15k-30k 经验3-5年 / 本科内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上职位职责: 1、为本地化开发和维护可扩展的质量框架、流程和最佳实践; 2、作为语言质量相关需求的主要负责人,确保向组织内的利益相关者传达清楚问题、进展和解决方案; 3、与本地化经理和其他跨职能团队合作,识别并解决语言方面的挑战; 4、与产品、设计、开发、营销和运营团队以及供应商和外部语言学家密切合作,确保高效协作和支持; 5、通过识别本地化过程中的问题,在语言和团队层面推动解决方案,领导语言质量改进计划; 6、为翻译和审核供应商提供支持和指导,开发和维护全面的知识库,包括所有语言和产品的语言资产,如风格指南和词汇表。 1.Develop, implement, and maintain scalable quality frameworks, processes, and best practices for *****ization; 2.Serve as the primary point of contact for language quality-related inquiries, ensuring clear communication of issues, progress, and solutions to stakeholders across the organization; 3.Collaborate with *****ization managers and cross-functional teams to identify and address linguistic challenges; 4.Work closely with teams from Product, Design, Engineering, Marketing, and Operations, but also with vendors and external linguists, ensuring efficient collaboration and support; 5.Lead language quality improvement initiatives by identifying challenges in the *****ization process and driving solutions at both the language and team levels; 6.Provide support and guidance to translation and review vendors to maintain *****ization quality during product launches in all supported languages and develop and maintain a comprehensive knowledge base, including linguistic assets across all languages and products, including style guides and glossaries. 职位要求: 1、翻译、本地化、文学研究或相关领域的本科学历; 2、精通阿拉伯语,对相关文化和语言细微差别有深刻理解,出色的英语口头和书面沟通能力; 3、3年以上本地化经验,特别是质量管理或阿拉伯语语言管理; 4、强大的组织能力,能够管理多个项目、利益相关者和优先事项; 5、有使用质量测量框架/模型(例如MQM)的经验; 6、有质量保证相关经验,包括术语管理和风格指南创建。 加分项: 1、精通其他语言(英语和阿拉伯语以外); 2、有使用多种TMS、CMS和其他翻译及内容管理工具的经验。 1.Bachelor's degree in Translation, *****ization, Literature Studies, or a related field; 2.Full proficiency in Arabic, with a strong understanding of cultural and linguistic nuances (native speaker preferred) and excellent oral and written communication skills in English; 3.3+ years of extensive experience in *****ization, with a focus on quality management or Arabic language management; 4.Strong organizational skills, with the ability to manage multiple projects, stakeholders, and priorities, 5.Experience working with quality measurement frameworks/models (e.g., MQM); 6.Proven experience running quality assurance programs, including terminology management and style guide creation. Preferred Qualifications: 1.Proficiency in additional languages (other than English and Arabic); 2.Experience using multiple TMS, CMS, and other translation and content management tools.
岗位职责: 1. 负责漫画作品的嵌字工作,确保文字与画面协调,提升阅读体验; 2. 根据漫画内容进行合理的排版设计,使画面与文字布局美观、易读; 3. 配合团队完成漫画作品的制作与发行。 岗位要求: 1. 本科及以上学历,美术、设计等相关专业优先; 2. 具备1-3年漫画嵌字工作经验,熟悉各类漫画风格; 3. 熟练掌握漫画排版技巧,具备良好的审美观,有英语漫画嵌字经验的优先; 4. 熟练使用Photoshop(PS)等图像处理软件; 5. 工作细心、认真负责,具备良好的沟通与团队协作能力; 6. 对漫画行业有浓厚兴趣,关注行业动态,具备一定的创作能力者优先。 岗位职责描述: 1. 负责对漫画原稿进行嵌字,确保文字与画面匹配,提升作品整体质量; 2. 根据漫画内容进行排版设计,使画面与文字布局合理,提高阅读体验; 3. 与团队成员沟通协作,确保嵌字与排版工作顺利进行; 4. 参与漫画作品的制作与发行,为作品质量保驾护航; 5. 定期进行自我提升,关注行业动态,提高个人专业素养。 任职条件: 1. 热爱漫画行业,具备良好的职业道德; 2. 具备较强的学习能力和适应能力,能迅速融入团队; 3. 具备良好的沟通与协调能力,能承受工作压力; 4. 有责任心,具备团队合作精神。 联系方式: 1. 邮箱:请将个人简历、作品集(PDF格式)发送至邮箱; 2. 联系电话:请提供个人联系电话,以便我们及时与您沟通; 3. 面试地点:待定(具体地址将在邮件或电话中通知)。 期待您的加入,共同打造优秀的漫画作品!
