Specific responsibilities: Develop and implement QA processes, standards, and procedures to ensure the highest quality of software products, establish and maintain a robust framework. Define and manage the testing strategy, including functional, non-functional, regresson, and acceptance testing. Identify potential risks and issues in the software development lifecycle and develop mitigation strategy, ensure the testing activities are aligned with project timeline and deliverables. Work closely with product managers,developers, and other stakeholders to understand project requirement and deliverables, communicate testing process, issues and results to all relevant stakeholders. Lead, mentor, and manage the QA team, providing guidance and support to ensure efficient and effective testing operations. Ensure that the final product meets customer expectations and requirements, handle customer feedback and work towards continuous improvement based on user experiences and feedback. Hiring requirements: 8+ years of experience in B/S, IOS and Android app testing, at least 3 years of experience in QA management, proven experience in leading and managing QA teams. Excellent in Software Quality Assurance methodologies, process and best practices along with strong understanding of current Internet application development technology Proficiency in test automation tools and frameworks, strong understanding of software development lifecycles(SDLC, Agile, Scrum). Familarity with continuous integration/continuous development(CI/CD) pipeline. Knowledge of programing languages (e.g., Typescript, Python) is a plus. Excellent leadership and team management skills. Strong analytical and problem-solving abilities. Exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, ability to work effectively in a fast-paced, dynamic environment. Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology, or a related field. Advanced degree preferred.
岗位职责: 1.负责技术各项质量管理制度的落实,对研发过程质量管理的有效性负责; 2.负责研发全生命周期文档及源代的存档管理和检查,确保上传文档的及时性和准确性; 3.参与产品有关要求的评审工作,督促相关部门形成完整记录; 4.负责预防和纠正措施的管理,实施监督,并对其有效性组织验证; 5.负责质量信息的收集、登记、处理和管理; 6.领导布置的其他工作。 任职要求: 1.**本科及以上学历,计算机相关专业优先; 2.两年以上工作经验,有做过CMMI三级认证优先,了解技术质量管理的一般流程和方法; 3. 经过质量管理体系标准知识培训并取得过相关资质证书; 4.工作细心、责任心强,质量意识强; 5.负责质量信息的收集、登记、处理和管理; 6.领导布置的其他工作。
1、从事软/硬件研发技术工作至少2年以上,有芯片技术背景优先; 2、熟悉软/硬件全研制及管理流程; 3、具备良好的沟通协调及表达能力。
岗位职责: 1、负责项目全生命周期质量策划,输出质量保证计划; 2、负责从项目立项到结项,全流程跟踪并监控项目活动,参与里程碑评审,识别项目风险问题并协助PM推动解决; 3、负责质量指标度量、项目质量审计、交付件审计、发布审计报告,跟踪并推动审计问题闭环; 4、负责质量培训,对研发团队进行流程、工具、方法的指导和答疑; 5、负责引导项目进行项目复盘、问题回溯,推动项目质量持续改进; 6、负责研发流程体系维护更新; 7、完成部门领导安排的其他推动研发活动的相关工作。 任职要求: 任职要求: 1、理工科或质量管理相关专业,本科及以上学历 2、从事QA工作3年以上,且有较丰富的项目QA工作经验 3、掌握JIRA、禅道等常用项目管理工具之一,熟悉SVN、Git等配置管理工具 4、熟悉质量管理知识体系,具备一定的研发管理、测量分析、统计分析能力,有CMMI参与经验优先 5、有智能硬件项目管理、流程建设经验优先 6、具备较强的协调能力、推动能力及团队协作精神
