• 电商,文娱丨内容 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    1.5年以上的创意整合营销经验,提得了案,带得动团队。 2.功底扎实,有策略思维和全局意识,先是逻辑严谨,然后创意大胆有趣。 3.既能独立策划整合传播方案,也能够带领组内同学一起协同工作。 4.有较强的自驱和自律能力,自我提升的同时,能陪伴自己的伙伴们一起更好。
  • 28k-38k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网,广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、统筹公司新项目的创意方向,协调创意构思、方案撰写 2、保证公司现有项目如期进展,维护现有品牌日常创意内容生产,统筹协调文案支持 3、合理安排、规划组内工作,提高团队效率,形成美术、文案团队之间高默契度的沟通方式 4、有深入创意背后的策略思考、营销逻辑,领团队产出具有行业影响力的作品 任职要求: 1、 具有5-10年以上广告从业经验,其中至少2年数字互动广告经验(copy base)及团队管理经验 2、有独立的创意发想能力与逻辑思维能力,熟悉线上及线下公关传播(策化、创意、设计、制作、媒体) 操作流程 3、具有丰富的项目管理经验和提案经验,独特洞察力;善于内部沟通协调 【投递简历时,请附上作品集】 您将加入这样一群人: 追求自由、平等,提倡简单、透明和分享 对新事物充满好奇,对广告充满热情
  • 18k-25k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    企业服务,广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    不论年龄,但至少在广告行业出道3年; 不论专业出身,希望你对Art和Copy都能严格把控; 不论外表气场,只要拥有源源不断的内在创意能量。 既能玩转视频、平面、H5,也乐于发想快闪店、交互以及更多跨界。 要求: 有审美也能审丑; 善于洞察也善于沟通; 能想好点子也能讲好故事; 喜欢独立带Case也可以合体干大事; 拥有Social Campaign成功案例及独立提案能力。 公司福利:五险一金、超长带薪假期、免费零食、弹性工作时间、旅游、团建活动…
  • 30k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    *英语流畅 可作为工作语言 *申请时 请附加作品集 职位描述 Day-to-day Responsibilities • Brainstorm and develop concepts and ideas for TVC films, OTV films, launch video materials, product feature videos, user stories, social media videos, etc. • Create visuals, artwork, concept art, mood boards, find reference visuals/films, etc. to support the video creation process. • Make professional creative treatments, demo videos, storyboards, and other material for internal management ‘idea pitching.’ • Write clear briefing documents including ideas, scripts, visuals, references, etc. for external vendors, production companies, directors, etc. • Supervision and quality control of creative and brand guidelines during the pre-production, production and post-production processes. • Support Creative Director in video department with ‘transcreation’, visual research and visual development as needed on a per project basis. • Support Creative director with managing, mentoring and leading mid-level and junior creative colleagues. 职位要求 • Bilingual Mandarin and English is required. • Must have experience with concept art & visual design for video related projects, especially TVC. • Must have strong presentation and keynote skills to sell their ideas. • Must have photoshop, illustration and/or other skills to independently develop visual ideas. • Prefer someone with a good knowledge of current video trends and ability to find references. • Experience with car brands is preferred but not required.
  • 25k-42k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 大专
    广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    招人,一直招! 招不爱做行活,只做真诚、有态度内容的你。 如果你有趣、善洞察、爱创新、对创意满怀热情, 你就是我们要找的人!真诚欢迎你! 如果还有多年互联网品牌服务经验,请别犹豫,联系我们!! 创意总监\副创意总监 职位描述: 1、4年以上social创意相关工作,具有快消、互联网经验优先; 2、洞察够准,有敏锐洞察力; 3、懂广告创意,有优秀的创意能力,能够驾驭多种文风及创意形式; 4、熟悉互联网各平台玩法,有互联网敏锐度; 5、带领团队完成创意脑爆及输出,提案能力强者优先; 6、获得过国际创意奖项者优先。
  • 15k-20k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    新媒体,文化传媒 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1、负责创意idea构思,根据策略指引,组织团队发想创意,提炼创意理念及传播slogan; 2、根据客户的需要组织开展创意头脑风暴,并帮助创意梳理策略,能输出整合创意方案; 3、整合产品资料,挖掘洞察、提炼卖点,撰写产品描述文案。 任职要求 1、本科以上学历,汉语言、中文等相关专业; 2、6年以上的广告创意文案经验,有TVC创意广告拍摄经验优先; 3、擅长文案撰写,有一定的整合营销传播、广告策略、数字营销认识,能运用创新的文字表现; 4、对创意有无限热情、够热爱写作、够热爱阅读、沟通协调能力好、学习能力、审美佳; 5、具备良好的沟通表达能力和团队合作意识,曾在4A广告公司任职经验优先。
  • 20k-35k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    新媒体,文化传媒 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    工作职责: 1 提供创意解决方案,增强品牌的市场领导地位。 2 负责阐述和捍卫创意的概念和方向选择。 3 监督多个项目的执行,推动项目的创意、用户体验和各部门的协作。 4 善于提炼品牌核心价值,掌握不同风格文案的写作方法,学识广博,思维活跃。 5 负责数字营销文案策略发展,完成符合客户需求的创意的文字及设计产出。 任职要求: 1 五年以上的创意工作经验,其两年年以上的互动机构创意总监或管理工作经验。 2 有优秀的审美标准,良好的文字驾驭、沟通及协调能力,和提案技巧。 3 可以提供明确的创作方向、及时有用的意见;能快速并准确地领悟产品(或客户)信息。 4 能承担责任,善于引导团队,并能激励团队成员发挥所长。 5 熟悉各种广告形式的文字表现,能对行业有深度的认知和洞察,并有深厚的创意能力。