漫画主笔(3人): 岗位需求: 1.对阅读文章有充分的理解和分析能力,能把文字剧本转化成漫画分镜。 2.熟练操作photoshop、sai、ClipStudioPaint、illuststudio、ComicStudio、painter等数绘软件。 任职要求: 1.扎实的人物造型绘制能力,优秀的分镜头讲故事能力。 2.具有扎实的美术基础与良好的手绘能力,有独立创作漫画经验者优先。 PS:简历内请附带作品。
13k-16k 经验3-5年 / 本科其他 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人Job Description Summary We are looking for a Software Quality Engineer with a background related to Petroleum Engineering, Geology, or Computer Science This is an opportunity to play an important role in cutting-edge transformation by validating existing and the next generation products from Aspen Technology. Job Description • Understand product features requirement, design and execute test cases to ensure test coverage and product quality. • Develop, maintain, and execute automated test scripts to increase test efficiency. • Understand customer requirements, be creative in identifying product defects, and collaborate with developers to track defects until resolution. • Collaborate with a Products organization (Development, Quality, Product Management, Documentation) located across the world Additional Job Description • 3+ years’ experience in using and/or testing scientific and/or engineering software • Strong academic performance in Petroleum Engineering, Geology, Computer Science, or related majors • Experience in scripting with python or other programming languages is desired • Willingness to learn a range of business or technical specialties based on business need • Experience in or knowledgeable of software development methodologies • Good interpersonal, communication and presentation skills (in English) • Demonstrated ability to convey complex information in a clear and concise manner • Experience in Linux system is a plus
【职位描述】 1. 质检中译英漫画稿件; 2. 配合项目经理完成稿件整理、语料更新、术语提取、归档等工作; 3. 完成项目经理安排的其它工作。 【任职要求】 1.热爱漫画行业,熟悉二次元文化; 2.本科及以上英语专业在校生; 3.能熟练运用PS等制图软件; 4.有强烈的责任心,良好的沟通能力、执行能力; 5.周末双休,可开具实习证明。
10k-15k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科其他 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上Job Responsibilities With business reputation and careers on the line, this position carries a great deal of responsibility. You will be expected to: • Support Compliance Manager in the development of our relationships with ***** government offices and accreditation bodies. • Prepare and lead any internal and external audits connected with our accreditations. • Ensure QIMA is always aware of, and in compliance with, the latest laws and regulations related to ***** accreditations. • Implement corrective and preventive actions in line with the findings of internal and external audits. We will also request that you: • Assist the Compliance Manager with various projects related to the implementation and continuous improvement of our Quality Management System. • Conduct field quality investigations and audits with our Inspectors when needed. Your profile It could