• 30k-40k 经验10年以上 / 硕士
    汽车|出行 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    任职要求: 1. 计算机科学/相关专业硕士及以上学历,5年以上Ruby on Rails全栈加AI应用开发经验,5年以上架构师和团队管理经验; 2、丰富的单元测试经验,注重TDD(测试驱动开发)\熟练运用Rails 7框架; 3、具备BDD经验,推动团队采用测试驱动的开发方法; 熟练掌握数据库设计和优化; 4、熟悉SaaS产品架构设计,有丰富的分布式系统设计、高并发、高可用性经验; 5、熟悉Ruby on Rails框架,了解其原理和机制,有丰富的Rails项目实战经验; 6、熟悉AI大模型应用技术,如TensorFlow、PyTorch等,有实际项目应用经验; 7、熟悉PostgreSQL、Redis、MongoDB等数据库,了解数据库优化技巧; 8、熟悉Linux操作系统,熟悉常用命令和脚本编程; 9、具备良好的团队协作和沟通能力,能承担一定的技术领导责任; 10、有成功带领团队开发大型项目的经验,有带团队解决复杂技术问题的经验。 岗位职责: 1. 负责SaaS产品的整体架构设计、技术选型与技术创新/优化 2. 带领团队进行系统开发、优化及维护,确保系统稳定、高效、可扩展; 3. 负责制定并推行技术规范和开发流程,提升团队开发效率和代码质量; 4. 负责技术难题的攻关,解决系统性能瓶颈,提高系统资源利用率; 5. 参与公司战略规划,推动新技术的研究与实践,提升产品竞争力; 6. 领导团队进行AI大模型业务场景应用的研发,探索业务场景的创新应用,提供技术方案和实施指导。 我们提供: 1. 具有竞争力的薪资待遇,股权激励; 2. 宽广的个人发展空间和职业晋升机会; 3. 舒适的工作环境和良好的团队氛围; 4. 完善的福利待遇,如五险一金、带薪年假、员工体检等。
  • 15k-25k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    汽车|出行 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    我们正在寻找一位经验丰富的全栈Ruby on Rails开发工程师,加入我们充满活力和创新的团队,一同打造卓越的互联网SaaS系统。我们期待你不仅拥有丰富的单元测试经验和熟练掌握Rails 7,还希望你具备BDD(行为驱动开发)经验,因为我们认为这是构建高质量软件的重要组成部分。 职责和要求 - 参与互联网SaaS系统的全栈开发,负责前后端架构设计和实现; - 编写高质量的单元测试,注重测试覆盖率和代码质量; - 运用最新的Rails 7框架,保持技术栈的前沿性; - 具备BDD经验,推动团队采用测试驱动的开发方法; - 协作跨职能团队,确保系统的整体高效运作; - 解决技术难题,持续优化系统架构; - 参与制定和执行敏捷开发流程。 - 3年以上Ruby on Rails全栈开发经验; - 丰富的单元测试经验,注重TDD(测试驱动开发); - 熟练运用Rails 7框架; - 具备BDD经验,推动团队采用测试驱动的开发方法; - 熟练掌握数据库设计和优化; - 具备互联网SaaS系统开发流程经验; - 对新技术有强烈的学习欲望,能够不断迭代优化代码; - 良好的团队协作和沟通能力。 薪资待遇:月薪1.5万人民币到2万人民币,具体薪资将根据候选人的经验和能力而定。 我们提供有竞争力的薪资待遇,广阔的职业发展空间,以及积极向上的工作氛围。如果你是一位具备全栈开发、单元测试、Rails 7和BDD经验的工程师,期待在一个充满挑战和创新的环境中发展,欢迎将您的个人简历发送至 [招聘邮箱]。 期待您的加入,一同打造高效、质量卓越的互联网SaaS系统!
