• 企业服务,工具 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    1、在项目经理指导下完成ERP财务软件的实施部署工作,负责全面预算、财务报表和财务共享ERP财务软件的业务方案确定、系统配置、上线使用及客户培训等; 2、为客户提供日常业务支持和流程管理咨询服务,帮助客户改进业务流程; 3、收集客户在使用过程中的问题及新需求,能够做初步分析并提交给产品研发人员完善产品。 职位要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,财务、会计、计算机、信息管理等相关专业,掌握合并财务报表、全面预算等财务知识; 2、从事过软件开发实施工作,2-5年实施工作经验,具备财务知识,了解财务共享相关内容; 3、拥有全面预算、财务报表、财务共享中心ERP软件实施工作经验的优先考虑; 4、敬业、学习能力强、能够承受压力、团队合作意识强、良好的沟通和协调能力、能适应长期出差。 5、在成都地区居住、工作的优先考虑。
  • 企业服务,工具 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    1、负责企业ERP财务软件在全面预算、财务报表领域的实施工作,包含项目整体规划以及项目实施进度控制等; 2、能够指导和管理ERP实施顾问完成ERP财务软件在全面预算、财务报表领域的实施部署工作,包括ERP财务软件的业务方案确定、系统配置、上线使用及客户培训等; 3、为客户提供日常业务支持和流程管理咨询服务,帮助客户改进业务流程; 4、收集客户在使用过程中的问题及新需求,能够做初步分析并提交给产品研发人员完善产品。 职位要求: 1、大学本科及以上学历,财务、会计、计算机、信息管理等相关专业,掌握合并财务报表、全面预算等财务知识; 2、从事过软件开发或实施工作,具备较丰富的财务知识,对财务领域由其是全面预算领域的业务流程、管理思想、软件厂商、软件功能特性有初步了解; 3、需拥有全面预算、财务报表领域ERP财务软件(如用友、金蝶、浪潮等)实施的经验。 4、敬业、学习能力强、能够承受压力、团队合作意识强、良好的沟通和协调能力、能适应长期出差; 5、具备一定的管理经验,带过小型或中型团队,拥有PMP等资质的优先考虑。
  • 企业服务,工具 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作内容 1、负责公司ERP供应链/生产制造/成本/项目方向的实施交付,供应链不限于生产、制造、物流、库存、采购、营销等供应链领域; 2、负责现状调研、需求收集、项目方案蓝图设计、专题设计、实施方案的规划和编写; 3、负责系统配置、系统测试、培训文档及用户手册撰写及上线运维等支持工作; 4、负责用户培训工作及知识转移; 5、负责项目现场问题的跟进和解决; 6、上线的其他工作。 任职要求 1、1年以上erp项目相关模块实施经验,2年以上生产制造类ERP项目实施经验者优先优先; 2、大学本科以上学历,强相关专业优先; 3、供应链实施顾问应熟悉供应链标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,熟悉进销存业务,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 4、生产制造实施顾问应至少熟悉生产执行、生产计划、BOM管理、工艺管理、生产成本管理等任一模块标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 5、生产成本实施顾问应熟悉企业成本管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 6、项目管理实施顾问应熟悉企业项目管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 7、对金蝶、用友、浪潮、SAP等软件厂商的产品有较深入的应用经验者优先; 8、责任心强,能接受项目出差,工作积极主动,具备良好的沟通协调和解决问题能力,能够承受较强的工作压力。
  • 企业服务,工具 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作内容 1、负责公司ERP供应链/生产制造/成本/项目方向的实施交付,供应链不限于生产、制造、物流、库存、采购、营销等供应链领域; 2、负责现状调研、需求收集、项目方案蓝图设计、专题设计、实施方案的规划和编写; 3、负责系统配置、系统测试、培训文档及用户手册撰写及上线运维等支持工作; 4、负责用户培训工作及知识转移; 5、负责项目现场问题的跟进和解决; 6、上线的其他工作。 任职要求 1、1年以上erp项目相关模块实施经验,2年以上生产制造类ERP项目实施经验者优先优先; 2、大学本科以上学历,强相关专业优先; 3、供应链实施顾问应熟悉供应链标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,熟悉进销存业务,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 4、生产制造实施顾问应至少熟悉生产执行、生产计划、BOM管理、工艺管理、生产成本管理等任一模块标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 5、生产成本实施顾问应熟悉企业成本管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 6、项目管理实施顾问应熟悉企业项目管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 7、对金蝶、用友、浪潮、SAP等软件厂商的产品有较深入的应用经验者优先; 8、责任心强,能接受项目出差,工作积极主动,具备良好的沟通协调和解决问题能力,能够承受较强的工作压力。
  • 企业服务,工具 / 上市公司 / 2000人以上
    工作内容 1、负责公司ERP供应链/生产制造/成本/项目方向的实施交付,供应链不限于生产、制造、物流、库存、采购、营销等供应链领域; 2、负责现状调研、需求收集、项目方案蓝图设计、专题设计、实施方案的规划和编写; 3、负责系统配置、系统测试、培训文档及用户手册撰写及上线运维等支持工作; 4、负责用户培训工作及知识转移; 5、负责项目现场问题的跟进和解决; 6、上线的其他工作。 任职要求 1、1年以上erp项目相关模块实施经验,2年以上生产制造类ERP项目实施经验者优先优先; 2、大学本科以上学历,强相关专业优先; 3、供应链实施顾问应熟悉供应链标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,熟悉进销存业务,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 4、生产制造实施顾问应至少熟悉生产执行、生产计划、BOM管理、工艺管理、生产成本管理等任一模块标准管理流程、erp系统操作与后台配置等,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 5、生产成本实施顾问应熟悉企业成本管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 6、项目管理实施顾问应熟悉企业项目管理标准流程、erp系统操作与后台配置,具备较强的解决方案输出和项目实施能力; 7、对金蝶、用友、浪潮、SAP等软件厂商的产品有较深入的应用经验者优先; 8、责任心强,能接受项目出差,工作积极主动,具备良好的沟通协调和解决问题能力,能够承受较强的工作压力。
