【岗位职责】 1、参与需求分析、功能可行性分析、技术可行性分析; 2、独立完成相关技术文档编写,包括开发方案、接口设计、数据库设计; 3、负责项目的功能交付以及日常维护; 4、解决项目迭代、维护过程中出现的技术难题; 【任职要求】 1、计算机科学、软件工程或相关专业,3-5年web后端开发经验。 2、熟悉至少一种后端编程语言,如PHP、Golang等。 3、熟悉使用Yii2、Laravel框架,具有编写单元测试实战经验,并能攻克各种技术难点。 4、熟悉Mysql,具备Mysql调优经验。 5、熟悉Redis、MongoDB等Nosql数据库使用。 6、了解常见设计模式和编程规范,有良好的代码质量意识。 7、对业务理解能力强,具备系统化的代码设计思想,并能工作积极主动。
We are looking for experienced design engineer to join our engineering team contributing to new cutting-edge products. To be successful in this position, you should have hands on experience on below technologies & strong project management skills. Knowledge and application of Mechatronics, Robotics, IIOT, Augmented Reality Supervision, Cyber Security & I4.0 related technologies. Mandatory Skills: • Industry 4.0, Robotics and Mechatronics solution design and delivery. • SCADA, ERP, API, IOT Frameworks & Cyber Security. • Experience in driving Industry 4.0 solution application design and delivery. • Experience in Industry Solution that is centered around Connected Products. • Experience in MES, SCADA, ERP APIs • Experience in Connectivity integration: CANOpen, Modbus, TCPIP (IEC 61850 and IEC 61499), Zigbee, RFID configuration, OPC-UA. • Experience in Cloud & IOT frameworks AZURE, Google, AWS • Preferrable working with Schneider Electric automation products. • Knowledge to pneumatic products for complete integration to design the IOT stations. Areas of Responsibility: • Design new engineering products & process • Create design files • Create models using CAD • Create & validate prototypes • Research new products, ideas & improve existing products & process. • Ensure compliance with industry safety standards. Experience: Electrical & Electronics or Mechatronics & Robotics engineer with overall 3 -5 years of experience is required and 2 - 4 years relevant experience.
1、负责公司现有项目维护与新项目开发工作; 2、使用PHP/GO语言开发高效能数据、应用服务,为运营团队提供工具支持; 3、与产品经理保持良好沟通,能快速理解、消化各方需求,并落实为具体的开发工作; 4、根据需要进行技术调研,协助解决各种技术问题; 5、遵守团队的代码格式、结构的规定,编写易读、易维护、高质量、高效率的代码。 1、**本科以上计算机相关专业学历,且3年以上后端开发工作经验优先考虑; 2、熟悉主流PHP框架(Laravel)/ YII/ CI (至少熟悉一种框架),熟悉MVC开发模式,掌握常用的缓存、队列、分布式锁技术; 3、精通Mysql数据库操作,能编写复杂SQL语句并优化性能; 4、熟悉JQuery、vue、element等常用框架,能独立进行后台页面开发; 5、熟悉天猫、京东等平台接口调用,有相关工作经验为加分项 5、熟悉团队化开发方式,熟练使用git代码管理工具; 6、能准确快速的掌握当前项目所使用的主要架构和设计思路,积极主动融入团队工作生活,学习意识高,服从工作安排。 "
15k-30k 经验10年以上 / 硕士教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人岗位职责: Job Title: 网络安全工程师 Engineer of Cybersecurity Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Duties 1. 信息安全制度建设:负责制定和完善学校的信息安全制度体系,不断提升网络和数据安全的管理水平和防护能力。 2. 安全策略设计与实施:设计、实施和维护网络安全策略,以防御恶意攻击和数据泄露,保护学校网络和系统安全。 3. 制度落实与监督:检查、监督和指导安全管理制度的执行情况。 4. 策略执行审核:负责安全策略执行情况的审核,确保合规性。 5. 日志管理与分析:收集和分析信息系统日志及审计记录,对关键设备进行日志检查和审核,并及时报告潜在问题。 6. 操作行为监控:监督管理员的操作行为,检查安全职责落实情况。 7. 安全控制设计与实施:设计和实施安全控制措施,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统和防**软件等,确保网络安全。 8. 风险评估与漏洞扫描:进行网络安全风险评估和漏洞扫描,及时发现并解决潜在安全问题。 9. 业务系统安全测试:负责学校业务系统的安全测试与加固,指导开发人员修复安全漏洞。 10 .渗透测试与漏洞挖掘:负责线上环境的渗透测试和Web漏洞挖掘,保障系统安全。 11. 安全事件应急处理:跟踪和分析安全事件,包括APT攻击、木马和**等,并进行紧急处理。 12. 跨部门协作:与其他部门合作,确保网络安全政策和流程的落实和持续改进。 13. 技术前沿跟踪:关注国内外安全技术前沿,积极开展技术交流和分享。 14. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络安全的问题和咨询。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历背景:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,信息安全或网络安全专业优先。 2. 工作经验:10年以上信息安全工程师或相关岗位经验,具备丰富的网络安全实战经验;有5年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关信息安全岗位工作经验者优先。 