• 10k-15k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    文娱丨内容,旅游 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    职位介绍: 作为数字产品管理团队的秘书,您将负责支持行政和文秘工作,并向数字产品管理总监汇报。我们正在寻找具有远见卓识、丰富工作经验,渴望学习成长,致力于提供优质产品,享受与业务伙伴紧密合作,共同应对战略策略挑战的团队成员。 工作内容: • 提供日常行政工作支持; • 管理部门总监的日程表,确保每日行程顺利且高效推进; • 管理办公设备和用品,确保供应充足,及时更新; • 作为部门与各业务部门之间的联络人,保证高效的沟通和合作; • 视情况负责特殊项目和任务; • 根据需要组织电话会议,视频会议和面对面会议; • 准备高质量和及时的会议资料,包括但不限于演示文稿和报告等; • 负责各种会议和活动的注册登记以及相关付款; • 协调国内外旅行计划,包括交通,住宿,签证文件等; • 支持国内/国际访客的差旅行程安排; • 计划/支持活动后勤工作; • 根据需求组织重要的大小型活动; • 在公司之外支持领导和团队建设活动。 我们希望您: • 本科或以上学历; • 能系统化地、独立地开展工作并展现出极高的成熟度; • 敏锐的组织洞察力,展现出良好的人际交往能力以及和利益相关者建立信任关系的能力; • 具备多任务处理,排列优先级和时间管理的能力; • 具备积极主动解决问题的能力; • 具备审慎处理机密信息的能力; • 精力充沛、富有远见的思想者,能够积极寻找机会并提出解决方案; • 熟练的普通话和英语书面、演讲和口头交流能力; • 精通各种微软办公软件。 关于上海迪士尼度假区: 作为全球家庭娱乐业的领军企业之一,上海迪士尼度假区为我们的游客带来独具一格的服务和珍藏一生的记忆。加入我们,在这个充满奇幻、想象、创意和探险的全新世界里,为每年数以百万的度假区游客创造欢乐。无论您的迪士尼旅程走向台前还是幕后,您都拥有无限机遇。 * 我们致力于提供平等的就业机会。 * 具体的福利基于职位有所不同,可能根据公司政策进行调整。 * 上海迪士尼度假区不会委托任何人或第三方机构向求职者收取费用。候选人请务必通过度假区官方招聘渠道获取度假区招聘的相关资讯。
  • 8k-14k 经验不限 / 大专
    内容资讯 / 天使轮 / 15-50人
    职位描述: 1、负责数码栏目的选题策划、脚本撰写、创意构思和分镜; 2、跟进前期拍摄,把控作品质量; 3、跟进后期制作,把控视频后期效果,配合团队完成优质作品; 4、定期完成工作总结并及时做好工作汇报。 任职要求: 1、热爱科技,日常关注数码科技,有相关知识储备、有数码类视频独立创作经验优先; 2、具备视频编导相关工作能力,策划视频内容,熟悉视频创作流程,有较好的协作能力; 3、数码爱好者优先。 请附上相关作品/案例。 办公地址:广州 注:税前薪酬标准含基本工资+分成激励+绩效奖金+餐补 关于我们: 雷科技是聚焦科技与生活的内容机构。雷科技平台连接用户与品牌,生产有趣而专业的内容,包括科技资讯、深度评论、技能攻略和产品体验等,拥有图文、视频、信息流等内容形式,覆盖核心新媒体平台。 雷科技微信平台矩阵已凝聚350万忠实读者(其中雷科技170万,小雷哔哔56万,电车通36万,智能Pro20万),我们的读者有科技发烧友,行业中高层,科技小白用户。雷科技建立了超过100 个“雷科技俱乐部”微信社群,一共拥有 3 万粉丝,将粉丝更加紧密地连接起来。 雷科技拥有“1+6+N”的新媒体矩阵,在微信拥有300万+科技读者,在今日头条、百家号、网易号分别拥有100万+订阅用户,在全平台拥有超过700万粉丝。雷科技曾荣获「头条号、百家号、企鹅号年度优秀创作者」、「36kr 2022优质内容奖」等20余项奖项。 雷科技多年来深耕科技视频内容,在主流视频网站和短视频平台每月拥有3000万+次视频播放,在新榜视频榜科技类排名TOP5,在B站已聚集20万粉丝。 福利: 1、转正后每月餐补500元; 2、常备各种零食,每月下午茶,生日礼物/金,节日福利红包; 3、定期团建活动,年度体检,身体健康很重要! 4、双休不必说,法定带薪年假,带薪病假; 5、可以上手各种热门数码设备,并且享有员工内购优惠; 6、月度多重KPI绩效考核奖金,年终奖等,只要你够优秀!
