岗位职责: Job Title: 网络工程师 Engineer of Network Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Duties 1. 网络架构优化:分析和评估现有网络架构,提出优化与改进方案,持续推进网络升级,提升网络性能并实现降本增效。 2. 网络设计与规划:维护现有网络文档,负责新建网络架构的设计与规划,包括拓扑设计、子网划分和IP地址规划。 3. 技术支持:研究新兴网络技术与产品,为网络的扩展和升级提供技术支持。 4. 项目管理:负责校园项目的设计对接和管理,领导并推进新建网络项目。 5. 跨部门协调:与其他部门协作,确保网络设计满足业务需求。 6. 实施与调试:负责新建项目的网络实施和调试,确保网络架构符合校园需求。 7. 网络安全:根据网络安全要求,对校园网设备进行规划和策略设计,保障网络安全性。 8. 网络优化:优化校园内网的有线和无线组网,以及公网路由配置。 9. 架构持续优化:不断优化组网架构以满足各种应用需求。 10 .监控平台:负责网络监控平台的建设和维护。 11. 基础设施管理:管理和维护DDI、AD、运营商出口等网络基础设施。 12. 文档归档:编写并归档运维文档,包括用户手册、故障排查和功能配置手册。 13. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络的各类问题和咨询。 14. 政策执行:与各部门合作,确保网络相关政策的落实。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历与经验:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上相关工作经验;有3年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关网络岗位工作经验者优先。 2. 网络基础知识:精通OSI模型、TCP/IP协议,具备扎实的数通理论基础。 3. 实践经验:有BGP、OSPF、VxLAN、VRRP、MPLS等协议配置经验。 4. SDN实施经验:熟悉至少一家主流厂商的园区SDN方案并具备实施经验。 5. 故障排查能力:丰富的网络故障排查经验,能够快速解决网络问题。 6. 开源监控工具:熟悉并能够独立部署和维护Zabbix、Prometheus等开源监控工具。 7. 认证加分:具备HCIP/HCIE认证者优先。 8. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和沟通能力。 9. 沟通协作:具备出色的沟通和人际交往能力,能够与各团队和供应商良好合作。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
岗位要求: 1. 网络设计:根据业务需求设计和实施网络解决方案,确保可扩展性、可靠性和安全性。 2. 网络实施:部署和配置网络设备,例如路由器、交换机、防火墙和负载均衡器。安装网络布线和连接并排除故障。 3. 网络协议和技术:具备 TCP/IP、VLAN、OSPF、BGP、MPLS、VPN、DNS、DHCP 和其他相关网络协议和技术方面的专业知识。 4. 网络安全:实施和实施网络安全措施,包括防火墙、访问控制列表 (ACL)、入侵检测/预防系统 (IDS/IPS) 和 VPN。执行定期安全审计和漏洞评估。 5. 网络监控和故障排除:监控网络性能,识别和解决网络问题,并执行根本原因分析。利用网络监控工具并实施主动措施,以确保高可用性和性能。 6. 文档和报告:创建和维护网络文档,包括网络图、配置和标准操作程序。生成有关网络性能、容量和安全性的报告。 7. 项目管理:参与项目策划和协调。与跨职能团队合作,确保在规定的时间表和预算内成功部署网络。 工作时间: 9:00-18:00(可弹性工作), 周末固定双休(如遇周末值班或加班,安排调休),有居家办公可能 公司福利: 带薪培训,带薪年假,晋升空间,节日福利,团队聚餐,外企较灵活的办公氛围等等 能力要求: 能力要求:英语听说读写精通; 执行力+沟通能协调能力+抗压力 有外企工作经验优先 有PMP管理经验优先
岗位职责: 1、负责公司紧固件产品的国外市场推广销售工作,协助经理完成销售目标; 2、负责订单的执行,跟踪,了解订单状态,跟进产品的生产进度,及时解决和沟通销售中的问题; 3、对客户的价格比较,掌握市场信息,提出价格改变的合理化建议; 4、收集市场信息,包括市场行情,客户信息,竞争对手信息等,进行分析研究,提出自己的观点和建议; 5、按照公司的运营流程执行订单的操作,负责完成订单的下单,沟通,出货,确保出货日期符合客户要求;并保证出货率,提高订单的准确率; 6、熟悉外贸跟单流程,了解客户的需求,及时跟进订单的进度,做好客户的出货通知,确保出货的准确率和出货时间; 7、跟进订单的执行,确保订单的交付日期符合客户的需要,及时解决和客户产生的问题,确保客户的满意度; 8、负责订单的执行,跟进产品的生产进度,及时解决和客户产生的问题,确保订单的准确率和交付时间; 9、对客户的价格进行比较,提出价格改变的合理化建议; 10、收集市场信息,包括市场行情,客户信息,竞争对手信息等,进行分析研究,提出自己的观点和建议。 岗位要求: 1、本科及以上学历; 2、3年及以上外贸工作经验; 3、熟悉外贸跟单流程,了解客户的需求,及时跟进订单的进度,做好客户的出货通知,确保出货的准确率和出货时间; 4、熟悉出口流程,熟悉国际贸易法规,贸易术语; 5、具备良好的沟通能力和协调能力,有良好的服务意识,具有团队协作精神; 6、具有良好的工作态度和敬业精神,能承受一定的工作压力; 7、有五金外贸工作经验者优先。
岗位职责: 1. 负责公司网络产品线的销售工作,完成销售任务和目标; 2. 开拓新市场,发展新客户,维护现有客户关系,提高客户满意度; 3. 收集市场信息,分析竞争对手,制定有效的销售策略; 4. 协助市场部进行产品推广活动,参与展会、研讨会等市场活动; 5. 跟进销售合同的签订、执行及回款工作; 6. 及时反馈客户需求、问题和建议,协助公司改进产品和服务。 任职要求: 1. 大专及以上学历,计算机、通信、网络等相关专业; 2. 年龄 30 岁以下,具备良好的沟通和团队协作能力; 3. 具有 1 年以上网络产品销售经验,熟悉网络行业市场; 4. 具备较强的学习能力,能快速掌握公司产品知识; 5. 具备优秀的沟通、谈判和解决问题能力; 6. 有责任心,能承受较大的工作压力,有较强的自我驱动力。 我们提供: 1. 具有竞争力的薪酬待遇和完善的社会福利; 2. 良好的职业发展空间和丰富的培训机会; 3. 舒适的办公环境和优秀的团队氛围。 欢迎有志之士加入我们的团队,共同创造美好未来!
