• 40k-80k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    物联网 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    岗位职责: - Responsible for making scenes, buildings, vehicles and props for 3D games. 负责制作3D游戏使用的场景、建筑,车辆和道具等。 - Responsible for creating top notch CG game art and to ensure the quality bar is met with the ability to take an idea from concept to final. 需要负责创作一流的CG游戏美术,确保工作质量符合要求,有能力把原画中表达的想法呈现在最终作品中。 - Evenly balanced in artistic and technical ability and be able to follow the vision as set forth by the Art Director, the lead and/or the Content Creation Guide. 在美学和技术上都要有过硬的能力,并能够按照美术总监、场景美术组长和/或内容制作指导的愿景开展工作。 Requirements: -Proficiency in multiple tools including 3DMax, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop, etc. 能够熟练使用多种制作工具(3DMax, Zbrush, Maya, Photoshop等)。 -Able to adapt to different art styles of projects. 能够适应不同项目所需的艺术风格。 -Detail oriented, patient, careful, organized, also with ability to learn quickly. 关注细节,耐心仔细,有条理,具备良好的沟通、学习能力。 -A good team player with good communication skills. 沟通能力良好,能积极于团队配合完成任务; -Passion for game development, positive attitude and able to work creatively. 对游戏制作有热情,工作态度积极上进,有一定的创造力; -Able to read and write in English. 具备基本英文读写沟通能力。 Desirable Skills: -Strong technical and communication skills 较强的技术和沟通能力 - Strong management and production abilities 较强的管理和生产能力 - Excellent conceptual, illustration and design skills 出色的原画、插画和设计技术 - Detail oriented, organized and able to meet project requirements 注重细节,有条理,可以达到项目要求 - Solid understanding of asset management practices 熟知物件管理方法 - Good aptitude for problem solving and self-starting with the ability to work with minimal direction 能在最小的指导下解决问题,自主开展工作 - Expert proficiency in Photoshop and Maya 精通Photoshop 和Maya - Excellent conceptual, illustration and design skills 出色的原画、插画和设计技术 - Degree in formal traditional art training 正规的传统美术培训学位
  • 内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: 1、撰写和编辑UI文本,帮助创作者更好的使用我们的产品; 2、与产品、设计、工程师、运营及本地化团队密切合作,设定整体用户体验的高标准; 3、与目标市场的合作方按照优先级共同推进项目; 4、领导内容审核,识别机会并推动区域活动内容的一致性,为我们的内容标准做出贡献,成为最佳实践的倡导者; 5、平衡业务与客户需求,确保功能开发的合理性,评估应用程序和体验的视觉风格、界面和交互流程; 6、综合内部和外部反馈,在快节奏的环境中,完成高质量的内容设计工作。 1.Write and edit UI text to help creators navigate our product; 2.Collaborate closely with product managers, product designers, engineers, ops, and *****ization to set a high bar for the overall user experience; 3.Manage and prioritize projects with multiple stakeholders across the target market; 4.Lead content audits to identify opportunities and drive consistency across the product. Contribute to our content standards and be a champion for best practices; 5.Understand how to balance business requirements and customer needs in building features. Ability to critique the visual style, interface, and interaction flow of applications and experiences; 6.Synthesize internal and external feedback. Complete high-quality work in a fast-paced, dynamic work environment. 职位要求: 1、优秀的英文写作与口语沟通能力,流利的中文口语与阅读能力; 2、3年以上C端产品内容设计经验; 3、有与产品、设计、开发和本地化团队合作的经验; 4、具备创业心态,能积极主动地应对快速变化和不理想的情况,能在快节奏环境中管理多个项目时面对需求变化仍可保持专注; 5、写作作品集,包括但不限于:用户界面内容,短文本,用户教育内容,广告邮件,产品发布宣传内容,写作指南,内容词汇表或产品发布内容; 6、加分项:有国际化产品的全球团队协作经验;使用Figma的经验。 1.Excellent English written and verbal communication skills; 2.3+ years experience in content design for consumer-facing products; 3.Experience collaborating with Product Management, Design, Engineering, and *****ization teams; 4.Entrepreneurial attitude, ability to deal with rapid changes and situations that are not ideal. Manage multiple projects in a fast-paced environment and stay focused when faced with changing requirements; 5.Writing portfolio including, but not limited to: user interface copy, microcopy, user education, direct or transactional emails, style guides, glossary additions or product launch content; 6.Preferred qualifications: Experience working on a global product with international partners; Experience using Figma.
