Responsibility: 1. Serve as a pivotal technical member of the Business Development team, ensuring seamless customer success in developing applications and services on the DragonPass platform. 2. Collaborate closely with the sales team to provide comprehensive pre-sales support to clients, encompassing effective customer communication, innovative solution design, and engaging demonstrations. 3. Tailor targeted overall solutions leveraging the company’s products and technical capabilities to address clients' unique needs. 4. Analyze client requirements, identifying and categorizing generic and bespoke needs, to ensure solutions are tailored to their specifications. 5. Coordinate seamlessly with the Product team, IT team, and Operation team to steer the development of solutions, ensuring efficient delivery and optimal performance. 6. Continuously monitor market trends and technological advancements, gathering relevant industry and competitive product information. Analyze market reactions, promptly adjust product planning and strategies, and innovate solutions and services to enhance our competitive edge. 7. Oversee solution implementation, ensuring seamless integration and alignment with client requirements. Requirement: 1. Bachelor’s Degree or higher in Computing, Systems, or a related field. 2. Excellent English communication skills, particularly in presentation, to engage effectively with clients and stakeholders. 3. At least 5 years of experience in technology or product manager roles, with a proven track record in delivering comprehensive solutions. 4. At least 2 years of experience overseeing the overall systems architecture for one or more projects, demonstrating a deep understanding of system design and integration. 5. Strong solution alignment and integration skills, able to bridge the gap between client needs and technical capabilities.
15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科生活服务,旅游|出行 / 上市公司 / 150-500人DragonPass is a global B2B2C Airport services provider developing fintech travel solutions for companies such as Barclays, Visa, MasterCard, RBS, Revolut and many similar companies all around the world. Services range including Transport Security Fast Track, Airport lounges and Airport restaurants. Our main aim is to simplify technical complexity. We essentially help our end customers use a multitude of services across an array of complexity in as easier a manner as possible. All of this must be done with beautiful UI and UX. DragonPass has headquarters in Guangzhou, with the international headquarters outside of China being in Hale, Cheshire. There are additional offices in London, Sao Paulo, Johannesburg, Singapore, Shenzhen, Beijing and Shanghai. The business is growing very quickly and looking to recruit individuals with a passion for travel, networking and self-development. What will you be doing? The 24/7 technical support engineer will be acting as a bridge between development team and clients/account management team. Bilingual is mandatory to communicate with the development team and clients/account management team. The 24/7 technical engineer shall handle the call/email from clients for any incidents or 7system outage. The 24/7 technical engineer shall provide an incident report for any issue and provide incident status update for the stakeholders. Check error log from the monitoring system and, identify the root cause of the