Product Marketing Manager
[厦门·思明区] 2024-10-2112k-24k·14薪 经验3-5年 / 本科电商平台,消费生活 / 不需要融资 / 50-150人Responsibilities: 1、Lead product marketing content development; 2、Educate other departments on current product messaging; 3、Align all product marketing copy with Connexup’s brand ideals; 4、Manage team’s product marketing campaigns; 5、Shape product marketing campaigns that target prospective customers; 6、Outline product marketing deployment timelines; 7、Craft Connexup’s product storytelling vision and voice; 8、Convert prospects into paying customers through consistent communications。 Skills and qualifications: 1、Strong written and verbal communication skills; 2、Significant product marketing and development experience; 3、Deep understanding of market trends and product lifecycles; 4、Firm grasp of ways to develop strategic product marketing campaigns; 5、Proficiency with product design techniques based on hands-on experience; 6、Extensive experience designing customer promotions。 -
域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
工作职责: 1.全面负责酒店的经营管理,领导各部门员工完成酒店的各项计划目标; 2.围绕公司下达的利润指标和各项工作,编制酒店的预算和决算,严格控制经营成本; 3.负责酒店团队的建立,提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质; 4.根据市场变化和发展,制定切实可行的市场营销工作策略,并组织实施和有效控制; 5.全面负责安全管理,抓好食品卫生、治安安全等工作,确保客人和员工的人身、财产安全; 6.与公司、加盟业主进行日常的沟通协调工作,确保信息畅通、有效; 7.负责维护好酒店的外围关系,抓好重要客人的接待工作,塑造良好的内、外部形象; 8.关心员工思想和生活,不断改善员工的工作条件; 9.完成公司交办的其他工作。 岗位要求: 1.三年以上酒店管理经验,2年以上店长店长岗位经验,做过开业筹备者优先。 2.专科及以上学历,能力优秀者可放宽要求。 3.具备良好的服务意识,较强的团队管理,沟通协调和突发事件的处理能力。 项目位置:杭州市千岛湖玲珑湾 职位福利:提供优质住宿环境,五险一金、绩效奖金、带薪年假、定期体检、员工旅游、节日福利。 JD: 1. Fully responsible for the operation and management of the hotel, leading the staff of all departments to complete the hotel's plans and objectives; 2. Prepared the budget and final accounts of the hotel based on the profit targets and various works issued by the company, and strictly controlled operating costs; 3. Responsible for the establishment of the hotel team, improve the service quality and staff quality of the hotel; 4. Formulate feasible marketing strategies according to market changes and development, and organize implementation and effective control; 5. Fully responsible for safety management, food hygiene, public security and safety, to ensure the personal and property safety of guests and employees; 6. Daily communication and coordination with the company and franchisee owners to ensure smooth and effective information; 7. Responsible for maintaining the external relationship of the hotel, paying special attention to the reception of important guests, shaping a good internal and external image; 8. Care about the thoughts and life of employees, and constantly improve the working conditions of employees; 9. Complete other tasks assigned by the company. Job Requirements: 1. More than 3 years of hotel management experience, more than 2 years of Hotel Manager experience, have worked in opening preparation is preferred. 2. College degree or above, we will lower the education background requirements if the candidate has an excellent ability. 3. Have a good sense of service, strong team management, communication and coordination ability and deal with emergencies. Project location: Linglong Bay, Qiandao Lake, Hangzhou Job benefits: quality accommodation, social insurance and housing fund, performance bonus, paid annual leaves, regular physical examination, employee travel, holiday benefits.
岗位介绍 1.全面负责酒店的经营管理,领导各部门员工完成酒店的各项计划目标; 2.围绕公司下达的利润指标和各项工作,编制酒店的预算和决算,严格控制经营成本; 3.负责酒店团队的建立,提高整个酒店的服务质量和员工素质; 4.根据市场变化和发展,制定切实可行的市场营销工作策略,并组织实施和有效控制; 5.全面负责安全管理,抓好食品卫生、治安安全等工作,确保客人和员工的人身、财产安全; 6.与公司、加盟业主进行日常的沟通协调工作,确保信息畅通、有效; 7.负责维护好酒店的外围关系,抓好重要客人的接待工作,塑造良好的内、外部形象; 8.关心员工思想和生活,不断改善员工的工作条件; 9.完成公司交办的其他工作。 Position Introduction 1. Fully responsible for the operation and management of the hotel, leading the staff of all departments to complete the hotel's plans and objectives; 2. Prepared the budget and final accounts of the hotel based on the profit targets and various works issued by the company, and strictly controlled operating costs; 3. Responsible for the establishment of the hotel team, improve the service quality and staff quality of the hotel; 4. Formulate feasible marketing strategies according to market changes and development, and organize implementation and effective control; 5. Fully responsible for safety management, food hygiene, public security and safety, to ensure the personal and property safety of guests and employees; 6. Daily communication and coordination with the company and franchisee owners to ensure smooth and effective information; 7. Responsible for maintaining the external relationship of the hotel, paying special attention to the reception of important guests, shaping a good internal and external image; 8. Care about the thoughts and life of employees, and constantly improve the working conditions of employees; 9. Complete other tasks assigned by the company.