  • 15k-30k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    企业服务 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    岗位职责: 1、负责公司核心业务的后端开发; 2、理解业务需求,快速高质量的完成开发; 3、参与代码评审。 任职要求: 1、3 年以上 Ruby on Rails 开发经验,基本功扎实,计算机相关专业本科以上学历(非强制性要求,主要看能力); 2、对编写高性能、易读、易维护的高质量代码有很高的要求; 3、熟悉关系型数据库(mysql), mongoldb、 redis、elasticsearch、 sidekiq 等,有实际使用和调优经验; 4、熟悉 docker、k8s; 5、有编写单元测试的习惯; 6、担任过千万级用户产品主力开发的优先; 7、责任感强、有较强的逻辑思维能力、沟通能力和抗压能力。
  • 15k-18k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,数据服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    技能要求: 1. 拥有较丰富的Ruby On Rails 项目经验; 2. 熟练使用Ruby 和 Ruby On Rails; 3. 熟悉 Git/Gitlab/TailwindCss/Hotwire 岗位职责(非成都可接受远程) 1. 内部运营系统,数据分析平台的研发; 2. 互联网CMS领域的SAAS平台;
  • 7k-9k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,数据服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    本职位要求一定熟悉Ruby on Rails .............................. 岗位职责: 1、根据公司需求完成前端开发和维护; 2、可以担当部分产品经理的角色,设计策划产品原型方案。 招聘要求: 1、计算机及相关专业本科以上学历,有H5应用开发经验优先; 2、对网站及B/S平台设计及移动端UI设计有良好的认知和理解,有较强的美感认知力; 3、熟练掌握各主流浏览器兼容性技术及页面性能优化技术; 4、熟练使用CSS、JavaScript、HTML等技术; 5、熟悉Ruby编程语言,了解 Ruby on Rails 开发框架。
  • 其他 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    欢迎有梦想有追求的年轻人! 我们需要的人才:有明确的做销售的想法,渴望赚钱、踏实勤奋! 任职要求: 1、学历.性别不限,有1年及以上的销售经验者优先; 2、有良好的沟通协调,人际关系好,相貌端正; 3、有一定数据分析能力和判断能力; 4、自我驱动力强,有求胜的欲望,有韧性,工作态度认真,吃苦耐劳; 一,工作岗位: 【销售代表/营销顾问】 公司成立5年,客户遍布珠三角,有一些业务员工作岗位已经晋升或调整,但是客户关系还在继续维持着,所以现招聘一批高素质人才加入。 二,工作内容:通过以电话为主,拜访.网销为辅联系公司客户,重新添加微信建立关系,维护客户过往业务信息,完善客户信息标签,挖掘客户需求,输出资源,配合客户需求.完成销售工作。 ps:不需要出去跑,不需要自己去找客户,公司平台提供客户资源。 三,福利/工作环境: 1、室内空调办公,独立办公位 2、公司可提供住宿与餐食。 3、月度奖金:一定级别后可享受每月月度奖金 4、半年奖金:1年2次 5、每年一次免费全身体检,员工家人可以享受体检优惠。 6、高温补贴6-10月100/人。 7、第2~3年的老客户服务奖金 8、其他福利:结婚礼金、豪车车队等 四,薪资待遇 3000+800+招聘奖金+季度奖金(0-2400)+月度激励+综合员工福利+全年4220过节费+提成(4800-8000)。其他工资收入提升项要看绩效完成情况。 3个月内综合工资4200左右 6个月左右平均工资6800左右 一年左右平均工资8000-12000 四,工作要求:有一定学习能力,表达清晰,踏实工作不怕挫折。一旦录用会给予最完整的系统培训,同时安排专业师傅指导3个月。 五,发展路线,每三个月调薪&升职机会 销售代表—资深销售代表—主管—经理—区域总 销售代表—专家—主管—经理—区域总 销售代表—专家—培训导师 销售代表—AO/人事/小安内勤—主任—经理—区域总
  • 12k-16k 经验3-5年 / 大专
    企业服务,软件开发 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    岗位要求: 熟练掌握SAP BW on HANA业务基础,3-6年BW开发/运维经验。 - 熟悉ABAP基础开发,有ABAP程序开发经验更佳。 - 掌握BW业务基础 数据分析能力 F17ETL相关经验 熟悉建模工具(Cube, DSO, Info Provider, Info Package, Transaction, DTP,Routine等) 理解处理链(Process Chain)开发及日常业务维护 Bex Query或类似可视化报表设计开发经验 备注: 良好的数据逻辑分析和业务总结能力。 - 有HANA数据库(SQL,视图,存储过程,建模)经验者优先; - 有SAP相关业务知识经验者优先;
  • 15k-25k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    JOB RESPONSIBILITIES The main missions & responsibilities for the position are the following: Executes tests based on formal Test Procedures. Possesses advanced knowledge in the key principles and practices of Penetration Testing and Procedures. Like fuzz test, stress test, password cracking etc. Strategizes Test Scenarios and Execution of Penetration Tests. Works with project teams to explain the vulnerabilities. Creates and enhances Test Procedures and Methods. Bring security support to Business Unit projects on offer development through high level consultation post the test. Work closely with other Pen testers, project