  • 10k-19k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Key Responsibilities Lead component development by defining, configuring and maintaining development environments Function as technical contact main point and drive technical issues to resolve Benchmarking and maintaining developed modules Work independently to deliver high-quality work in a timely fashion Collaborate with team for testing, evaluation, and review of component Travel as required Qualific Responsible for ICV component development and release. Responsible for definition of component requirements and development where strong analytical and problem-solving skills, creativity, resourcefulness, adaptability, initiative and independent judgement are involved. Key Responsibilities Lead component development by defining, configuring and maintaining development environments Function as technical contact main point and drive technical issues to resolve Benchmarking and maintaining developed modules Work independently to deliver high-quality work in a timely fashion Collaborate with team for testing, evaluation, and review of component Travel as required Qualifications Strong knowledge and internship experience in: ADAS system (features and sensors, like Radar, Lidar, camera), signal processing, image processing, geometric computer vision, sensor fusion and deep learning Experience in deploying deep learning models at scale on real-world data in at least one of these deep learning frameworks: PyTorch, Tensorflow Knowledge of Vehicle communication protocol, like CAN/GMLAN/Ethernet Knowledge of diagnostic protocols and tools Knowledge of system safety is a plus Strong problem-solving skills Education and Training ·Education: B.S. or M.S. degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Mechanical Engineering. ·Experience within the automotive industry ations Strong knowledge and internship experience in: ADAS system (features and sensors, like Radar, Lidar, camera), signal processing, image processing, geometric computer vision, sensor fusion and deep learning Experience in deploying deep learning models at scale on real-world data in at least one of these deep learning frameworks: PyTorch, Tensorflow Knowledge of Vehicle communication protocol, like CAN/GMLAN/Ethernet Knowledge of diagnostic protocols and tools Knowledge of system safety is a plus Strong problem-solving skills Education and Training ·Education: B.S. or M.S. degree in Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Robotics, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics and Mechanical Engineering. ·Experience within the automotive industry
  • 10k-20k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Job Description: - Intensive understanding of business processes in Vehicle Assembly Plant, Powertrain Plant and Battery Plant - Understand IT Global Launch Process, and follow the process in deployment, including: • Conduct requirement analysis workshop • Install and configure systems • Support SAT and UAT • Conduct user training • Prepare project deliverables • Perform transition to operation. • Work in cross functional teams with extended team members in other parts of Asia and/or North America. • Manage business and IT expectations according to project scope and schedule • Address issues in a timely manner, and drive necessary discussions and escalations - Support Business Facing Team for business requirement background study - Support Global Operation Team for incident resolving and ongoing support request - Travel requirements may include ***** and global travel, up to 50% Additional Job Description: Knowledge: - Technical understanding of the interrelationship in the Manufacturing IT environment - Action oriented, Organized, Results