• 20k-30k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    社交媒体 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述: 1、制度流程建设&优化:设计并持续优化公司OKR项目管理制度、流程与标准,定期评估项目管理流程的有效性,收集反馈并推动改进,确保项目管理体系的持续优化与适应性 2、人员激励与绩效管理:设计并实施项目团队成员的激励机制与绩效评价体系,通过定期评估、反馈与辅导,促进团队成员的成长与发展 3、项目管理:负责公司级重点项目的全生命周期管理,协调各部门资源,以目标为导向,保证项目结果及质量 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,项目管理、工商管理或相关专业背景 2、至少具备3年公司管理制度和流程设计、人员激励和绩效管理经验 3、熟悉互联网行业的工作模式与特点,具备复杂或多项目管理的实战经验 4、具备良好的沟通协调能力,分析能力与问题解决能力,抗压能力强 5、如有OKR管理经验者优先
  • 25k-35k·16薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: 1、规划营运服务中心业务的数字化建设,负责科技侧产品、系统规划与设计,制定工作目标、计划,并达成目标; 2、指导产品经理、需求分析师,进行产品设计经验分享与学习,提升整体产品规划与设计能力; 3、负责营运服务中心保全、理赔、承保、核保、客服等业务的产品规划、业务架构、需求分析,推动系统架构、应用架构不断完善,提升用户体验; 4、跟踪行业产品解决方案,对新技术研究的成果进行及时跟进与分享;组织一线调研,及时了解软件系统的使用效果,不断优化产品使用体验。 任职要求: 1、8年以上相关工作经验; 2、熟悉保险营运服务领域,具备较强的产品规划能力、自驱力; 3、熟悉企业架构、业务架构。
  • 10k-20k 经验不限 / 大专
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作职责: 1、对公司分发的客户进行售后服务,提供保险咨询、销售、保单体检及综合金融等全方位的保障服务; 2、维护 VIP 客户权益,组织客户参加相关 VIP 客户服务增值活动; 3、对公司最新的信息、活动、资料及时发送给老客户; 4、协助客户办理理赔等业务; 5、组织新老客户参加公司活动; 任职资格: 1、25岁﹣50周岁,大专及以上学历,专业不限;特别热爱保险销售,年龄可放宽 ; 2、认可保险行业,具有学习能力、创新精神及沟通能力; 3、拥有良好的道德操守,诚信、,自律的品质,有上进心; 4、服从公司统一工作安排,完成领导和主管下达的各项工作任务。 工作时间: 早8:30﹣10:00,早会及完成公司安排的工作,10点工作内容自行安排,周末双休,节假日正常休息 福利待遇: 1、基本工资+新人津贴+服务津贴+培训津贴+月度奖金+年度奖金+各类补助; 2、享有医疗、意外、养老等保险等综合福利保障; 3、公司提供透明公正的晋升渠道,晋升机会每季度一次,一年可以实现多次晋升; 4、入职后享有完善的培训体系。公司根据代理人发展阶段,提供从销售到管理的丰富培训,助力成长; 5、优秀员工可享受带薪国内外旅游奖励及奖金奖励。 公司信息 中国人寿保险股份有限公司北京市分公司 北京市海淀区泛亚大厦15层1517(海淀黄庄地铁C1出口,向东步行50米)
  • 5k-10k 经验不限 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作特色: 针对教培行业的改革,平安现面向有教培行业工作经验的离职人员进行招聘,薪资待遇较好,工作时间灵活,发展前景广阔。 面试条件: 1、具备较强的企业分析、课程研发、演讲能力; 2、富有激情,较强的亲和力和感染力; 3、良好的文字和语言表达、沟通能力,思维敏捷; 4、熟练使用办公软件,可制作课件。 5、工作时间:5天/周(周末及节假日正常休息) 年龄:23-40 学历:本科及以上 需开具近三个月内离职证明 薪资:5k-10k,季度收入3.6w以上(具体薪资待遇在面试中详细介绍) 工作内容: 1、主要会负责新人培训或者公司新产品的发布和宣讲,但前期要有一段时间的实践业务体验经历(有一定的销售工作内容),后期也可以管理+讲师双条道路同时进行。 2、制定公司培训工作规范、流程和培训方案; 3、开发培训课程,编制培训课件和建立培训资料库; 4、撰写培训报告,反馈、评估培训效果; 5、跟进培训工作效果对培训工作进行改进; 7、完成领导交办其它的工作内容。
  • 3k-5k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,人工智能 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    完成负责课前学生的备课、排课工作,课间纪律及辅导;课后反馈工作;学生及家长接待工作,自习室的事务工作等。 工  作  内  容 1 了解熟悉公司的督学日常例行工作操作; 2 根据学生的实际情况,制定适宜的教学方案;(排课&备课&拓课) 3 培养学生良好的学习习惯,进行学习方法指导和适度的课后跟踪服务; 4 与学生、家长保持良好的沟通,及时接收学生、家长反馈意见,不断提高教学服务质量; 5 配合公司的整体招生公司协助做好招生及续费工作对接事项; 6 公司日常员工活动的协助办理; 7 部门领导交代的其他临时性工作。   责任 1)配合校区招生 2)维护好现有生源 3)做好日常备课 4)配合校区日常工作: a 学生反馈 b学生家长会 c学生日常的跟进  
  • 15k-20k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 大专
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1、熟悉授课的一系列流程,条理清晰,普通话标准; 2、主要负责协助营销团队,在讲课时将策划主题宣传到位; 3、富有激情,有良好的语言表达能力和演讲能力;
  • 金融,企业服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
  • 4k-6k 经验不限 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位要求: 1、本科以上学历; 2、熟悉相关业务,熟练使用现代培训工具; 3、具备较强的企业分析、课程研发、演讲能力; 4、富有激情,较强的亲和力和感染力; 5、良好的文字和语言表达、沟通能力,思维敏捷; 6、熟练使用办公软件,可制作课件。 岗位职责: 1、制定公司培训工作规范、流程和培训方案; 2、调查培训需求,编制、调整、执行培训计划; 3、开发培训课程,编制培训课件和建立培训资料库; 4、讲授培训课程,解答疑难问题等; 5、撰写培训报告,反馈、评估培训效果; 6、跟进培训工作效果对培训工作进行改进; 7、完成领导交办其它的工作内容。
  • 60k-100k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    移动互联网,数据服务 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    我们在 Windows 365 工程团队中拥有令人兴奋的新机会,可以帮助客户利用现代技术来提供托管在 Azure 上的虚拟化应用程序和桌面。  责任 作为Windows 365团队的 工程经理,您将获得 在业务和技术层面发展经验的绝佳机会。您将扩展您在桌面虚拟化和技术领域的知识,包括 Windows、Office 和我们基于云的管理套件,并推动产品改进到Azure/Windows 虚拟桌面。 在这个职位上,你将领导一个由才华横溢、积极进取的工程师组成的团队,他们的行为更像一个初创团队。您的团队将做必要的事情来规划、设计、实施和交付高质量的功能需求, - 与PM密切合作,澄清、理解和完善客户需求和场景 - 组织工程资源,定义和推动工程进度 - 与您的团队一起编写架构/组件设计、实施代码和调试问题 - 通过整合各种机制和创新,确保从需求分析到生产现场服务- - 响应的整个工程周期的高质量 - 吸引、发展、指导并为团队中的工程师提供成长指导 基本要求 - 计算机科学、工程、数学、科学或其他技术领域 的学士学位 - 10 年以上的软件工程经验,构建和交付应用程序和/或服务。 - 出色的技术设计技能和成熟的能力,能够为复杂的项目或产品推动大规模系统设计 - 作为强大而有效的工程经理的可靠记录 - 3年以上领导和发展成功团队的经验 - 流利的英语沟通能力   ---- Microsoft recently announced Windows 365, a cloud service that introduces a new way to experience Windows 10 or Windows 11 to businesses of all sizes. Windows 365 takes the operating system to the Microsoft cloud, streaming the full Windows experience — apps, data and settings — to personal or corporate devices. Secure by design and built with the principles of Zero Trust, Windows 365 secures and stores information in the cloud, not on the device, providing a secure, productive experience for workers from interns and contractors to software developers and industrial designers. Windows 365 also creates a new hybrid personal computing category called Cloud PC, which uses both the power of the cloud and the capabilities of the device to provide a full, personalized Windows experience. The announcement represents a groundbreaking development as organizations around the world grapple with the best ways to facilitate hybrid work models where employees are both on-site and distributed across the globe. We have exciting new opportunities in the Windows 365 engineering team to help customers take advantage of modern technologies to provide virtualized apps and desktops hosted on Azure.  Responsibilities As an Engineering Manager in the Windows 365 team, you will get an amazing opportunity to develop experience at both business and technology level. You will get to extend your knowledge of desktop virtualization and technical areas including Windows, Office and our cloud-based management suite, and drive product improvements into Azure / Windows Virtual Desktop. In this role, you will lead a team of talented and motivated engineers that will behave more like a startup team. Your team will do what is necessary to plan, design, implement and deliver the feature requirements with high quality, Collaborate closely with PM to clarify, understand and refine customer requirement and scenarios Organize engineering resource, define and drive the engineering schedule Author architecture/component designs, implement code, and debug issues with your team Ensure high quality through the entire engineering cycle from requirement analysis to production live service response by incorporating all kinds of mechanism and innovation Attract, develop, mentor, and provide growth guidance to engineers on your team Qualifications Basic Qualifications: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Engineering, Math, Science or other technical field 10+ years of software engineering experience building and shipping apps and/or services. Excellent technical design skills and proven ability to drive large scale system designs for complex projects or products Proven track record as a strong and effective engineering manager – 3+ years of experience leading and growing successful teams Fluent English communication skill  
  • 5k-8k 经验在校/应届 / 不限
    通讯电子 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    【中国联通·梦想启航站 —— 直销精英招募令】 **加入联通,共创未来!** 亲爱的求职者们, 在这个日新月异的数字时代,中国联通作为通信行业的领军企业,始终站在技术前沿,引领5G时代的浪潮。我们深知,每一次技术的飞跃都离不开每一位优秀伙伴的共同努力与智慧碰撞。现在,中国联通正面向全社会广纳贤才,诚邀有志之士加入我们的直销团队,共同开启精彩的职业旅程!  职位亮点: 平台广阔:作为中国通信行业的佼佼者,我们为你提供无限的职业发展空间和晋升机会。 产品领先:你将推广最前沿的通信技术和服务,包括5G套餐、智能家居、云计算等,满足用户对高品质生活的追求。 专业培训:入职即享系统化、专业化的培训,助你快速掌握产品知识及销售技巧,成为行业精英。 激励机制:我们实行高竞争力的薪酬体系及丰富的奖励机制,你的每一分努力都将获得丰厚回报。 团队氛围:加入一个充满活力、团结协作的大家庭,与志同道合的伙伴共同成长,享受工作的乐趣。  岗位职责: 负责区域内中国联通通信产品的销售工作,达成销售目标。 精准分析客户需求,提供个性化解决方案,提升客户满意度。 开拓新市场,维护老客户,建立良好客户关系网。 参与市场推广活动,提升品牌知名度。  我们期待的你: 拥有强烈的责任心和团队合作精神。 具备良好的沟通能力和客户服务意识。 勇于挑战自我,能够承受工作压力。 市场营销、电子商务、通信等相关专业优先,但非专业背景的优秀人士同样欢迎。  加入我们,你将获得: 一个展现自我、实现职业梦想的舞台。 一段与行业领先企业共同成长、共创辉煌的旅程。 一份充满挑战与机遇、收获满满的职业生涯。  应聘方式: 请将您的简历发送至[指定邮箱],邮件主题请注明“应聘直销员-姓名-联系电话”。我们将在收到简历后的一周内与合适的候选人联系,安排面试事宜。 中国联通,期待与您携手,共创辉煌未来!
