岗位职责: 1、熟练使用C\C++,C++11等; 2、熟悉windows消息机制,窗口机制,内核对象等。对多线程同步,多进程通信等有深刻理解; 3、熟练使用Windbg进行dump分析; 4、熟悉Lua,Python 等脚本语言更优; 5、具备良好的沟通能力、理解能力、团队协作能力、责任心和抗压能力。 加分项: 1、有Windows平台安全分析、二进制分析、逆向分析者优先; 2、熟悉PE文件结构,DLL注入机制优先; 3、熟悉WTL/DUILIB/CEF/Electron等技术优先。 福利: 1、入职购买社保公积金; 2、一年12天年假; 3、每日55元/餐补+每日下午茶; 4、补充商业保险+体检+生日礼金
岗位职责: 1. 负责Android手机客户端软件相关的系统分析、设计和开发; 2. 持续优化产品,将Android研发专长做到极致; 3. 根据开发过程中的体验对产品提出改进建议; 4. 配合等其他团队提供产品相关技术支持; 5. 和美工合作、创建让用户满意的界面效果; 6. 学习和研究新技术以满足产品的需求。 任职资格: 1. 本科及以上学历,计算机软件工程等相关专业优先, 两年及以上相关工作经历,有两个以上完整Android APP项目开发相关经验; 2. 良好的JAVA基础,熟悉多线程运作机制、网络协议及网络编程; 3. 熟悉WebView,有Hybrid App开发经验、对JNI/NDK有一定程度研究; 4.熟悉MVC/MVP/MVVM和jetpack架构组件; 5.熟悉多进程/线程开发; 6.有android音视频开发相关经验; 7. 熟练掌握Android APP性能分析工具,思路清晰,具有良好编码风格及文档编写能力; 8. 了解Kotlin/Flutter开发语言优先,热爱技术,有强烈的责任心和团队精神,善于沟通和合作,能独立完成设计和编码; 9.熟悉iot开发优先。 10.对内存优化, oom/anr相关异常处理有丰富经验。
工作职责 1.负责公司医疗业务软件系统的销售工作 2.根据公司整体的规划,制定销售计划,发发展优质客户,挖掘客户需求完成销售目标 3.维护公司现有客户资源,建立客户对公司的满意度,达成二次销售目标 4.根据客户需要介绍公司产品,准确反馈项目需求,跟进客户,达成销售签约 任职要求 1.本科以上学历,理工科相关专业 2.熟悉数字化相关业务系统,对行业数字化转型有自我认知 3.具备医疗行业关政府行业以及大型集成商客户资源优先 4.具备较强的商务沟通能力以及沟通技巧,具备强的亲和力 5.敢于挑战,敢于承担,有团队精神,有抱负,有责任心 PS: 公司处于发展期,未来有广阔的职业发展空间。职业晋升路线:销售经理-销售总监-公司合伙人。
工作职责 1.负责公司医疗业务软件系统的销售工作 2.根据公司整体的规划,制定销售计划,发发展优质客户,挖掘客户需求完成销售目标 3.维护公司现有客户资源,建立客户对公司的满意度,达成二次销售目标 4.根据客户需要介绍公司产品,准确反馈项目需求,跟进客户,达成销售签约 任职要求 1.本科以上学历,理工科相关专业 2.具备医疗行业相关政府行业以及大型集成商客户资源优先 3.具备较强的商务沟通能力以及沟通技巧,具备强的亲和力 4.敢于挑战,敢于承担,有团队精神,有抱负,有责任心 PS: 公司处于发展期,未来有广阔的职业发展空间。职业晋升路线:销售经理-销售总监-公司合伙人。
【岗位职责】 1.场景挖掘 研究社区里的各种奇妙需求,找出那些能让大家生活更智能、便利的新场景。然后,发挥你的创意,设计出超酷的解决方案! 把用户的数据分析得像个侦探,找到社区物联网场景需要优化的“隐秘角落”,给它们来个大变样! 2.项目实施 参与项目的需求分析,方案制定、设备选型、测试, 和团队一起攻克部署、调试、优化所有难题,让项目按时高质量交付。 跟踪项目进展,遇到技术问题别怕,迅速解决,保证进度不拖延! 3.技术支持 给客户提供“老司机”级别的技术咨询和培训,让他们轻松上手。 客户有反馈?没问题!你将第一时间响应,提供现场和远程支持,确保系统“流畅如飞”! 【任职要求】 1.学历背景 学历不限,专业不限,但如果你是物联网、电子信息、计算机、自动化这些专业的,我们欢迎你带着知识的“光环”来! 2.技术能力 2.1 熟悉MQTT、CoAP、LoRa、ZigBee这些物联网协议,如果你对它们如数家珍,那你肯定是个物联网小能手! 2.2 了解OneNet、阿里云IoT或其他IoT平台的操作,玩转物联网设备接入和管理。 2.3 熟悉常见传感器与网关设备的接入整合?没问题!你应该像玩积木一样,轻松搞定。 2.4 网络技术(TCP/IP、WiFi、5G)应是你手到擒来的技术,安全性也是你的一项必杀技! 3.经验 3.1 如果你曾经有过社区物联网项目的经验,那简直是我们的“梦中情人”! 3.2 硬件调试或嵌入式软件开发经验的加分哦,但没这方面经验也不担心,我们有足够的培训让你飞起来! 4.软技能 4.1 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,会成为你最强的“技能点”! 4.2 对客户服务有责任心,遇到问题可以独立分析解决,还能稳得住局面,那你就是我们需要的人! 