20k-40k·16薪 经验3-5年 / 本科金融业 / 天使轮 / 50-150人岗位职责: 1、根据业务需求,进行云平台网络和职场网络的架构设计、实施和运维工作。 2、负责整体网络的运维体系构建、技术标准制定和相关运维工具建设。 3、执行网络相关监控、性能调整、告警处理、故障排除和维护工作。 4、负责网络资源利用率的优化和提升,以及成本管理。 5、制定和设计、优化整体网络的高可用性及容灾方案,支持容灾恢复相关的工作。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机科学或相关专业。 2、5年以上网络运维相关经验,有思科CCIE、CCNP认证优先。有阿里、腾讯、华为、AWS、Azure公有云运维经验优先,有金融或者互联网运维经验优先。 3、具备良好的英语读写能力,能够阅读和撰写技术文档。 4、精通TCP/IP、OSPF、BGP、MPLS-VPN、STP等网络路由交换协议原理。 5、熟悉SDN体系架构原理、具备公有云VPC网络的架构设计和运维能力。 6、熟悉广域网质量监控,以及网络质量监控方案。 7、熟悉思科、华为、H3C、山石、PA等主流厂商路由、交换、防火墙设备的配置、管理和监控。 8、熟悉NAT、VPN、负载均衡、SDN、NFV、GRE、VXLAN等网络技术,并有较强的故障分析排查能力和丰富的处理经验。 9、有网络设备产品或网络自动化开发经验者优先。 10、有强烈的责任心、良好的沟通协调能力、极强的业务推动能力,勇于接受挑战。
工作职责 1、基础设施运维,包括KVM、Vmware、Kubernetes等技术方向 2、运维体系建设,包括标准化、可观测性、故障诊断等运维能力 3、运维平台建设,规划并设计自动化方案,持续提升运维效率,控制运维风险 任职要求 1、计算机相关专业,大学本科及以上学历,5年以上运维经验 2、熟悉Linux内核原理,熟悉CPU、Memory、I/O、Network性能问题的诊断 3、熟悉TCP/IP原理,熟悉SDN虚拟化原理、Calico/Flannel等容器网络原理 4、熟悉Kubernetes原理,具备KVM/Vmware虚拟化运维经验优先 5、有ITIL/SRE等实践经验优先,熟悉云平台IaaS架构优先,有大规模主机/集群运维经验优先 6、责任心强、良好的沟通能力、团队协作能力
工作职责 1、基础设施运维,包括KVM、Vmware、Kubernetes等技术方向; 2、运维体系建设,包括标准化、可观测性、故障诊断等运维能力; 3、运维平台建设,规划并设计自动化方案,持续提升运维效率,控制运维风险。 任职要求 1、计算机相关专业,大学本科及以上学历,5年以上运维经验; 2、熟悉Linux内核原理,熟悉CPU、Memory、I/O、Network性能问题的诊断; 3、熟悉TCP/IP原理,熟悉SDN虚拟化原理、Calico/Flannel等容器网络原理; 4、熟悉Kubernetes原理,具备KVM/Vmware虚拟化运维经验优先 5、有ITIL/SRE等实践经验优先,熟悉云平台IaaS架构优先,有大规模主机/集群运维经验优先; 6、责任心强、良好的沟通能力、团队协作能力。
1、基础设施运维,包括KVM、Vmware、Kubernetes等技术方向 2、运维体系建设,包括标准化、可观测性、故障诊断等运维能力 3、运维平台建设,规划并设计自动化方案,持续提升运维效率,控制运维风险 任职要求 1、计算机相关专业,大学本科及以上学历,5年以上运维经验 2、熟悉Linux内核原理,熟悉CPU、Memory、I/O、Network性能问题的诊断 3、熟悉TCP/IP原理,熟悉SDN虚拟化原理、Calico/Flannel等容器网络原理 4、熟悉Kubernetes原理,具备KVM/Vmware虚拟化运维经验优先 5、有ITIL/SRE等实践经验优先,熟悉云平台IaaS架构优先,有大规模主机/集群运维经验优先 6、责任心强、良好的沟通能力、团队协作能力
15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The main missions & responsibilities for the position are the following: Executes tests based on formal Test Procedures. Possesses advanced knowledge in the key principles and practices of Penetration Testing and Procedures. Like fuzz test, stress test, password cracking etc. Strategizes Test Scenarios and Execution of Penetration Tests. Works with project teams to explain the vulnerabilities. Creates and enhances Test Procedures and Methods. Bring security support to Business Unit projects on offer development through high level consultation post the test. Work closely with other Pen testers, project teams and SDL process teams to work on research, investigations, definition of SoP(standard operating Procedures), deployments, training, creating assets for efficiency in the cyber-security practices. Investigate potential 3rd party cyber security offer\tools (startup, etc.) to improve the global security level of our offers. Understand impact of various standards like IEC 62443 \ Data Privacy (US, GDPR…), IoT/Edge/cloud standard and regulation and make