issue. Create and manage the incident ticket in JIRA. Identify the areas/parts of the system/service causing the issue, and the corresponding impacts to the customer. Create the standard operation support documents in English. Implement the urgent fix based on the standard operation support documents with the support from the DevOps at infrastructure level. Filter the non-critical issues that can be fixed in next day. Preferred skills One or more years of experience in 24/7 Technical support Excellent hands-on support experience in AWS/ Azure Knowledge of programming languages such as Java Strong experience in Linux and Terraform Proficiency in writing automated scripting language in Python Experience in monitoring tools – Grafana, or any other monitoring tools Understanding of full-stack web/mobile, including protocols and web server optimization standards Broad understanding of Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL Database experience, such as MongoDB Proficient in English and Mandarin language skills
关于我们: 我们是一家源自硅谷的前沿科技公司,致力于将未来的空中出行变为现实。我们的使命是开发下一代全自主高智能飞行器技术,让未来的空中交通更加高效、便捷和安全。我们汇集了一群富有创新精神和技术专长的专业人才,致力于突破当前技术的界限,加入低空经济和高空经济的发展,开创航空AI的新纪元。如果您渴望参与这一充满挑战与机遇的领域,并推动世界向前发展,我们诚邀您加入我们的团队,共同打造未来。 职位概述: 作为UE飞行器仿真模拟工程师,您将负责使用Unreal Engine(UE)开发飞行器仿真模拟环境,并通过bridge与外部自主飞行算法进行实时通信和验证。您将开发UE前端界面,采集相机图片、雷达点云等传感器数据,并实时传输至自主飞行算法,以支持自主飞行算法的SIL(Software-in-the-Loop)仿真验证。该职位还涉及飞行器飞控仿真、机场模型和跑道模型的创建,并通过高保真的仿真环境缩小模拟器采集数据与真实世界数据之间的差距。 岗位职责: 1. 使用Unreal Engine开发高精度的飞行器仿真环境,创建机场、跑道等关键模型。 2. 集成相机、雷达等传感器,采集并处理传感器数据,确保数据与真实世界情况一致。 3. 支持SIL仿真,通过如ROS Integration的通信方式实现UE与自主飞行算法之间的实时数据通信,进行算法的实时验证。 4. 负责飞控仿真系统的开发,模拟飞行器的动态飞行特性,支持飞行器自主导航与控制。 5. 开发仿真环境的前端界面,并为用户提供实时交互功能。 6. 设计并优化仿真环境的性能,确保高计算负载下的稳定性和准确性。 7. 提供用于分析和调试的工具,帮助优化自主飞行算法的精度与效率。 8. 编写并维护技术文档,定期分享技术进展和仿真成果。 资格要求: - 计算机科学、游戏开发、仿真技术或相关领域的本科及以上学历,或具有同等经验。 - 至少1年Unreal Engine开发经验,尤其是在飞行器或自动驾驶领域中的应用。 - 精通C++和Python编程,能够在UE中实现复杂的功能开发。 - 具有使用Carla、Gazebo、AirSim、JSB Sim、LGSVL Simulator、Apollo Dreamview、RViz、Cesium、V-REP、JavSim、Issac Sim等仿真工具进行飞行器、无人机或自动驾驶仿真开发的经验。 - 熟练掌握1种及以上主流模拟飞行软件,包括Microsoft Flight Simulator、XPlane、FlightGear、Prepar3D等; - 有Software-in-the-Loop (SIL) 仿真开发经验者优先,熟悉如何在虚拟环境中验证和测试软件算法。 - 熟悉ROS-UE Bridge等技术,实现仿真数据与外部自主算法的实时通信。 - 熟悉相机、雷达、IMU等传感器的集成及数据处理,具备多传感器数据处理经验。 优先条件: - 熟悉ROS 2及其数据交互模块,特别是Humble版本者优先。 - 具备三维建模工具(如Blender、Maya)使用经验者优先。 - 了解计算机视觉、SLAM或多传感器数据融合技术者优先。 - 熟悉飞控仿真,能够开发与飞行器控制相关的仿真模块者优先。 - 熟悉计算机视觉库(如OpenCV、PCL)和仿真优化技术者优先。 福利待遇: - 具有竞争力的薪酬和利润分成。 - 灵活的工作时间与远程工作机会,支持全球优秀人才的加入。 - 参与前沿技术研发,推动空中出行技术的革新与发展。 - 提供个人成长和职业发展的广阔空间,支持持续学习和技能提升。 工作地点: 可远程工作,地点不限。 申请方式: 如果您对未来的空中交通技术充满激情,并且具备我们所需的专业技能,请将您的简历和相关项目作品发送至:***********************。我们期待与您一起,探索空中出行的无限可能。
岗位职责: 1. 负责 iOS开发以及提供必要的技术支持 2. 负责app部分架构模块优化改进,新技术研究。 3. 与产品经理及设计师配合,参与需求讨论,提出技术方案。 岗位要求: 1. 责任心和技术良好,对技术有追求,具有良好的沟通能力,具有创业精神。 2. 精通 IOS开发,熟练使用 Objective-C 和 Swift,及其 bridge 交互行为。 3. 具有丰富的调试经验,具有 cocoapods 发布,更新,维护经验。 4. 熟悉 iOS 开发常用的 API、控件、第三方库及 Xcode 等开发工具。 5. 熟悉 JavaScript,TypeScript,Webview 与 Native 交互逻辑属于加分项。 6. 能熟练阅读技术文档,有解决问题的能力,对新技术感兴趣,有一定的团队合作精神。 7.有社交APP经验 特别提醒:面试及工作地址为:高新区润莱金座3栋703号
工作职责: 1、负责信创云研发、测试环境的交付运维工作; 2、根据不同项目定制化需求,制定部署实施方案、部署架构; 3、负责信创云项目交付的技术管理工作,以及交付问题收集、问题反馈与推动 4、协调各产品线研发解决信创云相关问题 5、 负责信创云业务方案编制、客户交流汇报等工作,配合公司售前完成项目落地支撑; 6、 对接整合公司、生态产品能力,开发行业解决方案; 7、 解读行业、专业机构分析报告,协助部门完成信创云业务市场、推广策略、竞对等维度分析; 8、 业务重点方案、云平台能力的培训及推广; 任职资格: 1、熟悉Docker、Kubernetes、OpenStack等技术原理和架构,具备部署、运维、交付经验; 2、熟悉网络(DNS、TCP/IP、NTP、DHCP、OVS、Bridge、VXLAN等)协议原理 3、熟悉Linux等主流操作系统,能够快速处理系统常见问题。至少熟悉Shell、Python、Perl等一门脚本语言; 4、从事云计算相关工作1年以上; 5、熟悉信创云领域国家政策、业务趋势、技术发展; 6、良好的团队合作精神和文字功底,较好的表达沟通、学习、分析能力
