岗位职责: 1、负责公司信息安全体系的建设、实施和优化,构建公司安全文化提高安全意识; 2、分析国家相关安全法律法规和相应监管要求,制定合规方案,确保符合监管要求; 3、定期对公司信息安全管理体系进行审计、风险评估,输出内部审计报告; 4、针对审查发现提出整改建议,跟进和追踪各部门整改工作的落实情况; 5、分析国家相关安全法律法规,制定合规方案,确保符合监管要求。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历、计算机、信息安全等相关专业毕业,3年以上信息安全合规/网络/系统安全相关工作; 2、熟悉信息安全管理和内部审计的工作流程,熟悉等保三/ISO/IEC27001体系标准,对信息安全管理体系的建立和推动实施有实际落地的经验; 3、熟悉相关网络安全产品知识、如防火墙、入侵检测系统、防**、漏洞评估工具等; 4、具备良好的沟通能力和书面表达能力,有很强的责任心和良好的团队合作精神; 5、持有安全相关认证或有信息安全管理经验者优先。
岗位职责: 1、海外主流社媒渠道的搭建; 2、根据公司品牌及产品规划 制定YouTube 、 Instagram 、TK、FB等海外社媒内容计划,包括视频、社交媒体帖子等形式,内容全部为宠物类; 3、结合渠道特点、产品卖点、营销热点,持续优化品牌推广内容(选题/脚本/内容QC)、及评估标准,高效提升转化; 4、配合独立站、第三方平台的活动宣发,达到引流转化的效果; 5、自主开发并联系欧美红人,寻求合作,通过发样品、红人营销跟进进度与效果。 任职要求: 1、2年以上海外社媒工作经验,对于养号比较熟悉,有宠物类海外社媒经验者优先考虑; 2、有系统策划内容的经验,了解内容剪辑制作,善于通过内容将产品特点、使用场景进行有效表达; 3、深刻理解Facebook、Instagram、YouTube等海外主流渠道的内容运营与投放,知道如何分析账号和内容的优劣势及如何提升; 4、较强的英文听说读写能力和策划能力,有成功的内容运营案例; 5、产品及内容均为宠物类,需要您热爱宠物。 远程工作或定点工作均可,工作地点无限制。
岗位职责:(负责人角色,地址可详聊,优先杭州) 1、参与公司级数据平台建设,研发数据库系统,支持PB级超大规模安全数据的分析、存储、查询 2、参与研发分布式MPP计算引擎,包括但不限于SQL解析器、优化器、Pipeline执行器、向量化计算引擎等 3、参与研发分析型数据库云原生存储引擎,支持存算分离架构 4、参与数据库引擎的优化,持续提升性能和稳定性 任职要求: 1. 精通Rust、Go、C、Java等任意一门编程语言,有3年及以上的软件开发经验,熟悉数据结构与算法(编程经验,第二位的) 2. 熟悉Clickhouse、Druid、Doris、Presto、DuckDB等技术,有2年及以上数据库系统相关开发经验(数据库研发工程经验,**位的) 3. 熟悉分布式数据库,熟悉规划器、优化器、执行器、调度器等,对数据库领域新技术有研究者优先(数据库理论知识,第二位的) 4. 熟悉分布式搜索引擎、图数据库等,有相关系统开发经验者优先 5. 有良好的沟通协作能力,很强的学习能力 加分项: 1、对SIGMOD/VLDB/ICDE等**学术会议论文有深入研读;(数据库学术能力,优先项) 2、精通或参与过Arrow、Velox、DataFusion开源项目的开发; 3、熟悉云原生相关的技术架构和设计理念; 4、精通Rust语言,有丰富的Rust开发经验; 核心: 1、自研分布式分析型数据库系统,支撑公司所有产品的数据存储、查询、分析方面的需求,并满足高稳定性、高性价比要求; 2、Rust编程经验、数据库开发经验、数据库理论知识; 3、SelectDB、StarRocks、石原子、Databend等; 4、SelectDB、StarRocks、石原子、Databend等;
关键词:私域运营:市场营销;线上营销;营销策略;拉新留存 岗位描述: 1.负责不同类型的社群、社区日常运营工作,制定社群、社区的拉新、活跃、转化方案并落地,实现私域用户增长、转化、裂变 2.策划并执行运营活动,持续挖掘用户需求,对用户的活跃度负责;能够捕提热点事件 3.策划落地大小型用广活动,持续提升活动参与率和用户活动满意度 4.能够根据不同项目的特点提出需求,优化产品建议、提出设计建议,同时沉淀同行业的方法论 5.对数据敏感,能够通过数据分析调整运营方向 职位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,3年以上社群、社区运营/活动经验,toC社群运营更佳 2.具备优秀的执行和沟通能力,积极主动地协调各方推动项目落地 3.熟练使用社群运营工具,善于独立思考 4.有汽车、快消、3C数码类运营经验者优先
工作职责 1. 负责集团相关部门招聘策略的制定,并根据公司人力资源规划和相关规定,实施招聘计划; 2. 招聘渠道体系建设和优化,赋能渠道,提升效能,保障渠道的活跃与产出;管理并推进招聘渠道创新,并不断使用新的理念和平台来探索新的招聘方法; 3. 横向拉通招聘项目的执行与结果的达成,协调资源,促进沟通,及时发现问题,并能促成问题的解决; 4. 优化招聘流程和机制,设计产品,运营人才市场,完善人才库,建设并探索创新的招聘平台,助力组织和业务的升级。 任职要求: 1. 正规**院校毕业,本科及以上学历; 2. 至少具备6年以上HR招聘相关工作经验者,IT及互联网公司算法域技术岗招聘经验不少于3年,熟悉互联网行业,对于中高端技术人才招聘有自己的渠道资源及成功案例; 3. 优秀的管理、社交、谈判技巧,可有效拓展维护招聘渠道; 4. 熟悉人力资源管理相关业务,掌握人力资源规划与配置方法、职位分析、人才测评、招聘面试等方面的专业知识和技巧; 5. 可以使用英文在工作场景中进行口头和书面交流; 6. 有激情,能承受住压力,有梦想,不断挑战自己,追求创新!