  • 10k-18k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    数据服务,广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    职位描述: 1、Digital,年轻,对于时下网络媒体的新玩法有着敏锐的观察力和独特见解。 2、对于Social campaign的传播套路熟练掌握,拥有互联网视频平台创意及拍摄执行经验,例如(抖音,小红书等), 3、美术品味高,执行力强,拥有3C/IT类的创意服务经验,创意能力好。 4、对自身产出作品有着较高的要求和水准。 4、负责执行品牌Digital项目日常运营的文案撰写和业务工作; 5、良好的的工作责任心、敬业精神、团队精神及抗压能力,善于沟通协调 6、熟悉3C类等品牌,能够根据不同品牌调性转换撰写风格的优先。 7、4A工作经验者优先,3C/IT类广告工作经验者优先。 任职要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,广告、营销传媒等相关专业优先考虑; 2、1-3年知名品牌服务经验, 1年以上专业广告公司从事文案策划及写作工作经验,服务过国际4A公司优先; 3、具有卓越的策略撰写及提案能力,扎实的品牌传播知识,丰富的营销实战经验; 4、拥有品牌管理、整合线上营销线下的丰富经验;
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    广告营销 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: (1)优秀的作业及提案能力,了解客户需求,提供成熟的创意想法; (2)具有策略思维,积极参与讨论会,与团队配合完成项目; (3)对团队内各层级创意人员进行创意指导,以及质量把控。 任职要求: 1、本科以上学历,5年左右广告公司工作经验; 2、有成熟的工作态度、年轻的思维,善于洞察,擅长沟通; 3、对时下年轻文化、时尚、运动等各类领域感兴趣; 4、熟悉社交媒体玩法,对时下热点文化与平台保持热衷。
  • 3k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    广告营销 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1、收集、整理创意所需的参考资料; 2、参与创意会,理解客户创意需求,提供创意思路; 3、完成项目相关创意文案的撰写。 任职要求: 1、本科学历,广告学、新闻学、传播学、汉语言文学等相关专业; 2、有广告公司文案实习经验优先; 3、良好的文字驾驭能力; 4、有较好的创意能力和策略思考能力; 5、思维活跃、头脑灵活; 6、热爱广告行业,一周到岗实习时间保证4天或以上。
  • 2k-3k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    广告营销,社交 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    【岗位职责】 1、负责项目文案的正常执行; 2、对公司客户品牌微博、微信日常撰写及运维,对稿件的出品有自己的思考和想法; 3、素材收集,建立完整的资料库。 【任职要求】 1、本科在读生,广告相关行业优先; 2、有想法、有创意。
  • 3k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    广告营销 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    职位描述: 1. 社会化媒体营销需要的创意文案、常规文案及创意内容策划撰写; 2. 能够协助策划部门或独立产出活动创意、亮点结合创意内容; 职位要求: 1. 热爱创意传播工作,玩微博微信、混天涯豆瓣、懂知乎果壳等; 2. 有创意、脑洞大、文笔好、逻辑强、写得了段子,抓得住热点; 3. 工作效率高、学习能力强、理解沟通能力强; 4. 有相关领域工作经验或相关专业毕业者优先考虑; 5. 服务运动客户,对运动感兴趣者优先考虑,需具备一定抗压能力。
  • 15k-20k·15薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务,工具,物联网 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities: - Responsible for creating high-quality content that aligns with brand tone, including blog posts, social media updates, email marketing, etc. - Ensure the quality of Korean copy on platforms, capable of translating and proofreading between Chinese and Korean, as well as English and Korean. - Develop, manage, and execute the editorial calendar for all crypto-related content, ensuring consistency, quality, and timeliness. - Independently plan and execute platform events, and mobilize team members to collaboratively complete projects. - Enhance brand image through storytelling and creative content, ensuring brand consistency and strategic content deployment. - Establish relationships with key industry influencers, thought leaders, and media outlets, leveraging their expertise and reach to enhance our content's credibility and reach. Requirements: - Currently enrolled into a University (or Graduate o) program at a major university, preferable in Marketing/Communication -At least 2 years of experience in content operations or related fields. Great passion for the crypto industry - Keen insight into user behavior and data, with excellent analytical and strategic planning skills. - Familiarity with various user operation tools and methods, with a deep understanding of user needs. - Outstanding communication, coordination, and project management skills, with the ability to efficiently drive cross-departmental collaboration. - Innovative thinking, with the ability to adapt operational strategies according to market changes. - Korean native speaker, must be fluent in Chinese. Fluent in English is plus.