  • 教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: Technican(DOIT) Department: Center for Digital World with Intelligent Things (DOIT), HKUST(GZ) Job ID: Job Posting Details Formally established in June 2022, the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)(HKUST(GZ)) is a cooperatively-run university between the Chinese mainland and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. HKUST(GZ) has obtained approval from the Ministry of Education (MoE) and become the first legally-independent educational institution co-established by the Mainland and Hong Kong since the announcement and implementation of the “Outline Development Plan for the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area” and the “Overall Plan for Deepening Globally Oriented Comprehensive Co-operation amongst Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao in Nansha of Guangzhou”. With a spirit of pioneering innovation, HKUST(GZ) charts new territories in cross-disciplinary education and explores new frontiers in pedagogies, aiming to serve as a role model of the mainland-Hong Kong integrated educational development and become a world-famous high-level university, endeavoring to nurture future-oriented, high-level and innovative talents. HKUST(GZ) is located at **** Duxue Road, Qingsheng Hub Cluster, Nansha District, Guangzhou. The campus covers an area of about 1,669 mu (111.3 hectares) and is divided into two construction phases. The first phase covers an area of about 716 mu (47.7 hectares) with a floorage of about 636,000 square meters (63.6 hectares), which had been officially put into use in September 2022. The design of the campus blends natural scenery with architecture, with key cutting-edge technologies for energy conservation and environmental protection adopted during the design and construction process, in a bid to establish the campus as a new benchmark of green, smart and sustainable development. Duties 1.Organize events and group activities at the center; 2.Manage the facilities, furniture, and equipment; 3.Oversee general management and daily operation; 4.Coordinate with sister labs/units for demos and visits; 5.Support non-technical issues such as renovation, maintenance, and reimbursement; 6.Other related duties as assigned. 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1.A Master’s degree in EE, CS, or related disciplines, plus at least 5-year working experience in university, research institution, or hi-tech company; 2.Sound knowledge in R&D, project management, lab administration, and event organization is preferred; 3.Strong sense of responsibility, leadership, ability to delegate is required; 4.Good time management skill and ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously are essential; 5.A good command of written Chinese and English. Proficiency in English, Putonghua and Cantonese is preferred; 6.Proficiency in MS Office, Excel, and project management tools is preferred. This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.)
