职位描述: 1.负责AirBrush业务移动端、网页、桌面端的产品设计系统(Design system)和设计组件库搭建; 2.制定并维护一致性和可扩展的设计语言和设计规范,输出设计指南,帮助设计师和开发理解和使用设计组件,支持产品长期高速发展; 3.和业务团队紧密配合,推动设计系统在业务中的落地迭代和价值提升,提升设计和开发效率; 4.理性分析场景、数据,并结合用户反馈和业务需求更新产品体验; 5.对国外设计系统的细分领域进行持续探究,分析流行产品设计趋势和视觉风格探索,研究目标用户审美倾向并优化现有产品; 职位要求: 1.3年以上互联网设计经验,熟悉iOS/Android/Mac/Web设计规则,有设计体系搭建经验; 2.具备海外产品用户体验设计经验,了解海外用户的交互习惯和审美; 3.能高效理解产品和交互设计思路,敏锐判断视觉设计的可行性并设计高质量的视觉方案; 4.有良好的沟通能力,具有团队合作精神,能够站在用户的角度去理解问题,发掘不足,善于总结; 5.精通Figma等设计软件; 6.加分项:英语工作能力、原型动效、绘制图标和简单插画,懂技术实现
0x0000-Duty 1)Develop low-delay trading system of Linux platform, covering HPC/memory database/network programming/MQ and etc. 2)Optimize and upgrade the company's medium frequency and high frequency trading system, including transaction execution, cost analysis and risk control of securities, futures and other financial derivatives. 0x0001-Requirement 1)Bachelor degree or above. CS, SE or other related majors. 2)Familiar with use C++, Python, master common data structures and algorithms. 3)Familiar the working environment of Linux,master the using of project management tools, like Git. 0x0002-Bonus 1)Have business experience in financial derivatives trading, or be familiar with relevant technical architecture 2)Master agile dev, CI/CD, DevOps or others software development practice. 3)MCM, ACM-ICPC or others award. 0x0000-职责 1)研发Linux平台下的快速、低延迟交易系统,涉及高性能计算、内存数据库、网络编程以及消息中间件等领域; 2)优化、升级公司量化中低频交易体系,包括证券、期货及其他金融衍生品的交易执行、成本分析和风险控制等; 0x0001-要求 1)本科以上学历,计算机及软件工程等相关专业; 2)熟练使用C++、Python,掌握常用数据结构与算法; 3)熟悉Linux工作环境,可熟练使用git等项目管理工具。 0x0002-加分项 1)具备金融衍生品交易类业务经验,或熟悉相关技术架构; 2)熟悉敏捷开发、持续集成/交付(CI/CD)、DevOps等软件开发实践; 3)MCM、ACM-ICPC等奖项
2d游戏特效设计师(particle system/shader)
[上海·静安区] 2022-10-1915k-25k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科游戏 / 天使轮 / 15-50人作为我们的游戏特效设计师,你将负责构建最佳的游戏动态特效效果,与技术和美术团队合作,使用Unity Particle System与其他相关美术软件,设计与描绘制作特效,完成游戏中战场角色与介面效果的美化效果。 岗位职责: -与游戏总监和艺术总监密切合作 -结合shader,工具粒子、贴图动画,并有手绘特效贴图来制作手绘风格的特效效果。 -设计制作游戏内的各种类型特效资源与把控游戏内特效效果的调优和沟通 任职资格: -1-3年以上的相关2D美术特效技术和游戏美术制作经验 -拥有作品可以表现过往特效经验。 -能够接受制作与技术上的限制,并根据需求随时修正设计。 -会写shader,熟悉渲染流程,和TA紧密合作 -熟悉Unity游戏制作,了解特效制作与各类型2D游戏美术素材。 -拥有稳重的分析能力与解决问题的能力。 -有着良好的适应能力、自主性、主动性、结构性、注重细节并且有效率。 -能够清晰地表达自己的想法,且能理解技术用语并和相关人员交流。 -有像素游戏开发经验尤佳。 ***无提供过往游戏作品,将不予考虑,五天内未回复即不考虑,不另行通知,谢谢配合 -
HV Battery E/E System Expert
[北京·大兴区] 2023-03-3025k-36k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科数据服务,人工智能 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上岗位职责: The High Voltage Battery System team at Mercedes-Benz RD China is looking for a highly-functioning, dedicated, and versatile E/E system engineer who can lead sophisticated projects and develop products that fulfil targets and comply with market regulation As part of the HV battery system team, you will be leading: Specifications creation for future generation HV battery E/E system, requirement clarification, technical concept developement as well as battery/vehicle level E/E and functional verification As leader of defect