• 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、撰写和编辑UI文本,帮助创作者更好的使用我们的产品; 2、与产品、设计、工程师、运营及本地化团队密切合作,设定整体用户体验的高标准; 3、与目标市场的合作方按照优先级共同推进项目; 4、领导内容审核,识别机会并推动区域活动内容的一致性,为我们的内容标准做出贡献,成为最佳实践的倡导者; 5、平衡业务与客户需求,确保功能开发的合理性,评估应用程序和体验的视觉风格、界面和交互流程; 6、综合内部和外部反馈,在快节奏的环境中,完成高质量的内容设计工作。 1.Write and edit UI text to help creators navigate our product; 2.Collaborate closely with product managers, product designers, engineers, ops, and *****ization to set a high bar for the overall user experience; 3.Manage and prioritize projects with multiple stakeholders across the target market; 4.Lead content audits to identify opportunities and drive consistency across the product. Contribute to our content standards and be a champion for best practices; 5.Understand how to balance business requirements and customer needs in building features. Ability to critique the visual style, interface, and interaction flow of applications and experiences; 6.Synthesize internal and external feedback. Complete high-quality work in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment. 职位要求: 1、优秀的英文写作与口语沟通能力,流利的中文口语与阅读能力; 2、3年以上C端产品内容设计经验; 3、有与产品、设计、开发和本地化团队合作的经验; 4、具备创业心态,能积极主动地应对快速变化和不理想的情况,能在快节奏环境中管理多个项目时面对需求变化仍可保持专注; 5、写作作品集,包括但不限于:用户界面内容,短文本,用户教育内容,广告邮件,产品发布宣传内容,写作指南,内容词汇表或产品发布内容; 6、加分项:有国际化产品的全球团队协作经验;使用Figma的经验。 1.Excellent English written and verbal communication skills; 2.3+ years experience in content design for consumer-facing products; 3.Experience collaborating with Product Management, Design, Engineering, and *****ization teams; 4.Entrepreneurial attitude, ability to deal with rapid changes and situations that are not ideal. Manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment and stay focused when faced with changing requirements; 5.Writing portfolio including, but not limited to: user interface copy, microcopy, user education, direct or transactional emails, style guides, glossary additions or product launch content; 6.Preferred qualifications: Experience working on a global product with international partners; Experience using Figma.
  • 4k-7k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    工具类产品 / A轮 / 50-150人
    You will be responsible for: 1. Day-to-day social media operations: create, edit, publish, and share engaging content daily (e.g. original text, photos, videos and news). 2. Produce and edit video content for various social media platforms. 3. Develop and execute social media strategies to align with our business objectives. 4. Plan and implement online activities to boost brand awareness. 5. Communicate with users, respond to queries in a timely manner and monitor issues as they arise. 5. Maintain the relationship with KOLs and cooperate with influencers on social media to drive followers & users acquisition. Monitor social media traffic metrics, and stay up-to-date with current technologies, social media trends, design tools, and applications. Qualifications Requirements: 1. Proven experience in social media content operations (Facebook, Instagram and TikTok). 2. Excellent copywriting skills and ability to create creative contents (Text, Image and Video). 3. Familiar with content strategy, integrated marketing, virus campaigns, etc. 4. Fluency in English for team communication 5. Attention to detail with superior organizational and communication skills. 6. Excellent project and time management skills; able to prioritize tasks and work under pressure. 7. Able to adapt well in a fast-paced work environment. 8. At least 2 years of relevant experience in social media or marketing operations. 9. Basic knowledge of HTML and web development is a plus. 10. Ability to adapt to remote working arrangement.