  • 15k-30k 经验10年以上 / 硕士
    教育 / 不需要融资 / 500-2000人
    岗位职责: Job Title: 网络安全工程师 Engineer of Cybersecurity Department: Data Center (DC), Information Technology Department (ITD), HKUST(GZ) Duties 1. 信息安全制度建设:负责制定和完善学校的信息安全制度体系,不断提升网络和数据安全的管理水平和防护能力。 2. 安全策略设计与实施:设计、实施和维护网络安全策略,以防御恶意攻击和数据泄露,保护学校网络和系统安全。 3. 制度落实与监督:检查、监督和指导安全管理制度的执行情况。 4. 策略执行审核:负责安全策略执行情况的审核,确保合规性。 5. 日志管理与分析:收集和分析信息系统日志及审计记录,对关键设备进行日志检查和审核,并及时报告潜在问题。 6. 操作行为监控:监督管理员的操作行为,检查安全职责落实情况。 7. 安全控制设计与实施:设计和实施安全控制措施,包括防火墙、入侵检测系统和防**软件等,确保网络安全。 8. 风险评估与漏洞扫描:进行网络安全风险评估和漏洞扫描,及时发现并解决潜在安全问题。 9. 业务系统安全测试:负责学校业务系统的安全测试与加固,指导开发人员修复安全漏洞。 10 .渗透测试与漏洞挖掘:负责线上环境的渗透测试和Web漏洞挖掘,保障系统安全。 11. 安全事件应急处理:跟踪和分析安全事件,包括APT攻击、木马和**等,并进行紧急处理。 12. 跨部门协作:与其他部门合作,确保网络安全政策和流程的落实和持续改进。 13. 技术前沿跟踪:关注国内外安全技术前沿,积极开展技术交流和分享。 14. 用户支持:解决师生关于网络安全的问题和咨询。 任职要求: Qualification Requirements 1. 学历背景:硕士及以上学历,计算机相关专业,信息安全或网络安全专业优先。 2. 工作经验:10年以上信息安全工程师或相关岗位经验,具备丰富的网络安全实战经验;有5年世界五百强或同等企业单位相关信息安全岗位工作经验者优先。 3. 威胁情报分析能力:具有深入的安全威胁情报分析能力,能识别并应对高级持续性威胁(APT)。 4. 网络安全知识:熟悉网络体系结构、TCP/IP协议,掌握常见网络攻击方法、原理及防范措施,具备扎实的信息安全理论基础。 5. 安全产品知识:熟悉安全态势感知平台、防火墙、日志审计、WAF、IPS、主机安全、抗DDoS等主流安全产品的工作原理和配置。 6. 日志分析经验:具备IPS/IDS、防火墙、操作系统和应用程序日志的分析经验,能够从日志中发现异常。 7. 渗透测试技能:熟练使用SQLmap、BurpSuite、AWVS、Kali等常见渗透测试工具,能进行手动或结合工具的安全测试。 8. 编程能力:熟练掌握Java、Python或Shell等一种或多种主流编程语言,能够开发简单的安全工具。 9. 文档撰写:具备文档编写能力,能够独立完成系统评估报告和安全漏洞验证报告。 10. 漏洞挖掘经验:具有真实漏洞挖掘和利用经验,在安全平台提交过漏洞或发表原创技术文章者优先。 11. 法规与标准:熟悉ISO 27001、《网络安全法》《数据安全法》《个人信息保**》及等级保护相关标准和规范。 12. 认证及实战经验:持有CISSP、CISP、CISA或CISM认证者优先,有CTF或攻防演练比赛经验者优先。 13. 语言能力:良好的中英文书写和口语能力。 This is a Mainland appointment, and the appointee will be offered a contract by HKUST(GZ) entity in accordance with the Mainland labor laws and regulations. Starting salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Application Procedure In support of a green work environment, we accept applications submitted online only. To apply, please register and log in via this link: https://career.hkust-gz.edu.cn/en/career and search for the opening by Job ID or Job Title. Applicants should include a Resume in their applications, and could check their application status via the recruitment website. We thank applicants for their interest but advise only shortlisted candidates will be notified of the result of the application. In exceptional circumstances, for example unsuccessful application, please contact Human Resources Department at ********************. (Information provided by applicants will be used for recruitment and other employment-related purposes only.) HKUST (GZ) is an equal opportunities employer and is committed to our core values of inclusiveness, diversity, and respect.
