• 35k-50k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Responsibility: · Design and build the infrastructure of SaaS cloud products, make the system massively scalable, highly available, and easily maintainable · Responsible for the architecture design of applications in life science industry · Collaborate with Product Management and Development team members on technical design and problem solving to come up with compelling solutions to problems · Participate in DevOps work, auto deploy the products to the cloud · Work in a passionate team environment within a highly successful company that is growing fast. Requirements: · 7 years+ of commercial software development in Java or Python · Rich architecture and platform building experience, specially SaaS multi-tenant architecture · Current hands-on development experience with open-source technologies: Spring, Spring Boot, Django, Celery, PyTest, MySQL, Git, Jenkins, Linux. · Experience with DevOps, auto deployment, continuous delivery · Familiar with VPC, EC2, S3, Auto Scaling, load Balancing, Container Service, ELK, SQS, CDN, Vagrant, Terraform, etc. · Good English communication skills - both oral and written · BS or above in computer science/engineering or equivalent Nice to Have: · Experience with AWS infrastructure, Ali Cloud, Salesforce platform development · Experience in frontend development, specially development on Wechat · Knowledgeable on CRM or life science domain Experience in DevOps development, proficient in Terraform, Ansible
  • 15k-25k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    文娱|内容,企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: - 带领移动端跟HTML5游戏端系统的开发、优化、实时运营等工作,包括但不限于:路线规划、管理代办事项、战斗机制、玩家进度、整合以及变现等。 - 与游戏设计师,美术人员,项目经理以及其他相关开发人员的合作,实现游戏在各平台上的功能与机制运行畅顺。 - 实现UI与互交元素,以便在各种硬件入:手机端、平板、台式机等上的安装达成与玩家的无缝互动。 - 优化游戏在各种平台的功能,包括渲染、记忆体使用和CPU运作。 - 调试问题,以确保游戏在各种类型设备上,玩家都能有流畅的游戏体验。 - 与开发团队一起审查程序代码。 职位要求: - 至少拥有电脑科学、软件工程或相关领域的学士学位或经验,(至少5-10年的相关工作经验)。 - 拥有在手机端跟HTML5端游戏开发的丰富经验,专攻前端/全端开发。 能熟练操作HTML5, Cocos Creators (2D & 3D), JavaScript, Unity 等引擎;会PixiJS & CSS的有加分。 - 能熟练操作Spine的也是有加分。 - 对移动端和HTML5端游戏优化技术以及游戏开发有深入的了解以及丰富的实践经验。 - 拥有丰富的游戏UI & UX 设计和实施经验。 - 优秀的问题解决能力,注重细节,并且能独立解决技术相关问题的能力。 - 优秀的沟通技巧包括与跨职能团队以及外部合作伙伴的共同协调能力。 - 能够适应初创型公司的工作节奏与环境,可独立解决与协调工作问题。 - 对游戏有热情度或在游戏研发上的创新、高品质游戏体验等的渴望。 - 具有开发线上和实时游戏的能力。 - 拥有 HTML5, GooglePlay, Apple iOS, WEB3, 微信小游戏, Facebook, Telegram 等游戏平台的开发经验。 Job responsibilities: - To lead the development and optimization of gameplay systems and live-operation events for mobile and HTML5 games, including planning roadmap, managing backlog, combat mechanics, player progression, integration and monetization. - To collaborate with game designers, artists, project managers and other developers to implement game features and mechanics for various platforms. - To implement UI and interactive elements for seamless player interactions on mobile, tablet and desktop devices. - To optimize game performance for various platforms, including rendering, memory usage, and CPU performance. - To debug issues to ensure smooth gameplay experience across various types of devices. - To participate in code review with the development team. Job requirements: - At least a bachelor's degree in computer science, software engineering or related field/ experience (5-10 years). - Proven experience in mobile and HTML5 games development, with a focus on frontend and/ or full stack development. - Proficiency in HTML5, Cocos Creators (both 2D and 3D), JavaScripts, Unity etc.; experience with PixiJS and CSS a plus. - Proficiency with Spine a plus. - Strong understanding of mobile and HTML5 game optimization techniques and best practices for game developments. - Experience with game UI and UX design implementation. - Excellent problem solving skills, attention to details, ability to independently solve technical problems. - Excellent communication skills and ability to collaborate effectively with cross-functional teams and external business partners. - Ability to work both independently and collaboratively in a startup like environment. - Passions for gaming and a desire to create innovative, high quality gaming experiences. - Capability for developing launching and live games. - Experiences with game developments on HTML5, GooglePlay, Apple iOS, WEB3, WeChat, Facebook, Telegram etc.
