• 10k-15k 经验不限 / 不限
    游戏 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 一、角色特效 1.制作高质量的布料模拟动画 负责斗篷、衣服、长袍等布料动态模拟,确保动画符合物理规律,结合角色动画,使布料动画与角色动作完美匹配。处理风吹、拖拽、碰撞等特殊布料行为,增强动画表现力。 2.布料物理优化 & 导出 优化布料模拟,确保游戏中的布料动画既流畅又节省计算资源。使用 Maya nCloth / Houdini Vellum / Marvelous Designer等软件进行高质量模拟,并将动画烘焙到骨骼以导入游戏引擎。 3.游戏引擎布料系统开发 在 Unreal Engine 5(Chaos Cloth)/ Unity Cloth System 中实现实时布料模拟。调整 布料权重 & 碰撞设置,防止穿模问题,并优化布料运动的稳定性。 二、环境特效 1.交互式环境特效 风场(影响草地、树叶、火焰、布料),水体模拟(角色进入水中,溅起水花 & 流体波动),动态雾霾、沙尘暴、雨雪特效,火焰 / 烟雾随风扩散,增加游戏沉浸感。 2.物理 & 破坏模拟(Destruction FX) 墙体崩塌、玻璃破碎、地面裂开(Houdini / Chaos Physics),角色攻击 / 爆炸后物品破坏动态反馈,确保破坏效果物理合理,同时优化 性能负载。 任职要求: 1.熟练使用布料模拟工具(至少掌握其中一项) Maya nCloth Houdini Vellum Cloth Marvelous Designer Unreal Engine Chaos Cloth Blender Cloth Simulation Qualoth(加分项) 2.熟悉布料物理 能够理解并应用摩擦、拉伸、弯曲、重力、风力影响等布料特性。 熟练调整布料模拟的碰撞、惯性、风力响应等参数。 3.具备烘焙能力 能够烘焙布料动画到骨骼或 Alembic 缓存,并优化其在游戏引擎中的表现。 4.基本的角色动画理解 熟悉角色骨骼动画,确保布料动画与角色动作自然衔接。 能够调整模拟参数,使布料适应不同角色姿势 & 运动方式。 5. 熟练使用Unreal Engine 5(Niagara / Chaos Cloth / Physics),了解Houdini。 6.有游戏或影视动画经验 岗位福利: 我们希望提供舒适、自由且富有创造力的工作环境,让你在享受创作的同时,也能获得良好的职业发展和生活平衡。 1、奖励 项目奖金 (根据游戏进度 & 贡献发放额外奖励) 年终分红计划 (优秀员工可参与项目收益分成) 2、工作模式 弹性工作时间 结果导向,无强制加班 (拒绝无意义的加班文化) 3、职业成长 公司内部定期技术分享, 成长空间大 4、创作自由度 鼓励创意 & 技术创新 参与游戏剧情 & 角色设定讨论 5、额外福利 团队团建 & 线下聚会 每月游戏 & 电影补贴 (学习也是一种娱乐!) 节日礼品 & 生日福利 (重要的日子不会被忽略)
  • 43k-66k 经验不限 / 不限
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1.主要工作: (1)接听客户来电,处理客户日常换卡,结清,对公业务。 (2)对接公司统一平台系统,对客户画像进行有效备注,提供风控后台进行fx风险等级标识。 (3)完成公司要求的其他工作事项,如定期培训,业务技能提升,流程优化有效性建议,等。 2.学历要求:本科及以上学历
  • 8k-12k 经验不限 / 大专
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    1.主要工作: (1)拨打/接听客户来电,处理客户日常还款,换卡,结清,对公业务。 (2)对接公司统一平台系统,对客户画像进行有效备注,提供风控后台进行fx风险等级标识。 (3)完成公司要求的其他工作事项,如定期培训,业务技能提升,流程优化有效性建议等。 2.学历要求:***大专及以上学历 【任职资格】   (1)22到35周岁   (2)***大专及以上学历 (3)毕业满1年以上时间 【福利待遇】 1、集团正式员工,入职即购买六险一金。 2、满一年,缴纳六险二金,享商业保险和企业年金。 3、绩效奖金,除底薪外6000-8000左右绩效,考核排名前50%收入约过万。 4、带薪培训,不定期针对新人进行分层培训。 5、节日奖金,每节日过节费(一年约4000+)。 6、季度出游,季度方案奖励,人人有机会。 7、公开晋升,专属管理培训! 8、每月团建活动,不定期下午茶。
  • 5k-9k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / C轮 / 500-2000人
    Responsibilities: Financial Reporting and Analysis & Performance Monitoring Conduct detailed financial analysis, including revenue, cost, and profitability analysis for the BU. Identify opportunities to improve revenue and margin performance within the sales team Prepare daily, monthly, quarterly, and annual financial reports, highlighting key financial metrics and performance indicators. Analyze variances between actual and budgeted figures, providing insights and recommendations for corrective actions. Accounting Book Keeping (AR & FX mgmt) Cost Management Identify cost-saving opportunities within the BU and work with BU leader to implement cost control measures. Monitor and analyze BU operating expenses to ensure they are aligned with budgetary goals. Provide recommendations for optimizing the cost structure and improving operational efficiency. Business Partnering & Stakeholder Communication Communicate financial insights, reports, and recommendations to BU leaders and other stakeholders. Foster a collaborative working relationship