• 40k-70k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    文娱|内容 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    职位名称: Buying Manager - Kitchen/Home 采购经理 - 厨房/家居 行业: Retail, Luxury 零售,奢侈品 工作地点: Hong Kong 香港 月薪: Z高70000元(港币) Job Description 职位描述 We are seeking two dynamic and experienced individuals to join this incredible luxury retailer as a Buying Manager. The ideal candidates will be responsible for curating an exquisite collection of designer furniture, lighting, decor and the second position will be Kitchenware. 我们正在寻找两位充满活力且经验丰富的候选人,加入这家杰*的奢侈品零售商担任采购经理一职。理想的候选人将负责策划一系列精美的设计师家具、灯饰、装饰品,而另外一个职位将负责厨房用品。 This role involves extensive travel to international trade shows, showrooms, and boutiques to source premium products that align with the brand's aesthetic. 该职位需要经常出差,参加和探访个大国际贸易展会、展厅和精品店,寻找与品牌审美相匹配的优质产品。 Candidates with a deep understanding of the Mainland China market and customer preferences are essential. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻理解,这是该职位至关重要的考量因素。 Key Responsibilities: 主要职责: Product Curation: 产品策划: Curate a diverse range of luxury furniture, lighting, and decor objects for the home. 策划各类豪华家具、灯具和家居装饰品。 For the kitchen and dining category, source everything from table settings, crystals, and wine glasses to ceramics and dining sets. 对厨房和餐饮产品进行全面采购,产品涉及餐桌摆设、水晶、酒杯、陶瓷、餐具等等。 Global Sourcing: 全球采购: Attend international trade shows in Paris, Milan, and other relevant locations. 参加巴黎、米兰和其他相关地点的国际贸易展会。 Visit showrooms of renowned designer brands and discover new niche brands to enhance our product offerings. 访问**设计师品牌的展厅,发现新的小众品牌,丰富我们的产品供应。 Brand Coordination: 品牌协调: Collaborate with various brands, ensuring a mix of price points and coordinating products based on color themes or specific aesthetics. 与不同品牌合作,确保价格点组合,并根据色彩主题或特定审美来协调产品。 Bring a creative touch to the overall curation, telling a compelling story, and identifying trends and themes. 为整体策划增添创意元素,讲述引人入胜的故事,确定趋势和主题。 Business Management: 业务管理: Manage open-to-buy spending budgets seasonally. 季节性管理采购计划支出预算。 Negotiate trade terms and conditions with vendors. 与供应商协商贸易条款和条件。 Place orders and oversee inventory and sell-through performance. 下订单、监督库存和销售业绩。 Collaborate with the retail, visual merchandising, and marketing teams for seasonal highlights and event coordination. 与零售、视觉营销和市场团队合作,协调季节亮点和活动。 Team Leadership: 团队领导: Lead and mentor an assistant buyer and a merchandise executive for each category. 领导和指导每个品类的助理采购员和商品主管。 Work collaboratively with the General Merchandise Manager of the home/lifestyle department. 与家居/生活品部门百货经理合作。 Qualifications: 任职资格: Previous experience in buying for home and lifestyle products, with a focus on luxury furniture or kitchen and dining essentials. 具备家居和生活用品方面的采购经验,聚焦于豪华家具或厨房、餐饮必需品。Deep understanding of the Mainland market and customer preferences. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻的理解。 Strong negotiation and communication skills. 出色的谈判、沟通技巧。 Proven ability to manage budgets and optimize sell-through performance. 具备管理预算和销售业绩的成功经验和能力。 Creative flair for curating products with a keen eye for trends and aesthetics. 具备产品策划创意天赋,对时尚和美学有敏锐的洞察力。 English and Mandarin fluency 英语和普通话流利 Compensation: Base salary ranging to HKD 70,000 per month, depending on experience. 薪酬: 基本工资根据经验而定,Z高每月70,000港币。 Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, portfolio, and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience 有兴趣的候选人请提交简历、作品集以及详细说明相关经验的求职信。
