap, quality and delivery of these projects -People Management oManage the Data Engineering and the Business Intelligence teams -Community Animation oAnimate data governance across domains and departments oBe the guardian of data quality in the group, challenge data inconsistencies and ensure that data is shared by all departments in any circumstances oImplement knowledge sharing practices inside the data community oBe responsible of data lineage and data quality -Management of the run oCooperate with our IT support organization to create the support of the newly created systems oOrganize and manage the day-to-day operation and support of this system Requirements: In order to succeed in this role, you must have: -Master's degree in computer science -Extensive experience and knowledge on Data solution architecting -Experience in transversal projects -Are a hands-on person, autonomous, at ease to discuss with a CEO or a field operator -Open minded, agile with change and pragmatic -Ability to drive a workstream and train final users -Can work in a multinational environment and on multiple simultaneous projects -Strong communication skills, both oral and written -Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills -Are fluent in English: daily use required with our colleagues all over the world; -If you are based in Europe, you are willing and able to travel.
  • 35k-50k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Do you have experience in architecting data at a global organization scale? Do you enjoy working on cutting edge technologies while supporting end-users achieving their business goals? About QIMA You will be linking our new companies in Americas, our teams in Europe (mostly France) and our teams in Asia (China, Hong Kong, Philippines). Your role QIMA has a 35%/year growth pace, 20% thanks to acquisitions. It is paramount that we manage to integrate quickly our new acquired companies so that they can extend the benefit of our state-of-the-art data management & dashboards to our new clients and colleagues. Data integration plays a key role in this integration: how do we manage to understand quickly and unambiguously the data of the newly acquired company? How do we connect this data to our existing data flows? Data plays a key role at QIMA: as we master the entire data flow, from data collection (with our own inspectors, auditors, and labs), data processing (BI and data scientists) and data actionability (insights for our customers and for our managers). Data is spread around different departments and expertise inside the company: Marketing, Operations, Sales, IT, … Data governance is key, and collaboration around data will unlock the potential to bring even more value to our customers about the quality of their products, and to our managers about their operations. These main challenges about data lead us to look for our Head of Data. In this role, your main responsibilities will be, but not limited to: - Project Management o Imagine the business cases of the data projects by exchanging with stakeholders, and deliver them o Lead the transversal projects around our datawarehouse and cloud ETL o Lead the Master Data Management projects, leveraging the key skills and technologies already in place across departments o Drive the data integration of newly acquired companies within QIMA group in order to synchronize reporting dashboards and provide a transversal understanding of the business o Lead the discussion and integration projects with external partners o Track results and provide continuous improvement o Be responsible for budget, roadmap, quality and delivery of these projects - People Management o Manage the Data Engineering and the Business Intelligence teams - Community Animation o Animate data governance across domains and departments o Be the guardian of data quality in the group, challenge data inconsistencies and ensure that data is shared by all departments in any circumstances o Implement knowledge sharing practices inside the data community o Be responsible of data lineage and data quality - Management of the run o Cooperate with our IT support organization to create the support of the newly created systems o Organize and manage the day-to-day operation and support of this system Requirements: In order to succeed in this role, you must have: - Master's degree in computer science - Extensive experience and knowledge on Data solution architecting - Experience in transversal projects - Are a hands-on person, autonomous, at ease to discuss with a CEO or a field operator - Open minded, agile with change and pragmatic - Ability to drive a workstream and train final users - Can work in a multinational environment and on multiple simultaneous projects - Strong communication skills, both oral and written - Excellent teamwork and interpersonal skills - Are fluent in English: daily use required with our colleagues all over the world; - If you are based in Europe, you are willing and able to travel. We offer: a competitive package, performance bonus, fast career progression and international career opportunities.
