到店研发平台是核心本地商业的技术团队之一,聚焦公司“零售+科技”战略,为美团休闲娱乐、丽人医美、Life Event、餐饮、酒店、民宿、门票度假等业务提供从客户线索、商户入驻、供给上单、交易履约、整合营销、会员评价、经营收益等全方位技术研究和能力建设,保障到店场景下多业务的高效发展,持续优化用户体验,提升商户数字化经营水平。通过技术创新为服务零售商家提供数字化管理系统,提升经营效率和综合收益。 团队秉持务实、自驱、合作以及追求卓越的工程师文化,期待优秀的你加入我们,在夯实专业、深耕平台的基础上与业务携手同行,共建美好未来。 岗位职责 1. 负责到店多种后台服务系统的质量保障,根据业务特点、产品形态、系统架构创建测试策略。 2. 依托持续交付体系,大量借助自动化手段,从功能、性能、健壮性以及安全等多层面,多维度地保障系统交付质量。 3. 搭建并维护测试环境的高度稳定可用,解决测试数据、可测性等基础设施中的多种挑战。 4. 落地并优化包括持续交付系统在内的多种质量保障系统、工具,更有针对性地做出迭代改进以及创新。 5. 分析沉淀在研发系统中的过程与交付数据,并根据质量效率指标发现质量与效率瓶颈,持续改进整体研发流程,迭代测试方案。 岗位基本需求 1. 对于质量工作具有长期的热情,有兴趣深入理解业务与质量保障工作,具备充分的韧性与主动性。 2. 计算机或相关专业本科以上学历,计算机技术基础扎实,编程能力过关(语言不限),至少2年以上后台服务开发或测试工作经验,有一定的软件架构认知。 3. 重视细节,追求卓越,也能够分步骤渐进式地达成目标。 4. 对技术有兴趣,对工具不迷信,认同以技术为手段,建设可积累可前置的测试能力,具备一定的过往技术产出。 具备以下者优先 1. 具备服务端以及移动端双端经验且有相应的技术产出。 2. 具备扎实的测试理论基础,对持续交付、风险前置、敏捷开发等有合理的认知与落地经验。 3. 具有开源项目经验 岗位亮点 1. 到店业务具备极其多样、复杂的系统和产品形态,生活服务类电商的各个系统模块历史悠久、新平台建设引入的新架构,以及持续快速迭代的新业务带来了极其多样化的质量保障挑战。 2. 团队具备一定规模,内部培养机制健全,鼓励定期岗位轮转;组织具备良好的质量认知,测试与开发团队配合默契。 3. 团队拥有优秀的人才,前瞻的技术,成熟的机制,积极的学习氛围以及探索精神,内部多位技术专家在GIAC、MTSC、****00、QECon等技术峰会上与业界同行进行分享与交流。 4. 承建了到店大量研发基础设施,包括测试环境、测试数据、可测性改进、持续交付系统、自动化测试框架、测试工作台、视觉测试专项系统等,有效推动了研发效率和系统质量的稳步提升,保障了业务的快速迭代。期待在智能化测试的探索道路上与你同行!
