1、负责公司游戏体验、监控和线上指导,协助解答用户疑问,保障游戏环境积极向上, 2、组织玩家活动、活跃玩家气氛,与用户建立良性沟通关系,提升用户粘性; 3、了解最新活动的更新效果,及时反馈活动情况以及收集反馈玩家意见; 福利待遇 1、大专以上学历,专业不限,不过度沉迷游戏,有较强的自控能力; 2、有游戏客服/GS/游戏公会会长/游戏代练相关经验者优先; 3、热爱游戏,游戏经验丰富,能够快速熟悉游戏系统并找到游戏核心玩法; 4、沟通表达能力强,善于分析用户游戏心理,和人打交道,有较强的主动服务意识; 5、良好的应变能力,能够针对问题及时做出合理的应对和解决方案,
10k-20k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科新零售 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上岗位职责: 1. 品类规划:了解市场趋势和消费者需求,协助上级做好所属品类的整体规划和优化; 2. 采购计划:新品开发、洽谈、选品,控制采购成本,核价/比价,管理/维护供应商关系; 3. 销售管理:负责商品的促销计划,落实已销商品的更替,完成销售目标; 4. 利润管理:随时掌握商品的毛利率和费用比例,及时进行调整; 5. 库存管理:根据销售表现和促销安排等,科学地管理商品库存周转; 6. 数据分析:定期进行销售报表分析,对所负责品类和品牌商品的销售表现进行单品和价格的调整和优化; 7. 资源安排:对所负责品类及品牌产品的资源进行分析和争取,促进品类及品牌的销售和声量提升。 任职条件: 1. 热爱快消行业,了解市场趋势,有美妆/护肤/个人护理品类经验者优先; 2. 具备良好的部门内和跨部门的组织/协调能力,良好的谈判、团队协作能力强; 3. 具备数据敏感度,数据分析能力,熟练使用Powerpoint、Excel 软件; 4. 有判断产品适销度、控制成本和采购经验者优先; 5. 有电子商务经验者优先。
1. 领导digital Marketing/CRM顾问服务团队; 2. 建立和维护客户关系,了解和开发挖掘潜在客户需求; 3. 带领小组完成策略和执行方案的撰写,带领团队完成服务项目的实施工作;具有业務发展能力, 对所领导的团队的P&L负责 职务要求 1. CRM/Social/digital/新零售有3年以上工作经验 2. 至少有3年以上Agency的工作经验/至少有2年的CRM相关工作经验/至少有1年以上的主管经验 Basic Function Team Management Responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of team with an emphasis on retaining and expanding current client business. Responsible for overseeing all client budgets (creating, expanding, forecasting, etc) and ensuring that revenue and account profitability for each client is reached on a monthly basis. Assists Practice Leaders on new business efforts. Qualifications 7- 8 years of agency experience or equivalent Proven experience managing a team from a financial, client delivery and staffing perspective Proven ability to: ? write new business proposals ? manage, retain and grow multiple accounts ? create and manage multiple budgets ? expand client business ? develop strategic communication programs Possesses solid presentation skills, including ability to communicate and sell ideas to prospects Proven leadership skills and sales ability Has an established network of senior industry contacts Duties and Responsibilities Client Service Ability to upsell sell value-add programs/services to current clients. Draws out the best thinking of clients and to ensure pragmatic, well-executed outcomes. Supervises and sets direction of activities in at least three accounts, including client needs, staffing, strategy and budgeting. Delegates client assignments, supervise others and work with other practices and offices. Truly models Best Teams practices and serve clients with the deepest possible expertise. Knows the tools, proprietary insights and methodologies available to best serve clients without creating new ones. Reconstitutes knowledge into marketable, reusable assets to develop new offerings by anticipating needs or meeting demands of current clients. Generates high value by moving the client organization to undertake and enact major change. Positions the firm and other colleagues with clients in ways that build a true institutional partnership. Responsible for building and maintaining client relationships. Has authoritative knowledge of multiple industries and business trends. Assists