【Job Responsibilities】 1.Scene Exploration Research the various unique needs within the community to identify new scenarios that can make life smarter and more convenient. Then, unleash your creativity to design amazing solutions! Analyze user data like a detective to uncover "hidden corners" in the community's IoT scenarios that need optimization and give them a complete makeover! 2.Project Implementation Lead the demand analysis, solution design, device selection, and testing for IoT projects, ensuring that every detail is perfect. Coordinate with the team to tackle deployment, debugging, and optimization challenges, ensuring the project is delivered on time and with high quality. 3.Technical Support Provide "expert-level" technical consultation and training to clients, helping them get up to speed and transition to the cloud smoothly. Got client feedback? No problem! You’ll be the first to respond, offering both on-site and remote support to ensure the system runs "smoothly and efficiently"! 【Job Requirements】 1.Educational Background Bachelor’s degree or above, with no specific major requirements. However, if you have a background in IoT, Electronic Information, Computer Science, or Automation, we’d love to see you bring your knowledge and expertise to the team! 2.Technical Skills 2.1 Familiar with IoT protocols like MQTT, CoAP, LoRa, ZigBee? If you know these like the back of your hand, you're definitely an IoT expert! 2.2 Proficient in using platforms like OneNet and Alibaba Cloud IoT, with experience in device integration and management. 2.3 Familiar with sensor communication protocols and gateway device integration? No problem! You should be able to handle these tasks as easily as building with blocks. 2.4 Network technologies (TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, 5G) are second nature to you, and security is one of your strongest suits! 3.Practical Experience 3.1 If you’ve worked on community IoT projects before, you’re our "dream candidate"! 3.2 Experience with hardware debugging or embedded software development is a plus, but don’t worry if you don’t have this experience—we provide ample training to help you soar! 4.Soft Skills 4.1 Strong communication skills and a collaborative team spirit— these will be your superpowers! 4.2 A sense of responsibility for customer service, the ability to independently analyze and solve problems, and staying calm under pressure—if this describes you, you’re exactly who we’re looking for!
