职位描述 1. 留学文书写作:负责对口专业学生的Essay、PS、CV、RL(如需)等的撰写 2. 100%原创,不使用ai一键生成,但可以使用语法检查工具等。 3. 深度挖掘学生动机,并撰写匹配申请院校要求的文书; 4. 根据客户要求和反馈,及时沟通和修改文书; 薪资及待遇 1.行业极具竞争力的薪酬,按类目计费。 2.用不用素材表随意,按习惯和学生偏好选择。 3.头脑风暴的时长和次数老师与学生自行商议。 4.不为学生无限期修改,48小时内学生反馈修改,有拒绝修改权。 5.兼职,每位老师每月负责的学生不超过规定上限。 要求 1. 学历要求(强制):QS排名top200大学硕士毕业或者知名大学PHD在读,或有非常丰富的文书写作及录取经验,譬如硕士申请录取过专业tier0-tier1的项目。 2. 专业要求:商科、理工科、社科均可。 3. 语言要求(强制):雅思写作7.5分以上,托福写作25分以上。gre V160以上,gmat 760以上更佳 4.工作耐心细致,责任心强,热爱文书工作,有良好的沟通能力; 5.能够保证质量并按时完成工作任务; 6. 应届生/往届生均可,只要有热爱、愿意持续学习。可以加入我们共同成长,能力突出者可以加入合伙人计划。
职位描述: 深度参与无人驾驶平台服务开发。推进L4级别无人驾驶成为更智能、更高效、更安全的人类出行方式。 职位要求: 1、熟练掌握Python、Go中至少一门开发语言; 2、有Linux平台上的开发经验,熟练掌握Git等工具; 3、对学习新知识充满热情。愿意学习新的编程语言,软件开发技能以及无人驾驶领域的新知识; 4、有团队合作意识,有主人翁意识。愿意以积极主动的心态迎接工作中的挑战,与团队一起完成目标。 加分项 1、相关领域Master或PhD教育经历; 2、丰富的工程项目相关的实习或工作经历; 3、有参与开源代码库经历; 4、熟悉Flask/Django等常见的Web开发框架; 5、对MySQL/PostgreSQL/Redis等常见的数据库有一定的使用经验; 6、熟悉TCP/IP、HTTPS/2.0、WebScoket通讯协议,对常见的RPC调用有一定使用经验。
职位描述: 深度参与无人驾驶平台服务开发。推进L4级别无人驾驶成为更智能、更高效、更安全的人类出行方式。 职位要求: 1、熟练掌握Python、Go中至少一门开发语言; 2、有Linux平台上的开发经验,熟练掌握Git等工具; 3、对学习新知识充满热情。愿意学习新的编程语言,软件开发技能以及无人驾驶领域的新知识; 4、有团队合作意识,有主人翁意识。愿意以积极主动的心态迎接工作中的挑战,与团队一起完成目标。 加分项 1、相关领域Master或PhD教育经历; 2、丰富的工程项目相关的实习或工作经历; 3、有参与开源代码库经历; 4、熟悉Flask/Django等常见的Web开发框架; 5、对MySQL/PostgreSQL/Redis等常见的数据库有一定的使用经验; 6、熟悉TCP/IP、HTTPS/2.0、WebScoket通讯协议,对常见的RPC调用有一定使用经验。
These models are in areas including wholesale credit risk (e.g., probability of default, loss given default, exposure measurement, and loan loss reserving); market risk (e.g., daily value at risk pricing models, counterparty credit risk, Asset Liability Management risk, and terms structure models); operational risk; and AI/ML models related to bank’s business areas. What you will be responsible for · Work with team members in Hangzhou under the supervision of the model validation lead in China, and conduct model validation activities covering SSC models worldwide · Responsibilities include ensuring that model risks are correctly identified, assessed, and captured in compliance with internal requirements as well as regulatory guidelines: Deliver comprehensive evaluation of the model’s conceptual soundness, performance outcomes, computational accuracy, and implementation and use, across all model components. oCommunicate with onsite validators, model developers, business owners and regulatory officials to relay the issues and feedback and capture the action plans. What we value These skills will help you succeed in this role · strong critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and communication skills Education & Preferred Qualifications · PhD or Master degree in related disciplines (e.g. Finance, Statistics, Econometrics, Mathematics, Physics, Computer Science or Engineering) · At least Two to three years of experience in quantitative analysis and/or related field. · Knowledge of financial markets and products. · Strong communication skills (verbal and written in English). · Ability to communicate project plans/status in a clear, precise and timely manner. · Ability to execute on competing priorities in a timely manner. Additional requirements · Experience in model development or model validation in risk management or risk management experience in banking/finance industry. · Finance and/or risk management certificates like CFA and FRM are preferred but not required. About State Street What we do. State Street is one of the largest custodian banks, asset managers and asset intelligence companies in the world. From technology to product innovation we’re making our mark on the financial services industry. For more than two centuries, we’ve been helping our clients safeguard and steward the investments of millions of people. We provide investment servicing, data & analytics, investment research & trading and investment management to institutional clients. Work, Live and Grow. We make all efforts to create a great work environment. Our benefits packages are competitive and comprehensive. Details vary in locations, but you may expect generous medical care, insurance and savings plans among other perks. You’ll have access to flexible Work Program to help you match your needs. And our wealth of development programs and educational support will help you reach your full potential. Inclusion, Diversity and Social Responsibility. We truly believe our employees’ diverse backgrounds, experiences and perspective are a powerful contributor to creating an inclusive environment where everyone can thrive and reach their maximum potential while adding value to both our organization and our clients. We warmly welcome the candidates of diverse origin, background, ability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity and personality. Another fundamental value at State Street is active engagement with our communities around the world, both as a partner and a leader. You will have tools to help balance your professional and personal life, paid volunteer days, matching gift program and access to employee networks that help you stay connected to what matters to you. State Street is an equal opportunity and affirmative action employer.