driven - Fast Leaner, Self-motivated - Excellent interpersonal skills - Excellent oral and written communication skills - Demonstrated ability in Java/C++ programming - Demonstrated ability in Oracle/SQL Server database configuration - Demonstrated ability in using of Microsoft Office software - Demonstrated ability in Webservice deployment on Weblogic - Experience using CIMPLICITY software is a plus - Demonstrated ability in Linux/Window Server OS administration is a plus - Demonstrated ability in understanding PLC programming (RSLogix, STEP7, GX, etc.) is a plus Competencies: - Fluent in writing & speaking of both English and Chinese - Highly developed communication skills - Strong team player - Self-motivated - Quick and self learner - Accountable Experience/Education: - BS/MS in Engineering, or Computer Science, Information System or related
  • 12k-15k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    “通过体验式学习探索职业生涯”暑期实习项目(EXCEL Program)的亮点: • 在全球汽车行业领先市场参与者的实践经验 • 负责一个独立项目的启动到最终展示 • 与多个团队和高层领导互动接触 • 表现优秀的候选人会收到加入通用汽车公司技术轮换和职业知识(TRACK Program)全职轮岗计划的邀请 公司简介: 总部位于底特律的通用汽车公司(General Motors Company)在全球主要地区开展业务,并开发了许多优质品牌,如凯迪拉克(Cadillac)、别克(Buick)和雪佛兰(Chevrolet)。在“零碰撞、零排放、零拥堵”的愿景下,通用汽车正在推动重新定义个人出行未来的可能性。从汽车电气化到自动驾驶汽车,我们致力于为全球客户和社区提供更安全、更简单、更可持续的解决方案。 通用汽车中国总部位于上海,旨在与其合作伙伴一起成为中国最好的汽车集团。通用汽车通过其合资企业和全资实体在中国雇佣了58000多名员工。中国是全球最大的汽车市场,也是通用汽车最大的零售市场,具有巨大的发展机遇和潜力。 通用汽车国际(“GMI”)区域包括亚太、北非、中东、凯迪拉克欧洲、俄罗斯和南美。 通用汽车中国和通用汽车金融通过深入分析、商业敏锐性和对外部因素的敏感性设计和实施及时的业务解决方案,来支持多元化业务组合的各个方面。公司财务分析师们将帮助解决公司的关键问题。 实习项目描述: EXCEL项目通过财务规划与分析(“FP&A”)、会计部、资金部、产品开发财务部、审计服务部等职能部门提供高挑战性和高责任性的任务,以及与规划、战略和公司发展部门的跨职能任务。过去的实习项目包括中国汽车行业价格趋势分析、工厂生产率提高的制造成本基准分析和中国汽车市场竞争对手分析。所有任务的完成都需要候选人优秀的时间管理能力、强大的分析/解决问题能力、沟通技巧以及采取战略方法执行项目的能力。实习计划的主要组成部分如下:  70% 专业和技术技能  真实商业环境中的挑战性项目  开发有意义的业务解决方案  团队参与、跨职能协作  20% 人际交往和沟通技能  向高级领导进行成果展示  接触多样化的工作环境  定期收到来自同事和直属经理的绩效审查和反馈  10% 培训和其他  财务职能/跨职能学习和业务更新会议  与总监进行职业小组讨论  参观工厂/志愿服务/团队/社交活动 所有实习任务将在位于中国上海的通用汽车中国总部完成。实习时间为2023年6月中旬到8月中旬,约8-10周。 基本要求: • 金融、经济、会计、工程、数据分析专业或有金融、会计和/或商业课程的同等背景优先 • 预计于2023年12月至2024年6月毕业 • 熟练掌握英语及中文的书面表达和口语交流 • 较强的分析和解决问题的能力以及组织能力 • 良好的团队合作和人际交往能力 • 自信心和追求卓越的动力 • 结果导向以及有较强的责任感 • 中国公民(包括香港、澳门和台湾居民) 关键日期: • 简历投递截止日期*: 2022年11月15日 • 面试(将通过现场或Teams视频会议以全英文进行): 2022年11月 – 2023年2月 • Offer发放: 2023年2月 * 我们强烈建议尽早投递简历 投递要求: • 简历 • 求职信 • 请点击此链接在线提交简历和求职信 https://generalmotors.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/en-US/Careers_GM/job/General-Motors-China---International-Operations--Finance-2023-Summer-Internship-Program---EXCEL--_JR-*********?locations=e30192a1b9ad01d6630163a8b61f7d4c • 请确保您通过上述链接申请,其他方式提交的申请将不予考虑,重复提交的申请将被删除
  • 27k-54k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Key Responsibilities •Collect China unique AD requirements such as standard, regulation and technical trend •Work closely with supplier to understand and develop AD (L4) system architecture •Support team for solution integration into the car, to evaluate its performance among relevant user cases •Execute test license activities and maintenance •Escalate issues to the supplier and to global team in a timely manner •Resolve issues with the supplier •Travel as required Description Responsible for AD (L4) system development and integration with supplier Responsible for securing test license activities. Key Responsibilities •Collect China unique AD requirements such as standard, regulation and technical trend •Work closely with supplier to understand and develop AD (L4) system architecture •Support team for solution integration into the car, to evaluate its performance among relevant user cases •Execute test license activities and maintenance •Escalate issues to the supplier and to global team in a timely manner •Resolve issues with the supplier •Travel as required Qualifications •5 years+ work experience in Automobile Industry, top OEM and T1 supplier cluster •Knowledge of electrical architecture, both Vehicle and Control Module •Knowledge of diagnostic protocols and tools •Experience of test license process from relevant authority •Strong problem-solving skills, relationship builder, Independent, Proactive •Fluent in Mandarin and English •Intellectual Horsepower •Organizational Agility