Job Duties and Responsibilities •Provide support for and effectively communicate both home site and ***** managers and teams •Manage relationships with internal clients at appropriate levels to ensure continued confidence in the Hangzhou office. This will include late night and early morning conference calls across all time zones •Maintain primary portfolio, accounting and taxation records for a variety of onshore and offshore hedge fund partnerships and corporations, trading in all types of investment securities and products •Familiar with end to end NAV processes and in-depth business knowledge on Hedge products and systems •Calculate monthly Net Asset Valuations for the purpose of reporting to investors and processing of investor subscription and withdrawal activity •Allocate gains and losses amongst investors and calculate and accrue management and performance fees payable to hedge fund managers •Prepare tax lot accounting reports and schedules and assist in preparation of annual financial statements and taxation returns •Prepare fund performance reports including annual summaries and weekly return estimates •Prepare ad hoc portfolio, performance and fee reports as requested by Home-site •Maintain primary accounting records for hedge fund management companies Education, Experience and Key Skills •Candidates must have a college degree (business, accounting, economics, mathematics, finance •5 years of accounting and/or financial service operations experience. Preferably strong accounting/finance background •Hedge fund administration industry experience essential including familiarity with performance fee structures, tax allocation methodologies, hot issue allocations and management company record keeping •Good understanding of Hedge fund structure/financial products is a plus •Outstanding English Communication skill is preferr
工作内容: 1. 按既定的会计准则编制与审核海外客户的基金财务报表,主要包括全球**投行私募和对冲业务,如高盛、摩根等。 2. 与海外各子公司积极互动,具备良好人际关系和沟通技能,热爱团队工作。 3. 准确及时提供各类所需财报。 4. 注重质量控制、文件编制和流程改进。 5. 热衷于加入专业的基金财报团队,促进数字化流程优化。 岗位要求: 1. 英语流利,读写能力优秀 2. 本科或海外专科以上学历,具银行或事务所经验优先 3. 至少2年财报编制或金融服务经验 4. 有IFRS或USGAAP财报编制经验优先 5. 良好的财报分析能力 6. 具备独立解决问题的能力
逻辑工程师 岗位职责: 1、负责记录存储系统需求分析级设计开发 2、负责FPGA接口代码设计,语音键人员沟通协调完成 3、参与系统业务联调,定位FPGA设计bug,配合软件人员调试 4、领导交办的其他工作。 任职资格: 1、电子工程、通信工程、自动化等相关专业,本科及以上学历,英语四级以上能熟练阅读和理解英文资料; 2、本科5年以上、硕士3年以上的FPGA设计经验;熟练使用熟练掌握Verilog/VHDL语言,具有较为复杂的逻辑设计经验,优良的RTL代码风格; 3、熟悉XILINX或ALTERA FPGA设计流程,能够熟练使用大规模逻辑设计相关开发工具(如综合工具、仿真工具等); 4、熟悉SATA、NVMe\Aurora\PCle\SRIO和以太网等高速总线协议优先; 5、熟悉存储系统FPGA设计,具备告诉数据采集、存储、回复等设计经验优先; 6、具体SATA\NVMe HOST IP逻辑开发经验优先; 7、具有良好的学校意思、团队意识、沟通能力、敬业精神。