1.1角色描述 软件质量保证工程师(QAE)是从事软件开发的端到端过程,以确保产品质量和遵守公司设定的标准的人。 1.2责任 QA工程师的主要职责是: ●通过监督整个开发过程来确保产品的质量 ●通过参与软件设计、源代码编写、源代码控制、代码评审、配置管理、变更管理、程序测试、软件集成、发布管理过程,建立多个质量检查点 设计测试方法,使用测试框架,如Selenium, Postman, REST-Assured ●在分析应用程序的功能后,利用测试框架,设计自动化测试来验证应用程序的正确性 与开发团队合作,识别漏洞并跟进解决方案 与DevOps团队一起准备测试自动化工具,将测试框架集成到持续集成平台中,或在测试平台中自动定期执行综合测试 1.2.1在整个软件开发生命周期中实施质量保证实践 帮助技术主管设计解决方案,将质量风险降至最低 在代码评审、版本控制和发布管理过程中执行QA最佳实践 1.2.2 QA测试 ●基于需求(来自用户故事或应用程序规范)设计测试用例,涵盖多个方面(例如,通过API的业务逻辑,UI行为) ●审查软件缺陷报告并突出问题区域——帮助开发人员识别潜在的根本原因 ●收集质量数据,跟踪质量的关键指标,并启动基本的质量改进行动,例如为开发人员引入新的工作模型(BDD, TDD),并与敏捷开发过程保持一致,以使测试编写更加及时 1.2.3 QA自动化 ●研究自动化技术和测试工具,并根据项目需求确定最佳组合 与DevOps工程师合作,设计测试自动化程序,建立测试管道和环境 ●评估自动化测试用例的可能性,并编写自动执行的测试脚本 1.3关键技能 QA工程师需要具备测试自动化专业知识,以及开发和DevOps的基本技能。 A. QA和测试 ●根据需求编写测试用例 ●执行测试用例,生成bug报告,帮助开发人员识别根本原因 熟悉测试工具和框架(如Selenium) B.开发/编程 ●精通测试用例编写和自动化中常用的编程语言(如JavaScript) 识别解决方案中的风险以确保质量 熟悉发布管理方法,控制风险 熟悉内部项目采用的敏捷交付方法(如Scrum、看板) 熟悉以测试为中心的软件开发方法(如TDD, BDD) 了解DevOps,能够为开发人员建立自动化管道 C.个人及沟通技巧 流利的语言(如英语),以领导产品开发过程 有效的跨团队沟通和协作 能够与软件开发人员紧密合作,并通过早期、及时的自动化测试编写指导他们编写更高质量的代码 指导开发人员进行编码最佳实践,以避免常见错误
主要工作内容是挖掘和邀约有相亲意向的单身男女到店了解男女不限 上班时间10-12点 14-18点 每月四天休,每周周日休息一天 节假日有休息
游戏测试QA 工作职责: 1、编写手机游戏测试计划,设计整体测试方案,撰写测试用例以及其他测试文档; 2、参与项目需求、开发方案、测试方案的评审,参与部门测试流程、试模版的修改完善; 3、对游戏进行全面测试,管理和推动Bug修复,保证游戏以高质量发布; 4、验证外服出现的Bug,找到重现步骤,并跟进程序修复后的情况验证; 5、与项目负责人紧密合作,严格把控游戏产品质量,不断优化产品和工作流程; 6、辅助策划优化和完善系统,特别是用户体验方面; 7、对翻译后的中文文字脚本进行校验及优化。 任职要求: 1、专科及以上学历,计算机相关专业; 2、有3年左右网络游戏测试经验,熟悉各种类型和平台的游戏,对游戏有独特的见解者优先,有1年以上游戏测试管理经验者优先; 3、熟悉测试用例的设计,对标准软件测试流程有深入理解者优先; 4、良好的组织协调能力、逻辑思维能力、以及逆向思维能力,优秀的测试思维; 5、良好的沟通能力与团队协作能力,高度的工作责任心和敬业精神; 6、细心且吃苦耐劳,有海外产品文字校验工作能力者优先; 7、英语或韩语熟练者优先。
工作内容: 1、组织完善质量保证体系,确保体系的有效运作。 2、通过生产全过程的质量管理和风险管理,运用知识管理积累的经验对生产的质量保证体系进行评估和改进。 3、负责组织药品生产全过程的质量监督管理工作,确保原辅料、包装材料、中间产品、待包装产品和成品符合注册批准的要求和质量标准,发现不符合规程/制度/指令的操作/行为要求及时整改,监督落实跟踪整改。 4、管理偏差/OOS,组织相关部门进行偏差的调查,根本原因的确认,采取整改措施,跟踪完成日期和进展,并根据调查过程进行合理的评估,密切关注引起的相关联的变更、CAPA等,落实执行跟踪; 5、组织开展自检,出具整改报告并限期责令整改,督导质量安全的规范性。 6、配合官方各类现场检查,完成检查发现项的整改。 7、定期对质量活动进行回顾总结分析,提出持续改进方案并予以实施。 8、进行供应商审计,并完成相应报告。 任职要求: 1、药学相关专业本科及以上学历; 2、熟练掌握GMP相关法规及国内外注册申报要求。 3、具备五年以上生产的质量管理相关经验,三年以上无菌制剂、生物制剂QA经验, 经历过EU\FDA 检查优先考虑。 4、具备优秀的分析问题、解决问题、统筹总结、组织跟踪和沟通协调能力,具有岗位责任心和保密意识。 5、熟悉质量保证体系的管理流程,包括偏差、变更、CAPA、异常、OOS/OOT的管理、自检、年度质量回顾、投诉。 6、熟悉质量风险管理、质量源于设计、流程图、鱼骨图、头脑风暴、控制图等工具。
1.依据公司要求对项目全生命周期进行监督、指导,拟定QA检查计划对项目过程中发现不符合项开具偏差直至整改关闭,并出具周报; 2.质量体系文件维护、更新,独立编写规范文件,对现有流程规范提出合理建议; 3.按照项目里程碑节点组织项目组召开评审会,并记录不符合项进行跟进; 4.利用QC手法协助项目组对发生的故障/问题进行总结、分析或经验教训; 5.熟练使用SVN等配置管理工具。上班地址:长沙兴工国际产业园 任职资格 ***专科,计算机以及信息管理相关专业从优; 业务要求:有项目全过程质量管控工作能力;有质量控制过程中的相关不符合项提出、发布、建议及整改工作跟踪等实际控制经验 技术要求:熟悉或了解CMMI-DEV1.3、ISO9001、ISO27001体系的一到多种 工作经验(含项目经验):二年及以上质量管理相关工作经验。 其他:特殊要求:做事认真负责,有精益求精的精神。