  • 7k-9k 经验不限 / 本科
    金融 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Who we are looking for: This is the entry level position within the Private Equity Fund Administration Business Unit of the State Street Alternative Investment Services Group. Under direct supervision the Fund Administrator Associate 1 provides assistance with certain portions of the expense compliance and reporting functions to support the fund administration role. Fund Administrators interact with all levels of internal personnel but will have no contact with external clients or client contacts. Fund Administrators handle the day-to-day administration accounting and accounting related processes for one or more client sponsored investment funds. Why this role is important to us: The team you will be joining is a part of International Fund Services (IFS), acquired by State Street in July 2002. IFS, also known as Alternative Investment Solutions is a recognized industry-leading provider of fund accounting, fund administration and risk services to hedge funds and private equity funds. These services are fully integrated to provide complete end-to-end solutions that span the front-, middle- and back-office requirements of institutional investors. Join us if making your mark in the alternative investment industry from day one is a challenge you are up for. What you will be responsible for: As Fund Accountant Associate 1 you will: Compilation maintenance and reconciliation of fund and investor static data Performing regulatory checks on investors Preparation of periodic cash or other bank reconciliations for all fund entities Accounts payable distribution and investment funding processing Reconciliation and preparation of capital call details Preparation and input of general ledger journal entries Preparation of quarterly and annual financial reporting work paper packages including portfolio investment schedules and accrual work papers Preparation of work papers in support of annual tax filings Maintaining electronic and hard copy client files on a daily basis and archiving as necessary Preparation of various client related correspondence including audit confirmations and investor requests as applicable Participation in special client or internal projects as required What we value: This position is a unique opportunity for a suitable candidate to gain exposure to large multi-class, multi-manager, multi-currency portfolios that invest in a variety of instruments including derivatives and as a result, the pricing of these positions, reconciliations, corporate actions and dividends. Education & Preferred Qualifications: Degree in Accounting, Finance or Economics related field; accounting background is preferred; With related work experiences is preferred; Familiar with accounting system is preferred; Detail-oriented, strong learning ability, sense of responsibility and team work are required; Strong time management skills with the ability to priorities under pressure; adapt to work under given timeline; confident to work in English environment; Good communication skill with team members and home site.
  • 8k-15k 经验不限 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    岗位要求: 1. 计算机科学或相关专业本科以上学历 2. 相关技术工作背景,有软件开发经验者优先 3. 有熟练英语写作背景者优先 4. 能在social media进行有意义的原创并有效的传达 具体可参考站点: 5. 在详细了解产品的前提下,做相应的技术挖掘,并能自主开展工作 6. 关注新兴技术,并在新技术领域能进行自主学习 需通过以下方式为Dynamsoft的营销计划做出贡献:* 研究和创建各种引人入胜的内容* 开发和维护内容日历* 分析内容策略的ROI并提出改进建议* 紧密跟踪行业新兴技术,以创建相关的内容 可交付成果包括: 用户案例 白皮书 应用笔记 产品比较报告 演讲和网络研讨会 培训教材 产品视频 博客内容 编辑内容一般的营销文本 Position Description Dynamsoft needs an enthusiastic, innovative, hands-on, multi-tasking individual to join our team to develop quality technically-oriented content to drive Dynamsoft’s content marketing objectives. The focus is on reinforcing Dynamsoft’s position as a document imaging SDK expert, supporting marketing in its effort to generate new inbound leads through the creation of compelling technical content that engages and speaks to our target audience. The Marketing Technical Content Specialist contributes to Dynamsoft’s marketing program by: · Outlining, researching, and creating a variety of engaging content · Developing and maintaining a content calendar · Analyzing the ROI of the content strategy and making recommendations for improvements · Remaining up-to-date on emerging technology in the imaging industry to create relevant engaging content · Deliverables include: o Sample codes using Dynamsoft’s products o Case Studies o White Papers o Application Notes o Product Comparison Reports o Presentations and Webinars o Training Materials o Product Videos o Blog Content o Editorial Content o ROI Reports o General Marketing Copy