• 25k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE We are looking for a highly motivated penetration tester to help Tesla continue raising the bar on security to work on Model S, 3, X, Y and future projects. Tesla’s "connected cars" are backed by a large infrastructure of systems that provide critical data to vehicles. The security of these systems is of the highest importance. Tesla’s Red Team members carry out attacks and security assessments to aid assurance that security has been properly implemented. As a Red Team Engineer for Tesla, you will get an opportunity to attack Tesla products and services. Successful candidates will have a passion for pwning and a desire to make the world a better place. If you enjoy CTFs and finding new vulnerabilities, this position is calling your name. We’re in need of Red Team members with experience attacking a wide range of targets including network infrastructure, Windows/Linux/UNIX servers, web applications, and embedded devices. RESPONSIBILITIES Breaking everything you touch (and helping us fix it). Conducting penetration tests against Tesla networks and services. Performing security assessments on third-party services and software. Collaborating with engineers to develop secure services. Auditing source code for security vulnerabilities. Develop/implement automated systems to help spot known security exposures. REQUIREMENTS BS in Computer Science, Physics, Computer Engineering, Information Security, Electrical Engineering or related field or proof of exceptional skills in related fields, with practical engineering experience. Strong experience with secure architecture design. Strong communication skills, both written and spoken. Security expertise in one or more of: C, C++, PHP, Go, BF (No, not really), x86, ARM, CAN, cryptography, reverse engineering, wireless networks, common web vulnerabilities (SQLi, XSS, CSRF), exploit development. Strong penetration testing experience. Strong experience auditing code and features.
  • 25k-50k 经验不限 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE We are looking for a highly motivated penetration tester to help Tesla continue raising the bar on security to work on Model S, 3, X, Y and future projects. Tesla’s "connected cars" are backed by a large infrastructure of systems that provide critical data to vehicles. The security of these systems is of the highest importance. Tesla’s Red Team members carry out attacks and security assessments to aid assurance that security has been properly implemented. As a Red Team Engineer for Tesla, you will get an opportunity to attack Tesla products and services. Successful candidates will have a passion for pwning and a desire to make the world a better place. If you enjoy CTFs and finding new vulnerabilities, this position is calling your name. We’re in need of Red Team members with experience attacking a wide range of targets including network infrastructure, Windows/Linux/UNIX servers, web applications, and embedded devices. RESPONSIBILITIES Breaking everything you touch (and helping us fix it). Conducting penetration tests against Tesla networks and services. Performing security assessments on third-party services and software. Collaborating with engineers to develop secure services. Auditing source code for security vulnerabilities. Develop/implement automated systems to help spot known security exposures. REQUIREMENTS BS in Computer Science, Physics, Computer Engineering, Information Security, Electrical Engineering or related field or proof of exceptional skills in related fields, with practical engineering experience. Strong experience with secure architecture design. Strong communication skills, both written and spoken. Security expertise in one or more of: C, C++, PHP, Go, BF (No, not really), x86, ARM, CAN, cryptography, reverse engineering, wireless networks, common web vulnerabilities (SQLi, XSS, CSRF), exploit development. Strong penetration testing experience. Strong experience auditing code and features.
