岗位职责: 1、熟练使用C\C++,C++11等; 2、熟悉windows消息机制,窗口机制,内核对象等。对多线程同步,多进程通信等有深刻理解; 3、熟练使用Windbg进行dump分析; 4、熟悉Lua,Python 等脚本语言更优; 5、具备良好的沟通能力、理解能力、团队协作能力、责任心和抗压能力。 加分项: 1、有Windows平台安全分析、二进制分析、逆向分析者优先; 2、熟悉PE文件结构,DLL注入机制优先; 3、熟悉WTL/DUILIB/CEF/Electron等技术优先。 福利: 1、入职购买社保公积金; 2、一年12天年假; 3、每日55元/餐补+每日下午茶; 4、补充商业保险+体检+生日礼金
工作职责: 1.负责医药生态保险解决方案的落地执行,对项目的进度和业务结果负责; 2.负责制定项目推进计划,管理项目推进过程,监控并持续优化项目运营情况,完成业务合作落地的基础管理工作,包括但不限于协议管理、费用结算、产品管理、技术需求推动等; 3.负责领导交办的其他工作。 任职资格: 1.大学本科及以上学历,医药相关专业优先; 2.具备3年及以上保险行业、医药产业、互联网医疗行业从业经验,具有项目管理经验者优先,具有药企PAP、创新支付项目经验者优先; 3.性格乐观开朗,能适应工作压力和敢于面对挑战,有良好的客户群体关系; 4.具有较好的统筹协调和沟通能力、语言表达和文字书写能力以及完整的逻辑思考能力,善于协调内外部资源积极推动项目落地达成并对结果负责。
工作内容: 1、按照销售流程规定开展工作 2、与售点建立并维护良好的客情关系 3、使用Beesforce拜访售点,处理订单并做好售点执行 4、市场活动的开展 岗位要求: 1、毕业时间在2023年6月-2025年8月 2、本科及以上学历 3、具有战略性思维,方向感/目标感, 4、同时愿意从基层执行做起 5、沟通能力强,善于交际,灵活机智有韧性并具有抗压能力,愿意接受挑战 6、具备一定的地域调动性 7、在校期间积极参与校园活动与社会实践,有担任学生干部或管理团队的经验,具有影响力和责任心 福利待遇: 1、薪资:13薪+绩效奖金 2、保险:五险一金+商业医疗保险 3、福利:交通补贴,节日礼金,节日酒,年度体检,生日礼物 4、假期:法定年休假+公司假日 5、培训:课堂培训、在线培训、实地培训、导师带训、高层辅导
20k-30k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上1Purpose of the Job I. Bridge Tech & Analytics team closely to relevant Procurement Teams(Sourcing, Operation, Performance & Planning, etc.) II. Bring the synergies to develop category strategies, and deploy aligned plan properly to ensure following KPIs delivered: · Cost Control: Deliver targeted savings on both Capex & Opex in T&A scope, and ensure no adverse impact on quality and time requirement. · Efficiency Enhancement: Drive a highly efficient project implementation plan with T&A PMOs while ensuring high productivity and maintaining continuous improvement; · Compliance: Manage risk and achieve strategical & operational compliance across ‘Source to Pay’ end-to-end activities. III. Provide expertise of external supply market knowledge, sharing best practices of digitalization, identifying/executing on value creation opportunities. 1. Responsible for general services category sourcing, negotiation, contracting and supplier management, including professional services, lease & rental, facility management, travel, etc… 2. Have an insight into innovation and new supplier development to deliver expected saving on the basis of total cost & value ownership 3. Set up and renew cost model for cost analysis (understand supply and demand market, category supply market, cost structure, etc) 4. Maintain supplier database and make cost driver analysis Qualifications and Technical competencies required 1. Bachelor degree and 3~10 years related working experience of indirect buying in multi-national company; 2. Knowledge and experience in general services or IT category preferred. 3. Knowledge and experience in FMCG company is a plus; Technical competencies: 1. Good data analysis skills and data sensitivity; 2. Good communication skill in both Chinese and English; 3. Good team player; 4. Skillful in computer software: MS Office (Excel, Words, PPT), Website access & research etc; 5. Persist in overcoming obstacles towards success of objectives 6. Challenge self, suppliers & colleagues and persevere to successful conclusion 7. Initiative for “self management” and “self starting” on projects and tasks EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.