[北京·团结湖] 2023-11-2925k-35k 经验不限 / 本科广告营销 / D轮及以上 / 150-500人Supersonic是Unity旗下的超休闲游戏、混合休闲游戏发行解决方案,我们帮助开发者立项、 测试、迭代、发行爆款游戏。Supersonic是世界头部超休闲游戏发行商,游戏累计下载量超过25 亿,包含Bridge Race、Going Balls、Coloring Match等单款下载过亿爆款游戏。2022年, Supersonic在多个季度中成为全世界下载量最高的手游游戏发行商。 Supersonic中国办公室已和众多亚太区超休闲开发者建立合作,并发行了Giant Wanted, Arm Simulator, Camo Sniper, Build A Queen等多款登顶美国下载榜的游戏。目前中国团队正在扩张 中,欢迎有志参与制作国际一流休闲游戏的PM、策划加入! 职责: ● 管理亚太区超休闲、混合休闲游戏工作室; ● 遵循Supersonic的发行管线,管理游戏立项、测试、迭代、发行全过程; ● 充分理解合作工作室的需求与能力,帮助开发者与Supersonic获得双赢; ● 分析市场趋势与爆款游戏设计,为工作室提供有价值的游戏迭代反馈; ● 向开发者清晰解释迭代、发行过程中,我们所做种种决定的原因。 需求; ● 超休闲、休闲游戏经验丰富; ● 对游戏体验敏感,能够指导研发制作世界顶 级休闲游戏体验; ● 理解游戏发行中的方方面面; ● 表达能力强,可以清晰解释游戏设计方案; ● 擅长分析游戏数据,发现问题,提出解决方案; ● 英语口语优秀,可作为工作语言。 加分项: ● 可用韩语作为工作语言; ● 有爆款休闲游戏制作经验。 -
20k-30k·13薪 经验不限 / 不限文娱丨内容 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上1Purpose of the Job I. Bridge Tech & Analytics team closely to relevant Procurement Teams(Sourcing, Operation, Performance & Planning, etc.) II. Bring the synergies to develop category strategies, and deploy aligned plan properly to ensure following KPIs delivered: · Cost Control: Deliver targeted savings on both Capex & Opex in T&A scope, and ensure no adverse impact on quality and time requirement. · Efficiency Enhancement: Drive a highly efficient project implementation plan with T&A PMOs while ensuring high productivity and maintaining continuous improvement; · Compliance: Manage risk and achieve strategical & operational compliance across ‘Source to Pay’ end-to-end activities. III. Provide expertise of external supply market knowledge, sharing best practices of digitalization, identifying/executing on value creation opportunities. 1. Responsible for general services category sourcing, negotiation, contracting and supplier management, including professional services, lease & rental, facility management, travel, etc… 2. Have an insight into innovation and new supplier development to deliver expected saving on the basis of total cost & value ownership 3. Set up and renew cost model for cost analysis (understand supply and demand market, category supply market, cost structure, etc) 4. Maintain supplier database and make cost driver analysis Qualifications and Technical competencies required 1. Bachelor degree and 3~10 years related working experience of indirect buying in multi-national company; 2. Knowledge and experience in general services or IT category preferred. 3. Knowledge and experience in FMCG company is a plus; Technical competencies: 1. Good data analysis skills and data sensitivity; 2. Good communication skill in both Chinese and English; 3. Good team player; 4. Skillful in computer software: MS Office (Excel, Words, PPT), Website access & research etc; 5. Persist in overcoming obstacles towards success of objectives 6. Challenge self, suppliers & colleagues and persevere to successful conclusion 7. Initiative for “self management” and “self starting” on projects and tasks EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER We strive to be an inclusive workplace with equal opportunity. We aim to make our company as diverse as the communities we serve. Everyone at Budweiser APAC should feel comfortable, confident, and respected to bring their authentic selves to work every day and to grow at the pace of their talent. Budweiser APAC is an equal opportunity employer that is committed to workplace diversity and non-discrimination. We take affirmative action to ensure equal opportunity for all applicants without regard to age, gender, sexual orientation, ethnicity, family, and marital status, religion and belief, veteran status, disability, and any other characteristics protected by applicable laws.