美团到店平台技术部是到店事业群的技术服务团队,聚焦公司“零售+科技”战略,为美团休闲娱乐、丽人医美、教育母婴、Life Event、餐饮、酒店、民宿、门票度假、交通等业务提供从客户线索、商户入驻、供给上单、交易履约、整合营销、会员评价、经营收益等全方位技术研究和能力建设,保障到店场景下多业务的高效发展,持续优化用户体验,提升商户数字化经营水平。通过技术创新为服务零售商家提供数字化管理系统,提升经营效率和综合收益。 团队秉持务实、自驱、合作以及追求卓越的工程师文化,期待优秀的你加入我们,在夯实专业、深耕平台的基础上与业务携手同行,共建美好未来。 岗位职责 1. 负责火车票后台业务系统的功能开发,建设高并发、高性能、高可靠性的系统; 2. 深刻理解业务需求,负责业务项目的分析、抽象、架构、研发过程及最终质量; 3. 主动发现项目中遇到的业务和技术问题,积极寻找方案推动解决; 4. 能够指导初级工程师展开日常工作,帮助他们成长; 岗位基本需求 1. 三年及以上Java后端研发经验,熟悉JVM、GC、多线程、网络编程; 2. 熟练掌握Spring、Mybatis等常用框架,对Mysql、Redis、MQ有一定研究,了解分布式相关技术; 3. 具有较好的沟通能力,善于思考,主动性和自驱性强; 4. 有强烈的责任心和团队合作精神,能快速融入团队; 具备以下者优先 有火车票开发经验者优先 岗位亮点 1. 技术挑战大,如对性能优化的苛刻要求、对黑盒问题的探索等,拓展技术视野,加强问题思考深度 2. 培养体系、上升通道完整,晋升空间大。 3. 团队技术氛围好,每月2次的技术分享。
岗位职责: Job Title: Technican(DOIT) Department: Center for Digital World with Intelligent Things (DOIT), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. HKUST(GZ) is located at **** Duxue Road, Qingsheng Hub Cluster, Nansha District, Guangzhou. The campus covers an area of about 1,669 mu (111.3 hectares) and is divided into two construction phases. The first phase covers an area of about 716 mu (47.7 hectares) with a floorage of about 636,000 square meters (63.6 hectares), which had been officially put into use in September 2022. The design of the campus blends natural scenery with architecture, with key cutting-edge technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection adopted during the design and construction process, in a bid to establish the campus as a new benchmark of green, smart and sustainable development. Duties 1.Organize events and group activities at the center; 2.Manage the facilities, furniture, and equipment; 3.Oversee general management and daily operation; 4.Coordinate with sister labs/units for demos and visits; 5.Support non-technical issues such as renovation, maintenance, and reimbursement; 6.Other related duties as assigned. 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1.A Master’s degree in EE, CS, or related disciplines, plus at least 5-year working experience in university, research institution, or hi-tech company; 2.Sound knowledge in R&D, project management, lab administration, and event organization is preferred; 3.Strong sense of responsibility, leadership, ability to delegate is required; 4.Good time management skill and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously are essential; 5.A good command of written Chinese and English. Proficiency in English, Putonghua and Cantonese is preferred; 6.Proficiency in MS Office, Excel, and project management tools is preferred. This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)
Job Description : - Establish and monitor company user operation metrics, ensuring an efficient operation system. - Plan and implement the operation of the company's Customer Data Platform (CDP). - Lead the central team and collaborate with ***** teams to plan, execute, and implement user journeys. - Collaborate with the R&D team to create user profiles, user tags, and user event roadmaps and operation systems. Requirements : - Familiarity with the construction, maintenance, and use of at least one CDP platform. - Proficiency in the use and operation of at least one Marketing Automation (MA) tool. - Knowledge of user lifecycle management and membership system construction. - Excellent bilingual communication skills, with fluency in English. Industry Experience : - Background in the e-commerce industry, preferably with experience in platform products, membership products, and user operations. - Ability to work in a multilingual environment. Position Experience : - Over 5 ~ 10 years of experience in user operations, with at least 3 years in a managerial role. - Proven track record of successfully leading large-scale user operation projects, with the ability to independently formulate and execute operational strategies. -Strong team management and cross-departmental coordination skills, capable of efficiently integrating resources to achieve goals. - Excellent data analysis and decision-making abilities, with the capacity to drive operational strategy optimization and improvement through data insights. Special Notes : - The role requires strong communication and collaboration skills, capable of working efficiently within cross-departmental and cross-regional teams. -Strong data analysis capabilities and insights are needed to drive optimization and improvement of operational strategies through data.