1、招聘经理 招募人事招聘人员, 招募科学家。 招募博士人才: (1)要求人才是理工科PHD (2)人在海外,或者最近回国; (3)3年以上工作经验。 2、要求: 有相关人事,猎头,留学等经验。 对组织忠诚
Sales & Business Development Manager LOCATION: Beijing, China COMPANY DESCRIPTION: Our company was founded in Germany in 1977. Today we are the worldwide leading manufacturer of lecithin fractions and phospholipids for the pharmaceutical industry. The products are derived from highly controlled, mainly natural sources, meeting the highest standards and all relevant regulations of the pharmaceutical industry and being manufactured under GMP conditions at different locations in Germany. The Chinese subsidiary was established in 2017. RESPONSIBILITIES: Key contacts within the organization: - Reporting to Head of Sales China and to Country Manager China in the German headquarters, respectively Essential functions: 1. Development of the market in the pharmaceutical sector in China - Organization and control of products promotion, maintenance of contacts and regular visits with/to current and potential customers/partners, acquisition of new customers - General support of and cooperation with customers/partners, technical support and presentations in terms of products and their application, troubleshooting in cooperation with customers/partners - Organization of participation at exhibitions and congresses in China in agreement with the German headquarters 2. Development of new markets - Assessment of potential for new products, Development of means for entering new markets and development of business in China in cooperation with the German headquarters - Review and analysis of scientific literature in regard of products application 3. Customer-specific sales forecasting in the short and long term 4. Monitoring of competitor and market situation - Documentation of competitors’ marketing material and competitor analysis - Analysis of market situation and the tendencies of the market in general 5. Representation of Company’s interests in contacts with other enterprises, institutions, organizations and government authorities on all issues related to the operation in China 6. Regular reporting about all activities of the subsidiary PROFILE: - Academic degree in Natural Science (e.g., Chemistry, Biology, Pharmaceutics), PhD in this area would be a plus - Ideally with successful experience in sales-related functions (Pharma) - Proven network to customers in pharma industry is a plus - Experience in developing and selling Health Nutrition and Food Supplements is a plus - Can explain product application cases and can hold (scientific) presentations - Strong communication, interpersonal and sales skills, proficient and detail- oriented - Able to work independently, under pressure as well as in a team, excellent team spirit - Problem solving skills - Chinese native, English fluent, German would be a plus PERSONALITY: - Good social skills and people management - High degree of self-motivation, reliability, discipline, and self-efficiency - Enthusiastic, open-minded, pro-active, and down-to-earth 其他信息,详见公司官网www.lipoid.cn。 感谢关注!