be you if you have: • Experience in connection with various government offices (CNAS, CNCA, CIQ…) or experience in a national laboratory or 3rd party in a QMS role • Thorough knowledge of, and practical experience with, ISO9001, ISO 17020, or ISO 17025 regulations • A strong sense of professional integrity • Good command of English and outstanding social skills It also helps if you have: • Have the making of an organization and coordination • Hold an education degree at the college level or higher
10k-15k 经验5-10年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上岗位职责: 1. To execute supplier assessment based on the project requirement, follow up supplier’s improvement actions 2. Work with project manager, Technical engineer for internal FAT execution 3. Introduce Schneider-electric’s supplier requirements, panel builder’s management policy etc. 4. Provide quality tools / process training to suppliers 任职要求: 1. Bachelor degree major in mechanical, electronic or electricity 2. Prefer to have at least 5 years experience in technical support or supplier management area 3. Expertise on panel technology and quality tools
Quality Engineer(Developing)美国E轮外企
[广州·海珠区] 2023-08-2430k-40k 经验3-5年 / 本科工具类产品,人工智能服务,数据服务|咨询 / D轮及以上 / 150-500人美国爱迪生(Edison)软件公司成立于2012年,总部位于美国,2021年Yipitdata并购了Edison,目前是E轮融资的独角兽企业,估值10亿美金+。公司正处于快速发展期,我们在美国,新加坡,中国香港,上海,北京,广州成立了分公司。 福利待遇: 1. 美国E轮外企,周末双休不加班,无996,极大的弹性和自由空间,扁平化管理。 2. 无天数限制的年假制度,育儿假随时休,入职即可享有。 3. 六险一金,高端商业保险保障你和家人的健康。补充公积金,缴纳比例12%。 4. 国际化团队的工作环境和氛围,培训机会多,我们在Glassdoor上有令人5. 惊叹的评价,是Inc最佳工作场所之一。 6. 每月有听音乐,健身,自我提升培训等福利。 7. 晋升通畅,每个月都有员工晋升 About The Role: Software Engineer (Testing) As a Software Engineer (Testing) , you will work with a top-notch engineering team and data team to perform quality control from 0 to 1, including monitoring requirements from the production side and qa side, QA platform development for regular auto-test tools, integration tests in CICD, smarter tools to generate and organize test cases. Job Responsibility: 1. Be responsible for part of the functional testing, familiar with the daily testing to help QA and develop to organize their automation test requirements. 2. Help the developer and data Teams to measure and gain insights into improvements to the data quality. 3. Design and develop testing tools for QA testing. 4. Explore the smarter automation tools or forms. Requirements: 1. 4+ years of experience in automation testing. Or 2+ year of experience as a developer. 2. Hands-on experience with Test Automation in any language or tool on unit, integration. 3. Experience in different forms of testing (performance, acceptance, and exploratory) 4. Background in optimization quality monitor or alarm (for example integrating automated tests and other checks), implementing modern quality-focused practices in the developing life cycle, and seeing your career moving into this area. 