GM in executing client satisfaction programs. Manages and reviews key client deliverables (i.e. messaging, branding, executive coaching, communications/marketing plans, strategy documents). Identifies “next level” thinking/ideas for clients by tracking industry trends and activities. Assumes creative and strategic direction and oversight on all account assignments. Has regular client contact to ensure the client is satisfied with account activity. Is proactive with clients to address any issues of dissatisfaction. Self/Staff Management Financial Management New Business
游戏客服/玩家运营 工作职责: 1.客服管理:制定客服政策、协调外包团队执行国内运营时的客服服务 2.用户运营:负责用户群管理、公告发布、舆情调查与管理 3.跟踪VIP用户数据,针对VIP用户的核心需求制定服务策略 4.负责处理各类用户疑难问题 职位要求: 1.学历大专及以上,普通话标准,英语水平良好; 2.3年以上游戏客服行业经验,1年以上GM工作经验, 有VIP客服经验; 3.熟悉计算机基本操作及网络知识,熟练使用excel、word等办公软件,有一定的文字文案能力; 4.热爱游戏行业,喜欢玩游戏,喜欢跟玩家打交道; 5.服务意识较强,沟通表达能力良好,具有团队合作精神,有一定分析决策能力,沟通能力较好。
岗位职责: 1.负责及时有效准确的处理已分配的客服工单; 2.负责使用GM工具发放游戏系统公告及活动奖励; 3.负责解答游戏项目各类玩法,系统,活动相关咨询问题; 4.负责处理渠道运营反馈的特殊问题(充值补单,账号登录异常,活动异常等); 5.根据项目需求维护官方QQ群或VIP玩家维护; 6.负责定期总结与合作部门沟通或者工单处理中遇到的问题,并根据问题项提出调优解决建议,跟进其解决进展; 7.熟悉当下热门游戏,深度体验至少两款游戏,能够快速体验游戏并找到游戏核心玩法。 岗位要求: 1、大专及以上学历,要求热爱游戏的小伙伴; 2、优秀的沟通协调能力,积极主动,敢于接受挑战,性格开朗; 3、熟练使用微信,QQ等聊天工具,有良好的沟通能力和表达意识; 4、熟练掌握各类办公软件操作; 5、能接受轮班制(没有夜班); 6、有VIP客服,游戏工会带团经验,投诉问题处理相关工作优先。
职责描述: 负责 OpenHarmony 系统的网络安全协议开发与维护工作,与安全子系统密钥管理、安全元件协作。 任职要求: 1、熟悉OSI模型及通信协议开发,如MQTT、CoAP、HTTPS等,熟悉IEEE802标准; 2、熟悉物联网常用协议并具备研发经验,熟悉AMQP、WiFi、蓝牙BLE、蜂窝、DDS、LoRa、6LoWPAN、LWM2M、Matter、XMPP、Zigbee、Z-Wave等一种或几种; 3、有嵌入式网络通信相关经验者优先; 4、有tls,gm,ipsec相关研发经验者优先。
岗位职责 1.根据策划需求,完成SLG项目功能开发,部署上线。 2.根据运营需求,完成捞取数据,GM工具开发等工作。 3.针对现有项目问题,研究新技术,优化现有代码。 任职要求 1.本科以上学历,计算机,软件工程相关专业。 2.5年以上游戏服务器开发经验,其中3年以上核心成员开发经验。 3.逻辑思维能力超强,能完成大型玩法设计和实现,比如跨服pk,多人竞技类玩法。 4.精通Java语言,计算机基础知识扎实,精通常用算法。 5.熟悉优秀Java框架,熟悉akka,spring等java新技术熟悉者优先。 6.熟悉MongoDB,Redis NoSQL数据库,对AWS相关服务熟悉者等优先。 7.有海外SLG项目研发经验者优先。 8.开放心态、热衷于分享和沟通。
非外包岗,请勿问重复的问题,感谢。 岗位职责: 1、负责游戏GM后台页面开发,以及游戏前后端的业务逻辑 2、主动跟进与处理各模块的bug 3、根据开发进度和任务分配,完成相应模块软件的任务。 任职要求: 1、熟练使用MySql、SpringBoot、ElementUI+Vue; 2、良好的编程习惯,较强的问题分析及解决能力,快速分析和实现产品需求,能独立完成功能模块工作; 3、对游戏行业有较高的兴趣及热情。
岗位职责: 1. 通过业务逻辑和玩家行为,构建并不断优化游戏内不同场景的推荐算法; 2. 从系统应用的角度,通过英雄游戏大数据洞察用户行为并构建用户行为兴趣模型; 3. 追踪数据挖掘、推荐算法等领域的技术发展趋势,并赋能业务; 4. 协助GM搭建算法团队,磨合提高团队技术水平,并拓宽应用场景。 岗位要求: 1. 计算机相关专业,熟悉算法相关理论、算法原理和机器学习基本理论,具备扎实良好的数学基础,有互联网算法工作经验,游戏公司背景优先; 2. 全面了解并精通机器学习算法与概率统计等方面,能熟练运用聚类、分类、回归、排序等模型解决有挑战性的问题 ; 3. 在个性化推荐、精准广告、画像系统等方面有独立模块工作经验和大规模分布式机器学习系统的开发经验; 4. 扎实的编程基础,熟练掌握一种或多种算法开发语言(Python、Spark、Scala)搭建算法框架,熟悉TensorFlow、sklearn、lightgbm等业界主流算法框架; 5. 能够根据业务现状给出智能化解决方案,能协调多方资源推进方案实施。
HR Manager
[上海·徐汇区] 2023-02-2310k-20k 经验5-10年 / 本科营销服务|咨询,MCN|直播平台,文化传媒 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人Postion Profile This role will wear both the Talent Acquisition and HR/admin function hats for the Greater China headquarter office in Shanghai. This role reports to the GM of Greater China. As a Recruiter this person will be supporting hiring managers to help them fill their requisitions. They will handle the entire full cycle from intake to offer. They understand how recruiting works and are running their own desk. At times they will need support from their manager or