• 30k-45k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    金融业 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Quantitative Developer Who you are • Build the next generation of our systematic trading strategies, such as market making, arbitrage, and hedging • Analyze tick dataset, and perform quantitative modeling to solve some of the most challenging trading problems • Work with our trading team to continuously evaluate and optimize the pricing and strategy logic • Work with our technology team to understand and improve the code efficiency to its maximum What you offer • Masters or PhD in a quantitative discipline such as mathematics, statistics, or computer science • Proficient in writing production code in an OO programming language (prefer Rust or C++), and a statistical language (prefer Python) • Familiar with crypto markets • Experience working with low latency trading strategies and systems preferred • Excellent communication skills, self-motivated, and able to work under pressure and multi- task
  • 20k-35k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Keeta is an independent brand of Meituan, the world's largest tech-driven retail company. We focus on food and consumer product delivery services in international markets with the mission: "We help people eat better, live better". Established in March 2010, Meituan has helped transform the supply and demand of service and product retail across the digital landscape. As Meituan and Keeta continue to increase R&D investment and advance in new technologies, we uphold a customer-centric approach, working with our partners to provide quality services to customers. 岗位职责 1.支持Keeta 香港、沙特地区C端/B端/D端运营设计及营销设计。 2.负责品牌类设计以及线下的包装、服装、商户物料、印刷品、礼品的设计、打样及跟进制作。 3.全程把控设计创意、完稿、材质选择以及制作工艺。 岗位基本需求 1.优秀的创意能力。具备快速生产创意的能力,具备良好的品牌设计素养。 2.系统化思维能力,建立设计规范、规则并推进落地的能力。 3.优秀的执行力,熟悉线下生产制作流程。从创意设计、刀模图完稿绘制、制作工艺及材质选择都能够熟练掌握。 4.了解国内制作供应商情况,能够完成下厂盯印、制作监理等任务。 具备以下者优先 有传统的包装/品牌设计公司经验优先;有服务外企品牌设计背景;有成功的⼤型campaign经验。 岗位亮点 出海业务,国际审美,前瞻性的设计理念。服务于各国用户、商户、骑手的创意设计。
  • 25k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Your Mission: This role plays a crucial function within AfterShip's global Customer Success team, reporting to the Head of Customer Success (APAC). Occasional collaboration with the global team in Australia, Europe, North America, Greater China or Southeast Asia, may require flexibility in work hours to accommodate meetings or tasks. What You’ll Do: 1. Manage a portfolio of existing accounts by maintaining engagement and utilizing value-based account management techniques for retention and growth; 2. Lead the onboarding process for new clients alongside the Technical Account Manager for implementation; and serve as the initial point of contact for escalated technical issues, ensuring swift resolution by liaising with appropriate teams; 3. Conduct regular business review meetings (weekly/monthly/quarterly, as needed) with C-level executives to incorporate account performance metrics, industry insights, best practices for customers, and identification of areas for improvement and growth opportunities; 4. Act as a trusted advisor to clients, ensuring they derive maximum value from AfterShip's services, and sharing best practices and new product features with customers while providing feedback to the product team; 5. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the AfterShip platform to effectively communicate its features to users at all levels within client organizations; 6. Collaborate cross-functionally with global teams across various time zones to address bottlenecks and ensure customer success; 7. Be responsible for meeting dollar retention and expansion KPIs; drive growth of AfterShip's client base and revenue in the assigned markets. Who We're Looking For: 1. At least 1 year of experience in customer-facing roles in sales/business development/account management/customer success, with a proven track record of consistently delivering great results; 2. Strong interpersonal skills and professional demeanor, capable of articulating technical solutions in simple terms; 3. Ability to manage complex projects and collaborate with multiple internal and external stakeholders; 4. Exceptional executive-level interpersonal, project management, communication, and problem-solving abilities; 5. Proficiency in English is required; proficiency in Cantonese or other languages like Japanese or French is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Related working experience in eCommerce/FMCG/Brand Retail/SaaS/Advertising/consulting Industry; 2. Thorough knowledge of the overseas e-commerce ecosystem and APAC online retail community; 3. Overseas working experience or work in an international team with global time zones. Why You Should Join Us: 1. Emerging Industry and Steady Business Growth: We operate in the global eCommerce SaaS sector, supported by leading international investment institutions. Our team is continuously expanding, and we have experienced consistent growth in both our business scale and revenue since our inception. 2. Career Growth: We are dedicated to your professional growth. With tailored mentorship, study fund, and opportunities for advancement, your next career chapter begins here. 3. Diverse Culture: Our team consists of members from over 20 regions worldwide. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we honor each individual’s unique background. 4. Fun and Engaging Atmosphere: Enjoy a workplace that recognizes accomplishments and fosters a strong sense of community. With engaging team-building activities, we work hard and play hard! 5. Geek Working Environment: We foster a culture of geek, with over 60% of our team dedicated to research and development. You will have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and agile tools in your work.