1. Accountabilities 职责 - 负责搜集了解国家、各级政府的相关产业政策信息,使企业及时获得产业政策支持; - 负责协调企业政府项目申报、材料编写,项目执行、验收,协助与政府相关部门沟通,协调及接待工作; - 负责按企业发展需要,拓展、建立并维护企业与当地政府部门的良好关系; - 负责为企业争取各项宣传的机会,向政府相关部门及受众输出展现公司价值观、理念、文化、发展方向和品牌; - 负责企业对外的应急事宜处理或危机公关管理。 2. Qualifications and Technical competencies required 资质和专业能力要求 Education教育 - 本科或以上学历 - 英语6级以上 Experience 经验 - 至少5年工作经验 - 对国家及行业政策有深刻的理解,熟悉行业发展方向且有敏锐度 - 具备管理能力、跨部门协作能力、个人领导力和影响力 - 以结果为导向,抗压能力强,能适应快节奏工作及出差 平等雇佣原则 百威亚太坚持平等雇佣原则,我们致力于建设一个多元、包容、无歧视的工作场所。我们采取积极行动,确保所有申请者机会均等,而不考虑候选人年龄、性别、性取向、种族、家庭和婚姻状况、**和信仰、退伍军人身份、残疾或任何其他依法受保护的个人特征。
岗位职责: 1、根据活动需要制作宣传资料,定期更新与维护资料库; 2、收集有关行业信息,掌握市场动态,分析销售和市场发展状况; 3、负责线上线下活动的策划、执行与监督,保证活动质量及结果达成; 4、负责各类活动资料、后期照片整理收集存档、数据复盘; 5、协助新媒体平台运营(微信、小红书、微博等),通过有效运营手段提升关注度,增加粉丝数量,提升粉丝活跃度,达成营销目标; 6、完成公司安排的其它工作。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,市场营销、广告设计、新闻学等相关专业; 2、2年以上相关工作经验,1年以上餐饮行业工作经验; 3、较强方案策划能力,能提出针对性、创意性市场活动方案; 4、较强的数据分析能力。
岗位职责: 1、按照品牌策划方案及活动需求及时创作、设计、制作各类线上线下视觉图; 2、整体把控设计风格,包括色调搭配、布局合理、图片整理等; 3、负责广告、宣传海报、线下活动物料、H5视觉、公司文件类资料的设计及制作; 4、协助新媒体平台运营和推广,提升项目影响力及关注度; 5、配合运营部负责对公司店铺、产品的设计。 6、完成公司安排的其它工作。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,广告视觉、平面设计专业; 2、2年以上平面设计、媒体运营等相关工作经验,1年以上餐饮行业工作经验; 3、熟练使用PS、AI、CDR等相关设计软件,有扎实的美术功底,良好的审美观。
SOC分析师(三方岗位/英语方向/韩语方向) 地点:辽宁 大连 关于这个角色: 亚太区SOC分析师的职位,向网络安全经理报告,他/她将在一个团队中工作,在SOC平台上创建网络安全服务,管理、监测和保护所面临的威胁。缩短反应时间,提高安全风险的可见性和透明度。 关键任务和责任: · 与全球SOC团队一起建立SOC能力。 · 监控、响应和处理从部署在内部和云环境中的SOC工具触发的安全警报,如EDR、IDS/IPS、Web代理、SIEM、网络钓鱼分析等,以及从云安全平台如MS Defender for Cloud、AWS Guard duty、Orca Security等。 · 调查事件,以确定它们是真正的事件还是误报。 · 在调查的基础上创建事件的故事情节,确定并传达所有安全警报/事件的必要补救步骤。 · 协同不同的日志来源,收集所需的证据,以了解其影响,并提出应对措施。 · 完全掌控事件,直到所有的应对措施都完成并记录在案。 · 参与改进安全监测工具集的项目,以及改进防御性控制。 资质、经验、技能: · 学士学位和2年以上的网络安全或IT工作经验。 · 流利的英语。 · 具有良好的操作系统内部知识(Windows,Linux/UNIX和MAC)和网络概念。 · 有能力阅读和理解系统数据,包括安全事件日志、系统日志、应用程序日志和设备日志。 · 最好是有: 拥有一个以上的EDR、SIEM和日志分析工具和技术的经验。最好是Sentinel One和Sumologic。
1. Purpose of the Job工作目的Manage APAC International Logistics operation, build export capability, set up strong routine and communication with International Logistics team and BU team, benchmark global best practice to be applied to APAC. Identify new opportunities to improve logistics operations performance, service level and cost as well to support the business growth for international logistics and New Business. 2. Business environment 业务环境Main characteristics: (Challenges) 主要特征(挑战)- Build strong APAC Export Capability to support the business, like:a) Cross-docking operationb) Export repacking centerc) Build Slipsheet operation for Exportd) Improve export brewery loading capabilitye) Improve container configuration to load more products per container etc- Set up APAC Export operation S&OP including container loading guidance- Work with APAC Zone Quality team to build Import & Export quality complaint process to improve service level of Importers.- Build routine with Global International Logistics team on KPI, cost and projects tracking and support.