域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about local wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
域景国际贸易(上海)有限公司是专注于大中华区的高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒品牌代理商、专业进口商、供应商,品牌运营商。为大中华区追求高品质生活的消费人群提供高级烈酒与精品葡萄酒产品和专业服务方案。 域景洋酒致力于与海外独立精品蒸馏厂和历史悠久的家族酒庄合作,每款酒都有自己独特的个性:AERO WHISKY 百代奇.艾尔岛丹麦威士忌,选用有机大麦酿造;BROKEN BONES 宝时蒸馏厂,精选本地香草植物蒸馏斯洛文尼亚本土特色杜松子酒与烈酒;BROKEN BONES WHISKY 宝时威士忌,入选Jim Murry <Whisky Bible 2023>;J.J. CORRY 获多利.吉宝爱尔兰威士忌, 爱尔兰威士忌风味博物馆;KILLOWEN 获多利.凯乐门爱尔兰威士忌,坚持爱尔兰古老的单一壶式蒸馏,手工小批量酿造;NAVY ISLAND 朗涛富时.来威岛牙买加朗姆酒,单一岛屿桶陈朗姆酒;TWO STACKS 获多利.双仕图爱尔兰威士忌,调配优质现代爱尔兰威士忌;1731 FINE & RARE 朗涛富时.1731朗姆酒,加勒比海与南美洲优质桶陈朗姆酒;PIENAAR & SON 宝利莱.父子蒸馏厂,用艺术与科学酿造现代风格优质烈酒;FATTORIA DI GRATENA 翠园酒庄,意大利托斯卡纳精品家族酒庄......我们很荣幸将这些优异的产品引进大中华区,与爱酒人士共享。 域景洋酒团队持续关注客户的体验,秉持热忱与专业精神,服务于大中华区多样化的渠道与客户,无论酒店、餐厅、俱乐部、酒吧、高端零售、批发商、商业团体、美酒爱好者、私人客户...... 职位要求: 1. 3年以上销售经验,有葡萄酒,洋酒或食品饮料行业销售经验及经销商管理经验者优先考虑 2. 对经销商及各类销售终端具备良好的管控与销售指导能力 3. 具备独立开拓市场的能力,善于发掘新客户,能熟练进行陌生拜访并与之建立商务关系 4. 具有良好的客户沟通能力,客情关系管理能力,及优秀的商务谈判技巧 5. 具有强烈的创业精神和团队合作精神,能敏锐捕捉潜在市场机会 6. 为人正直热情,积极进取,有较强的事业心,并能承受较大工作压力 7. 熟悉当地葡萄酒及洋酒市场,拥有一定行业资源和客户资源者优先 8. 有五星级酒店或高级西餐厅侍酒或调酒工作经验者优先 9. 较好的英文表达能力 Requirement: 1. 3 years + sales experience, especially in fine wine and spirits or food and beverage field and dealer management is preferred. 2. Capable in managing dealers and retailers and giving them guidance in sales activities 3. Strong ability in developing markets, skilled in identifying potential clients, paying visits to new clients and establish new business relationship 4. Good at communication with clients and customer relationship management and excellent business negotiation skills. 5. Strong entrepreneurial spirit and team-work spirit, be keen to identify potential market opportunities 6. Honest, enthusiastic, with proper ambition and able to work under great pressure 7. Knowledge about ***** wine and spirits market and with customers resource is preferred 8. Wine sales and service experience in premium restaurants and hotels is a plus 9. Good at English 主要职责: 1. 执行公司销售策略,高效高质完成公司制定的月度、季度、年度销售目标 2. 