• 3k-6k 经验不限 / 不限
    硬件,电商 / 未融资 / 150-500人
    公司简介: 高州市品雅服饰是一家专注于无痕内衣OEM/FOB的企业,我们拥有专业的团队和先进的设备,致力于为客户提供高品质的产品。 职位描述: 1.负责将裤子折好,达到规定的尺寸和形状; 2.负责将裤子的骨架缝制好,保证产品的稳定性; 3.负责将车里布缝制到裤子上,保证产品的舒适度; 4.负责将三线车缝制到裤子上,保证产品的稳定性; 5.负责将上比胶缝制到裤子上,保证产品的形状和稳定性; 6.完成领导交代的其他相关工作。 职位要求: 1.熟悉缝纫机操作,不会也可以教学; 2.能熟练掌握各种缝纫技巧,如折裤脚、车里布、车三线、上比胶等; 3.工作细心,责任心强,能适应加班; 4.具有良好的团队合作精神,服从领导安排。 薪资待遇: 1.****,根据个人能力而定; 2.提供良好的工作环境和培训机会; 3.享受国家法定节假日; 4.全勤奖励,加班补贴,推荐奖励等福利待遇。 工作地点:高州市 有意者请将简历发送至邮箱:****************,或携带个人简历、身份证、相关证书到公司面试。 我们期待您的加入,共同创造美好的未来!
  • 北城包装厂 接受15天短期工 【年龄要求】:18-50岁 【工作时间】:8-20点 【薪资】:工资15/小时,11小时计薪 短期不满7天离职无工资 入职无费用 地址:北城卓骏彩印,商保70每月
  • 2k-4k 经验在校/应届 / 本科
    专业服务|咨询,软件服务|咨询,IT技术服务|咨询 / 未融资 / 少于15人
    Are you not afraid of challenges and growth? Would you like to switch careers, or know more about people, or just start something new all over again? We are offering you a 6 months internship program to grow yourself! Internship Description Once in a lifetime learning + experiencing opportunity! Our flagship Internship program is known to be one of the best in the market, with challenging tasks and international working environment. The quality of the knowledge and experiences to be available for learning here during this short period (six months) are truly topnotch and rare. Those inhouse training classes/teachings alone make over 500 hours. It’s like an intensive business training camp with the aim of advancing a young person into his/her next level. Recruitment is always the most interesting subject among all about the evolving and cunning humans. This program will also touch upon the concept of people management (above, below, side and external) that you will learn – something extremely useful for your career/life in the next twenty years, no matter which company or industry you will be at. However, this program will not give you every solution. Instead, we want you to develop your own capability of finding solutions. This capability to be developed will stay with you for a long time. In a realistic competitive world, problems by definition are often unprecedented. We want to prepare you for a most challenging world. Therefore, we will require you to bring up a lot of self-initiatives by yourself. Only a proactive participant will succeed in this challenging program. This is never meant to be easy – quite the opposite. The program comes with a low selection rate and a high satisfaction rate. Apply only if you are prepared to work hard and grow. This six‐month program challenges you to apply. Requirements 1. Passion/habit of studying people 2. You feel good making a positive difference on others 3. Happier to give than to take 4. A strong believer in teamwork 5. A hard-working person by nature 6. Proofs of good initiatives in the past 7. Proofs of being a fighter (not a quitter) in the past 8. Available at least 4 out of 5 whole working days per week for total six months 9. Current domicile in/near Shanghai 10. Confidently good English communications Benefits / Knowledge and skills you will get from this internship 1. The success formula of both small businesses as well as big MNCs winning in China 2. A complete recruitment business cycle from invitation to turning down to screening to testing to offering to integration to letting go 3. Differentiation of recruitment strategies and possibilities 4. Grow your own Guanxi (ie people connections) into a forest 5. Persuasion. Driving people do what they don’t usually do 6. Hearts reading. Discovering what a hiring manager truly wants 7. Database management, information capturing and improvement initiatives 8. Business presentation skills – both business and intimate 9. Administration exposure, routines like PDCA and many tasks and practices 10. Spotting a great fitting executive accurately, quickly and sharply 11. Professional recruitment processes and toolkits 12. Project management 13. An insignt into special business aspects of China 14. Participating one special business project, such as PR, litigation, consulting, best practice benchmarking and market research 15. And many more