  • 45k-55k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    The incumbent must have in-depth understanding within every stage of the design process and apply innovative thinking, inspiration and leadership when directing cross-fertilized design teams or design leaders. As a liaison between clients, designers at various levels and the executive management, he/she must be confident with design deliverables of multiple projects integrating internal staff such as those from cross-disciplinary backgrounds and cross-studios as well as external creative partners. RESPONSIBILITY • Directing, leading and overseeing multiple design disciplines and directors to provide a superior quality level of creative output that meet or exceed the stated objectives. • Develop methods to promote, transfer and monitor cross-fertilization innovation and interdisciplinary design and creativity throughout the company. • Enable and develop techniques to integrate the collective input and to foster the distribution of ideas to the entire internal community. • As a member of Studio Management Team establish the cross-studio philosophy, standards and best practices for design quality and design leadership. • Create future direction of deign services and derive strategic plans to maintain and increase DW's design leadership position. • Develop metrics and systems to manage benchmarking goals and criteria. • Manage consistency and quality control across multiple design disciplines for the studio. • Direct and create design processes to ensure that a highest quality design deliverable is provided to each client. • Manage comprehensive design managers, direct reports, and team leaders to meet or exceed client and projects stated objectives. • Ensure collaboration with global and ***** leadership to maintain project quality in design deliverables. • Manage the creation and establishment of quality gates and milestones. • Oversee the implementation of cutting edge methods, standards and best practice. • Define success criteria for the development and conceptualization of innovative ideas, concepts and design solutions. • Provide creative problem solving and analysis to assigned projects. • Partner with Strategic Partnering, Creative Consulting, and the Studio Director with planning; scope, resourcesm budget, timing and deliverables. • Partner with the Global Collaboration and Knowledge Management Function to create training and development plans and transfer of process and procedure knowledge. • Contribute extensive knowledge of design & product development especially in the car design sector for the BMW Group. • Responsible for both project and account level profitability. • Oversee project teams and support staff. • Present work internally and to the client, discusses need for modification and change. • Excellent in client understanding and demonstrating our value proposition at CEO level. • Clearly communicates project targets, status and progress to management and the design teams. • Coordinate seamless communication with DW internally, third party clients, BMW Group partners, ED (all levels), and outside partners. QUALIFICATIONS • Strong leadership and transactional skills in international organizations. • Must be able to manage multicultural teams in an international work environment • Ability to foster design excellence, cross-disciplinary collaboration and to promote creativity. • Prior work experience and established personal network within the BMW Group is essential for success in this role. • Strong verbal and written communication as well as interpersonal skills in both English, German is preferred. • Ability to communicate and interact with executives and officials in a diverse community. • Passion for Design and Creative Thinking. • Conceptual thinking. • 5-7 years team leadership. • 10+ years professional experience in an executive position in the design division of a corporation or in a design leadership position in a design consulting firm or agency.