  • 7k-12k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    Job descriptions and responsibilities: Work closely with ***** and remote IT teams to assess technical and operational requirements of business solutions Perform system administration, technical support and ensure compliance with security controls Develop technical documentation to accurately represent infrastructure design and process Create/perform testing (regression, functionality, performance, etc.) Responsible for system performance management. "与本地和远程 IT 团队密切合作,评估业务解决方案的技术和运营要求 执行系统管理、技术支持并确保符合安全控制 开发技术文档以准确表示基础架构设计和流程 创建/执行测试(回归、功能、性能等) 负责系统性能管理。" Requirements: Bachelor degree or above in computer science More than 1 years of practical work experience in Windows server operation and maintenance Proficient in Windows Server operating system Experience in Mongo DB is preferred Strong analytical, problem solving and communication skills; strong business sense and good business writing skills Ability to maintain effective communication and good relationships with other team members Basic English writing and expression skills "计算机科学本科及以上学历 1年以上Windows服务器运维实际工作经验 精通视窗服务器操作系统 有蒙戈DB经验者优先 较强的分析、解决问题和沟通能力;较强的商业意识和良好的商务写作能力 能够与其他团队成员保持有效的沟通和良好的关系 基本的英语写作和表达能力"
  • 7k-14k·13薪 经验1-3年 / 本科
    金融,数据服务 / 不需要融资 / 2000人以上
    岗位职责: · 用户帐户管理和用户访问权限管理; · 通过远程访问维护、支持和解决服务器、硬件、软件使用相关问题; · 支持服务器安全、杀毒、DLP等相关工作以保障服务器处于安全状态; · 处理来自终端用户的IT请求,如创建邮件组,文件夹的创建和访问管理,Office软件的使用和问题解决,创建共享邮箱等; · 配合公司IT部门一起管理服务中心的IT系统运作,确保稳定可靠运行; · 支持员工在OS, MS Office, Zoom等软件的使用。 任职资格: · 本科及以上学历,计算机专业优先,具有客户服务行业相关工作经验、技术支持相关经验者优先; · 有使用远程控制软件(如Workspace One, Teamviewer等)为用户解决终端安全问题经验; · 有解决终端安全软件问题相关经验,了解不同安全软件用途(如 Digital Guardian, Thycotic Application Control, Cylance PROTECT, Microsoft Defender等); · 拥有微软活动目录知识及操作经验,会创建活动目录组以及管理用户; · 拥有良好的Office软件技能,会使用Excel基本函数; · 会使用主流的虚拟会议软件(如:Teams, Zoom),能够帮助用户解决软件链接和使用的问题; · 良好的中英文读写能力。需要使用英文和用户电话沟通并解决问题。
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Day-to-Day Responsibilities As a Full Stack Engineer, you will be responsible for the following activities: ● Understanding logical architectures for web applications using best practice design principles ● Actively participating in daily team stand-ups, workshops, and online technical forums. ● Applying software development process guidelines to prepare design documentation. ● Utilizing CI/CD workflows using build and release automation. ● Application development based on screens, documented requirements, and user stories ● Assisting with third level support by driving the resolution of application defects and supporting a response to major application incidents. ● Leading the development of web applications with the support of a small ~ medium development team (for lead roles). ● Coaching other developers and sharing your knowledge and expertise within the team. Skills and Experience ● Ideally 6 to 9 years of relevant experience. ● Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Engineering or other technical discipline (BE, BTech, MCA). The ideal candidate has experience in the following areas: ● Experience designing and developing applications using Asp.net MVC and Asp.net Core MVC. ● Experience designing and developing SPA web applications, for example: Express (Node.Js), React.Js, CSS3, HTML5. ● Experience developing middleware, integration and messaging systems using REST APIs and popular message bus platforms (e.g. RabbitMQ, Azure Service Bus). ● Experience in relational database design and developing stored procedures, db components using PostgreSQL