资深全栈工程师-Full Stack Developer
[北京·灯市口] 2023-08-0220k-35k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科IT技术服务|咨询 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上职责描述: • Lead or participant in the entire cycle of applications consulting and delivery ideation and development and everything in between. • Act as a mentor for less-experienced peers through both development knowledge and leadership skills. • Design solution and choose technologies that solve client’s problems • Build the front-end of applications through appealing visual design • Write back-end API layer with effectiveness. • Develop and manage well-functioning databases and applications • Troubleshoot, debug and upgrade software • Build features and applications with a mobile responsive design • Write technical documents • Other related assignments. 任职要求: • Bachelor Degree or above in Computer Science or IT related discipline • Proven experience as a Full Stack Developer or similar role. • Experience on React, Redux, Material Design, H5 and ES6 are needed. • Experience on Spring boot is required. • Familiar with package management tools, such as Maven and NPM. • Familiar with databases (e.g. MS SQL, MongoDB), web servers (Apache or Nginx) • Experience on leading software development teams using Agile, Lean or Continuous delivery approaches such as TDD, continuouse integration, pairing, and infrastrucuture automation is a plus. • Experience influencing others and always advocate for technical excellence while being open to change when needed • The ability to develop and execute a technical vision with a focus on business value • Knowledge of cloud technology such as AWS, Docker or Kubernetes is a plus -
职责描述: 1. Lead solution design activities in pre-grooming, grooming and sprint activities 2. Participate in the development of architecture documentation to support the future roadmap and ensure application maintainability 3. Liaise with Architects, Business Analysts, and Product Managers to refine software requirements; and to assess the feasibility of solutions within time constraints 4. Contribute in the evaluation of code and database design, system structure, interface between hardware and software, operational and performance requirements of overall system 5. Prepare Technical Design and Specification documents 6. Create implementation instructions and support application deployments 7. Facilitate knowledge transfer as a SME. 8. Mentor team members and support their development. 