Job responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the research and development of power rectification algorithm software; 2. Research on relevant algorithms such as active PWM rectifier, three-phase active PFC, single-phase PFC, etc. 3. Calculation of system device parameters related to algorithms. 4. Write software solutions, flowcharts, and other technical documents related to the software; Job requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above, major in Power Electronics, Power Transmission, Automation or related fields; 2. Experience in PID control debugging and research and development of power grid conversion algorithms is preferred; 3. Be familiar with power digital software design, program architecture optimization and algorithm implementation of mainstream topology (such as PFC, LLC, phase-shifting full bridge, etc.); 4. Familiar with the principles and algorithms of power grid rectification and transformation related fields;
职位要求: 1. College degree or above, proficiency in English(CET6 or above). 大专或以上学历,精通英语 (英语6级及以上) 2. More than two years working experience in following up R&D projects and purchasing order of overseas customers. 两年或以上海外客户研发项目跟进和订单跟单经验。 3. It is better of major in English and knowing Japanese or Korean. 懂日语或韩语更佳 4. Talent with motor, electric, electronics or electromechanical background will be employed in priority. 有电机、电器、电子、机电行业类背景的人才优先录用。 5. Good appetency, team work, good and professional ethics, bear hardships and stand hard work 具有亲和力,有团队精神、敬业精神,吃苦耐劳。 说明:此岗位接收长期在公司发展意愿的优秀应届毕业生。 岗位职责: 1. Contact with overseas customers, maintain customer relationship. 联系海外客户,维持客户关系。 2. Take care of overseas customer business and projects, as a bridge between external customers and internal R&D department to push project progress, follow up samples preparation, track customer testing and approval to get orders. 负责海外客户业务和项目,作为外部客户和内部研发部门的联络桥梁,推动项目进度,跟进样品制造,跟踪客户测试认证,争取订单。 3. Take orders from overseas customers, follow up production; chase payment, prepare the shipment document and arrange shipment. 接收客户订单,跟进生产,催收货款,制作出口资料,安排物流。 4. Participate in international exhibitions. 参加海外展会 5. Deal with customer complaint. 处理客户投诉 工作时间:五天八小时(周末双休) 上班时间:08:30-12:00 13:30-18:00 相关福利: 1、按照国家法定节假日作息,提供住宿,不包吃(园区内有饭堂) 2、入职当天缴纳五险一金:医疗保险、养老保险、工伤保险、失业保险、生育保险、住房公积金 3、每年七月全员调薪,公司提供具有市场竞争力和体系化的薪资结构政策和岗职晋升计划 4、节日福利、生日福利、健康体检、员工旅游、部门团建
岗位要求: 1. 负责公司核心出海AI业务的web前端开发; 2. 与其他产品同事和设计师参与产品讨论,从技术实践的角度提出解决方案; 3. 参与日常Codereview,与其他同事一起维护代码质量。 职位要求: 1. 熟练使用React进行web开发; 2. 熟练使用React Hooks能基于Hook封装复用各种组件; 3. 熟悉Chrome插件开发或熟悉Electron应用开发; 4. 了解Typescript语言特性,并为组件提供友好的ts定义; 5. 了解浏览器原生DOM/BOM(如canvas或富文本编辑器); 6. 有海外产品的开发和生产经验。 加分项: 1. 对网页dom结构分析和内容分析有一定的经验; 2. 熟悉Android,iOS原生开发; 3. 了解Swift、Objective-c、Kotlin等任一原生开发语言; 4. 了解React Native和原生开发结合的React Bridge; 5. 有一定的AI相关从业背景者更优,能够准确的理解人工智能目前的边界和能力。