between the finance team and BU managers. Act as single contact point between business team and other finance functions such as tax, treasury to provide solution to business team Risk Control Ensure BU compliance with corporate financial policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements. Establish and improve various financial-related business processes to improve internal control levels Review all business contracts and review the rationality of various expenses Other ad-hoc projects assigned by Business or Function Leaders Qualifications and Skills: Bachelor’s degree in Finance, Accounting, Economics, or a related field Proven experience in a financial planning and analysis role, preferably as a Finance Business Partner within a specific BU. (5-7 years) Experience of supporting Sales/Commercial Team will be a plus point Strong understanding of financial principles, accounting standards, and financial modeling techniques. Experience working with senior management and cross-functional teams. Excellent analytical and problem-solving skills. Strong communication and interpersonal skills in English and Mandarin, with the ability to build relationships and influence stakeholders. Proficiency in financial software and tools (e.g., Excel, ERP systems). Strong business acumen and strategic thinking. Proactive and results-oriented Adaptable and flexible in a dynamic business environment
  • 8k-12k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    音频|视频媒体 / B轮 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 公司项目拍摄。 协助版权库整理,协助后台直播创建,视频成片上传,协助后期剪辑。 熟练掌握线上直播流程及直播推流软件的使用。 任职要求: 1.熟练各种拍摄设备器材使用,A7M3,A7M4,FX3,FX6,5D4及稳定器的使用。有良好的沟通能力,独特的视角与视觉表现力,对光的应用有一定的要求。 2.工作认真负责,诚实守信,注重效率,具有团队精神 具有3年以上摄像工作经验,能独立完成外拍任务,可以熟练使用后期剪辑软件者优先考虑。 3.思维灵动,对于画面有较高审美,善于处理直播间突发状况。 4.熟练运用不同的拍摄手法,驾驭拍摄现场,把控拍摄质量。 5.熟练掌握各机型摄像、灯光设备及相关配件 。 6.熟悉人物采访、访谈、直播等拍摄流程。 7.了解直播流程,负责直播现场摄像工作或现场导播工作,对输出画面负责。
  • 5k-10k 经验不限 / 本科
    消费生活,金融 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    【客户管理】平安集团旗下平安普惠诚招靠谱青年-求志同道合+对职业有规划的你,福利待遇同业最优1、 招聘岗位:平安普惠客户管理2、 主要工作:(1)接听客户来电,处理客户日常换卡,结清,对公业务。(2)为咨询客户提供金融解决方案服务,特别是**期间,为存量客户提供减轻还款压力服务,提升客户满意度。(3)对接公司统一平台系统,对客户画像进行有效备注,提供风控后台进行fx风险等级标识。(4)完成公司要求的其他工作事项,如定期培训,业务技能提升,流程优化有效性建议,等。3、学历要求:本科及以上学历【任职资格】1、22到35周岁2、本科双证本科毕业2年,入职定级1.23、有良好的服务意识、综合素质4、逻辑思维严谨,善于沟通【福利待遇】1、集团正式员工,入职即购买六险一金。2、缴纳六险二金,转正后享商业保险和企业年金。3、绩效奖金,除底薪外6000-8000左右绩效,考核排名前70%收入约过万。4、带薪培训,不定期针对新人进行分层培训。5、节日奖金,每节日过节费等。6、季度出游,季度方案奖励,人人有机会。7、公开晋升,专属管理培训!8、午餐补贴,每2个月更换一家员工酒店供应商。9、降温取暖费,寒、热补贴费用。
  • 2k-3k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    工具 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    不加班,双休,0销售,0应酬,不打电话 每周至少到岗三天,英语一定要好(优先考虑英语、金融等相关专业25届同学) 接受0风控经验 具体JD如下 1.Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Reporting to both Head of Treasury and Compliance Director of Sales and Trading, you will be a part of a dynamic and motivated team standing ready to make a market for FX spot, forward and derivatives contracts, write compliance reports and analyse trading data. The role of Risk Intern/Graduate will require you to: Daily Tasks and Responsibilities: (1) Assist with the team on daily payment from compliance side, help verifying and screening beneficiaries. (2) Assist with the team on daily trade entries into treasury systems and CAPAY (3) Assist the development team to further build automation on FX derivatives market making process within CAPAY system (4)Run daily reports, including cash reports, position reports, and risk reports upon requests (5) Work closely with other internal stakeholders, including settlement for trade confirmations and trade reconciliation and accounting team on past cash settlement 2. About you: (1) You are highly motivated and passionate for Global Financial Market (2) You have outstanding level of English communication skill (3) You handle stress and pressure well (4) You thrive in a high paced working environment and know how to prioritise your work (5) You either have some coding skills or demonstrate you are in the process of learn the skill (6) You are a fast learner and has the capabilities to solve issues independently, we assess this via looking into your academic results 3.Background and Growth Plan: Corporate Alliance group, with three major brands (currently), CAFX, CAPAY and CAFIN, is a fast-growing global Fintech company, who aims to provide efficient, inexpensive one stop embedded financial services to SMEs, Corporate and other institutional clients. These services include FX Payments and Global Collection, FX leveraged trading and risk management solutions, and Trade Finance services. Corporate Alliance group currently have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Hong Kong and we are currently looking to expand into Singapore, Amsterdam and Vancouver. This role will provide work and services to two subsidiaries of Corporate Alliance family, CAFX Australia holds Australian Financial Service License 523351, CAFX New Zealand with Financial Services Provider (FSP) number 1002179, and CAPAY HK with Licence for operating money service (MSO) number 23-10-03117. Our licences permit us to provide market making services to wholesale clients in Australia and New Zealand on both foreign exchange contracts and derivatives. 4. What you can get Cultural Diversity: Interact with colleagues from various backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and enriching workplace culture. Embrace different perspectives and broaden your horizons. Language Proficiency: Enhance your English language skills by working in an all-English environment. Improve your communication abilities and build strong professional relationships. International Exposure: Immerse yourself in a global business environment, collaborating with professionals from different countries. Gain insights into international markets and expand your professional network. Financial Insights: Develop a deeper understanding of the finance industry through hands-on experience and exposure to various financial processes, products, and trends. Professional Growth: Take advantage of opportunities for career advancement and skill development. We provide resources and support to help you reach your full potential.