  • 40k-70k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    文娱|内容 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    职位名称: Buying Manager - Kitchen/Home 采购经理 - 厨房/家居 行业: Retail, Luxury 零售,奢侈品 工作地点: Hong Kong 香港 月薪: Z高70000元(港币) Job Description 职位描述 Luxury Buyers - 奢侈品买手 Furniture x 1 家具 x 1 Kitchenware x 1 厨具 x 1 We are seeking two dynamic and experienced individuals to join this incredible luxury retailer as a Buying Manager. The ideal candidates will be responsible for curating an exquisite collection of designer furniture, lighting, decor and the second position will be Kitchenware. 我们正在寻找两位充满活力且经验丰富的候选人,加入这家杰*的奢侈品零售商担任采购经理一职。理想的候选人将负责策划一系列精美的设计师家具、灯饰、装饰品,而另外一个职位将负责厨房用品。 This role involves extensive travel to international trade shows, showrooms, and boutiques to source premium products that align with the brand's aesthetic. 该职位需要经常出差,参加和探访个大国际贸易展会、展厅和精品店,寻找与品牌审美相匹配的优质产品。 Candidates with a deep understanding of the Mainland China market and customer preferences are essential. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻理解,这是该职位至关重要的考量因素。 Key Responsibilities: 主要职责: Product Curation: 产品策划: Curate a diverse range of luxury furniture, lighting, and decor objects for the home. 策划各类豪华家具、灯具和家居装饰品。 For the kitchen and dining category, source everything from table settings, crystals, and wine glasses to ceramics and dining sets. 对厨房和餐饮产品进行全面采购,产品涉及餐桌摆设、水晶、酒杯、陶瓷、餐具等等。 Global Sourcing: 全球采购: Attend international trade shows in Paris, Milan, and other relevant locations. 参加巴黎、米兰和其他相关地点的国际贸易展会。 Visit showrooms of renowned designer brands and discover new niche brands to enhance our product offerings. 访问**设计师品牌的展厅,发现新的小众品牌,丰富我们的产品供应。 Brand Coordination: 品牌协调: Collaborate with various brands, ensuring a mix of price points and coordinating products based on color themes or specific aesthetics. 与不同品牌合作,确保价格点组合,并根据色彩主题或特定审美来协调产品。 Bring a creative touch to the overall curation, telling a compelling story, and identifying trends and themes. 为整体策划增添创意元素,讲述引人入胜的故事,确定趋势和主题。 Business Management: 业务管理: Manage open-to-buy spending budgets seasonally. 季节性管理采购计划支出预算。 Negotiate trade terms and conditions with vendors. 与供应商协商贸易条款和条件。 Place orders and oversee inventory and sell-through performance. 下订单、监督库存和销售业绩。 Collaborate with the retail, visual merchandising, and marketing teams for seasonal highlights and event coordination. 与零售、视觉营销和市场团队合作,协调季节亮点和活动。 Team Leadership: 团队领导: Lead and mentor an assistant buyer and a merchandise executive for each category. 领导和指导每个品类的助理采购员和商品主管。 Work collaboratively with the General Merchandise Manager of the home/lifestyle department. 与家居/生活品部门百货经理合作。 Qualifications: 任职资格: Previous experience in buying for home and lifestyle products, with a focus on luxury furniture or kitchen and dining essentials. 具备家居和生活用品方面的采购经验,聚焦于豪华家具或厨房、餐饮必需品。Deep understanding of the Mainland market and customer preferences. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻的理解。 Strong negotiation and communication skills. 出色的谈判、沟通技巧。 Proven ability to manage budgets and optimize sell-through performance. 具备管理预算和销售业绩的成功经验和能力。 Creative flair for curating products with a keen eye for trends and aesthetics. 具备产品策划创意天赋,对时尚和美学有敏锐的洞察力。 English and Mandarin fluency 英语和普通话流利 Compensation: Base salary ranging to HKD 70,000 per month, depending on experience. 薪酬: 基本工资根据经验而定,Z高每月70,000港币。 Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, portfolio, and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience 有兴趣的候选人请提交简历、作品集以及详细说明相关经验的求职信。
  • 12k-20k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,批发|零售 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
  • 15k-20k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,批发|零售 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