Base Location:Shanghai or Beijing Responsibilities: This position is a Junior QA. The responsibility is to participate a QA team for the following areas: § Execute test plan for web, mobile, Java-based backend REST API services, and HTML5-based WeChat app. § Monitor and execute test passes before release. § Contribute to the measurement of development process health, product quality, performance. Requirements: Profession § Bachelor degree or above in Computer Science § 2 years or above industry experience in digital / Internet business Skill set: § Must: Deep knowledge of common test tools, including but not limited to JMeter, Selenium, Appium. § Must: Deep knowledge of test automation, including web, App, WeChat mini App, API. § Must: Design and organize test plan. Planning timeline, assignment, test case coverage and progress. Can create proper reports to cover contents to partner and business owners to explain execution progress. § Must: Familiar with at least one programming language and its common design patterns: Java or Python. § Must: Hands-on experience in at least one test framework like JUnit, TestNG, PyTest. § Good to have: Knowledge of Spring Boot, Spring Cloud technology and corresponding coding patterns. § Good to have: Knowledge of HTML5 WeChat programming. § Good to have: Understand general concept of security concept and test practice (fuzzying, SQL ingestion, buffer overrun, etc.) § Good to have: Familiar with Amazon AWS cloud solution. Require knowledge of EC2 (virtual machines). Knowledge of Cloud watch is a great plus. § Good to have: General concept of high availability like primary-backup database, across-DC multiple instances, etc. § Good to have: Familiar with other cloud solutions is a great plus: Aliyun, Azure, Huawei Cloud. § Good to have: Familiar of CI/CD pipeline such as GitLab, Jenkins, GitHub or Azure Develops. Experience of GitLab is a great plus. Project management and execution: § Good to have: Knowledge of Agile development process (esp. Scrum development model) § General experience of tracking project with at least one efficient system like Jira/Confluence. § Good to have: Experience of working in vehicle digital related industry is a great plus. § Good to have: Experience of communicating with external customers or partners is a great plus. § Good to have: Good English speaking skill
Responsible • Review functional and design specifications to ensure full understanding of individual deliverables to ensure it meets functional and design specifications • Design and execute test plans to ensure high standards of product quality • Design, develop, and maintain comprehensive test automation suite for Bento products and platform across the stack • Develop, document and maintain functional test cases and other test artifacts like the test data, data validation, as well as identify use-cases, negative testing, and exploratory testing Partner with other members of the engineering team to build scalable and reliable test automation solutions • Classify and triage issues - Isolate, replicate, and