• 7k-14k 经验1-3年 / 不限
    制造业 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责 Job Description: 1. 负责工业设计相关的电子模型制作; Responsible for making electronic models related to industrial design; 2. 结合模型电子团队的需求,独立完成PCB板设计,打板,安装和调试; Independently completed PCB board design, board building, installation and debugging according to the requirements of the model electronics team; 3. 对新器件封装制作及对元件库维护; Made new component packaging library and maintained; 4. 参与电子实验室的元器件,设备,工具的管理; Participate in the management of electronic laboratory components, equipment and tools; 5. 参与中国模型电子团队与德国模型电子团队的技术交流。 Participate in technical exchanges between Chinese model electronic team and German model electronic team. 专业资质要求 Professional Requirements : 1. 电子,电路,自动化,机电一体化等相关专业、1年以上PCB设计相关经验; Major in electronics, circuit, automation, mechatronics, etc. More than 1 year PCB design experience. 2. 能熟练运用allegro、PADS、AD等软件进行PCB设计; Proficient in PCB design with Allegro, PADS, AD and other software; 3. 能制作Gerber File及钢网文件以及CAD拼板文件,熟悉PCB设计流程规范,制作工艺,与板厂进行工程确认; Able to make Gerber File, steel mesh File and CAD panel File, familiar with PCB design process specification and production process, and conduct engineering confirmation with board factory; 4. 具有基本或良好的英语沟通能力; With basic or good English communication skills; 5. 工作积极主动,踏实负责,耐心细致,乐于奉献与资源共享,较强沟通能力和具有团队协作精神。 Proactive, practical and responsible, patient and meticulous, willing to contribute and share resources, with strong communication skills and team spirit.
  • 18k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    About Brands: Jump From Paper (JFP for short) is a cross-border fashion designer brand originated from the streets of Taipei JFP is the originator of 2D design elements and secondary cartoon style. Brand insists on conveying the life attitude of [self-confidence] [interesting life] to all parts of the world. Products are both interesting and practical, and it is also a vocal tube to express young attitude More information: [IG Search: "Jump From Paper"] Job Responsibilities: 1. Have the ability of product and brand design, and accurately understand the various needs of online and offline products and brand communication for JFP business and products Continuously optimize the polishing design and the presentation of landing from the perspective of brand and customer experience; 1. 1 Product and product packaging design includes daily product packaging (JFP's main package products, holiday gift boxes, express packaging boxes), etc. 1.2 Responsible for the research and development of brand luggage series, conceptual design, structural design, fabric design, etc., as well as the process of material selection, proofing, product design, selling point refinement and production after design; 1.3 Cooperate with supply chain production and inventory costs to ensure low cost and efficient use of raw materials; Optimize the packaging design process structure to convey better brand tonality and "out-of-box experience" 2. Can actively and efficiently promote the weekly work to connect with the output timing of other departments and the team integration and resumption according to the goals arranged by superiors; 3. Manage the design materials of various specifications in an orderly manner, know the design materials specifications of various channel platforms like the back of your hand, and do a good job in naming and collecting documents for internal use of the team to improve work efficiency 4. Complete other work arranged by leaders; Job requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above, graduated from design college, 3 years or more related work, consumer goods brand design work, luggage brand designer and overseas related working background are preferred; 2. Proficient in basic design software such as AI/PS, pay attention to and actively learn new software and be familiar with Mac interface operation; 3. Understanding the production and printing process and its specifications can follow up the final landing effect of product packaging; 4. Recognize the brand culture, have a solid foundation in graphic design, have good aesthetic creative thinking and the ability to solve problems, and complete the design scheme independently and highly; 5. Have relevant knowledge such as luggage category research and development or product structure fabrics, and follow up the whole process of factory merchandising and production; 6. Can accept occasional business trips in different places; 7. Be organized and be able to implement the plan/project responsibly.