岗位职责: 1、跟踪重点资产的数据表现,发现增长机会 2、跨部门协作,提升重点资产的市占率 3、拓展并维护重点资产相关的外部渠道资源 4、围绕重点币种策划运营活动,达成核心指标 任职要求: 1、有2年以上用户运营或内容运营相关工作经验 2、对行业热点敏感,具备围绕热点的活动和内容策划能力 3、较强的英文听说读写能力,英文能作为工作语言 4、熟悉至少一个DeFi、NFT、元宇宙等加密热门板块
基本职责: •与产品和开发团队合作,分析和理解应用程序需求,确定同一领域的潜在差距。 •设计、构建和维护自动化框架,以提供高质量的软件即服务(SaaS)解决方案 •使用自动化脚本执行各种级别和类型的测试,如冒烟测试、功能测试、兼容性测试和回归测试。 •识别、研究和记录缺陷;提出可能的解决方案和根本原因 •促进与软件质量保证所有方面相关的流程改进工作,以减少缺陷和质量问题 •与美国和其他离岸地点的多岸和多学科QA团队合作 •根据预期结果评估测试结果,实施流程改进,并根据需要推荐替代测试 •维护并报告所有活动项目的自动化测试指标,包括代码覆盖率、功能覆盖率、测试用例覆盖率 所需经验和技能: •优秀的分析、解决问题和时间管理技能,对预测、识别和解决技术问题的工具和技术有很好的了解 •能够在快节奏的动态环境中优先安排工作任务 •能够展示主动性、适应性,以及超越“条条框框”的思考能力 •服务导向和在团队和协作环境中工作的能力 •优秀的书面和口头沟通能力 •精通SQL和RDBMS,如MySQL、MS SQL Server、Oracle等。 •能够根据组织需求评估和实施测试工具。 •构建和运行复杂测试环境的经验 •5年以上企业软件QA工程、分析和测试经验 •5年以上为基于web的企业软件应用程序设计自动化框架的实践经验。 •在ERP、CRM或类似业务软件应用程序中成功发布了3+个企业软件套件版本 •在SOAP/REST web服务(XML/JSON)测试和自动化方面的经验 •成熟的专业知识和成功的QA自动化工具,包括Mercury QuickTest Pro、LoadRunner、Selenium、Jmeter、NightWatch等商业和开源工具。例如js或Watir •在回归、性能、并发性和可伸缩性测试方法方面取得了成功 •应具有Rundeck/Jenkins等CI工具的经验 •有使用Python、Java和JavaScript编写脚本/编码的丰富经验。 •能够实现和配置Cobertura、JaCoCo、OpenClover等代码覆盖工具 •强烈希望获得企业软件即服务(SaaS)QA经验 教育: •计算机科学、计算机工程、MIS、电气工程、数学学士或硕士学位。
Aktana is looking for a self-motivated devops/SRE engineer to build and manage infrastructure using various tools, automation and technologies used in modern cloud infrastructure in a fast paced environment. The ideal candidate has a strong understanding of Kubernetes, docker containers, Terraform, AWS, Rundeck and python also desire to automate things. As an Aktana devops engineer you will work with various automation tools and technologies including Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, Rundeck, etc. In the role you will partner with Engineering, Service Engineers and QA Engineers to achieve a successfully running production environment. What you’ll own and accomplish... • You will be owning the global production environment running in AWS cloud and responsible for any change in the environment. You will be responsible for monitoring/alerting for the production environment. • As a part of this team, you will help in building the development pipeline for efficiently bringing the code to production on a regular basis. • Configure monitoring and alerting systems for the applications and platform-services specially Prometheus, ELK etc. • Work with the Engineering team to develop architectural, technical, functional and performance guidelines related