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,数据服务 / B轮 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1、负责PLC程序的编写、测试和调试,确保程序的正确性和可靠性 2、根据项目需求,进行PLC程序的设计和开发,包括流程控制、数据处理和接口通信等。 3、使用PLC编程软件和语言(如Ladder Logic、Function Block Diagram、Structured Text等)进行编程。 4、配合机械、工艺等其他工程师,确保电气控制系统与整个生产线或设备的协调一致。 5、在现场进行PLC系统的安装、调试和维护,确保系统按照设计要求正常运行。 6、快速响应并解决生产过程中出现的电气故障,进行故障诊断和处理。 7、对电气设备和系统进行安全检查,及时纠正安全隐患。 8、确保所有工作遵守相关的安全法规和公司政策。 技能要求: 熟练掌握三菱PLC的编程和应用,熟悉掌握三菱J系列伺服驱动调试和配置。 熟悉各种传感器的应用、程序开发规范、调试文档编辑。 熟悉电气PLC设备安全互锁和人员安全的设计和调试。 拥有三年以上的电气工程或相关领域的工作经验。 了解电气和机械方面相关的安全知识,具备安全意识。 需要有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够适应不同的工作环境和文化。
  • 40k-70k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询,网络通信 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    1.AI领域有多年工作经验,其中CV领域有7+年工作经验。 2.在表格结构识别与信息提取方向有较为丰富的经验,熟悉表格信息提取,图像要素提取,多目标检测与分割,图像场景相似匹配,图像释义等技能,多模态信息抽取有多个相关项目的工作经验。 3.有丰富的项目实践经验和算法优化经验,能处理模型优化迭代过程中的网络调优,算法优化,以及训练过程中的工程化问题。 4.精通算法原理,模型大规模集成训练采用的工程方法,语料处理,算法试算方案设计有较为精深的掌握,且实践能力强。 重点关注cv领域:有cv领域经验,有预训练视觉大模型/大模型,多模态图文解析(NLP+视觉,比如chart to text 等)经验,不仅仅是使用,有算法设计、模型训练和微调经验
  • Job Responsibilities: Qualification of suppliers: Explain Groupe Beaumanoir compliancer equirements & commitments to potential suppliers Collect and analyze new supplier’s compliance information in order to assess the social compliance level of risk; Implement Corrective Action plan with any supplier that wouldn’t beat the level expected or that seems risky(refuse/blacklist) Factory mapping: Collect factory mapping for any new supplier Constantly keep factory mapping updated for active suppliers Traceability/Undeclared subcontracting If any undeclared subcontracting case proven: investigate the case & Implement corrective action plan with suppliers/factory Audits: Visitor audit new factories forqualification/authorization before the beginning of production using Internal audit Template Regularly visit/audit active factories BSCI/ICS: Manage BSCI/ ICS commitment: Schedule the audits with service providers Analyze audit results Organized e-briefing meetings with suppliers &factories Manage organization of follow-up audits Recognition of other audit frame: Regularly collect and analyze factories audit reports and decide if audits are acceptable and implement action plan if necessary Training in sourcing countries: Organize trainings regularly in order to guarantee minimum level of knowledge of Direct Suppliers ,Agents & EBOs buying & quality teams Organizead-hoc training for suppliers/factories when necessary Job Requirements: 2 to 5 years of experience in a similar position Good English capability with both or a land written Good communication skills Auditor Attitude :receptivity to listening to differing views Auditor knowledge: be familiar with audit process ,***** labor laws, safety ***** requirements; Auditor skills :worker inter view and document review techniques Knowledge of BSCI,SA8000 and fire safety auditing Knowledge of text ilein dustry is highly appreciated Travel frequently required
