职位介绍: 作为数字产品管理团队的秘书,您将负责支持行政和文秘工作,并向数字产品管理总监汇报。我们正在寻找具有远见卓识、丰富工作经验,渴望学习成长,致力于提供优质产品,享受与业务伙伴紧密合作,共同应对战略策略挑战的团队成员。 工作内容: • 提供日常行政工作支持; • 管理部门总监的日程表,确保每日行程顺利且高效推进; • 管理办公设备和用品,确保供应充足,及时更新; • 作为部门与各业务部门之间的联络人,保证高效的沟通和合作; • 视情况负责特殊项目和任务; • 根据需要组织电话会议,视频会议和面对面会议; • 准备高质量和及时的会议资料,包括但不限于演示文稿和报告等; • 负责各种会议和活动的注册登记以及相关付款; • 协调国内外旅行计划,包括交通,住宿,签证文件等; • 支持国内/国际访客的差旅行程安排; • 计划/支持活动后勤工作; • 根据需求组织重要的大小型活动; • 在公司之外支持领导和团队建设活动。 我们希望您: • 本科或以上学历; • 能系统化地、独立地开展工作并展现出极高的成熟度; • 敏锐的组织洞察力,展现出良好的人际交往能力以及和利益相关者建立信任关系的能力; • 具备多任务处理,排列优先级和时间管理的能力; • 具备积极主动解决问题的能力; • 具备审慎处理机密信息的能力; • 精力充沛、富有远见的思想者,能够积极寻找机会并提出解决方案; • 熟练的普通话和英语书面、演讲和口头交流能力; • 精通各种微软办公软件。 关于上海迪士尼度假区: 作为全球家庭娱乐业的领军企业之一,上海迪士尼度假区为我们的游客带来独具一格的服务和珍藏一生的记忆。加入我们,在这个充满奇幻、想象、创意和探险的全新世界里,为每年数以百万的度假区游客创造欢乐。无论您的迪士尼旅程走向台前还是幕后,您都拥有无限机遇。 * 我们致力于提供平等的就业机会。 * 具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 * 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。
职位描述: 1、负责数码栏目的选题策划、脚本撰写、创意构思和分镜; 2、跟进前期拍摄,把控作品质量; 3、跟进后期制作,把控视频后期效果,配合团队完成优质作品; 4、定期完成工作总结并及时做好工作汇报。 任职要求: 1、热爱科技,日常关注数码科技,有相关知识储备、有数码类视频独立创作经验优先; 2、具备视频编导相关工作能力,策划视频内容,熟悉视频创作流程,有较好的协作能力; 3、数码爱好者优先。 请附上相关作品/案例。 办公地址:广州 注:税前薪酬标准含基本工资+分成激励+绩效奖金+餐补 关于我们: 雷科技是聚焦科技与生活的内容机构。雷科技平台连接用户与品牌,生产有趣而专业的内容,包括科技资讯、深度评论、技能攻略和产品体验等,拥有图文、视频、信息流等内容形式,覆盖核心新媒体平台。 雷科技微信平台矩阵已凝聚350万忠实读者(其中雷科技170万,小雷哔哔56万,电车通36万,智能Pro20万),我们的读者有科技发烧友,行业中高层,科技小白用户。雷科技建立了超过100 个“雷科技俱乐部”微信社群,一共拥有 3 万粉丝,将粉丝更加紧密地连接起来。 雷科技拥有“1+6+N”的新媒体矩阵,在微信拥有300万+科技读者,在今日头条、百家号、网易号分别拥有100万+订阅用户,在全平台拥有超过700万粉丝。雷科技曾荣获「头条号、百家号、企鹅号年度优秀创作者」、「36kr 2022优质内容奖」等20余项奖项。 雷科技多年来深耕科技视频内容,在主流视频网站和短视频平台每月拥有3000万+次视频播放,在新榜视频榜科技类排名TOP5,在B站已聚集20万粉丝。 福利: 1、转正后每月餐补500元; 2、常备各种零食,每月下午茶,生日礼物/金,节日福利红包; 3、定期团建活动,年度体检,身体健康很重要! 4、双休不必说,法定带薪年假,带薪病假; 5、可以上手各种热门数码设备,并且享有员工内购优惠; 6、月度多重KPI绩效考核奖金,年终奖等,只要你够优秀!
DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in the industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine and investigation tools work together to provide guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results driven. Come join us! Requirements: 5+ years software development experience 5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
What you'll do: Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) Requirement: 1:5+ years software development experience 2:5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development 3:Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM 4:technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus 5:Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. 6:Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus 7:Experience with test-driven development is a plus
DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine and investigation tools work together to provide guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results driven. Come join us! The software engineer - infrastructure team is the backbone of DataVisor. Without our distributed and highly robust systems, business would stop. We tackle important challenges: clients require sub-second response times while we find relationships in terabytes of data. We’ve created, and continually improve, our massive cluster infrastructure, allowing highly computationally expensive jobs to run smoothly. We love using and learning a 2+ years experience with infrastructure software engineering or production system operation experiences 2+ years experience with Amazon Web Services or other cloud service providers Strong understanding of the Linux environment and systems configurations Experience with Java and Python Experience with Kubernetes, docker Has basic knowledge about networking Open to work remotely Experience with Apache Spark, Cassandra, Flink Experience with Grafana, Loki, ELK
As platform engineers, we are building a next-generation machine learning platform, which incorporates our secret sauce, UML (unsupervised machine learning) with other SML (supervised machine learning) algorithms. Our team works to improve our core detection algorithms and automate the full training process. As complex fraud attacks become more prevalent, it is more important than ever to detect fraudsters in real-time. The platform team is responsible for developing the architecture that makes real-time UML possible. We are looking for creative and eager engineers to help us expand our novel streaming and database systems, which enable our detection capabilities. We continue to push the boundary of what's possible in fraud detection and data processing at scale. Join us to help usher in more innovative solutions to the fraud detection space. What you'll do: Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Hadoop, HBase, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) Requirements: 5+ years software development experience 5+ years experience in Java, Shell, Python development Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