工作职责: 整合营销项目owner视角,对接业务/客户需求,统筹内外部资源,独立负责ATL/BTL/IMC/Social/Digital等项目的策划及撰写: 1.负责整合营销长线与campaign的策略制定,擅长通过数据挖掘关键洞察,系统性掌握各类营销策略方法论与工具,为品牌提供准确有效的策略方向; 2.根据策略推演全案框架,协调品牌、Social、Event、媒介、PR、产品运营等模块,匹配高效的IMC组合打法; 3.负责跟进营销方案的落实和复盘,对活动进行分析总结,有较强数据分析能力,通过数据分析发现问题,输出可借鉴的案例和方法论,不断迭代; 4.具有洞察及挖掘中国消费者需求的敏锐度,能够对市场、竞争环境、消费者和产品进行深入研究,能够通过竞品户外/数字媒体投放、社交口碑、内容,结合数据复盘竞品营销策略与打法,联合行研定期产出分析报告,为业务/营销积累长线参考依据; 5.项目统筹:在比较复杂的整合营销活动中,制定项目的整体时间表、细节跟踪、各方对接,有能力识别项目进度风险并解决问题能力。 任职资格: 1、5年及以上互联网/电商相关工作经验,有独立负责整合营销全案经验; 2、具备较强的营销策略体系化思维,策略逻辑严谨; 3、具备较强的整合营销方案组织能力,方案产出效率高; 4、具有娱乐营销、IP合作等经验。
岗位职责: 负责华为终端BG产品上市营销全生命周期传播 1、匹配产品上市操盘计划,拉通产品线、GTM、电商、零售等部门,把控项目整体营销进展;制定明确的营销目标,合理分配MKT预算至各模块,跟踪项目从立项到传播周期结束的费用使用情况; 2、明确产品目标市场,目标消费者画像,熟知业界玩法及竞品营销,制定产品卖点层级架构及营销包装方案;输出整体营销策略沟通材料,了解 PR、Social、Event、媒介、电商和零售等业务内容,可以协同全部模块输出一致性产品整合营销策略及方案,确保传播方向的一致性; 3、明确关键营销物料、营销方案、发布会等重要时间节点,拉通各模块制定全生命周期的产品营销计划,并可以协同电商、零售等部门实施、跟进落地与执行;注重营销效果,确保营销效果可测量及评估,按项目维度输出问题总结与传播复盘 岗位要求: 1、对消费电子行业、家电产品行业、广告行业有一定的了解,具备手机产品整合营销项目经验、广告公司account经验优先; 2、有通信、市场营销、广告创意等专业知识的优先; 3、具有开放性思维和较强的主动学习能力,对行业市场保持高度关注; 4、具有较强的沟通协调能力和抗压能力; 5、具有娱乐营销、IP合作等经验)
岗位职责: 负责华为终端BG产品上市营销全生命周期传播 1、匹配产品上市操盘计划,拉通产品线、GTM、电商、零售等部门,把控项目整体营销进展;制定明确的营销目标,合理分配MKT预算至各模块,跟踪项目从立项到传播周期结束的费用使用情况; 2、明确产品目标市场,目标消费者画像,熟知业界玩法及竞品营销,制定产品卖点层级架构及营销包装方案;输出整体营销策略沟通材料,了解 PR、Social、Event、媒介、电商和零售等业务内容,可以协同全部模块输出一致性产品整合营销策略及方案,确保传播方向的一致性; 3、明确关键营销物料、营销方案、发布会等重要时间节点,拉通各模块制定全生命周期的产品营销计划,并可以协同电商、零售等部门实施、跟进落地与执行;注重营销效果,确保营销效果可测量及评估,按项目维度输出问题总结与传播复盘 岗位要求: 1、对消费电子行业、家电产品行业、广告行业有一定的了解,具备手机产品整合营销项目经验、广告公司account经验优先; 2、有通信、市场营销、广告创意等专业知识的优先; 3、具有开放性思维和较强的主动学习能力,对行业市场保持高度关注; 4、具有较强的沟通协调能力和抗压能力; 5、具有娱乐营销、IP合作等经验)
岗位职责: 1、参与协助活动各阶段工作事项,按照流程正确使用各类文本/表单,确保项目执行顺畅 2、能够有效进行团队协作和沟通,协助对接其他部门推进项目执行 3、协助完成各类会议记录攥写,确保沟通信息准确传递 4、协助提案、活动执行相关资料、数据的收集整理 5、配合客户经理/主管协助完成活动现场执行 6、配合客户经理/主管完成外部供应商对接并有效跟踪进度 7、完成上级领导安排的其他工作事项 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历(应届生亦可,广告/公关/传媒/市场营销等专业优先考虑) 2、有路演/PR Event客户执行经验者优先考虑(尤其熟悉高端美妆/时尚/奢侈品行业) 3、具有较好的逻辑思维能力和学习力,能够清晰、精准的沟通表达,性格外向开朗,思维开阔 4、能适应快节奏的工作氛围,具有较好的抗压能力,良好的团队协作精神 5、能够熟练使用Office软件(PPT、Word、Excel)