3. 威胁情报分析能力:具有深入的安全威胁情报分析能力,能识别并应对高级持续性威胁(APT)。 4. 网络安全知识:熟悉网络体系结构、TCP/IP协议,掌握常见网络攻击方法、原理及防范措施,具备扎实的信息安全理论基础。 5. 安全产品知识:熟悉安全态势感知平台、防火墙、日志审计、WAF、IPS、主机安全、抗DDoS等主流安全产品的工作原理和配置。 6. 日志分析经验:具备IPS/IDS、防火墙、操作系统和应用程序日志的分析经验,能够从日志中发现异常。 7. 渗透测试技能:熟练使用SQLmap、BurpSuite、AWVS、Kali等常见渗透测试工具,能进行手动或结合工具的安全测试。 8. 编程能力:熟练掌握Java、Python或Shell等一种或多种主流编程语言,能够开发简单的安全工具。 9. 文档撰写:具备文档编写能力,能够独立完成系统评估报告和安全漏洞验证报告。 10. 漏洞挖掘经验:具有真实漏洞挖掘和利用经验,在安全平台提交过漏洞或发表原创技术文章者优先。 11. 法规与标准:熟悉ISO 27001、《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保**》及等级保护相关标准和规范。 12. 认证及实战经验:持有CISSP、CISP、CISA或CISM认证者优先,有CTF或攻防演练比赛经验者优先。 13. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和口语能力。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
岗位职责: Job Title: 网络工程师 Engineer of Network Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Duties 1. 网络架构优化:分析和评估现有网络架构,提出优化与改进方案,持续推进网络升级,提升网络性能并实现降本增效。 2. 网络设计与规划:维护现有网络文档,负责新建网络架构的设计与规划,包括拓扑设计、子网划分和IP地址规划。 3. 技术支持:研究新兴网络技术与产品,为网络的扩展和升级提供技术支持。 4. 项目管理:负责校园项目的设计对接和管理,领导并推进新建网络项目。 5. 跨部门协调:与其他部门协作,确保网络设计满足业务需求。 6. 实施与调试:负责新建项目的网络实施和调试,确保网络架构符合校园需求。 7. 网络安全:根据网络安全要求,对校园网设备进行规划和策略设计,保障网络安全性。 8. 网络优化:优化校园内网的有线和无线组网,以及公网路由配置。 9. 架构持续优化:不断优化组网架构以满足各种应用需求。 10 .监控平台:负责网络监控平台的建设和维护。 11. 基础设施管理:管理和维护DDI、AD、运营商出口等网络基础设施。 12. 文档归档:编写并归档运维文档,包括用户手册、故障排查和功能配置手册。 13. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络的各类问题和咨询。 14. 政策执行:与各部门合作,确保网络相关政策的落实。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历与经验:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上相关工作经验;有3年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关网络岗位工作经验者优先。 2. 网络基础知识:精通OSI模型、TCP/IP协议,具备扎实的数通理论基础。 3. 实践经验:有BGP、OSPF、VxLAN、VRRP、MPLS等协议配置经验。 4. SDN实施经验:熟悉至少一家主流厂商的园区SDN方案并具备实施经验。 5. 故障排查能力:丰富的网络故障排查经验,能够快速解决网络问题。 6. 开源监控工具:熟悉并能够独立部署和维护Zabbix、Prometheus等开源监控工具。 7. 认证加分:具备HCIP/HCIE认证者优先。 8. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和沟通能力。 9. 沟通协作:具备出色的沟通和人际交往能力,能够与各团队和供应商良好合作。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
Apifox is a widely popular API development collaboration tool, and we strive to provide engineers with an ultimate development experience. As of 2022, the total market value of the API R&D ecosystem has exceeded 10 billion USD. The management team of Apifox is composed of senior engineers from Tencent. You will work with a group of energetic, straightforward, and outstanding engineers to promote the "API-ization" globally and domestically. Our office is located in the Tianhe CBD, with convenient transportation and environment. By joining Apifox, you will receive stock options and bonuses that match your potential. Before applying, we hope you understand us: 1. We are a Geek team, only recruiting excellent technical talents (those with strong capabilities or those who are currently average but love learning and can grow quickly); 2. We focus on the technical atmosphere of the team, emphasizing the learning and growth of technical personnel, with weekly technical learning and sharing sessions, Code Reviews; 3. We focus on code quality, and substandard code is unacceptable; 4. If you are not someone who loves learning and tinkering, please do not apply, as you will not be able to integrate into the team even if you join; 5. We believe that excellent people only want to work with excellent people; 6. We have flat management, without the intrigue of the workplace, without rules and regulations, we believe that excellent