teams and SDL process teams to work on research, investigations, definition of SoP(standard operating Procedures), deployments, training, creating assets for efficiency in the cyber-security practices. Investigate potential 3rd party cyber security offer\tools (startup, etc.) to improve the global security level of our offers. Understand impact of various standards like IEC 62443 \ Data Privacy (US, GDPR…), IoT/Edge/cloud standard and regulation and make proposals for the improvement in our testing practices. Work with cyber security stakeholders (Schneider IT security team, BU teams, lawyer) on all the different aspect of IoT & Cloud security (network, server, secure application development, security operation …). Qualifications PREFERRED ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONS AND EXPERIENCE • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Mathematics, Information Technology or equivalent work experience Certifications like OSCP, SANS GPEN, SANSGWAPT or any other industry accredited security certifications would be preferred · Understanding of at least three of the following: cryptography, fuzzing, hardware security, kernel hacking, and reverse engineering · Developing, extending, or modifying exploits, shellcode or exploit tools OT/IoT security assessments · Experience in reverse engineering
  • 25k-50k·14薪 经验不限 / 本科
    游戏,数据服务 / B轮 / 150-500人
    1.开发跨平台render engine feature(win,android,ios) 2.开发渲染引擎framework. 3.Research on new graphics technique. 4.开发Web端渲染引擎. 5.Bug fix and performance improvement. 任职要求: 1.熟悉C,C++ 编程语言。 2.有计算机图形feature开发经历。 3.使用过OpenGL,DirectX 渲染API。 4.有良好的逻辑分析解决问题的能力,学习能力强,有良好的沟通协作意识。 5.有良好的英语口语和书写能力。
  • 45k-60k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    旅游|出行 / D轮及以上 / 500-2000人
    Responsibilities 1. Responsible for conducting comprehensive analysis, evaluation, and providing recommendations on the internal controls of the company's diverse business operations. 2. Establishing and implementing risk analysis and control systems, as well as maintaining risk matrices and key controls. 3. Monitoring and overseeing follow-up action plans based on audit recommendations from third-party organizations. 4. Providing project support according to business needs, while continuously conducting risk management and promoting internal control training. Requirements 1. Over 8 years of experience in internal control and internal risk management. 2. Demonstrate strong communication and interpersonal skills, proficiency in English and Mandarin, with the ability to independently communicate with global stakeholders to promote projects effective3. Exhibit keen business acumen and data sensitivity to timely identify key risk points in the business process, offering effective suggestions that can be implemented. 4. Display proficient project management skills to independently complete project planning, implementation, work papers, and reporting tasks. 5. Familiarity with e-commerce or OTA business or experience with SOX is a plus. 6. Professional qualifications such as CPA or CIA are plus.