  • 10k-15k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    企业服务,工具 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    作为Node.js微服务开发工程师,您将负责设计和开发高性能、高可用的微服务架构,以支持我们的业务快速发展。您将使用Node.js开发工具WebStorm,前端框架Amis和后端框架Meteor,以及相关的数据库技术,构建可扩展、可靠和安全的系统。 主要职责: 1. 负责Node.js微服务的设计、开发和部署,确保系统的高性能、高可用性和可扩展性。 2. 熟练运用WebStorm进行项目开发,确保代码质量和效率。 3. 使用Amis框架开发前端界面,提供优秀的用户体验。 4. 利用Meteor框架构建后端服务,实现业务逻辑和数据处理。 5. 熟练使用相关数据库技术,如MongoDB、Redis等,进行数据存储和管理。 6. 与团队协作,共同推进项目进度,解决技术难题。 7. 编写技术文档,分享经验,帮助团队成长。 职位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,2年及以上Node.js开发经验。 2. 熟练掌握Node.js的原理和应用,了解微服务架构和设计模式。 3. 熟练使用WebStorm进行开发,了解其他编辑器如Visual Studio Code、Sublime Text等。 4. 熟悉Amis和Meteor框架,能快速搭建项目并实现功能。 5. 对前端技术和后端技术有一定的了解,具备全栈开发能力者优先。 6. 熟悉数据库技术,如MongoDB、Redis等,具备一定的数据处理和优化经验。 7. 良好的团队合作和沟通能力,能承受工作压力,有责任心。 我们提供: 1. 具有竞争力的薪酬待遇和晋升空间。 2. 完善的员工福利制度,包括五险一金、年终奖、员工体检等。 3. 良好的团队氛围和丰富的企业文化活动。 4. 广阔的职业发展平台和培训机会。
  • 1k-2k 经验在校/应届 / 大专
    企业服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    公司信息(Company Info): 我们透过1百万以上的注释者及语言专家组成的人工智能团体,协助各个企业测试与改善机器学习模型。我们拥有的人工智能培训平台能处理500种以上不同语言各式各样的资料 (如文字、图像、音频、视频和地理数据 。我们的人工智能数据解决方案能突显人工智能系统跨度应用的高端智能产品,得以有更佳的搜索结果、语音识别、 更仿真地人机互动等。 职位概述(Position Open): 我们正在寻找具有强大沟通能力并每天使用互联网的充满活力的人。 这是一个自由职业者,独立承包商职位。您将可以灵活、自由地在自己的家中工作,按自己的时间工作。 人选画像(Ideal Candidate): 我们希望候选人:对于本地信息风俗民情及文化事物, 熟练应用社交软件。 职位要求(Job Requirements): -熟练掌握中文和英文 -您需要在过去 3 年至今必须居住于中国內地。 通过工作相关准则测验。 -具备对中国过去与现在的商业、媒体、体育、新闻、社交媒体和文化等敏感度。 -需自备高速宽带/Wifi、电脑及基本软件、智能手机,安卓手机系统需在4.1版本及更高版本,IOS手机系统需要在第8版本或更高版本,来完成本任务。 -需在您的只能手机上安装条形二维码扫描应用程序才能完成某些任务。 -需要您是Gmail和其他社交媒体的活跃用户 更多职位描述: 您将审查在线广告以改进其内容、质量和布局。您将需要对搜索引擎结果中的广告提供反馈和分析,并就广告与所用搜索词的相关性进行评级。这个机会的另一个方面将涉及通过检查语法、语气和文化相关性来审查广告中使用的语言。通过这项工作,您将为中国在线广告的质量做出宝贵的贡献。 报酬与亮点(Benefits): 视项目难度及完成度而定,报酬范围为每小时6-7美金(折合人民币约为37-45元)。 工时弹性自行安排 工作与生活平衡的节奏掌握 对环境的正面影响力 The Role – Personalized Internet Ads Assessor Company Info: We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more. Description and Requirements We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. This is a freelance, independent contractor position. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. What are the main requirements for the opportunity? You must be living in China for the last 3 consecutive years. You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in China. Fluency in English and the Chinese language. Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense. Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content. Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks. A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks. Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media Additional Job Description In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements in order to improve their content, quality and layout. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on advertisements found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this opportunity will involve reviewing the language used in advertisements by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution to the quality of online advertisements in China. Compensation & Benefits: Potential earnings is applicable if contributors reach their productivity level as these are pay per task roles. The potential earnings for this role is 6-7 USD/hourly. Flexible Hours to work around home life Better Work-Life Balance Positive Environmental Impact