  • 企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    Provide post-implementation System Consulting and Administration ? Communicate with China customers, gathering and analyzing requirements ? Support the customer-internal System Releases Cycle, including: o Customer engagement for the new requirements o Design and enable new product features o Tier 2/3 Incident Trouble shooting o Environment Management o Execute Customer Change Request o Data imports and exports maintenance o Adding/deleting/changing users, setting up security, changing territory and role hierarchy o Build KPI reports based on customers’ requirement o User training / feature education o Best practice sharing ? Willingness to “wear any hat” necessary to make the Customer successful ? Interact with Veeva Product Support on customer’s behalf ? Grow the capabilities of the team, develop best practices and accelerators 任职要求:At least Bachelor’s degree in Life Science, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or related degree ? Strong Technical background, 5+ years of experience in Python and MySQL. Good understanding of software architect, data model, familiar with SQL ? Smart and eager to learn new things, ability to work independently in a fast-moving environment ? Ability to work under big pressure, always commit to the work assigned to him/her ? Excellent communication skills – ability to deliver formal presentation in the workshop, collaborate with diverse stakeholders and ensure delivery to a high degree of satisfaction ? Fluent English language proficiency in both verbal and written English ? Ability to juggle and prioritize
  • 10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    企业服务,医疗丨健康 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    We are currently seeking a talented Product Support Engineer in Dalian, China, to join our busy Product Support Team. You will be part of a young and exciting company that is recognized as a market leader in the SaaS space with our Industry Cloud for Life Sciences. As a member of the Product Support team you will be charged with supporting our customers, as well as internal stakeholders, such as our Consulting and Sales Engineering teams. You will work closely with Development and QA teams to diagnose, troubleshoot and resolve complex issues. The successful candidate will need to learn and adapt quickly, be persistent and demonstrate “out of the box” thinking. Responsibility ·Provide global support covering all issues related to Veeva Vault ·Learn everything about our software and use that knowledge to ensure client success ·Support the client administrators across multiple organizations ·Troubleshoot critical production issues affecting end-users, including system unavailability and data integrity issues ·Create and maintain knowledge articles in our customer support portal. ·Handle inquiries regarding all technical issues, information requests on application capabilities, navigation, installation or configuration ·Provide coordinated support for getting new releases and configuration changes into production ·Gather information for analysis, carry out the necessary research, setup test environments, replicate issues *****ly and propose resolutions or workarounds ·Be a client facing representative of the Development and Product teams ·Document new processes and keep existing documentation and tools up to date as the environment changes ·Interface with engineering, product management and professional services when necessary ·Availability to work a rotating weekend on call schedule Requirements ·Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English and Japanese ·Previous technology / admin / software / level 2 support related work experience ·Bachelor’s degree in a related field or equivalent experiences ·Proven ability to collaborate and build strong relationships with customers ·Experience working successfully in a rapidly changing environment ·Professional approach, exceptional customer service is essential ·Knowledge document management systems ·Detail oriented, able to manage multiple tasks and priorities
  • 25k-50k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    金融业 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人
    Key Responsibilities: - Develop Visual language: Define, create and maintain a world classic visual style and design language tailored to the Web3 space, ensuring consistency across all platforms and touchpoints. - Brand Evolution: Enhance and refine our existing brand identity to align with the fast-evolving Web3 ecosystem. - UI/UX Collaboration: Work closely with product designers to craft visually stunning and intuitive interfaces for our applications and websites. - Creative Campaigns: Design visually impactful assets for marketing campaigns, social media, and events to drive user engagement and brand recognition. - Motion Graphics & Interaction Design: Incorporate animations and micro-interactions into designs to elevate user experiences. - Trend Analysis: Stay on top of Web3 and design trends, ensuring our visual identity remains fresh and forward-thinking. - Stakeholder Communication: Present concepts, prototypes, and final designs to stakeholders, gathering feedback and iterating as needed. Requirements: Experience: 5+ years of experience in visual design, preferably in tech or Web3 industries. Portfolio: A strong portfolio showcasing a range of visual design projects, including branding, digital campaigns, and interface design. Technical Skills: - Proficiency in design tools like Figma, Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, Illustrator, After Effects). - Familiarity with motion design tools such as After Effects or Principle is a plus. - Understanding of Web3: Knowledge of blockchain technology, crypto, NFTs, and the decentralized ecosystem is highly preferred. - Creativity & Vision: Ability to translate complex concepts into visually compelling designs. - Collaboration: Strong communication and interpersonal skills to work effectively with diverse teams. - Adaptability: Thrives in a fast-paced, evolving environment, with an eagerness to experiment and innovate.