DataVisor is the world’s leading AI-powered Fraud and Risk Platform that delivers the best overall detection coverage in the industry. With an open SaaS platform that supports easy consolidation and enrichment of any data, DataVisor's solution scales infinitely and enables organizations to act on fast-evolving fraud and money laundering activities in real-time. Its patented unsupervised machine learning technology, advanced device intelligence, powerful decision engine, and investigation tools work together to provide a guaranteed performance lift from day one. DataVisor's platform is architected to support multiple use cases across different business units flexibly, dramatically lowering the total cost of ownership, compared to legacy point solutions. DataVisor is recognized as an industry leader and has been adopted by many Fortune 500 companies across the globe. Our award-winning software platform is powered by a team of world-class experts in big data, machine learning, security, and scalable infrastructure. Our culture is open, positive, collaborative, and results-driven. Summary: As platform engineers, we are building a next-generation machine learning platform, which incorporates our secret sauce, UML (unsupervised machine learning) with other SML (supervised machine learning) algorithms. Our team works to improve our core detection algorithms and automate the full training process. As complex fraud attacks become more prevalent, it is more important than ever to detect fraudsters in real-time. The platform team is responsible for developing the architecture that makes real-time UML possible. We are looking for creative and eager engineers to help us expand our novel streaming and database systems, which enable our detection capabilities. We continue to push the boundary of what's possible in fraud detection and data processing at scale. Join us to help usher in more innovative solutions to the fraud detection space. What you'll do: 1. Design and build machine learning systems that process data sets from the world’s largest consumer services 2. Use unsupervised machine learning, supervised machine learning, and deep learning to detect fraudulent behavior and catch fraudsters 3. Build and optimize systems, tools, and validation strategies to support new features 4. Help design/build distributed real-time systems and features Use big data technologies (e.g. Spark, Flink, Cassandra) to build large scale machine learning pipelines 5. Develop new systems on top of real-time streaming technologies (e.g. Kafka, Flink) 6. Manage and coach team members Requirements: 5+ years of software development experience 5+ years of experience in Java/C++ development 1+ year of team management Excellent knowledge of Relational Databases, SQL and ORM technologies (JPA2, Hibernate) is a plus Experience in Cassandra, HBase, Flink, Spark or Kafka is a plus. Experience in the Spring Framework is a plus Experience with test-driven development is a plus
(一)岗位职责: 1、负责工资核算、社保申报缴费; 2、负责公司个税、税务申报等事务办理; 3、负责供应商货款及公司其他往来账付款,供应商对账; 4、负责公司和门店营业执照年审工作; 5、负责系统采购入库单录入; 6、负责公司内部费用支出报销、内账记账; 7、负责业务员销售业绩统计及提成核实及各部门人员绩效核实; 8、负责开票工作; 9、负责月、季度、年度账目报表、数据报表提交; 10、公司及领导安排的其他事务等。 (二)任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,财务、会计相关专业,具备会计资格证优先考虑; 2、2年以上财务或会计相关工作经验,25-35岁; 3、对数字敏感及思维清晰; 4、为人正直、诚恳,以公司利益为重。 (三)福利待遇: v 试用期1-3个月; v 包吃住,解决您的温饱问题; v 依法享受国家法定节假日:元旦、春节、清明、劳动节、端午节、中秋节、国庆节等; v 更多福利:全勤奖、工龄奖、节日福利等; v 公司日渐发展,待遇福利日渐完善激增,让我们一起携手共创美好未来。 面试地址:广州市白云区白云大道北汇金广场F座401-402 上班地址:广州市白云区石井大朗龙湖牛场工业区C栋四楼 上班时间: 9:00-18:00 ,不加班 +包吃住! 乘车方式: 1)2号线地铁嘉禾望岗B出口,转756路公交车到“唐阁总站”站下车后走十几分钟左右即到。 2) 公交站:523A路公交大朗总站方向到“大朗总站” 下车走十几分钟左右即到 。 3)导航搜索“牛场工业区”