  • 27k-54k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Key Responsibilities Work with key stakeholders to establish data platform framework, Including real-time and offline data platforms Build and maintain ***** database to manage various ICV relevant data under data security framework Leading or support important/critical data management solution under data security framework Support key stakeholder to setup proper data security process Support teams for the data analysis and give summary as required Support teams to review and work for data export assessment and process work if required Qualifications 5 years+ work experience in Automobile Industry, top OEM and T1 supplier cluster Knowledge of data security law, regulation, standards Knowledge of develop tools like SQL, Python, MATLAB, C++ Experience of test license process from relevant authority Strong problem-solving skills, relationship builder, Independent, Proactive Fluent in Mandarin and English Intellectual Horsepower Organizational Agility
  • 27k-54k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Key Responsibilities Collect China unique AD requirements such as standard, regulation and technical trend Work closely with supplier to understand and develop AD (L4) system architecture Support team for solution integration into the car, to evaluate its performance among relevant user cases Execute test license activities and maintenance Escalate issues to the supplier and to global team in a timely manner Resolve issues with the supplier Travel as required Qualifications 5 years+ work experience in Automobile Industry, top OEM and T1 supplier cluster Knowledge of electrical architecture, both Vehicle and Control Module Knowledge of diagnostic protocols and tools Experience of test license process from relevant authority Strong problem-solving skills, relationship builder, Independent, Proactive Fluent in Mandarin and English Intellectual Horsepower Organizational Agility
  • 27k-54k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    汽车丨出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Job Description: Develop Plans and Schedules; Develop Criteria and Requirements; Prepare & Conduct test; Report ADV Status; Support Quality Processes; Lead / Support Evaluation Procedure Development; Gain and Submit Best Practices, Lessons Learned and customer surveys; Support ADV process to reduce Hardware and to realize RLM (Road- Lab-Math) strategy; Lead Export validation activities in foreign countries with ***** partners; Support Vehicle Validation - Type Approval Activities; Lead work with internal and external customers and suppliers; participate in Problem Solving Teams; participate in DFMEA work groups; Build and Lead Vehicle and/or Commodity ADV Sub-plans; Review Program/Process Results; Document and Update Product/Process Knowledge; Analyzes and interprets resulting data from tests (resolves data anomalies); Maintains frequent communication with customers; Prepares formal written test reports; Frequent contact with team members outside of work group. Additional Job Description: Job Description We are seeking motivated candidates for an Electrification Lead position in GM China Electrification group at ATC (Advanced Technical Center). The position leads team involved in-vehicle and lab work, along