独立开发经销商客户、高级餐厅、星级酒店、高端会所、酒行、私人客户等各类销售渠道 3. 维护并管理与客户的良好商务关系,积极增加销售额 4. 执行和协调各项市场推广活动,并及时反馈活动信息 5. 为客户提供专业水准的销售服务,在与客户的商务中树立公司的高品质形象与良好信誉 6. 积极发现客户销售中的障碍,积极寻求解决方案,保持业务的持续畅通运行 7. 积极了解市场动态及行业信息,收集市场数据,预测市场趋势 8. 按时准确地向上级提交销售报告 Job Description: 1. Implement the company's sales strategy, and achieve the monthly, quarterly and annual sales targets set by the company in high standard 2. To identify and develop new business with diverse clients incl.new dealers, star hotels, restaurants, clubs, wine retailers, private customers... in the area, 3. Maintain the stable business relationship with clients and actively increase sales 4. Implement and coordinate various marketing activities, and provide feedback to the company on time 5. Provide professional products and sales service to customers, and establish the company's prestige and premium image in business with clients 6. Actively identity obstacles and difficulties in customer business on company’s products, look for solutions to ensure the smooth business running with clients. 7. Actively collect market information and data for market trends prediction 8. Reports sales to the management on time
职位职责: 1、负责电商短视频、图文等内容体裁的C端产品迭代,以提升成交转化和用户体验为目标,解决用户购买需求和痛点; 2、对接内容推荐、货架电商、行业运营等团队,满足用户需求的同时,共同做好对商家&达人创作者的需求满足; 3、通过数据和调研,挖掘各类角色的本质需求,通过定义问题、拆解问题、产品创新,长期提升业务规模和效率。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,有1-3年C端产品经验; 2、具备电商平台经验者优先,有内容产品经验优先; 3、具备良好的逻辑思维及创新精神,能够在复杂业务中识别关键问题,给到合理的解决方案; 4、具备良好的沟通能力和团队协调能力,有较强的抗压能力和高效工作能力,思维活跃,自我驱动。
职位职责: ByteIntern:面向2026届毕业生(2025年9月-2026年8月期间毕业),为符合岗位要求的同学提供转正机会。 团队介绍:风控产品负责字节跳动各产品线(抖音短视频、电商、直播、生活服务、用户增长、头条、西瓜、番茄等)风控工作的规划与执行,建设和输出相应能力,帮助业务提高安全风控水位,提升对抗和运营效率。日常工作包括但不限于业务问题对接、风险评估、策略分析、风控方案制定与推动、产品能力建设与应用等。 1、深入了解字节跳动各产品线反作弊业务,设计和规划相关产品策略体系,协调资源并推动相关团队高效完成目标; 2、完成平台需求分析和产品方案,收集整理具体业务遇到的各类作弊问题,通过数据分析挖掘用户行为动机,并给出解决方案; 3、跟进产品需求的设计、开发、测试和上线等环节并确保项目开发进度。 职位要求: 1、2026届本科及以上学历在读,计算机、信息安全、统计学、数学及相关专业优先; 2、英语熟练者优先,对各类作弊行为有感知,能够准确的描述和识别作弊特征; 3、熟练掌握SQL和Excel,具有数据分析相关经验; 4、良好的逻辑思维和数据敏感度,注重细节; 5、对新事物有较强的好奇心和钻研探索的自驱力; 6、能连续全职实习3个月以上。