with the CI/CD pipelines. Key Performance Indicators: • Your performance will be measure based on reliability and availability KPIs for the production • How satisfied product engineering, Service engineering and QA engineering by the work you will be doing. What you’ll need to be successful... • BS degree in Computer Science or related fields and/or equivalent work experience. • Minimum of 6 years of experience as DevOps/CloudOps/SRE. • Minimum of 3 years of experience with AWS services. • Minimum of 3 years of experience with Kubernetes, AWS EKS is preferred. • Minimum of 3-4 years of experience on python scripting. • Professional experience in supporting Production Infrastructure. • Excellent knowledge in AWS services and professional hands-on experience on documenting and implementing infrastructure. • Strong knowledge of CI/CD • Familiarity with ELK and logging technologies • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills • Ability to adjust quickly to new technologies. You’ll really stand out if you… • Have hands-on experience with AWS technologies and building infrastructure using AWS SDK/APIs. • Have extensive experience with containerization(docker) • Have worked on Rundeck in the past extensively, not looking for somebody who just used Rundeck occasionally. • Have worked on automations using the latest automation tools. • Experience with different SQL specially MySQL(AWS RDS), NoSQL database experience is a plus. • Have deep troubleshooting skills on Infrastructure issues • Experience with python, java and groovy is a plus. • Extensive experience with orchestration tools such as Terraform, Kubernetes, Packer, Salt and Ansible • Have extensive knowledge with packaging tools like Helm Education: • Bachelor's or master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, MIS, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics. Company Profile: If you like to be challenged on daily bases, you want to change things if they do not work, you comes with automation first mindset then this is the team for you Committed to customer success and innovation, Aktana is at the forefront of transforming how life sciences companies share information with healthcare providers (HCPs). Our proprietary platform harnesses machine learning algorithms to enable marketing and sales teams to seamlessly coordinate and optimize multichannel engagement with HCPs. Today, more than half of the top 20 global pharma companies are using Aktana for intelligent engagement.