PRODUCT MANAGER WHY YOU WILL LOVE SUPPLY BRIDGE: SUPPLY BRIDGE is an innovative startup that aims to democratize Supply Chain for Manufacturing industry. Our goal is to deliver a Global Platform and unique user experience whilst integrating vertical solutions for the B2B business. We believe in using the latest technology to enhance and rapidly adapt our solutions to the ever-changing demands of Supply Chain. Application of intelligent technologies such as AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain and combining our decades of Industry Know-how is the key to our objective of creating an agile and sustainable end-to-end Solutions for Supply Chain. With a strong international team, Supply Bridge is growing by the day and every new hire will have a significant impact on the culture, the product and the team's success. As a testament to the culture and company we are collectively building, our world-class team is on a mission to provide the best product offering in the world to an industry that's looking for change. THE OPPORTUNITY: SUPPLY BRIDGE is looking for a creative, experienced Product Manager who is motivated to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems in global Supply Chain. User-centric Design & Data are at the heart of our business, you will work to evaluate and provide insights into our digital products. In collaboration with multidisciplinary product, engineering, and business/operations teams, you will help deliver data-driven insights and automated decision-making in SUPPLY BRIDGE’s supply chain products. You will be working with our business, product, and engineering teams to collaborate closely to share domain knowledge, test hypotheses at scale, and develop promising solutions that can be quickly and widely deployed. We are passionate about providing effortlessly accessible intelligence and actionable insights to our end users. Our ideal candidate: user-centric, self-motivated, highly analytical, global-mindset, technically-trained, and passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions. LOCATION: • Preferably SHANGHAI but we are open to remote candidates for this position. RESPONSIBILITIES • Create our digital product from 0-1 • Collect Business Requirements, Conduct periodic product backlog reviews, prioritizing with buy-in from all stakeholders, and representing business, customer, and partner impact • Own the end-to-end product development process, including business case definition, writing and scoping Product Requirement Document, user stories, creating feature specifications, testing and validating pre-release product, and mor • Define, track, and analyze metrics and measures for product performance • Manage and track product development process looking at engineering utilization and velocity • Lead & Drive Standups and Sprints • Take Lead in working with our designers, product managers, and other engineers on your team to solve tough product challenges with clean interfaces and experiences. • Build and deliver great user experiences that revolutionize how things are made (user-centric is key!) PREFFERED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of hands on experience in a fast-paced Marketplace, B2B or B2C SaaS, or product-led tech environment • 0-1 ownership of Digital Product Development experience; • Knowledgeable with global product (design) trends • Knowledge on Data / SQL and Information Security is a plus • Familiar with Wireframing / Prototyping Tools • English as a working language; Experience in working in global, cross-cultural development teams • Excited about startup!