  • 8k-12k 经验5-10年 / 不限
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位介绍: 车身设备维修技师,是车间先进自动化设备的直接负责人,负责车间自动化设备的故障处理、维护以及保养;团队成员积极主动、技能高超,期待志同道合的你加入,同时我们提供多样化的职业发展方向,为你提供展示自己才能的平台 职责描述: • 遵守公司规章制度,严格按照作业指导书工作,积极查找安全隐患,及时汇报安全隐患和事故 • 快速有效地响应警报、故障和生产请求,以最大限度地减少停机时间 • 在维修主管以及维修工程师的指导下创建、修改和实施PM文件、计划和活动 • 根据作业指导书,进行设备维修以及维护保养(需要周末和节假日) • 设计、制造、实施并完整记录设备修改与改进 • 了解设备备件的型号以及更换方法,熟悉备件管理流程 • 参与生产期间的设备看管以及停产期间的设备维护 • 主动学习设备知识,并指导初级设备维护技术人员 • 统计、分析并总结设备故障,成为处理设备问题的专家 • 支持新项目的现场工事的监护,设备安装的过程验收以及程序调试等 任职要求: 必须 • 大专及以上学历 • 具有2年以上焊装维修经验(包含焊装调试或其它相关领域) • 对于焊装自动化设备有基础了解,并至少精通其中一项 • 较强的主观学习积极性,具有一定的自学能力 • 良好的电脑操作能力,包括微软办公软件和电子邮件 • 在团队合作中创造并保持积极的氛围 优先 • 有plc和机器人编程,气动,电气方面的经验者优先 • 愿意出差,例如接受培训或公司业务需要 工作在上海超级工厂: 薪酬体系,「特」给力富有竞争力薪酬+全员持股政策+高标准住房公积金,还有杰出员工评选、精英挑战赛等定期活动赢取丰厚奖励。 员工福利,「特」优享商业保险:社保内医疗费用100%报销,覆盖员工本人、配偶、未成年子女 ;免费工作餐:13个厂内食堂,汇聚八方美食,满足不同口味的你;免费班车:450多条直达超级工厂的班车,覆盖全上海,三人成团即可开新班车路线;临港租房:合租公寓、公租房、社会房源等众多房源租赁,性价比超高;员工购车:赠送FSD完全自动驾驶包。 职业发展,「特」广阔多路径发展:无论是专业路线,还是管理路线,你可以选择适合自己的发展路径;完善全面的培训体系、通畅透明的晋升渠道,助力你解锁在特斯拉的一切可能性。 工作氛围,「特」向上透明的沟通氛围、充分的授权、创新的工作方式,你可以和一支使命必达的团队一起成长!
  • 8k-11k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位详情 急 特斯拉顾问(销售方向)-遵义 8K - 11K|全职|销售/交付|西二区销售 West Sales|贵州·遵义市 发布于 2023-09-28 职位描述 职位介绍 THE ROLE 特斯拉是全球直营门店运营模式,销售团队在各城市门店直接面向所有客户,通过热情专业地向客户讲解产品并且为客户带来良好的试驾体验,传递特斯拉的使命。我们的销售团队非常年轻优秀充满激情,是一群心中有火眼里有光的团队,愿意独立思考,乐于挑战,一次又一次地完成其他人眼中不可能的任务创造奇迹。该职位主要负责独立完成客户邀约、接待、试驾以及促成订单的销售全流程,完善客户体验。 职责描述 RESPONSIBILITIES 保证高质量客户体验,接待所有进店客人,解决客户顾虑,热情地为客户和特斯拉爱好者介绍电动汽车的优点、普及电动车知识。 通过良好的沟通,帮助特斯拉爱好者及未来车主更好地了解公司动态并且传达特斯拉的理念。 鼓励顾客试驾,通过试驾提供高质量的客户体验,传递良好的特斯拉口碑,建立良好的客户关系。探索和激发客户需求,独立完成选配,促成订单,根据公司服务标准,完成销售全流程。 沟通最新公司讯息,帮助特斯拉爱好者及未来车主更好地了解公司动态。 认真学习了解公司及产品的相关知识,及时了解最新行业发展和实践。 持续建立并管理潜在客户资源,通过电话、邮件、试驾等线上线下方式维系客户关系,确保较高的客户满意度,最终将潜在客户转化为特斯拉车主。 和外部客户、外部人员保持清晰、准确、职业、礼貌的沟通;和内部同事保持良好的沟通和团队协作。 按要求接受公司层面的各项培训,包括但不限于各类员工规章制度、商业准则、EHS、信息安全等培训,并严格遵守公司相关规章制度。 其他职责:根据业务发展需要,完成管理层指定的其他工作。
  • 8k-10k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    总装生产班长(Lead Production) 需要根据总装车间年度经营计划,组织管理所辖班组生产活动的各项因素(人、机、料、法、环、测),领导监督所辖班组过程控制和过程优化,高效、精益地按要求生产出合格产品,保证所在工段生产运作。要求掌握总装车间生产现场管理体系的知识和应用,包括但不限于班组生产组织、班组人员培训、日常考勤绩效管理及团队化分工、班组目标分解和完成情况跟踪、现场安全管理与监督、改进工作、设备点检和过程质量控制等 Responsibilities: • 遵守公司规章制度,严格按照作业指导书工作,积极查找安全隐患,及时汇报安全隐患和事故,提出安全合理化建议,通过不断改进,创造安全健康的工作环境; • 执行所在工段年度各项计划,通过各种有效措施的跟踪、落实,确保各项目标的完成; • 收集质量信息,进行分析、制定改进措施并跟踪验证有效性;落实工段质量改进计划,进行持续的质量改进和过程优化,确保班组、工段质量目标的实现; • 根据工段的生产计划,组织员工通过对资源的合理配置、工位和人员的优化、执行标准化操作。并通过设备维修保养、物流的合理组织等,实现班组柔性化生产; • 负责班组全面效率维修的基础工作。落实检修计划及完成情况的跟踪,并同维修工共同排除设备故障,最大限度的减少设备停台,保证设备开动率目标的完成;负责所属区域内的相关固定资产的维护,通过组织员工设备全面效率维修,保证设备完好率及降低动能消耗; • 班组的现场管理工作进行落实、检查、整改与跟踪;组织班组员工的安全和防火活动;负责班组员工劳保用品的发放,指导、监督员工正确穿戴劳保用品; • 组织员工进行改进和合理化建议活动;负责所管辖区域内团队人员的调配,进行团队建设,绩效考核; • 统计本班组的三项费用的使用情况,做出分析并制定整改措施; • 培训班组人员,制定本班组的轮岗计划,提高多技能率,实现班组人员进行合理利用。 