technical people do not need to be managed; 7. Come here, let the excellent you, only work with excellent people. Responsibilities include: 1. Participate in the development of the Apifox (Apifox.cn) project/international version (focused on the development of engineering efficiency SaaS platforms, API documentation, debugging, Mock, testing integrated collaboration platforms, purely technical projects, similar to Postman/JMeter/coding.net and other R&D efficiency tool chain development, without product managers who don't understand technology giving you requirements); 2. Responsible for the front-end development work of core business functions; 3. Cooperate with product managers and designers to improve user experience and meet performance requirements through various front-end technical means; 4. Responsible for the development and maintenance of front-end pages, and optimize product performance according to requirements; 5. Research cutting-edge front-end technologies and participate in maintaining front-end frameworks and standards; 6. Technology stack: Front-end TypeScript+React/vue/angular+Ant Design+Electron, back-end TypeScript+Node.js. We are looking for someone like you: 1. Bachelor's degree or above, with more than 5 years of web front-end development experience; 2. Proficient in using various web front-end technologies, including HTML5/CSS/Javascript/TypeScript, etc.; 3. Familiar with one or more commonly used front-end frameworks, such as (React, Vue, Angular, etc.); 4. Familiar with the use of modularization, engineering tools such as webpack; 5. Have a sense of code standards, configuration management standards, and documentation writing standards in the development process; 6. Priority will be given to those with development experience in React, TypeScript, Electron, Node.js. We hope you are: 1. Identify with our philosophy: pursuing efficiency, promoting automation, and a culture of continuous improvement; 2. Have a code obsession and engineering mindset: we expect you to be a value-creating engineer, not a labor-selling programmer; 3. Have a Geek style: identify with the UNIX design philosophy, proficient in using various Geek tools; 4. Be good at collaboration and communication: have a foundation in team communication, collaboration, project progress, and time management; 5. Be a lifelong learner: keep learning, love sharing, have a broad technical vision, and be sensitive to new technologies in the industry.
职位描述 1、负责云盘后端、WEB站点、订阅号、H5小程序的开发和维护; 2、负责公司网站的开发维护工作; 3、负责公司网站的需求接口开发; 4、负责网站平台相关业务模块的编码工作; 5、相关开发文档的整理与编写。 6、与Android, IOS配合,高效率高质量地完成接口文档编写,接口的开发工作; 7、负责网站服务器PHP环境搭建与维护,负责PHP程序模块的设计,开发,测试; 相关要求 1、至少要会一种开发语言; 2、计算机或相关专业、大专以上学历,有PHP开发经验优先; 3、查询优化和存储优化经验、PHP缓存技术、静态化设计方面的经验; 4、拥有良好的代码编写风格,要求结构清晰,命名规范,逻辑性强,了解技术文档编写规范; 5、熟悉HTML、DIV+CSS、Javascript、并能熟练使用jquery等框架; 6、熟悉LNMP环境,具备OOP编程思想,熟练运用常用的设计模式,熟悉常用开源类包及常用PHP拓展,如Smarty/Memcached等; 7、具有跨平台,多种浏览器兼容的MobileWeb/HTML5/CSS3等开发经验; 8、有社交产品、浏览器、云盘项目经验的优先考虑。
岗位描述: 1、开发和设计:负责开发、设计和维护高质量程序,以满足公司的业务需求。 2、问题解决:负责解决复杂的技术问题,包括系统性能、安全性和可扩展性方面的挑战。 3、项目推动:积极参与项目规划、设计和开发,确保项目按时交付,并满足质量标准。 4、文档编写:撰写清晰的技术方案文档。 5、时间管理:有效管理工作时间,确保任务按时完成,以满足项目需求。 6、团队管理:积极服从公司的各项安排,以促进团队的顺利运作和项目的顺利推进。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机或相关专业。 2、5年以上PHP开发经验,有golang开发经验者优先。 3、精通Hyperf。 4、精通Mysql数据库,能够快速根据需求完成高性能数据库设计。 5、精通Redis,了解Redis常用数据结构优缺点和使用场景。 6、熟悉常用数据结构与算法,熟悉面向对象编程。 7、熟悉Kafka、RocketMQ、RabbitMQ等常见消息队列的使用。 8、高度的责任心、良好的沟通理解能力和团队合作精神,正直进取,有上进心,热爱开发事业。