proposals for the improvement in our testing practices. Work with cyber security stakeholders (Schneider IT security team, BU teams, lawyer) on all the different aspect of IoT & Cloud security (network, server, secure application development, security operation …). Qualifications PREFERRED ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Technology or equivalent work experience Certifications like OSCP, SANS GPEN, SANSGWAPT or any other industry accredited security certifications would be preferred · Understanding of at least three of the following: cryptography, fuzzing, hardware security, kernel hacking, and reverse engineering · Developing, extending, or modifying exploits, shellcode or exploit tools OT/IoT security assessments · Experience in reverse engineering
Job Title: Technician/Senior Technician(IT Support) 技术员/高级技术员(IT支持) Department: Function Hub, HKUST(GZ) 功能枢纽 Job ID: Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. Function Hub is a cross-disciplinary research platform including all research fields of science and engineering as well as the related applications. Our Vision is to unlock the potential of basic elements in hard and natural sciences, and seek advanced and sustainable solutions to address real-world problems, thus benefitting mankind and the advancement of humanity. The Hub primarily comprises four thrust areas: Advanced Materials(AMAT), Earth, Ocean And Atmospheric Sciences(EOAS), Microelectronics(MICS), Sustainable Energy And Environment(SEE). We are currently seeking an experienced IT Engineer to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidate will have a strong background in IT infrastructure, network administration, and system maintenance. Duties 1. Installing, configuring, and maintaining hardware and software systems 2. Manage and maintain the hub’s IT infrastructure, including servers, networks, and databases 3. Provide technical support to faculty and staff members 4. Purchase and maintain IT equipment and other assets 5. Support the buildup and overall management of laboratories 6. Perform other duties and responsibilities as assigned by supervisor(s) Qualification Requirements 1. Bachelor’s degree in computer science or related field 2. 3 years of experience in IT engineering or related field is preferred 3. Good analytical and critical thinking skills, excellent problem-solving skills 4. Able to multi-task, detail-minded with good communication skills 5. Ability to work independently and as part of a team