  • 1k-2k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    企业服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    公司信息(Company Info): 我们透过1百万以上的注释者及语言专家组成的人工智能团体,协助各个企业测试与改善机器学习模型。我们拥有的人工智能培训平台能处理500种以上不同语言各式各样的资料 (如文字、图像、音频、视频和地理数据 。我们的人工智能数据解决方案能突显人工智能系统跨度应用的高端智能产品,得以有更佳的搜索结果、语音识别、 更仿真地人机互动等。 职位概述(Position Open): 我们正在寻找具有强大沟通能力并每天使用互联网的充满活力的人。 这是一个自由职业者,独立承包商职位。您将可以灵活、自由地在自己的家中工作,按自己的时间工作。 人选画像(Ideal Candidate): 我们希望候选人:对于本地信息风俗民情及文化事物, 熟练应用社交软件。 职位要求(Job Requirements): -熟练掌握韩语和英文 -您需要在过去 3 年至今必须居住于中国內地。 通过工作相关准则测验。 -具备对中国过去与现在的商业、媒体、体育、新闻、社交媒体和文化等敏感度。 -需自备高速宽带/Wifi、电脑及基本软件、智能手机,安卓手机系统需在4.1版本及更高版本,IOS手机系统需要在第8版本或更高版本,来完成本任务。 -需在您的只能手机上安装条形二维码扫描应用程序才能完成某些任务。 -需要您是Gmail和其他社交媒体的活跃用户 更多职位描述: 您将审查在线广告以改进其内容、质量和布局。您将需要对搜索引擎结果中的广告提供反馈和分析,并就广告与所用搜索词的相关性进行评级。这个机会的另一个方面将涉及通过检查语法、语气和文化相关性来审查广告中使用的语言。通过这项工作,您将为中国在线广告的质量做出宝贵的贡献。 报酬与亮点(Benefits): 视项目难度及完成度而定,报酬范围为每小时6-7美金(折合人民币约为37-45元)。 工时弹性自行安排 工作与生活平衡的节奏掌握 对环境的正面影响力 The Role – Personalized Internet Ads Assessor Company Info: We help companies test and improve machine learning models via our global AI Community of 1 million+ annotators and linguists. Our proprietary AI training platform handles all data types (text, images, audio, video and geo) across 500+ languages and dialects. Our AI Data Solutions vastly enhance AI systems across a range of applications from advanced smart products, to better search results, to expanded speech recognition, to more human-like bot interactions and so much more. Description and Requirements We are looking for dynamic people who have strong communication skills and use the Internet daily. This is a freelance, independent contractor position. You will have the flexibility and freedom to work from your own home, working your own hours. What are the main requirements for the opportunity? You must be living in China for the last 3 consecutive years. You must have familiarity with current and historical business, media, sport, news, social media and cultural affairs in China. Fluency in English and the Chinese language. Access to and use of a broadband internet connection and associated computer and software to perform the work, all provided at your own expense. Experience in use of web browsers to navigate and interact with a variety of content. Access to and use of an Android (version 4.1 or higher) or IOS Smartphone (version 8 or higher) to complete tasks. A Barcode Scanner application must be installed on your smartphone to complete certain tasks. Active daily user of Gmail and other forms of Social Media Additional Job Description In this job you will be reviewing online advertisements in order to improve their content, quality and layout. You will be required to provide feedback and analysis on advertisements found in search engine results and provide ratings on their relevance to the search terms used. Another aspect of this opportunity will involve reviewing the language used in advertisements by examining grammar, tone and cultural relevance. Through this work you will be making a valuable contribution to the quality of online advertisements in China. Compensation & Benefits: Potential earnings is applicable if contributors reach their productivity level as these are pay per task roles. The potential earnings for this role is 6-7 USD/hourly. Flexible Hours to work around home life Better Work-Life Balance Positive Environmental Impact