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、撰写国际化直播产品运营活动的英文内容,主导内容质量; 2、与产品经理、产品运营、区域运营、设计师和本地化密切合作,为整体用户体验设定高标准; 3、领导一个由其他地区的作者组成的小团队,以确保内容的质量和一致性; 4、与目标市场的合作方按照优先级共同推进项目; 5、领导内容审核,识别机会并推动区域活动内容的一致性,为我们的内容标准做出贡献,成为最佳实践的倡导者; 6、综合内外部反馈,提升内容清晰度和质量。 1.Write and own the quality of Global LIVE product operations campaigns; 2.Collaborate closely with product managers, product operations, regional operations, designers, and *****ization to set a high bar for overall user experience; 3.Lead a small team of regional campaign writers based in other regions to ensure quality and consistency of content; 4.Lead and prioritize projects with multiple stakeholders; 5.Lead content audits to identify opportunities and drive consistency across regional campaigns; contribute to our content standards and be a champion for best practices; 6.Synthesize internal and external feedback to improve content clarity and quality. 职位要求: 1、具有出色的英文书面写作和口语能力; 2、5年以上写作经验,含网站或移动端的用户体验写作、本地化、数字营销文案、广告活动文案; 3、有内容策略和策划经验;有与产品团队跨职能合作的经验; 4、自我驱动者,可以在快节奏的环境中管理多个项目,并在面对不断变化的需求时保持专注; 5、写作作品集包括但不限于:用户体验流程、活动页面、专题文章、广告活动、博客文章、产品发布内容、数字营销编辑日程表、电子邮件简讯、风格指南补充; 6、加分项:领导经验,及与国际合作伙伴合作开发全球产品的经验。 1.Excellent English written and verbal communication skills; 2.5+years experience in UX writing (Web or Mobile), *****ization processes, digital writing for websites, and advertising campaigns; 3.Experience in content strategy and planning; Experience collaborating cross-functionally with product teams; 4.Self-starter who can manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment and stay focused when faced with changing requirements; 5.Writing portfolio including, but not limited to: UX flows, campaign pages, feature articles, ad campaigns, blog posts, product launch content, editorial calendar, email newsletters, style guide additions; 6.Preferred qualifications: Leadership experience; Experience working on a global product with international partners.
  • 消费生活 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Keeta is an independent brand of Meituan, the world's largest tech-driven retail company. We focus on food and consumer product delivery services in international markets with the mission: "We help people eat better, live better". Established in March 2010, Meituan has helped transform the supply and demand of service and product retail across the digital landscape. As Meituan and Keeta continue to increase R&D investment and advance in new technologies, we uphold a customer-centric approach, working with our partners to provide quality services to customers. 岗位职责 1.支持Keeta 香港、沙特地区C端/B端/D端运营设计及营销设计。 2.负责品牌类设计以及线下的包装、服装、商户物料、印刷品、礼品的设计、打样及跟进制作。 3.全程把控设计创意、完稿、材质选择以及制作工艺。 岗位基本需求 1.优秀的创意能力。具备快速生产创意的能力,具备良好的品牌设计素养。 2.系统化思维能力,建立设计规范、规则并推进落地的能力。 3.优秀的执行力,熟悉线下生产制作流程。从创意设计、刀模图完稿绘制、制作工艺及材质选择都能够熟练掌握。 4.了解国内制作供应商情况,能够完成下厂盯印、制作监理等任务。 具备以下者优先 有传统的包装/品牌设计公司经验优先;有服务外企品牌设计背景;有成功的⼤型campaign经验。 岗位亮点 出海业务,国际审美,前瞻性的设计理念。服务于各国用户、商户、骑手的创意设计。
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 成为全球商业化团队的一员并参与驱动海外业务增长,接触从广告产品到客销关系全链路业务流程并参与数据体系建设,赋能业务。 Be part of the monetization team and contribute to global expansion. Chance to get a full view of monetization products and business operations and participate in building data assets to drive business value. 1、负责面向海外业务梳理业务运营中的数据流程,输出数据产品以及框架性的数据洞察; 2、在深入理解产品细节,业务流程、充分调研同类产品的基础上,以务实创新的原则探索最佳实践并推动落地; 3、亲自动手跑通数据流程,与研发协作,输出高质量的产品原型文档; 4、与相关团队充分协作,充分理解业务难点,把握短期和长期实现目标,制定清晰合理有共识的路线图,通过短期策略支持业务,同时推动长期产品迭代开发和上线。 1. Responsible for streamlining business workflow, delivering data products and data insights frameworks for overseas monetization business; 2. Define best practices based on a deep understanding of business workflow and product details through analysis of industry-leading products, be practical and creative; 3. Hands on the prototype of the data workflow. Collaborate with the RD team. Produce high quality product design documents; 4. Align with stakeholders, fully understand the pain point of the business, deal with both short-term and long-term solutions, and come up with a solid roadmap, support the business with short-term fix and strategy. At the same time, drive long-term product design iterations and product releases. 职位要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,3年以上产品工作经验,2年以上数据产品相关经验; 2、熟练掌握SQL查询和Debug原数据的能力; 3、熟知数据分析框架,能将场景需求拆解成逻辑清晰的数据产品体系; 4、能独立发现问题并提出解决方案; 5、高质量产品文档及原型产出能力; 6、流畅的英文口语和书面表达; 7、有数据分析,数据科学,数据工程,统计分析相关经验优先。 1. Bachelor's degree or above, 3+ years experience in product management, 2+ years in data products area; 2. Great SQL capability for data processing and debugging; 3. Familiar with the data analysis framework, can break complex business requirements into systematical data systems; 4. Ability to execute independently; 5. Ability to produce high quality PRD and prototypes; 6. Fluent in English; 7. Experience in data analysis, data scientist, data engineering, statistics, analytics is a plus.