Requirements: • 高中、中专、技校或以上学历,理工类专业优先具有 • 至少5年制造企业的工作经验,总装生产线管理经验优先。 • 很强的团队管理能力,工作主动性强,有很强的实现目标驱动力、责任和信心 • 具有良好的沟通技巧、团队合作意识和学习能力,高度的责任心和敬业精神及独立解决问题能力 负责现场物流所属责任区域内所有有关现场物流运作的工作,以确保达到安全、质量、响应、成本等计划目标. 并参与产品项目涉及现场物流的相关实施工作。 遵守公司规章制度,严格按照作业指导书工作,积极查找安全隐患,及时汇报安全隐患和事故,提出安全合理化建议,通过不断改进,创造安全健康的工作环境; 作好日常安全巡检,关注现场员工操作规范,确保现场物流所属区域的正常有序运作; 密切关注零件质量状态,作好零件库存管理;快速响应并确保现场物料及时供货,关注现场日常运行中变化点(BP/PTR等)日常管理工作; 做好交接班及班前会安排,确保信息有效传达与沟通,并注重团队和梯队建设工作; 培训并指导操作员工进行标准化操作,发现工作中存在浪费,提出合理化建议,合理消除现场浪费,降低运作成本; 关注员工出勤、考勤和离职管理,做好日常出勤、轮岗计划,以确保生产平稳有序; 配合物流规划,协同进行新项目实施准备工作,按照项目清单以及各阶段时间节点,有序安排所属区域零件接收、上线、报警等工作,确保项目顺利实施; Requirements: 大专/本科学历,物流/包装/机械/自动化专业优先考虑 3年及以上现代制造企业的物流仓储等相关工作经验 工作主动性强,有很强的实现目标驱动力、责任和信心 具有良好的沟通技巧、团队合作意识和学习能力,高度的责任心和敬业精神及独立解决问题的能力 具有铲车、拖车操作证技能优先考虑 具备一定汽车行业现场物流运作经历背景优先考虑   35岁以下的,能接受倒班。
  • 汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    主要职责 • 管理并监控服务中心的日常运营 • 优化服务流程以提升客户满意度并为升级客户提供解决方案 • 监控服务中心各项KPI(客户满意度/一次维修准确率/预约等待时间等) • 服务中心的成本管理 • 服务中心的人员管理和绩效考核 • 服务政策的完善和执行并掌握行业相关信息 • 服务品种的优化和丰富 • 保障服务人员、设施和车辆的安全 • 定期带领团队完成车辆、设备和工具的盘点 • 配合销售和交付及其他团队完成对内相关工作并负责服务中心对外相关事务 • 履行公司分配的其他工作 任职要求: • 5年以上品牌授权经销商售后管理经验,且有厂家区域经理工作经验优先 • 5年以上工单撰写、服务管理相关文件撰写的经验 • 大学本科或同等学历,汽车维修相关专业优先; • 混合动力或电动车相关经验优先 • 掌握汽车设备及汽车服务相关的知识 • 发现问题、解决问题的持续改善的工作方式和态度 • 双赢思维,能够建立良好的内外合作关系 • 经历工厂或汽车生产厂商专业培训 • 能够执行书面和口头的指令 • 高效地处理多项事务和优先级,管理工作量,保障工作按时完成 • 团队合作力强,为团队共同利益工作 • 能够接受出差 • 持有有效的驾照 • 良好的英语书写和口语能力,精通中文书写和口语 • 熟练使用Office办公软件 • 35岁之内
  • 6k-12k·17薪 经验1-3年 / 大专
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    特斯拉上海超級工厂位于上海临港重装备产业区,规横超过1200亩(通86万平方米),2021年预计年总体产能为45万辆,未来最高可达到50万辆。该工厂作为中国**外商独资整车制造项目,也是特斯拉苜个在美国以外的超级工厂,对于特斯拉深耕中国市场以及国内新能源汽车的发展都有者极为重要的战略意义。 基本信息 •工人需缴纳费用:商保+五险一金+补充医疗公积金+全家医保 •年龄要求:18-35岁 •学历要求:高中技校以上学历(普工) 薪咨福利 •发薪日:每月月底发本月基本工资,加班费、翻班费次月月底发放 •工资计算方式:(综合工时制加班是以底薪( 5200-6500)为基数的1.5倍,节假日 3倍工资年薪10-14万,按操作工最低算。工资待遇国内领先。 食宿情況 •住宿:厂外 • 餐食提供:提供工作餐 工作内容 •主要工作内容:生产新能源汽车(整车组装) •有哪些岗位:整车組装,车身操作员,电池电机操作员,物流叉车工,维修技师,设备维护机电一体化工程师,设计工程师,预算师。 •生产产品:生产新能源汽车 • 上班形式:两班倒 •多久倒一次班:两班倒,上四休二 •月休息天数:9-10天 面试信息 •入职前流程都是线上进行。投简历,面试都是网上进行,不占用时间
  • 25k-45k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE As an experienced Software Engineer, you’ll take part in the design and development of software for the current and next generation of Tesla’s applications. The candidate is expecting to be specialized in server-side web development that is also comfortable working with the entire stack (front-end and infrastructure). The ideal candidate will have a passion for building world-class software