• 6k-10k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具,物联网 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    工作地点:北京 公司名称:思创汇科数字科技(北京)有限公司 我们欢迎有热情、有才华的大数据分析师加入我们的团队!作为大数据分析师,你将负责协助团队完成数据分析项目的各个阶段,包括数据清洗、建模、调参等。我们期待你具备 0-2 年工作经验,拥有数据分析的相关项目经历,并熟练掌握数据全流程分析过程。 主要职责: 1. 参与数据分析项目的各个阶段,包括数据清洗、数据整理、数据建模、参数调整等;  2. 协助团队完成数据分析报告,为业务部门提供数据支持;  3. 熟练使用数据分析工具,如 Excel、Python、R 等,进行数据处理和分析;  4. 能够针对业务需求,进行数据挖掘和分析,发现数据背后的规律和趋势;  5. 良好的沟通能力,能够与团队成员和业务部门有效沟通。 职位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,统计学、数学、计算机等相关专业优先;  2. 0-2 年工作经验,有数据分析相关项目经历者优先;  3. 熟练掌握数据清洗、建模、调参等数据分析全流程,具备扎实的数据分析能力;  4. 熟练使用 Excel、Python、R 等数据分析工具,熟悉 SQL 者优先;  5. 具备良好的逻辑思维能力和沟通能力,能承受工作压力。 我们提供: 1. 竞争力的薪资待遇和完善的福利制度;  2. 广阔的职业发展空间
  • 教育|培训 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: 1、做好教学研究工作,对国际方向课程设置、知识考点等有了解和掌握; 2、根据Alevel课程大纲及相关考试内容,准确把握考题趋势; 3、根据课程大纲完成日常授课任务,包括教学,布置作业,课程反馈等; 4、在完成自己的主授课程基础之上,不断拓展新的课程,认真完成备课任务; 5、执行学校的各项教学要求和规章制度,达成学校要求的各项教学指标和岗位工作目标,完成学校和部门安排的其他任务; 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,有国外留学背景或国内知名大学教育背景者优先考虑; 2、具有A-level等相关国际课程教学经验者优先考虑; 3、责任心强,有良好的团队合作精神和沟通协调能力,能够服从相关工作安排; 4、有良好的亲和力,善于沟通,对教学、教研有热情,对学生认真负责; 福利待遇: 1、为全体教职工办理五险一金; 2、提供校内餐费补贴、免费住宿或交通、租房补贴及免费校内医疗; 3、校、区、市各类丰富多彩的工会活动; 4、提供免费的市区级定期岗位培训; 5、寒暑假带薪休假; [虚位以待,只等你来] 工作时间:8:00-17:30(午休2小时),周末双休
  • 15k-30k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    职责描述: 1、进行Alevel经济教学和教研相关工作; 2、做好教学材料的准备工作,通过各种教学方法让学生投入学习,确保学生完成学习任务及目标; 3、设计并指导学生作业,并给予有建设性的意见;公正客观地评估学生,并做好评估记录;对学生要做到耐心、细致、态度和蔼; 4、准备并整理各种学习材料与资源,并按照要求归档; 5、与同学科或跨学科的老师进行良好的教学合作; 6、参加教学主管召集的各类会议; 7、认真完成教学主管安排的其他任务。 任职要求: 1、本科或硕士毕业于国内985、211院校或海外名校,经济相关专业毕业优先,海归优先; 2、可以用中英文双语教学和进行教学交流; 3、有进取心和责任感,热爱教育事业,具有团队合作精神; 4、有相关课程教授经验更佳,无课程经验可作为储备教师培养; 5、有教师资格证及相关证明或者培训优先。
  • 15k-30k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    职责描述: 1、完成安排的A-level数学教学跟教研工作; 2、做好教学用具及教学材料的准备工作,通过各种教学方法让学生投入学习,确保学生完成学习任务及目标; 4、设计并指导学生作业,并给予有建设性的意见;公正客观地评估学生,并做好评估记录;对学生要做到耐心、细致、态度和蔼; 5、准备并整理各种学习材料与资源,并按照要求归档; 6、与同学科或跨学科的老师进行良好的教学合作; 7、参加教学主管或校长召集的各类会议; 8、认真完成教学主管或校长安排的其他任务。 任职要求: 1、本科或硕士毕业于国内985、211院校或海外名校,理科或工程相关专业毕业,有国际高中特别是有A-level/AP/IB物理教学经验优先,海归优先; 2、可以用中英文双语教学和进行教学交流; 3、有进取心和责任感,热爱教育事业,具有团队合作精神; 4、有相关课程教授经验更佳,无课程经验可作为储备教师培养; 5、有教师资格证及相关证明或者培训优先; 6、有国内外竞赛获奖,或者带队学生获奖优先。
  • 10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • 30k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、研究优秀公司组织创新、组织数字化等先进实践和发展趋势; 2、面向目标公司C level 的飞书组织理念布道; 3、通过轻咨询的方式,帮助目标公司实现组织创新、数字化转型落地。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具备丰富的组织或战略咨询经验,兼具甲方和乙方双重视角、或有数字化变革经验的候选人优先; 2、有敏锐的洞察力和研究能力,对组织创新与变革有深入的思考、对新事物保持开放与好奇,并可以将理论与数字化实践进行结合; 3、能够有效得开展大型组织的高层对话、引导高管团队就组织管理议题进行研讨,推动理念的共识和机制的设计; 4、积极主动,责任心强,具备较好的抗压力和价值认可度。
  • 10k-15k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    日语为主,英文基本书面即可~  Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault  Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success  Support the client administrators across multiple organizations  Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues  Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal.  Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration  Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production  Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds  Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams  Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes  Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary  Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese  Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience  Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences  Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers  Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment  Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential  Knowledge document management systems Nice to Have  Knowledge and background in life sciences and / or content management  Knowledge of SQL database / ability to write queries  Understanding of Java, SQL, HTML, XML, JSON, SOAP, REST API  Experience in cloud / hosted software environment
  • 30k-60k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、研究优秀公司组织创新、组织数字化等先进实践和发展趋势; 2、面向目标公司C level 的飞书组织理念布道; 3、通过轻咨询的方式,帮助目标公司实现组织创新、数字化转型落地。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具备丰富的组织或战略咨询经验,兼具甲方和乙方双重视角、或有数字化变革经验的候选人优先; 2、有敏锐的洞察力和研究能力,对组织创新与变革有深入的思考、对新事物保持开放与好奇,并可以将理论与数字化实践进行结合; 3、能够有效得开展大型组织的高层对话、引导高管团队就组织管理议题进行研讨,推动理念的共识和机制的设计; 4、积极主动,责任心强,具备较好的抗压力和价值认可度。