岗位职责: 1. 职位概述: 负责公司直播业务的日常运营管理,提升直播内容质量,吸引和维护用户群体,提高直播平台的用户活跃度和粘性。 2. 主要职责: - 负责直播平台的日常运营,包括内容审核、直播监控、数据分析等; - 制定直播内容规划,协助主播策划和执行各类直播活动,提升直播内容质量; - 负责直播间的氛围营造,维护直播间秩序,处理突发事件,确保直播顺利进行; - 跟踪分析直播数据,优化直播策略,提升直播效果; - 负责主播的选拔、培训和管理,提升主播的专业素养和直播技巧; - 负责与其他部门沟通协作,确保直播业务与其他业务线的顺利对接。 任职要求: 1. 学历与专业: 本科及以上学历,电子商务等相关专业优先。 2. 工作经验: - 至少1年以上直播行业运营经验,熟悉直播行业发展趋势和行业动态; - 有成功运营直播项目案例者优先。 3. 技能要求: - 具备良好的沟通协调能力,能够与团队成员高效协作; - 具备较强的文字撰写和编辑能力,能够撰写直播文案和策划方案; - 熟练使用办公软件,如Word、Excel、PPT等; - 熟悉直播平台运营规则,具备一定的网络推广和营销能力。 4. 个人素质: - 具备较强的责任心和团队合作精神; - 具备敏锐的市场洞察力和分析能力; - 热爱直播行业,关注行业动态,对直播内容有较高的鉴赏力。 薪资待遇: - 薪资范围:面议,根据个人能力和经验; - 五险一金、年终奖、带薪年假等福利。 工作地点:绿地新都会2号楼B座806 欢迎有志之士加入我们的团队,共同打造直播行业的美好未来!
岗位描述: 参与公司核心业务系统架构设计和开发工作 岗位要求: 1、5 年以上 PHP 开发经验,有高并发场景的实际项目经验,具备大型互联网产品开发经验优先 2、熟练掌握至少一种 MVC 框架,熟悉 Swoft、Hyperf 等框架优先。 3、具有 MySQL 数据库设计、索引优化、查询优化经验。 4、熟悉 memcache,redis,mongodb 等常用 nosql 解决方案,了解各自的优缺点及使用场 景; 5、分布式研发经验优先,对 nginx、redis、MQ、RPC 等能够独立思考和应用; 6、有高负载、大并发的系统结构、调试、排错、优化、部署等方面经验优先; 7、良好的沟通技能,团队合作能力
主要职责: 根据产品设计需求,完成前端设计、开发与维护; 负责配合UI设计师、服务端工程师开发高性能、渐进式、交互流畅、高品质的Web、H5网站; 负责网站国际化、SEO、性能优化等工作; 负责前端日常功能迭代、代码维护等工作,保障业务的日常运行; 从事Web前沿技术等新技术研究工作。 要求: 计算机相关专业本科以上学历,三年以上Web前端开发工作经验; 熟悉JavaScript、HTML、CSS等Web前端技术; 熟悉Vue/React/web3.js等类库; 了解至少一种服务端语言(Node.JS/PHP/Golang等); 有扎实的计算机基础,有跨浏览器、跨终端的前端开发经验6.有区块链Dapp项目开发经验优先。
职位描述: 1、配合新媒体、直播及推广团队完成创意需求。图片、网页等作品需满足PC端、移动端的不同用户体验, 独立完成站内、站外广告、闪屏、海报、长图漫画等素材的创意构思和设计。 2、利用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 等前端技术,实现网页和移动应用的界面开发,确保页面在不同浏览器和设备上的兼容性和响应式布局。 3、能够对 AIGC类工具的使用及发展趋势(如 StableDiffusion/Midjourney等工具)进行前置探索与研究能够基于现有模型进行小样本风格训练; 持续关注设计趋势,完善产品视觉设计,主动提出优化方案。 职位要求: 1、本科或以上学历,设计/艺术类相关专业,会前端优先。 2、具有良好的沟通能力和团队协作精神,能够很好地与需求方、前端、开发工程师等相关同事沟通配合。 3、精通Photoshop、Illustrator、After Effects、Premiere、Dreamweaver等常用软件。 4、出色的美术功底,优秀的执行能力和审美意识,对 AIGC方向有热情,有学习动力,关注潮流趋势,有一定艺术审美,能够掌握多种设计风格。 5、责任心强,积极主动有热情,乐于挑战新事物,具备较好的跨团队沟通协调能力。面试时请带上能代表自己水平的作品。
岗位内容: 1、负责腾讯米大师海外清结算平台的开发工作,涵盖订单核销、资金收款、资金付款等关键系统,确保系统的稳定运行与持续优化。 2、承担平台的运营体系建设和结算监管工作,通过数据分析提升运营效率和准确性。 3、运用熟练的技术能力,对平台进行日常维护,及时处理系统异常,保障资金流动的安全与顺畅。 任职要求: 1、熟练掌握Linux操作系统,具备一年以上Java或Go后台开发经验,能够熟练使用Python或Shell编程语言,熟悉Linux脚本处理工具(如awk,sed等)。 2、对常用分布式框架、任务调度、消息队列、大数据处理平台等技术有深入了解和应用经验。 3、具有互联网行业后台系统或支付机构清结算系统后台开发经验者优先考虑。 4、思维逻辑清晰,对数据敏感,具备良好的问题分析与总结能力,能够主动发现并解决工作中遇到的问题。 5、强烈的责任感,良好的服务意识与团队合作精神,能够在压力下保持高效工作。
职位职责: 1、基于大模型技术,设计产品功能以提升抖音搜索整页满足效率; 2、深度优化信息知识需求的首位满足体验,精准匹配用户意图; 3、协同团队进行搜索结果页面布局与呈现优化,增强用户体验; 4、持续监测数据,根据用户反馈迭代整页搜索策略。 职位要求: 1、三年以上策略产品工作经验,有搜索满足策略的产品背景优先; 2、熟悉大模型应用场景,具备相关策略优化经验者佳; 3、优秀的数据分析能力,能依据数据洞察用户需求与产品痛点; 4、良好的沟通协作能力,推动跨团队项目高效落地实施。
门票度假和交通事业部是美团旗下综合旅游度假及出行服务平台,业务涵盖境内外景点门票预订、交通票务(机票、火车票、汽车票)预订、周边游及跟团游等。我们秉承“帮大家玩得更好”的使命,业务覆盖游玩及出行场景,为用户提供从资讯到交易的全程服务。 门票度假业务致力于提升用户在景区的消费便利度,帮助景区构建用户品牌认知,共建智慧景区。交通业务致力于为用户提供更便捷、优质的出行服务,运用数字化技术助力行业发展,协同产业链共建合作生态。同时,我们也努力肩负更多行业和社会责任,携手商家,共同推动建设更好的旅游度假和出行市场。 我们是一个简单、纯粹、可依赖的团队,加入我们,你将成为提升用户游玩及出行体验的重要成员! 岗位职责 1.负责拓展和维护具备优质出境旅游景区的供给资源,建立合作关系 2.负责商家在平台的运营辅导,对商家在平台的产出和成长负责 3.负责商家在目的地的产品选品、上线、运营、营销推广等工作 4.对负责的市场进行日常的信息收集,数据分析,用户需求的洞察,输出区域内商家、商品的运营优化计划并执行 岗位基本需求 1)有旅游OTA、境外景区、旅游局等资源者优先 2)具备优秀的商务沟通、拓展能力和大客户服务意识 3)熟悉有产品设计、资源采购、平台运营经验优先 4)具备境外业务的基础运营知识,数据分析能力,了解互联网的运营和工作方式 具备以下者优先 旅游管理、酒店管理、市场营销、外语专业优先 岗位亮点 1)能参与并推动美团境外业务发展过程,主导潜力项目 2)有机会参与到部门管理与策略制定的过程 3)有良好的自主空间,有大量创新、探索、验证自己的机会 4)能和互联网行业的优秀人才共事,横向接触多品类多业务,获取高质量输入和广阔的学习空间