management you must maintain defect overview, steer root-cause analysis, matching fix timing and report frequently to management You will be responsible for working through dependencies between major stakeholders (e.g. drivetrain and car-line), risks and deliver measurable outcomes against project milestones. Steering project team (internal and external) globally to develop HV battery according to specification Central coordinator of the HV battery E/E technical topics Timeline management, stakeholder management, Lesson learned management, risk management Budget planning and expense control for the responsible project(s) Extensive networking and coorperation between Germany correcsponding departments & RD China organization Monitoring furture HV battery relevant technology development esp. for E/E and algorithm and benchmarking competitor HV battery systems 任职要求: Education Master or Bachelor in electrical, automotive engineering or equivalent fields. Experience 5+ years of OEM or supplier working experience in high voltage battery E/E system development and project management Specific knowledge Profound knowledge and practical experience in automotive high voltage battery system Experience in automotive industrial standard development process Experience in supplier management Experience in MS office package, Vector CAN tools as well as modern project management tools (e.g. confluence) and failure management tools (e.g. Jira) desirable High voltage qualification as electrical specialist or other comparable qualification preferred Clear and effective communication skills, and enjoy collaborative problem solving plus the ability to speak and write effectively at all organizational levels Enjoy working in a team with diverse cultural backgrounds Fluent in written and spoken English, German beneficial Practical driving experience beneficial -
互联网运维工程师 system operation engineer
[上海·浦东新区] 2024-02-0215k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科软件服务|咨询,物联网,IT技术服务|咨询 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人Keyresponsibilities主要职责: 1.负责运维支撑平台、运维自动化平台及相关工具的设计和开发; 2.开发端到端的服务度量系统; 3.开发基于云计算的微服务管理; 4.规划并管理各环境安全、可靠性、性能及成本; 5.负责优化、改进运维系统,保证其安全高效稳定的运行; Keyrequirement资历要求: 1.熟悉Docker编排,有k8s或Mesos或Swarm或ECS应用经验; 2.熟悉Python/Golang等其中一种开发语言; 3.熟悉常用的开源软件Nginx、Mysql、ELK、MongoDB、Redis等; 4.熟悉日志/Metrics分析统计相关工具和技术(如ELK技术栈); 5.计算机及相关专业本科及以上学历,3-5年相关工作经验; -
技术支持/项目助理/System support intern
[广州·新港] 2023-03-234k-5k 经验在校/应届 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上职位描述: 1.主要负责AIA HK Vitality(App)日常系统支持,包括但不限于以下范围: 2.T3日常系统支持,帮助客服上报及解决App会员反馈的系统及技术问题 3.协助记录客服上报App会员反馈的奖赏缺失问题 4.与外包技术公司进行沟通,调查系统错误原因及解决系统Bug 5.审查会员上报的不符合会员协议的图片 任职要求: 1.具备基本的Microsoft 技能 如:Word、Excel 。(了解VBA优先) 2.具备出色的沟通能力和学习能力、良好的客户服务观念、工作责任心及团队合作精神。(充满热情及拥有出色的解决问题能力者优先) 3.通过大学英语四级,必需拥有基本的英语阅读和写作能力 4.日常使用及接触过一定数量的App 5.实习期至少三个月,实习期间需保证每周出勤不少于三天(可出勤天数更多者优先) 6.专业不限,计算机相关专业优先,2024届学生优先 -
