LG+DIsplay,乐金显示广州有限公司,是一家OLED彩电液晶面板生产公司。韩语翻译一职,主要负责生产线设备部门相关翻译,对于韩国技术人员和中国工作人员的沟通交流提供实时翻译支援+设备问题点、产线内中韩设备技术员、工程师对话翻译,相关资料整理翻译以及会议翻译。 【LG Display韩语翻译 QQ视频面试】 招聘岗位数:5~8名 招聘要求 :大专以上学历 韩语流畅,topik5级以上或朝鲜语/韩语母语者 能长期稳定者,有经验者优先 工作内容: 1.会议翻译、现场翻译、资料笔译 2.根据部门不同有白班,倒班可选 福利待遇: 1.根据加班时间,薪资为7000~12000不等 2.提供食宿(食堂菜色多样,韩餐、粤菜、湘菜、川菜;宿舍中央空调、洗衣机、热水器、饮水机、微波炉配备齐全),体育馆健身房等活动设施,水电全免 3.全勤,节日奖金 4.+免费医疗服务 5.+上下班免费通勤车和节假日购物班车 7.+工作每满半年,薪资均往上调整一次
1.负责Android平台LCD模块的底层软件开发 2.负责软硬件调试,定位和解决相关的软件故障 3.参与设计与研发与LCD相关新功能 4.负责手机产品的显示相关新功能新技术的预研 1.本科及以上学历,计算机通信相关专业 2.熟练掌握C/C++,了解java,具备一定的软件架构设计能力 3.熟悉Linux和Android架构,熟悉操作系统,具备硬件基础知识 4.2年以上嵌入式Linux或Android底层驱动开发工作经验 5.熟悉MIPI协议,有数字图像处理基础知识者优先 6.具有高通、MTK手机平台开发经验优先
35k-50k·13薪 经验5-10年 / 本科企业服务 / 未融资 / 50-150人岗位描述 · 跟踪业界与Graphics/Display相关的前沿技术的发展 · 制定相关Graphics/Display子技术领域的发展roadmap、针对相关部分制定技术方案、进行架构设计 · 完成相关技术领域的原型系统开发 岗位要求 · 国内外知名院校、计算机科学、信息科学、电子工程等相关专业统招硕士以上学历 · 精通OpenGL/ES、Vulkan · 精通Android OS Android OS(Kernel + HAL + Framework)中与GPU、Surface、Layer、WMS、SurfaceFlinger、HWCompose、VSync等Graphics相关模块的工作原理、设计思想和实现逻辑 · 熟悉Android OS操作系统、精通Android OS Native & HAL开发 · 8年以上Graphics 相关领域的开发经验 · 至少10年Java & C/C++的开发经验,5w+行有效代码
岗位职责:1、通过各种国内以及国际商务平台或其他渠道寻找、开发新客户;2、根据客户需求,进行报价,对付款方式、周期等合同细节进行洽谈;3、与客户进行日常往来沟通,建立良好的客户关系,促进业务合作;4、善于学习并完善业务技能;5、跟进每笔业务进度,及时汇报和处理突发情况。任职要求:1、大专及以上学历,专业不限(国际贸易,英语专业,市场营销等优先) 经验不限;2、对销售和市场拓展有着浓厚的兴趣,热爱销售工作;3、性格外向,具有较强的沟通表达能力、应变能力和商务谈判能力;4、熟悉互联网,良好的计算机应用技能; 5、良好的客户服务意识,较强营销策划能力;6、对待工作积极乐观,有团队协作精神; 7、党员优先录用,有LED行业销售工作经验优先。 深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司 Shenzhen De Run Sai Er Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd 深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司简称“德润赛尔”坐落于深圳市龙华区观澜街道大布巷布新路116号,是一家集LED发光二级管和LED电子显示屏产品开发、设计、生产和销售于一体的高科技企业。公司主要产品包括电子显示屏所用的高亮度LED发光二极管、LED照明亮化、LED太阳能,室内外和半户外LED高清节能单、双色、全彩显示屏,具体包括 LED显示传媒屏、广告屏、租赁屏、格栅屏、小间距LED屏、玻璃屏、球场屏、异形创意屏 、交通诱导屏、车载屏、滚动字幕屏,倒计时牌屏、车间管理看板屏、便携式透明工业参数及停车场全彩显示屏套件等电子大屏幕产品,以及显示屏所用的模组、压铸箱体、表贴、模组、单元板、点阵等。公司采用现代化的管理,生产面积近8000平方米。 产品质量是企业的生命,深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司从原材料采购到生产、安装、检测,每一部都按照ISO9001:2000国际质量控制流程严格控制,科学管理;产品通过了专业机构进行的ROHS、CCC、CE、FCC、ETL、IP67防尘防水测试、防太阳光炫目测试、电磁兼容测试、高低温测试、重金属含量测试等质量认证,确保每一个深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司产品出厂都稳定、可靠。部分产品都已通过了美国UL认证。 凭借产品的高可靠性、周全的服务以及价格优势,产品销售遍布中国33个省份和自治区中的400多个城市,拥有数千家客户,并与美国、德国、韩国、英国、西班牙、俄罗斯、以色列、印度、罗马尼亚、波兰、泰国、意大利等90多个国家的公司建立了良好的合作关系。 为客户提供一年的产品质量保障,终生维护,免费提供培训、安装图,并且定期检查出手的产品,只要一个电话,或者一封E-mail,深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司服务团队将竭诚地为您提供迅速专业的服务。 