【岗位职责】 1.场景挖掘 研究社区里的各种奇妙需求,找出那些能让大家生活更智能、便利的新场景。然后,发挥你的创意,设计出超酷的解决方案! 把用户的数据分析得像个侦探,找到社区物联网场景需要优化的“隐秘角落”,给它们来个大变样! 2.项目实施 参与项目的需求分析,方案制定、设备选型、测试, 和团队一起攻克部署、调试、优化所有难题,让项目按时高质量交付。 跟踪项目进展,遇到技术问题别怕,迅速解决,保证进度不拖延! 3.技术支持 给客户提供“老司机”级别的技术咨询和培训,让他们轻松上手。 客户有反馈?没问题!你将第一时间响应,提供现场和远程支持,确保系统“流畅如飞”! 【任职要求】 1.学历背景 学历不限,专业不限,但如果你是物联网、电子信息、计算机、自动化这些专业的,我们欢迎你带着知识的“光环”来! 2.技术能力 2.1 熟悉MQTT、CoAP、LoRa、ZigBee这些物联网协议,如果你对它们如数家珍,那你肯定是个物联网小能手! 2.2 了解OneNet、阿里云IoT或其他IoT平台的操作,玩转物联网设备接入和管理。 2.3 熟悉常见传感器与网关设备的接入整合?没问题!你应该像玩积木一样,轻松搞定。 2.4 网络技术(TCP/IP、WiFi、5G)应是你手到擒来的技术,安全性也是你的一项必杀技! 3.经验 3.1 如果你曾经有过社区物联网项目的经验,那简直是我们的“梦中情人”! 3.2 硬件调试或嵌入式软件开发经验的加分哦,但没这方面经验也不担心,我们有足够的培训让你飞起来! 4.软技能 4.1 良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,会成为你最强的“技能点”! 4.2 对客户服务有责任心,遇到问题可以独立分析解决,还能稳得住局面,那你就是我们需要的人! 【Job Responsibilities】 1.Scene Exploration Research the various unique needs within the community to identify new scenarios that can make life smarter and more convenient. Then, unleash your creativity to design amazing solutions! Analyze user data like a detective to uncover "hidden corners" in the community's IoT scenarios that need optimization and give them a complete makeover! 2.Project Implementation Lead the demand analysis, solution design, device selection, and testing for IoT projects, ensuring that every detail is perfect. Coordinate with the team to tackle deployment, debugging, and optimization challenges, ensuring the project is delivered on time and with high quality. 3.Technical Support Provide "expert-level" technical consultation and training to clients, helping them get up to speed and transition to the cloud smoothly. Got client feedback? No problem! You’ll be the first to respond, offering both on-site and remote support to ensure the system runs "smoothly and efficiently"! 【Job Requirements】 1.Educational Background Bachelor’s degree or above, with no specific major requirements. However, if you have a background in IoT, Electronic Information, Computer Science, or Automation, we’d love to see you bring your knowledge and expertise to the team! 2.Technical Skills 2.1 Familiar with IoT protocols like MQTT, CoAP, LoRa, ZigBee? If you know these like the back of your hand, you're definitely an IoT expert! 2.2 Proficient in using platforms like OneNet and Alibaba Cloud IoT, with experience in device integration and management. 2.3 Familiar with sensor communication protocols and gateway device integration? No problem! You should be able to handle these tasks as easily as building with blocks. 2.4 Network technologies (TCP/IP, Wi-Fi, 5G) are second nature to you, and security is one of your strongest suits! 3.Practical Experience 3.1 If you’ve worked on community IoT projects before, you’re our "dream candidate"! 3.2 Experience with hardware debugging or embedded software development is a plus, but don’t worry if you don’t have this experience—we provide ample training to help you soar! 4.Soft Skills 4.1 Strong communication skills and a collaborative team spirit— these will be your superpowers! 4.2 A sense of responsibility for customer service, the ability to independently analyze and solve problems, and staying calm under pressure—if this describes you, you’re exactly who we’re looking for!