职位介绍 1. 具有良好的业务理解能力和沟通能力,学习能力强能独立应对工作中遇到的问题; 2. 2~3年以上 Lightning Platform 项目开发经验,精通 LWC、Apex、SOQL、SOSL 开发; 3. 熟悉Salesforce平台的相关配置,例如:workflow, process builder, platform event等 3. 熟悉 Salesforce 主要的 governors / limits、trigger、异步方法、REST API 、权限控制、系统配置等相关开发; 4. 扎实的编程基础和良好的编程习惯,对代码的可读性、可维护性,以及代码单元测试的完整性有高要求; 5. 熟悉SF产品与外围各平台应用集成方案,有过集成项目开发经验。 任职要求 1. 2~5年以上Salesforce平台开发&配置经验; 2. Salesforce Platform Developer I 证书。 3. 英语读写流利,口语能满足项目日常交流 4、本科及以上学历,计算机或者工程相关专业优先; 5、至少参与5个关于CRM实施用于解决方案设计或开发问题的相关项目; 6、具有高度的责任感,优秀的团队沟通与协作能力; 7、英语沟通能力强者优先。 福利待遇: 1、13薪+年终奖,带薪年假10天+带薪病假10天+五险一金+年度体检+礼品(生日、结婚、生育、端午、中秋等) 2、多元化的员工培训(技能培训、拓展培训、储备干部培训等); 3、公司内部培训和晋升体系完善 每年度薪资涨幅美丽。
Job Responsibilities: Quality Improvement Assist in the preparation of the Quality Plan for each improvement project. Conduct additional audits or reviews by demand of Microsoft or because of an event driven root cause Quality Control Assist Microsoft in the development of test procedures or whatever is needed to complete the preparation of Quality Control and Auditing procedures Quality Communication Provide feedback to Microsoft on a regular basis or on demand about business performance and trends metric Quality Documentation Document all reviews and audits performed Quality Presentations Lead the stakeholder presentation monthly and quarterly Quality Leadership Lead inside the Supplier the continuous improvement process Keep a noncompliance issue log and ensure that recorded compliance issues are resolved and corrected by the Supplier operation Additionally, recommend updates to the quality plans to treat problems at hand· Quality Analyses Produce all quality analysis information required to maintain the performance at level of target required (statistical, affinity, Drivers, Attributes, etc.) Cross group Collaboration Partner with training, knowledge management and operations team to ensure Agent knowledge and customer satisfaction targets are meet Key Measure Successful implementation of process improvements A common quality language regarding processes and improvements used in the organization Knowledge of key principles of quality management distributed in the organization. Job Requirements: Fluent in English Excellent communication skills Have QA Experience Better to have trainer experience Proven leadership and operational experience.