  • 25k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Your Mission: This role plays a crucial function within AfterShip's global Customer Success team, reporting to the Head of Customer Success (APAC). Occasional collaboration with the global team in Australia, Europe, North America, Greater China or Southeast Asia, may require flexibility in work hours to accommodate meetings or tasks. What You’ll Do: 1. Manage a portfolio of existing accounts by maintaining engagement and utilizing value-based account management techniques for retention and growth; 2. Lead the onboarding process for new clients alongside the Technical Account Manager for implementation; and serve as the initial point of contact for escalated technical issues, ensuring swift resolution by liaising with appropriate teams; 3. Conduct regular business review meetings (weekly/monthly/quarterly, as needed) with C-level executives to incorporate account performance metrics, industry insights, best practices for customers, and identification of areas for improvement and growth opportunities; 4. Act as a trusted advisor to clients, ensuring they derive maximum value from AfterShip's services, and sharing best practices and new product features with customers while providing feedback to the product team; 5. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the AfterShip platform to effectively communicate its features to users at all levels within client organizations; 6. Collaborate cross-functionally with global teams across various time zones to address bottlenecks and ensure customer success; 7. Be responsible for meeting dollar retention and expansion KPIs; drive growth of AfterShip's client base and revenue in the assigned markets. Who We're Looking For: 1. At least 1 year of experience in customer-facing roles in sales/business development/account management/customer success, with a proven track record of consistently delivering great results; 2. Strong interpersonal skills and professional demeanor, capable of articulating technical solutions in simple terms; 3. Ability to manage complex projects and collaborate with multiple internal and external stakeholders; 4. Exceptional executive-level interpersonal, project management, communication, and problem-solving abilities; 5. Proficiency in English is required; proficiency in Cantonese or other languages like Japanese or French is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Related working experience in eCommerce/FMCG/Brand Retail/SaaS/Advertising/consulting Industry; 2. Thorough knowledge of the overseas e-commerce ecosystem and APAC online retail community; 3. Overseas working experience or work in an international team with global time zones. Why You Should Join Us: 1. Emerging Industry and Steady Business Growth: We operate in the global eCommerce SaaS sector, supported by leading international investment institutions. Our team is continuously expanding, and we have experienced consistent growth in both our business scale and revenue since our inception. 2. Career Growth: We are dedicated to your professional growth. With tailored mentorship, study fund, and opportunities for advancement, your next career chapter begins here. 3. Diverse Culture: Our team consists of members from over 20 regions worldwide. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we honor each individual’s unique background. 4. Fun and Engaging Atmosphere: Enjoy a workplace that recognizes accomplishments and fosters a strong sense of community. With engaging team-building activities, we work hard and play hard! 5. Geek Working Environment: We foster a culture of geek, with over 60% of our team dedicated to research and development. You will have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and agile tools in your work.