  • 8k-12k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    其他 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    欢迎在线留言,沟通职位信息,谢谢! 【工作内容】 1. 负责公司外贸业务的跟进工作,包括与客户沟通、协调、对接,确保订单处理无误,及时解决客户的询问; 2. 负责公司供应商的开发和采购工作,包括采购合同管理、订单处理、样品确认和工艺沟通、原材料和产品的及时供应,确保产品的质量符合客户要求,协调供应商的生产进度,确保采购工作的顺利进行。 【主要职责】 1. 负责协调与客户的沟通,回复客户的询问,处理客户反馈并协调相关事宜,确保客户订单按时完成; 2. 负责供应商的开发、维护和评估,考察供应商的生产能力、质量管理水平等; 3. 与客户及供应商紧密沟通合作,负责打样、确认样品及产品细节和产品工艺,确保样品的质量和工艺符合客户要求; 4. 根据业务需求,制定采购计划,包括采购产品、数量、交期、价格等细节与供应商谈判; 5. 根据产品的质量、工艺要求,提出改善建议,跟进处理效果; 6. 协调供应商生产进度,跟进订单生产情况,确保生产计划按时完成,产品按时交货并符合客户对产品的质量要求; 7. 根据公司规定,制作并发送订单文件,包括报价单、采购合同、装箱单、提单等; 8. 负责与其他部门的沟通与协作,提高采购效率,降低采购成本; 9. 完成其他与外贸业务有关的日常工作。 【职位要求】 1. 大专及以上学历,国际贸易专业或有相关工作经验; 2. 熟悉外贸业务、采购流程,熟悉相关产品工艺,具有一定的产品知识和经验; 3. 具备开发供应商、采购、打样、询价、报价等能力; 4. 注重细节,善于成本核算,以目标为导向的统筹协调沟通能力; 5. 性格开朗,具备团队合作精神;能承受一定的工作压力; 6. 具有较强的责任心,对工作认真负责,有良好的职业道德操守; 7. 能适应快节奏的工作环境,具备良好的时间管理能力; 8. 书面英文流利,英语口语流利者优先考虑; 9. 熟练操作办公软件 EXCEL, WORD, PPT, etc.; 10. 身心健康,吃苦耐劳,能接受商务出差。 【产品类别】 【服饰品类】fashion accessories/hats/caps/scarves/gloves/ 配饰 帽子 围巾 披肩 手套 服饰 【袜类】socks/legging 袜子 针织袜 棉袜 童袜 船袜 运动袜 无缝袜 打底裤 *** 地板袜 【家纺用品】home textile/cushion/pillow/throw 家纺 纺织 靠垫 抱枕 毯子 盖毯 床上用品 【家居用品】sundry/home decoration/stationary/gifts/toys/novelties 家居 杂货 礼品 促销品 文具 玩具 小商品 香熏 蜡烛 陶瓷制品 玻璃制品 宠物用品 【首饰品】jewelry/hair accessories 首饰品 项链 耳环 头饰品 发饰品 【日化用品】cosmetics/body wash/shampoo/hand sanitizer/lip gloss/hand cream/bath salt/packaging material 化妆品 沐浴露 洗发水 洗手液 唇彩 护手霜 日化用品 浴盐 包材 【健身器材】sports/fitness/camping 健身器材 运动器件 体育用品 户外用品 瑜伽垫 瑜伽球 哑铃 健腹轮 拉力器 护腕 护膝 足球 篮球 排球 健身车 跑步机 【运动衣】apparel/sportswear/activewear/fabric 服装 运动衣 面料 针织面料 功能性面料 【鞋类】footwear 鞋子 女鞋 童鞋 雨鞋 运动鞋 沙滩鞋 室内鞋 【包袋类】bags 包袋 女包 手提袋 书包 购物袋 【防护用品】PPE 医疗防疫 一次性口罩 医用口罩 手套 防护衣 隔离服 手术衣 护目镜 面罩 体温计 【工作时间&福利待遇】 1. 工作时间:周一至周五,9:15 ~ 18:00,做五休二,周末双休; 2. 周末加班可以申请补休,如遇法定节假日加班,按国家规定支付加班费; 3. 按国家规定缴纳社会保险及住房公积金,包括试用期; 4. 按国家规定享有法定带薪年休假、婚假、育儿假; 5. 顺利通过试用期后,享有公司带薪病假、商业医疗保险; 6. 在公司服务满一年后,享有公司带薪事假、健康体检; 7. 节日福利; 8. 生日慰问; 9. 子女福利; 10. 应届生可以申请租房补贴。 【虹桥办公地点】上海市闵行区/长宁区延安西路3062弄18号华菱大厦 【地标】虹桥机场、西郊动物园、程家桥、七宝、龙柏、航华、北新泾、漕河泾 【地铁】10号线,龙溪路站,步行约15分钟 【地铁】9号线,漕河泾站,转公交809,865,757,804 【地铁】15号线,红宝石路站,转中运量公交71路 【地铁】3号线或4号线,延安西路站,转中运量公交71路 【公交】71路中运量公交,剑河路站/虹梅路站,步行约5分钟 【其他】709、911、925、48、519、757、809、804、57、936、938等
  • 5k-7k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    硬件,电商 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Job Introduction: 1、Based on customer's quality and packaging requirements, contact and communication with the customer, factory and relevant business units, to ensure both samples and bulk production can meet customer quality requirements.。 根据客户的质量和包装要求,与客户、工厂及相关业务单位联系沟通,确保样品和大货生产都能满足客户的质量要求。 2、Ensure the orders can be accomplished in time and guarantee both quality and quantity, and deal with the emergencies during the production schedule and raw material tracking. 保证订单的按时保质保量完成,处理生产计划和原材料跟踪过程中的突发事件。 3、Understand customers’ latest ideas, cooperate with customer manager to achieve company established sales plans and profit targets. 了解客户的最新想法,配合客户经理完成公司制定的销售计划和利润目标。 4、Recommend new products to the customer on a regular basis and provide products meeting customers’ requirement in time. 定期向客户推荐新产品,及时提供满足客户需求的产品。 5、Preparation and reception for the foreign customers’ visits. 准备和接待国外客户来访。 Job requirements: 1. Bachelor degree or above in international trade or textile engineering related majors, CET - 6 or above. 国际贸易或纺织工程相关专业本科以上学历,大学英语六级以上。 