report defects and verify defect fixes. • Partner with other members of the engineering team to tackle production issues • Establish key quality metrics and help drive effective quality culture • Be an owner and a champion of platform and application quality and the customer experience Skilled • 7+ years of professional QA engineering experience • Experience with developing scalable test automation solutions for Java and JavaScript or TypeScript tech stacks • Experience with implementing and maintaining test automation across UI (web and mobile) and back end • Experience in Java and JavaScript or TypeScript is a plus • Experience with CI/CD tools and pipeline • Experience with end-to-end testing frameworks such as Cypress • Experience with designing and developing performance and stress testing • Experience in financial services, payments, processing is a plus • Strong communication skills • BS in Computer Science or related discipline or equivalent work experience • Understanding of database concepts & SQL • Experience with POM design pattern
工作职责 1.协助起草/修订/审核产品质量标准、标准管理程序、标准操作规程等各类GMP文件。 2.协助质量经理完成对供应商及受托生产现场质量审计。 3.参与GMP培训工作的落实。 4.推进变更管理、偏差调查、CAPA等工作。 5.负责公司GMP相关各类档案文件的管理工作。 6.参与或组织GMP自检,记录自检缺陷,参与缺陷整改,监督整改方案的落实。 7.领导交付的其他工作及产品上市后物料、成品放行审核工作等。 任职要求 1.药学等相关专业,专科及以上学历; 2.1年以上药品生产、质量管理相关工作经验。 3.有粉针、冻干、大小容量注射剂、口服制剂等的管理经验,熟悉GMP法规,有体系QA、审计QA经验优先。 具有一定的文字功底,有团队协作观念,能够自主学习药品前沿法规等。
Responsibilities • Perform 4-eye validation ticket checking to the completed request of IAM Ops in timely manner accordingly to SLA. • Follow up the finding from 4-eye validation process with the IAM request handler until the issue is addressed and escalate the open item to the responsible Team Lead when needs. • Record all the review / communication evidence and update the log. • Participate in root cause analysis, and identify the improvement opportunities when failures occur • Define and fine tune the working procedures or working manual of QA Team. • Strictly follow AIA standards, security policies and internal procedures/guidelines in daily operation. • Support IAM leaders to maintain and enhance IAM solution. • Demonstrate and apply strong teamwork and communication with other team members. Requirements • Diploma or Degree in Computer Science or related discipline. • A minimum of 3 years’ experience working in Identity and Access Management. • Experience of Identity and Access Management on different OS Platforms (e.g. Active Directory, Windows, AS400, Unix, Linux, SQL, Sybase, Oracle etc.) or Cloud are preferred. • Ability to learn quickly and adapt to changing requirements. • Good understanding of IAM principles. • Strong knowledge of cyber security concepts. • Demonstrated integrity within a professional environment. • Excellent command of written and spoken English. • Chinese speaking is preferred.