  • 80k-100k·14薪 经验不限 / 本科
    人工智能 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    团队介绍: 开展并实现云游戏、云渲染场景下的GPU虚拟化解决方案。 岗位职责: 1、参与公司云游戏、云渲染方向GPU虚拟化软件的研发; 2、负责针对云技术平台的虚拟显卡驱动的DirectX或OpenGL API的调试和实现; 3、持续对虚拟显卡的新技术跟进、验证、评估。 任职要求: 1、理解3D渲染,有openGL/openGL ES/D3D经验,深入研究 vertex/geometry shader者佳; 2、熟悉GPU工作机制,深入研究GPGPU者佳,熟悉mesa/wine/drm者佳; 3、有windows驱动开发经验,熟悉wddm者佳。
  • 12k-20k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,批发|零售 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
  • 15k-20k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,批发|零售 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about local wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
  • 15k-20k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,批发|零售 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
  • 5k-7k 经验不限 / 不限
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 少于15人
  • 45k-80k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、保障国际化产品社区安全的可靠性与正常运行,同时关注系统容量与稳定性; 2、为大型系统构建自动化运营解决方案,从系统设计到上线的整个生命周期内保障系统可靠性; 3、通过全方位的数据运营(包括系统组件可用性、性能指标等)提升系统可见性,帮助系统开发以及团队快速定位故障; 4、推动提升服务的可靠性、可扩展性以及性能优化,保障系统 SLA; 5、参与系统架构设计、优化,提升系统性能和开发效率,保证高并发高可靠。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,4年或以上的分布式系统研发经验,有稳定性平台或者FinOps等领域经验加分; 2、对Logging、Metric、Trace、Alert系统比较熟悉,比如ELK、Skywalking,或开发过公司内部类似系统; 3、较强的横向推动能力; 4、具备系统化解决问题的能力,对高并发、高一致性和长链路的系统稳定性有实战积累; 5、具备优秀的技术规划和项目管理能力,良好的沟通技巧和主人翁责任感。
  • 60k-100k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责国际化产品社区整体的稳定性和成本优化; 2、为大型系统构建自动化运营解决方案,从系统设计到上线的整个生命周期内保障系统可靠性; 3、推动提升服务的可靠性、可扩展性以及性能优化,保障系统 SLA; 4、基于业务使用场景,深入优化提供最佳服务治理实践,包含不局限于关键链路性能瓶颈分析、业务问题定位排障、推进系统高可用架构改造升级等。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,5年或以上的研发经验,主导过稳定性平台的建设; 2、扎实的计算机软件基础知识,了解Linux操作系统、存储、网络IO等相关原理; 3、熟悉一种或多种编程语言,例如Python/Go/Java/Shell/C++等; 4、热爱技术,有较强的学习能力,有强烈的求知欲、好奇心和进取心,能及时关注和学习业界最新技术; 5、英语流利者优先,有跨国团队管理经验优先。
  • 15k-20k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、与客户进行有效沟通,精准对接客户需求,确保项目需求清晰明确; 2、依据客户需求和项目实际情况,制定科学合理的交付方案,包括但不限于项目交付计划,项目进度管理,项目风险管理,项目交付指标管理等; 3、负责面向外部供应商开展标准规则的培训与试标,明确项目要求,确保项目按时、按质量要求交付,对项目交付结果负责。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具有2年及以上大模型项目经验,有丰富的项目交付和管理经验,熟悉项目管理流程和方法; 2、对大模型有浓厚兴趣和一定的了解,对文生图,文生视频大模型有实际操作经验优先; 3、具备较强的风险评估和应对能力,能够及时解决项目中出现的问题; 4、拥有良好的沟通协调能力和团队合作精神,能够与不同部门有效地合作。
  • 30k-60k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责飞书鸿蒙客户端基础技术体系建设,为业务发展提供技术解决方案; 2、持续提升飞书鸿蒙端开发体验,构建高效的研发基础设施; 3、设计良好的技术架构、推进各项质量规范落地,提升代码的健壮性、可维护性,产出清晰的技术文档; 4、跟进鸿蒙系统发展趋势,进行技术调研与储备。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机等相关专业毕业优先; 2、具备Android端开发开发经验,熟练掌握Java/Kotlin语言; 3、具备较强的模型抽象和数据设计能力,熟悉常用的软件设计模式; 4、对基础技术感兴趣,对技术有热情和好奇心,愿意主动投入精力了解新技术的结合应用,进行不同端的技术迁移; 5、具备优秀的沟通和表达能力; 6、加分项:有鸿蒙ArkUI开发经验者或有TypeScript/JavaScript开发经验者优先。
  • 15k-25k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、与安全事务相关的监管部门建立并维护良好工作关系,高效响应各项监管工作要求; 2、关注与安全事务相关的政策要求、法律法规,结合业务实际准确解读并及时落实监管工作要求,为公司业务安全发展提供支撑; 3、针对公司业务发展中的安全隐患和问题,积极开展沟通协调,及时妥善解决; 4、按照各项法律法规要求,协助开展司法调证等司法协助工作。 职位要求: 1、具备较强的沟通协调能力和文字表达能力; 2、有吃苦耐劳精神,遇有重要工作能够随时响应; 3、有安全事务相关的监管部门对接经验; 4、有一定资源整合能力和业务推进能力。
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 日常实习:面向全体在校生,为符合岗位要求的同学提供为期3个月及以上的项目实践机会。 团队介绍:抖音集团内容质量与数据服务平台(DOUYIN GROUP CONTENT QUALITY AND DATA SERVICE,简称CQC)是负责抖音集团今日头条、抖音、西瓜等产品内容安全与质量工作的团队,在各产品运营增长方面开展支持工作,为产品线提供数据服务的基础支持。平台下设内容质量中心、数据中心及运营支持中心,在全国10余个城市有业务分布。 1、深入数据采标与模型训练业务,负责重要运营专项跟进,推动解决项目流程和管理问题,保障业务交付; 2、协调组织资源,统筹多职场管理,提升人员利用效率和ROI; 3、参与线上化管理功能的需求梳理与各阶段验收,推动产品系统落地。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历在读; 2、具备优秀的学习能力和项目管理知识,数据、产品意识强,有较强的逻辑思维、数据分析能力; 3、有较强的沟通能力,有较强的责任心,勇于面对挑战。