with related analytical and development activities. Electrification Lead engage in cross-functional teams and GM Global team, are expected to handle multiple projects/priorities, and frequently need to balance planned and unplanned work. Position Description: This position will lead electrification, battery, and propulsion system engineering works on GM vehicles. You will organize the team utilizing system hardware/software troubleshooting skills to resolve issues. In addition, you'll manage the product and components development within China interfacing with global expertise Responsibilities: Leadership / management responsibilities over project team for Electrification Responsibilities include planning and directing work, addressing complaints and resolving problems. Possesses the interpersonal skills to build relationships with key stakeholders responsible for the decision-making process. Actively listens, probes, and identifies concerns. Develop and optimize electrification systems to meet requirements and timing Familiar with electrification standards, industry and conduct benchmarking activities Understands customer's needs in China and speaks their language. Coordinating / monitoring project documentation, timelines, technical performance, budget, production, quality deliverables, and corrective action initiatives Conduct project reviews to ensure high quality deliverables Organize, plan, and coordinate development activities with global team and expertise Support identification of requirements for resources to develop product Develop, use, and optimize process in project development Participate in Global and program meetings with resolution and voice from China Participate in development trips and related test activities Required Qualifications: Master of Engineering or equivalent discipline Manage engineering team developing electrification systems and projects Five years of post-graduation engineering experience Independent worker requiring little direction and works well in a team environment Excellent planner and complex problem solver High level of oral and written communication skills including English & Chinese Experience with data acquisition and analysis Knowledge of and passion for electrification propulsion systems Preferred Qualifications: Controls and/or calibration experience Experience with tools commonly used: Vehicle Spy, Matlab/Simulink Key Behaviors: Build Effective Team Drive for Results Dealing with ambiguity Prioritization and decision-making skills Action-oriented Exceptional communication and presentation skills Customer-focused Integrity and Trust Problem Solving Conflict management
  • 40k-70k 经验10年以上 / 本科
    消费生活,其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    主要职责: 以车型市场份额和品牌健康度为业绩指标,根据市场发展趋势、竞争环境、消费者需求变化,制定所辖车型品牌定位和营销策略,并负责落地执行,包括产品策略/用户策略/媒体策略/传播策略等。 1. 基于品牌愿景和业务目标,规划所辖产品的定位和营销策略:包括产品体验/产品定价/创意发展/广告制作/媒体宣传/品牌活动/促销广告/产品体验活动/展厅布置等。建立并维护品牌资产,确保产品的市场份额和品牌形象的持续提升; 2. 进行创意/营销活动/社交媒体代理商的选择和管理工作,提升营销活动的数量和效率 3. 与销售、用户运营、售后、媒介、公关、销售培训、市场调研等内外协同部门建立良好的协作关系,共同保证传播任务和业务指标的达成 4. 参与市场调研项目设计和现场执行,了解行业动态和消费者变化,关注竞争对手市场状况 5. 建立营销活动的效果评估机制和流程。对品牌传播工作进行年度、季度效果检测 任职资格: 1. 学历本科及以上,营销类,心理学类,管理类专业优先 2. 8年及以上相关工作经验 3. 熟练掌握市场营销、广告学、品牌管理、传播学、公关等专业知识 4. 英语CET-6及以上,熟练使用Office应用软件
  • 5k-9k 经验在校/应届 / 不限
    物流|运输 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责:贴标签扫描手工活工作简单轻松坐班任职要求:16-50岁身体健康不体检长白班岗位福利:两人间宿舍可安排夫妻房兄弟房上班时间:早上9点到晚上8点一天工作10左右薪资待遇:小时工26块钱一个小时纯小时 正式工2800底薪加加班费加五险一金综合薪资7000块钱以上
  • 10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 不限
    其他 / C轮 / 150-500人
    薪资:10000-20000(底薪+业绩+分工股) 任职要求: 全面负责球房的一切日常运营管理,有计划执行力强,具备处理店内一切事物的能力和决策,懂得经营管理培训 工作内容:球房所有事宜的指挥和决策 职位福利:(五险一金/包吃/包住年底双薪/房补/话补/交通补助补/加班补助) 工作地址:江西省九江市开发区欧洲风情街1号楼 报名方式:请直接投递简历或来电咨询!