  • 8k-12k 经验1-3年 / 大专
    电商 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    【岗位职责】: 1.通过阿里巴巴国际站、中国制造网、官网独立站、谷歌等平台上传并优化产品,获取更多客户询盘; 2.通过facebook,linkedin,skype,what's app,wechat等平台开发和维护客户; 3.负责客户资料的建立与维护,做到高效专业的开发维护; 4.熟练掌握公司产品专业知识,了解产品的生产流程和品质要求,熟悉公司产品的优势和市场,并能独立分析和给予准确的报价; 5.外贸订单中产品规格,价格,合同条款等的磋商与签订; 6.订单签订后,生产过程中、发货后和客户反馈的问题及时沟通解决。 【任职要求】: 1、大专以上学历,国贸或英语等相关专业优先,英语能够商务洽谈沟通; 2、有1年以上外贸工作经验,运动服装行业优先;优秀应届毕业生也可考虑; 3、掌握自主客户开发的技巧,具备较强的语言组织表达和理解能力,能处理好客户的问题并促成订单成交; 4、意愿长期从事外贸业务工作,有信心挑战百万年薪。 【福利待遇】 1、薪资结构:底薪(6000-9000)+绩效+提成+奖金(高比例提成); 2、试用期3个月,表现优秀者可提前转正; 3、其他福利:国内外旅游、下午茶、节日福利、额外奖金,每季度晋升; 4、公司每年一次旅游,不定期组织外出旅游、聚餐,丰富的员工团建活动; 【上班时间】:09:00-18:00 【工作地址】∶地铁5号线银都路站出口500米 【公司资源】: 1.阿里金品诚企2个平台+中国制造网+官网独立站+谷歌; 2.海关数据库,小满发现,小满营销,小满CRM客户管理系统; 3.有行业经验大牛主管带队; 4.清晰而明确的晋升双通道,晋升路线P(专业)序列和M(管理)序列; 5.完善的培训学习体系,各种完整等成长计划; 6.不定期与周边企业或参与阿里巴巴的百团大战、营战等业绩PK活动,为你的团队夺取一场场战斗胜利!
  • 25k-40k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    1.负责Android客户端开发和逆向开发; 2.逆向分析app,包括源码分析、反编译、脱壳、抓包、拦截、算法破解等工作; 3.根据产品需求完成开发工作,按照项目计划提交高质量代码。 任职要求: 1. 掌握C/C++、Java、python一门或者多门语言,拥有2年及以上Android研发经验,其中包括至少1年Android逆向开发经验; 2.熟练掌握各项Android开发技术,掌握常用的开发框架; 3.熟悉SQLite、WCDB (WeChat DB)、LitePal等数据库的使用; 4.熟悉Java线程池、内存优化; 5.熟悉C/C++、ARM汇编、Smali、framework,了解Android/Linux底层架构; 6.熟练掌握Android应用脱壳、逆向静态分析、动态调试、代码跟踪; 7.熟练掌握Xposed框架的使用以及编写Xposed Hook插件; 8. 熟练掌握各种调试工具:IDA、Smali、Dedexer、Dexdump、Apktool、Dex2jar其中一种或多种; 9.具备良好的编码风格,熟悉代码管理工具git; 10.热衷于逆向技术,能独立负责整个项目的探索、研究以及开发。
  • 20k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    广告营销 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    兼职岗位 Job Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the project management of the project life cycle; 2. Communicate with internal account team, clarify client needs; 3. Assisting and reviewing development of project scopes, considering resources, and technological constraints including cost estimates with consideration to business impacts and identified risks; 4. Effectively applying our methodology and enforcing project standards; 5. Creating and executing project work plans and revising as appropriate to meet the changing needs and requirements. This includes timeline, workflows and project logic flow; 6. Clarifying and communicating project objectives and success criteria to team; Identifying resources needed and assigning individual responsibilities; 7. Clarify project scope and giving clear feedback to account, UX, design and development team; 8. Assuring that projects are completed according to schedule and within short time frame; 9. Reviewing deliverables prepared by team before passing to account team; 10. Understand agile development methodology and practices; 11. Familiar with Web, APP, WeChat, H5 and other development projects, can understand the basic front-end development model; 12. Experience in AEM project life-cycle 13. Assisting with developing quality assurance processes, documentation, and testing where needed 14. Identifying and managing project risk; Job Requirements: 1. Bachelor's Degree or above in Computer Science, IT or other related major; 2. Rich experience in development project management (5+ years); 3. Good communication