  • 5k-6k 经验不限 / 不限
    其他 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    自到厂区面试办理入职,不收取任何服务费用。面试当天可安排住宿。 招聘要求:18-45岁,小纹身可以安排,本人银行卡,带磁身份证没过期. 工作内容:主要生产音响、喇叭、扬声器这一类的电子产品。简单容易上手无需工作经验。 工作环境:长白班,两班倒均有(各50%)。普通工衣,空调车间。 工资福利: 1,底薪2300元,加班按劳动法计算。月综合薪资5000-6500元。 2、考核系数:根据个人表现及车间绩效结果评定(1.0-1.1); 3、技能工资: A:多能工:根据员工的技能水平有30-210元的技能工资补贴; B:其他:根据员工的岗位及技能等级评估确定(50-1200元) 食宿条件:厂区有食堂,入职员工自己充饭卡,(公司自营食堂吃饭很便宜6-10元/餐),经济有困难工作满7天可以借支,住宿6-8人间,有空调,独立卫生间,冲凉房。 工厂福利:工厂每月每人免费提供三度电三吨水。超过平摊水电费。
  • 6k-11k 经验不限 / 大专
    企业服务 / D轮及以上 / 150-500人
    工作职责: 1、进行电话呼出,寻找可能需要招聘服务的企业,并提供免费试用服务,直至购买付费产品; 2、跟进付费企业的关键用户,提升满意度与体验感,并根据实际需要推荐增值类产品,或得到更多推荐的潜在客户; 3、与团队伙伴一起互相赋能,迭代话术,为提升电话呼出的效率,及降低被拒绝的几率; 4、有苏州、南京、上海、淮安、杭州、合肥、济南等城市大型制造/零售/服务企业资源者优先。 任职要求: 1、专科及以上学历、一年以上同类业务经验、普通话流利; 2、热爱电销、有明确的目标感、富有创意、擅于维护人脉关系; 3、具备客户服务意识, 敏锐的市场意识和解决问题的能力。 特殊优势: 1、 产出数据达标者(新增招聘岗位/免费转化付费),入职2个月后即可升任电销主管或转岗面销(KA客户经理); 2、 上下班时间机动,弹性工作时间,在任务完成的前提下不提倡加班; 3、 老板既温和又Nice,从不苛责,更不会PUA,高于市场行情10-20%的基本薪资; 4、 工作地点距离地铁口(汾湖路),楼层在4楼(电梯直达),园区内有汽车/电动车停车位。
  • 8k-10k·13薪 经验1年以下 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责京东自播运营,包括但不限于每场直播的内容和活动玩法策划,以及主播排班,物料道具对接等基础性运营工作 2、跟进每日直播数据,基于数据分析优化直播运营执行动作,提升直播数据 3、直播中跟进,对接主播/监播把控直播整体节奏,保证每场直播的质量 4、协助直播负责人进行活动复盘、竞品调研等工作 任职要求: 1、学历要求:本科及以上学历 2、行业经验要求:有1-2年电商直播运营经验,热爱美妆护肤行业,有内容营销/直播运营经验者优先 3、熟练运用word、excel、powerpoint等办公软件 4、良好的团队合作精神,学习能力,沟通及表达能力
  • 8k-10k·13薪 经验1年以下 / 本科
    企业服务 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    岗位职责: 1、负责抖音自播运营,包括但不限于每场直播的内容和活动玩法策划,以及主播排班,物料道具对接等基础性运营工作 2、跟进每日直播数据,基于数据分析优化直播运营执行动作,提升直播数据 3、直播中跟进,对接主播/监播把控直播整体节奏,保证每场直播的质量 4、协助直播负责人进行活动复盘、竞品调研等工作 任职要求: 1、学历要求:本科及以上学历 2、行业经验要求:有1-2年电商直播运营经验,热爱美妆护肤行业,有内容营销/抖音直播运营经验者优先 3、熟练运用word、excel、powerpoint等办公软件 4、良好的团队合作精神,学历能力,沟通及表达能力
  • 30k-60k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    内容资讯,短视频 / D轮及以上 / 2000人以上
    职位职责: CRM产品经理是一个面向内部的职位,通过与销售团队的紧密合作,建立CRM在全球范围内的最佳实践,推动销售和业务的增长。 凭借对CRM系统架构的专业知识,在快节奏的环境中,提供解决方案和可行性建议。并通过与开发团队合作,确保产品按时交付和满足内部销售团队的需求。您需要具备深入了解内部销售流程和业务需求的能力,以及卓越的项目管理和团队合作能力。 1、负责CRM相关产品的流程和功能设计,定义产品路线图,编写产品需求文档; 2、与内部销售团队紧密合作,收集和分析销售流程和业务需求; 3、管理产品开发的整个生命周期,包括项目计划、进度跟踪和风险管理; 4、与开发团队密切合作,确保产品按时交付,并满足高质量标准; 5、产品指标监控&分析,与相关团队合作快速识别问题以及产品功能连续迭代,追求产品关键指标的提升。 The Product Manager - CRM is an internal-facing role that works closely with the sales team to establish best practices for CRM usage globally, driving sales and business growth. Leveraging your expertise in CRM system architecture, you will provide solutions and feasibility recommendations in a fast-paced environment. Collaborating with the development team, you will ensure on-time delivery and meet the needs of the internal sales team. You will need to have a deep understanding of internal sales processes and business requirements, as well as excellent project management and teamwork skills. 1. Responsible for the process and functional design of CRM products, defining product roadmaps and writing product requirements documents; 2. Work closely with the internal sales team to gather and analyze sales processes and business requirements; 3. Manage the entire product development lifecycle, including project planning, progress tracking, and risk management; 4. Work closely with the development team to ensure products are delivered on time and meet high quality standards; 5. Monitor and analyze product indicators, work with relevant teams to quickly identify problems and continuously iterate product functions, and pursue the improvement of key product indicators. 职位要求: 1、本科以及以上学历,5年以To B产品工作经历,其中至少 2 年广告或 CRM 相关经验; 2、具有互联网内部销售管理经验,熟悉并了解端到端业务流程(线索到成单), 有大型商业化 CRM系统例如:Salesforce,Microsoft,Oracle,SAP相关CRM产品实施交付经验者为佳; 3、出色的沟通和表达能力,能够与不同的利益相关者进行有效的沟通,并推动决策; 4、对数据敏感,具有良好的逻辑思维能力和数据分析能力,善于利用数据分析和改善业务,有过主数据管理相关经验者为佳。 