teammates as they continue to learn and grow. Most likely this person will work on a variety of roles. As a HR coordinator this person will support the entire Greater China team on HR related activities, including but not limited to office management, coordinate various employee matters with foreign services agency, aim to maintain a comfortable and decent work environment for the team. Essential Responsibilities ● Drive the recruiting process ● Meet with hiring managers to understand the role and what they are looking for ● Source and run boolean searches to fill roles (may need assistance on building the proper search strings for each role) ● Build relationships with both candidates and hiring managers ● Solve objections and answer candidates questions (may need assistance from manager or teammates) ● Screen candidates and schedule interviews ● Pre-close candidates (may need assistance from manager or teammates) ● Present the offer ● Meet the hiring timeline and closed HC ● Responsible for providing support and care to GC employees and managers in Greater China ● Ensure employee inquiries are answered and/or properly routed in a timely and caring manner. ● Take ownership in the employee experience and contribute directly to the company culture for all employees. ● Record all employee inquiries and resolutions accurately and effectively ● Organize all team events, including but not limited to weekly lunches, monthly happy hours, holiday dinners, etc. ● Ensure office supplies are ordered in a timely fashion ● Additional administrative/HR tasks assigned by the manager ● Other duties as assigned by the Company. Core Competencies and Required Experience ● Bachelor degree or 5 years+ practical experience ● Strong talent acquisition working experiences ● HR experience across all key functional areas including learning & development, performance management, HR operations and compensation and benefits. ● Admin and finance supervise related working experiences ● Proactive self-starter who instinctively seeks to produce value and push limits ● Good at both spoken and written English This job description is intended to describe the general nature and level of work being performed by people assigned to this job. It is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all responsibilities, skills, efforts or working conditions associated with a job. Reasonable accommodations may be made to enable individuals with disabilities to perform the essential functions. -
工作职责 1、负责游戏的版本管理工作,推进各部门协作,保证版本稳定性。 2、持续关注并维护游戏生态,发现潜在的运营风险并提出解决方案,合理有效的解决运营事故和舆情问题,不出现严重影响游戏生态的事件。 3、协助其他部门一起做好用户服务工作,对GM工具、数据系统、广告系统等工具的优化迭代,提升整体运转效率。 4、具备一定的数据分析能力,对用户需求和产品进行调研分析,做好竞品分析,对产品提出改进意见,提升用户满意度。 岗位要求: 1、3年以上游戏运营经验,独立负责过版本管理工作,有完整的项目经验的优先。 2、精通韩语或者日语,热爱游戏,了解日本或韩国市场的玩家心理。有韩国或者日本的留学经历优先。 3、优秀的沟通能力和逻辑能力,能与开发团队以及其它部门进行有效沟通,推动各部门协作配合。 4、在用户沟通、用户需求、舆情管理方面积累了相关经验,并形成方法论。