  • 18k-22k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Main Responsibilities • Translate high level objectives provided by Software Product Management and external clients into testable, measurable functional specifications • Research and document functional requirements, integrating multiple sources • Take software product feature ownership and manage full life cycle of the requirement • Produce and maintain product backlog and participate in or drive sprint planning where appropriate • Analyze and document user workflows • Develop use cases, demonstrating how each class of user interacts with each system function • Assist with the prioritization of initial feature development and ongoing change requests • Ensure application interfaces address human factor design considerations • Assist the Quality Assurance group with execution of systematic and ad-hoc test cases. Log failures so that QA Analysts may follow up to ensure resolution • Manage/update/communicate evolving requirements documents through complete project life cycle • Ability to communicate and coordinate effectively with all levels of leadership including Clients, Product Management, Development, UX, QA, and Support Requirements • 3+ years’ experience in a Business Analyst role working specifically with enterprise software products • Expert knowledge of the Software Development and/or Product Development life-cycle • Must possess excellent written and interpersonal communication skills and be able to effectively communicate across all levels of the organization • Experience in requirement management, including requirements gathering, analysis, and specification documentation • Ability to assume intellectual ownership and possess strong attention to details and commitment to delivering quality product • Ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams and synthesize cross-functional input in a team/collaborative environment • Database and service level API experience is required Desired Experience or Knowledge • Database and service level API • Agile/SCRUM software development and web product design • Order processing, accounting, ecommerce, web communications, POS/restaurant industry
  • 15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The main missions & responsibilities for the position are the following: Executes tests based on formal Test Procedures. Possesses advanced knowledge in the key principles and practices of Penetration Testing and Procedures. Like fuzz test, stress test, password cracking etc. Strategizes Test Scenarios and Execution of Penetration Tests. Works with project teams to explain the vulnerabilities. Creates and enhances Test Procedures and Methods. Bring security support to Business Unit projects on offer development through high level consultation post the test. Work closely with other Pen testers, project teams and SDL process teams to work on research, investigations, definition of SoP(standard operating Procedures), deployments, training, creating assets for efficiency in the cyber-security practices. Investigate potential 3rd party cyber security offer\tools (startup, etc.) to improve the global security level of our offers. Understand impact of various standards like IEC 62443 \ Data Privacy (US, GDPR…), IoT/Edge/cloud standard and regulation and make proposals for the improvement in our testing practices. Work with cyber security stakeholders (Schneider IT security team, BU teams, lawyer) on all the different aspect of IoT & Cloud security (network, server, secure application development, security operation …). Qualifications PREFERRED ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Technology or equivalent work experience Certifications like OSCP, SANS GPEN, SANSGWAPT or any other industry accredited security certifications would be preferred · Understanding of at least three of the following: cryptography, fuzzing, hardware security, kernel hacking, and reverse engineering · Developing, extending, or modifying exploits, shellcode or exploit tools OT/IoT security assessments · Experience in reverse engineering
  • 20k-40k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 不限