9. Participate in application code reviews/walkthroughs to ensure accuracy in relation to business requirements and development guidelines 10. Remain up to date of development technologies, both current and future 11. Follow industry standards in application development, secure coding, and testing 任职要求: 1. Strong understanding of CRM system (functional & technical) 2. Minimum of 3 years’ experience with .NET 3. Working knowledge of CRM’s interoperability capability with MS Office 365, SharePoint, Azure and MS BI Stack ,C#/VB.net, ADO.Net, XML, T/SQL, JQuery, JavaScript and Web Services 4. Hands on experience writing plugins, workflows, dialogs etc., 5. Experience in developing business-critical solutions using cloud-based vendor programming language, .Net, JavaScript, Angular JS, HTML 5 and MVC5 6. Excellent analytical skills (critical thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making skills) with a history of driving the development of large software components
岗位职责 Responsibility: · Analyze user requirements, existing and new business models and provide solutions by fine-tuning existing sub-systems or an existing functional areas of the systems and procedures. · Design system and other delivererables aligned with security, compliance, and design principles through focus on quality, evaluate and conduct cost effective solutions. · Translate business requirement (BRD)/function specification (FS) to technical design requirements including test strategy and quality ensurance approach · Prepare Test case/scenario, conduct system testing and implementation schedules · Analyze and solving technical problems comply with the applicable standards and guidelines · Assist users to fully utilise the systems by providing training and clarification of problems · Train junior staff on business and technical knowledge · Performs other responsibilities and duties periodically assigned by supervisor in order to meet operational and/or other requirements. 任职要求 Requirement: • At least 3 years in developing Javascript, XML, MSSQL DB, spring framework • At least 5 years in developing JAVA, JSP, WebSphere, HTML, Linux, Oracle DB • Accurate understanding required on IW Application • Requires understanding on Windows and Linux server environment • Requires understanding about insurance business - UW, POS, Claims • Prefer to have insurance experience • Fluent Korea communication (writing & oral) is must
岗位职责 1.对信息系统整体应用架构或数据架构进行规划和设计,制定应用架构或数据架构相关规范。 2.把控信息系统技术路线,进行技术选型,制定技术组件基线,并持续更新。 3.对信息化项目实施过程进行架构管控,建立架构防劣化机制,并向团队内部提供指导。 4.信息化项目阶段验收交付物的评审。 5.对信息化项目重大或疑难技术问题提出解决方案或建议。 6.跟踪前沿技术方向,探索新技术在公司内部的应用。 7.完成领导交办的其他工作。 工作、任职经历要求 1. 8年以上系统设计或实施经验,具有国家主管部门认可的大学本科及以上学历学位,工学、管理学等相关专业。 2. 扎实的OLTP类或OLAP类系统研发功底,熟悉分布式微服务架构设计或数据架构设计,熟悉常见架构模式; 3. 熟悉以下技术的一种或多种:云原生架构、Spring Cloud微服务技术栈、Service Mesh、传统数据仓库、Flink/Hadoop/Spark等; 4. 熟悉分布式OLTP类或OLAP类系统部署架构,熟悉主流开源组件,或者熟悉云PaaS平台、容器平台; 5. 具备保险行业业务中台、技术中台、数据中台相关实施经验优先。