and a track record of success creating highly and scalable software systems. Your ability to creatively collaborate and execute team goals will affect scalability and directly contribute to the company's mission of accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy. RESPONSIBILITIES  • Work closely with a wide variety of stakeholders to analyze and break down large requirements into small, simple, workable deliverables. • Work across multiple projects simultaneously. • Design, implement, and deliver to production complete end-to-end fully functional solutions. • Contribute to software architecture design, and drive the application improvement • Develop enterprise-scale software introduction and subsequent roll-out to future production lines • Ensure highest technical quality of your deliverables and they are cost-effective to maintain. • Work closely with Operations, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality, and Supply Chain teams, Interact with teams of engineers from multiple disciplines • Perform software performance optimization • Automate any repetitive development tasks and bring efficiency to the team. • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple assignments in a fast-paced environment. REQUIREMENTS Must Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree or higher in CS, CE, EE or the equivalent in experience and evidence of exceptional ability. • Minimum 3 years of working experience. • Proven experience with an object-oriented programming language, preferably C#(Java also acceptable). • Prior experience building micro-service oriented solutions and single page front-end applications at scale. • Knowledge and expertise of distributed systems design and orchestrated decentralized architecture with clear APIs. • Ability to quickly understand complex problems and effectively facilitate a team to technical decisions and actions. • Database experience (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server…). • Prior experience building micro-service oriented solutions and single page front-end applications at scale. • Knowledge and expertise of distributed systems design and orchestrated decentralized architecture with clear APIs. • Innovation mindset with emerging technologies implement to solve business problems. • Excellent interpersonal communication skill. • Fluent in English. Preferred Qualifications • Experience with modern front-end JS technologies and frameworks such as: TypeScript, Angular or React. • Hands on experience with distributed systems infrastructure, Kafka, Redis, Kubernetes, Docker, Splunk, Jenkins etc.