and coordination ability, cross-department team management experience, strong sense of responsibility, clear thinking and expression ability; 4. Skilled use of office software such as Word, Excel and PowerPoint; 5. Interest in ad-tech, APP, WeChat, fast learning ability; 6. Self-motivated, able to work under pressure, positive thinking, and concurrent project working experiences; 7. Fluent English, able to communicate with foreign development teams and follow up the project process
  • 3k-5k 经验不限 / 不限
    广告营销 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    请认真阅读下方招聘内容,然后把你参与过的相关新媒体账号发给我们~ 如果你担任过 新媒体助理/经理助理/项目助理/博主助理 做事非常细心的小伙伴,可以试试报名! 【关于我们】 公司坐标北京和佛山南海,该职位属于海外品牌和市场营销服务部门,团队核心人员在内容创作,品牌策划,市场营销方面有具有多年技术积累的人才,并且在海外(美国日本)有丰富的实战经验。小团队工作中每个人都有大量的决策权和很大的成长空间。 【职位】 新媒体运营助理 【工作内容】 1.多平台发布,独立/协助团队共同运营和维护多个品牌新媒体账号(国内国外) 2.文案策划和创作,简易图文和视频二次编辑 3.协助/主导部分品牌推广任务(素人网红合作,筹办推广活动等) 4.每日计划和总结汇报 5.每月和每推广项目基本数据分析和复盘总结 6.参与公司内部会议和品牌方沟通会议 7.协助总经理研究新媒体平台的各种新动态和功能,优化内部工作流程并掌管公司会议预约事宜 【任职要求】 1.网感强,脑洞大,有转化思维,有一定新媒体相关经验(微信公号/小红书/微博/脸书/Instagram等) 2.熟练运用可画Canva、剪映、chatgpt等AI软件、秀米等软件/平台 3.热爱内容创作和对新媒体运营有浓厚的兴趣 4.有多人团队一起工作的经验,性格外向开朗,善于与人沟通,考虑周全细致 5.有责任心,很强的时间管理和计划能力,事事有回应,汇报及时 6.有一定的英语水平,或者能用翻译软件(4级及以上) 7.有自己的移动手提电脑,网络通畅,会用“梯子”,电脑不卡顿,在家的工作环境安静,有居家断电断网对应方案 8.没有其他全职工作,不可以在上班时间同时做任何私人事情。 9.符合以下任何一项优先 a.有跨境电商经验优先 b.参与过海外品牌相关的项目优先 c.有运营自己的新媒体账号经验,并获得过一定成绩的优先 d.有网红推广/PR/广告推广经验优先 【面试流程】 1.第一轮:与总经理面聊 2.第二轮:测试 3.第三轮:与高级运营/副总经理面聊 【工作地点】 -目前是居家远程办公,定期线下会面。 -优先考虑居住在佛山南海/禅城的小伙伴 【上班时间】 周一到周五09:30-18:30(默认上午9:30必须可以联系上) 双休(我们不调休) 放假前需要提前安排好工作 【我们提供】 1.工作氛围非常灵活并有序,独立而团结,有温度的小团队,新时代扁平化管理。 2.中英文的工作环境,有助于提升你的英文表达与写作能力 3.见识各行各业品牌的运营项目,除了新媒体也能接触各行业的新鲜事物,增强就业竞争力 4.学习更高效和专业的工作方法和工具,增强自己的软实力 【如何获得面试】 1.请把你参与过的新媒体账号,以及你所具体负责的环节简单描述整理好发一份 【期待开始上班日期】 随时可开始 如果你是一个有执行力和希望加入一个扁平化并有温度的小团队的话,欢迎联系我或者留言。wechat:thebestever66(添加时务必备注:应聘运营助理) 猎头请勿扰。
  • 营销服务|咨询 / B轮 / 50-150人
    Assistant Account Executive Intern, DMX Sales (Beijing Office) About Liftoff At Liftoff, we’re helping mobile businesses scale and succeed via our sophisticated technology that enables them to find their most engaged users. We are a trusted guide for growth and engagement, transforming how people discover and experience apps. Advertisers depend on us to reach, acquire, and retain high-value users worldwide. We are one of the world’s largest independent, unbiased and privacy-friendly growth platforms that fuels the entire mobile app growth cycle across user acquisition, engagement, monetization, and analytics. Consistently ranked as one of the fastest growing companies and best places to work, we are a profitable company with strong product-market fit and tremendous growth opportunity. We have a creative, collaborative, and humble culture. We are data-driven, proactive, and have the courage to drive change. Sales at Liftoff: We are seeking an Assistant Account Executive Intern to join our team to support account managers in growing top advertisers spend and publisher revenue for the China region and further develop our sizable and growing China DMX team. The China DMX team represents a significant portion of our company's revenue and it will be your role to support the sales