[上海·方松] 2024-01-051k-2k 经验在校/应届 / 本科移动互联网,教育 / B轮 / 15-50人职位描述: 关于BPC Business Pioneer Case Challenge(BPC)青年商业案例分析论坛,是面向中国高中生、一个由哈佛商学院出版(Harvard Business Publishing)官方内容授权的青年案例分析交流活动。去年正值“哈佛商学院案例”诞生100周年纪念,哈佛商学院出版历史上首次开启在中国地区中学教育领域的合作,带着几万个授权原版案例落地中国,以一种全新模式来到中国高中生面前。其中,授权的影响力最大的项目之一,就是BPC青年商业案例分析论坛,得到全国上百所重点中学师生的关注和积极参与。 关于全国**路演 全国**路演是BPC的重头戏,将以盛大全面且极富趣味性的形式在线下展开!帮助学生们以真实商业世界的合作和创新替代传统课堂和书本学习,快速领略案例学习法在商业世界使用中的精髓。近千名极具经济和商科潜质的优秀高中生们在**路演期间,基于哈佛商学院公司案例,将代入公司高管团队的角色,通过和另一家公司结盟共创商业创新方案,真实模拟商业世界挑战,向世界知名学府学者和一线公司高管展示中国“Z世代”年轻分析师的独特视野和洞察。 招聘岗位】BPC全国**路演现场志愿者 线下志愿者: 【岗位方向】 - Event Assistant:深度参与BPC全国**路演现场各个不同环节的执行与运营,确保活动顺利开展 ,包括签到和接待、协助组织开闭幕式及展览答辩等重要环节、协助布置活动场地。活动期间与团队密切合作,解决任何突发情况。 【工作时间】2024年1月28日-2月1日 【培训时间】2024年1月28日下午(具体时间和培训内容将随录取结果一起告知) 【培训&工作地点】上海松江凯悦酒店(地址:上海市松江区广富林路599弄3号) 【食宿问题】组委会将承包每位线下志愿者培训以及工作期间的三餐但不提供住宿 职位要求: 我们正在寻找这样的你 - 有高效的执行能力,遇到问题能主动寻找解决方案 - 有良好现场应变能力和沟通能力,Hold得住大场面 - 有领导力,hold得住大场面 - 有责任感,踏实靠谱,做事细心 - 有相关活动组织经验者优先 -
职位名称: Buying Manager - Kitchen/Home 采购经理 - 厨房/家居 行业: Retail, Luxury 零售,奢侈品 工作地点: Hong Kong 香港 月薪: Z高70000元(港币) Job Description 职位描述 We are seeking two dynamic and experienced individuals to join this incredible luxury retailer as a Buying Manager. The ideal candidates will be responsible for curating an exquisite collection of designer furniture, lighting, decor and the second position will be Kitchenware. 我们正在寻找两位充满活力且经验丰富的候选人,加入这家杰*的奢侈品零售商担任采购经理一职。理想的候选人将负责策划一系列精美的设计师家具、灯饰、装饰品,而另外一个职位将负责厨房用品。 This role involves extensive travel to international trade shows, showrooms, and boutiques to source premium products that align with the brand's aesthetic. 该职位需要经常出差,参加和探访个大国际贸易展会、展厅和精品店,寻找与品牌审美相匹配的优质产品。 Candidates with a deep understanding of the Mainland China market and customer preferences are essential. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻理解,这是该职位至关重要的考量因素。 Key Responsibilities: 主要职责: Product Curation: 产品策划: Curate a diverse range of luxury furniture, lighting, and decor objects for the home. 策划各类豪华家具、灯具和家居装饰品。 For the kitchen and dining category, source everything from table settings, crystals, and wine glasses to ceramics and dining sets. 对厨房和餐饮产品进行全面采购,产品涉及餐桌摆设、水晶、酒杯、陶瓷、餐具等等。 Global Sourcing: 全球采购: Attend international trade shows in Paris, Milan, and other relevant locations. 参加巴黎、米兰和其他相关地点的国际贸易展会。 Visit showrooms of renowned designer brands and discover new niche brands to enhance our product offerings. 访问**设计师品牌的展厅,发现新的小众品牌,丰富我们的产品供应。 Brand Coordination: 品牌协调: Collaborate with various brands, ensuring a mix of price points and coordinating products based on color themes or specific aesthetics. 与不同品牌合作,确保价格点组合,并根据色彩主题或特定审美来协调产品。 Bring a creative touch to the overall curation, telling a compelling story, and identifying trends and themes. 为整体策划增添创意元素,讲述引人入胜的故事,确定趋势和主题。 Business Management: 业务管理: Manage open-to-buy spending budgets seasonally. 季节性管理采购计划支出预算。 Negotiate trade terms and conditions with vendors. 与供应商协商贸易条款和条件。 Place orders and oversee inventory and sell-through performance. 下订单、监督库存和销售业绩。 Collaborate with the retail, visual merchandising, and marketing teams for seasonal highlights and event coordination. 与零售、视觉营销和市场团队合作,协调季节亮点和活动。 Team Leadership: 团队领导: Lead and mentor an assistant buyer and a merchandise executive for each category. 领导和指导每个品类的助理采购员和商品主管。 Work collaboratively with the General Merchandise Manager of the home/lifestyle department. 与家居/生活品部门百货经理合作。 