岗位职责: 1.负责Android平台客户端基础设施搭建,功能模块编码; 2.能独立承担想个项目的设计研发; 3.依据项目进度与需求实现软件功能; 4.规范文档的编写、维护及其他与项目相关的工作; 5.代码维护,Bug修改,性能优化。 任职要求: 1.计算机相关专业5年以上工作经验,具备Android平台开发经验,掌握Java各种主流框架及技术; 2.了解Android系统体系结构,熟悉Android应用程序设计,包括UI、网络等方面; 3.熟悉Android下网络通信机制,对Socket通信、MQTT通信、TCPIP和http有一定理解和经验,熟悉Android平台下的多线程; 4.熟练使用Android Studio或Eclipse软件开发工具; 5.熟悉现有Android设备,熟悉移动设备的开发特点,性能调优; 6.有手机移动相关app独立开发项目经验者或参与多个项目开发者优先; 7.有较强的责任感、团队感,具有程序员精神,主动、卓越、合作、敬业; 8.学习能力强,有创造性思维能力和表达能力; 9.会Flutter优先,有直播相关开发经验优先。
## python 招聘 JD 招聘需求: 职位名称: 软件工程师 工作地:南京 工作职责: 参与 智能体平台项目的功能设计、开发和优化,负责使用Python产品功能开发。 面向AI LLM 算法模型,进行LLM工程化集成开发工作。 分析需求并与团队合作,确保项目按时交付。 参与团队讨论,提供创新性的AI技术应用想法和解决方案。 职位要求: 研究生硕士 五年及以上的软件开发经验,具备扎实的Python编程能力。 熟练掌握python编程语言和异步编程 熟悉fastapi框架、熟悉HTTP协议 熟悉大模型应用开发和提示词工程 具备AI相关项目经验,理解AI算法和技术,熟悉常用的深度学习框架,如TensorFlow、PyTorch等, 了解ModelOps相关概念,有参与MLOps项目经验者优先。 具备良好的团队合作精神,能够与多个团队成员协作完成项目任务。 具备AI模型部署的能力,熟悉常见的部署技术和工具(如Docker、Kubernetes等),并有相关经验。 具备良好的沟通能力和自主学习能力,能够快速学习和适应新的AI技术和开发环境
Human Project Leader
[上海·七浦路] 2022-12-088k-12k 经验5-10年 / 本科专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 少于15人Job Description 1. Having had some prior related experiences, you want to challenge the next level – projects involving the most sophisticated and charming executives. 2. Meet a lot of great leading interesting people and learn in depth about the most important market of the world. 3. Work with very humble and yet super challenging colleagues on both external and internal projects. Topics like benchmarking, market mapping, acquiring CEO and filling up AI Laboratory with Quantum Physicists might kick in. 4. Be water. Master the art and science of borrowing resources and delivering results. 5. Be ready to turn yourself into a true top expert on humans. 6. Merging project management and humans is a rare gift. Requirements 1. 8 or more successful years in the people/HR business. 2. Confident enough to say “I'm a VERY GOOD” but desire to be stretched out more and be THE BEST. 3. Willingness to commit to the TJK team and yourself. 4. Current domicile in/near OR able to relocate to Shanghai. Benefits/Knowledge and skills you will get from this role 1. Create and grow your circles of VVIP friends. 2. Becoming a true TOP GUN yourself. 3. A lot of rare opportunities and fun. -
Management Trainee
[上海·七浦路] 2022-12-086k-7k 经验在校/应届 / 本科专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 少于15人Job Description 1. Meet a lot of great leading interesting people and learn in depth about the most important market of the world. 2. Learn and work extremely hard to make yourself a much better person. 3. Be part of our great Talent Matching team. 4. A lot of disciplines and routines to pick up to develop yourself. 5. Participating in special business projects like PR, litigation, six sigma and best practices (最佳实践). 6. Mold yourself into a professional specialist as a next step. Requirements 1. Bachelor's Degree of any field. 2. Little or no experience is okay. 3. Good in both written and oral English. 4. Willingness to commit to the team and yourself. 5. Self-demanding and have growth mindset. 6. Current domicile in/near OR able to relocate to Shanghai. Benefits/Knowledge and skills you will get from this role 1. Create and grow your circles of VVIP friends. 2. Becoming a much more capable person yourself. 3. Skill-set training, more understanding of the industry and the position. 4. A complete recruitment consulting exposure. 5. A lot of fun. -