or Microsoft SQL and applying Microsoft core data frameworks (EF, ADO.Net etc) to use different databases. ● Strong understanding of applying software development patterns: MVC, MVVM; Web development patterns, Object-oriented programming principles. ● As a full stack developer, ability to apply your skills on the front end, middleware and backend as well. ● Strong understanding of event-driven, asynchronous programming concepts and best practice application design principles. ● Understanding of continuous integration and continuous deployment. ● Exceptional problem-solving and critical thinking skills, an analytical mindset and outstanding attention to detail. ● Ability to work efficiently with remote teams using collaboration technology. ● Ability to identify issues and solve complex problems as part of a team. ● Ability to lead small development teams and foster strong working relationships. ● Ability to work under pressure and meet demanding deadlines. ● Good written and verbal communication skills. ● A proactive approach to resolving problems. Ideally, you will also have: ● Experience with microservices architectures and containerisation using Docker. ● Experience designing, developing and automating unit tests. ● Strong understanding of source code version control, including the use of Git repositories. ● Experience working on projects that follow an Agile Scrum methodology. ● Strong awareness of system development life cycles (SDLC). ● Add ● Experience with data visualization tools a plus. ● Experience integrating/embedding Power BI into a web application
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Builds software applications by following coding standards, builds appropriate unit tests, integration tests and deployment scripts . Assists in defining software architectures – Collaborates with leads to explore existing systems, determines areas of complexity, potential risks to successful implementation, learns the applications capabilities . Translates designs and style guides provided by the UI/UX team into functional user interfaces, ensuring cross browser compatibility and performance . Communicates continually with the client and project teams – Explains progress on the development effort . Assist PM to delivery projects on time, within planned budget and required quality level. Prepare staffing plan & allotment of resources . Owns success – Takes responsibility for successful delivery of the solutions . Contributes to continual improvement by suggesting improvements to user interface, software architecture or new technologies . Job Requirements: Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Information Technology or related area (equivalent work experience will be considered) . Above 3 years’ experience developing business applications in a full software development life cycle environment using web technologies . Solid experience with node.js, react,Javascript, HTML5, CSS3, Sass, Bootstrap,JQuery, AngularJS2/React and XML web service intergration . Experience with relational databases such as Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 or other open source databases . Excellent written and verbal communication skills . Demonstrates excellent interpersonal skills to balance requirements, manage expectations, and drive effective results . Proactive attitude, ability to work independently and a desire to continuously learn new skills and technology .