  • 15k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责开发公司ASA业务在东南亚本土的广告主,完成商务接洽、谈判、签约及回款并维护好客户关系,实现稳定长期合作关系; 2、立足于客户立场,了解客户需求,结合产品特性,为客户提供个性化、专业化的商务合作方案和收益提升计划; 3、能独立获取销售业务线索,完成公司下达的既定业绩目标; 4、收集各种市场信息并及时反馈给上级和相关部门,同时协调解决项目运营反馈推进中的问题; 5、根据公司业务发展需要,寻找、挖掘新的合作资源,探索新业务方向。 任职要求: 1、有Facebook、Google、TikTok等海外主流媒体销售经验、有客户资源者优先; 2、 熟悉海外市场环境,了解应用市场社交、工具、电商、汽车、视频等行业。 3、2年以上互联网/移动互联网广告市场拓展经验,有移动网盟工作经验或有行业资源者优先; 4、 有良好的沟通能力和技巧,逻辑思维清晰,目标明确,有强烈的客户管理意识; 5、 能够承受工作压力,具备敏锐的市场洞察力和良好的团队协作精神。
  • 13k-14k 经验不限 / 本科
    教育,文娱|内容,企业服务 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    1、工作地点在安哥拉,合同期2年,工作6个月回国带薪休假19天。 2、税后月薪13000-14000人民币,按月打到国内银行卡上,不拖欠。 3、公司包吃住,承担工作签证和往返机票费用,2个月发一次生活用品,每个月话费补贴300元,过年红包2000元。 4、27岁以下,英语六级以上,可接受应届生。
  • 30k-60k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 博士
    其他 / 天使轮 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1. 参与人工智能计算机视觉等相关项目的设计开发和维护。 2. 运用图像识别机器学习等技术,解决实际问题。 3. 对算法进行优化,并研究新的算法和技术。 4. 结合业务需求,将理论应用于实际产品上。 5. 与团队成员紧密合作,共同提升产品质量和用户体验。 任职要求: 1. 计算机科学人工智能或相关专业本科及以上学历; 2. 有左右的相关工作经验,包括但不仅限于图像识别计算机视觉等; 3. 深入理解机器学习深度学习等相关原理,并有实践经验; 4. 熟练掌握至少一种编程语言,如PythonC++等; 5. 良好的问题解决能力,能够在压力下保持冷静; 6. 有创新思维,乐于接受挑战,对新技术有敏锐的洞察力; 7. 具备良好的团队协作能力和沟通技巧; 8. 对人工智能计算机视觉领域有浓厚的兴趣,并愿意跟踪最新动态。
  • 10k-12k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    软件开发、电商 / 天使轮 / 150-500人
    1.良好的写作能力 一维护公司的媒体账号; -发布更新朋友圈/公众号/Facebook/小红书 /官网文章/抖音视频等。 2.良好的拍摄技巧/视频剪辑技巧 -例如某些商品搞促销,或者新品上线,需要线下 拍摄高质量素材。 3.打造公司对外形象、介绍、推广 4.有国际业务,能接受跨国出差
  • 16k-30k 经验不限 / 本科
    金融 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1.供应商账单管理: 协助三方供应商账单的收集、核对和提报,协助商务人员进行事项配合和推动。 2.商户资金结算:负责商户资金结算的审核、执行、商户答疑,与财务协调配合,确保结算流程顺畅无误。 并负责引导客服团队解决结算相关的问题,提升商户对结算服务的满意度。 3.公司费用审批:负责公司三方社保、工资等费用的申请、审核及提报工作,确保各项费用的合规性和时效性。 4.完成销售总监委派的其他事务 任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历,西班牙语、财务、市场专业优先; 2.西语B2以上,能作为工作语言; 3.具备基本财务知识,账单管理或资金结算经验者优先; 4. 具有较强的责任心,工作细致; 5. 具备良好的沟通能力,执行力和团队协作能力; 6. 拥有B1/B2美签,或墨西哥暂住证者优先;
  • 15k-30k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位说明: 此岗位需要接受去日本长期出差,在日期间将提供全程生活管家服务。 薪资待遇: 1、工资为40〜100万日元/月(内含40小时加班费),具体待遇需根据面试结果,视个人技术能力决定; 2、低于40小时加班的话,依然支付40小时的固定加班费(目前公司的加班状况为月平均10-20小时)。加班费:包含平日,周六,休日,祝日,深夜加班; 3、每月有绩效评价,月评绩效会影响年终绩效评价,从⽽影响年终奖的发放金额,当月15日以后⼊职不参与评价。技术能力达不到要求,产出,违返公司规章制度,迟到早退严重,没有按照着装要求着装等,有可能导致绩效评价等级降档; 4、试用期为入社日开始的3个月,3个月过后如果绩效评价不好,可能会延期3个月试用期,试用期期间的工资为80%(15日之前入职,当月算试用期第一个月;15日之后⼊职,试⽤期为15日-30日以及次月开始的3个月); 5、年终奖1回(视个⼈绩效情况,0-3个月基本工资),6月份以后⼊职的,当年不发生年终奖。 6、上下班交通费实费报销,上限2万日元; 7、入社6个月后10天带薪休假(法定); 8、工作时间10点-19点; 9、周末双休(年中有1次或2次周六出勤),祝日休,大型连休,具体参考公司年度日历; 10、社会保险:厚生年金(养老金)、劳灾保险(工伤)、雇佣保险(失业)、健康保险(医疗)完备。 岗位职责: 1、负责公有云应用架构的规划及设计; 2、负责公有云SaaS服务的技术调研、选型及推广应用; 3、负责公有云IAM账号权限设计和分配管理; 4、负责公有云成本管理、资源管理、成本化化; 5、负责公有云各SaaS服务的监控、告警及日志等; 6、配合业务工程师完成业务上云、资源分配、账号分配等工作; 7、参与日常项目工作,负责业务上云前期规划、选型和配合工作。 