  • 18k-22k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网 / 上市公司 / 500-2000人
    Main Responsibilities • Translate high level objectives provided by Software Product Management and external clients into testable, measurable functional specifications • Research and document functional requirements, integrating multiple sources • Take software product feature ownership and manage full life cycle of the requirement • Produce and maintain product backlog and participate in or drive sprint planning where appropriate • Analyze and document user workflows • Develop use cases, demonstrating how each class of user interacts with each system function • Assist with the prioritization of initial feature development and ongoing change requests • Ensure application interfaces address human factor design considerations • Assist the Quality Assurance group with execution of systematic and ad-hoc test cases. Log failures so that QA Analysts may follow up to ensure resolution • Manage/update/communicate evolving requirements documents through complete project life cycle • Ability to communicate and coordinate effectively with all levels of leadership including Clients, Product Management, Development, UX, QA, and Support Requirements • 3+ years’ experience in a Business Analyst role working specifically with enterprise software products • Expert knowledge of the Software Development and/or Product Development life-cycle • Must possess excellent written and interpersonal communication skills and be able to effectively communicate across all levels of the organization • Experience in requirement management, including requirements gathering, analysis, and specification documentation • Ability to assume intellectual ownership and possess strong attention to details and commitment to delivering quality product • Ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams and synthesize cross-functional input in a team/collaborative environment • Database and service level API experience is required Desired Experience or Knowledge • Database and service level API • Agile/SCRUM software development and web product design • Order processing, accounting, ecommerce, web communications, POS/restaurant industry
  • 18k-25k·14薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    We’re looking for Product Marketing in APAC to develop our GTM (Go-to-market) strategy and compelling marketing assets to drive inbound and outbound traffic and generate leads for our B2B SaaS solutions for global markets, including North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, etc. This position can be based in based in mainland China or Singapore. Job Description: 1. Develop messaging, positioning, and value propositions for new and existing products and features. Drive new lead generation through various marketing assets across paid, earned and owned marketing channels, such as website pages, ads copies, videos, etc; 2. Become an expert on customer personas and segments to develop lead generation, improve brand awareness, and build thought leadership that drive penetration amongst this target audience; 3. Collaborate closely with Product teams to align on product roadmaps and drive new feature adoption; with Marketing teams to drive brand awareness amongst various audience segments; with Sales teams to accelerate product and solution adoption and drive outcomes; 4. Continuously analyze and optimize channel performance, as well as share results with leadership and product owners; 5. Collaborate with customers to obtain testimonials, as well as develop and copyright case studies, white papers and data reports; 6. Keep an eye on the market to stay on to of market trends, competitor analysis and ecommerce best practices. Requirements: 1. 1+ years of relevant experience in B2B product marketing or related experience (marketing, product management, pre-sales, operational, or strategy); 2. Demonstrable track record of building quality marketing assets and sales enablement toolkits, such as WWW pages, one-pagers, and sales decks for new product or feature launches; 3. Customer-centric storyteller, who develops value propositions, messaging, and positioning based on segments and personas, as well as turns these value propositions into customer-facing material; 4. A quick learner and data-centric individual who is able to dive deep into business scenarios, and continuously optimizes results; 5. Excellent communication with strong interpersonal, follow-up and multitasking skills; 6. Proficient in English (verbal & written). Bonus Points: 1. Overseas working experience; 2. Experience in eCommerce industry or eCommerce SaaS industry; 3. Experience in AI industry; 4. Experience in growth marketing; 5. Experience in video making. Why should join us: 1. Emerging Industry and Steady Business Growth: We operate in the global eCommerce SaaS sector, supported by leading international investment institutions. Our team is continuously expanding, and we have experienced consistent growth in both our business scale and revenue since our inception. 2. Career Growth: We are dedicated to your professional growth. With tailored mentorship, study fund, and opportunities for advancement, your next career chapter begins here. 3. Diverse Culture: Our team consists of members from over 20 regions worldwide. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we honor each individual’s unique background. 4. Fun and Engaging Atmosphere: Enjoy a workplace that recognizes accomplishments and fosters a strong sense of community. With engaging team-building activities, we work hard and play hard! 5. Geek Working Environment: We foster a culture of geek, with over 60% of our team dedicated to research and development. You will have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and agile tools in your work.