Qualifications: 任职资格: Previous experience in buying for home and lifestyle products, with a focus on luxury furniture or kitchen and dining essentials. 具备家居和生活用品方面的采购经验,聚焦于豪华家具或厨房、餐饮必需品。Deep understanding of the Mainland market and customer preferences. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻的理解。 Strong negotiation and communication skills. 出色的谈判、沟通技巧。 Proven ability to manage budgets and optimize sell-through performance. 具备管理预算和销售业绩的成功经验和能力。 Creative flair for curating products with a keen eye for trends and aesthetics. 具备产品策划创意天赋,对时尚和美学有敏锐的洞察力。 English and Mandarin fluency 英语和普通话流利 Compensation: Base salary ranging to HKD 70,000 per month, depending on experience. 薪酬: 基本工资根据经验而定,Z高每月70,000港币。 Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, portfolio, and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience 有兴趣的候选人请提交简历、作品集以及详细说明相关经验的求职信。
职位名称: Buying Manager - Kitchen/Home 采购经理 - 厨房/家居 行业: Retail, Luxury 零售,奢侈品 工作地点: Hong Kong 香港 月薪: Z高70000元(港币) Job Description 职位描述 Luxury Buyers - 奢侈品买手 Furniture x 1 家具 x 1 Kitchenware x 1 厨具 x 1 We are seeking two dynamic and experienced individuals to join this incredible luxury retailer as a Buying Manager. The ideal candidates will be responsible for curating an exquisite collection of designer furniture, lighting, decor and the second position will be Kitchenware. 我们正在寻找两位充满活力且经验丰富的候选人,加入这家杰*的奢侈品零售商担任采购经理一职。理想的候选人将负责策划一系列精美的设计师家具、灯饰、装饰品,而另外一个职位将负责厨房用品。 This role involves extensive travel to international trade shows, showrooms, and boutiques to source premium products that align with the brand's aesthetic. 该职位需要经常出差,参加和探访个大国际贸易展会、展厅和精品店,寻找与品牌审美相匹配的优质产品。 Candidates with a deep understanding of the Mainland China market and customer preferences are essential. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻理解,这是该职位至关重要的考量因素。 Key Responsibilities: 主要职责: Product Curation: 产品策划: Curate a diverse range of luxury furniture, lighting, and decor objects for the home. 策划各类豪华家具、灯具和家居装饰品。 For the kitchen and dining category, source everything from table settings, crystals, and wine glasses to ceramics and dining sets. 对厨房和餐饮产品进行全面采购,产品涉及餐桌摆设、水晶、酒杯、陶瓷、餐具等等。 Global Sourcing: 全球采购: Attend international trade shows in Paris, Milan, and other relevant locations. 参加巴黎、米兰和其他相关地点的国际贸易展会。 Visit showrooms of renowned designer brands and discover new niche brands to enhance our product offerings. 访问**设计师品牌的展厅,发现新的小众品牌,丰富我们的产品供应。 Brand Coordination: 品牌协调: Collaborate with various brands, ensuring a mix of price points and coordinating products based on color themes or specific aesthetics. 与不同品牌合作,确保价格点组合,并根据色彩主题或特定审美来协调产品。 Bring a creative touch to the overall curation, telling a compelling story, and identifying trends and themes. 为整体策划增添创意元素,讲述引人入胜的故事,确定趋势和主题。 Business Management: 业务管理: Manage open-to-buy spending budgets seasonally. 季节性管理采购计划支出预算。 Negotiate trade terms and conditions with vendors. 与供应商协商贸易条款和条件。 Place orders and oversee inventory and sell-through performance. 下订单、监督库存和销售业绩。 Collaborate with the retail, visual merchandising, and marketing teams for seasonal highlights and event coordination. 与零售、视觉营销和市场团队合作,协调季节亮点和活动。 Team Leadership: 团队领导: Lead and mentor an assistant buyer and a merchandise executive for each category. 领导和指导每个品类的助理采购员和商品主管。 Work collaboratively with the General Merchandise Manager of the home/lifestyle department. 与家居/生活品部门百货经理合作。 