15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The main missions & responsibilities for the position are the following: Executes tests based on formal Test Procedures. Possesses advanced knowledge in the key principles and practices of Penetration Testing and Procedures. Like fuzz test, stress test, password cracking etc. Strategizes Test Scenarios and Execution of Penetration Tests. Works with project teams to explain the vulnerabilities. Creates and enhances Test Procedures and Methods. Bring security support to Business Unit projects on offer development through high level consultation post the test. Work closely with other Pen testers, project teams and SDL process teams to work on research, investigations, definition of SoP(standard operating Procedures), deployments, training, creating assets for efficiency in the cyber-security practices. Investigate potential 3rd party cyber security offer\tools (startup, etc.) to improve the global security level of our offers. Understand impact of various standards like IEC 62443 \ Data Privacy (US, GDPR…), IoT/Edge/cloud standard and regulation and make proposals for the improvement in our testing practices. Work with cyber security stakeholders (Schneider IT security team, BU teams, lawyer) on all the different aspect of IoT & Cloud security (network, server, secure application development, security operation …). Qualifications PREFERRED ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Technology or equivalent work experience Certifications like OSCP, SANS GPEN, SANSGWAPT or any other industry accredited security certifications would be preferred · Understanding of at least three of the following: cryptography, fuzzing, hardware security, kernel hacking, and reverse engineering · Developing, extending, or modifying exploits, shellcode or exploit tools OT/IoT security assessments · Experience in reverse engineering
Summary NCCT는 Naver Cloud 법인과 발맞추어 Cloud 서비스에 필요한 다양한 상품과 운영도구들을 중국에서 개발하고 유지보수 하는 조직입니다. NCCT 법인 내 NCP Development 부서의 한국 향 개발 관리 업무의 수요에 의한 충원의 건입니다. Position Information: Naver Cloud Platform 서비스 개발 - IaaS, PaaS, SaaS 서비스 개발 및 유지보수 Cloud 운영을 위한 관리도구 개발 및 유지보수 Desired Skills, Experience: - 유관업무 경력 3년 이상 - Computer Science 또는 Software Engineering에 대한 이해가 있으신 분 - Java 기반의 개발 경험이 있으며 Spring Framework에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - MySQL, Oracle 등의 RDB 와 MongoDB, Redis, HBase 등의 NoSQL에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - Elasticsearch, Kafka 등의 기본적인 오픈소스 플랫폼에 대한 이해와 경험이 있으신 분 - 문제 해결 능력과 커뮤니케이션이 원활하신 분 - 긍정적인 마인드를 가지신 분 - 중국어에 대한 기초가 있으신 분 보유하고 있다면 우대사항이 될 만한 스킬 셋이나 경험을 작성 해 주세요. - 한국 국적 - 중국어 커뮤니케이션 가능하신 분 - 영어로 커뮤니케이션 가능하신 분 - Excel 업로드/다운로드 개발 경험이 있으신 분 - Docker & Kubernetes 서비스 개발 및 운영 경험이 있으신 분 - Vue, React 등을 이용한 Frontend 개발에 대한 이해가 있으신 분
岗位描述: 参与公司核心业务系统架构设计和开发工作 岗位要求: 1、5 年以上 PHP 开发经验,有高并发场景的实际项目经验,具备大型互联网产品开发经验优先 2、熟练掌握至少一种 MVC 框架,熟悉 Swoft、Hyperf 等框架优先。 3、具有 MySQL 数据库设计、索引优化、查询优化经验。 4、熟悉 memcache,redis,mongodb 等常用 nosql 解决方案,了解各自的优缺点及使用场 景; 5、分布式研发经验优先,对 nginx、redis、MQ、RPC 等能够独立思考和应用; 6、有高负载、大并发的系统结构、调试、排错、优化、部署等方面经验优先; 7、良好的沟通技能,团队合作能力