5、英语流利,能够进行英文文档的撰写和口头交流,有海外留学工作经历为佳。 1. Bachelor's degree or above, with more than 5 years of work experience in CRM or related B2B products; At least 2 years of advertising or CRM related experience. 2. Have experience in Internet internal sales management, familiar with and understand the end-to-end business process (lead to order). With experience in the implementation and delivery of large-scale commercial CRM systems such as Salesforce, Microsoft, Oracle, and SAP are preferred; 3. Excellent communication and presentation skills, able to effectively communicate with different stakeholders and drive decision-making; 4. Data-sensitive, with strong logical thinking and data analysis skills, adept at using data analysis to improve business; 5. Fluent in English, able to write and communicate orally in English. Overseas study or work experience is preferred.
  • 12k-15k 经验1年以下 / 本科
    文化传媒 / 不需要融资 / 15-50人
    [Job Description]: We are seeking a Digital Producer to join our team in Beijing and oversee the successful delivery of digital projects around China. Your mission will be to work closely with the digital production team located in Shanghai, ensuring the successful delivery of projects within strict deadlines. Your technical skills and understanding of the digital world will be key to success in guiding stakeholders, especially the client, through a rigorous project timeline. [Key Responsibilities]: 1. Manage end to end digital production process for interactive experiences and multimedia content. 2. Coordinate with the digital, creative, developers, and stakeholders to ensure project requirements are met. 3. Create and maintain project timelines, budgets, and resource allocation plans. 4. Monitor quality control throughout production phases. 5. Lead production meetings and provide regular status updates to stakeholders. 6. Proactively report back to the executive producer. [Soft Skills]: 1.Strong knowledge of digital production workflows and technologies. 2.Experience with interactive media. 3.Excellent communication and team leadership abilities. 4.Proficiency in project management tools and methodologies. [Technical Skills Qualifications]: 1. Strong knowledge in Google Suite and project management tools (Ganttchart). 2. Good Understanding of Web Technologies. 3. Familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 4. Awareness of CMS platforms (e.g., WordPress, Drupal) or web frameworks. [Design Tools]: 1. Proficiency in design and prototyping tools like Figma, Adobe XD, or Sketch. 2. Basic knowledge of image editing tools like Photoshop or Canva. 3. Project Management Tools. 4. Proficiency using Gantt Chart, Trello, Miro and/or LucidChart. 5. Desired Qualifications. 6. Native Chinese speaker required. 7. 1 year experience in digital production or project management 8. Bachelor's degree in Digital Media, Production Management, or related field About Imagination: Imagination is a global experiential agency, operating with a single-minded belief that any brand is not built around what you say – it is in the memories and experiences co-created with its customers. A great experience does not focus exclusively on above or below the line, nor online to offline executions. Great experiences encourage people to engage with brands in a context that is relevant and timely to them – truly placing them in the center of it all. We believe a collaborative, creative, and pro-active culture of great thinkers is paramount to success. Always willing to go above and beyond to deliver joy to people interacting with our work, while delivering groundbreaking and excellent work for our clients. We are firm believers that a title and expected delivery does not define someone. Collaboration is key to our team’s success, pooling together our various expertise and experiences from all walks of life. Be creative. Be quizzical. Be quirky. Spark joy in the hearts of many. Be you. www.imagination.com