See the world with your own eyes
[上海·七浦路] 2022-10-182k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 少于15人Are you not afraid of challenges and growth? Would you like to switch careers, or know more about people, or just start something new all over again? We are offering you a 6 months internship program to grow yourself! Internship Description Once in a lifetime learning + experiencing opportunity! Our flagship Internship program is known to be one of the best in the market, with challenging tasks and international working environment. The quality of the knowledge and experiences to be available for learning here during this short period (six months) are truly topnotch and rare. Those inhouse training classes/teachings alone make over 500 hours. It’s like an intensive business training camp with the aim of advancing a young person into his/her next level. Recruitment is always the most interesting subject among all about the evolving and cunning humans. This program will also touch upon the concept of people management (above, below, side and external) that you will learn – something extremely useful for your career/life in the next twenty years, no matter which company or industry you will be at. However, this program will not give you every solution. Instead, we want you to develop your own capability of finding solutions. This capability to be developed will stay with you for a long time. In a realistic competitive world, problems by definition are often unprecedented. We want to prepare you for a most challenging world. Therefore, we will require you to bring up a lot of self-initiatives by yourself. Only a proactive participant will succeed in this challenging program. This is never meant to be easy – quite the opposite. The program comes with a low selection rate and a high satisfaction rate. Apply only if you are prepared to work hard and grow. This six‐month program challenges you to apply. Requirements 1. Passion/habit of studying people 2. You feel good making a positive difference on others 3. Happier to give than to take 4. A strong believer in teamwork 5. A hard-working person by nature 6. Proofs of good initiatives in the past 7. Proofs of being a fighter (not a quitter) in the past 8. Available at least 4 out of 5 whole working days per week for total six months 9. Current domicile in/near Shanghai 10. Confidently good English communications Benefits / Knowledge and skills you will get from this internship 1. The success formula of both small businesses as well as big MNCs winning in China 2. A complete recruitment business cycle from invitation to turning down to screening to testing to