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责描述 1、 独立撰写项目方案和建议书; 2、 负责问卷设计,进行项目计划、实施、数据统计分析和报告撰写等; 3、 激励和带领团队完成研究任务; 4、 负责各种定性访谈,成功获得有价值的信息; 5、 指导和培养项目团队成员 。 任职资格: 1、2年以上的市场研究行业工作经验,1年以上同岗位或者类似岗位的工作经验; 2、在满意度、品牌或者U&A研究方面具有成功项目管理经验; 3、能胜任出差 能力素质: 1、 熟悉定性和定量研究的基本流程和方法; 2、 具备较高的数据分析和报告撰写能力; 3、 沟通协调能力强,有良好的口头和文字表达能力; 4、 诚实守信、性格开朗、思维敏捷,具有高度的责任感和敬业精神; 5、 工作认真细心有耐心,有良好的学习能力 学历要求: 本科及以上,社会学、统计学、经济学、营销学、管理学、传媒学、广告学等专业优先。
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Job Description: As the Legal Manager you will responsible to: · Care deeply about our work as professional lawyers as well as business partners · Be passionate about understanding the business and provide legal suggestions to help the business solve their problems · Lead with integrity at all times through words and actions · Be energized by learning through working, always willing to accept new challenges. · Be eager to work in a circumstance bustling with noises and excitements, with teams closing by and exchanging ideas from time to time. · Understand how to get things done in a large, matrixed organization, provide clear and direct counsel to internal clients and teammates. · Collaborate effectively with internal teams with the support of outside counsels · Be able to manage crisis, litigations and other issues and reactive quickly · Understand how to work as a team, work under the coaching from your line manager and collaborate with different team members The Day-to-day Responsibilities of the Manager Include: · Provide all day-to-day legal support to People, Procurement, Finance and Tech and Analytics teams, including contract reviewing, legal support to various projects of the teams, dispute resolution, risk management, trainings and researches on various topics · Support digitalization projects of Budweiser China · Support Cyber Security projects of Budweiser China · Work on corporate governance of Budweiser China, including offshore companies · Work on contract lifecycle management program of Budweiser China The ideal Legal Manager will have: · Minimum of 3-4 years working experience with MNCs and/or reputable law firms · LLB or LLM degree from reputable law schools, overseas education would be a preference · Familiar with contract and labor related laws and practices · Experienced in litigation processes with the support of outside counsel · Solid legal knowledge with good communication skills · English as working language · PRC Bar exam passed Further skills that would be helpful: · Experience at FMCG companies with major, consumer-facing brands is helpful · Good computer skills including ppt and excel would be a plus We're seeking passionate people who'll be inspired by brewing the world's most loved beers, building iconic brands and creating meaningful experiences. At Budweiser Brewing Company APAC, you’ll join a driven team that shares your desire to grow, your courage to challenge and commitment to act. You will see your career story unfold like never before. Bring your talent and dedication and we'll supply incredible opportunities to grow your career without the traditional boundaries of role, function or location. We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.
  • 5k-8k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    职位描述: 1. 课程体系规划 2. 担任教学工作,保质保量完成教学任务 3. 积极协助、配合招生工作 任职要求: 1. 美术类相关专业 专科以上学历 2. 素描或油画技术优秀优先考虑 3. 1年以上少儿美术教学经验 4. 工作认**动,严谨负责 5. 形象阳光,热爱少儿美术教学工作
  • 9k-12k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上