技能要求: 会韩语优先,其余可入职后学习,办公自动化,系统维护 岗位内容: 1. 韩语/朝鲜语四级及以上,有韩语留学经验也可以,口语良好,笔译良好; 2. PC/笔记本管理,SW许可证管理,一般文件管理,IT消耗品管理,Network 管理,财务结算凭证提交; 3. 隶属经营管理室,负责电算总务管理。 岗位要求: 1.本科及以上学历,韩语/朝鲜语专业优先,计算机,信息技术等相关专业有限,重要的是会韩语。 2.必须会韩语,20-32岁左右,****,男女不限。 3.有临时性业务安排或者节假日期间,可接受电算值班或者加班作业。 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,韩语朝鲜语专业优先,要求35岁以下; 2、EXCEL表格制作,办公软件熟练操作,学习能力强; 3、能适应加班工作,最好有IT电算网络管理相关经验,无经验也可以,学习能力强,能接受IT工作也可以,从新学习; 4、之前未应聘过公司的正式工,派遣工及临时工; 5、工作认真负责,有责任心、吃苦耐劳及服从安排; 6、本人不得隐瞒身体患有疾病,需主动告知. 公司福利: 1、五险一金,入职即按月缴纳,试用期也给予缴纳。 2、设有职务补贴、婚丧补贴、生子补贴等福利。 3、加班补贴,加班费严格按照平日1.5倍周末2倍法定日3倍支付。 4、出差补贴,国内国外1800-2400元按照出差地不同每月不等。 5、住宿补贴,话费补贴,交通补贴,餐费补贴,高温补贴。 6、享有法定节假日,如五一、十一、清明、端午、春节等法定节假日休假, 入社满一年享有带薪年假,重大节假日组织活动或者公司发放的其他福利等。 工作时间: 周一至周五,早8至晚5,周末双休。如有加班,另外支付加班补贴。 平日1.5倍周末2倍法定日3倍。 公司中国总务位于山东威海,威海经济技术开发区贝卡尔特88-1号威海电美世光机电有限公司, 有意向请直接投递简历即可。 职位福利:五险一金、绩效奖金、加班补助、交通补助、餐补、房补、通讯补助、带薪年假
Job Responsibilities | 工作内容 - Back-End Development & Maintenance: Develop RESTful APIs with Java and Spring Boot, ensuring efficient data processing and fast responses. - System Architecture Design: Contribute to distributed system design and microservices implementation, improving system availability and scalability. - Database Optimization: Optimize MariaDB and MySQL databases, and enhance caching and flexibility using NoSQL (e.g., Redis, MongoDB). - Containerization & Deployment: Use Docker for service containerization, and participate in Kubernetes deployment and management to ensure consistency and scalability. - Message Queue Management: Design message handling mechanisms with Kafka or RabbitMQ, supporting system decoupling and concurrency. - New Technology Application: Stay informed on new tech trends to improve development efficiency and system quality, and contribute to technical discussions and optimization. Qualifications | 任职资格 - Bachelor’s degree or higher in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or related fields, with over 3 years of experience in backend development. - Proficient in Java programming, with a good understanding of JVM fundamentals. Skilled in common frameworks such as Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, and MyBatis, with hands-on project experience. - Expertise in MariaDB, MySQL, and other relational databases, with a basic understanding of NoSQL databases. Familiarity with big data tools and simple data processing experience is preferred. - Familiar with Docker container technology, with basic container deployment experience. Understanding of Kubernetes (K8s) concepts and initial hands-on experience. - Knowledgeable in distributed system architecture principles, with experience in building distributed systems. Familiarity with microservices architecture, memory management, tuning methods, and proficiency in performance debugging. - Well-versed in common network protocols (e.g., HTTP, TCP/IP). Understanding of message queues such as Kafka and RabbitMQ, with foundational knowledge in message decoupling and asynchronous processing. - In-depth knowledge of Go language and its frameworks, with the ability to independently design high-performance RESTful services. - Passionate about technology, with the ability to quickly adapt to new technologies and tools. Additional Skills | 加分项 - DevOps Practice Experience: Proficient in CI/CD tools such as Jenkins and GitLab CI, with experience in automated deployment and integration workflows. Familiar with system monitoring tools like Prometheus and Grafana, as well as log management tools such as ELK stack, with the ability to optimize system operations and maintenance. - Cloud Platform Experience: Experienced in deployment and management on cloud computing platforms like AWS, Azure, and GCP. Capable of efficiently deploying and maintaining backend services in cloud environments. Knowledgeable in cloud-native technologies and services (e.g., S3 storage, cloud functions) to enhance system reliability and availability. - Database Optimization and Big Data Processing: Skilled in optimizing complex SQL queries and proficient in database indexing strategies to provide solutions for big data processing. Experience with time-series databases like TimescaleDB and InfluxDB, with expertise in handling and storing time-series data.