  • 20k-30k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    数据服务 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: ·参与Android中间层的模块详细设计、软件设计文档编写、软件开发以及多车型适配开发;·能正确分析系统需求,根据架构设计实现软件模块和子系统; ·在产品生命周期内对软件模块和子系统进行调试、测试、维护和Bug Fx; 岗位要求: ·本科以上学历,计算机,软件工程,应用电子,自动化等相关专业,3年以上Android软件开发经验; ·精通Java语言,有多年的面向对象程序设计和开发经验; ·熟悉常见的设计模式,熟悉多线程开发,熟悉网络编程,包括Socket,TCP/IP,HTTP等网络相关的技术; ·熟悉Android多媒体,Tuner、Audio,Bluetooth,语音Car ServiceCameraFota等中间件 Service开发经历(之一或多个); ·有汽车OEM厂软件开发经验,或者Tier1汽车信息娱乐产品开发经验者优先;·具有较强的语言表达和团队协作能力,责任心强,敢于挑战;
  • 15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    消费生活,金融 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    1.主要工作: (1)拨打/接听客户来电,处理客户日常还款,换卡,结清,对公业务。 (2)对接公司统一平台系统,对客户画像进行有效备注,提供风控后台进行fx风险等级标识。 (3)完成公司要求的其他工作事项,如定期培训,业务技能提升,流程优化有效性建议等。 2.学历要求:***大专及以上学历 【任职资格】   (1)22到35周岁   (2)***大专及以上学历 (3)毕业满1年以上时间 【福利待遇】 1、集团正式员工,入职即购买六险一金。 2、满一年,缴纳六险二金,享商业保险和企业年金。 3、绩效奖金,除底薪外6000-8000左右绩效,考核排名前50%收入约过万。 4、带薪培训,不定期针对新人进行分层培训。 5、节日奖金,每节日过节费(一年约4000+)。 6、季度出游,季度方案奖励,人人有机会。 7、公开晋升,专属管理培训! 8、每月团建活动,不定期下午茶。
  • 5k-8k 经验不限 / 本科
    工具 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    不加班,双休,0销售,0应酬,不打电话 可转正 有一定期权背景知识 可接受0风控经验 具体JD如下 1.Job Tasks and Responsibilities: Reporting to both Head of Treasury and Compliance Director of Sales and Trading, you will be a part of a dynamic and motivated team standing ready to make a market for FX spot, forward and derivatives contracts, write compliance reports and analyse trading data. The role of Risk Intern/Graduate will require you to: Daily Tasks and Responsibilities: (1) Support FX spot, forward and all FX derivatives to the Corporate Alliance sales teams and external other FX brokers across the world, including Auckland, Sydney/Melbourne, Hong Kong/Singapore and potentially Amsterdam/Vancouver (night desk) (2) Achieve assigned daily dynamic delta hedging goals within the prescribed risk framework (3) Assist with the team on daily trade entries into treasury systems and CAPAY (4) Assist with the team on daily payment from compliance side, help verifying and screening beneficiaries. (4) Run daily reports, including cash reports, position reports, and risk reports upon requests (5) Assist the development team to further build automation on FX derivatives market making process within CAPAY system (6) Work closely with other internal stakeholders, including settlement for trade confirmations and trade reconciliation and accounting team on past cash settlement 2. About you: (1) You are highly motivated and passionate for Global Financial Market (2) You have outstanding level of English communication skill (3) You handle stress and pressure well (4) You thrive