  • 10k-20k 经验1年以下 / 不限
    其他 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、自觉遵守公司内的各项规章制度,工作安排; 2、仪容仪表大方,着装整洁,准时参加公司各项例会; 3、按要求做好责任区内 4、做好餐具各项补充,以使替换; 5、熟知公司内提供的饮品及特点; 6、做好收尾结束工作,做好防火、防盗。 任职资格: 1、18-30岁, 3、形象好、气质佳,细心负责,表达能力及沟通能力强;
  • 20k-40k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、负责抖音AI搜索产品用户渗透、用户转化路径的产品规划和项目执行,为AI搜索的用户规模及留存效果负责; 2、负责产品增长、渗透路径的设计和交互优化,确保产品的易用性和便捷性,提高用户留存率和活跃度; 3、建立完善的产品数据分析体系,结合深度用研及数据分析制定针对性的产品优化方案和增长实验计划,通过A/B测试等方法验证假设,快速迭代产品功能和特性,实现数据驱动的产品增长; 4、通过市场调研和产品分析深入了解行业动态、用户需求变化及产品策略,挖掘潜在的增长机会,为产品优化和创新提供依据。 职位要求: 1、本科以上学历,1-3年用户产品或增长产品经验,有成功增长案例优先; 2、对AI领域有热情,熟悉国内外AI产品,愿意尝试新鲜产品,对AGI有信仰; 3、对数据敏感,有熟练的数据分析能力,有SQL能力优先; 4、抗压力强,能够接受快节奏业务迭代;沟通能力强,能够独立负责跨团队协同的复杂项目。
  • 15k-22k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    岗位职责: 1.配置管理:负责功能、自动化、性能和安全的测试环境长期维护;负责软件版本质量管控和软件交付;; 2.测试设计:负责评审测试方案,精炼测试用例;负责系统功能测试工作,包括测试方案设计、测试用例设计、测试执行和执行检查、缺陷定位、跟踪和给出缺陷修复方案、根据测试数据给出测试结论,生成测试报告; 3.测试执行:负责性能测试,包括性能测试脚本开发、性能测试执行、协助开发做好性能瓶颈分析以及提出提高性能的解决方案,编写性能测试方案; 4.测试开发:负责设计以及优化搭建自动化测试框架和自动化平台。不断提高自动化测试的稳定性及覆盖率;负责测试工具的开发; 5.技术研究:参与功能、性能、自动化、以及安全方面的技术研究,探索最新测试技术; 6.测试管理:参与测试规范、测试流程体系的编制;按时完成领导交办的其他任务; 职位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历;具备10年及以上专业工作经验 ;具备1年及以上彩票相关工作经验; 2. 熟练掌握本部门管理体系、部分业务运作流程; 3. 熟练掌握使用办公软件,掌握技术文档编写技能; 4. 熟练掌握Java/Python/c++等某种程序设计语言,能够根据系统日志排查定位问题; 5. 熟练使用linux的基本命令,会使用常用命令以及主流的中间件,能够帮助开发人员完成bug定位; 6. 熟练掌握软件测试流程和规范、测试方法和策略,精通用例设计 7. 熟练掌握接口测试以及任意一款接口测试工具,能够开发接口测试脚本; 8. 熟练掌握自动化测试或者性能测试技能,有自动化测试平台搭建经验或者性能测试脚本开发及性能测试、分析经验; 9. 熟练掌握Fiddler/wireshark其中一种抓包工具,能够利用工具完成bug定位、弱网模拟等测试需求; 10. 熟练掌握MySql/oracle的语句;完成数据增/删/改/查的工作,以及通过测试需求造测试数据,能够编写sql脚本; 11. 熟练掌握版本交付流程和规范; 12. 熟练掌握Jenkins、SonarQube、git/gitlab,能够独立维护版本,完成软件版本构建,发布工作。