  • 10k-20k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    职位要求: - 具备2年及以上的软件工程师经验,熟悉至少一种编程语言和开发环境 - 熟悉软件工程原理,了解敏捷开发 method - 熟练掌握至少一种常用的软件框架,如Spring或Django - 熟悉数据库设计和优化,了解SQL语言 - 具备良好的代码习惯和编程规范,能够编写高质量的代码 - 熟悉常用的开发工具和技术,如Git,Sublime Text,Eclipse等 - 具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够与其他团队成员和客户进行有效的沟通 岗位职责: - 开发公司软件产品,包括Web应用和移动应用 - 参与设计并实现软件产品,包括需求分析、设计、编码、测试等 - 参与产品部署和维护,确保软件产品的稳定性和可靠性 - 承担其他与软件开发相关的职责
  • 移动互联网,游戏 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    本公司多个项目均招各路程序员及主程等大神加盟: 部分岗位支持远程兼职,和功能外包。 1、laya客户端 (熟悉JavaScript或TypeScript就可以) 2、cocos2d-js客户端 3、node.js服务端 4、c++服务端 5、cocos2d-lua客户端 6、游戏后台:熟悉web前端、vue3 7、PHP网站开发程序员 8、接受优秀本科实习生,要基础知识测试合格才能来实习 -------------------------------------------------------------- web前端主程(熟悉vue3、node.js优先) 工作职责 1、负责PC端、移动端页面及交互的开发,并保证兼容性和确保产品具有优质的用户体验; 2、熟练使用 HTML5 、 CSS 、 JS 、jQuery、typescript,node.js等技术,能解决各种浏览器兼容性问题,完成页面架构和布局; 3、熟练编写结构良好,语义化的HTML、和兼容的CSS,高保真输出界面; 4、理解Ajax技术原理,调用后端接口进行数据通信,与后台工程师配合,为项目提供最优化的技术解决方案; 5、负责公司产品Web前端的架构设计与研发; 职位要求: 1、大学本科以上学历,计算机相关专业毕业,一年以上相关工作经验;能够独立完成前端页面开发工作,成功参与过大型产品项目开发工作者优先; 2、熟练前端开发技术:HTML5/CSS3/JavaScript开发,熟悉前后端数据交互过程,熟悉node.js程序后台开发语言者优先; 3、熟练原生typescript开发者优先,至少掌握一种目前主流的前端开发框架,如:web/vue.js/React等; 4、熟悉Websocket、HTTP、HTTPS等常用网络通信协议 5、熟悉各主流浏览器(IE6+、Firefox、Chrome、Safari)间的差异性,能快速定位和解决各种兼容难题; 6、关注前端领域最新发展,熟悉移动端网页开发、前端自动化构建工具, 7、熟悉常用前端开发软件,如HbuilderX,Dreamweaver,Sublime Text,Notepad++等 8、良好的沟通与表达能力、思路清晰,较强的动手能力与逻辑分析能力;有良好的文档书写及编码习惯,具有良好的团队合作精神;
  • 20k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    营销服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    REDFERN DIGITAL – ART DIRECTOR 美术指导 瑞蕨(上海)营销策划有限公司(以下简称“瑞蕨”)是一家针对中国市场、为品牌提供综合服务的公司,我们为品牌提供专业对华市场指导、帮助品牌提升知名度并助其增长销量、赢得市场份额。经过15年在中国市场的历炼,瑞蕨与客户一同成长,并助力其中一些客户成为市场上最成功的品牌。 我们的团队由不同领域的专业人才组成,他们曾分别学习或从业于:市场营销、消费者研究与洞察、创意与设计、品牌策略、社交媒体营销、付费营销,以及电子商务和技术整合等专业领域。 JOB DESCRIPTION 职位描述 1.对于新媒体渠道、创意、社会热点等有敏锐的感知,并快速与所负责的品牌和产品结合;能独立带领团队;Have a keen perceptive of new media channels, creativity,hot spots of society, and quickly integrate with the responsible brands and products; Able to lead the team independently; 2.根据客户需求提出简单的策略方向及创意方向,不断提出丰富多样或新奇独特idea;Propose simple strategic and creative direction according to customer needs, and constantly come up with various or novel and unique ideas; 3.根据Marketing Campaign需求确认创意策略,并负责创意策略的落地执行;Implement creative strategy according to marketing campaign requirements, and be responsible for the implementation of creative strategy 4.能高效的指导团队保证出品品质;Guide the team with high-efficiency to ensure the quality; 5.负责项目的创意与设计工作(休闲食品,护肤美妆,日用品等).正确把握各个项目的设计方向,独立完成品牌设计工作; Responsible for the creative and design work of the project (food, skin care beauty makeup, daily necessities, etc.), correctly control the design direction of each project, and independently complete the brand design work; 6.