[深圳·西丽] 09:53发布13k-15k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科工具类产品,内容社区,音频|视频媒体 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上岗位职责 1、负责腾讯音乐娱乐集团IT应用系统开发工作,包括但不限于人事、IT中台等领域信息化系统的开发和实施落地。 2、负责相应领域系统的持续优化和日常维护,保障系统的持续优化迭代,以及系统的安全稳定高效运行。 3、协助进行系统推广、培训、运营等相关落地支持工作。 岗位需求 1、***大学本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业优先;3年以上应用系统开发经验; 2、精通PHP语言,同时有实践过Golang等后端语言开发者为佳; 3、熟悉Linux操作系统,能熟练使用MySQL/PostgreSQL/Redis等数据库,熟悉常用的系统性能分析及优化方法; 4、有完整的系统研发经验优先(如需求分析、系统架构设计、研发编码与系统运营);重点掌握后端开发,了解常见的前端开发模式(如Vue)尤佳; 5、有激情有进取心,乐于持续学习,抗压性强,良好的沟通能力和合作精神; 6、对新技术保持好奇心并具有专研精神和创新思维。 岗位签约主体为深圳市腾音管理咨询有限公司(腾讯音乐娱乐集团全资子公司) -
15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科生活服务,旅游|出行 / 上市公司 / 150-500人DragonPass is a global B2B2C Airport services provider developing fintech travel solutions for companies such as Barclays, Visa, MasterCard, RBS, Revolut and many similar companies all around the world. Services range including Transport Security Fast Track, Airport lounges and Airport restaurants. Our main aim is to simplify technical complexity. We essentially help our end customers use a multitude of services across an array of complexity in as easier a manner as possible. All of this must be done with beautiful UI and UX. DragonPass has headquarters in Guangzhou, with the international headquarters outside of China being in Hale, Cheshire. There are additional offices in London, Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Singapore, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai. The business is growing very quickly and looking to recruit individuals with a passion for travel, networking and self-development. What will you be doing? The 24/7 technical support engineer will be acting as a bridge between development team and clients/account management team. Bilingual is mandatory to communicate with the development team and clients/account management team. The 24/7 technical engineer shall handle the call/email from clients for any incidents or 7system outage. The 24/7 technical engineer shall provide an incident report for any issue and provide incident status update for the stakeholders. Check error log from the monitoring system and, identify the root cause of the issue. Create and manage the incident ticket in JIRA. Identify the areas/parts of the system/service causing the issue, and the corresponding impacts to the customer. Create the standard operation support documents in English. Implement the urgent fix based on the standard operation support documents with the support from the DevOps at infrastructure level. Filter the non-critical issues that can be fixed in next day. Preferred skills One or more years of experience in 24/7 Technical support Excellent hands-on support experience in AWS/ Azure Knowledge of programming languages such as Java Strong experience in Linux and Terraform Proficiency in writing automated scripting language in Python Experience in monitoring tools – Grafana, or any other monitoring tools Understanding of full-stack web/mobile, including protocols and web server optimization standards Broad understanding of Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL Database experience, such as MongoDB Proficient in English and Mandarin language skills
岗位职责: 1、根据项目需求,编写高质量的PHP代码,并进行代码审核,确保代码的可读性和可维护性。 2、参与数据库设计,优化SQL查询,提高数据处理的效率和稳定性。 3、与产品经理合作,深入理解产品需求,转化为技术解决方案,并负责实施。 4、定期对现有系统进行性能评估,提出改进措施,优化系统架构,提升系统性能和可扩展性。 岗位要求: 1、具备本科及以上学历,计算机科学或相关专业。 2、熟练掌握PHP编程语言及面向对象编程(OOP)原则。 3、熟练掌握MySQL等关系型数据库,具备良好的数据库设计能力和优化能力。 4、熟悉至少一个主流PHP框架,并了解MVC设计模式