职位职责: 1、参与制定跨境电商物流业务的预算,并日常进行趋势监控,问题定位,归因分析,协同运营团队进行方案输出和整改落地; 2、围绕跨境物流不同目的地国家及各物流环节的成本情况,向部门内提供成本分析洞察和决策建议,推动跨境物流运营成本持续节降; 3、支持物流业务团队的降本方案设计和落地,完成成本测算需求,管理降本项目优先级,复盘项目的实际降本达成; 4、评估物流运营的日常分单,配舱,引入及汰换服务商等,日常运营动作的成本影响,参与决策。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具备3年以上经营分析或财务BP或DA或物流解决方案相关经验; 2、有供应链或物流领域具体的项目经验,对跨境物流行业发展有深入的研究; 3、有良好的结构化思维,可以清晰的拆解业务规划,落地详细的数据分析; 4、有责任心和担当,好奇心强、富有洞察力,能够主动发现问题、探寻本质; 5、具备较强的沟通协调能力,抗压能力和出色的业务理解力。
职位职责: 1、参与制定跨境电商物流业务的预算,并日常进行趋势监控,问题定位,归因分析,协同运营团队进行方案输出和整改落地; 2、围绕跨境物流不同目的地国家及各物流环节的成本情况,向部门内提供成本分析洞察和决策建议,推动跨境物流运营成本持续节降; 3、支持物流业务团队的降本方案设计和落地,完成成本测算需求,管理降本项目优先级,复盘项目的实际降本达成; 4、评估物流运营的日常分单,配舱,引入及汰换服务商等,日常运营动作的成本影响,参与决策。 职位要求: 1、本科及以上学历,具备3年以上经营分析或财务BP或DA或物流解决方案相关经验; 2、有供应链或物流领域具体的项目经验,对跨境物流行业发展有深入的研究; 3、有良好的结构化思维,可以清晰的拆解业务规划,落地详细的数据分析; 4、有责任心和担当,好奇心强、富有洞察力,能够主动发现问题、探寻本质; 5、具备较强的沟通协调能力,抗压能力和出色的业务理解力。
职位职责: 1、负责健康行业广告客户的开拓与维护工作,完成既定品牌广告及效果广告销售目标,促进今日头条、抖音、西瓜视频、抖音火山版等公司产品的广告营收; 2、完成与客户沟通、谈判,建立与企业的深度合作关系; 3、完成公司安排的广告销售计划和目标。 职位要求: 1、热爱销售工作,具备良好的客户开拓和服务能力,以及建立良好的客户群体关系的能力; 2、掌握商务谈判、沟通及文字写作表达交流技巧,具有一定的市场洞察力和执行力; 3、性格开朗,抗压能力强,敢于面对挑战。
职位职责: ByteIntern:面向2026届毕业生(2025年9月-2026年8月期间毕业),为符合岗位要求的同学提供转正机会。 团队介绍:风控产品负责字节跳动各产品线(抖音短视频、电商、直播、生活服务、用户增长、头条、西瓜、番茄等)风控工作的规划与执行,建设和输出相应能力,帮助业务提高安全风控水位,提升对抗和运营效率。日常工作包括但不限于业务问题对接、风险评估、策略分析、风控方案制定与推动、产品能力建设与应用等。 1、深入了解字节跳动各产品线反作弊业务,设计和规划相关产品策略体系,协调资源并推动相关团队高效完成目标; 2、完成平台需求分析和产品方案,收集整理具体业务遇到的各类作弊问题,通过数据分析挖掘用户行为动机,并给出解决方案; 3、跟进产品需求的设计、开发、测试和上线等环节并确保项目开发进度。 职位要求: 1、2026届本科及以上学历在读,计算机、信息安全、统计学、数学及相关专业优先; 2、英语熟练者优先,对各类作弊行为有感知,能够准确的描述和识别作弊特征; 3、熟练掌握SQL和Excel,具有数据分析相关经验; 4、良好的逻辑思维和数据敏感度,注重细节; 5、对新事物有较强的好奇心和钻研探索的自驱力; 6、能连续全职实习3个月以上。
职位职责: ByteIntern:面向2026届毕业生(2025年9月-2026年8月期间毕业),为符合岗位要求的同学提供转正机会。 团队介绍:风控产品负责字节跳动各产品线(抖音短视频、电商、直播、生活服务、用户增长、头条、西瓜、番茄等)风控工作的规划与执行,建设和输出相应能力,帮助业务提高安全风控水位,提升对抗和运营效率。日常工作包括但不限于业务问题对接、风险评估、策略分析、风控方案制定与推动、产品能力建设与应用等。 1、深入了解字节跳动各产品线反作弊业务,设计和规划相关产品策略体系,协调资源并推动相关团队高效完成目标; 2、完成平台需求分析和产品方案,收集整理具体业务遇到的各类作弊问题,通过数据分析挖掘用户行为动机,并给出解决方案; 3、跟进产品需求的设计、开发、测试和上线等环节并确保项目开发进度。 职位要求: 1、2026届本科及以上学历在读,计算机、信息安全、统计学、数学及相关专业优先; 2、英语熟练者优先,对各类作弊行为有感知,能够准确的描述和识别作弊特征; 3、熟练掌握SQL和Excel,具有数据分析相关经验; 4、良好的逻辑思维和数据敏感度,注重细节; 5、对新事物有较强的好奇心和钻研探索的自驱力; 6、能连续全职实习3个月以上。