了解合作方品牌调性,确保产出符合Brand Guideline要求;Understand the brand to ensure that the output meets the requirements of brand guideline; REQUIREMENTS要求: 1.有丰富的social media经验及快消类品牌创意经验;能独立带领团队;Experience in social media and FMCG Brand Creation; Able to lead the team independently; 2.谙熟流行趋势,对潮流化具有很高的敏感度;Familiar with fashion trend, highly sensitive to trend 3.至少3年以上创意相关管理经验,熟练使用各种设计软件;熟练手绘能力。需要会摄影摄像。4A广告公司美术指导工作经验优先,深刻理解创意和逻辑之间的衔接关系,能够通过缜密的思考将策略充分展现在设计成果中。; At least more than 3 years creative management experience, familiar with various design software; skilled in hand drawing. Ability of photography and videography is must. 4A advertising company art guidance work experience is preferred, a deep understanding of the connection between creativity and logic, through careful thinking to fully display the strategy in the design results. 4.艺术院校设计专业、美术及相关专业毕业,本科以上学历;Bachelor degree or above, majoring in design, fine arts and related majors; 5.熟练Photoshop、AI 等相关图形及图像处理软件;Skilled with Photoshop, AI and other related graphics and image processing software; 6.有强烈的工作责任心及团队合作精神,工作积极主动 - Self-motivated, disciplined, driven, strategic-minded and a great team player. 7.具备独立设计完稿能力,丰富的视觉表现经验,并具备跨行业的设计能力。; With independent design ability, rich visual performance experience, and cross industry design ability. 8.具备逻辑性思考和文字表达能力,展示设计策略和创意思路; Have the ability of logical thinking and text expression, display design strategy and creative ideas; 9.中文母语,优秀的英语书面和口头沟通能力Chinese Native, excellent written and verbal English communication skill 10. 能够融入公司文化,有团队协作精神。有责任心,执行力,管理能力。适应性强,和外包团队沟通高效到位。Be able to blend into company culture and with team spirit. Have the sense of responsibility, executive ability and management ability.Strong adaptability, efficient communication with outsourcing team. If you are interested in the position, please reach out to ********************* with your Resume and Protfolio. Thank you
  • 游戏 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    作为本地化主管,你需要领导一支由本地化PM和分析师组成的团队,在现有游戏项目和新游戏项目中产出优秀的本地化成果。你需要与团队成员、项目各方、供应商保持沟通,设定与执行长期的本地化策略。 职位描述 ● 把控现有项目和新项目的端到端本地化内容,从源文本到包体内审核。 ● 和商务团队合作,直接与供应商协商并管理供应商。 ● 除了本地化工作外,还需要主动获得项目各方的认同,以确保各项目的本地化内容是最佳的。 ● 把控大型本地化工作的优先级的设立和执行,尤其是新项目。 ● 优化本地化流程和翻译管理系统。 ● 建立文档,更好地管理内部工作以及管理供应商,以进一步提高本地化质量。 ● 管理部门,包括给予指导、考核业绩、优化管理流程等方式。 职位要求 ● 英语为母语/英语流利(CATTI二级/专八或同等水平)、中英文俱佳:你可以在两种语言中切换,并且对于中英的游戏术语都很熟悉,知道如何处理难以翻译的内容和如何解释某个文化所特有的概念。 ● 本地化经验丰富:你有超过3年的本地化经验。 ● 懂游戏开发:你曾经在游戏行业(手游最佳)工作过,理解游戏开发管线流程的逻辑(与本地化相关的管线流程最佳)。 ● 会领导:你管理团队的经验很丰富。 ● 爱游戏 :希望玩游戏是你的**爱好,并且有用英语玩游戏的经历。 ● 擅长沟通:你知道如何通过追问来挖掘讨论话题的核心。你能够清晰直白地阐述复杂的概念。你擅长倾听。 ● 会项目管理:你知道如何同时把控多个项目的进程。你做事有条理的同时也能灵活变通,知道何时改变策略和重新设定任务优先级。你有和供应商打交道的经历。 