Shenzhen De Run Sai Er Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd, head quartered at No. 116, Buxin Road, Dabu Lane, Guanlan Town, Bao’an District, Shenzhen, is a high-tech pioneer which is focusing on researching and developing, manufacturing and marketing in Led display series and led lighting seies. The main products include LED, LED lights, LED solar and outdoor/indoor LED module, cabinet and LED display, etc. We are an LED company you can count on for its good quality and competitive pricing. Shenzhen De Run Sai Er Optoelectronics Co.,Ltd holds a total area of 8,000 squaremeters with modern management. 深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司是等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。深圳市德润赛尔光电有限公司的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。价格公道,品质优良,服务完美是我们对自己近乎苛刻的要求,欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。
This position is for our Hong Kong branch, and the work location is in Hong Kong. Once employed, the employee will sign a work contract with our Hong Kong company (Wareton and Company Technology Co. Limited) and will be bound by Hong Kong laws. Applicants need to hold a valid Hong Kong permanent resident ID card or a legal work visa (IANG, Talent, High-end Talent, or Dependant visa without work restrictions). The salary mentioned in the job description is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for on-site implementation of interactive display equipment for exhibition projects. 2. Proficient in basic software operation and system error troubleshooting, able to cooperate with remote engineers for on-site setup and troubleshooting. 3. Familiar with basic low-voltage engineering fault diagnosis methods, able to guide on-site workers to install and deploy equipment in an orderly manner. 4. Maintain communication with customers, coordinate project progress, and ensure timely completion of projects. 5. Able to travel frequently to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch office. Requirements: 1. Rich experience in interactive display equipment deployment projects. 2. Proficient in basic software operation and system error troubleshooting. 3. Familiar with basic low-voltage engineering fault diagnosis methods (those with an electrician license in mainland China or Hong Kong are preferred). 4. Good communication and expression skills, with English reading and writing ability, and excellent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Native speakers of Mandarin or Cantonese are preferred. 5. Able to travel frequently to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch office. Company Benefits: 1. Harmonious working environment and flexible working hours. 2. Employee supplementary medical insurance (outpatient, accident, hospitalization). 3. Special benefits for long-term service employees.