任职要求: 1、学信网可查的**本科以上学历,计算机或相关专业,5年以上相关工作经验; 2、具有AWS、GCP、Azure等公有云应用经验(非简单EC2应用); 3、能熟练使用Terrform、AWS CloudFormation、Ansible等工具,并有应用经验; 4、熟悉公有云网络,有规划VPC、VGW、NAT网关、VPN、对等连接等相关经验,有混合云连接经验; 5、熟悉公有云Container服务,如AWS EKS、GCP GKE等,能快速跟据需求调度集群; 6、熟悉公有云负载均衡服务,如AWS ELB、GCP CLB等,能够基于业务需求快速配置相应实例; 7、熟悉AWS Route 53、GCP Cloud DNS等服务; 8、熟悉常用的CDN服务,如CloudFront、Cloud CDN、Cloudflare、Akamai等; 9、具有将日常工作工程化的能力优先; 10、主动学习能力强、较好的问题分析与解决能力、抗压性强,良好的沟通协调能力和团队合作精神。
  • 移动互联网 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    要求: 1、本科或以上学历,学信网可查。 2、此岗位只对具备日语能力的求职者开放,接受应届毕业生。 3、日语类/计算机类/机械类/制图类等相关专业优先考虑; 4、日语能力良好,至少要有N2证书,口语能力也需要达到N2的水准;5、有较强的学习能力和沟通能力,对 UG NX机械设计这个技术感兴趣有强烈的学习意愿。之后愿意在汽车设计领域长期发展。 6、面试通过后需要在大连培训学习2-3个月的西门子UG NX软件技能,来进行工业设计制图学习。培训审核通过后,公司给办理签证,购买机票,员工赴日工作。(非派遣,是日本上市大手企业直招岗位) 薪资福利:入职首年320~360万日元/年薪,公司负责员工签证、提供机票、提供住宿、每月住房补贴50%、每年14薪,每年1次涨薪、保险齐全、交通补贴、证书加持、家庭补贴等。 拓展:此岗位是工业设计制图岗位,主要工作内容就是使用UG NX这个软件,进行汽车相关的设计制图工作。属于技术型人才的岗位。这种岗位的优势就是工龄越长,薪资待遇越高。 项目培训内容: 对西门子NX软件的了解和使用,从最初的一些基础逻辑开始学习,到学习工业制图的基础,从平面图 到立面图、 再到曲面图的一个整体的系统化培训,最终可以达到独立设计和制图的技术能力。 什么是NX? 一般称UG NX,是西门子公司出品的一款功能强大的高端CAD/CAM / CAE软件。 它在产品设计、工程分析和制造加工等领域有着非常广泛的应用。UGNX提供了全面的数字化产品开发解决方案,包括三维建模、装配设计、曲面设计、模具设计、数控编程等众多功能。 其特点包括:强大的参数化设计功能,能够方便地对模型进行修改和优化;良好的兼容性,可与其他软件进行数据交互;支持多种制造工艺的模拟和分析,有助于提高产品质量和生产效率。 在工业设计和制造领域,UGNX帮助企业缩短产品开发周期、降低成本,并提高产品的创新能力和市场竞争力。
  • 11k-19k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    俄语市场商务总监 1500-2500美金 +团队提成+个人提成 岗位职责: 1.负责公司俄罗斯市场业务的战略执行; 2.开拓及深耕俄罗斯市场,熟悉市场后能带领销售团队,拓展目标用户达成业务目标。 3.主导公司在俄罗斯的参展,深入了解及研究当地市场,掌握市场动向,制定有效的销售策略,洽谈业务并达成合作; 4.协调公司内部资源,结合客户资源,达成部门销售目标。 任职要求 1.20-40岁、本科以上学历,俄语和中文可作为工作语言; 2.1年及以上销售相关工作经验,对区块链,挖矿行业有经验者优先; 3.对商务拓展工作有较高的热情、具备较强的学习能力和优秀的沟通能力; 4.具有良好的客户服务意识,具有良好的团队合作意识,良好的沟通协调意识和沟通协调能力; 5.常驻俄罗斯莫斯科 我们提供: 1、有竞争力的薪资待遇 2、灵活的工作时间 3、快速成长的职业发展平台 4、与全球区块链技术团队合作的机会 (试用期薪资为基本薪资80%) Директор по бизнес-развитию на российском рынке xx USD + командные бонусы + личные бонусы Обязанности: 1、Разработка и реализация стратегических бизнес-планов на российском рынке 2、Расширение присутствия компании на российском рынке и руководство командой продаж 3、Участие в выставках в России и анализ местного рынка 4、Разработка и реализация эффективных стратегий продаж Ведение переговоров и заключение сделок Координация внутренних и клиентских ресурсов для достижения целей отдела продаж Требования: 1、Возраст 20-40 лет, высшее образование, свободное владение русским и китайским языками; 2、Опыт работы в продажах от 1 года и более, опыт в блокчейне или индустрии майнинга будет преимуществом; 3、Высокая мотивация к бизнес-развитию, отличные способности к обучению и коммуникации; 4、Хорошие навыки обслуживания клиентов, умение работать в команде, развитые навыки координации и коммуникации; 5、Постоянное проживание в Москве, Россия. Мы предлагаем: 1、Конкурентоспособную заработную плату; 2、Гибкий график работы; 3、Быстрорастущую платформу для карьерного роста; 4、Возможность сотрудничества с ведущими мировыми командами в области блокчейн-технологий. (Зарплата на испытательном сроке составляет 80% от базовой зарплаты)