As the *****ization Manager, you will lead a team of *****ization Project Managers and Analysts to lead the *****ization strategy of existing and new projects. You will manage the day-to-day interactions with your team, stakeholders and vendors, as well as set and execute the long-term strategy for *****ization. You will ● Ensure the end-to-end *****ization of existing and new projects, from source text to in-build verification. ● Work alongside the business department to directly manage and negotiate with vendors. ● Design the *****ization process, acquire buy-in from stakeholders involved, and ensure best practices are followed acrossmultiple projects. ● Manage the planning and execution of large *****ization work orders, especially for new projects. ● Optimize *****ization processes and translation management systems whenever necessary. ● Create documentation to better manage internal development practices or vendors to enable higher quality *****ization. ● Manage the department with coaching performance reviews, and optimize managerial processes as necessary. You Are ● Native or Fluent (CATTI II or TEM-8 or approximate level preferred) in both Chinese and English: You can swap between languages and understand game terminology in both, knowing how to translate the untranslatables and how best to explain culture-specific concepts. ● Experienced with *****ization: You have 3+ years working *****ization. ● A game developer: You have prior experience working on games as a profession, preferably mobile, and have an understanding of game development pipelines, especially related to *****ization. ● A leader: You have significant experience managing a team. ● An avid gamer: Ideally, you play games as a hobby, and have experience playing games in English. ● A fantastic communicator: You know when to answer a question with a question to dig deeper and get to the root of the discussion. You can interpret and re-word complex thoughts into simple sentences. You are a great listener. ● A capable project manager: You have the skills to keep track of multiple projects and their deadlines. You are organized and flexible, knowing when to change an approach or re-prioritize a task. You have worked with vendors in the past.
  • 2K
    游戏,移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 50-150人
    Role Purpose: Test pre-release software on multiple platforms and check all related printed materials. To ensure quality of written and spoken word in Korean and to ensure conformity with format holder requirements. Responsibilities: - To test pre-release software - To ensure in-game language (text and voice over) quality meets internal quality standards. - To verify all printed materials related to game in test. - Report translation errors accurately and efficiently. - To provide translations for in-game text and printed materials as and when required. - To test the games and makes sure they are of the highest standard when 1st party required. Key skills Essential: - Excellent command of Korean written, written and spoken or Korean Major at a bachelor degree or higher. - Good command of English, written and spoken. - High level of PC literacy including knowledge of MS Office. Desirable: - First language speaker is preferred. - Previous games industry experience. - Previous translation experience. - Games player (Interest in games). 职位宗旨: 基于移动、次世代主机等多种平台进行游戏测试。作为高效国际团队中的一员,你的职责是保证游戏中韩语翻译的高质量。 工作职责: - 对未发布的游戏软件版本执行测试。 - 确保游戏中的文本和语音符合内部质量标准 。 - 验证测试中游戏相关的所有印刷材料的翻译质量。 - 准确、高效地找出并且报告游戏或者应刷材料中的翻译错误。 - 需要时为游戏文本和印刷材料提供翻译。 - 需要时为***方提供本地化规范性测试。 核心技能 基本要求: - 具备本科或以上专业水平的韩语读写及听说能力。 - 良好的英文读写及听说能力。 - 良好的计算机使用能力,能够使用Microsoft Office。 优先条件: - 韩语母语者。 - 有游戏行业的工作经验。 - 有翻译行业的工作经验。 - 游戏爱好者。