in a high paced working environment and know how to prioritise your work (5) You either have some coding skills or demonstrate you are in the process of learn the skill (6) You are a fast learner and has the capabilities to solve issues independently, we assess this via looking into your academic results 3.Background and Growth Plan: Corporate Alliance group, with three major brands (currently), CAFX, CAPAY and CAFIN, is a fast-growing global Fintech company, who aims to provide efficient, inexpensive one stop embedded financial services to SMEs, Corporate and other institutional clients. These services include FX Payments and Global Collection, FX leveraged trading and risk management solutions, and Trade Finance services. Corporate Alliance group currently have offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Auckland, Hong Kong and we are currently looking to expand into Singapore, Amsterdam and Vancouver. This role will provide work and services to two subsidiaries of Corporate Alliance family, CAFX Australia holds Australian Financial Service License 523351, CAFX New Zealand with Financial Services Provider (FSP) number 1002179, and CAPAY HK with Licence for operating money service (MSO) number 23-10-03117. Our licences permit us to provide market making services to wholesale clients in Australia and New Zealand on both foreign exchange contracts and derivatives. 4. What you can get Cultural Diversity: Interact with colleagues from various backgrounds, fostering an inclusive and enriching workplace culture. Embrace different perspectives and broaden your horizons. Language Proficiency: Enhance your English language skills by working in an all-English environment. Improve your communication abilities and build strong professional relationships. International Exposure: Immerse yourself in a global business environment, collaborating with professionals from different countries. Gain insights into international markets and expand your professional network. Financial Insights: Develop a deeper understanding of the finance industry through hands-on experience and exposure to various financial processes, products, and trends. Professional Growth: Take advantage of opportunities for career advancement and skill development. We provide resources and support to help you reach your full potential.
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    硬件 / A轮 / 少于15人