2. Be familiar with the operation process of textiles’ export business, have the experience as a merchandiser is preferred. 熟悉纺织品出口业务操作流程,有跟单经验者优先。 3. Have good communication skills, fluent in English. 良好的沟通能力,英语流利。 4. Love the foreign trade career, pioneering spirit, bears hardships, can adapt to the long working hours caused by international jet lag, be serious and responsible, have the ability to stand strong pressure. 热爱外贸工作,有开拓精神,吃苦耐劳,能适应国际时差造成的长时间工作,做事认真负责,能承受较强压力。 5、Ability to work independently, have a successful independent experience of developing new customers, good ability of self-regulation. 独立工作能力强,有独立开发新客户的成功经验,良好的自我调节能力。 Corporate Benefits: 企业福利: 1. Five insurances and one housing fund, supplementary medical insurance; 五险一金,补充医疗保险; 2、Length of Service Award; 服务年限奖; 4、subsidy for communication costs; 通讯费补贴; 5、Lunch and shuttle is free; 免费午餐,免费班车; 6、Holiday gifts, diverse group activities 节日礼金,多样化的集体活动(女神节活动、生日会、趣味运动会、亲子活动、好书分享会、迎春晚会) 7、Annual medical examination service 年度体检服务; 8、Flexible working hours are optional; 工作时间弹性可选择; 9、Enrichment holidays: statutory holidays, paid annual leave, nursing leave, parental leave, hospitalization nursing leave for parents of only children, blood donation leave, etc.; 丰富假期:法定假日、带薪年假、哺育假、育儿假、独生子女父母住院护理假、献血假等; 10、Hardship relief fund, employee condolences, maternal and child care (special mother and baby room inside) 困难救助基金、员工慰问、母婴关怀(内设专门母婴室)
  • 15k-20k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    资深供应商质量管理工程师 5年以上SQE跨国公司相关经验 180K - 240K 年薪 只接受英文简历投递的候选人 It is a leading developer and marketer of consumer products across eighteen brands, working with the largest marketplaces and retailers in the world. We create products that transform houses to homes, that celebrate the big and little moments in life, and that just make everyday things easier. We constantly apply Retail Science, our in-house approach to leveraging data, applying machine learning tools, and next-gen processes to continually expand our catalog, delighting our customers and swiftly moving to meet our mission of having at least one of our products in every home. We're committed to building upon our success through the selection and development of outstanding people; with the understanding that as we grow, you grow. From top to bottom, our team fosters a collaborative environment where we drive results, optimize our efforts, and achieve amazing things – while having a great time and celebrating our successes along the way! Responsibilities: ● Responsible as the key liaison between sourcing, suppliers, legal and the customer, ensuring that overall specifications, quality/regulatory requirements, and expectations are met for all purchased products. ● Define audits and surveys to ensure that all suppliers are meeting our business requirements to include flow down and quality standards. ● Ability to execute supplier audit activities related to both validation and on-going management of quality execution capabilities. ● Supplier Performance Management and Development. ● Facilitate reporting and notifying suppliers of cost-recovery requirements resulting from the need to contain, segregate or handle non-conforming parts. ● Responsible for providing engineering support for all applicable areas of Quality Assurance. ● Responsible for supplier corrective action, deviation approval & periodic supplier feedback. ● Manage BOMs, technical sheet and related technical documents. ● Provide