【岗位职责】 1. 开发与管理日内CTA(因子或策略); 2. 善于挖掘期货的因子(通过经济原理的方法、或借助于机器学习算法),覆盖多重频率(日频and/or日内)。因子数据源应包括但不限于量价数据、基本面数据、舆情数据、另类数据等; 3. 研究除经典多因子策略以外的各种策略:包括但不限于(基于时序的)单标的日内或日间策略、中高频套利策略等; 4. 持续改进核心交易模型,模拟回测, 并负责实盘策略的调整; 5. 监控策略运行情况,定期进行绩效分析; 6. 协助完善公司现有的量化投资体系。 【任职要求】 需要有国内市场的经验,如果是纯海外背景的,除非学术背景特别强(比如stanford机器学习phd) 1. 1年以上优异的中高频CTA策略实盘业绩,包括但不限于:短周期趋势策略、日内高频; 2. 3年以上量化策略投资领域相关工作经验; 3. 理工科学习背景,包括计算机、数学、物理、概率统计、金融工程等硬核理工科专业背景硕士及以上学历出身; 4. 优秀的编程能力,熟练掌握Python和C++,熟悉常见关系数型数据库; 5. 出色的逻辑思维和创新性思维,极强的自我驱动能力及定量分析能力;做事细致认真,性格稳重随和,善于沟通,乐于合作分享,具备较强的抗压能力。 【加分项】 有机器学习运用到CTA策略开发的经验; 有海外头部量化私募高频CTA实盘工作经验。
储备店长招聘 一.现场接待新客,做好客人登记,建立客人档案。 二.拓展及维护新客户,做好客户管理,协助完成。部门计划业绩和管理工作。 三.任职资格2年以上店务管理经验。 四.专业知识扎实,良好的职业道德。有月季度促销经验。 有培训带团队经验。 五.团队意识和沟通能力强,抗压能力强,为人真诚,能吃苦耐劳 工作踏实。 1.工资:无责任底薪5000_7000元。高提成+奖金+绩效。 综合工资12000到20000万 2.新人带薪培训,公司提供食宿。 3.上班时间早上8点到12点,下午是2点到6点。
【南方+短视频运营实习生】 一、您需要: 1.协助完成摄影、剪辑相关工作; 2.协助收集统计短视频平台账号的运营数据; 3.协助完成其他平台运营工作。 二、我们希望您: 1.本科或研究生在读,新闻、传播、编导、影视节目制作等相关专业; 2.熟练操作办公软件,具备视频剪辑能力; 3.具备短视频策划编导制作经验,有成熟作品,有媒体实习经验优先; 4.关注互联网热点,具备一定文字功底; 5.具备较强的执行力,工作态度认真、做事主动性强; 6.可实习2-6个月。
负责施工现场的日常管理 监督施工进度和质量 解决技术和安全问题 协调各方沟通和合作 确保工程按时按质完成
每月薪资:6000元-10000元 (1、单价阶梯式计费,多劳多得,日均40-80单及以上,上不封底,日均300元左右;2、系统派单,3-4公里以内,无需抢单,好送;3、特殊门店首月有保底;4、 无须装备费,入职0费用,结算透明不乱扣,就近分配门店) 职位福利:全勤补贴,可预支生活费,租车、住宿需垫资可谈 学历要求:不限 工作年限:不限 任职要求:1、18-50岁之间,会骑电动车,能熟练使用导航; 2、 熟悉本地路况,有无经验均可; 3、 有较强的服务意识及沟通能力,有耐心, 4、 无犯罪记录,有健康证,接受面谈后再办理; 报名方式:请直接投递简历报名或来电咨询报名。
职位职责: 1、负责国际化内容安全业务,参与内容安全业务流程优化,探索使用多模态内容理解/大规模机器学习/LLM等先进技术,构建业内**的内容治理平台; 2、探索前沿AI技术,包含但不限于AIGC、LLM、多模态内容理解(视频/图像/音频/文本)等,以构建下一代安全模型; 3、探索ML技术在在解决 长尾/复杂治理标准/高响应速度/样本不均衡等问题的最佳应用; 4、突破现有安全治理系统的流程,探索下一代内容安全业务交互模式。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机、电子等相关背景; 2、丰富的ML/CV/NLP/推荐经验,包括但不限于: a. 有推荐、搜索、广告等大规模机器学习行业经验; b. 机器学习/数据挖掘/CV/NLP/多模态等相关竞赛或行业经验; c. 机器学习/数据挖掘/人工智能相关领域的会议论文(KDD/WWW/NIPS/ICML/CVPR/ACL/AAAI...); 3、扎实的编程功底,熟悉python/C++等编程语言; 4、优秀的分析问题和解决问题的能力,并热衷于解决具有挑战性的问题; 5、对技术充满热情,良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
工作职责: 1. 参与AI 智能语音机器人项目,理解 AI 技术的复杂性,需具备较强的逻辑思维能力。 2. 与项目经理沟通,跟进项目上线及运营情况。 3. 观测项目运营细节,及时发现并报告项目指标的异常。 4. 需具备极佳的数据分析能力,对项目运营数据进行统计、整理与分析。 5. 适应工作时长,具备较强的抗压能力与吃苦精神。 职位要求: 1. 在读或应届毕业生,相关专业优先。 2. 优秀的英语听说读写能力,英语 CET-6。 3. 熟练掌握 Excel,具备数据分析基础。 4. 具备良好的逻辑思维和问题解决能力。 5. 能适应快节奏的工作环境,有团队合作精神。 欢迎有志于 AI 行业的优秀人才加入我们的团队!
1、负责数据库设计及相关数据库设计文档编写; 2、负责开发过程中数据库存储过程编写及优化; 3、负责数据仓库的建设及相关方案的编写; 4、和第三方软件公司进行沟通,进行信息资源整合相关工作; 5、评估设计人员的数据库设计合理性,对已开发出的模块进行数据库层面的性能优化,如:SQL的书写、索引建立的合理性、对开发人员书写的存储过程进行性能方面的检查等。 任职要求 1、具有数据建模的基础知识,熟悉数据库设计范式理论; 2、掌握开发信息系统的综合技术知识(硬件、软件、网络、数据库); 3、掌握主流数据建模工具软件和方法优先; 4、熟练掌握ORACLE开发技术,熟练掌握PLSQL及存储过程开发,熟悉常用函数,具有ORACLE、Mysql、Postgresql、Mongodb、FastDfs、国产数据库开发经验,有石油石化行业经验者、数据仓库建设工作经验者优先; 5、熟练掌握SQL语句,能熟练编写复杂SQL和性能调优; 6、2年及以上数据库工作经验,专科及以上计算机或相关学科基础。 附加信息: 工作时间:周末双休 上下班时间:08:30-17:30