    游戏 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    工作职责: 1.Conduct English/Mandarin translation for daily communication, documentation, and meetings with a high level of clarity and accuracy 2.Manage day-to-day operation aspects of the assigned projects & tasks -coordinate team meetings & discussions and do follow ups -track schedule and facilitate production plans -arrange onboarding,1-1, probation & performance reviews -closely monitor team health and performance -synchronize information with all interest parties 3.Spot issues & risks in the operations and resolve them with interest parties in a timely manner 4.Work with Rioters to optimize workflow to ensure a sustainable growth of team and project 5.Organize and promote team-building activities & events to enhance team bonding and cultivate a positive team environment 任职资格: 1.Proficient in both spoken and written English as well as Mandarin 2.Capable of clearly articulating ideas and comprehending information accurately 3.Excellent in time management and critical thinking 4.Able to act proactively to spot problems and find solutions or provide suggestions 5.Able to work independently on assigned projects & tasks with little to no peer support 6.Able to prioritize tasks and allocate resources based on circumstances with flexibility and efficiency 7.Open to feedback and maintain a positive attitude 8.Previous experience in game industry & project management is preferred 9.Oversea studying background is preferred
  • 33k-42k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    广告营销,数据服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    1. 领导digital Marketing/CRM顾问服务团队; 2. 建立和维护客户关系,了解和开发挖掘潜在客户需求; 3. 带领小组完成策略和执行方案的撰写,带领团队完成服务项目的实施工作;具有业務发展能力, 对所领导的团队的P&L负责 职务要求 1. CRM/Social/digital/新零售有3年以上工作经验 2. 至少有3年以上Agency的工作经验/至少有2年的CRM相关工作经验/至少有1年以上的主管经验 Basic Function Team Management Responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of team with an emphasis on retaining and expanding current client business. Responsible for overseeing all client budgets (creating, expanding, forecasting, etc) and ensuring that revenue and account profitability for each client is reached on a monthly basis. Assists Practice Leaders on new business efforts. Qualifications 7- 8 years of agency experience or equivalent Proven experience managing a team from a financial, client delivery and staffing perspective Proven ability to: ? write new business proposals ? manage, retain and grow multiple accounts ? create and manage multiple budgets ? expand client business ? develop strategic communication programs Possesses solid presentation skills, including ability to communicate and sell ideas to prospects Proven leadership skills and sales ability Has an established network of senior industry contacts Duties and Responsibilities Client Service Ability to upsell sell value-add programs/services to current clients. Draws out the best thinking of clients and to ensure pragmatic, well-executed outcomes. Supervises and sets direction of activities in at least three accounts, including client needs, staffing, strategy and budgeting. Delegates client assignments, supervise others and work with other practices and offices. Truly models Best Teams practices and serve clients with the deepest possible expertise. Knows the tools, proprietary insights and methodologies available to best serve clients without creating new ones. Reconstitutes knowledge into marketable, reusable assets to develop new offerings by anticipating needs or meeting demands of current clients. Generates high value by moving the client organization to undertake and enact major change. Positions the firm and other colleagues with clients in ways that build a true institutional partnership. Responsible for building and maintaining client relationships. Has authoritative knowledge of multiple industries and business trends. Assists GM in executing client satisfaction programs. Manages and reviews key client deliverables (i.e. messaging, branding, executive coaching, communications/marketing plans, strategy documents). Identifies “next level” thinking/ideas for clients by tracking industry trends and activities. Assumes creative and strategic direction and oversight on all account assignments. Has regular client contact to ensure the client is satisfied with account activity. Is proactive with clients to address any issues of dissatisfaction. Self/Staff Management Financial Management New Business
  • 25k-50k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 硕士