team in further strengthening our meaningful partnerships with our clients. Responsibilities: · Support Account Executive Manager with client relationships management · Conduct market research on new market opportunities: ad format, new ad placement · Maintain key domestic and international partners relationships over WeChat · Assist Account Executive Manager to optimize placements opportunities · Assist Account Executive Manager with internal and external reporting Qualifications: · College students in junior/senior year / postgraduate student and be able to work 4-5 days a week · Interested in online/mobile advertising industry and app economy. Related industry knowledge or experience is a plus · Excellent in written English, basic fluency in speaking · Strong analytical and quantitative skills with working knowledge of Excel/Word/PPT · Ability to multitask, manage, prioritize and produce results quickly. · Excellent communication skills to effectively report findings and influence change. · Attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. · A hustler; we make the most out of our opportunities. Working at Liftoff is fast-paced, fun, and challenging, and we thrive on innovation. Come join our team and help shape the future of the mobile app ecosystem. If this role sounds interesting to you, we would love to hear from you!
  • 6k-10k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    电商 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    熟悉售前售后工作 1.通过公司电商 拼多多 抖店平台与客户沟通,为客户提供咨询、解释、推荐服务,促成订单成交,完成销售目标; 2.提高询盘转化率,促成交易、实时对未付款的订单,与客户及时沟通,电商平台进行催付; 3.产品的售后处理:物流查询、退换货问题、快递异常等问题的处理; 4.定期通过电商平台对客户售后跟踪回访; 5.完成领导安排的工作任务 6.工作经验2年以上,且有上进心,反应快 工作细心,做事负责,吃苦耐劳,学习能力强,服从上级领导安排等,有采购经验优先 有主管组长一对一进行入职培训 晋升机制: 客服专员一客服组长——客服主管一公司合伙人 我们公司是一家致力于为消费者提供**性价比的电商头部汽车内外饰升级贸易商,广东广州,公司根据工作能力有机会晋升运营,如果你是一个想成为电商领域的从业者,恭喜你找到组织了。 氛围:团队平均年龄95后,氛围轻松活跃,工作稳定,工薪制度完善,涨薪绩效福利制度丰厚 具备下面要求者优先考虑: 1.专业知识:具备扎实的客服专业知识 。 2.优秀的沟通能力:与供应商、顾客们内部各部门沟通,具备良好的沟通技巧和交流能力,能够有效协调和解决问题。 3.良好的谈判能力 4.协调能力优 5.电脑操作能力:熟练掌握word excel表格 6.对风险的评估能力:具备风险意识和风险评估和控制能力,能够识别及应对风险。 7.创新意识:具备创新意识和创新能力 8团队协作能力:具备良好的团队协作精神和能力,与内部各部门合作紧密、互相支持。 9.良好的沟通能力,擅长打电话、wechat等 线下线上的沟通 10. 有能力者薪资可谈
  • 10k-16k 经验不限 / 本科
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    华东区研究生业务负责人,底薪+提成 Sales and Business Development Associates will work on closing sales leads via high quality marketing content and strategy meetings with university students for China region. Sales work will require direct discussion with potential clients, both online and face-to-face, to provide advice on education planning and identify which of our services are most appropriate. Business Development work will include contributing to ***** marketing strategy and events setting up, identifying ***** advertising channels and establishing ***** corporate partnerships, as well as working on marketing campaigns. This is a position for someone intrepid, with a strong entrepreneurial bent, and who takes a ton of initiative. If you are looking for an exciting, rewarding employment opportunity, this is the place for you! Job Responsibilities: ● Follow up with potential clients and close sales with new