  • 4k-6k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    职责描述 1.To assist clients with planning and executing different aspects of the internal control process which may include financial, operational, and compliance related control review 、construction or evaluations. 协助客户规划和执行内部控制过程的不同方面,完成相关流程的内控审阅、评价、搭建或企业合规审阅。 2.Involve in BAS service, such as Spot check、Expense review or Dealer audit and so on. 参与BAS业务,比如会议监察、费用核查或经销商审阅等方面工作。 3.To assist the engagement team in completing ITGC related audit procedures mainly including but not limited to the testing of IT program development, program change, access to procedure and data, and computer operation, then completing the working paper. 协助项目组完成ITGC相关审计程序,主要包括但不限于对企业IT系统中IT程序开发、程序更改、程序与数据的访问、计算机操作等方面进行相关的风险审计,并完成审计底稿的撰写 。 4.Take part in other Core Assurance service, e.g: Financial statement tie out, Aura set up etc. 参与其他审计相关服务,如年审报告核对、Aura数据库维护等。 5.Participate in training and other developmental opportunities, where possible. 积极主动地参加公司的培训和其它相关学习发展的机会。 6.Consistently demonstrate teamwork dynamics by working as a team member: understand personal and team roles; contribute to a positive working environment by building solid relationships with team members; and proactively seek guidance, clarification and feedback from Team Leader and Senior Associate. 作为团队成员之一,积极致力于团队合作;理解个人和团队角色的具体内容;通过建立良好团队合作精神共同创造一个积极乐观的工作环境;能积极主动地向与团队负责人和高级助理就工作表现寻求指导,确认和反馈。 7.Other work assigned by the superior or company. 上级或公司安排的其他工作 岗位要求 Essential criteria 1. Bachelor degree (Graduated in 2020 is welcomed), a major in accounting 、auditing or accounting related major is preferred. 本科及以上学历(欢迎应届毕业生投递), 会计、审计或其他财务相关专业优先考虑。 2. Experience in finance 、 accounting related 、internal control review or audit work a plus. 具有财务、会计、相关内控审阅或审计经验者优先。 3. CET4 is required certification or equivalent certification 大学英文四级或同等资质必要条件 4. Be initiative with strong sense of teamwork and can work under high pressure. 积极主动,具备良好的团队合作精神,抗压能力强。 5. Can adapt to travel or OT. 能够适应出差及加班。 6. Demonstrate self-motivation and a desire to take responsibility for personal growth and development. 能自我激励,渴望并主动承担自身的成长和发展。 7. Working knowledge of Microsoft Office Suite. 熟悉微软办公软件系统的使用。 8. Effective written and verbal communication skills in Chinese and commercial English. 具备有效的中文和简单商务英文的书面及口头表达能力。 9. Good communication skills, willing to communicate with others on problem identified. 良好的沟通能力,愿意与他人交流工作中发现的问题。 10. Detail oriented and careful. 注重细节,工作仔细。 11. Good problem-solving skills. 较强的分析与解决问题的能力。 12. Good customer service attitude. 良好的客户服务态度。 13. Multi-tasking will be a plus 多任务管理技能。 14. High sense of responsibility on work assigned and good working attitude. 对被分配的工作具有高度的责任感和良好的工作态度。 Advantage criteria 1. Certification of CIA, CICPA, ACCA is desirable and other finance related certificate is preferred 拥有CISA/CIA/ICPA /ACCA或其他财务方面证书其中一个或多个证书者优先但不是必须要求
  • 20k-40k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Senior Front-end Development Engineer (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity, and we urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 2 years of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS / Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 20k-40k·14薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    生活服务,旅游|出行 / 上市公司 / 150-500人
    Key Responsibilities: 1. Product Planning: Develop and execute a comprehensive product roadmap for the concierge product.Prioritize product features and functionalities based on market analysis, customer feedback, and business goals. 2. Commercial Design: Collaborate with cross-functional teams to design pricing strategies, promotional plans, and sales enablement materials that align with the concierge product's value proposition. Continuously monitor market trends and competitor activities to adjust commercial strategies as needed. 3. Product Experience: Ensure the concierge product delivers an exceptional user experience that meets or exceeds customer expectations. Work closely with design and development teams to refine the product's user interface, user experience, and overall functionality. 4. Performance Analysis & Optimization: Analyze product performance data across clients and channels to identify opportunities for growth and improvement.Develop and implement strategies to maximize the concierge product's utilization, revenue, and profit. 任职要求 Required Skills & Qualifications: 1. Strong product management and commercial acumen 2. Excellent communication skills in both English and Chinese 3. Proven experience in developing and launching successful products 4. Ability to foster a collaborative environment within the team, encouraging open communication and idea-sharing 5. Effectively manage multiple tasks and priorities, ensuring timely delivery of high-quality results 6. Adapt to changing market conditions and business needs, quickly adjusting the approach as necessary
