工作职责: 1.负责医药生态保险解决方案的落地执行,对项目的进度和业务结果负责; 2.负责制定项目推进计划,管理项目推进过程,监控并持续优化项目运营情况,完成业务合作落地的基础管理工作,包括但不限于协议管理、费用结算、产品管理、技术需求推动等; 3.负责领导交办的其他工作。 任职资格: 1.大学本科及以上学历,医药相关专业优先; 2.具备3年及以上保险行业、医药产业、互联网医疗行业从业经验,具有项目管理经验者优先,具有药企PAP、创新支付项目经验者优先; 3.性格乐观开朗,能适应工作压力和敢于面对挑战,有良好的客户群体关系; 4.具有较好的统筹协调和沟通能力、语言表达和文字书写能力以及完整的逻辑思考能力,善于协调内外部资源积极推动项目落地达成并对结果负责。
招主播: 1-抖音平台跟tiktok,对翡翠类目了解较多,对标品,净货镶嵌类有独特的认知,主要卖货小精品,挂件(毛货),成品手镯。 2-有抗压能力,肯自己的想法,时间观念强。 3-直播技能熟练,能把控好节奏,有一定的场控能力,有独特的销售技巧 4-具备账号从0-1的经验,有结果导向,对数据负责。 5-学习能力强愿意与团队共同进退,有责任心,少一份埋怨与抱怨,多一份理解与包容 6-形象气质佳,有感染力,代入感,有一定的互联网思维。 薪资提成面谈,公司地址翡翠新天地2号楼,联系电话/微信***********,期待合作共赢
招主播: 1-抖音平台跟tiktok,对翡翠类目了解较多,对标品,净货镶嵌类有独特的认知,主要卖货小精品,挂件(毛货),成品手镯。 2-有抗压能力,肯自己的想法,时间观念强。 3-直播技能熟练,能把控好节奏,有一定的场控能力,有独特的销售技巧 4-具备账号从0-1的经验,有结果导向,对数据负责。 5-学习能力强愿意与团队共同进退,有责任心,少一份埋怨与抱怨,多一份理解与包容 6-形象气质佳,有感染力,代入感,有一定的互联网思维。 薪资提成面谈,公司地址翡翠新天地2号楼,联系电话/微信***********,期待合作共赢
1-抖音平台跟tiktok,对翡翠类目了解较多,对标品,净货镶嵌类有独特的认知,主要卖货小精品,挂件(毛货),成品手镯。 2-有抗压能力,有自己的想法,时间观念强。 3-直播技能熟练,能把控好节奏,有一定的场控能力,有独特的销售技巧 4-具备账号从0-1的经验,有结果导向,对数据负责。 5-学习能力强愿意与团队共同进退,有责任心,少一份埋怨与抱怨,多一份理解与包容 6-形象气质佳,有感染力,代入感,有一定的互联网思维。
■职位描述: 1、维护并开发新老客户,整合客户需求 2、准确理解客户需求并不断挖掘客户潜在需求,提出专业化解决方案; 3、独立统筹50W以下小型项目,并承担搭建/控台/第三方管理/物料等模块工作; 4、撰写活动落地执行方案,进行内、外部资源协调与工作进度追踪,质量监控,确保项目顺利完成; 5、负责活项现场统筹执行及对各方供应商的管理,及时有效处理突发事件; 6、完成领导交待的其它工作 ■任职资格: 1、教育背景及工作经验: □**本科及以上学历,市场营销等相关专业; □公关公司或相关行业从业经验(至少有2年服务跨国IT、互联网行业客户的经验); 2、知识/技能: □熟知大型活动的运作流程,具有独立组织活动和现场会务管理经验,精通活动项目管理,有服务IT行业客户的经历,有成功案例; □具备独立的上门拜访、客户跟踪和客户管理的能力和沟通经验; 具备策划和讲标能力; □对活动创意、2D/3D和视频的创意呈现具有辨识能力,对活动执行流程的每个细节具有很强的管理把控能力; □熟练使用office软件,具有良好的PPT及相关设计能力。 3、素质要求: □具有较高的敬业精神和诚实、进取、开朗、包容的工作心态,执行能力强,能够承受快节奏的工作强度;
PRODUCT MANAGER WHY YOU WILL LOVE SUPPLY BRIDGE: SUPPLY BRIDGE is an innovative startup that aims to democratize Supply Chain for Manufacturing industry. Our goal is to deliver a Global Platform and unique user experience whilst integrating vertical solutions for the B2B business. We believe in using the latest technology to enhance and rapidly adapt our solutions to the ever-changing demands of Supply Chain. Application of intelligent technologies such as AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain and combining our decades of Industry Know-how is the key to our objective of creating an agile and sustainable end-to-end Solutions for Supply Chain. With a strong international team, Supply Bridge is growing by the day and every new hire will have a significant impact on the culture, the product and the team's success. As a testament to the culture and company we are collectively building, our world-class team is on a mission to provide the best product offering in the world to an industry that's looking for change. THE OPPORTUNITY: SUPPLY BRIDGE is looking for a creative, experienced Product Manager who is motivated to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems in global Supply Chain. User-centric Design & Data are at the heart of our business, you will work to evaluate and provide insights into our digital products. In collaboration with