职责描述: 1、 移动端HTML5页面产品的研发;熟练使用 VUE 框架开发 2、熟悉前端业务的工程化、流程化、模板化,提高前端开发效率; 3、熟悉 Web 前端开发规范与流程; 4、负责 WEB 前端项目开发和实现。 5、熟悉Node JS优先。 任职要求: 1、***本科及以上学历,计算机、软件工程相关专业,实际HTML 5开发和Javascript经验; 2、熟练掌握HTML、HTML5、CSS、JavaScript开发语言; 3、熟练掌握DIVCSS和W3C标准,熟练运用XHTMLCSS; 4、熟悉HTML5特性,熟悉ES6语法。 了解HTML5最新规范,能够熟练运用HTML5特性构建移动端的WebApp; 5、熟练使用gulpgruntwebpack任一种自动化构建工具; 6、善于使用前端的基本调试工具,熟练手写代码; 7、熟悉JavascriptJsonXMLHTML 5等Web前端技术,与后台开发人员一起编写Ajax互交程序; 8、熟练使用 VUE 框架。 9、精通前后端分离项目经验者优先; 10、工作主动性、责任心强,具有良好的沟通能力和团队合作精神。
招聘滴滴网约车司机 任职资格: (1)身体健康,持C1及以上驾照,三年驾龄 (2)无犯罪记录,无不良家是记录,无重大大事故及交 通违章,具有较强的安全意识 (3)工作努力,为人踏实,责任心强,能能吃苦 (4)可完成平台的派单 薪资范围:12000~20000元/月 提供宿舍,负责车辆保养和保险 别再为了温饱和生计而担忧了 工作自由,轻松月入过万,多劳多得,回报高
岗位职责: 1、高质高效回复客户新询盘,保持与客户良好沟通及合作关系,并最终促成订单签订。 2、积极寻找开拓新客户/市场的途径,与潜在客户建立联系,介绍公司技术装备,保持与客户良好沟通及合作关系,并最终促成订单签订。 3、来访客户接待,主动拜访潜在客户,与潜在客户保持密切联系,及时为潜在客户建档,并及时向上汇报客户进展状态。 4、跟进推动客户项目进展,高效回复邮件/电话,组织线上下会议。 5、参加国内外展览会。 任职要求: 1、英语、外贸相关专业,本科及以上学历,英语六级及以上。 2、英语可作为工作语言,且所学语种听说读写流利。 3、熟悉网络推广、有驾照者优先。 福利待遇: 1、上市公司,5A级写字楼,办公环境舒适,福利待遇优厚; 2、五险一金,法定节假日; 3、优越的薪酬激励机制,全勤奖、年终奖、餐补及车补等各种补贴; 4、完善的员工成长及晋升通道; 5、定期培训,丰富的团建活动及节日福利等; 6、团队氛围轻松和谐。
22~27/小时 短期工:当天工资次日结,10天起做,人走帐清! ~~~~~~~~~ 长期工:入职3天后 每天先日结200,可以日结15天,15天后每周可预支500元; 【或者每周预支500~1000元】 剩下的每月20号发! ~~~~~~~~~ 【门店不同 工价不同】 月薪7000~8000+ 做六休一! ~~~~~~~ 长白班:7:20-21:30左右 ~~~~~~~~ 有些门店长期夜班也要 夜班:20/21点~早8点左右 ~~~~~~~~ 山姆云仓 小商品 食品, 白班:拣货,打包, 夜班:补货,上架 年龄要求:19~45岁 男女不限 地址: 1店:青浦区盈港东路7030号 2店:宝山区友谊路1060号 3店:宝山区月罗公路2120号 4店:宝山区南大路201号 5店:杨浦区黄兴路1616号 6店:普陀区新村路1501号 7店:普陀区怒江北路449弄 8店:青浦区徐龙路168号 9店:青浦区清河湾路1121弄 10店:徐汇区田林路388号 11店:闵行区中春路6818弄 12店:闵行区春申路2328号 13店:长宁区中山西路1279弄 14店:松江区洞业路999弄 15店:松江区人民北路1508号 16店:松江区强业东路998弄 17店:浦东区杨高南路1801号 18店:浦东区金藏路258号 19店:浦东区康意路406号 20店:浦东区三林路235号 21店:浦东区德爱路450弄 22店:浦东区利川路481弄 23店:浦东区临沂北路252号 24店:浦东区崮山路920号 25店:浦东区繁荣东路181号 26店:浦东区芳华路630弄 【以上门店最近安排】 注:不包吃住!公司直招! 不收任何费用!
岗位职责: 1. 与相关模块配合,负责具身智能/人形机器人底盘SLAM开发与部署,包括但不限于激光雷达、视觉等多传感器融合SLAM方案; 2. 在办公室环境下,部署和优化机器人在动态变化环境中的SLAM算法,提升定位导航精度和稳定性; 3. 分析和定位底盘运行过程中的问题,并能指导底盘硬件的优化设计; 4. 紧跟具身智能新需求和前沿技术方向,制定SLAM技术短中长期开发方向和计划。 任职要求: 1. 985、211本科及以上学历,机器人、控制、自动化等相关专业,硕士及以上优先; 2. 拥有2年及以上SLAM算法开发和产品化落地经验,有较强的动手实操能力; 3. 良好的团队合作意识和沟通协调能力,较强的责任心和学习能力,追求卓越; 4. 熟练掌握C++、Python等编程语言,熟练使用Linnux、ROS/ROS2系统。 加分项: 1. 有过基于AI和视觉的SLAM(如语义SLAM、GOAT等)开发经验者优先; 2. 有Robocup、RoboCon等国内外机器人竞赛经验者优先。
1,积极乐观,上进好学具备一定的抗压能力 2,态度端正,服从公司制定的工作安排 3,表达能力强,性格外向 4,中专以上学历有行业经验及销售经验优先 5,年龄20-40岁 [岗位职责] 1、岗位工作内容相对于轻松和简单 2、后期涉及成交的工作,有我们的设计师和谈单手 【福利待遇]:综合薪资6000+=无责底薪+提成+奖金上班时间:9:30-18:00 午休:12:00-14:00周一统一休息 任职资格]: 1.学历经验不限 2.接收应届毕业生,实习生 3.发展平台:三个月提供一次公平晋升机会,晋升空间副主管、主管、团队经理。 4.福利待遇:节假日福利、员工聚餐、带薪培训、年终奖,年假节假日 工作能力与工作态度决定你的薪资与职位!不套路,招聘信息真实!!