students and their parents ● Generate interest in company services and programs through community outreach and networking ● Assist supervisor in formulating ***** marketing strategy to generate new leads ● Coordinate marketing events and other recruiting events with partnering organizations or individuals ● Produce engaging promotion content and coordinate online events for national marketing campaigns ● Track ***** marketing data to analyze marketing performance vs. KPIs ● Form partnerships with education companies, schools, financial institutions, parents groups, as well as other organizations Qualifications: ● Sales experience in the international education industry would be an advantage ● Comfortable working with high school students and parents ● Excellent writing skills required, with the ability to write for specific audiences ● Strong English and Chinese language skills required, with ability to perform English-Chinese interpretation for public speakers preferred ● Familiarity with social media platforms (WeChat, RED, etc.) preferred but not required ● Must be positive, energetic and committed to high quality work
  • 1k-2k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    工具 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Responsibilities: This position is a Senior QA. The responsibility is to participate a QA team for the following areas: 1. Be part of QA team for the exclusive Porsche parking & charging projects. 2. Design and execute various types of testing for web, mobile, Java-based backend REST API services, IoT and HTML5-based WeChat app. 3. Monitor execution status and provide quality assessments before release. 4. Drive cross-program communications, and coach team members in daily work. 5. Contribute to the measurement of development process health, product quality, performance. Requirements: Education & Profession 1. Bachelor’s degree or above in Computer Science 2. 5 years or above industry experience in digital / Internet business Required qualifications 3. Comprehensive knowledge on SDLC and quality management process. 4. Rich experience in test plan development and reporting. 5. Skillful in functional, non-functional test design and executions. 6. Good understanding of Spring Boot, Spring Cloud technology and corresponding coding patterns. 7. Deep knowledge of test automation, including web, App and API. 8. Deep knowledge of common test tools, including but not limited to JMeter, Selenium, Appium. 9. Familiar with at least one programming language and its common design patterns: Java, Python or JavaScript. 10. Hands-on experience in at least one test framework like Junit, TestNG, PyTest, Jest etc. 11. Driving license issued by China Traffic Management Bureau is required, and one-year driving experience at least. 12. Strong self-motivated player. Nice-to-have 1. Any EV charging validation experience will be a great plus. 2. Understand general concept of security concept and test practice (fuzzing, SQL ingestion, buffer overrun, etc.) 3. Familiar with Amazon AWS cloud solution. Require knowledge of EC2 (virtual machines). Knowledge of Cloud watch is a great plus.