1.开拓整合全球CPI/CPA/CPL/CPS流量供应商,如国内外Affliate, Media buyer team, Ad network,国内外开发者等; 2.根据渠道流量类型,结合流量类型,与运营一起优化流量和需求的适配; 3.维护、深化与渠道的客户关系,挖掘流量潜力,提高流量整体交付质量; 4.监控渠道运营及广告投放数据,不断优化渠道的流量,把控渠道推广与运营的风险; 5.收集各种市场信息,分析整理行业竞争对手情况,并及时反馈给上级与其他有关部门。任职资格: 1.本科以上学历,英语流利,对网盟产品和业务逻辑有深刻的理解,有两年以上流量/渠道开拓经验; 2.工作积极主动,为人正直,具有出色的沟通协调、团队协作能力; 3.具备良好的时间管理及多任务管理能力; 4.对数据敏感,有较强的数据分析和总结归纳能力; 5.富有责任感,适应互联网团队文化和节奏
1. 领导digital Marketing/CRM顾问服务团队; 2. 建立和维护客户关系,了解和开发挖掘潜在客户需求; 3. 带领小组完成策略和执行方案的撰写,带领团队完成服务项目的实施工作;具有业務发展能力, 对所领导的团队的P&L负责 职务要求 1. CRM/Social/digital/新零售有3年以上工作经验 2. 至少有3年以上Agency的工作经验/至少有2年的CRM相关工作经验/至少有1年以上的主管经验 Basic Function Team Management Responsible for the day-to-day management and operations of team with an emphasis on retaining and expanding current client business. Responsible for overseeing all client budgets (creating, expanding, forecasting, etc) and ensuring that revenue and account profitability for each client is reached on a monthly basis. Assists Practice Leaders on new business efforts. Qualifications 7- 8 years of agency experience or equivalent Proven experience managing a team from a financial, client delivery and staffing perspective Proven ability to: ? write new business proposals ? manage, retain and grow multiple accounts ? create and manage multiple budgets ? expand client business ? develop strategic communication programs Possesses solid presentation skills, including ability to communicate and sell ideas to prospects Proven leadership skills and sales ability Has an established network of senior industry contacts Duties and Responsibilities Client Service Ability to upsell sell value-add programs/services to current clients. Draws out the best thinking of clients and to ensure pragmatic, well-executed outcomes. Supervises and sets direction of activities in at least three accounts, including client needs, staffing, strategy and budgeting. Delegates client assignments, supervise others and work with other practices and offices. Truly models Best Teams practices and serve clients with the deepest possible expertise. Knows the tools, proprietary insights and methodologies available to best serve clients without creating new ones. Reconstitutes knowledge into marketable, reusable assets to develop new offerings by anticipating needs or meeting demands of current clients. Generates high value by moving the client organization to undertake and enact major change. Positions the firm and other colleagues with clients in ways that build a true institutional partnership. Responsible for building and maintaining client relationships. Has authoritative knowledge of multiple industries and business trends. Assists GM in executing client satisfaction programs. Manages and reviews key client deliverables (i.e. messaging, branding, executive coaching, communications/marketing plans, strategy documents). Identifies “next level” thinking/ideas for clients by tracking industry trends and activities. Assumes creative and strategic direction and oversight on all account assignments. Has regular client contact to ensure the client is satisfied with account activity. Is proactive with clients to address any issues of dissatisfaction. Self/Staff Management Financial Management New Business