multidisciplinary product, engineering, and business/operations teams, you will help deliver data-driven insights and automated decision-making in SUPPLY BRIDGE’s supply chain products. You will be working with our business, product, and engineering teams to collaborate closely to share domain knowledge, test hypotheses at scale, and develop promising solutions that can be quickly and widely deployed. We are passionate about providing effortlessly accessible intelligence and actionable insights to our end users. Our ideal candidate: user-centric, self-motivated, highly analytical, global-mindset, technically-trained, and passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions. LOCATION: • Preferably SHANGHAI but we are open to remote candidates for this position. RESPONSIBILITIES • Create our digital product from 0-1 • Collect Business Requirements, Conduct periodic product backlog reviews, prioritizing with buy-in from all stakeholders, and representing business, customer, and partner impact • Own the end-to-end product development process, including business case definition, writing and scoping Product Requirement Document, user stories, creating feature specifications, testing and validating pre-release product, and mor • Define, track, and analyze metrics and measures for product performance • Manage and track product development process looking at engineering utilization and velocity • Lead & Drive Standups and Sprints • Take Lead in working with our designers, product managers, and other engineers on your team to solve tough product challenges with clean interfaces and experiences. • Build and deliver great user experiences that revolutionize how things are made (user-centric is key!) PREFFERED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of hands on experience in a fast-paced Marketplace, B2B or B2C SaaS, or product-led tech environment • 0-1 ownership of Digital Product Development experience; • Knowledgeable with global product (design) trends • Knowledge on Data / SQL and Information Security is a plus • Familiar with Wireframing / Prototyping Tools • English as a working language; Experience in working in global, cross-cultural development teams • Excited about startup!
PRODUCT MANAGER WHY YOU WILL LOVE SUPPLY BRIDGE: SUPPLY BRIDGE is an innovative startup that aims to democratize Supply Chain for Manufacturing industry. Our goal is to deliver a Global Platform and unique user experience whilst integrating vertical solutions for the B2B business. We believe in using the latest technology to enhance and rapidly adapt our solutions to the ever-changing demands of Supply Chain. Application of intelligent technologies such as AI, Big Data, Machine Learning, Blockchain and combining our decades of Industry Know-how is the key to our objective of creating an agile and sustainable end-to-end Solutions for Supply Chain. THE OPPORTUNITY: SUPPLY BRIDGE is looking for a creative, experienced Product Manager who is motivated