新媒体运营职责 负责相关短视频平台及官方微信公众号的运营工作,从垂类内容、用户活跃到商业变现整个生态运营,包括內部孵化、外部洽谈导入及运营、内容商业化变现等。对栏目内容的数量、质量、阅读量、孵化和签约数量、生产效率、商业化产品负责。 一、栏目內容运营: 从内容的调性定位、供给生产到稳定持续增长,包括组建内容团队,制定月度攻略产岀计划;内容生产方面内部iP打造,达人孵化,制定內容标准和运营策略,策划短视频节目,联系视频头部创作者及外部MCN,协调各频道资源位,参与招商提案和议价。 1、内容引入:制定引入运营管理策略,控制内容生产成本;打造百万粉丝垂类产品,内外部孵化挖掘达人,创作点赞过W、播放量上亿的视频内容。 2、活动策划:通过社会热点、突发事件、深度专题、节假日等线上线下活动策划来拓宽内容生产的广度,提高用户的活跃和粘性,增加播放量。 3、内容分发:根据用户属性和行为画像分析等了解用户喜好,制作相关内容分发给用户,满足用户长尾需求;APP全量、定向、个性化PUSH的执行和推送,跟进运营数据及定期数据复盘,及时调整优化,对打开量、打开率负责。 二、∪GC、KOL达人运营: 主要负责KOL达人的导入、孵化、內容生产和商业化变现等工作。根据不同合作阶段、不同类型层级的达人建立达人成长档案,制定达人全生命周期运营成长体系策略。 1、引入:内部达人挖掘孵化,外部目标平台挖掘,MCN、PGC洽谈,线上线下招募活动,为平台签约垂直类别KOL达人。 2、促活:搭建等级制度、成长体系、收益体系,策划内外部热点话题、任务发放及激励活动,通过话题、活动等以流量扶持帮助有一定基础的达人涨粉。 3、管理:根据达人的內容质量、频率、稳定性、內容产出成本等制定准入、激励、清退机制。 三、MCN、PGC机构运营: PGC、MCN的洽谈、导入和运营,针对机构达人内容作岀指导,通过活动、流量扶持等保证机构的留存、日活、以及内容贡献数量和质量,对创作者数量、内容质量负责,负责抖音、头条号、号外、征文、超级话题及其他内容产品的运营培训。 制定MCN运营手册、入驻规范和政策、MCN季度、年度新增拓展指标、MCN分类、分级管理标准以及MCN违规惩戒规定等。 四、商业化变现运营: 平台商家引入的对接和运营管理,KOL、MCN机构商业化变现对接。撰写内容营销方案并参与提案,维护各领域KOL创作者,负责商业化直播接洽,针对整合营销搭建科学化传播模型、舆情控制带货效果模型。通过垂类内容、活动、产品迭代、数据、流量扶持等为商家导流,提高GM∨,实现内容商业化变现。 建立并促进达人与商家的合作关系,负责访谈和直播栏目,参加合作方新品发布会、行业展会,执行推进活动、统筹协调活动资源,跟踪平台日常运营情况,快速解决运营中岀现的各种问题,形成优质的人货品配网络,搜集、整理和反馈产品需求,协助产品经理不断迭代精选联盟,提高人货匹配的效率。 五、数据运营: 通过用户、内容、产品、KOL、MCN机构和商业化产品的数据如抖音推荐机制、头部创作者传播分析、抖音人群画像分析、抖音蓝V数据,制作蓝数据月度榜单,分析生产者、栏目内容的质量和效率及转化情况,制定优化内容生产增长策略。 六、产品运营: 收集用户使用反馈,推进产品迭代,提升用户体验,包括内容推荐、搜索、数据统计分析等产品功能。
Job Description: Develop Plans and Schedules; Develop Criteria and Requirements; Prepare & Conduct test; Report ADV Status; Support Quality Processes; Lead / Support Evaluation Procedure Development; Gain and Submit Best Practices, Lessons Learned and customer surveys; Support ADV process to reduce Hardware and to realize RLM (Road- Lab-Math) strategy; Lead Export validation activities in foreign countries with ***** partners; Support Vehicle Validation - Type Approval Activities; Lead work with internal and external customers and suppliers; participate in Problem Solving Teams; participate in DFMEA work groups; Build and Lead Vehicle and/or Commodity ADV Sub-plans; Review Program/Process Results; Document and Update Product/Process Knowledge; Analyzes and interprets resulting data from tests (resolves data anomalies); Maintains frequent communication with customers; Prepares formal written test reports; Frequent contact with team members outside of work group. Additional Job Description: Job Description We are seeking motivated candidates for an Electrification Lead position in GM China Electrification group at ATC (Advanced Technical Center). The position leads team involved in-vehicle and lab work, along with related analytical and development activities. Electrification Lead engage in cross-functional teams and GM Global team, are expected to handle multiple projects/priorities, and frequently need to balance planned and unplanned work. Position Description: This position will lead electrification, battery, and propulsion system engineering works on GM vehicles. You will organize the team utilizing system hardware/software troubleshooting skills to resolve issues. In addition, you'll manage the product and components development within China interfacing with global expertise Responsibilities: Leadership / management responsibilities over project team for Electrification Responsibilities include planning and directing work, addressing complaints and resolving