岗位职责: 1. 负责系统点单、收银、物料盘点; 2.负责制作饮品,物料准备,饮品打包出餐; 3.负责制作餐食、小吃,物料准备,餐食打包出餐; 4.维护工作区域的清洁卫生,确保食品安全与卫生标准; 5.对待顾客热情主动,引导推荐产品及解答顾客咨询,提供优质的购餐体验。 职位要求 性别不限,学历不限,经验不限,有餐饮服务经验的择优聘用。 待遇:试用期10天,店员转正后4500-6000+,底薪+全勤奖+职位补贴+房补+营业额提成+包吃,月休4天,节假日三倍工资。 成长方向:初级店员,高级店员,店长
Account Executive, SME & Growt
[北京·朝阳区] 2024-05-2920k-30k 经验1-3年 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人工作职责: 1. 根据公司战略及业务发展目标制定客户拓展计划,可以有效分解执行细节,并在约定的时间执行达到预期的结果,配合公司整体的业务发展规划; 2. 深入了解FI(支付公司、银行及其他金融机构)在外汇风险管理及全球本地清算业务的合作需求,为FI机构提供极有竞争优势的外汇相关产品及全球本地清算的产品能力;与此同时与全球不同国家地区的银行等渠道深入本地清算合作; 3. 关注4大垂直化行业动态,进出口电商、OTA、在线教育、留学缴费。熟悉每个以上细分行业的支付痛点,并能在准确搜集行业产品需求后,与公司内部产品团队进行有效的沟通,积极形成更为完善、有针对性的行业综合解决方案,提升客户体验,增强客户粘性; 4. 客户Onboard之后,协助Account Manager深入挖掘客户需求,提升客户产品及运营体验,引导客户切入更多的交易流量,持续根据商户的业务合作; 5. 保持对行业相关领域内各类信息的敏感和追踪,及时反馈并建议,探索并推广新的商业合作模式,为公司业务带来可持续发展。 任职要求: 1. 大学本科及以上学历; 2. 三年以上相关工作经验,有银行/跨境支付/外汇/跨境电商背景优先; 3. 有极强的自我驱动力,以结果为导向,对结果负责; 4. 具备优秀的策划与客户沟通能力,能够与客户建立良好的合作关系; 5. 优秀的学习能力和沟通能力,思维敏捷、有良好的应变能力和承压能力; 6. 具有敏锐的市场洞察力和准确的分析能力,能够有效开发并维护客户资源。 -
*此岗急招,需要你能周内到岗,需要你有带团队经验。 *我们是软件研发(自研)公司,主要是做工程领域的大数据SASS产品,核心就是搜索。 *公司现处于自研团队初建阶段,我们上升空间大、福利待遇可,需要丰富经验、活力非凡的你加入! 岗位职责: 1、主要负责公司内部各种后台管理系统&官网的前端开发; 2、富有创造力,用不凡的创意和灵感提升界面操作效率,改善界面可用性; 3、热爱前端开发,沟通能力强,能够迅速融入团队,能承受较大工作压力; 4、有解决问题、钻研新技术的兴趣和能力,具有良好团队合作精神,有高度的责任心。 任职要求: 1、精通前端开发的基础技术(HTML、CSS、HTML5、CSS3等); 2、精通原生js,对JavaScript的底层原理有深刻的理解,精通ES5、ES6、ES7的区别; 3、至少精通React、Vue中的一种,熟练使用vue的UI框架如iView; 4、熟悉nodejs,熟练使用各类npm包,至少精通webpack、gulp、rollup等工具中一种; 5、熟知PC端与移动端项目的差异,有项目重构经验者优先; 6、熟知前端代码在各种浏览器下的差异,并且能做出兼容方案; 7、需要有uniapp实战开发经验。 我们能提供: 1、周末双休,工作时间上午9:00-下午6:00(午休两个小时,12:00-14:00),社会福利保险,带薪假期(享受国家法定节假日,带薪年假,婚假,产假等),全勤奖,餐补,高温补贴等; 2、多元化学习课程:公司及部门提供定期的专业技能、认知提升等团队共学机会; 3、内部技术线+管理线职业双通道发展; 4、丰富员工活动:团建,户外拓展等; 5、福利多多:下午茶,节日福利,生日福利等; 6、更多福利待遇将随公司发展逐步完善。 我们是一群年轻活力的团队,充满激情:共同为梦想而奋斗! 此岗坐标:「鹅岭」渝中区地产大厦2号楼(住建委附近,鹅岭地铁站2B口旁)
eBay岗位职责: 1、负责ebay电子商务平台市场的销售、运营工作;2、负责ebay账号管理,保证账号的安全及提升账号的信誉度; 3、负责跟踪分析产品的销售情况,制定销售策略和促销方案; 5、负责优化链接、推广产品,提高产品的曝光率;6、管理ebay在线物品,拟定合理的产品上下架计划; 7、定期调研行业内的市场销售情况,分析市场情报及竞争对手状况,制定工作计划和应变措施; 8、学习研究ebay最新政策,及时作出应对计划; 9、研究和尝试各种ebay营销手段以提高产品的排名和成交率; 10、上级安排的其它事务。 eBay任职资格: 1、大专或以上学历, CET4级或以上; 2、有ebay平台实际销售经验2年以上; 3、具有敏锐的市场分析能力,熟悉海外市场及消费行为习惯,具有优秀产品销售及网络营销策划技巧;4、性格开朗,思维灵活,逻辑性强,责任心强,高度的工作热情,能承受一定的工作压力; 5、工作主动性强,具备良好的心理素质; 6、具有良好的团队合作精神及能力,能适应快节奏高效率的工作环境。协作精神,优秀的学习能力与创新能力
工作职责 1.负责公司业务软件系统的销售工作 2.根据公司整体的规划,制定销售计划,发发展优质客户,挖掘客户需求完成销售目标 3.维护公司现有客户资源,建立客户对公司的满意度,达成二次销售目标 4.根据客户需要介绍公司产品,准确反馈项目需求,跟进客户,达成销售签约 任职要求 1.大专以上学历,理工科相关专业 2.熟悉数字化相关业务系统,对行业数字化转型有自我认知 3.具备医疗行业、社区治理、应急指挥相关政府行业以及大型集成商客户资源优先 4.具备较强的商务沟通能力以及沟通技巧,具备强的亲和力 5.敢于挑战,敢于承担,有团队精神,有抱负,有责任心 PS: 公司处于发展期,未来有广阔的职业发展空间。职业晋升路线:销售经理-销售总监-公司合伙人。