to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems in global Supply Chain. User-centric Design & Data are at the heart of our business, you will work to evaluate and provide insights into our digital products. In collaboration with multidisciplinary product, engineering, and business/operations teams, you will help deliver data-driven insights and automated decision-making in SUPPLY BRIDGE’s supply chain products. Our ideal candidate: user-centric, self-motivated, highly analytical, global-mindset, technically-trained, and passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions. RESPONSIBILITIES • Create our digital product from 0-1 • Collect Business Requirements, Conduct periodic product backlog reviews, prioritizing with buy-in from all stakeholders, and representing business, customer, and partner impact • Own the end-to-end product development process, including business case definition, writing and scoping Product Requirement Document, user stories, creating feature specifications, testing and validating pre-release product, and mor • Define, track, and analyze metrics and measures for product performance • Manage and track product development process looking at engineering utilization and velocity • Lead & Drive Standups and Sprints • Take Lead in working with our designers, product managers, and other engineers on your team to solve tough product challenges with clean interfaces and experiences. • Build and deliver great user experiences that revolutionize how things are made (user-centric is key!) PREFFERED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of hands on experience in a fast-paced Marketplace, B2B or B2C SaaS, or product-led tech environment • 0-1 ownership of Digital Product Development experience; • Knowledgeable with global product (design) trends • Knowledge on Data / SQL and Information Security is a plus • Familiar with Wireframing / Prototyping Tools • English as a working language; Experience in working in global, cross-cultural development teams • Excited about startup! 工作职责: • 从0-1开发产品方案 • 收集业务需求收集梳理相关需求,并提供相应方案,完成高质量的产品需求文档PRD,用户流程图、信息架构图、以及线框图/原型图设计 • 全球相关业务的调研、竞品分析; 定义产品需求,用户故事, • 以用户为中心,研究用户行为,能够敏锐地发现用户痛点、分析问题、独立制定用户体验优化方案,并推动落地 • 管理与跟进产品开发过程: 优先 / 资源 / 速度 • 引领站会与Sprints • 对产品有很强主人翁意识:用简介的设计思维, 与设计师 / 开发团队共同解决难题 • 构建并提供出色的用户体验(重要!),彻底改变用户对产品制造方式的理解 任职要求: • 在快节奏的交易平台,2B/2C SaaS或产品主导的技术环境中拥有3年以上的实践经验 • 对软件开发工程有基础知识 • 0-1 互联网产品开发 • 密切关注国内外的产品(设计)趋势 • 出色的数据分析和解决问题的能力,熟练SQL和信息安全是加分项; • 熟悉线框图/原型图设计 • 具有敏捷方法和短发布周期的经验 • 对细节高度关注; 具备优秀的沟通技巧 • 有国外知名互联网公司工作经验 为加分项 • 英语流利,适应国际化的工作环境 • 没有年龄限制 • 对初创有热情! BENEFITS o Competitive salary o Stock options o Social Benefits o Flexible time off o Remote Working option o Fast self-growth opportunity