  • 1k-2k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    工具 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Job Description: Product Manager (To-C) Purpose: • Maximum product and user value and agile ways of working driving the business objectives Accountabilities: • Creating innovative solutions by understanding customers’ problems and guide them through their challenges • Defining and aligning Product Vision, Goals & Strategy for the team’s part of the product • Aligning entire solution delivery and operations with Business Owners, other product teams, Markets and Managers • Owning and maintaining the team backlog, including non-functional requirements (NFRs). • Collaborating with development team on defining user stories and iteration increments. • Ensuring that the digital solutions (or part of it) adhere to the specification and meet the Definition of Done (DoD). • Continuously improving the product by analyzing user behavior, feedback, and data • Ensuring compliance with IT requirements, quality standards, security, and governance guidelines, including IT operations. • Keeping an eye on the overall big picture of the company’s strategy, creating synergies where possible and sharing best practices within the organization • Assisting in team setup that serves the product purpose and staying within budget boundaris Requirements: • Bachelor’s degree or above. • At least 3-5 years working experience of Product Management in IT/Internet Industry, having related experience in Automotive, Luxury or Retail is plus. • Solid knowledge about digital product, having knowledge of customer and ownership management, knowledge in WeChat eco is a plus. • Good leadership/team influencer, having experience of vendor management is plus. • System knowledge of Jira/Confluence/XMind/Figma/Axure is must. • Must have experience of Prototyping, Project Management, Agile Delivery, Stakeholder Management. • Oversea study/work or international company working experience is preferred. • Software engineering experience is preferred. • Proficiency in both Chinese and English.
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    【Responsibilities】 · 负责数字项目的市场研究分析,协助客户定义可衡量的目标,并制定策略。 · 负责与关键业务决策人沟通项目蓝图,并且与组织内部的多方团队达成共识。 · 与设计和产品团队一起设计用户旅程,提出可行的执行方案。 · 后续持续追踪项目进程,确保项目的顺利开展。 · Help our clients articulate their goals and strategy. This often means sitting at the intersection of business, tech, data, and design, and being able to get everybody on-board with your plan. · Work with our digital experts to flesh out concrete customer experiences. · You’ll collaborate with our engineers, designers, and data experts on things like user flows, storyboards, architectures, or wireframes. 【Requirements】 · 了解数字产品的设计开发流程 · 技术、设计、商业或数据其中一个领域有专攻(Plus)。 · 学习能力强,能够快速的吸收理解新知识。敢于接受挑战,可以容忍不确定性。 · 条理清晰,有非常强的沟通能力和说服力。 · 其他核心能力要求:信息搜集与分析,商业洞察力,战略思维,团队协作能力 · Has a background in technology, design, business or data.We need you to be able to quickly articulate digital products and customer journeys offline and online. · Is quick on his feet and likes to get sh*t done. You’ll get to sit at the intersection of multiple teams, both on our side and our partners’, and will need to get everybody to move forward with a plan. · Is ready to be challenged.We move fast and are usually trusted to lead on very critical projects for our partners. · Values trust and good work.We do not negotiate on quality and are focusing on long term partnerships with clients of similar values. 【About Wiredcraft】 We need strategy oriented folks with a tech, data, design or business background to help us figure out what we can build with our partners. You will work with our partners to figure out what their objectives are and translate this into concrete digital strategies. Think digital experiences on WeChat, Web, and mobile that involve a wealth of platforms (DMP, e-commerce, Social CRM…). We act as both solutions providers and consultants; you’ll leverage some of our existing IP and mix it with bespoke digital products and services to get results. We believe in small, agile, and battle-hardened teams of designers, engineers, and product experts. We help multinational corporations move at the speed of startups & develop a product culture.
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    Our design team is responsible for shaping digital experiences for tens of millions of users, in China and abroad. You will work with engineers, product owners, strategists and other designers to create Web, mobile and WeChat apps for iconic brands, from Nike to Harmay. You may already have heard of us through our UI/UX meetups in Shanghai, or our UI/UX Conference. We adopted figma in 2017 and have been continuously investing in our design process. If you’re looking for a team with world-class talent, high expectations and an obsession for exceptional design, this is as good as it gets. 【Responsibilities】 - Work with stakeholders, engineers, product owners and strategist to create successful digital strategies. - Contribute to user and stakeholder interviews, design audits and benchmarks. - Create happy paths using storyboards and flowcharts. - Contribute to user stories and information architecture. - Create and maintain mockflows and design systems. - Create graphic design elements (illustrations, icons, …). - Create design prototypes and animations. - Work with engineering and data teams to improve design based on analytics and performance. - Present design work to other designers. 【Requirements】 - Proven work experience as a Product Designer, UI Designer, UX Designer or similar role. - Portfolio of Web, mobile or WeChat apps. - Understanding of technical capabilities for Web, mobile and WeChat apps. - Proficient with design tools: Figma, Sketch, Adobe Creatie Suite… - Strong communication skills. 【Bonus points】 - Knowledge of figma. - Tech skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, WeChat… - Public speaking experience. - Design skills outside of UI and UX: architecture, painting, photography, typography, … - Prior experience creating, maintaining and working with design systems.