  • 25k-45k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    软件服务|咨询 / B轮 / 150-500人
    Your Mission: This role plays a crucial function within AfterShip's global Customer Success team, reporting to the Head of Customer Success (APAC). Occasional collaboration with the global team in Australia, Europe, North America, Greater China or Southeast Asia, may require flexibility in work hours to accommodate meetings or tasks. What You’ll Do: 1. Manage a portfolio of existing accounts by maintaining engagement and utilizing value-based account management techniques for retention and growth; 2. Lead the onboarding process for new clients alongside the Technical Account Manager for implementation; and serve as the initial point of contact for escalated technical issues, ensuring swift resolution by liaising with appropriate teams; 3. Conduct regular business review meetings (weekly/monthly/quarterly, as needed) with C-level executives to incorporate account performance metrics, industry insights, best practices for customers, and identification of areas for improvement and growth opportunities; 4. Act as a trusted advisor to clients, ensuring they derive maximum value from AfterShip's services, and sharing best practices and new product features with customers while providing feedback to the product team; 5. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the AfterShip platform to effectively communicate its features to users at all levels within client organizations; 6. Collaborate cross-functionally with global teams across various time zones to address bottlenecks and ensure customer success; 7. Be responsible for meeting dollar retention and expansion KPIs; drive growth of AfterShip's client base and revenue in the assigned markets. Who We're Looking For: 1. At least 1 year of experience in customer-facing roles in sales/business development/account management/customer success, with a proven track record of consistently delivering great results; 2. Strong interpersonal skills and professional demeanor, capable of articulating technical solutions in simple terms; 3. Ability to manage complex projects and collaborate with multiple internal and external stakeholders; 4. Exceptional executive-level interpersonal, project management, communication, and problem-solving abilities; 5. Proficiency in English is required; proficiency in Cantonese or other languages like Japanese or French is a plus. Preferred Qualifications: 1. Related working experience in eCommerce/FMCG/Brand Retail/SaaS/Advertising/consulting Industry; 2. Thorough knowledge of the overseas e-commerce ecosystem and APAC online retail community; 3. Overseas working experience or work in an international team with global time zones. Why You Should Join Us: 1. Emerging Industry and Steady Business Growth: We operate in the global eCommerce SaaS sector, supported by leading international investment institutions. Our team is continuously expanding, and we have experienced consistent growth in both our business scale and revenue since our inception. 2. Career Growth: We are dedicated to your professional growth. With tailored mentorship, study fund, and opportunities for advancement, your next career chapter begins here. 3. Diverse Culture: Our team consists of members from over 20 regions worldwide. We celebrate diversity and inclusivity, and we honor each individual’s unique background. 4. Fun and Engaging Atmosphere: Enjoy a workplace that recognizes accomplishments and fosters a strong sense of community. With engaging team-building activities, we work hard and play hard! 5. Geek Working Environment: We foster a culture of geek, with over 60% of our team dedicated to research and development. You will have the opportunity to leverage cutting-edge AI technology and agile tools in your work.