offering to integration to letting go 3. Differentiation of recruitment strategies and possibilities 4. Grow your own Guanxi (ie people connections) into a forest 5. Persuasion. Driving people do what they don’t usually do 6. Hearts reading. Discovering what a hiring manager truly wants 7. Database management, information capturing and improvement initiatives 8. Business presentation skills – both business and intimate 9. Administration exposure, routines like PDCA and many tasks and practices 10. Spotting a great fitting executive accurately, quickly and sharply 11. Professional recruitment processes and toolkits 12. Project management 13. An insignt into special business aspects of China 14. Participating one special business project, such as PR, litigation, consulting, best practice benchmarking and market research 15. And many more -
People Professional
[上海·七浦路] 2022-10-187k-8k 经验1-3年 / 本科专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 少于15人Job Description 1. Having had some prior related experiences, you want to challenge the next level – projects involving the most sophisticated and charming executives. 2. Meet a lot of great leading interesting people and learn in depth about the most important market of the world. 3. Work with very humble and yet super challenging colleagues on both external and internal projects. Topics like benchmarking, market mapping, acquiring CEO and filling up AI Laboratory with Quantum Physicists might kick in. 4. Be water. Master the art and science of borrowing resources and delivering results. 5. Be ready to turn yourself into a true top expert on humans. 6. Merging project management and humans is a rare gift. Requirements 1. 8 or more successful years in the people/HR business. 2. Confident enough to say “I’m a VERY GOOD” but desire to be stretched out more and be THE BEST. 3. Willingness to commit to the TJK team and yourself. 4. Current domicile in/near OR able to relocate to Shanghai. Benefits/Knowledge and skills you will get from this role 1. Create and grow your circles of VVIP friends. 2. Becoming a true TOP GUN yourself. 3. A lot of rare opportunities and fun. -
薪资待遇: 1.前三个月保底5000-8000 2.提供带薪培训; 3.每月15日发薪 4:每周二店休 5:包吃,房补 6:综合工资10000+ 任职资格: 1.基本要求:不限年龄,身体健康; 2.能力要求:沟通表达能力,学习能力,执行能力; 3.经验要求:行业熟手、热爱美容行业;有一定工作经验, 4:学徒要求:人品佳,肯学,不定时授予系统的免费培训。 岗位职责: 1.常态顾客邀约及客情关系维护; 2.按照美容要求、程序、标准对到店顾客做好项目护理; 3.开发和挖掘顾客需求并匹配美容项目销售,满足顾客需求; 4.学习产品知识和专业技术,不断提高自身职业素质和技能; 小白免费培训
英雄不问出处,不看背景,只看实力 招全职坐班。 薪资待遇: 底薪+高额提成+五险+全勤奖,固定下午茶各种团建,公司工作氛围好,无责底薪4500,提成无上限。公司都是善良小哥哥小姐姐,没有那么多框框条条,工作氛围轻松愉悦 工作时间: 9:00-19.00我们提倡高效工作制、双休(快乐工作、快乐生活、快乐赚钱!) (分略人的大福利!!~) 1、薪资结构:无责底薪4500+高提点提成+丰厚奖金+超级福利体系,薪资范围8K-25K,薪资上不封顶; 2、奖金制度:个人奖/团队奖/单项奖、月度奖金/阶段奖金/年度奖金拿到手软 3、活动福利:定期组织生日会、下午茶、篮球、羽毛球、趣味运动会、户外拓展、员工旅游等活动,让工作充满乐趣,劳逸结合; 4、节日福利:每逢佳节有好礼-端午节、中秋节、元旦、春节等传统节日必然不会缺席,六一、七夕、万圣节、圣诞节也是氛围满满……超欢乐! 5、假期福利:双休,还有超过15天的春节假期也是必须滴,完美避开春运~[我在分略能学到什么?]以人为本,注重人才培养: 6、师徒制:入职赠送师傅一枚,带你迅速了解工作和岗位; 工作地点: 4号线景芳D6口出旁边五福天星龙大厦B座908。