  • 15k-30k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责:(工作地 泰国曼谷) 1.负责拓展业务市场,开发和维护客户关系和销售渠道,建立并维护客户档案,完成公司制定的销售任务; 2. 对销售市场进行调查、分析,协助公司实施海外发展战略、经营规划,了解行业及竞品现状,优化销售方案,实现销售渠道规划布局; 3.对接国内外行业渠道,参与国际商务谈判,完成订单洽谈及合同签订; 4.与公司内相关部门保持良性业务沟通,为年度销售目标实现,提供保障支持。 任职要求: 1.本科及以上学历,英语口语和汉语无障碍交流; 2.熟悉泰国本地汽车市场或者摩托车市场; 3.有汽车或者摩托车资源优先考虑; 4.自信,热情,思维敏捷,头脑灵活,善于沟通,具有较强的思辨能力。
  • 25k-45k·16薪 经验不限 / 本科
    企业服务,工具,物联网 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Role Overview: We are looking for a dynamic and experienced Social Media Manager to take charge of our Twitter (X) account and oversee other social media platforms such as Telegram and Instagram. This role requires someone with a strategic vision, a deep understanding of social media trends, and extensive knowledge of the cryptocurrency market. The ideal candidate will be a native English speaker with a proven track record in social media management, particularly within the crypto industry. Creativity, problem-solving skills, and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing environment are crucial for this role. Key Responsibilities: - Develop and Execute Social Media Strategy: - Create and implement a comprehensive social media strategy for Twitter, Telegram, Instagram, and other relevant platforms. - Focus on increasing followers and engagement, enhancing brand visibility, and establishing Zoomex as a reputable and attractive exchange. - Content Creation and Management: - Produce high-quality, engaging content focused on market opportunities, upcoming listings, trading-related activities, and new product launches. - Leverage upcoming partnerships to create compelling content and activation campaigns. - Maintain a consistent posting schedule with a mix of educational posts, news, memes, and interactive content. - Community Engagement: - Actively engage with the community through interactive posts, responding to comments, and fostering a sense of community among followers. - Encourage user-generated content and share success stories to build authenticity and trust. - Performance Monitoring and Analysis: - Track and analyze the performance of social media campaigns, adjusting strategies as needed to maximize engagement and growth. - Use analytics to track engagement and adjust strategies based on performance. - Activation Campaigns: - Plan and