concise, complete and accurate documentation of inspection results relative to area of responsibility. In appropriate functional areas, this refers to supporting inspection and test status requirements defined by the regulations. ● Collate and evaluate supplier quality data to identify process improvement opportunities within the procurement BU. ● Coordinates and manages quality aspect of sample parts approval process, Testing, Packaging and Production Ramp-Up, Test failure analysis and follow up. ● Support new product launches to ensure that supplier quality meets the required standards. ● Work with Operational Excellence on process refinement and system upgrade for efficiency improvement. ● Assist Quality Engineering Manager to monitoring, report and support of supplier quality metrics and performance. Responsible for supporting supplier corrective action and continuous improvement activities. Qualifications: ● Bachelor’s degree, Major in Engineering preferred ● Relevant SQE experience in multi-national companies for at least 5 years ● Demonstrable knowledge of manufacturing process and production equipment ● Knowledge of quality system methodologies ● Excellent communication and interpersonal skills in interfacing with stakeholders, suppliers and internal procurement groups ● Investigative with good problem solving and failure analysis skills ● Knowledge of MSDS, AB1200, Food & Children products regulation in North America ● Strong business acumen mindset and results driven ● ERP knowledge is preferred ● Supplier analysis and industry analysis ● Supplier relationship Management experience Competencies: ● Resilience ● Manages Complexity ● Negotiation and Influence ● Project Management ● Risk Management ● Situational Adaptability ● Decision Quality ● Directs Work and drives engagement ● Resourcefulness
  • 26k-27k·15薪 经验不限 / 博士
    教育|培训 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 一、工作职责 1.开展高水平课题研究,独立完成科研任务,发表具有国际影响力的研究成果; 2.协助课题组项目申请,积极依托课题组申请国家、省、市项目及课题; 3.协助指导硕士或本科生; 4.协助课题组建设和管理。 二、课题组及研究方向 (一)刘东红教授课题组 1.导师简介 刘东红,国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才、国务院特殊津贴获得者、科技部中青年科技创新领军人才和浙江省151重点人才,获全国优秀科技工作者和全国食品安全工作先进个人荣誉,入选科睿唯安2021年全球高被引科学家。现任智慧绿洲副主任、兼智慧绿洲未来食品实验室主任、浙江大学食品科学与工程一级学科负责人,国际食品工程联盟(IAEF)国家代表,ISO/TC313工作组成员, Applied Food Research副主编,Trends in Food Science and Technology和Ultrasonics Sonochemistry编委。 主要从事食品绿色加工技术及智能装备研发工作。以**完**获国家技术发明二等奖、教育部自然科学一等奖、浙江省科技进步一等奖、中国轻工业联合会科技进步一等奖等奖励。 2.研究方向 食品加工及装备研发;食品柔性智能制造。 (二)陈启和教授课题组 1.导师简介 陈启和,教育部新世纪优秀人才、获浙江省杰出青年基金、151人才计划、科学中国人2014年度人物等。现任智慧绿洲未来食品实验室副主任、智能食品加工与装备国家地方联合工程实验室副主任等。 先后主持国家自然科学基金、浙江省重大科技招标项目等20余项,在Chem Eng J、Food Chem、J Agric Food Chem、Trends Food Sci、Compre Rev Food Sci等期刊发表SCI收录论文80余篇,编著专业教材与著作3部,获浙江省自然科学技术进步二等奖1项、三等奖1项。 2.研究方向 (1)食品合成生物学:围绕动物干细胞定向增殖分化、特征基因元件挖掘与优化、生物合成途径优化和细胞工厂性能提升等关键技术领域,构建细胞工厂生产蛋白质、油脂、碳水化合物等食品重要组分,实现未来食品原料的细胞工厂规模化生产与制造。 (2)生物信息学:基因组学、计算机科学、人工智能或相关专业,通过大数据可视化分析、机器学习或运用R/Python语言、Linux系统解决食品微生物及肠道微生物的代谢机理。 (三)陈士国教授课题组 1.导师简介 陈士国,教育部“青年长江学者”,《Food Science and nutrition》副主编等六本国内外核心期刊共同主编或编委。现任智慧绿洲未来食品实验室靶向功能食品方向负责人、浙江大学食品科学与营养系主任。 主持国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划课题、浙江省重点研发项目等国家/省部级项目20余项,在食品及亲水胶体领域的一区期刊发表SCI论文100多篇(通讯),H指数51,入选全球前10万科学奖;获教育部自然科学一等奖(2/6)、教育部科技进步一等奖(2/12)、轻工联合会科技进步一等奖(2/12)等奖励及国际食品功能因子大会(ICOFF)青年科学家、首届香江学者荣誉。 2.研究方向 健康食品智造;靶向精准营养。 (四)张辉教授课题组 1.导师简介 张辉,浙江大学工业技术转化研究院副院长,食品科学与营养系副主任。