职责描述: Responsibilities • As a technical interface of UDS and (or) IMMO functionalities, firstly analyze and rate technical specifications of customers, then identify the gap between customers and us, after that corporate and negotiate with customers to freeze the requirement items which are needed to be developed to eliminate the gap • According to the frozen development items, rate the workload, and then corporate with internal colleagues from Sales (New-Business or Start Center) to make a quote • Corporate with project managers, to make a timing plan for every development tasks • Responsible for the development procedures including the preparation and review of requirements development documents, coding review and software verification, but not participate in software coding directly • Maintain, fulfill and release the related documents such as UDS questionnaires • Release calibration guidelines for internal calibration engineers • Support internal colleagues and customers during development, production and after-sale stages 任职要求: Qualifications • Good education background, master or above is preferred to • 5+ years of experience in UDS and (or) IMMO development; for master, 3+ years of experience can be accepted • Expert knowledge of ISO 14229-1/15765-2/15765-4/15031-5 and ASE J1979 DA • Have good skills in communication with customers • Be familiar with C language • Be good at usage of INCA and CANOE tools • Have good skills in Listening, Spoken, Reading and Writing for English
System Support Intern-系统支持实习生
[成都·高新区] 2022-11-084k-5k 经验在校/应届 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上任职要求: 1.具备基本的Microsoft 技能 如:Word、Excel 。(了解VBA优先) 2.具备出色的沟通能力和学习能力、良好的客户服务观念、工作责任心及团队合作精神。(充满热情及拥有出色的解决问题能力者优先) 3.通过大学英语四级,必需拥有基本的英语阅读和写作能力 4.日常使用及接触过一定数量的App 5.实习期至少三个月,实习期间需保证每周出勤不少于三天(可出勤天数更多者优先) 6.能马上到岗的同学优先,专业不限,计算机相关专业优先 职位描述: 1.主要负责AIA HK Vitality(App)日常系统支持,包括但不限于以下范围: 2.T3日常系统支持,帮助客服上报及解决App会员反馈的系统及技术问题 3.协助记录客服上报App会员反馈的奖赏缺失问题 4.与外包技术公司进行沟通,调查系统错误原因及解决系统Bug 5.审查会员上报的不符合会员协议的图片 -
参与自研引擎的研发工作 包括但不限于以下工作方向 UI 方向 1. UI Editor 2. In Game UI Editor Data driven rendering 1. Custom Material/Shader Editor 2. Custom Material/Shading Language design and implementation Animation 1. Animation System Design and Implementation 2. Animation Editor workflow 3. Asset optimization for animation Editor 1. Animation Editor 2. Material Editor 3. Particle Editor 4. Engine toolset Workflow 工作内容包含,但不限于 资产格式的设计,实现 三维资产诸如fbx, gltf, usd, alembic 文件的导入,管理 自有格式资产文件的处理 动画,粒子,材质系统,及相关编辑模块 自定义材质系统的设计,实现 引擎编辑器工具集的实现 windows/mac/ios/android多平台的支持 任职资格: 1. 熟练使用C++语言 2. 了解 C#, Python, Javascript, Java 语言 3. 掌握一种及以上 Visual Studio/Visual Studio Code/XCode/Android Studio 编辑器的使用 4. 熟悉代码管理工具如 git/perforce/svn 5. 了解三维引擎基本框架 6. 具有较强的实现能力,学习能力 7. 具有团队合作精神,包括良好的技术文档书写、沟通能力