    人工智能 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    【岗位职责】 1.看论文:持续跟踪业内最前沿的深度学习视频编解码相关研究,包括但不限于光流、视频帧插值、超分辨、画质增强等; 2.搞研究:很强的创新能力,持续改进深度学习视频编解码器性能,参加CVPR/ECCV等国际竞赛,提交论文及专利; 3.模型优化:完成从模型训练,蒸馏,剪枝,量化的整个pipeline,攻克视频Low level场景下深度学习模型优化的难题; 4.算法落地:根据应用场景,对深度学习模型及工具链进行改进和定制,完成核心算法C++ SDK开发。 【任职要求】 1.计算机专业基础扎实,很强的编程能力(Python,C++); 2.深度学习相关科研或工作经历(包括但不限于检测/识别/GAN等算法); 3.加分项:熟悉传统HEVC/VVC视频编解码。 软性需求: Aplayer精神:即自我驱动、结果导向、超预期交付; 良好的沟通能力,积极的建议,相信自己思考过的东西肯定是有价值的。
  • 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 不限
    软件服务|咨询,人工智能服务 / A轮 / 15-50人
    We are looking for a high-performing Senior Sales Manager to help us meet our customer acquisition and revenue growth targets by keeping our company competitive and innovative. You will be responsible for maximizing our sales team potential, crafting sales plans and justifying those to plans to the upper management. Responsibilities 1. Execute on the Company’s growth strategy by meeting revenue goals and developing a strong focus on sales productivity and market penetration; 2. Pursuing business opportunities within targeted segments through a variety of strategic prospecting and account development activities; Propose solutions that align to prospects’ and/or clients’ needs, goals and objectives; 3. Design and implement a strategic business plan that expands company’s customer base and ensures it’s a strong presence 4. Be able to deliver targeted and differentiate product demonstrations yourself when necessary; 5. Proactively and accurately manage opportunity/pipeline data in CRM system; 6. Establish a trusted partnership with new and existing clients and collaborate with other functions to ensure that clients are successful and reference-able; 7. Partner with the Engagement teams to ensure a smooth and successful handoff of new wins into the subsequent phases; Requirements 1. 5+ years of direct software sales experience with a history of consistent goal attainment; 2. Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) preferred; 3. Capability to develop high-level relationships (C-level or Director level) with customers; 4. Well-organized, highly motivated self-starter with an ability to work without constant supervision 5. Outstanding consultative/solution selling skills and ability to develop effective sales professionals who consistently not only achieve but exceed targets 6. Excellent command of written and spoken English language. Strong communication skills.
  • 数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    【About us】 Gekko Lab是一家总部位于香港的金融科技初创公司,专注于为资本市场构建下一代数据分析软件。我们是一个国际化和多元化的团队,由经验丰富的数据科学家、软件工程师和金融分析师组成。"黑客文化"和"工匠精神"是我们坚定的信念,Gekko 对于有志成长的年轻毕业生来说,将是一个理想的氛围。 【Project description】 1.Create high level and detailed functional and non-functional requirement or specification to capture business needs, rules, and details. 2.Assist in system design with solution architects. 3.Produce wireframes based on user requirement using UI/UX tools such as Figma. 4.Analyze as-is business process with different business users, identify process improvement opportunities and redesign processes throughout the platform modernisation journey. 5.Develop testing tools (using automated testing tools or developing codes in Python) and conduct system testing such as unit tests and system integration tests. 6.Act as a bridge between business users, technical team, and vendors to ensure the business requirements well address business needs 1. 创建高层次和详细的功能和非功能需求或规格说明,以捕捉业务需求、规则和细节。 2. 协助解决方案架构师进行系统设计。 3. 使用Figma等UI/UX工具,根据用户需求制作线框图。 4. 分析现有的业务流程,并与不同的业务用户一起,识别流程改进机会,并在整个平台现代化旅程中重新设计流程。 5. 开发测试工具(使用自动化测试工具或编写Python代码),并进行系统测试,如单元测试和系统集成测试。 6. 作为业务用户、技术团队和供应商之间的桥梁,确保业务需求能够很好地满足业务需求 【Requirements】 1.Strong curiosity and able to work independently 2.Familiar with tools for creating UI/UX mockup and process flow to facilitate communication with business users. 3.Experience in process re-engineering and workflow related projects an advantage 4.Familiar with agile development approach and knowledge in web technology. 5.Ability to effectively communicate and influence business users to support proposed strategies, process improvements and operational decisions. 6.Competence in writing reports and making presentations to highlight the effect of changes. 7.Familiar with programming languages (e.g. python) is a plus. 1. 强烈的好奇心,并且能够独立工作。 2. 熟悉用于创建UI/UX原型和流程图的工具,以便于与业务用户沟通。 3. 具有流程再造和工作流相关项目的经验将是一个优势。 4. 熟悉敏捷开发方法和网络技术知识。 5. 能够有效沟通并影响业务用户,以支持提出的战略、流程改进和运营决策。 6. 具备撰写报告和进行演示的能力,以突出变化的影响。 7. 熟悉编程语言(例如Python)将是一个加分项.