担任Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture期刊副主编(Associate Editor),Food Packaging and Shelf Life期刊编委(Editorial Board)、美国油脂化学家协会(AOCS)中国分会理事(Advisory Council)等学术兼职。 承担国家自然科学基金、国家重点研发计划、浙江省自然科学基金杰青项目、浙江省重点研发计划等***省部级项目,发表论文120余篇,授权发明专利10余项,其中2项实现成果转化。获2021年黑龙江省自然科学三等奖(4/5)、2021年浙江省科技进步二等奖(1/9)等学术奖励。 2.研究方向 食品风味;食品添加剂;功能性配辅料。 三、岗位待遇 1.薪酬:年薪40万元起(含人才补贴),优秀博士年薪一事一议; 2.福利:享受用餐补贴、节假日福利、生日福利、健康体检等,符合条件者可享受嘉善县相应人才政策;提供人才公寓租住,协助解决子女入学入托等问题; 3.绿色通道:期满出站后优先录用至中心科学研究岗位或工程技术岗位或推荐至省内其他高校或科研院所; 4.其他支持:支持申报博士后科学基金、国家自然科研基金(青年和面上项目)等人才项目(见下表);根据个人学历、职称等实际情况按照嘉善县人才政策享受相应的人才补助待遇。 任职要求: 1.近三年内获得博士学位,身心健康,原则上年龄不超过35周岁; 2.专业理论基础扎实,有相关学科背景,并具有创新意识; 3.具有优秀团队协作能力和独立科研精神,能主动开展研究工作,学术作风端正、严谨。 4.具备良好的英语听说读写能力; 5.能够全职从事博士后工作,无博士后退站经历。
  • 18k-30k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    职位描述: 该岗位需要提供作品集~~具体的岗位职责和要求如下: 岗位职责: 1、负责华米旗下产品的包装平面设计,提升包装品牌识别度,包括包装视觉设计,平面设计,对包装材质、工艺有深度了解,并能很好运用材质、工艺的表现力; 2、配合制定包装平面设计规范,确保产品包装的一致性及可识别性; 3、负责产品包装平面设计相关的新设计思维新材料新工艺的预研; 4、负责包装平面设计文档输出; 5、包装物料印刷颜色、工艺最终确认量产。 任职要求: 1、有丰富的企业包装平面设计经验,熟悉包装研发流程,以及与公司产品开发流程的对接,在过程中能与其他相关合作部门清晰有效率的沟通。 2、具有国际化的设计视野,能创造出色的包装视觉设计方案,体现品牌识别度,来配合公司品牌成长的需要 3、有海外或外销包装设计工作经验优先; 4、5年以上消费电子品牌公司包装平面设计经验 5、本科及以上学历,设计、包装等相关专业; 我们寻找一名具有国际视野,可以将华米的包装平面设计水准提升到业内一流水准的资深包装平面设计师。通过设计来提升华米旗下各个品牌包装的调性,打造为用户带来惊喜与感动的视觉体验,同时推动环保材质与工艺的使用。希望你对平面设计充满激情,对生活充满好奇心,关注细节,保持开放的心态,具有出色的视觉表达能力。 We are looking for a senior graphic designer with international vision who can elevate Huami's packaging to the first-class level Internationally. You will improve brand value through graphic design, create a great visual experience that brings surprises and touches to users, promote the use of green materials and processes. We hope you are passionate about graphic design, curious about life, detail-oriented, open mind, good communication skills Title : senior graphic designer Resposibilities : 1. Responsible for the packaging graphic design of whole product line , improve branding identity, including graphic and visual design 2. Formulate packaging graphic design specifications , ensure packaging consistent and recognizability of each product line; 3. Responsible for the new design philosophy, new material and new technology related to product packaging; 4. Responsible for packaging technical document release; 5. Final confirmation of printing color and process. Requirements: 1. Rich experience in graphic design and packaging developing process, good communication skill with other departments in the process. 2. Has an international design vision , create excellent packaging graphic design to meet the needs of brand growth 3. Overseas or export packaging design experience is preferred; 4. Over 3 years of packaging design experience in consumer electronics industry 5. Bachelor degree or above, major in design, packaging, etc.; 职位要求:
  • 15k-20k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 少于15人
    Job Responsibilities: 1. Create and develop the mechanical parts, assemblies and systems for KHS China’s equipment. 2. Generate drawings of our product depending parts and format parts. 3. Innovate original mechanical parts and assemblies, analyze designs. 4. Create and maintain the master data of the parts, to elaborate bills of material in SAP, change bills of material according to clarified requirements. 5. Create and maintain detail fabrication drawings, assembly drawings and layout drawings. 6. Technical support for other departments. 