  • 30k-40k 经验5-10年 / 本科
    营销服务|咨询 / B轮 / 50-150人
    Partner Manager, Exchange WHO WE ARE: Liftoff is the leading growth acceleration platform for the mobile industry, helping advertisers, publishers, game developers and programmatic buyers scale revenue growth with solutions to market and monetize mobile apps. Liftoff’s solutions, including Accelerate, Direct, Influence, Monetize, Intelligence, and Vungle Exchange, support over 6,600 mobile businesses across 74 countries in sectors such as gaming, social, finance, ecommerce, and entertainment. Founded in 2012 and headquartered in Redwood City, CA, Liftoff has a diverse, global presence. We are looking for a highly skilled and motivated Programmatic Partner Manager to join our rapidly growing Vungle Exchange team. Vungle Exchange provides buyers the programmatic reach to engage high-quality users in their favorite mobile apps at the right time with a premium ad experience. The programmatic team manages hundreds of buyer relationships across the world, and you will be responsible for managing a revenue stream across both a new and existing book of programmatic partners across APAC. The role will work closely with exchange clients to strengthen existing relationships and seek opportunities to scale the account by identifying cross-sell and up-sell opportunities on the Vungle Exchange. In addition, the Programmatic Partner Manager will also be responsible for sourcing new exchange partners, onboarding them through our processes, and ultimately working with them to scale growth on our Vungle Exchange. Each facet of the process involves multiple cross-functional stakeholders. Responsibilities - Forecast revenue and manage a pipeline of potential and current business - Develop strong relationships with our key accounts across APAC, with an emphasis on China - Work closely with internal teams (Legal, Finance, Ops, Product) to structure deals that maximize revenue for all constituents - Synthesize customer feedback and help inform the product roadmap - Attend industry events to evangelize Vungle Exchange and our technology - Understand your clients strategic goals and develop plans to partner on these goals - Identify and close strategic up-selling and cross-selling opportunities by understanding core client business and product needs - Prepare and execute on customer success plans - Introduce new features and best practices to customers - Drive a full sales cycle pipeline: building pipelines, pitching, and closing business Requirements - Bachelor degree and 5+ years experience, with client facing experience - Ability to travel up to 25% around China for in-person client meetings (once time permits) - An entrepreneurial and ambitious self-starter who thrives in a fast-paced environment. - A relationship builder with the ability to build meaningful connections with clients. - Comfortable working independently as well as part of a team - Ability to tell a story with data; A strong understanding of data analysis and visualization. Prior experience with Rill, Looker or Excel preferred. - Effective communicator - Experience in the tech industry—mobile, gaming, ad tech, e-commerce or consulting are a strong plus - Clear understanding of Programmatic Advertising - Strong client facing experience in adtech or a similar industry - High level of attention to detail and excellent organizational skills - Business level English and Mandarin proficiency required.
  • 18k-30k 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,游戏 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人
    职位描述: 1、负责游戏英语本地化工作,优化游戏文字内容及语法,使其符合本地用户的阅读习惯。 2、跟踪游戏版本的迭代更新,对游戏更新内容进行本地化,并参与部分产品内容的设计工作。 3、计划和管理本地化日程,与研发和运营团队沟通需求和本地化时间点。 4、配合市场和运营部门工作撰写广告文案,优化和修正客服部分的回复模板,负责社区活动的文字翻译和优化。 5、配合其他部门或者上级的一些临时工作需求。 Responsibilities: 1. Provide high-quality in-game *****ization for ***** people. 2. *****ize the game content for every update after the game release as well as responsible for some of the in-game design in every update. 3. Plan and manage *****ization schedules, collaborating with Development team and Operation team to define requirements and timelines 4. Responsible for writing and optimizing the events in ***** community platforms. Also responsible for optimizing customer service FAQ and templates. 5. Collaborate with Marketing and Operation team for writing advertisements. 6. Collaborate with other teams or leaders for the urgent tasks. Requirements: 1. Native speaker only. 2. Excellent *****ization skills. Have your own opinions of game *****ization. 3. Experience of *****ization especially in mobile game industry. 4. Love games. Candidates with gaming experience are preferred. 5. Enthusiastic and good at team work.
  • 5k-10k 经验不限 / 大专
    消费生活、其他 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作内容: 1、维护好客户的客情,对来访客户礼貌并热情招待; 2、保持好体验店的门店形象,保持好个人形象管理和店内环境; 3、协助负责可雅品鉴馆的日常运营和维护,协助进行营销活动开展及产品销售。 岗位要求: 1、形象好、气质佳、具备较强学习能力; 2、热情、有进取心、积极向上; 3、有相关工作经历优先。
  • 3k-6k 经验不限 / 不限
    广告营销,工具 / 未融资 / 15-50人
    工作内容:1.通过电话进行金融产品的销售与推广 2.解答客户关于金融产品的咨询,提升客户满意度 3. 维护客户关系,促进业务持续增长 每月薪资: 3500+提成 职位福利:双休,每周固定休息,不加班,到点就走,节假日正常放假,高提成工作 有节假日福利,不定期聚餐,团建 学历要求:无 工作年限:无 工作地址:陕西省西安市雁塔区赢园雅筑 报名方式:请直接投递简历报名或来电咨询报名。
  • 7k-12k 经验不限 / 不限
    物流|运输 / 未融资 / 50-150人
    免费配车,免费配车,免费配车0投入,无需押金 广州区域内接单,平台自动派单。 流水500+每天,综合收入10000左右。流水提现到银行卡支付宝.