工作职责: 1、负责公司代理商客户的开拓,完成全年及季度销售业绩目标; 2、负责新开销售目标及新开消耗; 3、负责渠道销售团队扩展及人员能力提升 ; 4、有效利用公司资源,帮助代理实现代理行业化区域化布局。 岗位要求: 1、2年及以上互联网效果广告渠道管理或者代理销售等相关工作经验,对市场上效果类广告产品能有深刻基础; 2、有数据分析能力,对于不同维度的数据能够形成市场洞察和创意点; 3、有较强的逻辑思维能力及沟通能力,能理解并转化客户的传播诉求; 4、性格开朗,善于人际关系的协调和沟通,责任心强,具有良好的职业道德,能承受工作压力,有良好的自我管理能力。
主要职责 1. 深入理解业务发展及组织现状,做好绩效管理、内部薪酬激励等工作,全方位提供专业性建议方案并推动实施; 2. 推动公司人力资源政策、制度、重点项目和各项人才管理活动在所支持业务单元的落地与实施,并对实施效果进行反馈与改进; 3. 帮助管理者有效管理团队,包括团队建设、员工关怀、文化宣导和融合、员工关系等,帮助发现和诊断存在的问题并协助解决; 4. 协助员工职业发展辅导,促进员工保持良好的职业心态; 5. 处理员工冲突,解决员工投诉和劳动纠纷,营造符合企业文化的员工工作环境和氛围; 6. 建立沟通渠道,成为员工与团队管理者、员工与公司的沟通纽带、意见建议的反馈对象。 7. 负责香港人力资源和行政模块工作和团队的管理。 任职要求: 1. ***本科以上学历,5年以上互联网行业人力资源工作经验,熟悉其中1或2个模块,具备2年以上HRBP经验者为佳; 2. 沟通能力优秀,能够有较高的执行力; 3. 积极乐观,处事灵活,具有优秀的沟通协调能力和抗压能力; 4. 优秀的普通话、英语、粤语听说读写能力; 5. 具备一定的职场专业度和成熟度,内部协作性好,有比较强的推动力和内驱力; 6.较强的分析总结能力,观察能力强,具有优化意识,执行力强。
职务责任 1.面向市场动向和客户需求制定和维护产品发展规划; 2.指导产品研发团队落实产品规划开展迭代开发工作; 3.协调实施和运维团队按照规划推进产品部署和运维; 4.协同市场团队开展海外市场开发工作。 资质要求: 1具有领导项目团队成功开发系统或产品的经验,具有民航IT系统经验者优先; 2具有设计、开发和实施关键任务系统(mission critical system)经历,了解关键任务系统特点,能够把握关键任务系统对设计、开发、实施和运维的要求; 3熟悉IT服务管理标准和最佳实践,具备IT服务管理经验者优先; 4具有强烈目标导向意识和执行力,能领导并指导产品团队高效完成目标; 5能够很好控制项目进度和质量,协调相关人员共同完成任务; 6具有敏锐市场洞察能力,严密逻辑分析能力,良好沟通协作能力和客户亲和力; 7具有良好(中文和英文)语文功底,能够胜任规划、统筹、协同和客户沟通所需语言和文字能力; 8中文和英文流利,能说广东话者优先; 9五年及以上产品开发或项目管理经验,兼有市场开发经验者优先; 10本科及以上学历,计算机或者通信工程相关专业,985院校本科毕业优先。
岗位职责: 1、参与产品的全流程质量保障工作,主要负责后台软件测试工作,验证业务数据的准确性,对业务数据有一定敏感度; 2、根据需求确定测试方法,制定测试计划,编写测试用例,独立执行测试工作; 3、具有接口自动化测试、性能测试、后端服务化测试相关经验; 4、跟踪定位产品软件中的缺陷问题,主动提供反馈和优化建议,持续改进项目质量。 任职要求: 1、计算机相关专业,本科及以上学历,3年以上测试经验; 2、掌握软件测试技术、测试流程及方法;熟练使用禅道/Jira,使用jenkins,有接口测试,有大数据测试经验者优先; 3、熟悉Jmeter等性能测试工具的使用、调试、执行,熟悉中间件、数据库、操作系统、jvm 性能问题定位; 4、熟悉掌握JAVA、Python等至少一门开发语言; 5、熟练linux命令,mysql数据库,TCP/IP、HTTP等网络协议; 6、具备熟练的实施部署能力,可按照文档进行性能测试调优。 7、思路清晰,工作细心,耐心,有责任心,有很好的沟通能力和团队协作精神。
岗位职责: 1、负责平台后端服务的设计、研发、系统维护工作; 2、负责高并发、高可用等相关技术难点攻坚 任职要求: 1、本科及以上学历,计算机或相关专业,有金融背景或者了解金融知识加分; 2、精通golang语言,熟悉linux的常用命令,具有扎实的数据结构和算法功底; 3、熟练掌握和理解mysql、redis等常用数据库; 4、熟悉linux下的网络服务器设计和开发,熟悉网络编程。
岗位:洗衣厂工人 60人 工作范围: 综合工资分类制服/衣服/床单/被袋/枕袋/熨折毛巾/枕袋/将被芯入被袋/挂折分类熨折,制服/客衣 招聘要求:18-48岁以下,男女不限,无需工作经验 工作时间:每天8小时,工作26天制,月休4天,加班另计100元1小时 包吃工作餐,住(扣除工资底薪的10%),住宿有住香港, 合同2年
一、菜品烹制: 1.熟练掌握各种炉灶设备的操作方法,运用煎、炒、烹、炸、煮等多种烹饪技法,精心制作各类菜肴。 2.根据不同菜品的要求,准确掌握火候和时间,确保菜肴的色泽、口感和风味达到最佳状态。 3.不断创新和改进菜品,结合顾客反馈和市场需求,开发新的特色菜肴 二、食材管理: 1.对烹饪所需的食材进行严格挑选,确保食材的新鲜度、质量和安全性 2.合理控制食材的用量,避免浪费,降低成本。 3.负责食材的预处理工作,如切配、腌制等,为烹饪做好准备。 三、厨房卫生与安全: 1.保持炉灶及周边区域的清洁卫生,定期清理炉灶设备,防止油污积累引发安全隐患。 2. 正确使用炉灶设备,注意防火、防爆、防烫伤等安全事项,及时排除安全隐患。
[沙田区] 2024-12-0920k-40k 经验不限 / 本科游戏,电商平台 / 不需要融资 / 150-500人岗位职责: 1、负责完成对游戏工具相关需求的研发与维护工作。 2、负责对复杂系统进行重构与优化,提高效率。 3、负责进行加密算法和签名算法的优化方案设计,提高应用安全性。 岗位要求: 1、须有香港身份证或工作签证; 2、本科以上学历,计算机相关专业,熟悉计算机相关数据结构,基本算法及设计模式,经验不限,也考虑应届生 3、熟悉计算机相关数据结构,基本算法及设计模式。 4、对至少一种服务端开发语言有较深入理解,如Golang、JAVA、Python、C++等,了解常用数据结构,拥有良好的编码规范 5、熟悉Mysql, 了解Redis、消息队列等基本组件的使用和原理。 6、熟悉TCP/IP/UDP,Http/Https等网络协,对Web技术有所了解。 7、有丰富的服务端开发实践经验,能够独立完成高质量的需求,及时有效处理线上Bug。 6、沟通能力强、主动性、善于学习,有一定抗压能力 -
1. 项目执行:负责执行媒体公关项目,包括项目计划制定、进度跟进及结果反馈,并与客户及时保持沟通 2. 公关策略:深入了解并分析客户公关需求,协助提供定制化公关解决方案及建议 3. 媒体关系:负责香港及内地各类媒体建立并维护良好合作关系,包括但不限于负责新闻稿撰写及发布、邀约媒体采访、筹备及执行新闻发布会、媒体圆桌等公关活动 4. 舆情监测:负责持续监测和分析公司及相关行业的舆情动态,编制舆情日报、月报等报告,为客户提供舆情分析和建议,如遇舆情危机,即时应对处理 5.上级交办的其他事项 任职要求: 1. 香港永居/香港工作签,本科以上学历,广告、新闻传播、市场营销相关专业毕业,有互联网行业经验者优先; 2. 2 年以上媒体、公关经验,熟悉香港本地媒体、媒介资源,对新媒体的各项资源有深入的了解: 3. 熟练使用舆情监测工具,新闻意识敏锐,具备危机公关经验 4. 充足的媒体代理商资源,熟悉掌握各大社交媒体投放策略: 5、孰悉媒体运作规律,堂握各个媒体的合作特点,了解媒介市场行情,具有优秀的人际交往和协调能力,具备敏锐的观察能力和应变能力,熟悉市场营销以及媒介等相关知识。
1、负责香港本土的广告客户拓展,制定品牌推广或数字营销计划:品牌策略,新媒体运营,公关活动,视频拍摄,媒介投放等业务; 2、制定可行的客户开发和维护方案,确保完成公司拓展任务; 3、主动开发客户,建立和维护客户关系; 4、擅长客户沟通,能够正确传递客户需求; 任职要求: 1、具有3年以上广告销售或销售管理工作经验,拥有一定的香港本土客户资源; 2、具有较强的市场开拓与销售技能; 3、具有良好的沟通能力及管理能力; 4、有高度的工作热情,较强的团队组织合作精神及抗压能力;并具备较强的时间管理能力和工作管理能力; 5、热衷于销售工作,乐于接受挑战,追求高业绩、高奖金收入;