7. Work with German engineers to optimize the cost, function performance and usability. Job Requirements: 1. At lease Bachelor degree in Mechanical Engineering. 2. 1-10 years mechanical design experience. 3. Prefer mechanical design in food, beverage or packaging industries field. Have experience of PET beverage package field is a plus. 4. Must have good knowledge and skill at Autocad, Creo, Catia, PDM, SAP. 5. Working experience in foreign companies and English is needed for communication through email and oral, German is a plus. 6. Good at fast learning and can work under pressure. 7. Positive attitude and able to work on own initiative 8. Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, Power Point, etc.)
  • 22k-25k·14薪 经验不限 / 本科
    专业服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    Function Responsibilities 岗位职责 1)Provide technical direction to engineers and designers. 向工程师及设计师指导技术方向。 2)Oversee and support concept definition for new projects. 监督、支持新项目,定义产品概念。 3)Identify opportunities to reduce cost from components and/or assemblies during development. 项目开发期间,从零件或装配中,寻找机会降低成本。 4)Interface with customers and suppliers. 作为客户及供应商的接口。 5)Oversee and perform preparation of DFMEA’s and DVP’s. 监督,执行设计失效模式及设计验证计划的准备工作。 6)Prepare and maintain product stack-up and calculation summaries. 准备、维护产品层叠和计算总结。 7)Coordinate with TE F3 for conceptual mock-ups, assemblies and packaging studies. 与TE F3沟通样件的概念模型,装配和包装研究。 8)Maintain permanent contact with central engineering departments in BOS HQ to assure exchange of technical information. 保持与BOS总部工程中心长期的联系,保证交换技术信息。 9)Coordinate use of HQ resources to support development activities. 协调使用总部资源来支持项目开发活动。 10)Mentor, assist and coach the CAD / CATIA design team as a support resource for the design group. 支持CAD / CATIA设计组,提供指导,协助和培训。 11)Assist Design Supervisor in capacity planning for engineering / design resources. 在工程及设计资源的能力计划方面,协助设计主管。 12)Any other works assigned by supervisors. 上级指定的其他任何工作。 1)Above Bachelor's degree with mechanical/Automotive Engineering/Industrial Engineering background 本科以上,机械,汽车工程,工业工程相关背景; 2)More than 3 years’ experience in design field, work experience in Automotive field is preferred. 汽车行业3年以上设计经验; 3)Well knowledge of 3D and 2D Drawing , familiar with software such as Auto CAD, CATIA V4/V5, UG; 丰富的三维和二维图纸的知识,精通Auto CAD, CATIA V4/V5, UG等设计软件; 4)Good skill of write and speak in English or Germany; 良好的英语或德语的读写能力; 5)Well know about Design & Develop documents and tools, for example: D-BOM. D-FMEA, DVP, GD&T,PDM, etc.; 熟悉相关设计开发文件和工具:D-BOM, D-FMEA, DVP, GD&T, PDM等; 6)Be able to work under pressure; 有抗压能力; 7)Positive working attitude; 工作积极主动; 8)Well communication skill, Ensures ongoing, effective communications; 良好的沟通能力,并确保持续有效; 9)Skill of analysis and solve problems. 分析和解决问题的能力。
  • 18k-30k·13薪 经验不限 / 本科
    企业服务 / 上市公司 / 150-500人
    Responsibility 1、Responsible for creating global sourcing strategies and processes to develop and deliver best in class products 2、Drive the global sourcing process including: vendor management, sourcing, factory qualification, pre-audits, product design, pricing, samples, certifications, compliance, packaging, instructions, testing, containerization and on time shipments. Requirement 1、At least 10 years experience in sourcing in MNC,USA based companies is prefered 2、At least 5 years experience at big-box companies for hard goods / Lighting 3、Trading background is prefered. 3、English can be used as working lanuage.