英雄不问出处,不看背景,只看实力 招全职坐班。 薪资待遇: 底薪+高额提成+五险+全勤奖,固定下午茶各种团建,公司工作氛围好,无责底薪4500,提成无上限。公司都是善良小哥哥小姐姐,没有那么多框框条条,工作氛围轻松愉悦 工作时间: 9:00-19.00我们提倡高效工作制、双休(快乐工作、快乐生活、快乐赚钱!) (分略人的大福利!!~) 1、薪资结构:无责底薪4500+高提点提成+丰厚奖金+超级福利体系,薪资范围8K-25K,薪资上不封顶; 2、奖金制度:个人奖/团队奖/单项奖、月度奖金/阶段奖金/年度奖金拿到手软 3、活动福利:定期组织生日会、下午茶、篮球、羽毛球、趣味运动会、户外拓展、员工旅游等活动,让工作充满乐趣,劳逸结合; 4、节日福利:每逢佳节有好礼-端午节、中秋节、元旦、春节等传统节日必然不会缺席,六一、七夕、万圣节、圣诞节也是氛围满满……超欢乐! 5、假期福利:双休,还有超过15天的春节假期也是必须滴,完美避开春运~[我在分略能学到什么?]以人为本,注重人才培养: 6、师徒制:入职赠送师傅一枚,带你迅速了解工作和岗位; 工作地点: 4号线景芳D6口出旁边五福天星龙大厦B座908。
工作职责: 岗位职责: 1、按照项目计划完成项目的结构设计全流程工作,实现项目结构设计开发、包装设计、开模试制、试产量产等问题的跟进与解决。 2、参与客户需求分析,方案设计与头脑风暴进行创意设计; 3、上市老产品的维护以及客诉问题的跟进解决。 任职资格: 任职资格: 1、***正规本科及以上学历,机械设计等相关专业;有至少6年以上工作经验; 2、机械设计基础知识扎实,有整机产品设计经验,至少有消费类产品结构设计5年以上经验; 3、熟练掌握CAD Pro/E coredraw等结构设计软件; 4、熟悉常用塑胶、五金材料,表面处理工艺知识、产品装配及制造工艺设计、机械性能测试、相关标准等; 5、追求与众不同设计,有创新意识,对消费类流行设计元素和表面处理工艺有见解; 6、性格开朗,沟通协调能力强,吃苦耐劳,能独立完成项目; 7、熟悉通信行业产品开发流程,有大公司工业设计工作经历优先。
【HR想对你说】 没有梦想,何必远方; 世界很大,路在自己脚下; 趁年轻,全力以赴追逐梦想! 趁年轻,敢闯敢拼施展才华! 加入我们,这里有无限的可能性和宽广的平台,与我们朝气蓬勃的90后团队在追梦路上一起前行! 【我们的资源有哪些?】 1.拥有15年内贸经营+10年外贸出口经验,属于高速发展中的企业; 2.阿里巴巴头部商家、三金品平台+美国GGS站点,核心词顶展,单月询盘TM咨询2500+,小满客户累计33000+; 3.产品品类齐全,涵盖汽车零件60000+,供应链稳定,最大单品销售量20000+,供应产品机会多,质量好,售后少; 4.专业的【外贸】团队+独立的【运营】团队。 【我们可以给到你什么?】 1.新老客户资源充足,公司每季至少两次产品内训、定期接受专业外训; 2.每年参加大型展会;让你学习更多专业知识; 3.提供公平公正公开的晋升通道,年龄与学历在实力面前都是浮云,规范透明的薪酬制度。 【我们的团队氛围】 1.以90后为主,年轻活力的公司团队+超强的团队凝聚力+充实融洽的工作氛围; 2.NICE的老板与主管+标准&专业的培训模式。 【高大上的工作环境】 1.公司所处甲级办公楼,环境超BEAUTIFUL; 2.公司内部放置了丰富多样的绿植,让你每天的心情棒棒哒。 【团队文化建设】 1.不定期团建活动+月度生日PARTY+暖心节日福利+贴心入职周年礼物; 2.下午茶点心、饮料、咖啡、茶饮全天供应,属于你的能量补给站; 3.公司提供各种活动机会,只要你想,你就是“主角”。 岗位职责: 1、负责Ebay平台运营管理工作,产品上架、分类、产品信息调整、订单管理、物流管理、账号维护,保持店铺的好评率和服务评分,确保平台销售正常运作; 2、熟悉关键词优化各项操作,优化产品Listing,提升产品排名,分析产品关键词,投放PLA和PLS广告; 3、根据公司供应链数据分析进行选品测算,共同完成选品任务。 4、根据产品销量和库存情况制定补货发货计划; 5、负责制定销售策略并进行推进产品优化与改良; 6、针对所负责产品,能进行现状分析和对未来趋势布局; 6、根据平台数据对接服务商,挑选平台优质品进行数据提升; 7、每月数据分析广告报表、点击量、产品数据分析; 8、按周产品库存量分析,缺货时需要反馈给主管及时补货; 10、良好的团队合作精神,完成公司销售目标。 任职资格: 1、大专及以上学历,电子商务或商务英语相关专业优先考虑,英语四级或以上 2、1年左右Ebay平台全面性独立运营经验,有独立操作美国站点,汽车配件平台者优先; 3、性格开朗 ,正直,工作认真细心,责任心强,沟通能力强,有良好的团队合作精神,有高度责任感,可承受一定的压力和挑战。 4、掌握基本的电脑操作能力,能熟练操作office办公软件,具备一定的逻辑思维和数据分析能力,操作过数字酋长系统的优先考虑。
岗位职责: 1.开发客户,开拓市场,维护客户关系。 2.负责销售,处理客户询单,促成交易,解决客户需求。 职位要求: 1.国际经济与贸易相关专业,本科及以上学历。 2.能熟练运用英语,适应英文作业环境,能与外商有效沟通。 3.能独立开发客户,积极、熟练地运用各种方法和工具联系国外客户。 4.擅长搜集和整理有价值的客户和供应商信息。 福利待遇: 上班时间:周一到周五9:00-17:00 公司缴纳五险一金
岗位职责: 1、接受主管的分配的翻译任务; 2、翻译并与其他团队成员沟通协作; 3、保证翻译质量; 4、翻译资料的整理收集、知识管理; 任职资格: 1、大学本科以上学历,外语类相关专业,专业4级以上证书,8级优先; 2、外语听说能力良好,笔译功底深厚,精通中外互译,中文文笔优秀; 3、工作认真细致、思维敏捷,责任心强; 工作时间: 周一到周五 9:00-17:00 公司缴纳五险一金
工作职责: (1)进行市场调查,分析市场信息,寻找潜在客户 (2)根据安排,完成客户的调研 (3)根据公司销售目标和计划,参与制定客户市场营销策略 (4)依据所负责区域的产品营销计划,分解产品销售目标 (5)执行公司营销策略,实施市场开拓任务 (6)运用销售技巧,完成销售额与销售任务 (7)代表公司与客户洽谈业务、进行谈判,并签订服务合同 (8)收集潜在客户和新客户的资料,为销售工作做准备 (9)建立与维护客户关系,要与重要客户保持经常联系 (10)协调、处理相关客户及业务之间的关系 任职要求: (1)良好的销售技巧,善于沟通协作,敏锐的客户服务意识 (2)较强的学习能力及分析能力
公司介绍: 金易贴金工艺有限公司创办于2000年,公司拥有独立自主品牌《金易贴金》、《邦图骑士》。在贴金和艺术漆这两大类细分涂装市场集研发、生产、销售、服务为一体,逐步成长为本行业地区自主领先品牌。 岗位职责: 1.家装(墙面涂料)、平面、公司品牌logo海报的设计。 2.在公司协助其他同事,对客户需求进行详细了解,给出设计方案。 入职要求: 1 、25~35岁 大专及以上学历,设计专业可放宽要求。 2 、一到两年的装饰设计公司任职经历,熟悉家装材料。 3 、熟悉平面图熟练掌握CAD、PS等相关软件及办公软件操作。 薪资待遇: 无责底薪4000+绩效1000+目标奖励 法定节假日 入职当月即购买社保 工作时间及地点: 周一~周六 8:30-17:30 八小时工作制 周天单休 现代大厦南楼A区武汉金易贴金工艺有限公司(二楼)