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    The Role We are looking for a Data Engineer to be part of our Applications Engineering team. This person will design, develop, maintain and support our Enterprise Data Warehouse & BI platform within Tesla using various data & BI tools, this position offers unique opportunity to make significant impact to the entire organization in developing data tools and driving data driven culture. Responsibilities: • Work in a time constrained environment to analyze, design, develop and deliver Enterprise Data Warehouse solutions for Tesla’s Sales, Delivery and Logistics Teams. • Setting up, maintaining and optimizing bigdata platform for production usage in reporting, analysis and ML applications. • Establish scalable, efficient, automated processes for data analyses, model development, validation and implementation. • Create ETL pipelines using Spark/Flink. • Create real time data streaming and processing using Open source technologies like Kafka , Spark etc. • Develop collaborative relationships with key business sponsors and IT resources for the efficient resolution of work requests. • Provide timely and accurate estimates for newly proposed functionality enhancements critical situation. • Develop, enforce, and recommend enhancements to Applications in the area of standards, methodologies, compliance, and quality assurance practices; participate in design and code walkthroughs. Qualifications: Minimum Qualifications: • Proficient experience in building large scale Spark batch applications. • Must have strong experience in Data Warehouse ETL design and development, methodologies, tools, processes and best practices. • Strong experience in stellar dashboards and reports creation for C-level executives. • Have a good understanding on one module, one id and one service. Preferred Qualifications: • 3+ years of development experience in Open Source technologies like Scala, Java. • Excellent Experience with Hortonworks/Cloudera platforms. • Practical experience in using HDFS. • Relevant working experience with Docker and Kubernetes preferred.
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    The Role Tesla aims to accelerate world’s transition to a sustainable energy by ensuring we provide a seamless and frictionless experience to our customers. To meet this goal, Tesla is constantly striving to innovate and provide best in class services through introduction of pioneering new products and services. To that end, Tesla is seeking hardworking and passionate software engineers as various levels. These engineers will be part of a startup team that is focused on delivering a highly scalable platform that enables growth of current and future products and services to our customers. Responsibilities • Design and develop high quality, scalable and stable web applications and/or back-end services. • Develop client-side applications that connect with web services. • Develop back-end web services. • Follow Tesla’s high standards for security-best practices in all development. • Partner closely with security team for code analysis and design reviews. • Perform unit testing. • Process bug reports and release fixes. • Participate in code reviews. • Participate in agile processes. • Always think innovatively to solve customer problems. Requirements Must Qualifications • Bachelor or Master Degree in Computer Science or related field, or equivalent in experience. • 5+ years of experience in building software products for external customer use in Java, C, C++, C# or some other object-oriented language with evidence of exceptional ability. • Java Spring Boot experience is strongly preferred. • Experience with writing SQL-based applications such as MySQL or MS SQL or Oracle. • Experience working with Linux or similar O/Ss. • Experience building scalable applications (Web applications or back-end services). Preferred Qualifications • Detail-oriented, can identify and fix own bugs, and write quality code that runs efficiently. • Passionate, positive, can-do attitude and can adapt to any challenge and willing to take ownership of problems and brings issues to full resolution. • Enjoy working in a team that follows agile practices and code reviews and CI/CD.