  • 区块链 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Responsibilities: 1. Part of a global mobile team, develop new features for the all-in-one iOS and Android apps. 2. Strive for performance optimization and maximize customer satisfaction. 3. Stay on top of industry trends, evaluate new solutions to address our unique and fast-growing business needs. 4. Work closely with design and product teams, turn design ideas into quality features that scale to millions of users. 5. Collaborate with global development teams, deliver customized solutions targeting international users while maintaining consistency with overall architecture. 6. Maintain high-quality technical documentation and improve efficiency in cross-office/timezone cooperation. Requirements: 1. Experience in either native iOS/Android development, or cross-platform solutions like ReactNative/Flutter/Lua. 2. Fluent with at least one of the following languages: Java/Objective-C/Swift/JavaScript. 3. Understanding of common data structures and algorithms. 4. Embrace agile development process including TDD, CI and Scrum. 5. Passionate about mobile technology and building applications to a large user base.
  • 65k-85k·14薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    体育 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Job Summary Responsible for the execution of the Information Security Architecture, including design, plan and review cybersecurity capabilities to provide best balance in business vale and cyber protection. It is also including planning, implementing, and validating security systems; defining security standards, policies, and procedures; collaborative support to cross teams in the development and assessment of security requirements; mentoring team members. Performs all duties in accordance with the Company’s policies and procedures, China cybersecurity and data laws and regulations, wherein the Company operates. Key purpose of this role is to maintain cybersecurity strategy, roadmap, risk prioritization covering digital and technology landscape to support China business objectives and growth Responsibilities • Define China cybersecurity roadmap and plans to enable business growth and objectives. • Work closely with company stakeholders to ensure cybersecurity service addresses business needs • Manage security requirements roadmap and backlog with priority by evaluating business strategies and performing regular threat analysis to keep up-to-date on the security landscape, including data security, cloud security, application security and DevSecOps • Provide guidance and support to engineering teams during the design, build, implementation and support procedures for enterprise-class security systems. • Oversee the design and execution of security architecture elements to mitigate threats as they emerge. • Create solutions that balance business requirements with information and cybersecurity requirements • Assist as necessary and respond immediately to security-related incidents and provide thorough remedial solutions and analysis. • Prepares cybersecurity reports and metrics by collecting, analyzing, and summarizing data and trends. • Treats people with respect; keeps commitments; inspires the trust of others; works ethically and with integrity; upholds organizational values; accepts responsibility for own actions. Key Decisions • Cybersecurity strategy and roadmap • Cybersecurity China capabilities matrix and priorities • Business cyber risk landscape • Issue and Risk backlog and prioritization • Tech project review and approval • Reports and metrics reflect on cyber priorities Qualifications • Bachelor's degree in computer science or a related discipline, or equivalent work experience required, advanced degree preferred. • Minimum 10 years of experience in information security or related technology experience required experience in the retail industry or professional consulting firm is a plus. • Working knowledge of frameworks such as ITIL, NIST 800-53, ISO 27000 is required. • Good understanding on cybersecurity laws and regulations • Certification in one or more of the following is a plus: CISSP, CISA, CISM, CCSK, CCSP, GCP Security, Azure Security Engineer, or similar. • Understanding of public cloud technologies, shared responsibility model for cloud, and experience implementing or assessing cloud security controls is required.