Responsibilities: 主要工作职责 负责整车电子架构模型(逻辑、网络、物理等)的虚拟建模及二次开发工作(基于PREEvision)。 负责整车需求模型(功能、系统、软件等)的虚拟建模及二次开发工作(基于System Weaver、Jama等) 支持整车电子架构模型的规划、设计、发布、评审。 完成架构关键性能指标计算、分析及优化设计。 支持电子架构配置管理、配置分析、变更分析。 Qualification: 任职要求 Education Backgroud: 教育背景 : 硕士及以上学历,计算机、软件、 自动化、电子信息相关专业 Experience: 经验: 3年以上PREEvision、System Weaver、Jama等架构工具及需求工具的使用/开发/维护经验 Competencies: 能力: 掌握PREEvision、System Weaver、Jama等一种或多种架构开发工具,具备软件定制开发能力 熟悉车企开发流程,能够基于ASPICE正向开发体系进行过程及产出把控
职位职责: 1、负责火山引擎混合云文件存储产品的交付运维产品设计与研发,为字节跳动内部业务以及火山引擎客户提供企业级文件存储产品服务; 2、技术规划和架构设计:深刻理解文件存储产品能力和架构,在私有化的交付、运维场景,通过领先的架构设计和研发能力解决交付、运维场景的各种复杂问题,完成高质量的工程落地; 3、打造极致效率:深刻理解混合云文件存储产品研发和交付全流程特点,持续提升研发、POC、交付以及售后效率; 4、提升产品智能化能力:深刻理解大规模系统运营,结合AI for System能力,实现产品原生自治能力以及自治工具产品化,为客户提供极致的业务连续性以及运维能力。 职位要求: 1、深入理解Linux系统,熟悉分布式系统原理及常见架构; 2、熟悉Go/Python中至少一种,对工程质量有很高的自我要求,有开源社区代码贡献者优先; 3、熟悉容器技术、云原生技术、分布式协调服务者优先,包括但不限于Kubernetes、ZooKeeper、Etcd、Prometheus等等,有源码级的了解优先; 4、有GPFS、Ganesha、CephFS等文件存储产品的交付运维及相关平台经验优先; 5、有混合云、私有云相关产品经验者优先。
职位职责: 1、负责火山引擎混合云存储产品的交付运维产品设计与研发,为字节跳动内部业务以及火山引擎客户提供企业级存储产品服务; 2、技术规划和架构设计:深刻理解各存储产品通用能力和架构,在私有化的交付、运维场景,通过领先的架构设计和研发能力解决交付、运维场景的各种复杂问题,完成高质量的工程落地; 3、打造极致效率:深刻理解混合云存储产品研发和交付全流程特点,持续提升研发、POC、交付以及售后效率; 4、提升产品智能化能力:深刻理解大规模系统运营,结合AI for System能力,实现产品原生自治能力以及自治工具产品化,能为客户提供极致的业务连续性以及低运维能力。 职位要求: 1、深入理解linux系统,熟悉分布式系统原理及常见架构; 2、熟悉Go/Python中至少一种,对工程质量有很高的自我要求,有开源社区代码贡献者优先; 3、熟悉容器技术、云原生技术、分布式协调服务者优先,包括但不限于Kubernetes、ZooKeeper、Etcd、Prometheus等等,有源码级的了解优先; 4、有云管平台、DevOps及存储等产品开发和交付经验优先; 5、有混合云、私有云相关产品经验者优先。
We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. *Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault *Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success *Support the client administrators across multiple organizations *Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues *Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. *Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration *Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production *Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds *Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes *Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary *Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule * Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Korean * Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience *Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences *Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers * Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment *Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential *Knowledge document management systems *Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
Responsibilities: 主要工作职责 负责车辆基础功能及子系统的设计、建模、评审、发布 负责车辆电源模式、车辆基础状态的设计、建模、评审、发布 完成整车电子架构模型(逻辑、网络、物理等)的建模工作 完成架构关键性能指标计算、分析及优化设计 支持域控或者集中式电子电气架构方案的设计工作 Qualification: 任职要求 Education Backgroud: 教育背景 : 本科及以上学历,汽车. 计算机. 自动化. 电子信息相关专业 Experience: 经验: 3年以上电子电器架构开发方向工作经验,具备以下领域之一的工程经验者优先: 电子架构设计及建模仿真 车辆模式设计及功耗管理 SOA服务设计及应用 Competencies: 能力: 具备用户思维,掌握正向开发流程及方法论 熟悉PREEvision、System Weaver、Simulink、CANOE等开发工具 熟悉架构开发方法论及开发流程体系,具备架构方案的评估分析能力 熟悉车载总线相关应用协议,如Ethernet, FlexRay, DDS, SOME/IP, DoIP, AVB/TSN, CAN协议等