This position is for our Hong Kong branch, and the work location is in Hong Kong. Once employed, the employee will sign a work contract with our Hong Kong company (Wareton and Company Technology Co. Limited) and will be bound by Hong Kong laws. Applicants need to hold a valid Hong Kong permanent resident ID card or a legal work visa (IANG, Talent, High-end Talent, or Dependant visa without work restrictions). The salary mentioned in the job description is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the integration, testing, and debugging of interactive display systems. 2. Design and develop systems based on project manager's requirements analysis documents, ensuring system stability and reliability. 3. Provide necessary pre-sales technical consultant for project managers. 4. Collaborate with the development team in Guangzhou headquarters to ensure the smooth progress of projects. 5. Responsible for system maintenance and upgrades, timely resolution of system faults and issues. 6. Write technical documentation to record the system design, development, and maintenance process. Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above in computer science, electronic engineering, or related fields. 2. More than 3 years of experience in software and hardware system development and integration, familiar with common development tools and technologies. 3. Proficient in 2 or more of C++, assembly language, and Go, able to independently complete system development and debugging work. 4. Basic hardware design and debugging skills, familiar with common hardware interfaces and protocols. 5. Good communication skills, able to effectively communicate and coordinate with team members and clients. 6. English reading and writing ability, able to read and write technical documentation, and excellent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 7. Able to occasionally travel to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch, with strong teamwork spirit and adaptability. Company Benefits: 1. Harmonious working environment and flexible working hours. 2. Employee supplementary medical insurance (outpatient, accident, hospitalization). 3. Special benefits for long-term service employees.
Teaching Assistant – Lower Elementary School(cover 6 months)General: • Carry out tasks as requested by the classroom co-teachers • Support the grade level and Early Years team as requested by GLLs, PYPC, Deputy Principal and Principal of Early Years • Provide direct support for students in the classroom, single subject lessons, outdoor leaning spaces and when transitioning from different parts of the school as guided by classroom co-teachers and single subject teachers • Assist with the supervision of students • Support Afternoon Activities and After School Activities as required • Contribute positively to the classroom teaching team • Communicate