岗位职责 1.维护Docker及 Kubernetes集群,保障应用及集群的稳定运行; 2.对容器和Kubernetes集群中出现的问题,做到问题的快速定位和恢复,问题跟踪及管 理; 3.Linux内核,Docker及Kubernetes集群调优,包括内核参数优化; 4.负责线上业务容器化迁移整体跟进,维护容器平合运维规范 应聘条件 1.需2年以上 Kubernetes或Docker容器化运维经验,有基于容器的CI/CD.配置管理,监控告警等自动化运维平合建设维护经验 2.熟悉Linux内核,对Cgroup、Iptables、 Namespace等有足够了解,能快速是位问题及恢复问题 3.熟悉主机网络模型,对 Linux Bridge、Route、OVS及Overlay网络等有一定理解,实践过集群网络限流方案,款悉Kubernetes网络流量走向、能快速定位集群网络问题 4.熟悉Python/GoLang开发优先 5.本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业
PRODUCT MANAGER WHY YOU WILL LOVE SUPPLY BRIDGE: SUPPLY BRIDGE is an innovative startup that aims to democratize Supply Chain for Manufacturing industry. Our goal is to deliver a Global Platform and unique user experience whilst integrating vertical solutions for the B2B business. We believe in using the latest technology to enhance and rapidly adapt our solutions to the ever-changing demands of Supply Chain. Application of intelligent technologies such as AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain and combining our decades of Industry Know-how is the key to our objective of creating an agile and sustainable end-to-end Solutions for Supply Chain. THE OPPORTUNITY: SUPPLY BRIDGE is looking for a creative, experienced Product Manager who is motivated to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems in global Supply Chain. User-centric Design & Data are at the heart of our business, you will work to evaluate and provide insights into our digital products. In collaboration with multidisciplinary product, engineering, and business/operations teams, you will help deliver data-driven insights and automated decision-making in SUPPLY BRIDGE’s supply chain products. Our ideal candidate: user-centric, self-motivated, highly analytical, global-mindset, technically-trained, and passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions. RESPONSIBILITIES • Create our digital product from 0-1 • Collect Business Requirements, Conduct periodic product backlog reviews, prioritizing with buy-in from all stakeholders, and representing business, customer, and partner impact • Own the end-to-end product development process, including business case definition, writing and scoping Product Requirement Document, user stories, creating feature specifications, testing and validating pre-release product, and mor • Define, track, and analyze metrics and measures for product performance • Manage and track product development process looking at engineering utilization and velocity • Lead & Drive Standups and Sprints • Take Lead in working with our designers, product managers, and other engineers on your team to solve tough product challenges with clean interfaces and experiences. • Build and deliver great user experiences that revolutionize how things are made (user-centric is key!) PREFFERED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of hands on experience in a fast-paced Marketplace, B2B or B2C SaaS, or product-led tech environment • 0-1 ownership of Digital Product Development experience; • Knowledgeable with global product (design) trends • Knowledge on Data / SQL and Information Security is a plus • Familiar with Wireframing / Prototyping Tools • English as a working language; Experience in working in global, cross-cultural development teams • Excited about startup! 