    神锋(苏州)激光科技有限公司成立于2019年12月05日,是专业从事高端脉冲激光器及应用设备研发、制造、销售和服务的高新技术企业。公司研发团队是由海外归国博士后带领的在国内激光光学领域深耕多年的博士组建而成,团队具有极强的核心激光器技术研发实力和科研产品工业化的转化能力,擅长高功率脉冲激光器及应用设备产品的设计、研发和生产。产品范围包括高功率脉冲激光器及应用系统,具体包括:高功率脉冲纳秒、皮秒、飞秒激光器,深紫外激光器,手持和自动化激光清洗设备,超快激光精密加工设备等。 苏州公司为“崇本人才”、“吴江领军人才”、“姑苏领军人才”企业,研发超快激光器及激光设备,厂房面积1100平方,员工20人;山东公司主要生产激光清洗机,厂房面积5300平方,员工15人。苏州公司因扩大规模,现需招聘人才,一经录用,待遇优厚。 非标设备开发 激光设备行业 工作职责: 1、根据市场需求设计标准的产品的电气控制部分。 2、根据客户实际需求设计实施方案。 3、根据方案设计电路图,确定标准元器件清单并下单采购。 4、负责设备生产安装指导及控制调试。 5、负责在现场调试过程中进行技术指导、协调与沟通。 6、优化控制程序提高设备性能。 7、负责样机的调试与验证,分析现场问题并提出有效解决方案。   任职要求: 1、产品电气设计:包括电气图纸绘制、电气部件选型等,熟悉CAD软件; 2、精通PLC编程,如三菱FX和Q系列PLC,PLC西门子、欧姆龙,汇川等,以及触摸屏编程; 3、掌握通讯相关知识,如以太网、RS232、RS485等,熟悉上机位、C#语言编程者优先; 4、解决技术问题并估算成本和时间; 5、样机试制,参加现场试验并处理电气故障,提出产品改进措施; 6、确定最终产品或系统,并准备生产文件、使用手册等相关文件资料; 7、监控产品使用以提高未来设计。
  • 20k-40k·16薪 经验1-3年 / 硕士
    电商 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位描述 负责利用AI技术,推动影视工业化的创意内容制作和辅助提效。包括并不限于: 1. 前/背景标定内容智能擦除; 2.3D场景环境重建; 3.概念设计图生成; 4. 实时换脸、面部细节追踪、高级眼动追踪、演员表情合成、数字老化; 5. 演员语音识别、语音合成; 6. 实时服装替换、形变; 7. 肢体运动追踪、肢体运动合成、演员动作迁移; 8. 虚拟人物合成。 职位要求 1. 计算机、数学相关专业的硕士及以上学历; 2. 机器学习领域的专业知识包括:神经渲染、3D视觉、人脸重建/换脸、表情识别/合成、语音识别/合成、无监督学习等; 3. 熟练掌握Python和/或C/C++,有numpy、pytorch/tensorflow等使用经验; 4. 能使用UE/Unity进行基本功能的操作; 5. 具备视觉效果研发经验者优先(多视角重建、动作捕捉、几何处理、稀疏数据插值等); 6. 有CG背景或视效公司工作经验者优先(如:墨境天合,天工异彩,倍思(base) FX,tech-va,Runway等)。
  • 20k-30k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商平台,内容社区,数据服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    1. 负责公司产品的后台产品研发及团队管理工作,致力于打造一流的创作者平台; 2. 负责架构设计和开发,为用户提供优质顺畅的信息服务和**体验; 3. 参与设计系统技术方案,核心代码开发和系统调优(Golang/Python为主),框架涵盖grpc-gateway、uber的fx,以及gin; 4. 参与各项技术调研,新技术引入等前瞻项目; 5. 参与分析数据,挖掘用户需求,并在海量真实用户上落地。 职位要求: 1. 三年以上go工作经历,本科及以上学历(优先),有管理经验优先; 2. 有扎实的编程能力,优秀的设计和代码质量; 3. 深刻理解计算机原理,有良好的数据结构和算法基础; 4. 熟悉Mysql、Nosql、消息队列等用户WEB组件; 5. 有高并发服务设计和实践经验优先; 6. 积极乐观,责任心强,工作认真细致,有良好的团队沟通和协作能力。
  • 12k-24k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    游戏 / 天使轮 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责制作角色技能,界面等游戏特效需求; 2、熟悉FX Maker插件,结合unity工具的粒子、UV动画; 3、编写与制作流程和制作内容相关的特效技术&规范文档; 岗位要求: 1、大专及以上学历;3年以上游戏特效制作经验,作为核心至少完整开发过一款上线u3d游戏项目; 2、有较强的特效设计能力,理解各种效果带来的感官体验,能驾驭角色动作的设计,配合特效; 3、不断创新提升体验,精于动作类unity引擎特效制作; 4、有较强的学习能力,能够接受挑战,并承受较强的工作压力,有较强的团队合作意识; 5、工作积极踏实,有极高的投入度和较好的沟通能力。 优势条件: 美术或相关专业毕业,有U3D游戏制作经验者优先
  • 30k-50k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,软件开发 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    1.各个方向都看,如果有NPC、玩家这种做人的资深TA最好 2.unreal技术美术优先,其他也OK 3.最好是知名游戏或者影视公司的​ 工作职责: 1. 参与阿里下一代AR/XR/VR电商技术的快速落地,构建次时代的商业影视级效果,相关工作将直接服务于天猫等核心电商业务; 2. 以UE为引擎,从事MMO、大型场景、3D商品、数字人等的技术向TA工作; 3. 开发相关美术工具、插件、脚本开发,参与特效、特殊shader、程序化建模的相关开发(其中1~2项); 任职要求: 1. 3年以上UE4的技术美术工作经验,熟悉PBR基本流程; 2. 具备良好的审美,对结构、色彩、光影有良好的理解,有较好的美术基础; 3. 擅长至少一种TA领域的开发专业技能:高仿真数字人、换装、捏脸、场编、建模、动画、FX,有相关批处理、编辑工具开发经验者优先; 4. 熟练使用常用DCC软件: Houdini、3DS Max、Maya、C4D、ZBrush、Substance、Daz等(2种以上); 5. 熟悉Groom、MD、Xgen、Trimirror、Reality Capture、metashape,有相关批处理工具开发经验者,优先; 6. 有AAA游戏或影视级特效的项目经验者,优先;