FULL STACK SOFTWARE ENGINEER WHY YOU WILL LOVE SUPPLY BRIDGE: SUPPLY BRIDGE is an innovative startup that aims to democratize Supply Chain for Manufacturing industry. Our goal is to deliver a Global Platform and unique user experience whilst integrating vertical solutions for the B2B business. THE OPPORTUNITY: SUPPLY BRIDGE is looking for a creative, experienced Full Stack Software Engineer who is motivated to solve some of the world’s most challenging problems in global Supply Chain. Data is at the heart of our business, you will work to evaluate and provide insights into our physical and digital products. In collaboration with multidisciplinary product, engineering, and business/operations teams, you will help deliver data-driven insights and automated decision-making in SUPPLY BRIDGE’s supply chain products. You will be working with our business, product, and engineering teams to collaborate closely to share domain knowledge, test hypotheses at scale, and develop promising solutions that can be quickly and widely deployed. We are passionate about providing effortlessly accessible intelligence and actionable insights to our end users. Our ideal candidate: self-motivated, highly analytical, technically excellent at writing code, and passionate about delivering cutting-edge solutions. LOCATION: • Preferably SHANGHAI but we are open to remote candidates for this position. RESPONSIBILITIES • Active participation on a software development team designing, coding, testing, and releasing functionality to our customers • Take Lead in working with our designers, product managers, and other engineers on your team to solve tough product challenges with clean interfaces and experiences. • Build and deliver great user experiences that revolutionize how things are made (user-centric is key!) • Create and polish new libraries and components as we build out our applications with React and Node.js • Identify and address performance issues • Encourage good patterns of architecting and organizing the code for long-term maintenance and extensibility PREFFERED QUALIFICATIONS: • 3+ years of hands on experience in a fast-paced Marketplace, SaaS, or product-led tech environment • Demonstrable understanding of software engineering fundamentals and object-oriented programming • Advanced knowledge of enterprise concepts such as web & data security, scalability, transaction management, and multi-threading. VERY ESSENTIAL!!! • Knowledge and demonstrated experience using OOP using C#, Java, C, C++, Python, Golang similar • Knowledge and demonstrated experience of front-end technologies HTML, CSS, DOM, Javascript and the variety of MV* frameworks like React or Angular, AJAX, JQuery, and Typescript • Advanced knowledge of web technologies and protocols • Experience with continuous build and integration using one or more of the following Git, GitLab, Subversion, Ant, Hudson, Maven, Teamcity, Jenkins or other similar • Demonstrated knowledge of principles of service-oriented architectures and ability to lead efforts in defining and implementing a service strategy • Experience with relational and/or SQL databases with understanding of Normalization/Denormalization, Constraints, Logical/Physical Design, Transaction Management, JDBC, Hibernate • Experience with agile methodologies and short release cycles • Strong attention to detail, good work ethic, ability to work on multiple projects simultaneously, and good communication skills • English as a working language; Experience in working in global, cross-cultural development teams • Excited about startup!