工作职责: • 从0-1开发产品方案 • 收集业务需求收集梳理相关需求,并提供相应方案,完成高质量的产品需求文档PRD,用户流程图、信息架构图、以及线框图/原型图设计 • 全球相关业务的调研、竞品分析; 定义产品需求,用户故事, • 以用户为中心,研究用户行为,能够敏锐地发现用户痛点、分析问题、独立制定用户体验优化方案,并推动落地 • 管理与跟进产品开发过程: 优先 / 资源 / 速度 • 引领站会与Sprints • 对产品有很强主人翁意识:用简介的设计思维, 与设计师 / 开发团队共同解决难题 • 构建并提供出色的用户体验(重要!),彻底改变用户对产品制造方式的理解 任职要求: • 在快节奏的交易平台,2B/2C SaaS或产品主导的技术环境中拥有3年以上的实践经验 • 对软件开发工程有基础知识 • 0-1 互联网产品开发 • 密切关注国内外的产品(设计)趋势 • 出色的数据分析和解决问题的能力,熟练SQL和信息安全是加分项; • 熟悉线框图/原型图设计 • 具有敏捷方法和短发布周期的经验 • 对细节高度关注; 具备优秀的沟通技巧 • 有国外知名互联网公司工作经验 为加分项 • 英语流利,适应国际化的工作环境 • 没有年龄限制 • 对初创有热情! BENEFITS o Competitive salary o Stock options o Social Benefits o Flexible time off o Remote Working option o Fast self-growth opportunity
Background/Experience/Credentials: ● Master's degree or above, will graduate in 2023 from overseas and ***** universities; ● Major in AI, Engineering, Statistics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Informatics, Operations Research or related; ● Familiar with the basics of machine learning and natural language processing; ● Fluent in Python machine learning related libraries, and excellent code writing abilities; ● Proficient programming on scalable/Big Data language such as Scala/Spark is a plus; ● Proficiency in AI related frameworks (NLTK, Spacy, Scikit-Learn, Tensorflow, PyTorch) and experience with leveraging pre-trained models and transfer learning is a plus; ● Fluent in English and Chinese, both oral and written; ● Has strong critical thinking skills and the ability to relate them to the products or services the company is producing; ● Possess a combination of creative abilities and business knowledge; ● Demonstrate interest in emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, Internet of Things, Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, and Robotics; ● Demonstrate ability to apply a business framing to emerging technology solutions and communicate to business audiences in written and verbal formats. ● Demonstrate good verbal and written communication skills as well as the ability to bridge the gap between data science and business management; ● Start from internship and can be converted into full time employee after graduation based on internship assessment 背景/经验/证书: ● 硕士及以上学历,2023年海外及本地大学毕业; ● 人工智能、工程、统计学、数学、计算机科学、信息学、运筹学或相关专业; ● 熟悉机器学习和自然语言处理的基础知识; ● 精通Python机器学习相关库,具备优秀的代码编写能力; ● 精通Scala/Spark等可扩展/大数据语言编程者优先; ● 精通人工智能相关框架(NLTK、Spacy、Scikit-Learn、Tensorflow、PyTorch)并具有利用预训练模型和迁移学习的经验者优先; ● 流利的中英文口语和书面语; ● 具有很强的批判性思维能力以及将其与公司生产的产品或服务联系起来的能力; ● 兼具创新能力和商业知识; ● 表现出对人工智能、区块链、物联网、虚拟现实、增强现实和机器人等新兴技术的兴趣; ● 展示将业务框架应用于新兴技术解决方案并以书面和口头形式与业务受众交流的能力。 ● 具备良好的口头和书面沟通技巧,以及弥合数据科学和业务管理之间差距的能力; ● 从实习开始,毕业后根据实习评估转为全职员工
要求做过IM即时通讯 或音视频项目!! 1、负责IOS前端代码框架优化和重构. 2、熟练掌握swift,objc,python,rust,c++语言,了解unix,linux操作系统原理. 3. 熟练掌握sqlite3,wcdb数据库的使用和调试,有过telegram源码阅读经验 4. 深入研究过telegram协议,im消息同步机制. 5. 掌握webrtc的应用,有过webrtc开发语音视频项目经验. 6. 熟练使用rsa,aes,sha256等加密算法,并理解其原理. 对于rsadh,eccdh,多种签名算法都能熟练使用. 7. 有过ffmpeg库的使用,用于视频压缩,转码,编码,解码的项目经验. 并且熟悉mp4,webm,h264,h265,vp9,vp8等视频数据格式. 8. 熟悉signal端到端加密安全协议,有深入源码级研究过其实现. 9. 了解掌握rust研发语言,使用rust开发过跨平台的类库. 10. 掌握基于webview的javascript bridge研发,并且了解微信小程序架构原理. 11. 掌握主流开源的网络库,数据库,视频图片处理库的使用.