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    China Project(accept travel)-国内出差项目 SAP ABAP/SD/MDG/MDM Job Description: We are currently looking for individuals with strong ERP related skill and experience to provide SAP ERP professional service to our client including: • ERP strategy service: ERP product selection, ERP vendor selection, ERP project assurance, ERP project preparation and planning; • ERP system post implementation access and controls review and optimization; • ERP project management office service; • Implementation and advisory service (including functional and technical design and implementation) of SAP ERP (including FICO, SD and MM etc.). Requirements: • Bachelor Degree holder preferably in Finance Management, Accounting, Management Information System or similar qualifications, e,g; ACCA,CIMA,CMA; • 8+ (For Senior Manager ) 6+ (For Manager ) 3+ (For Senior Associate) years of relevant experience as a planning manager, business analyst, solution architect, or other consultant-like roles working in management consulting firms, Accenture, IBM, Big 4 consulting firms is preferred, or any large complex organization; • Experience in project management, system requirement study, design and implementation of SAP ERP (including FICO, SD and MM, etc.); • Strong fluency in information technology concepts in the areas of systems development, change management, computer operations and access to programs and data; ability to identify and assess business requirement and linkage to IT systems; • Proficiency in written and spoken English and Chinese (Mandarin) is essential.
  • 30k-40k·13薪 经验10年以上 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Summary Job Description ●Bachelor's degree or above in Computer Science, Software Engineering or similar. ●At least 10 years of experience including min 5+ years in managing large programs in the testing area. ●Expertise in managing multi country testing engagements – thorough knowledge of SDLC life cycle ●Agile based project execution is an added advantage. ●Expertise in testing topics - test strategy, planning, design, test data, environment, quality gates, types of testing, reporting, metrics, tools and best practices including QA for input and output deliverables. ●Able to adapt the strategy and operational plan according to evolving situations, resources, timelines and manage risks effectively. ●Able to assess the risks associated with deliverables and take steps to mitigate risks. ●Should be mature and a good team player as the roles involve interacting with multiple stakeholders. Background/Experience/Credentials ●Typically has over 10 years of relevant work experience, including both consulting and general industry experience. ●Bachelor degree preferred; advanced degree a plus or equivalent work experience and/or industry certification required. ●Strong in English communication and presentation. Able to join client meetings independently. ●Solid testing skills by mastering different types of testing, especially automation testing and performance testing. ●Automation testing expert. Familiar with mainstream automation testing tools for mobile, web and other types of applications. Ideally has good experience on Appium, Browerstack, Headspin, and Azure App Center. ●Strong experience in DevOps including managing testing using CICD. ●Agile expert. Familiar with various Agile approaches, such as Scrum, SAFe and Spotify. ●Strong experience in designing testing processes with Agile mindset for large delivery teams across multiple countries and companies, including applying various testing methodologies and tools. ●Experience in managing projects or small teams of professionals. ●Solid project management and implementation skills required. ●Strong analytical and communication skills required. ●Ideally familiar with Salesforce or other CRM products. ●Recognized internally for management or functional expertise in target industry and/or solution. Roles/Responsibilities ●Responsibilities may include: ●Leading testing force in large software delivery projects across multiple countries for large clients to ensure top level delivery quality in the software industry ●Design testing strategy and testing process for large Agile delivery team, and apply testing best practices and mainstream testing tools. ●Participating in recruiting and developing individual staff to build a talented and stable cadre of professional staff. ●Preparing performance appraisals, building career development plans and setting goals for his or her staff. ●Managing client expectations and continuing client relationships at all levels ●Participating in market analysis, including identification of new or follow-on opportunities and/or new markets; preparing marketing and/or capture plans; and qualifying specific opportunities. ●Leading preparation of qualification packages, managing proposal development, including project scoping, proposal approach, staffing plan, and pricing for small or medium size engagements. ●Supporting achievement of group’s Performance targets, through sound project execution, management of non-charge, business development, bid and proposal budgets, and management of staff utilization.