problems. Possesses the interpersonal skills to build relationships with key stakeholders responsible for the decision-making process. Actively listens, probes, and identifies concerns. Develop and optimize electrification systems to meet requirements and timing Familiar with electrification standards, industry and conduct benchmarking activities Understands customer's needs in China and speaks their language. Coordinating / monitoring project documentation, timelines, technical performance, budget, production, quality deliverables, and corrective action initiatives Conduct project reviews to ensure high quality deliverables Organize, plan, and coordinate development activities with global team and expertise Support identification of requirements for resources to develop product Develop, use, and optimize process in project development Participate in Global and program meetings with resolution and voice from China Participate in development trips and related test activities Required Qualifications: Master of Engineering or equivalent discipline Manage engineering team developing electrification systems and projects Five years of post-graduation engineering experience Independent worker requiring little direction and works well in a team environment Excellent planner and complex problem solver High level of oral and written communication skills including English & Chinese Experience with data acquisition and analysis Knowledge of and passion for electrification propulsion systems Preferred Qualifications: Controls and/or calibration experience Experience with tools commonly used: Vehicle Spy, Matlab/Simulink Key Behaviors: Build Effective Team Drive for Results Dealing with ambiguity Prioritization and decision-making skills Action-oriented Exceptional communication and presentation skills Customer-focused Integrity and Trust Problem Solving Conflict management
工作职责: 1. 负责SLG游戏服务器核心功能模块的设计与实现。 2. 负责GM工具的开发与维护。 3. 分析系统的问题,增强服务器稳定性,优化服务器性能 岗位要求 1、本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上服务器端开发经验; 2、精通至少一门常用服务器开发语言,熟悉PHP及golang优先; 3、熟悉分布式系统架构,熟悉分布式缓存、消息队列等技术; 4、熟悉MySQL等关系型数据库和NoSQL数据库,有大规模数据处理经验; 5、具备良好的系统设计和架构能力,熟练掌握常用设计模式和算法; 6、具备良好的团队合作精神和沟通能力,能够与产品、测试、运维等团队协作; 7、有SLG游戏或MMO游戏开发经验者优先考虑
核心本地商业(Core ***** Commerce)是美团“零售+科技”战略的重要载体,涵盖了到餐、到综、住宿、门票度假和交通、民宿、外卖、履约配送、闪购、医药等超过200个消费场景,致力于通过“随时随地”的商品和服务,满足消费者的多样性需求,帮大家吃得更好,生活更好。核心本地商业扎根本地消费,围绕消费者的“吃、住、行、游、购、娱”进行深度创新,引领发展了即时零售、团购等多种消费业态,并在全国范围内广泛投资发展本地供给、履约平台等设施,助力创造产业、带动就业。基于多年的持续投入,核心本地商业打造了连接全国超过一千万中小微企业的服务体系,以及全球最大的即时配送网络。由核心本地商业所推行的30分钟“万物到家”体系,已覆盖全国2800多个城镇,为数亿用户提供优质的商品与服务。发展过程中,核心本地商业有效助力商超、连锁、本地小店等各类实体经济主体扩大交易规模、降低交易成本。截至目前,核心本地商业日均创造订单量数千万笔,助力千万商户实现了高质量发展。未来,核心本地商业将继续践行美团“零售+科技”战略,通过更大的投资,更多的技术创新,支持、培育消费新业态,为促进消费、服务民生、带动就业作出力所能及的贡献。欢迎优秀的你加入核心本地商业,我们携手助力市场繁荣,为用户创造更好的消费体验。 岗位职责 1.负责招聘工作,包括制定招聘计划、发布招聘信息、筛选简历、安排面试等。 2.参与部门的校招社招工作,建立良好的人才供给渠道。 3.协助完成招聘流程的跟踪和分析,及时调整和优化招聘策略,确保招聘效果。 岗位基本需求 1.毕业时间是2025年的大学本科生或研究生,人力资源管理、心理学等相关专业优先。 2.具备良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,能够积极主动地开展工作。 3.对人力资源管理有一定的了解,有相关实习经验者优先考虑。 岗位亮点 1.参与部门人才招聘战略规划,成为公司未来人力资源管理精英的摇篮。 2.获得专业的培训机会和职业发展空间,与优秀的团队共同成长。 3.在洛阳市这座历史文化名城中,体验不一样的工作氛围和生活节奏。