  • 12k-18k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,消费生活 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1.Create, review and maintain internal education material and UI Design standards and guidelines 2.Update and define existing guidelines for typography, color palettes, iconography, and imagery 3.Creation of graphic specification based on UI specifications and Heroscreens or other Design Guidelines Including detailed layout and placement of interface elements, buttons, forms, and navigation components 4.Annotations and notes to guide the development team's implementation of the design 5.Creation of Motion Designs and Animation Specification for development 6.Creation of 3D Designs and specifications 任职要求: 1.Bachelor degree or above in Interaction Design/Computer Science/Psychology or related majors 2.Over 3 years of working experience in agile project 3.3+ years of working experience as a UI or UX Designer 4.Knowledge of HMI development and HMI concept design 5.Knowledge of Cooperation Tools and Writing Skills 6.Be able to set up, manage and use Skype/Teams, Sharepoint, Confluence, Frontify, Firgma, Sketch, Jira, .. 7.Fluent in English
  • 15k-25k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责数字人的动画录制及处理; 2、负责数字人的动作制作,形成丰富的动作库; 3、根据业务需求输出对应数字人及相关场景的视频或直播信号; 4、支持其他相关的业务需求。 任职要求: 1、1年以上数字人动画工作经验,影视、动画、广告、美术或与其相关专业; 2、熟练运用UE Animation ,动作重定向,Sequence编辑器; 3、具有丰富的角色动画制作及设计经验; 4、熟练掌握3Dmax软件及3Dmax的CS系统和skin蒙皮工具,了解bone、CAT骨骼等,了解相关引擎动画等; 5、了解各类动捕技术,在OptiTrack、StepVR或其他动捕、面捕软硬件方面丰富的实操经验; 6、熟练掌握UE4或者UE5,有Unity开发经验的优先考虑; 7、有较强的理解能力,独立思考能力,具有较强责任感和团队合作精神。
  • 15k-25k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责数字人的动画录制及处理; 2、负责数字人的动作制作,形成丰富的动作库; 3、根据业务需求输出对应数字人及相关场景的视频或直播信号; 4、支持其他相关的业务需求。 任职要求: 1、1年以上数字人动画工作经验,影视、动画、广告、美术或与其相关专业; 2、熟练运用UE Animation ,动作重定向,Sequence编辑器; 3、具有丰富的角色动画制作及设计经验; 4、熟练掌握3Dmax软件及3Dmax的CS系统和skin蒙皮工具,了解bone、CAT骨骼等,了解相关引擎动画等; 5、了解各类动捕技术,在OptiTrack、StepVR或其他动捕、面捕软硬件方面丰富的实操经验; 6、熟练掌握UE4或者UE5,有Unity开发经验的优先考虑; 7、有较强的理解能力,独立思考能力,具有较强责任感和团队合作精神。
  • 35k-45k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 大专
    游戏 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1、根据功能设计文档,主导项目UI设计风格,制作UI界面。 2、制定UI动效的质量标准,提供高品质UI动效的制作方法和生产流程,效果达到同品类最高水平。 3、提供高质量的UI交互优化方案,对用户的交互体验有深刻的理解。 4、配合主美制订产品界面风格及标准,编写、更新设计规范。 要求: 1、大专及以上学历设计相关专业,游戏UI从业经验6年及以上; 2、有欧卡风格项目经验; 3、优秀的面板设计(包含ICON)、界面动效设计、交互原型设计能力; 4、有良好的统筹能力和逻辑思维,善于沟通表达,梳理工作规划; 其他加分项: 1.有欧美三消/休闲游戏主UI经验; 2.有手绘原画能力; 3.熟悉U3D引擎,会使用UGUI/NGUI/FGUI等; 4.会 SPINE ,Unity粒子特效,Unity Animation , Timeline ,AE 等。
  • 10k-15k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 50-150人
    职位内容: Mainly be responsible to the UI/UX design for various products including mobile apps and sites. User research, visual design, animation making, problem shooting, user testing, product audit are daily jobs. 负责多个产品的移动端App及网站的设计,包括界面及用户体验设计。设计过程涉及用户研究,需求分析,解决方案研究,视觉设计,用户测试,产品评估等。 职位描述: 1. Adequate English level and presentation skills 2. Strong ability of learning, problem shooting, and stress management. 3. Rich experience on UI design and deep understanding on user experience. 4. Good understanding on design guideline of iOS, Material design, and design systems. 5. Experience on visual design, animation design, and design thinking will be icing on the cake. 1. 良好的英语水平和沟通能力 2. 很强的学习能力、解决问题的能力和抗压能力 3. 丰富的界面设计经验,对用户体验有深刻的理解 4. 对各种设计标准有很好的认识 5. 有视觉设计、动画动效设计、设计思维的经验会加分
  • 9k-12k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 大专
    软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 50-150人
    1. Adequate English level and presentation skills 2. Strong ability of learning, problem shooting, and stress management. 3. Rich experience on UI design and deep understanding on user experience. 4. Good understanding on design guideline of iOS, Material design, and design systems. 5. Experience on visual design, animation design, and design thinking will be icing on the cake. 1. 良好的英语水平和沟通能力 2. 很强的学习能力、解决问题的能力和抗压能力 3. 丰富的界面设计经验,对用户体验有深刻的理解 4. 对各种设计标准有很好的认识 5. 有视觉设计、动画动效设计、设计思维的经验会加分
  • 35k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述 Daily duties - 负责理想汽车品牌视频的动效设计; Responsible for the Li Brand motion design video. - 提高视频设计团队动效设计能力,能为团队成员提供专业指导,与供应商协作,把控视频中的动效类镜头高品质实现,给出专业向的指导性建议; Improve the motion design ability of the Brand Video Design team, provide professional guidance for team members, cooperate with suppliers, control the high-quality realization of motion lenses in brand video, and give professional guidance suggestions. - 对AIGC领域敏感度高,能将最前沿的技术运用到业务中,包含Model/ StableDiffusion/ Midjourney/ Leonardo等。 Highly sensitive to the AIGC field, able to apply cutting-edge technologies to business, including Model/ StableDiffusion/ Midjourney/ Leonardo, etc. - 负责理想汽车品牌视频后期视觉规范建设、迭代维护、审核、制作等,并确保高品质视觉规范落地。