- Own operational KPI and Dashboard visibility for logistics, and improve the result Key dimensions:关键衡量标准- Logistics Cost- Service Level- Project deliver as plan Key contacts: (internal – external) 主要联系者 (内部 – 外部)- Global & Zone Logistics team on operation- Brewery and DC logistics team- Import/Export Logistics team- Finance& PPM team- Sales team- 3rd party logistics 3. Accountabilities 职责- Support Global and Zone projects.- Responsible for Zone key projects and manage all the stakeholders to deliver the projects as plan.- Build routine with Global International Logistics team on KPI, cost and projects tracking and support.- Track and trace logistics cost, create visibility and improve efficiency.- Global best practice benchmark, good projects to be applied to APAC for execution.- 3rd party logistics management and KPI improvement 4. Qualifications and Technical competencies required资质和专业能力要求Education 教育- Bachelor degree- Master’s degree in an area related to logistics/operations or MBA is a plusExperience 经验- At least 5 years work experience in International Logistics, familiar with all the Incoterm, Customs process, Bonded warehouse operation, Ocean freight structure at destination & Origin etc- Strong project management capability to manage different stakeholders’ expectation and deliver the project- Knowledge to drive cost saving project- Technical competencies (Job related) 专业能力 (与工作相关)- Strong project management skill- Excellent logical thinking and analytical skills- Experience in managing cross functional team;- Fluent in English EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.
Legal Manager - Shanghai
[上海·黄浦区] 2023-01-3120k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上Job Description: As the Legal Manager you will responsible to: · Care deeply about our work as professional lawyers as well as business partners · Be passionate about understanding the business and provide legal suggestions to help the business solve their problems · Lead with integrity at all times through words and actions · Be energized by learning through working, always willing to accept new challenges. · Be eager to work in a circumstance bustling with noises and excitements, with teams closing by and exchanging ideas from time to time. · Understand how to get things done in a large, matrixed organization, provide clear and direct counsel to internal clients and teammates. · Collaborate effectively with internal teams with the support of outside counsels · Be able to manage crisis, litigations and other issues and reactive quickly · Understand how to work as a team, work under the coaching from your line manager and collaborate with different team members The Day-to-day Responsibilities of the Manager Include: · Provide all day-to-day legal support to People, Procurement, Finance and Tech and Analytics teams, including contract reviewing, legal support to various projects of the teams, dispute resolution, risk