职位职责: ByteIntern:面向2026届毕业生(2025年9月-2026年8月期间毕业),为符合岗位要求的同学提供转正机会。 团队介绍:依托抖音集团的科技能力和产品,我们为抖音电商、生活服务、直播等场景提供金融服务,为抖音用户提供更好的支付、消费金融、保险等金融服务。科技创新,普惠大众。 1、参与并负责支付核心系统的开发及维护; 2、参与并负责公司级别的春节、双十一等重要活动,解决高并发场景高可用问题; 3、参与并负责支付系统的稳定性建设,报警,监控,容灾,降级等; 4、参与设计并实现具备可扩展性和可维护性的系统方案; 5、充分理解支付业务,抽象领域模型,推进平台型系统建设。 职位要求: 1、2026届本科及以上学历在读,计算机、软件工程专业优先; 2、有扎实的数据结构和算法功底,能熟练实现递归等常见算法/数据结构; 3、熟悉C/C++/Java/Python/Golang中的至少一门语言,对面向对象有基础了解; 4、了解数据库、操作系统、计算机网络等核心课程的知识。
10k-20k 经验3-5年 / 本科移动互联网 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人Summary: Dealmoon AUS is looking for an experienced affiliate Senior Account Manager to grow our Australian market through business development and strategic optimization to drive healthy, long-term, client relationships. Furthering Dealmoon’s expertise and reputation as a top-performing publisher is a key objective. Responsibilities: ● Establish/build strong client relationships focused on longevity and partnership through exceptional customer service, integrity and professionalism. ● Use data to determine where potential growth lies to meet and exceed annual targets ● Prepares and deliver sales presentations as needed in-person at conferences or client visits or over video chat. ● Completes proposals and helps negotiates commission rates, Dealmoon VIP Events and/or flat fees for programs ● Must have the ability to assume the role as the internal and external expert for the client and be able to persuade collaboration fairly and in the best interest of the company ● Help to grow our business in the Australian market through market analysis and strategy to identify potential merchants to work with 岗位职责: 1. 通过卓越的客户服务、诚信和专业精神,建立/建立注重长期合作关系的牢固客户关系。 2. 使用数据确定实现和超过年度目标的潜在增长点 3. 根据需要在会议或客户拜访时或通过视频聊天亲自准备和交付销售演示文稿。 4. 完成提案并帮助协商佣金率、Dealmoon VIP 活动和/或计划的固定费用 5. 必须有能力担任客户的内部和外部专家,并能够公平地说服合作,并以公司的最大利益为出发点 6. 通过市场分析和战略来帮助我们在澳大利亚市场发展业务,以确定与之合作的潜在商家 Qualifications: ● Bachelor's degree required, oversea(AUS) study experience ● 3+ years in account management, agency and/or business development ● Experience creating advertising proposals for clients and agencies (experience within the luxury sector is a plus) ● Proven track record achieving sales goals and managing advertising opportunities from prospect to signing, and beyond ● Ability to resolve merchant complaints and concerns ● Willingness to learn, great attitude and go-getter personality ● Excellent time management and prioritization skills and ability to work efficiently under tight deadlines ● Ability to work both independently and in a team-oriented environment ● Strong oral and written communication skills, fluent in English. ● Proficiency with affiliate network platforms a plus ● Existing relationships with brands a plus 任职要求: 1. 学士学位,有澳洲留学经验; 2. 3年以上客户管理、代理和/或业务发展经验 3. 有为客户和代理机构制作广告提案的经验(有奢侈品行业经验者优先) 4. 在实现销售目标和管理广告机会(从潜在客户到签约等)方面拥有良好的业绩记录 5. 解决商家投诉和疑虑的能力 6. 乐于学习,态度好,有上进心 7. 出色的时间管理和优先排序技能以及在紧迫的期限内高效工作的能力 8. 能够独立工作和在以团队为导向的环境中工作 9. 较强的口头和书面沟通能力,英语书写流利。 10. 熟练使用联盟网络平台者优先 11. 目前跟品牌的商家有客户关系更佳
职位要求: - 3年以上软件开发工作经验 - 工作认真负责,工作高效 - 工作热情高,积极主动,适应团队合作甚至跨团队沟通合作 - 自学能力强,有创新精神,能自己学习研究新技术,学习新技能 技术要求: 1. 计算机专业基础扎实,深入理解计算机网络,掌握http协议和熟练应用 2. 程序算法、数据结构基础扎实,编程功底扎实 3. 熟悉Linux 操作系统,能在Linux环境和命令行中熟练工作 4. 熟练掌握git 代码管理 5. 精通python编程,有熟悉的爬虫框架或工具,如Scrapy, Selenium, RPA 等 符合以下条件者优先: - 有搜索系统开发经验 - 熟悉java 开发 - 有分布式系统开发经验
当天安排住宿 ***本科无责底薪8000 退伍兵无责底薪6000 大专无责底薪6000 实习生5690 高中无责底薪5000