  • 20k-30k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Responsibilities: 1. Plan, conduct and monitor product development processes and deliverables audit to ensure the software product quality. 计划、执行和监控产品研发过程和交付物以确保软件产品的质量达到标准。 2. Deeply involved in project meetings and other activities to identify the project issues and risks. 深入项目团队和项目会议及其它项目活动中,帮助项目团队识别出问题和潜在的风险。 3. Collect and analyze the quality measurement data, identify the non-compliance issues to prepare the Project Quality Monthly Report. 收集和分析项目的质量度量数据,找出不符合项并撰写项目质量月报。 4. Work closely with cross functional teams to diagnose and resolve project problems. Develop, recommend and monitor corrective and preventive actions. 和跨职能团队紧密合作,诊断和解决项目的各种问题。制定可行的纠正和预防措施并监督执行效果。 5. As an instructor of the product development process, providing process/quality related training and guidance to the project members. 作为项目流程指导员,向项目成员提供产品研发过程和质量相关培训和指导。 6. Identify process and quality improvement needs and organize training interventions to meet organizational quality goals. 识别过程和质量的改进需求和机会,协助组织各类培训和实践活动以达到组织的质量目标。 Requirements: 1. BS+ in Computer Science with above 5 years product and quality management experience. 本科以上学历,计算机相关专业,5年以上从事产品研发和质量管理相关领域工作经验。 2. Solid experience in software engineering and familiar with full software lifecycle management especially in product development areas. 扎实的软件工程背景和经验,熟悉软件工程生命周期中各环节的知识,特别是产品研发领域的知识。 3. Familiar with the software product requirement, design, development, testing and release processes and project management tools. (e.g. Jira, Rally, PForce, Sonar, Jenkins, VSTS) 熟悉软件产品需求,设计,开发,测试,发布等运作流程以及项目管理工具(例如Jira, Rally, PForce, Sonar, Jenkins, VSTS等)。 4. Experienced in project management or quality management, especially in Agile and PMP. 具有一定的项目管理或质量管理经验,特别是敏捷开发和项目管理领域。 5. Solid communication skills in English (Oral & Written). 扎实的英语沟通和文案书写能力。 6. Familiarity with CMMI/Agile/DevOps is preferred. 有CMMI高成熟度评估经验和敏捷/DevOps实践经验者优先考虑。 7. Experience in software product manager and product owner is preferred. 有软件产品经理经验者优先考虑。 8. Familiar with data analysis and data modeling is preferred. 熟悉数据分析和数据建模者优先考虑。
  • 15k-30k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 不限
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    职责描述: 1、参与集团型企业SAP系统项目实施、推广;精通Fico/MDG/SD其中一项。 2、SAP相关项目的需求收集和分析、方案设计、系统实施、接口开发、系统测试、用户培训、上线推广及日常运维等工作; 3、与用户部门沟通,与相关业务系统负责团队沟通,协同公司其他应用系统的需求,负责详细需求分析,提出建设落地方案,落实自定义开发,系统调整和优化,利用PO系统进行接口对接与管理; 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机应用专业优先; 2、有FICO/MDG/SD其中一种项目实施经验,至少具有1个以上完整项目的实施经验; 3、了解ABAP语言,能熟练进行自定义开发和接口编写。
  • 15k-25k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Role & Responsibility: • Contribute to the project specific documentation. • Adhere to the quality process and guidelines. • Follow the coding standards and the project plan. • Support / coach junior team members in technical issues. Possible travel requirements. Requirements: • Bachelor degree in computer science or related discipline. • Minimum 5 years' experience in Software Development. • Technical expertise in Salesforce.com/Apex. • JavaScript / Html5 / CSS development skill is a plus. • Qualified written and spoken English skills. CET6 above is preferred. • Good communication, documentation and interpersonal skills. Positive, enthusiastic and self-motivated. • Good team-work spirit. Capabilities of upgrading/improving on the development process.
  • 18k-21k·13薪 经验3-5年 / 本科
    移动互联网,金融 / 未融资 / 500-2000人
    Responsibilities: Participate in the design and development of new and innovative tools and services for automating software delivery lifecycle. Be delivery oriented leveraging modern DevOps tools and environment (eg. kubernetes, containerized microservices) to produce high quality solutions. Create and maintain cloud-based solutions. Work with stakeholders including Product, Data and Design teams to assist with technical issues and support their infrastructure needs. Automate workflows and find areas to improve reliability of integrations.Utilize CI/CD tools such as Jenkins, pipelines, etc. Required: BS/MS degree in Computer Science / Engineering or related fields. 3+ years professional software programmer. Wide array of language skills (Python or Java at a minimum). 1+ years of experience with DevOps, software development or test automation. Strong ability to troubleshoot application issues in running cloud services and managing. container-based workloads and container orchestration using Kubernetes, etc. Expertise at Docker based container technologies. Experience using and maintaining production environments for various cloud platforms (Azure preferred). Excellent understanding of software development life cycle Good familiarity with AKS, Azure DevOps. Reasonable familiarity with Azure Insights or Prometheus/Grafana based monitoring system. Basic understanding of security aspects at cloud. Motivation to automate workflows for efficiency and repeatability. Experience with JIRA and Agile Scrum processes is a plus.