Responsibilities * Handle full set of accounts and daily accounting operation independently * Prepare monthly financial statements, management reports for management review; * Liaise with auditors, prepare audit schedules and accounts to support annual audits and other relevant matters; * Performing any ad hoc duties as required. Requirements * 3 years or above accounting experience. Experience in ewallet/payment/financial Institute/Remittance field is an advance * Proficient in using accounting system software and MS Office. * Self-motivated, responsible, well-organized, independent and a good team player
Responsibilities: • Handle inbound/outbound calls and enquires from e-channels • Strengthen relationship with customers to identify customers' needs • Handle complaints related products and services • Follow up end-to-end application process to ensure the turnaround time meet with company's service standard Requirements: • Minimum 2 year experience of customer services; experience in ewallet/payment/remittance/financial institute is an advantage • knowledge of Information Technology or related disciplines is preferable • Good communication and customer service skills
This position is for our Hong Kong branch, and the work location is in Hong Kong. Once employed, the employee will sign a work contract with our Hong Kong company (Wareton and Company Technology Co. Limited) and will be bound by Hong Kong laws. Applicants need to hold a valid Hong Kong permanent resident ID card or a legal work visa (IANG, Talent, High-end Talent, or Dependant visa without work restrictions). The salary mentioned in the job description is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for on-site implementation of interactive display equipment for exhibition projects. 2. Proficient in basic software operation and system error troubleshooting, able to cooperate with remote engineers for on-site setup and troubleshooting. 3. Familiar with basic low-voltage engineering fault diagnosis methods, able to guide on-site workers to install and deploy equipment in an orderly manner. 4. Maintain communication with customers, coordinate project progress, and ensure timely completion of projects. 5. Able to travel frequently to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch office. Requirements: 1. Rich experience in interactive display equipment deployment projects. 2. Proficient in basic software operation and system error troubleshooting. 3. Familiar with basic low-voltage engineering fault diagnosis methods (those with an electrician license in mainland China or Hong Kong are preferred). 4. Good communication and expression skills, with English reading and writing ability, and excellent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) listening, speaking, reading and writing ability. Native speakers of Mandarin or Cantonese are preferred. 5. Able to travel frequently to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch office. Company Benefits: 1. Harmonious working environment and flexible working hours. 2. Employee supplementary medical insurance (outpatient, accident, hospitalization). 3. Special benefits for long-term service employees.