  • 30k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE The Sales & Delivery application team is responsible for building applications to support Tesla's rapid growth while providing an amazing customer experience. The business covers the whole customer journey including discovery, ordering, vehicle fulfillment, ownership, charging and service. The application scope covers Tesla Web, App, Mini Program, internal tools, Tesla for Business and new product launch. The mission of our team is to streamline business operations, decrease costs, improve customer experiences, and solve the business challenges from both product and technology perspective. Our engineers are hands-on and encouraged to own their own projects, contribute to new ideas, and make an impact on the way that our company operates. RESPONSIBILITIES  • Design, code and maintain mobile user experiences end-to-end. • Optimize code for performance, stability and maintainability. • Work with a cross-functional team of hardware engineers, application/UI software engineers, QA/Validation, and designers. REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or similar areas of study. • Minimum 5 years’ experience in Mobile (iOS/Android) development. • 2+ years building web and/or mobile experiences with evidence of exceptional ability. • Proficient with React Native and Redux. • Proficient with TypeScript is a plus. • Familiar in Objective-C or Swift or Kotlin native app development. • Excellent grasp of fundamental computer science concepts, good at solving complex technical problem. • Experience using common design patterns. High standards for code quality, maintainability, and performance. • Experience creating, maintaining and shipping top-ranking mobile apps is preferred.
  • 70k-100k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE Tesla's Software Platforms team provides the foundation on which the in-vehicle user experience is built. We build the software platform (kernel, bootchain, drivers, and lower level userspace platform services) for our innovative Infotainment hardware. This includes high resolution touch displays, high definition audio, bluetooth/wifi/cellular connectivity, USB, cameras, all connected to high performance multi-core processors and GPUs. Our software is based on Linux, GNU toolchain, buildroot, and other open source projects, delivering the security, capability, and performance demanded by our user experience RESPONSIBILITIES • Write well structured, testable, efficient, and maintainable code • Integrate software components into a fully functional software system • Tailor and deploy software tools, processes and metrics • Use existing available hardware in innovative ways to solve problems • Board bringup and hardware design validation • Deploy software incrementally to meet very fast paced development • Develop software tests and continuous integration for your code • Support factory provisioning, test, and improvements • Assess and document new product feasibility REQUIREMENTS Must Have • 4+ years embedded software and/or firmware development experience • 2+ years experience with Embedded Linux and/or Android development • Strong Linux kernel fundamentals, Linux internals • Experience developing device drivers • Systems Software experience • Excellent C/C++ coding skills • Experience with board /chip bringup • Strong build, debug and test skills • Android Container, Hypervisor, or virtualization experience • Comfortable using hardware debug tools (DMM, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers) and software debug tools (GDB, KGDB, JTAG) • Excellent problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills Prefer To Have • Upstream contributions to Linux Kernel is a plus • Contributions to involvement with open source projects is a plus • Experience with bootloaders and recovery OS development is a plus • Experience with RTOS or bare-metal embedded development is a plus • Experience with Linux graphics technologies (X, wayland, mesa3d, dri/drm drivers) is a plus
  • 70k-100k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE Tesla's Software Platforms team provides the foundation on which the in-vehicle user experience is built. We build the software platform (kernel, bootchain, drivers, and lower level userspace platform services) for our innovative Infotainment hardware. This includes high resolution touch displays, high definition audio, bluetooth/wifi/cellular connectivity, USB, cameras, all connected to high performance multi-core processors and GPUs. Our software is based on Linux, GNU toolchain, buildroot, and other open source projects, delivering the security, capability, and performance demanded by our user experience RESPONSIBILITIES • Write well structured, testable, efficient, and maintainable code • Integrate software components into a fully functional software system • Tailor and deploy software tools, processes and metrics • Use existing available hardware in innovative ways to solve problems • Board bringup and hardware design validation • Deploy software incrementally to meet very fast paced development • Develop software tests and continuous integration for your code • Support factory provisioning, test, and improvements • Assess and document new product feasibility REQUIREMENTS Must Have • 4+ years embedded software and/or firmware development experience • 2+ years experience with Embedded Linux and/or Android development • Strong Linux kernel fundamentals, Linux internals • Experience developing device drivers • Systems Software experience • Excellent C/C++ coding skills • Experience with board /chip bringup • Strong build, debug and test skills • Android Container, Hypervisor, or virtualization experience • Comfortable using hardware debug tools (DMM, oscilloscopes, logic analyzers) and software debug tools (GDB, KGDB, JTAG) • Excellent problem solving, critical thinking, and communication skills Prefer To Have • Upstream contributions to Linux Kernel is a plus • Contributions to involvement with open source projects is a plus • Experience with bootloaders and recovery OS development is a plus • Experience with RTOS or bare-metal embedded development is a plus • Experience with Linux graphics technologies (X, wayland, mesa3d, dri/drm drivers) is a plus