management, trainings and researches on various topics · Support digitalization projects of Budweiser China · Support Cyber Security projects of Budweiser China · Work on corporate governance of Budweiser China, including offshore companies · Work on contract lifecycle management program of Budweiser China The ideal Legal Manager will have: · Minimum of 3-4 years working experience with MNCs and/or reputable law firms · LLB or LLM degree from reputable law schools, overseas education would be a preference · Familiar with contract and labor related laws and practices · Experienced in litigation processes with the support of outside counsel · Solid legal knowledge with good communication skills · English as working language · PRC Bar exam passed Further skills that would be helpful: · Experience at FMCG companies with major, consumer-facing brands is helpful · Good computer skills including ppt and excel would be a plus We're seeking passionate people who'll be inspired by brewing the world's most loved beers, building iconic brands and creating meaningful experiences. At Budweiser Brewing Company APAC, you’ll join a driven team that shares your desire to grow, your courage to challenge and commitment to act. You will see your career story unfold like never before. Bring your talent and dedication and we'll supply incredible opportunities to grow your career without the traditional boundaries of role, function or location. We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws. -
一. 求职目的 领导指挥中心团队建立跨职能的BCC指挥中心,通过提供BI可视性,分析洞察和预测,并通过模拟将操作转化为主动方式 二. 岗位职责 1. 领导指挥中心团队及时交付BI报告,以实现各职能部门的可视化 2. 规范指挥中心团队管理,标准化 3. 与利益相关者合作,最终确定BI需求,并与EA资源协调相关功能的开发 4. 配合微软提供PBI技术支持 5. 建立CoE社区,通过组织培训等方式培养PBI CoE。 三. 具备资格和技术能力 教育 大专及以上学历,数据分析、信息系统/技术或计算机科学等专业优先 经验 5年以上工作经验。2年以上团队管理经验。2年以上数字化转型或BI相关工作经验者优先 技术能力 1. 较强的数据敏感度和分析能力 2. 具备数据和BI知识或实践经验(Power BI优先) 3. 具备全面的跨部门知识者优先 4. 较强的沟通、协调和执行能力 5. 具有较强的领导能力和创新/改变的心态,并具有较强的激励和参与团队的能力 6. 永不满足,勇于挑战现状
Job Description: Purpose of the Job1. 负责科技物流项目中的计划与预测相关项目交付及技术支持2. 有出色的技术能力,并对商业架构和运作需求有深刻理解。能够设计或指导相关的系统及应用设计,并对业务价值有结构化的高效的深刻洞察。3. 对技术趋势有敏锐的洞察力,具备创新思维和良好的逻辑思维,有出色的沟通能力。 Accountabilities1. 在计划与预测相关项目上,和物流的相关方保持良好沟通,确保双方对于业务需求和交付项有清晰且一致的理解2. 和大区物流计划团队紧密协作共同交付项目,并管理好IT相关供应商,确保项目高质量交付,以及IT相关供应商合规高效的完成工作。3. 负责相关项目的系统架构设计及技术方案验证,确保架构及技术方案的合理性,并确保实际实施方案是遵从设计方案的。4. 与业务伙伴分享技术方面的洞察,并协助规划各系统、项目的远期路线图,以确保公司相关平台的技术路线和技术方案是跟随技术发展方向、符合市场先进趋势的。 Qualifications and Technical competencies requiredEducation1. ***学士学位或以上,信息管理、计算机科学、统计学或其他相关专业毕业Experience1. 有至少有5年的计划相关项目(SAP/APO/i2/OMP/o9/Quintiq等)实施经验,快消行业实施经验更优,有排程实施经验更优,熟悉快消行业物流运作业务更优。2. 有实施SAP PP模块经验,流程行业PP-PI实施经验更优。3. 有实施大数据接口平台实施及运维经验更优。4. 有国际项目管理经验更优。5. 良好的沟通能力6. 缜密的逻辑思维7. 能和跨部门的同事共同协作8. 优秀的书面英语读写能力 Technical competencies: 1. 了解项目交付的方法论 (Agile/Waterfall) 2. 对快消行业计划、生产、销售等运作流程有深刻理解3. 最好具备: 1) 持续关注行业最新技术产品和解决方案的发展趋势,对相关技术有浓厚兴趣,出色的学习能力、沟通能力及团队合作能力;2)对机器学习、大数据分析、数据治理等技术有深刻理解
Associate HR Director