This position is for our Hong Kong branch, and the work location is in Hong Kong. Once employed, the employee will sign a work contract with our Hong Kong company (Wareton and Company Technology Co. Limited) and will be bound by Hong Kong laws. Applicants need to hold a valid Hong Kong permanent resident ID card or a legal work visa (IANG, Talent, High-end Talent, or Dependant visa without work restrictions). The salary mentioned in the job description is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for software and interactive exhibition project product planning, design, development, testing, launch, and maintenance. 2. Communicate with clients, understand their needs, develop product plans, and provide professional advice. 3. Responsible for project progress control and management to ensure timely completion of projects. 4. Coordinate with the Guangzhou development team to ensure the smooth progress of projects. 5. Conduct market research on products, collect competitive information, and provide product optimization suggestions. Requirements: 1. More than 3 years of experience in software and interactive exhibition project product management. 2. Proficient in using customer demand analysis tools such as Axure and can conduct prototype design. 3. Good communication and expression skills, able to communicate effectively with clients and team members. 4. Good English reading and writing abilities and excellent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) listening, speaking, reading, and writing abilities. Mandarin or Cantonese native speakers are preferred. 5. Able to accept frequent business trips to the Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch. 6. Candidates with team management experience are preferred. Company Benefits: 1. Harmonious working environment and flexible work hours. 2. Employee supplementary medical insurance (outpatient, accident, hospitalization). 3. Special benefits for long-term employees.
This position is for our Hong Kong branch, and the work location is in Hong Kong. Once employed, the employee will sign a work contract with our Hong Kong company (Wareton and Company Technology Co. Limited) and will be bound by Hong Kong laws. Applicants need to hold a valid Hong Kong permanent resident ID card or a legal work visa (IANG, Talent, High-end Talent, or Dependant visa without work restrictions). The salary mentioned in the job description is calculated in Hong Kong dollars. Responsibilities: 1. Responsible for the integration, testing, and debugging of interactive display systems. 2. Design and develop systems based on project manager's requirements analysis documents, ensuring system stability and reliability. 3. Provide necessary pre-sales technical consultant for project managers. 4. Collaborate with the development team in Guangzhou headquarters to ensure the smooth progress of projects. 5. Responsible for system maintenance and upgrades, timely resolution of system faults and issues. 6. Write technical documentation to record the system design, development, and maintenance process. Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree or above in computer science, electronic engineering, or related fields. 2. More than 3 years of experience in software and hardware system development and integration, familiar with common development tools and technologies. 3. Proficient in 2 or more of C++, assembly language, and Go, able to independently complete system development and debugging work. 4. Basic hardware design and debugging skills, familiar with common hardware interfaces and protocols. 5. Good communication skills, able to effectively communicate and coordinate with team members and clients. 6. English reading and writing ability, able to read and write technical documentation, and excellent Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. 7. Able to occasionally travel to Guangzhou headquarters and Shenzhen branch, with strong teamwork spirit and adaptability. Company Benefits: 1. Harmonious working environment and flexible working hours. 2. Employee supplementary medical insurance (outpatient, accident, hospitalization). 3. Special benefits for long-term service employees.