  • 30k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE Tesla APAC Industrial Internet Service team is responsible for building applications to provide our vehicle owners undisturbed service, we built up the applications to support the virtual service, mobile service, etc., which make our customer get serviced without going to service center. We're looking for engineers who bring fresh ideas from all areas to improve our customer service experience. As an experienced Software Engineer, you’ll take part in the design and development of software for the current and next generation of Tesla’s applications. The candidate is expecting to be specialized in server-side web development that is also comfortable working with the entire stack (front-end and infrastructure). The ideal candidate will have a passion for building world-class software and a track record of success creating highly and scalable software systems. Your ability to creatively collaborate and execute team goals will affect scalability and directly contribute to the company's mission of accelerating the world’s transition to sustainable energy. RESPONSIBILITIES  • Work closely with a wide variety of stakeholders to analyze and break down large requirements into small, simple, workable deliverables. • Work across multiple projects simultaneously. • Design, implement, and deliver to production complete end-to-end fully functional solutions. • Contribute to software architecture design, and drive the application improvement • Develop enterprise-scale software introduction and subsequent roll-out to future production lines • Ensure highest technical quality of your deliverables and they are cost-effective to maintain. • Work closely with Operations, Manufacturing Engineering, Quality, and Supply Chain teams, Interact with teams of engineers from multiple disciplines • Perform software performance optimization • Automate any repetitive development tasks and bring efficiency to the team. • Ability to multi-task and manage multiple assignments in a fast-paced environment. REQUIREMENTS Must Qualifications • Bachelor’s degree or higher in CS, CE, EE or the equivalent in experience and evidence of exceptional ability. • Minimum 3 years of working experience. • Proven experience with an object-oriented programming language, preferably C#(Java also acceptable). • Prior experience building micro-service oriented solutions and single page front-end applications at scale. • Knowledge and expertise of distributed systems design and orchestrated decentralized architecture with clear APIs. • Ability to quickly understand complex problems and effectively facilitate a team to technical decisions and actions. • Database experience (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server…). • Prior experience building micro-service oriented solutions and single page front-end applications at scale. • Knowledge and expertise of distributed systems design and orchestrated decentralized architecture with clear APIs. • Innovation mindset with emerging technologies implement to solve business problems. • Excellent interpersonal communication skill. • Fluent in English. Preferred Qualifications • Experience with modern front-end JS technologies and frameworks such as: TypeScript, Angular or React. • Hands on experience with distributed systems infrastructure, Kafka, Redis, Kubernetes, Docker, Splunk, Jenkins etc.
  • 40k-60k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    THE ROLE The Sales & Delivery application team is responsible for building applications to support Tesla's rapid growth while providing an amazing customer experience. The business covers the whole customer journey including discovery, ordering, vehicle fulfillment, ownership, charging and service. The application scope covers Tesla Web, App, Mini Program, internal tools, Tesla for Business and new product launch. The mission of our team is to streamline business operations, decrease costs, improve customer experiences, and solve the business challenges from both product and technology perspective. Our engineers are hands-on and encouraged to own their own projects, contribute to new ideas, and make an impact on the way that our company operates. RESPONSIBILITIES  • Design, code and maintain mobile user experiences end-to-end. • Optimize code for performance, stability and maintainability. • Work with a cross-functional team of hardware engineers, application/UI software engineers, QA/Validation, and designers. REQUIREMENTS • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering, or similar areas of study. • Minimum 5 years’ experience in Mobile (iOS/Android) development. • 2+ years building web and/or mobile experiences with evidence of exceptional ability. • Proficient with React Native and Redux. • Proficient with TypeScript is a plus. • Familiar in Objective-C or Swift or Kotlin native app development. • Excellent grasp of fundamental computer science concepts, good at solving complex technical problem. • Experience using common design patterns. High standards for code quality, maintainability, and performance. • Experience creating, maintaining and shipping top-ranking mobile apps is preferred.