execute activation campaigns related to our upcoming partnerships. - Run exclusive contests, giveaways, and promotions tied to events in these partnerships. - Referral and Growth Programs: - Implement and promote referral programs, including proof-based reward campaigns. - Develop strategies to transfer audience from partner communities to Zoomex. Qualifications: - Experience and Knowledge: - Proven experience in managing social media accounts, preferably within the cryptocurrency industry. - Strong understanding of social media trends and strategies, particularly on platforms like Twitter, Telegram, and Instagram. - In-depth knowledge of cryptocurrency markets and trading. - Skills: - Exceptional content creation skills, with the ability to produce engaging and informative posts. - Strong analytical skills to track and improve social media performance. - Creativity and problem-solving skills to adapt to an ever-changing environment. - Excellent communication and community engagement skills. - Other Requirements: - Native English speaker. - Ability to work remotely and independently. - Experience in running activation campaigns related to sponsorships is a plus. Why Join Us? - Opportunity to shape the social media strategy of a growing cryptocurrency exchange. - Work with a dynamic and passionate team committed to innovation and excellence. - Remote work flexibility with the chance to make a significant impact on our brand’s growth. - Engage with exciting partnerships and activation campaigns. If you are a creative and strategic thinker with a passion for cryptocurrency and social media, we would love to hear from you. Join us at Zoomex and help us build a strong, engaged community and elevate our brand to new heights.
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    信息安全 / C轮 / 150-500人
    DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in the industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine and investigation tools work together to provide guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results driven. Come join us! Requirements: 5+ years software development experience 5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
  • 65k-110k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 硕士
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1.负责资讯、app、视频、广告等个性化推荐系统的架构设计和推荐算法优化; 2.负责推荐召回和排序算法选型、技术调研和难点攻关,提升业务核心指标; 3.负责分析业务用户行为数据构建用户画像,提升用户画像准确率,助力产品改进和业务推广; 4.负责指导部门算法业务的任务开发和模型效果调优; 5.负责部门业务的技术调研和难点攻关,能提出关键优化方案提升业务核心指标;职位要求: 1.硕士以上学历,计算机、数学、统计学相关专业,5年以上算法经验; 2.掌握python、scala、java编程语言,对数据结构和算法设计有较为深刻的理解; 3.熟练使用常见的机器学习、深度学习算法,如LR、RF、GBDT、FM、DNN、DeepFM等,熟悉常用的推荐算法和用户画像建模算法; 4.具备较强的解决问题能力和工程实践能力,良好的团队合作和自我驱动精神,对挑战性问题充满激情;