  • 13k-18k 经验1-3年 / 本科
    移动互联网,企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    Front-end Software Development (Frontend/Full stack) ## Excellent English communication skills required ## We are a team of Microsoft stack developers and designers, who work on a wide variety of exciting corporate projects, delivering scalable and extensible custom solutions with the future in mind. SSW is a great place to work, as we foster an inclusive and supportive office environment, and much more. We are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering cutting-edge software, using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! You will have the opportunity to upskill, develop your personal brand, contribute to innovative projects, and engage in meaningful work that makes a difference. We are committed to increasing our workplace diversity and urge people from all walks of life to apply. We encourage expertise, mastery, and respectful discourse. We aim to build you up and hope you'll do the same! We will help you grow your community profile and your technical abilities so you can be the best developer you can be. Our horizontal organisational structure means that your input will make an impact on the way we do business. This role requires great communication skills and solid experience in delivering production-ready web solutions. Further, we encourage you to take ownership of your relationship with clients, build meaningful connections, think critically, and create the right solution for the right job. About you: • A minimum of 1 year of proven commercial experience with web development • An IT degree or equivalent experience • The ability to converse and interact professionally and comfortably with clients and colleagues • Keen interest in the development community including technological trends, news, people, and innovations • Collaboration with partner teams in Australia Skills and tech used at SSW: • A minimum of 1 year of commercial experience with front-end development • Great knowledge of html5, CSS3, JavaScript • Proficient in writing W3C-compliant, concise, and effective Web front-end code • Experience with React and/or Angular and/or Blazor • Experience in mobile web development or hybrid • Node.js would be a bonus • .Net or Python would be a bonus • iOS and/or Android would be a bonus • Methodologies – Agile (Scrum) #More important than experience is attitude, we are looking for developers who are passionate about delivering awesome software using the latest technologies and best DevOps practices and want to have fun while doing so! #In the spirit of transparency, our interview process has an initial chat, a timed take-home communication challenge, and a technical coding challenge in English.
  • 硬件,移动互联网 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    • The IT (Senior) Specialist for Digital business (E-commerce) is responsible to manage all related projects. • This role is also responsible to manage change requesitmprovement on configuration & integration flowsroutine maintenance and daily IT service stick to operation processes and pre-defined KPls (SLA etc.). • Adhere to global governance and China specific regulationsinteract closely with Global IT team and China other IT team members. SKILLSKNOWLEDGEAND EXPERIENCE • Has clear understanding of China main digital business (E-commerce) processesincluding but not limited to brand sitemini program and marketplace. • Hands on experiences in digital business (E-commerce) applicationincluding but not limited to eCommerceOMSLogisticsFinance etc. and broad exposure to other domain such as CRMERP systems is a plus. • A demonstrated knowledge of IT solution delivery process and project management methodologies. • Strong analytical and judgment skills including critical thinkingcomplex problem solving and troubleshooting. • Minimum 2 years' experience within a Retail environment. • Minimum 2 years' digital business (E-commerce) application experience. • Work experience within a multi-national company is beneficial. • Bachelor's degree in computer science or IS related studies. • Teamworkcustomer-oriented mindset. • Ability to work multi-task and committed to timeline. Flexible to manage dynamic work environment with ad hoc tasks. • Basic English communication.