  • 4k-6k 经验不限 / 大专
    游戏,移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 50-150人
    职位描述 Role Purpose: Test pre-release software on multiple platforms and check all related printed materials. To ensure quality of written and spoken word in Thai and to ensure conformity with format holder requirements. Responsibilities: - To test pre-release software. - To ensure in-game language (text and voice over) quality meets internal quality standards. - To verify all printed materials related to game in test. - Report translation errors accurately and efficiently. - To provide translations for in-game text and printed materials as and when required. - To test the games and makes sure they are of the highest standard when 1st party required. Key skills Essential: - Excellent command of Thai written, written and spoken or Thai Major at a bachelor degree or higher. - Good command of English, written and spoken. - High level of PC literacy including knowledge of MS Office. Desirable: - First language speaker is preferred. - Previous games industry experience. - Previous translation experience. - Games player (Interest in games). 职位宗旨: 基于移动、次世代主机等多种平台进行游戏测试。作为高效国际团队中的一员,你的职责是保证游戏中泰语翻译的高质量。 工作职责: - 对未发布的游戏软件版本执行测试。 - 确保游戏中的文本和语音符合内部质量标准 。 - 验证测试中游戏相关的所有印刷材料的翻译质量。 - 准确、高效地找出并且报告游戏或者应刷材料中的翻译错误。 - 需要时为游戏文本和印刷材料提供翻译。 - 需要时为***方提供本地化规范性测试。 核心技能 基本要求: - 具备本科或以上专业水平的泰语读写及听说能力。 - 良好的英文读写及听说能力。 - 良好的计算机使用能力,能够使用Microsoft Office。 优先条件: - 泰语母语者。 - 有游戏行业的工作经验。 - 有翻译行业的工作经验。 - 游戏爱好者。
  • 7k-8k·13薪 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Roles/ Responsibilities 主要职责 Focus on requirements gathering, documentation, clarification, and implementing business solutions to meet business needs; Work with the business/product team and the technical development team to clarify the requirement, convert business requirements into technical specifications and/or user stories; Participate in all phases of System Development Life Cycle(SDLC), i.e. requirements definition and analysis, UX and technical design, product development and testing, user training and presentations, enhancement and supporting; Maintaining high levels of quality and customer satisfaction;[Text Wrapping Break] 专注于需求收集,文档记录,问题澄清,以及实施业务解决方案以满足业务需求 与业务及产品团队、技术开发团队合作,将业务需求转化为技术需求和用户故事 参与软件产品生命周期的所有阶段,包括需求定义及分析、交互设计与技术设计、产品研发及测试、用户培训、产品支持等 保持高水平的需求质量,维护客户满意度 Background/ Experience 要求 Fluent English; Strong written and verbal communication with solid presentation skills; Strong analytical skills and attention to detail; Experienced and/or have the knowledge on SDLC; Adopt to working in a cross-functional & cross-location team; Excellent time management skills, with the ability to prioritize multiple tasks according to business needs; Knowledge or experience on Agile is a plus.[Text Wrapping Break] 英语流利 具备良好的书面和口头沟通能力,以及扎实的演讲技巧 关注细节,具有良好的逻辑分析能力 了解软件产品生命周期及标准开发流程 能够适应跨职能、跨地域合作的团队 优秀的时间管理技能,能够按业务需要正确排优先级并处理任务 对敏捷开发模式有一定了解或应用者优先考虑