The Role The Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer is responsible to provide successful validation and verification of Applications in the non-production environments before moving them to production. The QA Engineer has to develop and execute exploratory tests as well as automated tests in order to ensure product quality. Looking for a highly motivated individual who is comfortable with Agile environment. This Role requires a self-starter with the ability to manage day to day tasks. Looking for someone to conduct quality assurance activities for both manual / automated test and exploratory validation of application to assess usability and stability, and work with Quality Assurance (QA) Leads in tracking of testing progress. Responsibilities • Responsible to work independently on project tracks assigned to the resources. • Responsible to develop, present Test plans and test cases. • Responsible for preparation of test data for Testing. • The ability to work to aggressive deadlines. • Responsible for Testing Mobile apps. • Execute functional system and Integration testing, regression testing of Website, ERP, Customer Experiences and packages Application (MFG Experience is preferred). • Develop Automated Test suits for Applications. • Verify the quality of data; ensure data coming in matches existing data, verify functionality and data output against requirements. • Log, manage, and retest defects in bug tracking system. • Report testing status, milestones and issues to project stakeholders. • Keen attention to detail and be exceptionally good at identifying inconsistencies and flaws. • Support off-hours launch and monitoring of systems with IT teams as needed. • Update and use Confluence page extensively for open knowledge-sharing. Requirements Must Qualifications • BA/BS in Computer Science, IT, or related field. • 3-5 years professional work experience in Quality Assurance/Analyst position. • Website/Mobile Testing, ERP or packaged or Auto Service application testing experience preferred. • Worked in Projects implemented in Agile Methodology. • Solid professional knowledge of web protocols, web applications and client-server technology. • Experience in Data conversion testing. • Testing Interfaces and Reports. • Strong Analytical skills combined with a detailed oriented mindset. • Experience in System Testing, Regression Testing, Functional Testing and performance Testing. • Experience in Bug Tracking tools such as JIRA & Test Management Tool like Zephyr & Test Link. • Experience with automated end-to-end testing using open source test tools like Selenium, Coded UI and Python. • Ability to work in a fast paced, dynamic and team oriented environment. • Experience in setting up and maintaining QA Environment and Test Data Management. • Good SQL Experience querying and extracting data from databases. • Basic programming skills (e.g.: Java, Visual Basic, C/C#/C++, XML, etc.). • Incredible attention to detail and to be proactive. • Strong written and verbal communication skills; works effectively independently and in teams. • Extremely flexible and willing to switch tasks based on project priorities. Preferred Qualifications • Experience with LAMP stack and Drupal a plus. • Experience in ETL and ESB Testing will be added Advantage. • Experience in Testing Mobile Apps. • Experience in SOA will be added advantage. • Coding skills in Python & one or more of the following languages: Java, PHP, JavaScript or Ruby. • Experience in VSTS, TFS & Git on Stash. • Test frameworks such as Selenium, JUnit, TestNG or continuous integration systems. • Strong knowledge of Selenium/Webdriver. • Strong Understanding of REST and demonstrated experience with web services APIs. • Basic knowledge of open source tools such as curl, TestNG, Junit. • Previous experience with Unit Testing, Continuous Integration Testing (e.g., Jenkins, Hudson) or Delivery.
【职位描述】 1、负责生产过程监控,保证产品质量; 2、负责促进和监督车间人员严格执行标准操作程序(SOP)、批生产指令和GMP关键控制点; 3、负责强化生产过程各项管理方案措施的执行,跟踪生产过程; 4、了解适用于专业领域的 SOP/SOS 并致力于确保合规性。 【任职要求】 1、药学、化学、食品及相关专业毕业,***专科及以上学历; 2、了解GMP要求,药品生产现场监控经验者优先考虑; 3、有较强的学习能力和抗压能力,具备较好的沟通协调能力和管理能力。 4、有过食药品生产质量QA相关工作经验,熟悉食品相关法规优先录用;