8k-12k 经验1-3年 / 不限科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Who We Are Airwallex is a technology company that revolutionises the way businesses operate globally. Our financial infrastructure provides a modern technology stack for businesses to operate internationally, without the challenges of the current global financial system. Businesses use Airwallex as their end-to-end global financial services platform. Whether it’s making or receiving payments from customers, domestically or internationally, Airwallex saves businesses time and money by offering real-time, reliable and cost-effective financial solutions. Our web and API solutions support businesses of all sizes, from small companies to large enterprises. In this fast-changing digital world that is increasingly becoming borderless, our mission is to empower businesses of all sizes to grow in their own markets and around the world, and by doing so, contribute to the global economy. Responsibilities: 1. Conduct daily transaction monitoring task to timely clear and escalate the transactions in case management system per pre-defined TM procedure. 2. Conduct transaction screening task to timely clear and escalate the transactions in worldcheck system per pre-defined screening procedure. 3. Participate various AML related project and initiative to help drive the operation excellence and overall efficiency. 4. Proactively stay up-to-date with AML related news and regulatory developments, improve the knowledge base of AML and Sanctions within the team and assist with the development of in-house expertise. 5. Complete other work related to transaction monitoring operation or assigned by Compliance Operation Manager. Qualifications: 1. A minimum of 2-3 years of relevant AML and Sanctions experience in a public accounting and/or litigation/disputes consulting firm, financial services industry or regulatory environment. 2. Familiarity with common money laundering schemes, sanctions compliance, general or risk-based compliance, risk management, other financial crime compliance. 3. Having substantial hands on experience on the following areas is a plus: o International, regional and ***** regulatory knowledge/experience, AML and OFAC risk assessment o Process improvement initiatives (KYC, CDD, etc.) o Policy & procedure development (Black/white list maintenance; STR writing/review, etc.) o Alert clearing and investigations o Common AML Typology Analysis o Vendor solutions in KYC, Transaction Monitoring, Case Management or Sanction Compliance o Internet Financing or payment company risk and compliance o Investment banking. 4. Excellent verbal and written communication in both Mandarin and English. 5. Proficient in use of MS outlook, Excel, Word, PowerPoint. Airwallex does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms/recruiters. Airwallex will not pay any fees to search firms/recruiters if a candidate is submitted by a search firm/recruiter unless an agreement has been entered into with respect to specific open position(s). Search firms/recruiters submitting resumes to Airwallex on an unsolicited basis shall be deemed to accept this condition, regardless of any other provision to the contrary.