  • 10k-20k·14薪 经验不限 / 本科
    数据服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询,人工智能服务 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    Sr. QT C++ Software Engineer * Required: * 5+ years C++ * 3+ years QT * Experience developing systems for Windows * Preferred: * Experience full SDLC of desktop app development and delivery, Ex. coding, build, packaging, signing, etc. * Experience developing cross-platform systems for Windows, Mac and Linux
  • 22k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    企业服务,软件开发 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Aktana is looking for a self-motivated devops/SRE engineer to build and manage infrastructure using various tools, automation and technologies used in modern cloud infrastructure in a fast paced environment. The ideal candidate has a strong understanding of Kubernetes, docker containers, Terraform, AWS, Rundeck and python also desire to automate things. As an Aktana devops engineer you will work with various automation tools and technologies including Kubernetes, AWS, Terraform, Rundeck, etc. In the role you will partner with Engineering, Service Engineers and QA Engineers to achieve a successfully running production environment. What you’ll own and accomplish... • You will be owning the global production environment running in AWS cloud and responsible for any change in the environment. You will be responsible for monitoring/alerting for the production environment. • As a part of this team, you will help in building the development pipeline for efficiently bringing the code to production on a regular basis. • Configure monitoring and alerting systems for the applications and platform-services specially Prometheus, ELK etc. • Work with the Engineering team to develop architectural, technical, functional and performance guidelines related with the CI/CD pipelines. Key Performance Indicators: • Your performance will be measure based on reliability and availability KPIs for the production • How satisfied product engineering, Service engineering and QA engineering by the work you will be doing. What you’ll need to be successful... • BS degree in Computer Science or related fields and/or equivalent work experience. • Minimum of 6 years of experience as DevOps/CloudOps/SRE. • Minimum of 3 years of experience with AWS services. • Minimum of 3 years of experience with Kubernetes, AWS EKS is preferred. • Minimum of 3-4 years of experience on python scripting. • Professional experience in supporting Production Infrastructure. • Excellent knowledge in AWS services and professional hands-on experience on documenting and implementing infrastructure. • Strong knowledge of CI/CD • Familiarity with ELK and logging technologies • Strong analytical and problem-solving skills • Ability to adjust quickly to new technologies. You’ll really stand out if you… • Have hands-on experience with AWS technologies and building infrastructure using AWS SDK/APIs. • Have extensive experience with containerization(docker) • Have worked on Rundeck in the past extensively, not looking for somebody who just used Rundeck occasionally. • Have worked on automations using the latest automation tools. • Experience with different SQL specially MySQL(AWS RDS), NoSQL database experience is a plus. • Have deep troubleshooting skills on Infrastructure issues • Experience with python, java and groovy is a plus. • Extensive experience with orchestration tools such as Terraform, Kubernetes, Packer, Salt and Ansible • Have extensive knowledge with packaging tools like Helm Education: • Bachelor's or master’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, MIS, Electrical Engineering, Mathematics. Company Profile: If you like to be challenged on daily bases, you want to change things if they do not work, you comes with automation first mindset then this is the team for you Committed to customer success and innovation, Aktana is at the forefront of transforming how life sciences companies share information with healthcare providers (HCPs). Our proprietary platform harnesses machine learning algorithms to enable marketing and sales teams to seamlessly coordinate and optimize multichannel engagement with HCPs. Today, more than half of the top 20 global pharma companies are using Aktana for intelligent engagement.