测试开发工程师 作为一个测试开发工程师,你将加入国际化工作团队,与广州data team研发团队一起把控产品研发质量,参与产品质量监控和保障工作,包括熟悉业务数据和测试流程,负责生产端和QA端的监控需求、常规自动测试工具的QA平台开发、集成 CICD 中的测试. 以及探索更智能的自动化工具来生成和组织自动化用例。 工作职责: 1. 参与核心业务测试,熟悉常规业务测试的方法和流程; 2. 熟悉业务数据和数据的处理逻辑。帮助开发团队和Data 团队监控数据质量,并且提供可视化的数据质量趋势,及时准确的发现数据问题. 并且协助和跟进数据质量的改进; 3. 参与自动化测试工作,包括自动化测试用例设计,编码; 4. 参与自动化测试工具开发,包括但不仅限于功能测试工具,性能工具,以及更智能化的测试工具探索。 岗位要求: 1. 4年以上自动化测试经验,或2年以上研发经验。工科、计算机或其他相关专业本科以上学历,具备一定的计算机基础知识; 2. 具有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神,快速的业务学习能力和优秀的逻辑思维能力; 3. 具有较强的责任心和团队意识,工作积极主动,能主动协助组内其他同事, 共同达成团队目标; 4. 熟悉任何一门语言,并且有自动化测试(单元,集成自动测试)或自动工具编程经验; 5. 有一定性能测试知识,如果有性能测试经验更佳; 6. 有兴趣探索更智能的自动化测试方式,并实践; 7. [Option]有监控报警或其他质量监控测试、开发背景优先。 What We Offer: 1. Our compensation package includes comprehensive benefits, perks, and a competitive salary: 2. We care about your personal life and we mean it. We offer flexible work hours, flexible vacation, parental leave, team events, a wellness budget, learning reimbursement, and more! 3. Your growth at YipitData is determined by the impact that you are making, not by tenure, unnecessary Facetime, or office politics. Everyone at YipitData is empowered to learn, self-improve, and master their skills in an environment focused on ownership, respect, and trust. -
岗位职责: 1、负责挖掘、制作优秀的付费漫画作品; 2、跟进漫画制作的各个环节;沟通协调内外部流程;负责漫画相关宣传工作; 3、通过数据分析,调整漫画运营策略; 任职要求: 1、熟知国内各大漫画平台特征属性,有一定的漫画阅读量,对漫画分镜、漫画剧本等有自己的研究和理解; 2、对付费漫画的内容制作有经验者优先; 3、对国内外漫画付费市场有自己的见解与一定了解,有相关工作经验者优先; 4、有剧本或网络小说创作经验者优先; 5、有良好的沟通能力。
工作职责: 能够熟练使用Ai(Stable Diffusion或NovelAI等工具进行创作)进行,要有Ai作品; 有一定的美术创作能力,了解漫画创作需求; 根据需求执行Ai模型训练实验,并记录训练参数,生成训练报告。 能力要求: 对AiGC有强烈兴趣,有AI工具实践应用经验; 对二次元,ACGMN有较高的热爱; 对新事物有极高的好奇心,对新知识有较强的学习能力,动手能力强; (非必须)有英语能力优先;
工作职责: 1、负责漫改项目的选题策划、立项、主笔运营工作,负责把控与监审作品质量与内容; 2、负责漫画详细的剧本审核,对白台词,把控故事发展走向,与主笔共同创作,分析剧情,管理漫画制作进度,保证作品有序创作与更新上线; 3、整理分析上线后作品在平台的数据表现,并制定对应提升优化策略。 任职要求: 1、大专及以上学历,1年以上漫画编辑经历,有优秀作品产出(简历投递请附作品及数据说明); 2、根据故事情节和节奏,定位问题章节,优化选题剧情及漫画作品; 3、熟悉漫画制作细节,能推动作者提高分镜、画面质量; 4、定期复盘作品进度、数据表现、主笔特点,分别制定作品及主笔优化提升方案; 5、有较强的文字功底和漫画镜头语言,擅长故事编写,思维活跃,能驾驭长短篇不同类型的故事编创; 6、对主流漫画文化、大众需求和审美偏好有充分的了解,了解流行文化元素。
漫画师(实习生) 职位描述 漫画人设(线稿)(主笔) 岗位职责: 1、为漫画项目的分镜稿进行清线;完成任务保证线条干净流畅,结构明确; 2、透彻掌握人物、动物自然现象等的运动规律; 3、想进入漫画行业,在漫画行业长期发展,学习能力强 提供转正实习;晋升空加大(线稿)-(造型)-(主笔)-(自由漫画家)
1.漫画线稿学徒 ①熟悉页漫、条漫绘制流程,根据项目要求与脚本需要完成漫画故事人物设定; ②为漫画项目的分镜稿进行清线,完成任务保证线条干净流畅,结构明确; ③根据公司要求绘出符合的漫画风格; ④能够独立完**物设定; ⑤与主笔老师、策划进行沟通。 2.漫画分镜学徒 ①漫画分镜绘制创作; ②与主笔老师、策划进行沟通。 3.漫画上色/后期学徒 ①拥有足够得漫画阅读量,掌握着精深得漫画技法,了解漫画表现形式; ②能够熟练运用 CLIPStudioPaint/SAI/Photoshop等绘图软件制图; ③能独立完成画面色彩修正、氛围渲染、根据主笔需求制作漫画特效; ④与主笔老师、策划进行沟通。
岗位职责: 1、负责协助授课老师教学,跟追学员学习进度,并及时反馈; 2、负责学员管理,课前准备教学用具及维护课堂纪律; 3、负责协助宣传工作,整理教学资料; 4、负责联系家长进行学习反馈; 5、完成授课老师安排的其他任务。 任职资格: 1、专科及以上学历,美术专业校毕业或应届毕业生; 2、有漫画特长者优先; 3、有教师资格证者优先; 5、具有很强的中文表达能力,普通话标准,口齿伶俐; 6、五官端正,无不良癖好,具有较强的亲和力。 表现优秀者可以加入创始人团队,享受利润分成!
岗位描述: 1、作品风格把控,人物设定,色彩设定,分镜,草稿,美术指导,质量检修。 我们希望你: 1、热爱漫画,熟悉国内外流行作品,功底扎实,有个人风格; 2、有改编和分镜能力,能独立创作四格、多格、条漫等漫画作品; 3、有主笔工作经验或者连载经验者优先; 4、应聘请发作品+简历至*******************,这点非常重要!