effectively to other members of the classroom and EY teams • Agree to and comply with the WISS code of conduct Particular: • Support teachers in their instruction both in English and Chinese • Carry out administrative tasks as requested by members of the teaching team • Be responsive to the needs of students and the classroom as they arise • Ensure materials are ready and prepared as requested by teachers • Source online resources as requested • Help teachers to check student bags/folders as needed • Provide a safe and secure environment for all students • Set up and clear away resources within in the classroom and outdoor learning environment • Supervise students and communicate any concerns with the classroom team • Address issues with students in accordance with the essential agreement for the classroom, grade level or EY building as appropriate • Have the same expectations of student as the co-teachers in accordance with the essential agreements of the classroom • Assist students with additional toileting, showering, dressing and eating needs as needed • Document learning by taking photographs/videos as instructed by classroom teachers and single subject teachers • Support students with transitions within the school day • Escort students to bus lines, buses, pick-up locations and activity locations at the end of the school day • Attend single subject lessons with students and support learning engagements within the single subject learning environment as guided by single subject teachers • Refer parents to classroom teachers when engaging in conversations about the students • Display student work Qualifications and Experience Required The person appointed to this position is expected to have • English level of CET-4 or higher • Experience working with children in an Early Years setting The person appointed to this position is preferred to have these additional attributes • Teaching certificate • Bachelors Degree • Demonstrated proficiency in required technology
1、Display, Audio, Video, WIFI/BT,sensor经验 2、 有Android系统开发经验(HAL/Framework/kernel) 3、 有系统或MM领域的优化经验、或解决系统稳定性&系统优化问题的经验; 4、英文书面读写能力 面试流程:电话+笔试+现场
1、Display, Audio, Video, WIFI/BT,sensor经验 2、 有Android系统开发经验(HAL/Framework/kernel)、虚拟化开发经验、有auto虚拟机经验等; 3、 有系统或MM领域的优化经验、或解决系统稳定性&系统优化问题的经验; 4、英文书面读写能力 5、有较强的自我驱动能力,良好的表达能力,主动性的人
Display/Audio/Video (显示,屏幕/音频/视频) 子系统/框架/HAL(硬件抽象层),开发,优化,或者问题处理 手机,平板,电视,Android手表,车机企业等Android产品 1. 有Android系统开发经验(HAL/Framework/kernel)、虚拟化开发经验、有auto虚拟机经验等; 2. 有系统或MM领域的优化经验、或解决系统稳定性&系统优化问题的经验; 3. 可搭载一个window系统开发驱动经验; 4. 优先3~6年工作经验; 5. 英文书面读写能力,英语4级; 6. 有较强的自我驱动能力,良好的表达能力,主动性的人