  • 25k-28k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Responsible As an Frontend Software Engineer, you will be building customer-focused and scalable native mobile experience in GMPI’s brandsite, Mini-Program and be responsible for monitoring and addressing performance and security. You will work side-by-side with designers, product owners, copywriters and other developers to create new features, test your own ideas, and push changes live for billions of users. You will: • Define professional standards/work methodology within the Frontend development area on different model in Cloud based, Microservice oriented, DevOps way, and focus not only be functional flexible and non-functional high standard in scalability/security/observability/serviceability/reliability • Strong Frontend development hands-on experience • Hands-on skills in product architecture design and landing, object-oriented design, event driven microservice design and work in Cloud environment • Set up interaction and knowledge sharing processes among Frontend engineering members in different Product Teams and Product Areas • Support the software engineering team professionally Skilled We expect our developers to know the ins and outs of the frontend framework and to deliver polished products that customers want to use. We need self-starters who are great at solving problems, initiate solutions and discussions and are not afraid of solving challenges due to our large scale. • Computer Science/Software Engineering or related university education background with Bachelor above degree • 7+ years of experience in a relevant role, preferably in a commercial environment • At least 1 year of this experience must be from working with WeChat Mini-Program Framework. • Proficient in JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML5 and CSS • Experience with medium/large-scale web/ mini-program applications • Proficient in modern Javascript frameworks like React, Angular or Vue (React preferred) • Proficient with modern testing frameworks (e.g., jest/mocha/jasmine) • In depth understanding of front-end architecture and performance experience optimization • Experience with GraphQL, and familiarity with common backend service languages such as Node.js, Java will be appreciated • Experienced with git-based source control, CI/CD pipelines(like Jenkins/CircleCI/Git Actions) and container technologies(Docker and Kubernetes) • Experience in Agile development/configuration • Keen learner within the technical components of the domains/products • Strong team player and ability to develop and guide others • With architecture/leadership thinking to drive things forward and influence skills to promote ideas and plans • Able to communicate intricate technical concepts and align organization on decisions with partners of all levels of expertise Bonus points for • Experience in Hybrid R&D, iOS/Android application development and WeChat based eco-system will be valued • Previous experience in design and develop digital products in retail/e-commerce industry • Full-stack / BFF developer (or similar) experience preferred
  • 8k-16k 经验不限 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    可选择工作城市:上海、杭州、广州、无锡、深圳、、、 岗位职责: 1、负责公司外贸SaaS产品售卖,搜集新客户的资料并进行沟通,开发新客户; 2、通过Number、WeChat、E-mail等多种方式寻找潜在客户,邀约并拜访客户,完成销售 3、对老客户进行定期维护,及时了解客户需求,把握客户心理,实现老客户转介绍,得到销售产能的最大转化。 岗位要求: 1、本科,专业不限,热爱互联网行业; 2、在校期间有过学生干部经验的优先、连续两年获得校级以上奖学金者优先; 3、抗压能力强,有较强的自我管理能力及自我学习能力,能快速学习掌握客户拓展和销售技巧。 薪资待遇: 1、底薪8k(*各城市相应系数,例:上海、杭州*1; 苏州、宁波、东莞*0.9; 无锡*0.85 ……) 提成(客单价2-12万,提成点10%),高能力 高付出=高回报,你的收入取于你自己; 2、晋升通道: (管理路线)营销储备干部-资深营销顾问-营销经理-营销总监