Qualifications: 任职资格: Previous experience in buying for home and lifestyle products, with a focus on luxury furniture or kitchen and dining essentials. 具备家居和生活用品方面的采购经验,聚焦于豪华家具或厨房、餐饮必需品。Deep understanding of the Mainland market and customer preferences. 对中国内地市场和客户喜好有深刻的理解。 Strong negotiation and communication skills. 出色的谈判、沟通技巧。 Proven ability to manage budgets and optimize sell-through performance. 具备管理预算和销售业绩的成功经验和能力。 Creative flair for curating products with a keen eye for trends and aesthetics. 具备产品策划创意天赋,对时尚和美学有敏锐的洞察力。 English and Mandarin fluency 英语和普通话流利 Compensation: Base salary ranging to HKD 70,000 per month, depending on experience. 薪酬: 基本工资根据经验而定,Z高每月70,000港币。 Interested candidates are invited to submit their resume, portfolio, and a cover letter detailing their relevant experience 有兴趣的候选人请提交简历、作品集以及详细说明相关经验的求职信。
Responsible As an Frontend Software Engineer, you will be building customer-focused and scalable native mobile experience in GMPI’s brandsite, Mini-Program and be responsible for monitoring and addressing performance and security. You will work side-by-side with designers, product owners, copywriters and other developers to create new features, test your own ideas, and push changes live for billions of users. You will: • Define professional standards/work methodology within the Frontend development area on different model in Cloud based, Microservice oriented, DevOps way, and focus not only be functional flexible and non-functional high standard in scalability/security/observability/serviceability/reliability • Strong Frontend development hands-on experience • Hands-on skills in product architecture design and landing, object-oriented design, event driven microservice design and work in Cloud environment • Set up interaction and knowledge sharing processes among Frontend engineering members in different Product Teams and Product Areas • Support the software engineering team professionally Skilled We expect our developers to know the ins and outs of the frontend framework and to deliver polished products that customers want to use. We need self-starters who are great at solving problems, initiate solutions and discussions and are not afraid of solving challenges due to our large scale. • Computer Science/Software Engineering or related university education background with Bachelor above degree • 7+ years of experience in a relevant role, preferably in a commercial environment • At least 1 year of this experience must be from working with WeChat Mini-Program Framework. • Proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5 and CSS • Experience with medium/large-scale web/ mini-program applications • Proficient in modern Javascript frameworks like React, Angular or Vue (React preferred) • Proficient with modern testing frameworks (e.g., jest/mocha/jasmine) • In depth understanding of front-end architecture and performance experience optimization • Experience with GraphQL, and familiarity with common backend service languages such as Node.js, Java will be appreciated • Experienced with git-based source control, CI/CD pipelines(like Jenkins/CircleCI/Git Actions) and container technologies(Docker and Kubernetes) • Experience in Agile development/configuration • Keen learner within the technical components of the domains/products • Strong team player and ability to develop and guide others • With architecture/leadership thinking to drive things forward and influence skills to promote ideas and plans • Able to communicate intricate technical concepts and align organization on decisions with partners of all levels of expertise Bonus points for • Experience in Hybrid R&D, iOS/Android application development and WeChat based eco-system will be valued • Previous experience in design and develop digital products in retail/e-commerce industry • Full-stack / BFF developer (or similar) experience preferred