Senior Software Engineer, Backend
[上海·打浦桥] 2024-02-0140k-65k·15薪 经验5-10年 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人[The Opportunity] Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructures, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers, and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. [Responsibilities] - Use Java 8 / Kotlin as the programming language, and cooperate with the senior technical team to develop the company's payment products and transaction systems; - Based on the company's microservice framework, independently complete the design and development of components; - Try new technologies and put forward architectural suggestions; - Coach newcomers to develop good software engineering knowledge and coding standard awareness. [Qualifications] - More than 8 years of Core Java development, more than 5 years of experience in Internet application / large financial system/e-commerce platform development; - More than one year of experience in payment platform development; - Bachelor's degree in computer science and related majors; - Proficient in Java 8, familiar with Java multi-threading, high concurrency, IO / NIO, network communication, etc .; - Familiar with commonly used design patterns, with experience in the design and development of large-scale distributed, high concurrency, high load, high availability systems; - Master various common server technologies, which can optimize service response and data query, ensure various service quality, and solve the problems of high concurrency and high availability; - Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot; - Familiar with HTTP, TCP / IP protocol, and REST specifications; - Master Gradle / Maven and other build tools; - Familiar with the use of Docker cluster; - Familiar with JSON & XML. [Bonus] - International clearing and settlement / foreign exchange transactions; - Fluent in English; - Cassandra / Redis / NoSQL / Hadoop; - Kotlin / Scala / Python / Golang / R; - Docker Swarm / Kubernetes; -JavaScript / Angular / React / CSS3; - Aliyun Cloud / AWS. At Airwallex you’ll have the ability to make an impact in a rapidly growing, global fintech. You’ll be offered a competitive salary and we also like to ensure we create the best environment for our people by providing a collaborative open office space with a fully stocked kitchen. We organize regular team-building events, encourage flexible/remote working and give our people the freedom to be creative. Airwallex is proud to be an equal-opportunity employer. We value diversity and anyone seeking employment at Airwallex is considered based on merit, qualifications, competence, and talent. We don’t regard color, religion, race, national origin, sexual orientation, ancestry, citizenship, sex, marital or family status, disability, gender, or any other legally protected status. If you have a disability or special need that requires accommodation, please let us know. Airwallex does not accept unsolicited resumes from search firms/recruiters. Airwallex will not pay any fees to search firms/recruiters if a candidate is submitted by a search firm/recruiter unless an agreement has been entered into with respect to the specific open position(s). Search firms/recruiters submitting resumes to Airwallex on an unsolicited basis shall be deemed to accept this condition, regardless of any other provision to the contrary. -
岗位职责: 1、洞悉市场和消费者,围绕公司品牌战略及经营计划、用户体验,统筹公司轻 餐饮系列产品研发、研发费用预算等总体工作,保证产品研发依照项目规划按时 落地。 2、负责收集研究国内外行业信息,跟踪了解餐饮市场动态及产品流行趋势,定 期走访并分析市场,随时掌握与研发方向相关的最新讯息。 3、负责制定产品开发计划、规划产品特性和配方,管控研发流程的全过程,形 成研发过程记录,确保产品质量和成本控制。 4、负责 SKU 的更新迭代,根据不同季节及市场需求及时研发和推出具有创意 和优势的新品。 5、负责产品的配方、出品流程和食品安全要求等标准的制定,为门店标准化经 营提供实施方案及培训。 6、对已研发的优势产品的配方、生产工艺保密负责。 7、参与原料供应商评估及筛选,与委托加工方或工厂对接生产环节。 任职资格: 1、21岁以上,男女不限。 2、大专以上学历,能力优秀者可放宽学历;药膳与食疗专业、烹饪专业或相关 专业优先;烹饪厨艺院校及应届毕业生优先。 3、热爱餐饮行业、喜欢研究美食,具备优秀的美食产品品鉴能力,对行业发展 趋势具备较高的敏锐度。 4、对健康有极高的追求和认同,关注养生趋势和潮流,擅长将健康理念融入产 品研发,根据研发需求设计美食制作配方。 5、精通美食研发流程,熟悉多种烹调方法,了解地方消费者口味,思维活跃有 原创创意,具有美食产品(快餐、烘焙、小吃、饮品)独立研发经验和成果,有 爆款研发成功案例优先、在连锁品牌担任过研发工作优先、大型连锁餐饮企业优 先。 6、具备良好的沟通表达写作能力,能够编写产品操作手册,具备员工培训及讲 解能力。 7、熟悉餐饮门店后厨环境、流程、设备,了解出餐标准化流程,掌握食品卫生 管理能力,具备餐饮产品成本核算、成本控制能力和经验,有曾投资经营餐饮门 店经验为佳。 8、允许不坐班、在家办公,按进度按计划完成研发目标任务。 (可接受前期以兼职模式工作,如各方面匹配可转为正式,不接受的不建议投递) 其他: 1、能力优秀者**** 2、看完以上,也许你会觉得自己未必全部符合,没关系,只要你和我们一样,想要 做一件真正有意义有价值的事业,有一个出人头地的梦想,随时欢迎你投简历, 我们聊一聊~
Software Engineer, Backend_SH
[上海·打浦桥] 2023-08-0930k-35k 经验在校/应届 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructure, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. To support our ambitious growth plans, we are looking for talented, curious and determined individuals to join us for this full-time position in 2023. As a graduate, you will be responsible for partnering with Airwallex’s engineering teams to drive a high performance, data driven culture. You’ll work on high priority areas, such as ensuring operational effectiveness and alignment across the Engineering organization as Airwallex continues to scale across the globe. At Airwallex, you will get unparalleled opportunities to kickstart your career, explore limitless growth opportunities, and build the future of global finance on one platform. You will: Work with a wide range of systems and teams to deliver a solid foundation for our global payment infrastructure Communicate with other engineering teams across Airwallex’s global offices Collaborate with our users and