工作内容: 1、负责在产品规划评审阶段,提出结构基础性设计意见; 2、负责进行结构可行性评审并进行堆叠设计,并组织评审; 3、独立进行一般项目(项目拆件3-5件间),并进行结构的拆件和细节设计; 4、负责独立与模具厂进行开模评估,能判断常规性出模要求; 5、根据规范执行零部件的选材和工艺方式; 6、负责应对产品工程样机、试产和量产阶段的问题点和改善性需求; 7、负责及时制作竞品拆机分析报告,进行优劣势分析。 任职要求: 1、本科学历,优秀者可放宽,机械类等相关专业,结构、模具等同岗位3年及以上工作经验; 2、熟练使用3D软件,具备一定的曲面造型设计能力,熟练CAD软件制作工程图; 3、熟练办公软件,具备一定的英语读写能力,能看懂常规英文技术资料者优先; 4、有较强的沟通协作能力,抗压能力和自我驱动管理能力。 福利待遇: 1.丰富的薪酬:高底薪+高提成(绩效奖金)+年度双薪+年度奖金构成,拥有在行业领先的薪酬水平和其他相关薪酬激励机制 2.多次调薪政策:每年度依据个人能力和综合表现会有多次调薪机会 3.股权激励:给予优秀员工、与公司一起发展的老员工内部股份(内部股可享受股权分红,奖金视个人能力而定,上不封顶) 4.完善的保障体系: 六险一金,补充商业保险,为您无忧工作保驾护航 5.带薪年假:入职满1周年可享有5天的带薪年假,每满一年增加一天,最多可休10天 6.法定节假日:享受国家规定的假期休假和形式丰富的节假日慰问与祝福 7.爱心婚育礼金:员工结婚和生育小孩,均能获得公司准备的爱意满满的礼金祝贺 8.温情团建活动: (1)每周多次免费下午茶,闲暇一刻,让你享受忙中偷闲的乐趣 (2)定期聚会组织员工聚餐、K歌、户外烧烤、爬山等,工作之余让你精神放飞 (3)每年举行一次大型年会活动和公费外出旅游活动 9.工作环境:公司有冰箱,微波炉,舒适的工作环境,人性化的管理模式
岗位职责: 1、负责物业服务合同的履行,理解和实现服务合同需求及交付 2、负责项目各项服务制度程序的优化和管理,提高客户满意度和效率;负责项目企业文化建设和团队建设,营造良好的工作氛围,提高员工 3的凝聚力、工作执行力和发展潜力: 4、掌握项目总体运作情况,保证各项管理及服务工作的质量,确保项目经济指标及管理指标的完成 5、负责组织对新的招标需求进行应标和投标;定期组织对负责项目的风险识别,并形成报告,对存在隐患制订整改 6、执行力强、皮实、注重质量和效能、贡献意识强、客户关系维护能力强,有业务战略视野 职位要求: 1、管理团队在200人以上,管理园区规模在20万㎡以上: 2、专业能力 (总结的能力、规划的能力、思维逻辑能力、语言表达能力)
工作职责: 1) 全盘负责公司财务核算工作,对日常财务核算、资金运作、税务管理等进行总体管理: 2) 根据公司政策流程参与公司业务决策,提供财务支持,防范及降低财税风险; 3)对公司税收进行整体管理,组织按时完成税务申报以及年度审计工作: 4)监控和预测现金流量,统筹管理和运作公司资金并对其进行有效的风,险控制: 5)对公司内部管理制度的执行情况进行检查和考核,保障公司资金及财产的安全完整负责部门员工完成各项财务工作,进行人员选拔和队伍建设. 任职资格: 1) 8年及以上财务工作经验,拥有至少3年以上四大会计事务所工作经验: 2) ***985/211本科及以上学历: 3) 熟悉企业全盘账务处理: 4) 善于沟通,富有责任心及团队精神,具备较强的独立思考和学习、财务分析能力: 5) 能承受一定的工作压力,必须具备良好的职业道德: 6) 持有CPA、ACCA证书优先: 7) 具备系统思维,熟练使用Excel及ERP系统,有SAP系统经验者优先
咨询顾问 岗位职责: 1.根据客户的招聘,收集和发掘市场的相关信息,协助顾问寻找合适的候选人 2.完善候选人信息,进而辅助搭建,管理和维护公司人才数据库 3.协助顾问进行相关候选人资料的收集、分类、整理,对简历做初步筛选 4.分析不同职位特点并确定目标公司与人选,通讨申话或邮件形式建立联系 5.积极了解目标公司的组织架构及部门情况,为长期搜寻工作做好积累 6.协助顾问完成其他相关工作 职位要求: 1对人力资源咨询行业充满热情与好奇心,抗压能力强,对个人职业规划有清晰方向 2本科及以上学历,管理类与商科专业优先 3.具有逻辑思维,沟通能力与理解能力良好,有长期学习与积累的意识,自我驱动力较强 4.0ffice 软件与工具应用熟练
新媒体运营经理(TO-B 微信公众号运营方向)
[北京·朝阳区] 2023-08-2215k-18k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人岗位职责: 1、常驻某大厂in-house办公,有2B行业经验; 2、负责品牌新媒体账号运营,包括不限于运营方案及内容策划、节点营销策划、运营排期规划、日常内容素材搜集、内容排版及发布等。 3、负责新媒体账号稿件内容撰写及优化,具体创意概念的完善及落地。 4、负责优化新媒体运营手段,以提升用户的活跃度,增强品牌的知名度及美誉度。包括但不限于优化选题和内容,评论区的管理与维护,粉丝的互动活动等。 5、定期了解和搜集行业及竞品信息,优化运营策略及提升内容质量,提高账号内容曝光量、用户参与度、粉丝数量及粘性。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,汉语言文学、广告学、网络与新媒体等专业,有新媒体运营、公众号运营、内容运营等相关经验。 2、文字功底好、思维活跃、创新欲望强烈,并具备很强的新闻敏感性,熟悉各种社交平台、媒体渠道、资源平台、搜索引擎的运营规则和推荐机制。 3、能够熟练使用offce办公软件,简单制图软件。 4、责任心强,做事仔细,学习能力强,有良好的沟通和团队合作能力。 -
岗位要求: 1. 机器学习和图像基础扎实,熟悉深度学习计算机视觉中的经典应用,包括图像分类、检测、分割等。 2. 编程能力强,数据结构与算法基础扎实。 3. 全职实习一周至少4天,包括周中3天+周六。 4. 熟悉Caffe/TensorFlow/PyTorch/Keras等深度学习框架者优先。在相关会议、期刊发表过文章的优先。参加ACM竞赛并取得名次者优先。 岗位职责: 参与实验室图像工作