理想品牌中心团队介绍: 理想汽车作为国产豪华智能电动车品牌,以创造移动的家,创造幸福的家为使命。理想品牌中心是由视觉平面设计师、图像创意、视频创意设计师、CG制作设计师、品牌战略专家等组成的综合创新团队,我们致力通过设计与创意将理想汽车打造成 新能源制造业引领者。 加入我们,共赴理想! Brand Design-Graphic Design-Senior Visual Creative Manager Li Auto Brand Center Team Introduction: As a domestic luxury intelligent electric vehicle brand, the mission of Li Auto is to create a mobile and happy home. The Li Auto Brand Center is a comprehensive innovation team composed of visual graphic designers, image creatives, video creative designers, CG production designers, brand strategy experts, etc. We are committed to using design and creativity to make Ideal Auto a leader in the new energy manufacturing industry. Join us and achieve our ideals together! 职位描述: 1.根据产品定义结合用户思维,规划及创意新车型的创意方向及影像规范。 Job Description: 1.Based on the product definition and user thinking, plan and create a creative direction and image specifications for the new vehicle model. 2. 根据发布会要展现内容与逻辑关系及品牌影相调性,创意高品质落地制作方案或可落地平面拍摄规划,执行方案并把控品质,对品质负责。 2. Based on the content and logical relationship to be presented at the release event, as well as the brand visual tone, devise a high-quality creative implementation plan or a plan for the photography of the plan. Execute the plan, control the quality, and take responsibility for it. 3.根据日常业务(如车展kv、节日创意设计、活动keynote、内部宣传等)需求,影像类输出创意并完成layout,与供应商对接创意落地把控品质。 3.Based on daily business needs (such as exhibition KV, creative festival design, event keynote, internal propaganda, etc.), provide creative output for video, and complete the layout. Coordinate with suppliers to ensure quality of creative output. 4.品牌VIS(品牌色、字体、影像风格、版式设计风格)更新迭代与探索。 4. Update and iterate brand VIS (brand color, font, image style, layout design style) and explore new possibilities. 5.利用ai探索前瞻的影像风格落地表现手法。 5.Utilize AI to explore advanced image style landing performance techniques. 职位要求 具备能力: 1.丰富的拍摄制作实战及判断经验 ,能达到创意与实际落地制作互锁。具有完整参与拍摄制作项目的闭环能力,需求-创意-设计落地-反馈-完稿。 Capacity: 1. Rich practical experience in shooting and production, with the ability to integrate creativity and practical implementation. Able to fully participate in the entire process of shooting and production projects, from requirement assessment to creative design, implementation, feedback and completion. 2.具备很强美术基础,可通过手绘或软件落地创意。 2. Strong foundation in art, able to realize ideas through hand-drawing or software development. 3.具有团队协作及共创精神,有责任心及担当精神,抗压能力强。愿意接受新事物及带来的挑战。 3. Possesses collaborative and co-creative spirit, with a strong sense of responsibility and ability to handle pressure. Willing to accept new challenges and embrace new knowledge. 4.拥抱变化,逻辑思维强,能利用专业素养快速做出应对方案及落地执行能力。 4. Embrace change, strong logical thinking, able to use professional expertise to quickly come up with response plans and execute them. 5.熟练掌握各类ai及设计类软件。 5. Proficient in various AI and design software. 6.具有高等设计院校及海外设计类院校留学背景,具备英语沟通能力者优先。 6. Candidates who have studied in top design colleges or overseas design colleges and have English communication skills are preferred.