financial partners on a regular basis Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems Debug production issues at multiple levels of the stack Own and optimize several critical parts of Airwallex’s online payment processing flow You may be a fit for this role if you: Graduated or will be graduating in 2023 from a Bachelor's or Master's degree or above in Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Maths or related major. Less than a year of full-time software engineering experience excluding internships Strong verbal and written communication skills Desire to learn and grow with Airwallex as a technologist Love to design systems that are elegant abstractions over complex patterns/practices, especially in the financial industry Think about systems and services and write high quality code. We work mostly in Kotlin However, languages can be learned: we care much more about your general engineering skill than knowledge of a particular language or framework Hold yourself and others to a high bar when working with production systems; Uphold best practices in engineering, security, and design Drive in a collaborative environment involving making decisions with different stakeholders and subject matter experts Enjoy working with a diverse group of people with different expertise. Engineers at Airwallex collaborate with teams across the company, from Sales and Support in sharing feedback from our customers, to Legal and Accounting in supporting our systems for tracking money movement and reporting around the world Plus: Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot Familiar with HTTP protocol and RESTful specifications Knowledge about Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Redis / NoSQL Working experience with Kotlin / Scala / Python / Shell Working experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka Working experience with cloud vendors, such as Aliyun Cloud, GCP or AWS -
Software Engineer, Backend_BJ
[北京·大望路] 2023-08-0930k-35k·14薪 经验在校/应届 / 本科科技金融 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Airwallex is the leading financial technology platform for modern businesses growing beyond borders. With one of the world’s most powerful payments and banking infrastructure, our technology empowers businesses of all sizes to accept payments, move money globally, and simplify their financial operations, all in one single platform. Established in 2015 in Melbourne, our purpose is to connect entrepreneurs, business builders, makers and creators with opportunities in every corner of the world. Today, Airwallex has a global footprint across Asia-Pacific, Europe, and North America. To support our ambitious growth plans, we are looking for talented, curious and determined individuals to join us for this full-time position in 2023. As a graduate, you will be responsible for partnering with Airwallex’s engineering teams to drive a high performance, data driven culture. You’ll work on high priority areas, such as ensuring operational effectiveness and alignment across the Engineering organization as Airwallex continues to scale across the globe. At Airwallex, you will get unparalleled opportunities to kickstart your career, explore limitless growth opportunities, and build the future of global finance on one platform. You will: Work with a wide range of systems and teams to deliver a solid foundation for our global payment infrastructure Communicate with other engineering teams across Airwallex’s global offices Collaborate with our users and financial partners on a regular basis Design, build, and maintain APIs, services, and systems Debug production issues at multiple levels of the stack Own and optimize several critical parts of Airwallex’s online payment processing flow You may be a fit for this role if you: Graduated or will be graduating in 2023 from a Bachelor's or Master's degree or above in Computer Science, Physics, Electrical Engineering, Maths or related major. Less than a year of full-time software engineering experience excluding internships Strong verbal and written communication skills Desire to learn and grow with Airwallex as a technologist Love to design systems that are elegant abstractions over complex patterns/practices, especially in the financial industry Think about systems and services and write high quality code. We work mostly in Kotlin However, languages can be learned: we care much more about your general engineering skill than knowledge of a particular language or framework Hold yourself and others to a high bar when working with production systems; Uphold best practices in engineering, security, and design Drive in a collaborative environment involving making decisions with different stakeholders and subject matter experts Enjoy working with a diverse group of people with different expertise. Engineers at Airwallex collaborate with teams across the company, from Sales and Support in sharing feedback from our customers, to Legal and Accounting in supporting our systems for tracking money movement and reporting around the world Plus: Familiar with Spring / Spring Boot Familiar with HTTP protocol and RESTful specifications Knowledge about Cassandra / PostgreSQL / Redis / NoSQL Working experience with Kotlin / Scala / Python / Shell Working experience with RabbitMQ / Kafka Working experience with cloud vendors, such as Aliyun Cloud, GCP or AWS