  • 20k-40k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    美团平台为用户的基础产品体验负责,还承担了美团的用户增长、市场和品牌营销、前端技术基础设施建设以及多条业务线的产品设计职责,建立了融合文字、图片、视频和直播等不同形式的內容生态系统,同时整合地图服务部、客户服务和体验部、企业业务部、网约车业务部等部门,致力于用科技提升美团数亿消费者、近千万商家、骑手、司机和团长的服务体验。美团平台拥有高并发、多业务的复杂场景,为技术深度优化提供了最佳实践可能。这里有简单、讲逻辑、有爱的团队,更是一块理想的实战场地,舞台广阔,欢迎你来尽情施展。 岗位职责 1.负责美团全业务的广告投放平台的整体规划、目标制定、项目推进和效果评估;深入了解美团多业务对广告投放产品的目标和使用诉求,从业务发展角度出发提炼需求并设计通用方案:包括媒体自投平台、 DSP平台、网盟&联盟平台、投放数据平台、投放归因平台等,建设满足美团多业务x多流量渠道的全链路的广告投放产品平台; 2.持续提升平台工具产品的自动化能力和易用性,为投放的人效指标和用户体验负责; 3.负责投放平台产品团队管理,项目资源进度把控,协调沟通研发、运营、及其他合作部门,保证项目进展和落地并拿到结果。 岗位基本需求 1.3年及以上互联网商业后台产品设计经验,熟悉国内各大媒体平台广告系统(抖音、快手、Tencent);有商业广告平台产品设计经验、TD、DSP产品、自动化投放产品经验的优先。 2.对工具产品的用户体验有极高敏感度;有良好的逻辑结构化思考、数据分析和业务解读能力,善于用抽象整合的能力解决多业务的复杂问题。 3.具备良好的计划、组织、沟通和执行能力,具备极高的工作热情,善于学习;有较强的自我驱动能力,能主动发现问题、解决问题、达成目标。 4.有相关团队管理经验优先。 岗位亮点 1.负责美团所有业务的广告投放平台建设,Scope大; 2.核心团队,未来成长升职空间大。
  • 40k-70k 经验不限 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、参与制定跨境电商物流业务的预算,并日常进行趋势监控,问题定位,归因分析,协同运营团队进行方案输出和整改落地; 2、围绕跨境物流不同目的地国家及各物流环节的成本情况,向部门内提供成本分析洞察和决策建议,推动跨境物流运营成本持续节降; 3、支持物流业务团队的降本方案设计和落地,完成成本测算需求,管理降本项目优先级,复盘项目的实际降本达成; 4、评估物流运营的日常分单,配舱,引入及汰换服务商等,日常运营动作的成本影响,参与决策。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具备3年以上经营分析或财务BP或DA或物流解决方案相关经验; 2、有供应链或物流领域具体的项目经验,对跨境物流行业发展有深入的研究; 3、有良好的结构化思维,可以清晰的拆解业务规划,落地详细的数据分析; 4、有责任心和担当,好奇心强、富有洞察力,能够主动发现问题、探寻本质; 5、具备较强的沟通协调能力,抗压能力和出色的业务理解力。
  • 15k-30k·15薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    科技金融 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    职责描述: 负责实现和优化公司的产品功能,以及构建和维护关键服务与基础设施。 1. 深入理解业务需求和产品设计,高效地实现并优化产品功能; 2. 通过引入新的工具和流程,提升团队的开发效率和代码质量; 3. 通过与产品和前端工程师的紧密合作,共同推进产品的迭代与优化; 4. 对线上问题进行快速定位并解决,对服务性能进行监控与优化; 5. 参与新技术的研究和探索,为团队的技术进步和产品创新提供支持。 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,从事相关行业3—8年优先,; 2. Java基础扎实,深入理解Java多线程编程及JVM原理、理解IO; 3. 熟悉网络编程,熟悉TCP/IP协议,熟悉互联网应用协议; 4 .熟悉MySQL数据库,对数据库事务、锁、索引有较好理解; 5. 熟悉Redis、MongoDB、HBase等NoSQL存储; 6. 具备逻辑推理思维和分析问题能力;客观开放,自我驱动,良好的团队协作能力。