如:动态Super规范、动效设计规范、传播类视觉规范等; Responsible for the post-stage visual specification construction, iterative maintenance, review, production, etc. of the ideal car brand video, and ensure the implementation of high-quality visual specifications. Such as: motion super specification, motion design specification, communication visual specification, etc. 职位要求 - 本科及以上学历,动画、视觉传达、艺术设计等相关专业,5-10年设计专业工作经验。具有高等设计类院校及海外设计类院校留学背景及英语沟通能力者优先,但非必要; Bachelor degree or above, animation, visual communication, art design and other related majors, 5-10 years of design professional work experience. Those who have the background of studying abroad in design colleges and overseas design colleges and English communication skills are preferred. - 5年以上动效设计、3D动效经验,完成过同类项目,精通Adobe AE/C4D/Blender/,具备后期动画能力; More than 5 years of experience in motion design and 3D motion, completed similar projects, proficient in C4D/Blender/Adobe AE, and capable of post-production animation. - 具备剪辑思维,能熟练使用Adobe Primire Pro/ Final Cut Pro 完成创意演示和其他剪辑工作; Possess editing thinking and be proficient in using Adobe Premiere Pro/ Final Cut Pro to complete creative presentations and other editing work. - 具备较高的美术功底和视觉审美,基于品牌设计原则产出充满想象力的作品; Possess high art skills and visual aesthetics, and produce imaginative works based on brand design principles. - 具备用户思维、团队协作及共创精神,有责任心、有担当,抗压能力及自驱能力强; Possess user thinking, teamwork and co-creation spirit, have a sense of responsibility, responsibility, strong ability to resist pressure and self-driving ability. - 拥抱变化,愿意接受新事物及带来的挑战,能利用专业素养快速做出应对方案及落地执行能力; Embrace change, be willing to accept new things and the challenges they bring, and be able to use professionalism to quickly make solutions and implement them. - 有出众的国内外动效设计供应商资源者优先,但非必要。 Those who have excellent domestic and foreign motion design supplier resources are preferred, but not necessary. - 了解广告行业趋势,有实拍后期结合者优先,但非必要; Understand the trend of the advertising industry, and those who have actual filming and post-production combination are preferred, but not necessary.
  • 25k-35k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述 Daily duties - 负责理想汽车品牌视频的动效设计; Responsible for the Li Brand motion design video. - 提高视频设计团队动效设计能力,能为团队成员提供专业指导,与供应商协作,把控视频中的动效类镜头高品质实现,给出专业向的指导性建议; Improve the motion design ability of the Brand Video Design team, provide professional guidance for team members, cooperate with suppliers, control the high-quality realization of motion lenses in brand video, and give professional guidance suggestions. - 对AIGC领域敏感度高,能将最前沿的技术运用到业务中,包含Model/ StableDiffusion/ Midjourney/ Leonardo等。 Highly sensitive to the AIGC field, able to apply cutting-edge technologies to business, including Model/ StableDiffusion/ Midjourney/ Leonardo, etc. - 负责理想汽车品牌视频后期视觉规范建设、迭代维护、审核、制作等,并确保高品质视觉规范落地。如:动态Super规范、动效设计规范、传播类视觉规范等; Responsible for the post-stage visual specification construction, iterative maintenance, review, production, etc. of the ideal car brand video, and ensure the implementation of high-quality visual specifications. Such as: motion super specification, motion design specification, communication visual specification, etc. 职位要求 - 本科及以上学历,动画、视觉传达、艺术设计等相关专业,5-10年设计专业工作经验。具有高等设计类院校及海外设计类院校留学背景及英语沟通能力者优先,但非必要; Bachelor degree or above, animation, visual communication, art design and other related majors, 5-10 years of design professional work experience. Those who have the background of studying abroad in design colleges and overseas design colleges and English communication skills are preferred. - 5年以上动效设计、3D动效经验,完成过同类项目,精通Adobe AE/C4D/Blender/,具备后期动画能力; More than 5 years of experience in motion design and 3D motion, completed similar projects, proficient in C4D/Blender/Adobe AE, and capable of post-production animation. - 具备剪辑思维,能熟练使用Adobe Primire Pro/ Final Cut Pro 完成创意演示和其他剪辑工作; Possess editing thinking and be proficient in using Adobe Premiere Pro/ Final Cut Pro to complete creative presentations and other editing work. - 具备较高的美术功底和视觉审美,基于品牌设计原则产出充满想象力的作品; Possess high art skills and visual aesthetics, and produce imaginative works based on brand design principles. - 具备用户思维、团队协作及共创精神,有责任心、有担当,抗压能力及自驱能力强; Possess user thinking, teamwork and co-creation spirit, have a sense of responsibility, responsibility, strong ability to resist pressure and self-driving ability. - 拥抱变化,愿意接受新事物及带来的挑战,能利用专业素养快速做出应对方案及落地执行能力; Embrace change, be willing to accept new things and the challenges they bring, and be able to use professionalism to quickly make solutions and implement them. - 有出众的国内外动效设计供应商资源者优先,但非必要。 Those who have excellent domestic and foreign motion design supplier resources are preferred, but not necessary. - 了解广告行业趋势,有实拍后期结合者优先,但非必要; Understand the trend of the advertising industry, and those who have actual filming and post-production combination are preferred, but not necessary.