Do you want to play a vital part in the design of our current and future banking technology? Do you have proven ability to design, develop and deploy complex platforms and applications? We’re looking for a highly experienced IT technical architect to: • Drive and review the technical and architectural design of the cluster, enforcing architectural design guidelines • Lead a technical team to integrate new applications to existing system • Review the design and implementation of vendors and ensure they meet the UBS enterprise requirements • Work closely with WM CTOs and service & product owner in the region to define the technical roadmaps, architectural patterns, and development practices • Work with project managers and business analysts to ensure projects run according to our systems development life cycle • Work with Risk and C&ORC departments to ensure technical risks and issues across the program are managed and tracked • Drive DevCloud activities in the region • Support, guide and coach direct reports to develop an engineering culture Your team : You’ll be working with colleagues based across the region in at least six distinct locations. We work as a team together with the aspiration to provide trusted IT services and project support to the bank to support the ambitious growth plans. As an IT technical architect, you’ll play an important role in making sure we achieve both business and technology objectives. Your expertise : • 5+ years working experience in Financial Services • experience in designing and supporting vendor core banking systems, wealth management applications and regulatory applications is a plus • experience in managing a team of technical staff • the ability to interpret a set of technical requirements and develop robust solutions • good understanding of the software development lifecycle • strong analytical, problem-solving, and synthesizing skills • good discipline in risk control to achieve high standard in a highly regulated environment • passionate about supporting the development of IT systems and applications • a confident communicator that can explain technology to non-technical audiences • Experience with Java, Tomcat, Websphere, Oracle database, Unix, Gitlab and Ansible • As the role will work closely to support the China business, candidates who can speak Mandarin is preferable
1.熟悉操作系统基础、OSI网络模型、计算机各类服务和协议。 2. 熟悉防火墙、IDS/IPS、WAF等原理,熟悉主机操作系统(Windows/Linux)安全加固。 3. 熟悉OWASP ****0安全风险,熟悉常见漏洞原理及加固方法。 4. 熟练掌握多种渗透测试或者模拟攻击的工具或平台,如:BurpSuite、AWVS、Nmap、Nessus、SQLmap、Metasploit、CobaltStrike等。 5. 熟练掌握至少三种红队攻击技能领域(如:web/mobile app渗透、网络渗透、网络安全模拟攻击、社交工程、威胁情报搜集等),熟悉其原理、技巧,具备一定程度的漏洞挖掘能力与防御弱点发现能力,能够独立完成上级安排的测试任务。 6. 具有良好的报告编写能力,能独立完成渗透测试、风险评估等报告的编写。 7. 英语四级以上,有较强的英语阅读、写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 8. 至少熟悉一种计算机编程语言(C、JAVA、Python、Go、PHP等)。 9. 至少熟悉两种国际或区域性合规要求或者网络安全标准(如:中国网络安全法、个人信息保**、中国数据安全法、等级保护2.0、欧盟GDPR、ISO27000、NIST Cybersecuirty Framework、NIST Privacy Framework、PCI-DSS等),在安全合规、风险管理、体系规划等方面具备一定的实践经验。 10. 掌握普通话的听说读写,英语四级以上,有良好的中英文阅读与写作能力(计算机安全方向),可适应英文办公环境。 11. 吃苦耐劳,能适应灵活的工作时间,根据项目需要,能接受短期国内出差。 12. 在各大SRC平台提交过漏洞(加分项)。
1.Responsible for requirements definition, design and implementation of integrations and enterprise services in Ruby on Rails Heroku platform. 2.Being a champion of Ruby on Rails Restful API best practices for enterprises services. 3.Responsible for working with business owners to propose high-quality user experience solutions for desktop and mobile web applications. 4.Develop web-based user interfaces, applications, and Web Service integration APIs using Ruby on Rails technologies. Requirements: REQUIRED EXPERIENCE • 5+ years of overall software development experience, and 3+ years of scalable web applications in Ruby on Rails, also welcome if you are familiar with other languages such as Python/GoLang, nodeJS. • Strong in front-end development, include HTML5, DOM, Javascript, CSS, etc. • Experienced PostgreSQL and MySQL skills, including database design and optimization • Be mastery in Web development skills, including HTTP protocol, performance, security, API, and asynchronous tasks. LANGUAGES Workable written and spoken English is required SKILLS /COMPETENCIES The ideal candidate is expected to have proven extensive experience building innovative web applications in Heroku or similar using Ruby on Rails.