岗位职责: 根据公司的产品营销规划,完成目标渠道的广告投放及优化,实现公司产品的营销目标,包括但不限于: 1、从0到1搭建Facebook/Google/Tiktok广告账户并进行有效的策略投放及优化; 2、熟悉主流广告平台的Search/ Display/ Shopping/ Remarketing/ YoutubeDSA/ Instagram/ TikTok等广告投放策略及广告优化策略; 3、根据公司的营销规划,输出广告投放及优化方案,并按时执行落地,确保广告投放目标的达成; 4、根据公司的营销规划和目标产品的卖点独自完成广告投放的素材策划及统筹输出; 5、负责公司产品营销项目及日常性广告的投放及优化,及时输出广告投放及优化报告。 岗位要求: 1、大专以上学历,英语听、读、写熟练,英文可以作为工作语言; 2、具备1年或以上专业的海外广告投放经验(Facebook),熟练掌握主流搜索引擎和社媒广告投放技巧,有产品营销项目的广告投放及优化实战经验; 3、具备一定的营销策划能力,能够根据产品的卖点独自完成广告素材和广告投放优化方案的输出及执行; 4、熟悉目标广告平台的广告投放规则和平台算法运营规则; 5、具备成本意识,能够在合理的预算范围内实现公司的广告投放收益; 6、具备强烈的项目时间进度意识,能够在项目时间节点及时上线及优化广告,确保营销项目的完成。
合适录用可以在深圳、广州、佛山、上海、北京、杭州、郑州、南昌、西安等地区重新设立办公地点,欢迎大家投递,薪资地点都可以谈。 岗位职责: 1、负责公司产品Google平台广告投放,操作广告投放、优化,针对不同产品定制广告投放机制和策略,分析广告数据并汇总经验。 2、根据广告的点击情况撰写和优化广告标题、广告描述、图片广告宣传语等,确保相关性,提高点击率。 3、通过对相关数据分析,不断优化方案、素材和推广效果,制定详细可执行的投放策略,为新的营销方案提供数据支持。 4、熟悉GoogleAdWords系统各种广告类型的操作,包含Display、Search、Remarketing、DSA及谷歌新广告类型等。 5、根据Googletrends、Semrush等工具或平台定期分析行业不同品类近期趋势词并做对应关键词及选品测款推广计划。 6、能够独立负责自建站的日常运营工作(包括产品上下架、文案编辑、产品推广、发布、信息更新),收集并分析市场信息,掌握市场动向,评估分析和维护产品关键词,制定推广计划。 任职要求: 1.大专及以上学历,有Google广告投放经验,熟悉并掌握各种广告类型的创建、优化技巧; 2.熟悉并掌握广告投放流程、搜索引擎竞价原理,熟悉产品类属性,能够根据渠道特效,找到精确推广方法; 3.擅长学习新的推广产品及深度研究,对市场敏感,熟悉主流渠道广告投放规则与优化逻辑; 4.具备较强的逻辑思维能力,数据分析能力以及学习能力,并能不断总结与调整广告方案。 福利待遇: 1.薪酬待遇:保障底薪+高提成,上不封底,另有年终奖金; 2.五险一金:入职即可购买; 3.节日慰问:红包/礼品少不了; 4.工作时间:9:30-18:30,单双休; 5.发展空间:提供广阔的发展平台和晋升空间,人性化的管理; 6.文娱生活:零食下午茶不断,不定期组织各种活动。
素质要求: 1. 大专及以上学历 2. 3年以上android系统开发经验 3. 熟练的C/C++语言开发能力 4. 对4G/wifi/Ethernet等功能有比较深的了解和开发能力 5. 有Android驱动(net/input/display/memory等模块)相关的移植和开发经验 6. 良好的开发文档整理能力 7. 良好的团队合作精神,独立的工作能力 岗位职责:(偏android kernel及hardware层) 1.Android 内核功能调试和优化 2.Android 系统优化及裁剪 3.基于公司产品,进行Android系统驱动移植和调试 4.根据客户及内部产品要求,对产品软件进行体验优化和定制功能开发
LG+DIsplay,乐金显示广州有限公司,是一家OLED彩电液晶面板生产公司。韩语翻译一职,主要负责生产线设备部门相关翻译,对于韩国技术人员和中国工作人员的沟通交流提供实时翻译支援+设备问题点、产线内中韩设备技术员、工程师对话翻译,相关资料整理翻译以及会议翻译。 【LG Display韩语翻译 QQ视频面试】 招聘岗位数:5~8名 招聘要求 :大专及以上,24届或25届应届生 韩语流畅,topik5级以上或韩语/朝鲜语母语者 能长期稳定者,有翻译经验者优先 工作内容: 1.会议翻译、现场翻译、资料笔译 2.根据部门不同有白班,倒班可选 福利待遇: 1.根据加班时间,薪资为5000~7000不等 2.提供食宿(食堂菜色多样,韩餐、粤菜、湘菜、川菜;宿舍中央空调、洗衣机、热水器、饮水机、微波炉配备齐全),体育馆健身房等活动设施,水电全免 3.全勤,节日奖金 4.免费医疗服务 5.上下班免费通勤车和节假日购物班车 7.工作每满半年,薪资均往上调整一次
FWK基本服务要求 : 1、负责制定系统框架、Vehicle、Audio等功能的方案,解决系统的棘手问题。 2、负责优化系统的稳定性,解决系统的性能、卡顿、黑屏等相关问题。 3、能够管理小组的的开发成员进行协作开发,对于小组成员的bug问题可以有效的识别和确认。 资历要求 1、3 年以上的车载软件开发经验,对于Audio、Vehicle、Display、system至少一项做到精通。 2、有Android系统OTA功能、Android系统性能和优化、Android A/B双系统相关、系统bringup、系统分区、快速启动等开发经验优先。对系统黑屏、重启、卡顿、ANR等相关问题有分析和开发经验优先。 3、有Audio系统开发经验、对系统音量设定、音效设定、DSP 控制有开发经验优先。对radiomanager、brocastradio模块有开发经验、熟悉系统的mediacodec流程、能够解析媒体扫描和解码、以及音频播放的相关问题。 4、熟悉connectivty Service、对以太网、WIFI模块有深入的理解。对系统的STR(sleep to resume)有开发经验优先。 5、对 GPS定位数据解析和GPS的HAL有开发经验、熟悉系统的Location服务。对CarSignal, Vehicle Function等车辆功能有开发经验。 APP岗位职责: 1、根据需求文档独立按时完成 Android 客户端应用的设计支持、开发、调试、维护工作; 2、协助完成项目开发计划并据此来完成对应的开发任务,确保按时高质量交付; 3、完成负责的相应模块的设计文档及相关说明文档,保障工作成果可追溯; 4、遵从部门编程规范、完成代码review及上库,保障代码质量。 5、协助完成疑难问题的攻坚。 职位要求: 1、4年及以上工作经验,专科及以上学历优先,计算机相关专业优先; 2、有扎实的Java/kotlin语言基础,有车机项目开发经验优先; 3、熟悉Android框架及各种特性(如跨进程通信、Handle等),熟悉面向对象编程和数据结构,理解设计模式; 4、了解Android SDK及MVC,MVP,MVVP框架模式,有良好的编码习惯; 5、了解App发布的流程及相关处理,对Android平台性能优化、内存优化有一定的理解和实践; 6、有android应用产品上架经验、或熟悉android framework原理、或做过JNI层C++/c语言开发、或熟练运用Jetpack、Kotlin等技术者的优先。