[上海·黄浦区] 2023-01-3135k-55k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上Responsibilities: You will partner with our HQ leaders to facilitate People services and actively engage in staffing, organizational development, & talent management. 1.Develop and own the People strategies for your defined business area in line with business vision and goals. Support the development of the organization and people plan and translating the overall plan to execution. 2.Develop a high performance organizational culture and identify the capabilities and leadership required, ensuring performance issues are promptly addressed. 3.Involve in organizational design & transformations, support the capability building for the developing organization. Responsible for the delivery of comprehensive HR services to the business to support the entire employee life cycle HR operations. 4.Implement the People Cycle (organizational & people review, target setting and cascading, engagement) process for assigned business units and recommend appropriate development and coaching solutions. 5.Work with business partners to ensure a proper handle of employee relations issues and make recommendations to minimize the re-occurrence of such issues. 6.Create strong interactive/quick response partnerships with client groups 7.Build a workforce that creates a competitive advantage by recruiting, developing and retaining top talents. Knowledge & Experience: 1.Over 7 years extensive Human Resources experience, BP experience in multinational. companies preferred. Management consulting experience can be a good alternative 2.Strong hands-on experience in talent attraction, retention, workforce planning, employee engagement, and etc 3.Experience in deploying digital transformation projects 4.Excellent communication skills, ability to influence at varying levels across the organization 5.Ability to handle multiple priorities and navigate in a highly matrixed environment 6.Strong interpersonal skills 7.Love to be hands-on and enjoy working in a fast-paced environment 8.Bachelor’s degree or above -
一. 目的 领导指挥中心团队建立跨职能的BCC指挥中心,通过提供BI可视性,分析洞察和预测,并通过模拟将操作转化为主动方式 二. 岗位职责 1. 领导指挥中心团队及时交付BI报告,以实现各职能部门的可视化 2. 规范指挥中心团队管理,标准化 3. 与利益相关者合作,最终确定BI需求,并与EA资源协调相关功能的开发 4. 配合微软提供PBI技术支持 5. 建立CoE社区,通过组织培训等方式培养PBI CoE。 三. 具备资格和技术能力 教育: 本科及以上学历,数据分析、信息系统/技术或计算机科学等专业优先 经验: 5年以上工作经验。2年以上团队管理经验。2年以上数字化转型或BI相关工作经验者优先 技术能力 1. 较强的数据敏感度和分析能力 2. 具备数据和BI知识或实践经验(Power BI优先) 3. 具备全面的跨部门知识者优先 4. 较强的沟通、协调和执行能力 5. 具有较强的领导能力和创新/改变的心态,并具有较强的激励和参与团队的能力 6. 永不满足,勇于挑战现状
岗位职责: 1、负责数学课程的班级教学工作及与课程教学相关的学员沟通辅导工作; 2、负责班级课程学习情况记录及家长沟通等与教学相关的服务工作; 3、按照要求参加教研及集体备课等工作; 4、协助完成项目安排的其他工作。 任职资格: 1、具备“激情、幽默、创新”的基本“阳光条件”,让学生充分感受到和学校截然不同的学习氛围,享受数学乐趣; 2、本科以上学历,获得教师资格证书,一年以上数学教学经验,有过兼职教师经验的优秀应届毕业生亦可考虑; 3、性格活泼,富有亲和力,有爱心,有责任心; 4、了解儿童心理,善于调动学生学习的积极性; 5、教学目标明确,教学方法新颖,授课条理清晰,教学活动安排恰当,井然有序,课堂掌控能力强; 员工福利: 1、法定节假日; 2、无责任底薪+业绩提成+奖金; 3、为员工购买社会保险(包括养老保险、医疗保险、失业保险、工伤保险、生育保险); 4、服务满一年的员工每年均享受带薪年假; 5、丰富多彩的员工活动:员工聚餐、境内外旅游等等; 6、员工生日祝福; 7、日工作时间为7小时。 要报考公校老师者勿扰!谢谢